It’s coming

it’s coming.

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Other urls found in this thread:

yes randy is coming to jail

It should be Bord3rlands

More like “it’s shilling”

>Modern Warfare 4 gets announced
>It's not Modern Warfour

it's a shame that battleborn's abyssmal failure didn't permanently kill gearbox and force randy bobandy to find a real job

What do you guys want to see in borderlands 3? For me I want
>more customization
>battle rifles
>double anarchists
>good purple weapons that can be used instead of legendaries
>no manufacturer gimmicks, only slight stat buffs
>jet pack from pre sequel
>bl1 gore (see sledges hideout)
>better writing with no wacky random humor
>no more jack
>no more pandora

The longer they put it off, the more likely it'll be another Duke Nukem Forever

But they can't rush it because they know BL3 being a flop could be the last nail in their coffin

So the question is CAN Gearbox make a good game to save its life?

Who cares

>no new news
>no announcement
>no trailer
>no teaser
>no acknowledgement other than "its being made"


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bl2 had those

>good purple weapons that can be used instead of legendaries
there were a few in bl2: ravagers, anarchists, plasma casters, topneaa (kind of)

I'm hoping they don't do some weird gimmick like the o2 and gravity stuff in tps, they weren't really that fun (also most of the tps weapons sucked)

>No gimmicks, only stat buffs

>So the question is CAN Gearbox make a good game to save its life?
You know the answer.

My gripes with Borderlands 2 were:
>too much of the same
>relied too heavily on meme pop culture at the time, and literally every piece of dialog is so fucking dated nobody even knows what half these memes were anymore (hurr durr double rainbow)
>expanded on class skills, but not enough
>promoted a melee character, was not a melee character
>no melee weapons added to loot tables (seriously wtf)
>didn't expand on armor, or add new armor slots
>dlc was total wtf bullshit (ya but it has star wars references)
Did I mention how much I fucking hated how much every god damn fucking meme up to that point was in the fucking game and shoved down your throat every 30 seconds?

Man. Fuck that game.

>Who cares

T. Tediore spammer

There is no valid reason that characters don't carry over from sequel to sequel.
Fuck your story bullshit.

I want to see it fail killing gearbox

I don't care until it is released
so tell me a release date or fuck off

Revolvers as a weapon category, not pistol subtype you shit eater.

The games keeping the same classes every time would have been mad boring

Cool, I love shooting at endless bullet sponges in boring levels with randomly generated EPIC LEWTS and the worst fucking writing in any aRPG I've ever experienced.

I suppose Borderlands 1 was alright.

As a NG+ kinda thing playing as the prior classes under the "new" classes skin would have been fun.

the classes from 2 were perfect tho

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the reason is gearbox can't balance anything to save their lives, that's why they didn't carry over anything except useless shit from bl2 to tps (axton and krieg nonwithstanding)

more than likely gearbox realised "hey bl2 is broken and we don't like that" so they nerfed/removed everything good and scaled everything else to be more or less worthless so people would play the game "the way they were supposed to"

post em boys

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I am more worried about how the "loot shoot" genre has changed since BL2 came out.
Basically everyone who plays is going to be some destiny/division fag who wants BL3 to completely copy those games.

what would the difference be? bl2 had "hand cannon" weapon archetypes (and most of them sucked)

Attached: bl2.jpg (284x116, 8K)

gearbox didnt make the pre-sequel


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The ability to dual wield pistols without being a mexican midget

It still suffered from the same exact pitfalls and bad choices, somehow.

Class skill at level 1, mashers

o yeah that was australian gearbox

point still stands, they realised bl2 was broken as hell and instead of fixing it they just nerfed everything to shit and removed the endgame so it didn't matter

More skill choices per class rather than just one.
This could be done through subclasses of the main classes or just be adding more than one button per class.
Less dumb ass "raid boss" style shit.

but i like jack


Oh jesus.
Yeah I give BL2 and TPS shit but the "genre" has gotten so much worse since then.

Suffering is hamfisted Dark Zone and microtransactions.

>Less dumb ass "raid boss" style shit.
whats wrong? master gee too hard for baby

And then they'll just patch all the fun out of the game, and continue to lower the drop rates with each update. Gearbox hates fun and Borderlands is for masochists who hate themselves, not regular gamers.

More like borederlands


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>promoted a melee character, was not a melee character

While Anthem is a shit game, you can see how the same shit is occurring in it's 'community'. The game is not a 1:1 copy of either destiny, warframe, or division and thus needs to be made exactly like that.

BL3 will be exactly the same.

wouldn't master gee be what he wanted? he was a break from the more traditional raid bosses

God just let there be no slag bullshit. It totally ruined 2 for me.

I love killing rare as fuck tubbies and getting a skin for a class I dont play.

And no loot below your level. Acceptable loot was bullshit in 2. I dont need to farm at op8 and get op6 and 7 weapons. That's fucking ridiculous.

Not to mention bugs causing me to lose skins and heads and the amount of bullshit you had to do to make some classes playable at op8. I'm looking at you gaige and axron.

My point is borderlands sucks and only the first one will ever be good

he's probably talking about zero having melee and sniping skill trees (and melee not being as good as sniping in the lategame or vs bosses)

He probably means Krieg, who was never promoted to be entirely melee, only that his active ability was a berserking melee axe mode.

Which can, btw, be built in a way that you can have almost constant uptime on it.

thanks I don't give a fuck

What kind of retarded response is that? Did you even play Borderlands 1? Repeaters and Revolvers are entirely different weapon categories, not only increasing the loot pool of weapon varieties, but also creating different gun play.

>axton bad

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thanks for bumping my thread frendo

>Kill boss for a cosmetic
>He doesn't drop it
>do it again
>no drops
>do this 30+ times
>still nothing
No more of this shit, If I wanna look slick I shouldn't have to one shot some faggot a thousand and one times
either give cosmetics reasonable drop-rates or just tie them to specific challenges Jesus Christ

I think he means that you can never play a pure melee character. Not only do you have flying enemies, but you also have bosses that have to be fought a certain way with certain gear and builds. For example, it's impossible to fight raid bosses as Krieg if you're not spec'd into the Bloodlust tree.
Agreed, slag needs to be removed.
Melee is better than sniping later on. Sniping is good before you get Many must fall and Death Blossom.
He's the worst character.

Still, probably one of the most obvious, simple, but also game-changing things they could add for 3 is actual melee weapons

>Not only do you have flying enemies
you can melee an enemy no matter how far they are above you as long as they're right in front of you horizontally speaking

how about manifacturer gimmicks but have it so not literally every single one of that manifacturers guns have it giving you more variation

>Melee is better than sniping later on

what are you talking about? sniper zero has some of the highest single target dps in the game

melee is good for mobbing, but vs single enemies or bosses/minibosses tough enough to break the mmf chain your utility is limited

shut the fuck up
i want the grind and so does everyone else

borderlands 3 will fail because i don't think randy and crew can handle a "live service" game which it will inevitably attempt to be, in this already too saturated market it will be attacked for not having things the newer looter shooters have and gearbox will finally implode.

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i miss him bros

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yoteslaya deserved it
i hope his wife and child dies too

Easier said than done. You act as if everything just hovers over you. You need a corrosive weapon for buzzards at least. That's a fact.
He's clearly better suited for melee in UVHM and it's easier to hit the damage cap than building critical ascension stacks which is situational.
No we don't. Only fat people and those with no lives want to spend 8+ hours farming a gun only for it to be in the wrong element. There's no skill or fun in grinding.

is he the jack scalfani of gaming

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no please

This is a good point. Gearbox will not be able to resist the urge to chase the big AAA trends, no matter how much they hurt the game.

its fun to grind
would you rather have a menu come up with the choice of legendary weapon everytime you killed a boss?

Bet they gonna PC the fuck out of it.

>He's clearly better suited for melee in UVHM and it's easier to hit the damage cap than building critical ascension stacks which is situational.

what's better, hit the damage cap once then flail around until invis is off cd or consistent critical damage

also critical ascension isn't your only dps skill (nor is it particularly hard to get stacks), headshot, velocity, and kill confirmed all grant huge bonuses to damage (and are buffed further with most coms)

i seriously hope its as moddable as the previous games.
cant play borderlands 2 without the reborn mod anymore. the base game is just so bad in comparison.

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name a better vidya intro
i wait

For the next soldier character I'd like a Vietnam war themed vault hunter who spams incendiaries, missiles and alot of bullets. They also need to work on the sound design, the guns in bl2 sound like garbage.

the l4d series had some pretty good ones (and you could actually skip them if you wanted)

>not Modern 4fare

A 10% legendary drop rate would be more than sufficient. Videogames are supposed to be fun as well as challenging. Bullet sponge enemies that require slag and bad drop rates isn't fun or challenging.
If you're not using the pimpernel as Zero you're playing him wrong.

Yay I can't wait for the paid lootboxes and microtransactions that well ruin the game because its funded by 2k.

you have shit taste
i hope you die before it releases

looks badass

the lyuda has its place vs enemies with awkward pimpernel sweetspots (dexi comes to mind)

2 was worse than 1. PS was worse than 2. Why shouldn't I expect 3 to be worse than PS?

I'm not exaggerating when I say it can take hours and even days to get a certain weapon in Borderlands 2. And as you know, only a dozen or so weapons and gear are viable in UVHM. Your options are limited. It's bad game design and your blind fanboyism is preventing you from.seeing that. If you're going shill for a corporation or game developer at least make sure you're getting paid to do it.

absolutely the fuck not

used gib

thats besides the point
you are saying that bosses should drop legendary shit too often
of course the fact that most weapons being useless in a game about weapons is bad game design but thats not because of drop rate
thats just because they are fucking retarded and borderlands has the quality of an in development indie game at some points
they should however scale drop rates after how long it takes to get to the bosses

>He's the worst character.
that's gaige

it's an awkward balance, some people like farming, some people don't

most games with grinding for high-rarity items have some kind of trading (like WoW or smth) but gearbox would probably fuck up its implementation

and maybe bring Wilhelm to life as a robot

oh sweety

This gaige is literally easy mode.

the character was literally made for women

if she's made for women then why do i play her?

If I and others have to rely on exploits in order to have the right tools for the job then it's bad game design.
Bosses should drop.legendary items more often, because I actually want to use those legendary items during the early-mid stages of the game. I don't want to have to wait until OP8 to farm for the best possible version. By that time I've already done everything with my character.
Never used her. She seems retarded and uninteresting.

cause youre a S C R U B

you are a tranny

Hopefully the moon lesbian doesn't replace Scooter as the mechanic

I only cared about getting more tales from the borderlands. Now that that's impossible I just don't want them to use those characters in borderlands.

so you want the game to be shit because you purposefully play it wrong
ok nigger

Hit the road JACK And don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.Hit the road Jack And don't you come back no more

I hope we get back to eridian mysteries and competeting with other factions for the next vault. Ghosts of the vault was my favorite mission

As I've said, grinding for several hours a day isn't challenging nor is it fun. Drops are purely luck based. When you get a job you'll understand.

>better skilltrees which arent +0.1 something, but more active abilities and interesting passives
>better gun warriety and point of use of different guns. For the trillion guns Borderlands has, in essense most are pointless/unusable for your build - and you`d run with the same legendaries in the end.

just sounds like you're a faggot with bad opinions

Will they continue tales of the borderlands

studio got shut down because they arent games and they are shit

The cunny better look good in this game


only if she loses her voice and dies at the end

+around 100~200hrs on console for each game.

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You sound like a child who can't refute my points. I accept your defeat nonetheless.

add me on steam bro

Not that user, but they shouldn't be. We don't need two additional ammo types to manage for sidearms.

you dont have to play her if you dont like her retard

why even have the game at all?
you would understand if you had a very important job that took up most of your time and didnt like videogames anyways


Yeah but they can continue the story in borderlands 3

Pax East

if you like her then you are literally a brony

>other worlds with varied environments
>gun mechanics from bl1
>something decent in the vaults, not just some poxy monster
>a villain as good as jack, but not jack
>story dlc instead of characters

who cares
story doesnt really matter

The simplest way I can put it is that I want to see BL3 be somewhere in between BL1 and BL2. The latter went too far in the wacky direction.

Also gimme back my god tier shotguns from the first game. Most of them suck donkey balls in the sequels, especially the ones saddled with the new manufacturer gimmicks that made them worse.

Boy oh boy i cant wait to see how they ruin progression balance to favor purchasing of DLC expansions in this game. I especially cant wait for the FUCKING CONSTANT SHILLING GEARBOX HAS DONE SINCE THE FIRST GAME ON THIS GOD DAMN BOARD.

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Sorry, he just sounded like a kid who just couldn't get enough of those stale memes and dumb humor in Borderlands 2. You'd be surprised how many fanboys Gearbox has. They're part of the Bee nerf crowd in a single player game. Pathetic they are.

i have heard they would step back from the wacky bl2 setting but i wouldnt count on it
just wish they wouldnt have some faggot in your ear the entire time

The guns were better in bl1, hellfire, pestilent defiler, mashers etc.

>that purple jakobs scattergun that could one shot anything but you had to go in and out of ffyl to get close enough to use it

So what Company is going to be the villian for Borderlands 3? Atlas, Hyperion and Dahl were previous antagonist entities in the first couple games. I'm going to guess maybe Tediore.

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maybe more than 1 villain
maybe its morally gray since every person on pandora is a murder rapist

I hate this sort of fucking game where the gun play is always unsatisfying because of the numbers on the screen approach fucking hate that.

3 won't be on Pandora.

Randy's sex usb is coming


brothers in arms was the better gearbox franchise but of course "lolsorandum n zany xd" was more successful

>not in the Borderlands

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>brothers in arms
alien colonial marines is their best game
battleborn is a close second though

>generic bland as fuck soldier whose power consists in having a turret shoot for you because you're bad at aiming
Hmm, reminds me of something. I bet he's gay too.

Who the fuck is going to want a destiny clone when everyone shit on anthem for that exact thing?

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Battleborn (lol) has a lot of easter eggs referencing Promethea (Mentioned a lot in BL1), IIRC it's the only solid information we have on the game.

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isnt maya from promethia?

No, Roland is though.

no shes from Athenas

yeah but i dont see how thats relevant to

>found footage of Brian Rickards(yoteslaya) untimely death
>warning: very shocking and gruesome

Attached: Untitled Project.webm (854x480, 2.71M)

and it will bomb because gearbox is a tranny filled shit company

Gonna be optimistic here and say that if they were going to shit out some GaaS game they would've done it by now.
The past decade everything they have done besides Borderlands 1/2 has been a big failure, repeating Battleborn's mistakes and trying to compete with AAA developers in a saturated market will be the nail in the coffin for them.

I wanna fuck Lilith, Moxxi, Maya, Gaige, Athena and Nisha

I actually can't wait. Besides the shitty humor I actually like bl gunplay and the randomness of their weapons.

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>playable cute girl
>Japanese dub
Literally won't play it otherwise.

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>no manufacturer gimmicks, only slight stat buffs

But that was the coolest shit about the game. Why would they get rid of that?

because instead of fixing something you should just remove it because I don't like it

I just hope they dont fuck up the level scaling again, especially with DLC missions/addons/expansions

But there was nothing thing to be fixed. That shit worked perfectly.

>better gun warriety and point of use of different guns. For the trillion guns Borderlands has, in essense most are pointless/unusable for your build - and you`d run with the same legendaries in the end.
no matter what they do this will always be the norm in every loot game

i just wish it wasnt a guaranteed gimmick

that's a lot of hues

On paper maybe.
Getting a Hyperion SMG that doesn't have enough rounds for the spread decrease to take effect was gay as fuck, same for shit like Tediore weapons with high mag capacity.

Yeah but then again you can get the absolute opposite of it as well, which is what makes the game interesting and every gun somewhat unique. Getting rid of that would kill half of the fun.

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honestly id be fine with another DLC for borderlands 2 rather than a new game

Will bord3rlands have hot chicks in it or will it be like... most western game companies?

>170hrs in borderlands 2 and its dlcs
loved it

i want krieg back


>Randy gets into the idea that the loot shooter genre needs is a return to simplicity
>Argues that his games were succesful but pretty much everyone that came after werent
>His insanity ensure no one can change his mind
>The madman actually makes Borderlands 2.5.5
>Same level of shitty writing
>Even more forced social bullshit
>MMO hubs
>Mfw it dies faster than Battleborne and Gearbox finally goes under

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If the character leaks are to be believed then Moze will be a short-haired cutie

She looks A LOT like sgt. hammer from hots (without the tank ofc).
Seems like they've covered her up with minimal skin shown.
Looks pretty good tho.

She still has some midriff showing which is more than Maya and Gaige ever had and that's enough to get me going

post pics

I liked 2 more than 1. Not only the gameplay was much better except for shitty scaling, first game feels dead after getting used to constant meme radio chatter of 2nd

its a wasteland not the fucking front page of reddit

if i want to replay bl2 on pc what version should i go for the goty or the handsome collection?

but ATLAS GUNS you fucking loser

add me so we can play together fren

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I think Mayas tight suit makes up for it, and Gaiges unique style.
Moze falls in the same category as Gaige.


More like snorelands

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I can never decide if 1 being so desolate was intentional or if they were just lazy and didn't put as much effort into some areas.

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i heard that borderlands was never one of their big priorities which is probably why there are so many weird mistakes and straight up holes in the map

They have way too many social justice people working there now to make a good game, it will be utter garbage.

The wost part of the team is the character designers.

Just look at this horror story.

there's nothing wrong with that design you retard

she reminds me of katyusha or whatever that little russian girl from that tank girl anime with that big head and the hair

Gaige was easily one of my top 2 favorite classes, but losing the ability to use the Infinity Pistol from an important skill is disappointing

>infinity pistol
nothing of value was lost

I love Borderlands, but everytime I try to replay 2 I get bored with the first few hours.
I just want more info on 3, Randy.

the infinity wasn't really that good (it might've been if they made a slag variant)

also reloading gives you a lot of anarchy and you'd miss it if you actually were able to use the infinity

less boring with friends

literally anything is
this doesnt mean anything
also the game is actually better without friends


The games are specifically designed with co-op in mind though.

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why does every aspect play worse then?
grinding becomes impractical
enemies get individually harder meaning the game takes longer to play
you have to wait for your friend to do literally anything
loot essentially gets cut in half


this should be included in the base game.

convince me

not much, but it's something.

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>no manufacturer gimmicks, only stat buffs
aside from that little tumor your taste is impeccable, user

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enemies are less bullet spongey and you dont have to have a behawk combo to fight regular enemies on OP8. gear is actually useful and purpe/pink with the right rolls are better than most legendaries. many legendaries have been removed or rebalanced. the sandhawk is actually not in the game anymore. but other much more fun weapons are.

download the borderlands community mod manager and let it disable sanity check for the borderlands 2 exe. then just assign a hotkey to the console window and drop the textfile into the binaries folder of borderlands 2. when you startup borderlands just hit the console key and type in exec "patchfile.txt" and its installed. users that join you will automatically download the mods and have it active. but their weapons will get deleted because they most likely dont have sanity check disabled.
you gotta do the exec thing every time you start the game but there is an auto exec option in the mod manager which only really works on windows half the time anyways.
the steps sound like a lot of work but it really isnt much. it takes like 2 minutes since the mod manager does everything for you. all you gotta do is drop a text file in the binaries folder and then execute it when you reach the main menu.

I wanna say Maliwan

I think i'll try it soon

I know it's a bad weapon, but at least the gimmick is fun

>borderlands 1 levels of gore
>TPS writers and tone
>Vlad Shotguns
>weapon parts system that lets you level up existing weapons
>give your action skill right out of the gate
>less % increase skills unless they're fucking huge
>less pet type action skills
>lasers from TPS return
>revolvers as a weapon type again
>grenade launchers as their own weapon type
>weapon proficiency from BL1 back
>Eridian weapons as a weapon type again
>level scaling that isn't beyond retared
>better writing as a whole, maybe throw in a joke about Randy's Medieval Times sex dungeon if they're that desperate to have at least one meme/reference in there
>wipe Janey Springs' existence from the face of the earth for the love of God don't replace Scooter with her

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why isn't there are Borderlands BR?
it makes, chronological, canonical and gameplay wise sense. They could release it for free until the main game comes out.

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too thin

No more corporation wars bullshit. Lilith will be the villain.

i swear to god if son of scooter isn't the go-to vehicle guy im gonna be pissed

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So who's the writer for BorderLands 3, a person that is lucky to not be Anthony Burch?

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I don't know if that was ever confirmed because I couldn't find a source but fucking hell I hope it's real. Mike Neuman is the most unsung hero in that cracked out mudhole that is Gearbox.

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I never realised this got updated. I might do another playthrough with this

>punished loader bot character never ever

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Let's talk about Axton Grit


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what would moxxxie look like without her makeup?

You mean the character so generic he made Roland seem deep?

About the same minus the slutty clown motif.

play presequel.

post songs you'd like to see in the intro

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the new siren is some disgusting baboon right
sorry, no pay and no play
theres no point because there's no interesting fantasy, no one cares about the diversity quota
and tina is even worse, but you already know that

Get rid of the Gearbox "humor"

Quick, come up with a buzzword for the 3rd game on par with Badass

its a pretty good skill
great when shamfleeting

>That helmet AIN'T GOING BACK ON!!!

Grit should have had a more complex mechanics to ensure longer survival. At the overpowered level, the skill becomes almost useless, due to the massive damage.



>>TPS writers and tone
Stopped reading right there

>All planets in the Borderlands universe are hollow storage facilities that eridians built to secure their darkest secrets, from interdimensional enemies to weapons of unfathomable power
>Pandora is one of them, being a "prison vault" imprisoning countless cosmic horrors like the Destroyer, the Warrior and the explosive highly contaminating element known as Eridium
>Elpis is another hollow planet, with the only vault available being a giant library\orrery showing all the vaults in the universe, its own vault holding the knowledge of the prison vaults like Pandora
>Handsome Jack knew all of this before-hand because of his daughter being a Siren, the only thing he didn't know was what was inside these vaults
>Sirens are humans mixed with eridian DNA
>Dahl was about to discover the Elpis core and vault, but the Guardians tried to destroy the planet to make sure nobody knew those secrets, but they failed and instead they annihilated the atmosphere of Elpis, killing 3/4 of the own planet's lifeforms in the process
>That explains why Elpis in BL1 is a planet with an atmosphere while in BL2 it's just a cracked moon
What the fuck were they thinking.
I know that Anthony Burch was an assistant writer for The Pre-Sequel, writing the dialogue for the returning characters he made in BL2, but this is literally pants-on-head retarded.

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whats wrong with that?

post your build

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just get the MBGA mod

Like a way better character
Shame she's still a bitch on the inside

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Why the hell did you make twenty different spoiler tags as if Borderlands' story even matters

To piss off people like you, eating shit like Borderlands.
Fuck you.

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>Even though guns are the focus of Borderlands, items and armor tally up to a half million as well.
Just how much shit did they scrap? No wonder the first game feels so empty.

Ey yo suck my slag covered dick

I just want Krieg to come back, I really enjoyed his playstyle.

>slag has lots of applications
when jack said this i assumed me was using it as lube

You do know they killed the character, and his VA retired right? Also Janey was completely fine in TftBL.

>weapon proficiency from BL1 back
BA rankings were better, because it allowed you to experiment with builds better, move out of your comfort zone, and adapt to different team compositions better.

I am in now way giving Gearbox money for what they did to Duke Nukem

A return/addition of gun options that are just plain fun to use. Torgue guns in BL2 were great, more like that please. The return of masher revolvers and manufacturer specific gimmicks or requested for good reason. In general the more dstinct guns of a certain type/manufacturer feel to use, the better. For me the greatest find was a purple pump action shotgun in BL1. Great damage, good firerate and a 12 round revolver drum. It even came with a speedloader. You can't go wrong with crazy stuff like that.
And either bring back S&S Munitions or buff bandit guns. I'm okay with long ass reload times on machineguns that hold over 100 rounds, but they still need to output enough damage to be usefull.

So why don't legendaries weapons and gear scale with the character instead of becoming useless 3-4 levels later?

>borderlands 1 levels of gore
Was so incredibly disappointed with the generic death animations in BL2. Missed being able to pop heads and blow off limbs.

>get 3 decent items in the first 2 hours of play
>never need to swap them out

BA rankings are shit, they are mindless stats boost that make your character OP wich you don't need to put any tought into to select them, im glad you can disable them, it was just a lazy ass replacement for proficiency, wich if done right can give you an actual excuse to use several types of weapons instead of just one OP gun out of the bazillion guns the game has

because there would be no point in farming them then, wich is one of the main appeals of this genre, there should be an upgrade system of some sort tho because what you said is true and BS but that's also in part because of the horrendous way enemy health scales in BL2 each level, if they fix that even low level weapons should perform relatively well assuming your character is strongh enough

but the movility was literally the best thing about TPS.
have you gone back to playing bl2 after it? you feel like a slug, just waiting to slowly fall down when you jump

or maybe manufactorers could have like 3 gimmicks each or smth

>turret shield + magnet

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the dlc was good though, mostly
except the hammerlock one which was garbage

But when will I be able to get the version with all DLCs that matter for a 80% discount?

so nobody can tell me if there are any differences between the two version of the game on pc?

so you can get abilities and mods that buff revolvers only

The magnet ability reduces the risk of the turret being destroyed. The shield is useful against raid bosses, especially Hyperius. You're too nigger to understand.

>so many mods that fixes B2 shit
>they don't work in online public
>playing solo is a chore especially on the higher difficulties

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They need to change up the combat, 1 ability that tends to be autopilot like turrets, robot, duel wielding, phase locking someone, throwing a bird etc doesn't hold up anymore. The shooting could be better, BL2 has so much fucking sway for no reason.

I hope they don't chase Destiny/Division online experience bullshit and focus on having a 20-30 hour campaign first. All these other looter shooters are 10ish hours long, sometimes less, and then repeatable grind on the same story missions or dungeons. In BL2 you have a significant story and tons of areas to go through before you hit the repeatable things or replaying the game

they were all pretty garbage except the D&D one, good thing the goty version is so cheap now
only worth playing for the unique weapons

>>they don't work in online public
bro just host your own game

The handsome collection is just BL2 and TPS bundled with all of their DLC packs, including all of the cosmetic ones.

GOTY contains just content DLCs.

>revolvers like in bl1
>no unfunny shit
>good gameplay

>just wait 30 minutes until someone connect bro
>oh he immediately left

Do you know that borderlands has only increased drops since realese?

Revolvers better be their own fucking class this time

>Nerf the explosion penalty from heavy armor
>Enemy variety you fucks
>Mister Torque as an actual decent character instead of a shitty political punching bag. Make him playable too.
>A scene with the writers of TPS hanging from crucifixes

30 minutes is not a long time
you could be collecting porno mags for scooter in that timeframe

+a couple hundred on my alt acc.

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>Better level scaling so Playthrough 3 isn't a chore
>Better weapon/item balance so certain items don't feel necessary
>Better writing (especially since Burch is gone)
>A blimp

>most of them sucked, what’d be the point
Fuck you dumbass zoomer. Pestilent Defiler and an Unforgiven Masher wee the best guns in BL1 by far. Throwing them in with pistols is what made them utter shit.

>Less dumb ass "raid boss" style shit.
the only reason bl2 is played over the other games is because it actually has an endgame to play, which is "raidboss shit".
there's no point in playing TPS after you max your lvl

>retards still playing the reborn mod instead of superior MBGA

Or they could at least implemented the community patch and call it a day. But one update is too much effort for Randy, duh.

Yeah the low level weapon drops are annoying. They need to make weapons stronger all around or nerf the health of enemies. The only useable thing on OP8 is a bunch of norfleets, Sham shield, Logan’s gun and a grog. The pearlescents can’t even kill have the enemies.

yeah you know or you could play an actual good character like Zero and one shoot Hyperius using Bore, Axton is the worst character because he can't do any of that, he's just a boring dude with a lame ass turret that doesn't do jack shit after normal mode lmao

so there are no difference in gameplay? didn't they improve controls or anything with the collection? Because i remember pc controls with bl1 were not that great

>too impatient to play the game the way you want to play it
>it's everyone else's fault for not letting me play my mod on their save
Digging your own grave here

I think it might have been slightly different, it's been a while since I've played. I also trade out the kill skills to get a few more things from the red tree when I'm fighting a raid boss.

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What's the next step of his master plan?

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They literaryannounced yesterday that theywill have never before seen reveals at pax

but Jack is a very good villain. I actually did care about killing him

and manufacturer gimmicks are good. I dont know why you want guns to all feel the same.

Guns should be guns first and gimmicks second. BL2 made them gimmicks first.

Do these for best results on both guns and equipment:
1. Guns must be most effective at killing things the traditional way first and foremost. If a weapon gimmick causes it to be less useful as a gun (ie Tediore with their pseudo-grenades), then it should be revised or thrown out. Maybe make it so that thrown Tediores actually do more damage the LESS ammo they have left, then make their baseline weapon performance good (ie fast reload, now with the tactical dilemma of waiting to reload when its empty rather than as often as possible).

2. Manufacturers use a combination of shared common parts and their own unique parts. This should cause things to be a bit more like BL1 where some equipment does look a little similar to each other with different branding, but to a lesser degree. Conceal them with manufacturer-specific parts.

3. Gimmicks from BL2 depend on certain parts or attachments being rolled in construction, therefore only some (maybe 50%) of the equipment generated will have a manufacturer gimmick. When they don't have a gimmick then they simply represent their manufacturer in terms of what direction their stats lean towards, just like BL1.

4. Only highest rarities may produce equipment with all exclusive manufacturer parts, these will have additional special effects further added to them. Gimmicks that appear on pure-manufacturer parts will have their downsides reduced or even negated, making these pure products "special".

5. Increase the base accuracy of weapons. Nobody wants to use a weapon that can't hit what its aimed at. It's okay to be less accurate than others but not to an absurd degree. Even a gimmick 0.0 accuracy weapon should still have a reasonable range to use it at, and it definitely should do enough damage to justify it. Far too many weapons in BL2 are a pain to use compared to BL1 because you can't find as many high accuracy parts (and poor S&S is dead).

Axton is too hardcore for you. I'm have 1800 hours with that class, and I can kill any boss (except dragons)

I have*

>t. BL2 zoomer
In the first game killing Crawmerax would yield 3-5 legendaries and maybe a pearlescent every single time. Plain enemies also dropped legendaries much more frequently and you’d actually see them in chests.

Will is be any good as a game, unlike its predecessor?

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It's just a different way to buy the two games.

Who cares? Loot-based games are trash. Why should I care about this dumb thing I just picked up when there's an even stupider thing right around the corner?

Fucking no-attention span instant-gratification retards

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Oh silly me wanting to play the coop designed game how it meant to be played. Imagine if your average multi player game had 30 minutes long matchmaking. Funny stuff, right?

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You are using a mod in a 7 year old game with a region lock matchmaking what the fuck did you expect

Please just copy the movement of Apex

>comparing modern multiplayer matchmaking to BL2's co op mode
>arguing that how it's meant to be played is playing it modded
>still getting angry at other people for not downloading your half-assed experience
Ah, I see. It's bait.
This is the last (You) you're getting.

why was BL2 so good but BL: TPS so bad and tedious and unfun?

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it wasn't.
it's as good as bl2 with improved gameplay, the problem is that it's pretty short and only one dlc campaign, making the end game non existant

Imagine killing Axton on Borderlands 3

I dont really know what it was, but I enjoyed BL2 a lot more as well.. Something about the low gravity was too slow and too floaty.

I'll give you one reason Anthony Burch

No they can't. Borderlands 1 and 2 were 1/3 fluke, 1/3 stolen ideas, and 1/3 stolen money.

Different dev teams. 2k Australia made the maps to big and too empty so they're not fun to traverse compared to Pandora. Not to mention you always have Janey, Jack, Moxxi, or Gladstone yapping in your ear while your crossing said empty maps or waiting for them to stop so a door can open.

Because it was short, full of extra unfunny Australians and characters even worse than Elle with no end game content at all.
Its a shame because the playable characters were good and we'll never get to use them again.

huge ass maps that look very similar due to having one one tileset with gimmick laser guns and floaty low grav isnt fun

also the difficulty tuning was out of whack, i remember having to kite Deadlift (the 2nd? boss with the jetpack) for half an hr and running out of ammo and I would just die in 3 hits

anthony burch was WAY more involved in bl2
unless you're implying that he made bl2 good

the maps are pretty meh. I really liked the gravity and slam,it improves mobility.
I also found it easier than BL2

If the cover isn't a psycho shooting himself with 3 guys I won't buy it.

Anthony was flown to 2k Australia to be a story consultant. You can tell because the writing is even more hamfisted than before.

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>Borderlands games are genuinely the best examples of looter shooters

Why can no other company get it right like Gearbox have?

Whatever happened to Randy Pitchford? Didn't he shamelessly brag about having a USB with porn on it? What was the outcome of that?

becase PVP and casual gamers

thats just false though but ok nigger

>better scaling
>no slag
>worthwhile classes instead of "lol you didn't pick salvador"
>ways to increase your xp gain

Because everyone is trying to make a retail WoW shooter instead of a Diablo shooter.

Says the 56%

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What are the chances of it being good like the first two games and not pure garbage like the rest?

>start game
>realize there's like three total questgivers
>quit game
say what you will about story and immersion not being necessary for video games, but i can't be assed to do springs' and tassider's 150 missions

TPS had the best gameplay out of all three, the low grav was fun and cryo was a great element to replace slag, plus fixing the level scaling was a huge help
I think it's greatest weakness is that there is absolutely no endgame, there only being 1 DLC that isn't gauntletshit drags it down quite a bit
if there were 3-4 campaign DLCs like in BL2 then I think it'd be much better

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all i want in borderlands 3 is to meet some normal ass nigga in like a suit and tie who gives you quests n shit but then 50% of the way through the game some crazy shit happens and the suit and tie nigga gets real mad and whips out a buzzaxe and badaboom he was krieg the whole time and now you get this jekyll and hyde ass guy who struggles with suppressing his inner psycho mongoloid urges

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>You do know they killed the character, and his VA retired right?
Yeah I know the whole story. The poor guy's heath is just completely failing him. He had to step down as the main writer after BL1 because of it. People don't seem to realize that a lot of Borderlands comes directly from his work on the series to the point where I'd argue that (at least out of anyone left) it's *his* creative work.

Janey was a microcosm of what made TPS insufferable and while she was okay in TftBL, I think that's only because she had such a minor role and didn't even appear on screen for at least a third of her dialogue.

Having her take the role as the third game's mechanic can easily piss that all away because that's a much more up front role and honestly the less of her the better, at this point it would require Tannis from BL1 to 2 levels of a sudden, inexplicable character change to fix her and I don't think that's a good idea to start doing even if it is an attempt at "fixing" a character.

>and badaboom he was krieg the whole time
I don't think you could disguise him properly considering how fuckhueg he is

Going off what you said, I’d say the strongpoints were
>more interesting character skills builds that aren’t just subtle stat buffs
>Cryo as a replacement for slag
>Enemy toughness not becoming retarded like BL2 when going past level 50
and the glaringly badpoints being
>Anthony going all out in his sarcastic high schooler writing
>Enemy variety isn’t as diverse as 2
>Environments on the moon start getting bland when they’re all conceptually the same; rocky surface with hazardous ravines and lava rivers you traverse with vehicles

Axton can kill pretty much any raid boss in seconds using a tediore chuck build. He's just fine in that sense.

so TPS was worse because anthony burch had more power as a story consultant, as opposed to HEAD WRITER like he was in BL2?

i wont play it because i dont have friends anymore

you dont like videogames

You don't need friends to play Borderlands.

uh you don't get to bring friends

You know what time it is, post your face when youre not Randy Pitchford

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>mfw not Anthony Burch, Randy Pitchford, OR Cliffy B

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who cares

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Christ, the curse is real

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>as moddable
It took actual years for bl2 & tps moding to emerge. 'As moddable' is shit, hope for more

The unholy trinity

This. Its all i want.

Who's the next to be CURSED?

>no manufacturer gimmicks
I would be okay with them if they were not on every gun. When a gun is generated it should have something like a 25% chance of spawning with the gimmick.

BL1 is the only moddable game. You can use UnrealED

More skillful gameplay instead of bullet grinding

Everybody seems to forget about the pre-sequel, and the god awful telltale game. Well guess what, I'm here to remind you. The game is going to be nothing like Borderlands 2.

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Krieg. Just krieg. Oh and no fucking spinniguns.

am I the only one that kinda liked the spinniguns

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dahl ones were pretty good

no. i fucking love spinniguns

Custom melee weapons would be a great addition to see, like a psycho's axe or one of those giant extendo fists hyperion engineers use

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Spinguns were only good if you modded your fire rate to 300%

Too retarded for me.

better writing, better side content, better quests, denser areas, maybe switchable characters (if it makes sense). less focus on multiplayer; there's no good reason to play BL3 if it's going to be another mp centric looter shooter. 1,2 and PreSequel were decent SP games that weren't kneecapped entirely by MP.

It's gonna be an always-online co-op shooter with microtransactions.Most likely $20 or F2P base price

this. Battleborn require Internet access

How would the gameplay work?
For a melee only class I would go with something like they did with krieg but I would add the ability to hit for extra damage while sprinting and add in some perks that reduce damage up to 60~80% while sprinting too. Don't know about bosses though, that is the biggest bump in the road for a pure melee class.

what about the ability to mod gimmicks onto weapons? that way you can choose what you get, higher quality weapons get better mods, etc.

Swap/remove Gun parts
Less Rock/Paper/Scissors combat design

Vladof and Jakobs made the only worthwhile ones, a fun bullethose and a very long shotgun respectively

Weapon customization is already granted, if they lack the awareness to implement that then the game is already lost.

I was thinking more just an extra slot for all classes to equip their own melee weapon, regardless of build
Melee oriented builds seem like they could be fun, but I think that the only way to make it viable is either make the melee throwable or have the melee character be a siren that is a jojo reference

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Oh boy, Battleborn 2!


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which pax? east? at the end of march?

Here's my Gearbox PAX prediction:
1) Project 1v1
2) DLC for Duke Nukem 3D
3) Borderlands 3 teaser
4) A fucking Borderlands card game

We dont have any of that but we have more transgender and fat women characters.

First, link for proof.
Second, last time they said they'd show something 'new' they literally just had the exact same demo as before.

None of it as it’s just another grind game that people love to act like it’s a cool gimmicky meme

user please... we don't need more of those... i know it makes sense but no, let it rest

i liked how all the backtracking bullshit from bl2 was cutout, you could clear a zone in one loop and then if you choose, make a second loop for all the side quests in one go of things. rarely did it ever feel like you were told to keep returning to a zone over and over again compared to the absurd amount of that shit in bl2.

No endgame
Only 'raid' boss is literally the end game boss with a pile more health
No way to farm fully half the legendaries outside of the grinder machine, RNG on top of RNG
Half of the legendaries were straight copy-pasted from BL2
No air sections made fire weapons next to useless
Can get capstone skills for all three tree at max, making build variety next to non existent
Huge maps that, while pretty, were largely empty and were just boring to travel through
Terrible, awful writing with annoying characters constantly talking to you about shit you've heard a dozen times did you know Springs is a lesbian?
Characters themselves were decently fun to play while leveling
Low-grav combat is fun-double jumping, butt-slamming, and jump pads made for some fun times
Claptrap DLC was actually pretty fun, albeit too little too late

This, but also
>Hey this totally non-competitive game has hard limits on how many boss fights you can do a day at endgame!
Seriously. That, and compared to BL1, BL2's level grind was a fucking chore. You're a god damned loser until level 15, and that takes a while.

>Gearbox on the main stage at PAX East
>Oscar Mike goes on to announce BattleReBorn
>it's back with even more obnoxious characters, obtuse gamemodes, and distracting particle effects
>they even throw in a BR mode because that's the hot new meme, right?
>Oscar Mike concludes that absolutely nothing can stop them now
>camera swivels offset to see Claptrap and the rest of the Borderlands crew entering the studio
>Claptrap: "I thought I told you [BLEEP]s to get lost!"
>Oscar Mike starts begging Claptrap for one last chance only to get gut punched by Brick and forcefully escorted out
>Claptrap hops on his directors chair "Alright, places, people!"
>the real Borderlands 3 announcement begins

that's a man

No one cares then

>Bandit/Scav/whatever weapons get different manufacturer gimmicks based on what barrel they get, but the effects are fucked up since the weapons are barely bolted-together trash that hasn't been properly taken care of
>Maliwan parts give great elemental damage, but sometimes set you on fire while shooting
>Broken Tediore-based weapons randomly explode when they're empty
>Vladov-based weapons run rampant and fire off all their ammo in two seconds followed by having to cool down
>Hyperion barrels increase accuracy, but sometimes make your crosshair fuckhuge instead

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i'd kind of dig it but i'd have Vladof just triple their fire rate randomly instead
also Dahl weapons burst fire their entire magazines

The only reason I have this many hours played is because my friend wanted to play it all the time. I think it's pretty shit personally.

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>Death of Gearbox
>Public humiliation of Randy
That is all I want of Boderlands 3, fucking cunts, hope they die.

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Slam damage

Public suicide

a good fucking commando

why is Gaige so best girl?

hes literally the worst but thats all I ever play because its cheap as fuck it just abuse broken weapons and cheese the game.

BL2 on UVHM feels more like an old school shooter playing axton

Punk schoolgirl in Mad Max setting. It fits.

>the god awful telltale game
Terrible taste, why would i care about your opinion?

as much as i hate the drop rates sometimes, BL2 would not have lasted as long as it did for me if they werent so low

Claptrap's voice actor left, so I doubt he's gonna get any bigger roles anymore.

Jim Foronda is voicing Claptrap now.


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based and redpilled

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I loved borderlands 1 as a kid, but I just tried to play 2 with my friends and its so boring

if that's really the promotional artwork for it I think it's safe to ignore it

>Gun customisation
I hate the fact in other BL games, you might find a gun you really fucking love with a sight you really fucking hate.
>Also good scopes (preferably 3D rendered but that's never gonna happen)
>also good reload animations
>maybe more character customisation apart from recolours and hats

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Burch isn't writing it though.

my only Infinity pistol for a while was one with a Tediore scope, fucking ugly and huge and took up the entire right side of the screen, took like a year before i found a new one

I can agree with everything, except for
>no manufacturer gimmicks, only slight stat buffs

Season 2 when?

This image is fanmade and from like 2014

Already announced, user, along with a feature film. My bet is Winter season

piece of shit for fags

I actually enjoyed the first one and the coop part in it
bl2 I uninstalled after a few hours

Zoomer detected, abandoning thread.

>After the patch that made it so you couldn't cheese the game with Infinity
Fucking shit leave the game alone it's fucking singleplayer christ

>10 grit
>using do or die instead of double turrets
>using stready at all
>0 onslaught
>0 metal storm
>9 forbearance

its like you enjoy dying every 5 seconds

>heavy shock trooper mod
>+6 onslaught and +5 metal storm
>bonus shock damange
>mfw running tesla grenades and a shock sandhawk or DPUH
>relic gives +30 something shock bonus

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uhhmmm no

I really want individual loot for multiplayer.
A lot of salt and arguments were had over loot in BL2

eh i'd say that makes it more interesting, me and my friend would negotiate over who gets what based on who has the better build for it, and truly unique things like Legendaries get E-Tech get passed around in turns as we enter new areas until we can replace it/get another one

>mods deleting so many threads the the board is dead

umm yes, you are trying to compensate with grit istead of just using better gear

Problem is me and my friend like to make similar builds.
I also just like to keep my options open, aka. hoarder tendencies
So if either of us pick up some good-ass loot, we'd rarely share even if the other person would do more DPS with it.

I love experimenting build with Axton using different types of equipment.

I die every 5 seconds? you're wrong, I'm sorry.

What's wrong with using grit? I love that skill

i fucking love grit

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>whats wrong with using grit
you could have put those points somewhere else

but i guess you are just fucking around so its fine. i got a legendary pointman mod i could try i suppose

try with chaotic evil ranger CMOD + pangolin shield . grit works good also with a 94% sham

>tfw slag turret shot deflects of something and i get hit by it


>hyperion soldier throws turret at me and hides behind a wall

so thats how that feels

>stat increases per weapon type the more you kill with them
>gives an excuse to use several weapon types
>instead of one op gun
What a fucking brainlet. A mechanic that promotes dedication to one weapon type somehow gives an excuse for using multiple. Oh, wow, a cool weapon dropped - in bl2 I just equip it, in bl1 it must match my proficiencies, if not it's useless compared to my current ones until I grind out profs for hours, great. They didn't drop you hard enough as a baby

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i want weapons that feel good to shoot, unlike bl2/presequel

holy fuck the gunplay was ass

i would also like gameplay that relies more on skill rather than levels and how good your gun is

>Not mentioning the worst NPC

Pickle was okay, a few decent quips here and there, and he was no Tina that's for sure.

All I want is for Rhys to make a comeback so I can use him to Digistruct an army of Atlus Loaders.

His forced accent was way worse than Tina could ever be.

bring back chrome ATLAS guns

>Psycho runs from behind me and in front of my rocket launchers barrel as i'm aiming, killing us both

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>marauder hits me with a corrosive DOT weapon
which puts me into FFYL
>he runs away and takes cover behind a concrete block thing