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Middle. Squirtle is for faggots.

>Do you choose Bulbasaur?
>whoops put that garbage back

Venusaur is cool.

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balls haha

Gen 1 means any of the choices are pure Ludo

i pick my nose hehe

Why are the balls so big? Like how tf do you carry those around

>3 choices
>the rival will always pick the one that's stronger against you
any other games that kinda does something like this?

I would pick charmander if he didn't have a fucking flaming tail burning my house down

holy shit you're right.

Sprites had to double as voltorbs. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to fit in all those fun glitch Pokemon.

Literally Charmander every time. Im pretty sure that your pick as a kid is significantly predictive of your T levels. The lowest t fags picked bulbausaur (probably transitioned by now), the average but still soi picked squirtle and the Chads picked charmander.

>pick squirtle just to fuck your rival over even though you dont like squirtle

this, it’s like the kid who picks yoshi in mario kart/party, irrevocably gay by at 9

>picking the literal worst starter in terms of actual strength and usability
>high T levels
>Best starter is lowest T
By that implication, trannies are good at video games, which is untrue. So your statement is completely wrong.

> pick charmander so bulbasaur has to stay in a pokeball on oak's table all game where he belongs.

Charmander is the best choice because you really don't get as many good strong fire pokemon in the game compared to grass or water.

Kill yourself tranny.

>shit on trannies
>called a tranny
nice delusion. Have fun with getting hit with rock throw once, charizard-using faggot.

>worst starter
>has the best speed which is OP in gen 1
>i can solo the whole game with him
>bulbausaur being the best starter

I wonder what that retarded fuck meant by this

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Trannies are not high T retarded fuck, its when your T is so low as a male that your instincts tell you to not reproduce and become the weaker sex.

Arcanine is bro as fuck, so I always choose opposite of the cart I play on. Charizard is really good for single player as long as you don't give a fuck about competitive battling. Gaining flying weakness sucks, but nowhere near the death sentence that gaining poison typing was in gen 1 like bulbasaur did.

cosmos was high as a kite and nu-Yea Forums couldn't beat him at smash

You know, solarbeam is a real shitty move for grass types honestly, but it's great for fire types.

Think about it, either you take one turn to charge the stupid beam as a grass type, but now your opponent knows what you're gonna do next turn and will switch in a Charizard or something so it will hardly deal any damage.
OR, you can use sunny day, but now everyone also knows what you're about to do, plus you actually just doubled the damage you receive from fire type moves.
Opponent will once again switch in a fire type and blow you ass to pieces even harder.

But, let's say you teach solar beam + sunny day to a fire type.
You can use sunny day first, nobody is gonna suspect anything since you're a fire type.
Opponent might switch in a water type and all of a sudden you blast his ass to pieces with an instant solar beam! No one is gonna see that coming.
And even if your opponent switches in something other than a water type, you still get that 2x bonus to fire type moves, PLUS a protection from any cheeky water type moves.
It's the perfect setup.

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>Sunny day
>Gen 1

literally all drugs can be performance-enhancing though, depending on your mindset and a couple of factors.

the fuck is sunny day

You can also solo the whole game with just about anyone if you're determined enough, don't act like that shit is an argument. And speed doesn't mean anything when you come against a fucking wall. Throw Charizard at Mewtwo, Snorlax, or literally any fucking rock type and he dies like the bitch he is. Venusaur, in the meantime, can outstall pretty much anything with leech seed and toxic. Its only serious weaknesses are the fire type (which is shit) and the psychic type (which is OP as fuck anyway because special stat). Flying aint shit.

Try reading the post I replied to again, then read my post again, then realize that your post was retarded.

That said, the point was about which pokemon normal kids picked, not knowing all that extra useless shit. Competitive pokemon is exclusively composed of non-Chads, thats why Charizard is weak in it.

They were kids that picked Charmander. Of course they're retarded.

t. got bullied through high school by charmanderchads

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That's a pretty retarded statement you just made there boyo. Plus, picking a literal baby dinosaur with a bulb on its back vs. a dumb looking lizard with its tail on fire is a pretty clear choice to me.

Keep coping bro, my theory is actually factual. Fire is inherently masculine, and so is a fucking dragon. Girls and low t faggots like you really like the color blue though.

Lmao that Bulba-COPE
Face it, Charizard is the most kino choice.
Don't even bother getting into the nerd shit, nobody gives a fuck about what happens at pokecons or whatever, in the real game Charizard is a great choice

>cute af
>Blastoise sprite looks menacing and cool
>sassy character in the anime
>can cover his weaknesses with ice and ground attacks
>surfs you around like a bro, making use of perhaps the best HM in the game
>Gary picks bulbasaur

First, green is best. Second, as a kid you didn't fucking know it was gonna become a dragon (which it isn't even a dragon in the first place). It's just a lizard who caught its tail on fire and had to be carried through the first gym like the retard it is.

Samefag fuck off

Its something you brits will never know.

>get starter
>immediately ditch them because I hate being told how to play the game
Anyone else?

>as a kid you didn't fucking know it was gonna become a dragon
You did because you watched the TV series.

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i'm a bong and chortled

its overcast outside now

>Second, as a kid you didn't fucking know it was gonna become a dragon
Or because it's on the fucking cover, retard.

Charizard > Venusaur > Blastoise
Feraligatr > Typhlosion > Meganium
Swampert = Sceptile = Blaziken
Infernape > Torterra > Empoleon
Serperior > Samurott > Emboar
Greninja > Chesnaught > Delphox
Incineroar > Decidueye > Primarina
Pikachu > Eevee


Based gen 3 where all the starters are undoubtedly equally as cool