Game that re:re:re:re:re:re re released 3 years ago for 20 dollars on Xbox and PS4?

>Game that re:re:re:re:re:re re released 3 years ago for 20 dollars on Xbox and PS4?

>That will be $40 cause Nintaxes and such

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Other urls found in this thread:

People on this board who aren't pirating their Switch games

>$30 digital for RE4, no physical in sight
>$30 a pop digital for RE0 and REmake
>$60 for the physical bundle and both games aren't even on the cartridge
>they put fucking RE0 on the cartridge instead of REmake

They screwed the entire pooch. They didn't get a single fucking thing right. Even REmake on cart and RE0 digital would be a fraction of a point in their favor but no, not one thing right.

explain how this isn't Capcom being greedy?

I think it's because, outside of life long Nintendo fans, most Switch owners don't have an extensive history with videogames.

If you think about it, these games came out three generations ago. If you have a PS4 or XBONE you're probably more committed to traditional gaming culture and you've either played them before or you've got such a selection they need a low price point to be appealing.

A lot of Switch owners are either fresh this gen, started with Wii or are the fabled casual / mobile audience. Capcom is probably banking on them having heard of the franchise but never played it and be willing to pay full price for the 'new' experience.

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Look retard, it's your fucking fault if you buy RE4 AGAIN for the third or fifth time. Literally who keeps buying these ports? Just play the game once or twice and kill yourself already, holy fucking shit.

has it become a easy yet? last time i checked it was still a pain in the ass and you could only run homebrew. I havn't updated firmware since buying my switch, and i know the process takes time, the PSP was the true golden age of piracy, so i don't have an issue waiting.

>third party company picks price for their game

Attached: DxPozI1UwAMgqLp.gif (600x338, 3.76M)

>tfw you've never bought RE4 but have beaten it on Gamecube and Wii

I just wanted a portable version. I can justify looking at the game again for that.

There's a clear cut discrepancy between the Switch release and even the PS4/Xbone rereleases where they launched for $10 less and go on sale routinely enough.

>>third party company picks price for their game
Yeah they did. On PS4...for 20 dollars. Are you actually retarded?

But Wii has RE4, same as android.

20 dollars less. Its 30 pounds, not 30 dollars

>Nintendo charges full price for years old Wii U ports
>expecting third party to cut you a deal when they know you will pay it

>PS4 and Xbone first party games go on sale regularly and can be bought for cheap
>Third parties need to compete with first party sales so they price accordingly

its $40, 30 pounds

it's entirely up to capcom to pick a price
they decided to make it cheaper on ps4 because ps4 owners rarely buy games rather than vbucks and lootboxes, nintendo didn't force them with a gun for that choice

It's available for preorder on the American eShop for $29.99. Dunno about other regions.

But the odds that the 'casual' gamer bought those isn't exactly high. Resident Evil 4 was never on those systems as a big seller, just due to ease of port and potential sales.

I'm not saying it's a good strategy, but there have to be reasons behind the 'Switch Tax'. In this case it's probably something like 'fresh audience, fresh customers'.

well then RIP british fags

Take that dick out of your ass.

Im guessing osmeone else is to blame for Wii U ports costing 60 dollars still too huh? Hell even fucking ARMS still costs 60. Only reason Mario Rabbids doesnt is cause its Ubisoft or some shit.

Nintendo keeps it high and has always kept it high.
While Xbox and Sony release collections like Halo and Uncharted, Nintendo releases single games for 60

>actually using your switch in handheld mode

If this were a bigger deal it'd nearly erase all of RE2make's earned goodwill for me. Thankfully it's just price gouged HD ports of Gamecube games so it's not that dramatic or unignorable but still, why Capcom?

Aside from Smash and Splatoon my Switch is a handheld, no exceptions. If I want to play on a TV I have a PS4 for that.

>using a handheld as a "home console"


why are you so mad? we're talking about companies and you take it too personal
set your life priorities, it's not even worth discussing with someone so personally biased over a hobby

Switchtards will get ripped off every RE game on PS4 is less than $20 and look better

They know nintendies are literal cucks that would pay extra for literal shit so who can blame them?

>he willingly plays games at a shittier resolution that's already even worse than the shitty docked resolution
There's no excusing this. No normal person actually wants to play a game that looks worse than what it would otherwise look like if it was simply just docked. The last good handheld was the Gameboy Advance SP. The switch is not and never will be a handheld. The entire DS and 3DS line were mistakes.

Resident Evil 4 is not a nintendo game. It is a game that was made and published by capcom.


Hot take, my dude. Personally, I never gave a rat's ass about resolution and have liked handhelds for the last 20 years of my life.

>handcramp city was the last good handheld

Don't Switch owners just buy games on the basis of it being on the Switch? I remember that Earthbound indie rip-off getting good scores on the Switch while getting shitted on the rest of the platforms.

they had to run all textures through a batch resize

>that Earthbound indie rip-off

Which one? There's been a couple hundred of those made in the last decade.

>RE7 cloud gaming edition for switch

RE2 will come cloud gaming

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You are very stupid.

All games release more expensive on Switch for the retards to buy, then get lowered, eventually. But not Nintendo pwned IPs like fucking ARMs

>getting cramps from playing on a modern day phone sized handheld
Literally lying or you've got baby bones, my boy.

Who the fuck keeps buying this when it's already on the PC?

I think it was yakk or yikes, did not interest me at all

if you bought your switch within the launch year, piracy is about as easy as it is on the 3ds, if not, even more so.

>Game was 20 on Xbox and PS4
>Nintendo wants you to pay 40
>On a inferior console

user I think you're confused here. A game coming out on the switch does not mean that it was published by nintendo. Resident Evil 4 has nothing to do with nintendo.

I would unironically buy it for the Switch if it was $20 like the other versions, they can go fuck themselves, why the fuck should I pay more?

And ARMS is related to Resident Evil how...?

Fact is, Capcom set the price. 40$ was the bar maybe because a) Resident Evil is a hot IP right now and Capcom wants more emone, or/and b) Switch owners actually buy games for higher prices.
PS4 Market != Switch Market, both have very different users. There is some crossover because (semi)Idorts are a thing, but normally their buy behavior is different.

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Nigga who cares it's the shitty """remaster""" anyway.

Oh, that one. I don't think that had any actual traction on any platform. Really felt like that one went as soon as it came. Some of the Nintendo-centric sites might've rated it a bit higher but even if they did, who cares? Pretty sure that shit's already basically forgotten.

No Im not. Youre trying to put the blame on the 3rd party.

Seemed like a real no-brainer, didn't it? Guess I'm waiting for a sale or something, and that's providing the port's even any good. Wouldn't be shocked if they fucked that up too.

>Youre trying to put the blame on the 3rd party.
It's their game. They set the prices. A game being on the switch doesn't mean that nintendo published it. The two companies have nothing to do with each other.

>last good
DS was better

>RE 4: $40
>MHGU: $60
>Dragon's Dogma: $30

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>Its nintendos fault
>Meanwhile FFXII the zodiac age is literally 49.99 on PSN, Steam, and the Nintendo eShop

Nah its just crapcom being greedy niggers..

Thats why they released RE4/5/6 for 20 dollars both digital and physical. Right.

Look at this retard.

Writing was already on the wall with the Revelations games and Megaman Legacy Collections, anyone could've guessed that Capcom would pull some of this stuff unfortunately. Even so, they've outdone themselves this time with the pricing, that's a new low.

>buying it at release
>Not waiting one month for them to permanent slash the price 40%

Oh shit it is coming to Switch!?
Based. I cant wait to pirate it. I just wish there was a way to save synch between the Switch and steam.

>tfw hacked Switch so I don't have to care about jewish prices.

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Dunno if they'll permaslash but yeah, these should be available for $20 at some point or another by Halloween at the latest. Should be, anyways. They could always pull an Atelier on us with these ports.

You guys realize these are old games right...? there is no rush, people will pay $40-$60. And when they are done selling to them they will price drop. I mean they could launch it two years from now at like $15 or they could launch it now at $40 and then price drop it later. It is just smart business.

It's never not been easy to hack. You need a little plastic jig you can buy 3D printed off eBay, a otg usb cable and either a pc/android phone to send a cfw payload file to switch.

And that's it. Cfw boots in seconds. You gotta do this every time the switch is turned off. The whole process only takes like 30 seconds total.

You can pirate everything. Game cards and eshop titles and homebrew is pretty expansive now with every system up to ps1/N64 emulating at full speed now

>Switch games are typically more expensive due to cartridge produciton costs
>RE:0 is the only game that's even being physically produced

This is Capcom being fucktards through and through. If they knew they could've charged this much on Xbox One and PS4, they damn well would have.

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I think it's about time I hack my Switch. I bought mine recently and got lucky. My friend checked the barcode or whatever and said it's hackable so I'm going to have him do it for me because I can't be bothered. Smash online was cool, but I can't think of any other online title I'm interested in that outweighs infinite free games.

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So tell me guys.... Why is a game like botw and Mario still 60 bucks while most PlayStation games are like 20 bucks with the PlayStation hits. Hell even God of war is like 40 bucks that it came out last year. Now I'm not saying this as a sony lover, I'm mostly a pc player and fuck sony for all the censorship in their games now.

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Cus Nintendo games never stop selling.

>N64 emulating at full speed
Now if only the guy making it wasn't a fuckhead and would allow other CFW's to actually use the fucking dynarec. I'd like to see if it can handle Banjo-Tooie or not but nope.

Because capcom thinks that people will pay more for the switch version.

>You gotta do this every time the switch is turned off

Does sleep mode count as turned off? Can the Switch even fully power off? I just bought one.

The integrated retroarch build works ok on other cfw if not exactly the most latest build. Apparently TXOS would have to tweak the way it handles some code to work properly anyway.

I get full speed on most games in TXOS with latest nightlies.

Will the switch version have the superior Wii control scheme? If so then it's worth $40

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No sleep mode is fine. Which is why it's not a big deal cus who every really turns their devices fully off? I only do it to swap new games and ROMs onto my microsd.

If you press power for a few seconds then "power options" pops up and you can power off. Or if you hold down power for 10 seconds it does a hard shutdown.

I don't have the latest nightlies, right now the issue I get isn't framerate, it's instability from the overclocking required to reach said framerate, does the latest nightlies fix that?

>Does sleep mode count as turned off?
No, and he is somewhat wrong you can make it auto RCM.
> Can the Switch even fully power off?
Cause people will pay it I guess. Different markets. Also Optical v.s. Cartridge.

It's Confirmed it wont. It's just the regular console/pc remaster

That just sound like people are just willing to bend over and take it just because it's nintendo
We're talking about Nintendo not cap on but just like above it seems that cap on knows people on switch are just willing on paying more and cap on took advantage of that.

>two years from now

This IS "two years from now", consoles might as well come preloaded with RE4 from launch at this point. Shit's basically a rite of passage by now.

So is it as simple as checking my Switch's serial number to see if I can hack it or not? Is it a combination of having a safe serial number and not updating the firmware? I'm pretty sure my Switch is up to date, so that'd be a bummer if I couldn't hack it.

you misconstrue my point. If Capcom didn't say anything, and waited two years then announced it at like $15 each, nobody would complain, they'd just say cool 3 good Resident Evil games coming to switch at a reasonable price. And people here would pay it. But if they announce it today at $40, and wait two years till it drops to $15, people go apeshit over the price. When in reality there is no pragmatic difference between the two. I'll probably pirate it, or wait till it is like $15, but I can't really fault capcom for making sure to profit maximize by starting high. Also cool that the most ported game of all time is finally gonna be handheld.

Firmware doesn't matter too much. I am not sure about some CFWs supporting 7.00 yet, but it is just a porting over thing, not a security thing so it won't take long.

It's smart but in the same way that microtransactions are smart, it's predatory on the ignorant and impatient. RE4 launching at $20 has been standard for long enough that I don't know what other trick they're possibly trying to pull here. It's transparent as all hell to anyone who has paid any attention to these releases in recent years.

I'm extremely ignorant when it comes to this stuff, but I do have 7.0.1.

I didn't say its ok. I'm just giving you the reason they never drop the price.

God of War sells 90% of its sales in the first 6 months like most other games then drops off. So you drop the price.

In 2023 people will be picking up a brand new switch for the first time and will buy Mario Odyessy, Mario Kart, Zelda BotW, Splatoon etc

Dude, Mario Kart Wii still sells something like 200,000 copies a year. Not 8. Not 7. Wii.

>t's predatory on the ignorant and impatient
meh, I don't know if studying econ made me autistic on the subject, or normies are just emotional retards. But reality is simply that, for better or for worse, some people value getting it right away at $40, and Capcom, is a profit maximizing firm. Nobody is getting taken advantage of, nobody is doing anything wrong, it is simple math.
>I don't know what other trick they're possibly trying to pull here
Making money. Switch has a somewhat smaller catalog, the Switch port has the added value of being portable, meaning more incentive for many to double dip, and Switch games are more expensive in general, giving them more room for pricing.

security wise they are the same. Just check out /hbg/ on /vg/ they will sort you out.

Yeah you need a serial number from before August 2018 models when they patched the exploit.

And as of right now the latest firmware 7.0.1 has broken cfw. Gotta wait a few weeks for it to be patched back.

Mario Kart Wii has a competitive fanbase that nearly rivals Smash in its autism.

>We're talking about Nintendo
re4 is not a nintendo game you fucking retard

This just better mean an RE rep is coming to Smash. That's all I give a fuck about, not replaying RE4 for the 29th time.

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>A game that was a Gamecube exclusive is not a Nintendo game.

No shit they're making money, you're stating the obvious. I'm saying that for anyone with a modicum of patience and situational awareness, this looks a bit scummy. Yeah, the answer is just to wait until it drops to a reasonable price while Capcom squeezes the early adopters (of HD ports of 15-20 year old games so hardly "early") dry but come on, that's a weak justification for these actions out the gate. If they're gonna extort this much, the fucking least they could do is properly press these games on cartridges. If we're paying a premium, that is the LEAST they could've done. Honestly, charging what they're charging now for proper physical releases while charging $20 for digital would shut me up. But no, this is a full on display of the Capcom greed that tainted their darkest years.

>RE4, one of the most ported games of this millennium, is getting ported to yet another system
>this somehow means Smash is getting an RE rep

Just stop.

> I'm saying that for anyone with a modicum of patience and situational awareness, this looks a bit scummy
Why...? they put out a product at a price, decide if it is worth it or not. No need to get emotional.
>But no, this is a full on display of the Capcom greed that tainted their darkest years.
Every company is just a group of people working together to profit maximize. Greed/prosumer is just marketing and how it impacts your feelings user.

There'd at least be SOME justification if it was a physical release cause maybe you can blame the costs of the cartridges, but it's digital only. Shits retarded, definitely should only wait for a sale.

Don't start, faggot


Look at what they charge for this game on any other platform and get back to me on that. Physical, fine. Switch carts are more expensive than Blu-rays, same problem that bit Nintendo's ass back on the N64. I get it. But why are the digital versions sold at a premium, and why is there no good alternative so they can even pretend to justify the premium? It makes no damn sense if you think about it for 10 seconds.

Yeah that's still not okay. People are really goddamn stupid sometimes. Seriously this is the reason why I'm put off from buying the switch when I'm especially interested in the games.

>Look at what they charge for this game on any other platform and get back to me on that
Yeah but I explained why I think they have room to charge more already. I just don't get why get emotional about it? Just don't buy it. Business transactions don't have to be personal relationships. Capcom isn't your buddy. Just don't pay simple as. Like I said if they just announced it two years from now at $15 you would be happy, even though there is 0 pragmatic difference, or difference to you at all than what they are doing.
>But why are the digital versions sold at a premium
Because digital and physical do not exist in different universes, they compete with each other, and add in the fact weird price rules means certain physical games need to keep the same digital price, this gives Capcom a lot more room to charge more and still be cheaper than other games competing for your money.
>and why is there no good alternative so they can even pretend to justify the premium
I guess partly limitations of the cart, I don't know the details of the download part of the bundle. Also I suspect the demand for it is somewhat limited.

This isn't about personal relationships, it's about having common sense. I don't know what Capcom's charging extra for. They have set a standing precedent on competing platforms that Switch is failing to meet in terms of both pricing and release handling. Switch versions cost more for shoddier release handling. I don't know how you don't see why this is rubbing some people the wrong way, nor do I see how it makes any business sense on Capcom's end. It's gonna fool a few people who don't own any other platform and piss off several times more people. The PR surrounding this news has been a soft disaster so far, how is this good business sense in any way? It's not about emotions, it's about trying to figure out what's going on in Capcom's head for them to make such pants on head retarded decisions.

Yeah, it totally isn't Capcom being a shit company, nah it's ALWAYS Nintendos fault. God, this board is fucking obsessed with Nintendo.

$60 ports

So why isn't RE4 60 bucks if it was Nintendos choice? Massive retard. Stop defending Capcom, just so you can shit on Nintendo, you obsessed manchild. Seek help.

>implying Nintendo isn’t a shitty company

Didn't say it was ok. It's pretty anti consumer but company's gonna capitalize. What else can a consumer do aside from boycott or whinge about it online?

Because not even Nintendo, the same company that make you suddenly pay 20 bucks a year for a service they previously gave for free, isn’t retarded enough to sell a game from 2005 at full price.


Yeah, about that.

You should see Path of Radiance

MK64 isn't from 2005.

Just leave it a few weeks and it will be half price on eshop like all Capcom games.

> They have set a standing precedent on competing platforms that Switch is failing to meet in terms of both pricing and release handling.
Who cares...?
People are willing to pay $40, they could make the extra $20 selling it to them first, or they could piss away the money selling it to them at $20 like everyone else. Switch is not steam. Steam has a drastically larger game library to compete with and a drastically lower average price for a game. Then there is also a smaller consumerbase who might go, well I already have it on ps4/xbone/wii/GC/PS2 or whatever, and I don't want to spend THAT much just to have it on say steam, but would go "sweet I want it handheld"
> I don't know how you don't see why this is rubbing some people the wrong way,
irrational emotional responce, like most shit on this site user. As I explained with my example of the exact same thing, but it just launches later.
>any business sense on Capcom's end
I explained like 3 times, makes more money.
> It's gonna fool a few people
It's not "fooling" people. It's time value user, some people just don't want to wait and think $20 is not that big of a deal to spend to get it today or whatever. Simple as Just like BOTW isn't tricking anyone into thinkings its a brandnew game, or that people just don't know how much you hate DENUVO when they buy games anyway.
>platform and piss off several times more people.
Who cares, it's just fox and the grapes, they weren't gonna pay $40 anyway, and most of them will calm down before it price drops anyway. Someone post that CoD boycott steam group.
> it's about trying to figure out what's going on in Capcom's head for them to make such pants on head retarded decisions.
Profit maximization before making Yea Forums proud of their logo.

Can you even get that new nowadays? If we're talking secondhand market then there's one-upmanship for days there t. bought Rule of Rose secondhand. Those are new copies of MKDS sold by Nintendo, though. If you can get PoR new now though then I'm actually scared to see that price tag.

In fairness that probably has been out of production for quite some time and went back up in price due to scarcity.

Should probably clarify. This isn't a brand new game where day 1 sales are what make and break you and get you the return on the $200million you spent on marketing that you will not sustain through the first price drop. I am sure they are in no rush.

There are people on this board who think that Nintendo is the one who sets the prices for all games released on the Switch in both physical form and eShop.
Jesus fucking Christ.

Yea Forums is infested by a large amount of actual autists. it's so bad that have several resident shitposters that we have been able to identify despite being completely anonymous.

You get what you pay for and Switch owners are okay with paying a bit more for guaranteed quality. We knew what we signed up for when we bought a premium product.

>Who cares...?
Anyone who is aware of how Capcom historically has handled these releases.

>People are willing to pay $40
Based on the general backlash this news has received, people are mad about the pricing. Like I said, this might fool a few but most people who were following this news are a bit wiser than that.

Think of it like this, there's more of a raw profit margin by charging $30 but the part of the consumer base that is actively interested in this release more than likely expected price parity of $20 like with other platforms. Because of this, going above $20 is pissing people off, and for good reason as they can get the same game for that price elsewhere. To that end, Capcom probably would convince more people to buy the game at $20 than risk turning customers away by going higher than that. Smaller margin, but higher chance of more consistent early sales. And really, that margin shouldn't matter so much because if it did then why are they so comfortable charging $20 everywhere else? I don't see where that goes wrong, whereas charging more is getting them bad press.

In fairness, they control licensing costs, and are somewhat price setters with all their first party tittles.


You retards are paying $60 for Wii U ports like NSMBU, DKCRTF and Captian Toad. Capcom has that precedent to go on.

Im not fucking around with a fucking jig on the side of my switch when in a couple of years time you'll probably be able to soft mod it, you stupid little pretentious cunt.

Oh yes paying 60 dollars for an inferior version of a game. But you get to play it in public like the fucking manchild you are

Attached: switch o.jpg (1430x874, 482K)

Bets on the Switch port?
>900p docked
>640p portable
>lower quality shadow cascades

>Like I said, this might fool a few but most people who were following this news are a bit wiser than that.
Garuntee you literally no one will give a shit or even remember in a few years. They will go "ohh Resident Evil on the Eshop for $15" and buy it. Hell, they might even be more inclined to do so because of the psychological effect of the sale/price drop. If your argument is that there are people so fucking retarded that they won't buy a game they want to play at a price they are willing to spend later, just to be vindictive against a faceless corporation, than I am sorry, but that is merely a very vocal minority. And there are some people, who are fully aware it launched at $20 on other platforms and will eventually pricedrop who just don't care. And there is nothing wrong with that either. I pretty much never buy games at $60, but I don't think that it is just people "getting fooled" that people do it anyway. They know it will drop.
>there's more of a raw profit margin by charging $30 but the part of the consumer base that is actively interested in this release more than likely expected price parity of $20 like with other platforms.
Correct, it is called price discrimination, because if you charge $20, with an additional up charge if you value it at $30, nobody will pay the optional $10. Like I said, this is not a new release. I don't think Capcom cares that much if the $20 crowd buys it day 1, or day 700. I don't think they are reliant on marketing, or shelf space or keeping the game in production. It is an old enough game that relies on it's reputation that will have the same steady stream of sales down the road.
>Capcom probably would convince more people to buy the game at $20 than risk turning customers away by going higher than that.
Correct, if there was a binary pricepoint of $30 or $20, for the entire lifecycle of the switch, I do believe they would have went with $20. day 1 sales dont matter on such an old game.

Exactly the same as the 360 port.

Well, at least he gets out of the house. Unlike you.

Not sure if you can but a mint 8.5 condition was £700 last time I checked.

What if I told you I leave the house without my toy

I see what you're saying and it makes enough sense in the long term but I don't get why Capcom has to do this song and dance and rile up both the people explicitly interested in this release and the people covering it in news. Is that really worth making that more dedicated audience wait for it to drop to the price it is everywhere else? Does any of this really justify how shoddily handled these releases are compared to everywhere else? Are potential customers not allowed to voice their discontent at how Capcom is handling all this at the outset? You're right, in like 2 or 3 years none of this will matter. I don't give a shit about 2 or 3 years from now, though. This thing's coming out in May, Capcom looks like they're half-assing it for a premium price, and evidently that's fine because that's just business even though that approach hasn't applied to literally any other HD rerelease of these games. Nope, only Switch gets hit with these prices and half-baked release options. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see why people are getting upset here, and no one considers shit like this in the long term but the publishers themselves.

>Nintendo is rerealising port after port after port for Switch because no games.
>They price every single shitty Wii U port 60$.
>Nintendies, like the mentaly ill faggots they are, buy them because "muh Switch", "muh portability".
>Companies see that retards on Switch are willing to pay more money for inferior products for some unexplainable reason.
>They themselves rerelase ports of years-old games for higher prices than their PS4/XB1/PC versions to take advantage of the retarted Nintendo fanbase.

Why did you make this thread again?
Was it alright when you were paying full price for trash ports like Bayonetta, Hyrule Warriors and Donkey Kong?
Now buy the scraps Capcom is giving you or fuck off.

>buying games from crapcom in the first place

why? all they ever release are ports, sequels and remakes

>but I don't get why Capcom has to do this song and dance and rile up both the people explicitly interested in this release and the people covering it in news.
Is there a way to do it at these prices that wouldn't...? People just get pissed off these days, it is a thing they do. You just have to accept it. I explained why I think the approach is different, it makes sense to me. I think it will just be better for your mental health in the long run if you go "ah I don't want to pay $40" and move on with your life. Like Samsung just announced a $2000 phone. I wasn't upset I didn't cry about them betraying my trust, I am just not gonna fucking buy it. But if you really want to play RE4 on switch in may, just buy it. It's only an extra $20. I get peer acceptance from the "game community" would shun you for it, but if you want it that bad, pay for it. Otherwise just shrug and move on user. I don't know what you mean about half assing it though...? has there been gameplay...? if this shit is running at 20fps I am gonna sepuku.


>It's only not okay when Nintendo does it

Attached: 1520769708686m.jpg (1024x768, 121K)

>but if you want it that bad, pay for it.
or torrent it, should have probably included that option.

>buying games from Nintendo in the first place
>why? all they ever release are ports, sequels and remakes

>but nintendo

Not confirmed BUT

>Revelaitons port can't hold 60fps, gyro mode is joycon only for some dumbfuck reason.
>Revelations 2 can't hold 30fps.
>RE7 was just a cloud experiment they never fixed.

Their Resident Evil ports have been pretty damn terrible, so it's foolish to expect much from these upcoming versions.

Some people are already obsessed about Nintendo

>Is there a way to do it at these prices that wouldn't...?



>I don't know what you mean about half assing it though...?

The physical component of these releases is less than laughable. If you want to get RE4, REmake, or RE0 on disc for PS4 or Xbone then it's piss easy to do so, just go out and get it. RE4 and REmake don't even have that option and you can only get RE0 on cart in a bundle, never mind the whole snafu about the straight up better game of the two being download only. If you don't care much about physical then whatever, you do you. Some people do though and Capcom is shitting pretty openly on that audience, though that's not as surprising considering this would be like the 4th time they've done that with their Switch releases. But with physical "releases" this lazy I'm actively less optimistic about the effort put into the ports themselves. This whole thing is just reflecting that badly on Capcom IMO.

Nice deflection

get fucked nincel
Did you respond to the right post user?

All those ports were released for 20$ or so on PS4 not 60 like Hyrule Warriors (LMAO).

Why don't they just do it for free and give everyone a blowjob...? I thought Capcom was a charity! I am entitled to muhh cheap games!
>The physical component of these releases is less than laughable.
I imagine REmake and Re0 share a lot of resources so putting them together makes sense for cost savings. The bundle also largely has to do with circumventing weird rules on pricing games physical v.s. digital on consoles probably. I also suspect the decision has something to do with cartridge price. They would rather sell digitally then lose overhead in the physical version and I doubt they amount of people who refuse to buy digital is that large. IDK, I already have it physically on ps2 so I don't care, it would be a cool limited run game or something though.

>He actually believes it is because of cartridges

You motherfuckers really need to come to terms with the fact that there is NOTHING wrong with cartridges.

Isn't it funny how Nintendo produced Switch games like BOTW are NOT anymore expensive on Switch than they were on Wii U?

I find the dicksucking damage control for this to be disgusting, ESPECIALLY in this day and age where digital distribution is perfectly viable. Considering Capcom is making you download the games onto your console anyway why DON'T they just make it digital exclusive, but cheaper?

Capcom, and various other third parties, are desperately trying to sabotage the Switch's success with stunts like this. They want people to stay on other platforms.

Attached: Laughing Squids.png (1296x1186, 771K)

>Why don't they just do it for free and give everyone a blowjob...?
They'd still be charging $20 for it, user. Don't be stupid. Like you said, these are old games.

>I imagine REmake and Re0 share a lot of resources so putting them together makes sense for cost savings.
That might explain away the lack of RE4 physical, not so much their weird ass history of one game on cart and the other download only. No doubt there's filesize limitations but surely they can fit 2 remasters of Gamecube games. And even then, look at something like the Megaman Legacy Collections which could easily fit on a single cart, yet they still pulled that shit so I don't think that's the problem. If they're gonna pay for cartridges at all, might as well use them for what they're worth you know? And I don't know any other dev that does this but Capcom. We're seeing ports of Bethesda published AAA titles like Doom make it to Switch with little fuss, I don't know what Capcom's deal is.

He's calling you a retard because you think that nintendo sets the prices for other companies games.

Youre reasoning is fucking stupid

Capcom set the 20 dollar price

So lets say they did set the 40 dollar price on switch. That would be because they know drones still buy 60 dollar ports on switch which btw, nintendo decided

>Isn't it funny how Nintendo produced Switch games like BOTW are NOT anymore expensive on Switch than they were on Wii U?
uwotm8? it is.
>I find the dicksucking damage control for this to be disgusting
I don't care. If I think a game is worth the money I buy it. If I don't I don't. I am just explaining the reality of large cartridges being expensive to produce factoring into their decision making, because if enough people who would buy digital move to physical, doing both could actually cost you money. And smaller carts are cheaper to produce, as supposed to optical which is just single layer vs dual layer.
>Considering Capcom is making you download the games onto your console anyway why DON'T they just make it digital exclusive
They did with RE4.
>but cheaper?
Cause they like money.
>Capcom, and various other third parties, are desperately trying to sabotage the Switch's success with stunts like this
No they just see room to make money. If the average switch game costs more, because carts, ninty pricing etc, it has a smaller library, can differentiate games with portability, and is generally bought by a consumer that will spend $300 on a handheld that is likely not their only gaming platform, they know they can charge more.
> They want people to stay on other platforms.
Which is why they spend money porting games over. Because you know, the Wii U approach of not making any games for it backfired and made Wii U the most popular console of all time, nobody bought PS4 or Xbone because they loved the lack of third party support on Wii U.

>So lets say they did set the 40 dollar price on switch
This is why he called you a retard. You think that capcom doesn't set the price for their own games.

>That would be because they know drones still buy 60 dollar ports on switch which btw, nintendo decided
Do you have selective listening you samefag inbred mongoloid?

>They'd still be charging $20 for it, user. Don't be stupid
My point is EVERY single decision they make is with profit maximization in mind. Anytime it seems like it is "prosumer" is just coincidence and marketing. "why can't they charge $20" is a stupid question. A better question would at least be "would they make more money selling it at $20" and with the ease at which digital goods can be price slashed, I think the answer is no.
>not so much their weird ass history of one game on cart and the other download only.
My best guess, is that I think cartridge prices vary based on size, so they get like a super cheap one by putting only one game on it. At that point I am just speculating though, it beats me. I would assume their approach is just to get RE switch on shelves as cheap as possible. As to why they did it that way, is weird to me.

You said "lets say". As in you think this is some kind of hypothetical scenario.

Daily reminder Final Fantasy 9 just released on Switch for the same price as the PS4 and Xbone Versions whereas if what these threads were telling you was true it'd be double.

>making up some two year bullshit
Where does two years come from? Can i just pick any date and any price point and be like 'oh well I'm going to launch this pizza at $35 a slice but in five years itll be $5 so really there's nothing wrong with inappropriate pricing over five years because just imagine some future time where I'm not doing it'
If it were a commodity or a resalable item maybe but this is freely duplicated software

FFIX is on xbone...?
Did they do anything to it? like is it 16:9, upscaled or anything? likewise for switch I guess. I always assumed it was just psx emulator on ps4, then switch was getting like some virtual console type deal.

Again with the slective listening. Just proving my point that you are one of those retards who paid 60 dollars for Mario Kart 8 and Mario Bros U

Yeah it released at the same time as the Switch port but it wasn't really announced.
It's the iOS version, same as the PS4 and PC versions

It's a bit funny that they are selling RE origins on gamestop for the xbox one/ps4 for 29.99 and they are both on the disc while they are selling the same package for the switch for 59.99 and they can't even bother to put both games on the cartridge

Not only that, it topped the charts.

>Where does two years come from?
I am just guestimating. Publicly releasing that information would obviously not be in capcoms best interest.
> 'oh well I'm going to launch this pizza at $35 a slice but in five years itll be $5 so really there's nothing wrong with inappropriate pricing over five years because just imagine some future time where I'm not doing it'
Be my guest. Nobody will pay $35 for a slice of pizza. But if they are offended by it, that is there problem.
>If it were a commodity or a resalable item maybe but this is freely duplicated software
Which is why it is so effective.

>It's the iOS version
I fucking hate Squenix sometimes.

Buy it or don't buy it. Nothing you can really do about it except but the game for 5 bucks on pc or wait for a sale on switch.

>b-b-bbut this game!

Oh boy so that justifies selling a single port for 60 dollars while sony and microsoft do the same for collections. If Mario was on sony or Microsoft, the "new" mario U game would have been released as an entire collection in one. See halo, uncharted and kingsom hearts

I understand a sliding price point but don't act like capturing a 200% on a sku isn't going to frustrate people when you already hit the $20 price point five or so years ago

isn't that the sole selling point of the switch though

This so fucking much, capcom games have been released at full price and never getting lowered prices or going on sale almost fucking ever. People act like this is a switch thing while theres tons of old capcom games on steam that are stupid expensive for how old they are.

Attached: 1544652184586.jpg (480x360, 41K)

>"why can't they charge $20" is a stupid question.

Yeah, it is a stupid question if you willfully ignore their history of releasing these ports for $20, almost as if it had become an accepted standard or something.

>A better question would at least be "would they make more money selling it at $20" and with the ease at which digital goods can be price slashed, I think the answer is no.
I don't necessarily think they'd make more money at $30 either. It's pure speculation at this point but based on consumer feedback thus far that inflated price point is going to impact sales UNTIL it drops to $20 or lower in a sale, at which point they might as well have just done that at the beginning, cut out the middleman, and save themselves the trouble of pissing people off. I think in practice the difference between $20 and $30 would be close enough to negligible for them to not really bother with it at all, I don't think enough people are gonna bite at that price all things considered.

I'm just trying to explain to you why he called you a retard.

Yeah and if Disney movies were released on Blu Ray they would be double feature packs for $10 at costco... Oh now wait they charge like $30 for all the classics because they fucking can.

It's ok when nintendo does it.

>Oh boy so that justifies selling a single port for 60 dollars while sony and microsoft do the same for collections.
No it shows that maybe, just maybe Nintendo doesn't select the prices and it's Capcom being greedy.
Oh and for another example, If you look at the price for the Ace Attorney collections that just released in Asia, they're all the same prices on all 3 platforms.

Just download the NSPs or XCIs when they are out lol

Oh so greedy capcom is to blame for those 60 dollar ports. Damn them. I jist wanna play donkey kong but I dont wanna pay 60 dollars. Damn capcom!

>This damage control

We're talking about re-releases of shit from twenty years ago vs modern games.

>Bringing up Donkey Kong when I've talked about 1 SE and 2 Capcom Multiplats
>Deflecting this hard because you have no leg to stand on
You can just stop replying anytime and save yourself from looking stupid you know?

donkey kong and resident evil are made by 2 different companies

>Yeah, it is a stupid question if you willfully ignore their history of releasing these ports for $20, almost as if it had become an accepted standard or something.
No, it is a stupid question when you realize this has nothing to do with price setting, you are worse than the "fair wages" people. they could charge $20, they could charge $1 and they coudl charge $1,000. But what really matters is where Marginal revenue equates to marginal cost and how much people will pay for that quantity. (of course digital goods have no marginal cost, but lets not get into that right now)
> don't necessarily think they'd make more money at $30 either.
Of course they will, they will probably sell the same total amount of games, just some of them will get them an aditional $10.
>inflated price point is going to impact sales UNTIL it drops to $20 or lower in a sale
Of course, demand isn't perfectly inelastic, the more you charge the less you sell. But the vidya industry has this shit down to a science.
>at which point they might as well have just done that at the beginning, cut out the middleman
You seriously think they won't sell any copies at $40? like a literal 0? I find that very hard to believe, for reasons I have previously stated, I think they will move a decent volume. >I understand a sliding price point but don't act like capturing a 200% on a sku isn't going to frustrate people when you already hit the $20 price point five or so years ago
Sure, people will get irrationally upset because people are idiots, and Capcom won't care, because they are a business not your friend. I just don't get the widespread irationality here. Before this was announced were you steaming angry that there was no $20 RE4 on the eshop? no...? and then literally nothing on that changed, other than it became more likely and you got angry. That is dumb and there is really nothing Capcom can do to mitigate that. It's your own damn fault you are upset user.

cursed image,pls delet

>people are actually blaming Nintendo for this in any capacity
Crash trilogy was the same price across all consoles
Minecraft costs the same
Numerous indie games cost the same
This is 100% Capcom's jewery at work
Bethesda is equally guilty, Doom and Skyrim should not still be $60 holy fuck

>the more you charge the less you sell. But the vidya industry has this shit down to a science
Agreed. Part of the science is knowing what to charge, knowing what customers will and won't accept. Going over $20 a pop for these games is pushing it and Capcom has known this for years, hence their pricing of these same exact games elsewhere - they know what they can get away with. I think this pricing has a chance for some real blowback, it's ballsier of them than you're making it sound.

>You seriously think they won't sell any copies at $40? like a literal 0?
No, just a number that's close enough to irrelevant when weighed against the people they'll turn away in bad faith. That could also not be the case, could go either way really.

So Capcom released Re4 on Ps4 for 20 dollars. Cool. But they see how fucking stupid you are bending over for nintendo giving them 60 dollars for ports. So capcom thinks "yup lets make it 40 cause these retards will buy anything"

Pretty likely to be the case, unfortunately.

What about online?

Member when the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection launched $10 more expensive on Switch, and didn't have the bonus USFIV thrown in like the other versions? Capcom love pulling this shit.

Doable but still behind a paywall, no free cfw has emunand support for some reason.

>Agreed. Part of the science is knowing what to charge, knowing what customers will and won't accept.
No I meant the science of price discrimination. See part of the problem of selling a product, is you can't charge exactly across the demand curve, because people just lie about how much they value it. So you allow consumer surplus by selling prices lower than some consumers will pay as to not price out other consumers. However, much to the unawares of most games, publishers have long since abandoned the $60 game. There is the two part-tariff, where Ubisoft has like 5 different versions of a game at launch between like $60-100. The micro transactions to capture surplus from people willing to spend more, starter edition shit for people not willing to pay much, the steady structured price drops and sales for people who don't want to pay to much etc. It is actually fascinating to watch.
>No, just a number that's close enough to irrelevant when weighed against the people they'll turn away in bad faith.
Not even close. Do I think there is a legitimate crowd of angry people who wanted the game for $20 who won't pay $40? yes. Do I think that more than 5% will still avoid the game in a couple years when it price drops...? no. Nobody will care or even remember. There are a few complete fucking morons who will turn down a mutually beneficial trade once it price drops to where the value it cause of some corporate pissing match they think they are having. But it is a very small crowd, even smaller than the vocal minority who claim they will, but like any boycott or petition, they are just a few people who won't even do what they say. Compared to people who want to play RE4 on their switch as soon as possible they are nothing.

It's damn if we do and damned if we don't here. If we buy it, we're encouraging this type of behavior from Capcom. If we don't buy it, Capcom will use it as an excuse to stop making games for the Switch and people will say the usual Nintendo hate third party devs bullshit.

protip: stop thinking like this.
Think only "do i think the game is worth $40 on switch, do I think it will price drop, and do I think the price drop is worth the wait." basing your purchases on "incentivizing" publishers is fucking stupid. base your purchases on you.

Why Capcom? Why are you putting the blame on Capcom? When the reason they do this is because people eat up full price ports.

Just sony stsrted charging for online cause microsoft got away with it

At least with the Nintendo ports, there's something new to get people interested.

Hyrule Warriors released with all three season pass content and even more new features, updates, weapons and more.

Kong released with a brand new mode.

Mario Kart had new characters, vehicles, modes, extras and a full fledged battle mode.

NSMB had the whole of NSLU included, as well as new challenges and multiple new characters.

Whether all that is worth full price or not is up to you, but you can see there's always stuff added to try and justify it. With these Resident Evil games, there's NOTHING new. No new content, modes, costumes, characters. Capcom aren't adding anything to the game to justify the higher price tag. Nintendo always do.

I ate full price ports for games that came out 2-3 years ago that I never played, like Captain Toad. Who in their right fucking mind would pay full price for a 14 year old re-re-release like RE4?

Yeah and it's because of Nintendo's retarded cartridges.

They could have just made something based on USB tech but nope they had to go with some shitty in-house stuff.

in fairness, the Switch version is portable. The PS4 version is the same as steam, and not all that different from wii, GC, and PS2. But yeah.

Because this thread is about RE and Capcom, user. This applies to almost all third party devs but since we're focusing on Capcom, they get named. That and Capcom has this unseemingly bad track record with their ports for Nintendo consoles.

As someone who owns a WiiU, no one bought the damn thing. For most people, WiiU ports might as well be new games.

>in-house stuff.
wut? This is not in-house stuff here. You can literally use any generic SD card for the Switch.

Also, this is the pricing for digital downloads. There's no reason for it to cost this much when there's no cartridge cost involved here.

>Captain Toad
Wow youre a fucking faggot
Who said about full price? Remember i said it was 20 on xbox and ps4. But if youre willing to pay 60 for a toddler game im willing to bet you play re4 in public

>However, much to the unawares of most games, publishers have long since abandoned the $60 game.
True, and I agree with the following points but I don't think that necessarily applies to this case wholesale because it's just one-time payment remasters. The monetization here isn't as egregious, which could almost justify the price increase except for the part where they don't do that for any other platform. There's a marked lack in consistency here and that's the big issue I see with charging so much for these - why does it cost more here than elsewhere and what is Capcom doing to justify that to the consumer? Far as I can tell, the answer is "not much" other than squeezing the impatient few who want to play RE4 on Switch no matter what a little drier.

>Compared to people who want to play RE4 on their switch as soon as possible they are nothing.
I'm not wholly convinced of that due to how ballsy Capcom's being with their pricing, I think they're overcharging to the point of just turning some off and never looking back, but I guess we fundamentally disagree there. I think they're possibly crossing a line up front while you think the bottom line in the long run will still be fine. That's just down to a difference in situational perception, I guess. In any case, I've stayed up way longer than I should've so I'm gonna have to call it a night. It was a good discussion, user.

Anecdotally, i'm seeing people who happily gobbled up that Ultra Street Fighter II travesty for full price at launch, turn their nose up at these RE games, despite the fact that they were planning on picking up all three day one. A lot can change over the course of a gen. People bought those overpriced late ports because the Switch had an anemic library at the time. Here we are years later and everyone is desperate to put everything on the console. In May alone, there's both the Assassin's Creed and Guilty Gear collections that are both going to be trying to tickle the same nostalgia bone that the Resident Evil games are aiming for. People are dumb with their money, but every month there's more ways to spend that money, so things that used to work out might not anymore.

Except this thread is about Re4. A game capcom released for 20 dillars on ps4. And now 40 on switch. But so.ehow Nintendo has npthing to do with this.

>a bloo bloo why are some of my consumers complaining about an upcharge
Because our $20 price point is going to be delayed for years, thats why.
Yeah yeah we get it youre an economist and nobody is allowed to have any feelings that cant be seen on your graph, fuck me for saying it and fuck anyone who wont buy the game at the double their price point. Why dont we just shut up, right? O wizened economist, who knows the game so well he wont accept consumer feedback on what price points theyre willing to pay. Shame on us for keeping our dollar, and having the sheer arrogance to say we so!
You fuckers take one business class and all of a sudden consumer feedback and reactions are too much, go run it through your communiry manager next time retard

But that's what I just said, user.

>what is Capcom doing to justify that to the consumer?
Nothing, they are selling a product not running for president. I already explained like 3x why I think they can charge more on switch.
>to the point of just turning some off and never looking back
This never happens.
Anyway, good night user.
I do think there is a shelf life for this yeah. As the switch library increases in size, and as the price drops bring in more casual/cheaper consumers it might become strategic to start launching lower.
So were you this angry before it launched.
Like at the Switch reveal did you pop a blood vessel at no $20 RE4?
child please.

The official word from Capcom:

>Please understand and look at REmake2 guys, aint that great?

Attached: D0RGckrX4AASq0J.jpg large.jpg (996x2047, 196K)

The price was pretty predictable for them and does make sense, I was annoyed at it but still might pay it, and that's all well and good. But you coming through and trying to shit on people for wanting the lower price point, with spiteful bullshit about capcom not caring and their complaints meaning nothing, is you being a retarded smartass, especially since you're not a part of capcom's business strategy here which I can assure you in no part involves telling people who will pay $20 that theyre economically retarded and their satisfaction doesnt matter.
Tl;dr: jackass armchair economist pointlessly insults consumers who name their price point, insists a Micro 101 graph is a tool to silence consumer disappointment. (Spoiler: the graph has nlthing to do with conshmer feedback and isnt meant to override public opinion)

it is a soft-mod you silly cunt, the exploit just requires bridging the available connectors which is something Nintendo would do during repairs for defective units anyway you silly cunt.
After that you install the CFW and set up auto-rcm so you never need to use a jig again you silly cunt.

Furthermore you will probably require this exploit to get coldboot if it ever becomes available you silly cunt.

Switch is easier to get CFW running on than 3DS with Frogminer/Steelhax.
It's pretty fool proof and takes way less time since the "exploit" is literally booting into a recovery mode that's already available on the system rather than exploiting an actual vulnerability.

Nintendo basically left the car with the keys in the ignition but the key is broken off so you need tweezers to turn it.

Attached: 1521173914570.jpg (400x400, 33K)

>'all capcom cares about is money, theyre a business, theyre going to sell this product at the highest price point'
Haha yes based economist *golf clap*
>'all i care about is money, im a consumer, and I will not buy this product at too high a price point'
What the FUCK uneducated swine

That's about what I expected.

Why do people who take Microeconomics 101 suddenly think its the consumers' job to stay silent