Don’t worry comrades rest assured goty has already arrived quite early this year

Don’t worry comrades rest assured goty has already arrived quite early this year

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Where? I don't see it

>shitty voice acting and sfx
>desert and taiga levels suck
>retarded bear fight
>game ends with a shitty qte

EPIC wins again

My wife will win GOTY easily.

Attached: Metro-Exodus-Anna.jpg (1920x1079, 1003K)


you mean demo of the year? yeh it was great, for the three hours it takes to finish

movies go to Yea Forums

>worst in the series

You're right OP, APE OUT is GOTY and it's only March

How do I get good? I can't find ammo anywhere and all the mutants take half a clip to take down

How are people beating this game in three hours?

It's not available anywhere unless I missed the crack.

>>shitty voice acting and sfx
I think that the people who complain about the voice acting have never heard a Russian speaking English in their fucking lives.

It was cracked a week after release though

Shame the Forest Chapter was obviously rushed & cut down
You can even some how a couple of places were obviously safe houses when it was open world like volga & caspian

Aim for the head and don't shoot unless you know you will hit, and loot all humans, good luck bro

Can't wait for Millers DLC, what a man

Imagine being this dishonest

>How are people beating this game in three hours?
they skip the cutscenes and side mission crap

Buying it tomorrow immediately.


retarded reasoning but what about the awful sfx or straight up lack of sounds for certain interactions? this game won't come close to goty, it's way too fucking janky, the first 5 minutes even show that.

Imagine looking at this mary sue doll made by a 40 year old Jap from his basement and thinking "yeah that's a real character alright"

Guess I missed the crack lol

One regret is that you cant continue playing the game after you finish it,it hurts me.

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The forest area is the moment when you could tell they started cutting corners. The game was rushed out because 4A just lost a bunch of devs who went back to Ukraine. And are all working on Stalker 2, according to numerous LinkedIn profiles.

I beat Last Light yesterday, I was rather unimpressed with how linear the game was, but then holy shit the third act was amazing, the little dark one guy starts following around, giving you predator vision and the game turned into pure kino. I wish the whole game had been like that.

I don't remember any side missions besides retrieving the guitar and the teddy bear in the first area

Game was great, the opinion of casuals who play anything under hardcore doesn't matter.

I mean yeah sure, but you can also beat stalker in 3 hours if you treat it like a run n gun.

Can i play Exodus if i dodnt played the other 2?


is this your first metro game, zoomer?
whats the fucking point, zoomer. Play the first ones

Is it getting a steam release after a limited time or no?

No,I played the other 2 but I was waiting for it in exodus since it was open worldish,I'm still mad that there is no way to continue playing after beating it.

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>I'm still mad that there is no way to continue playing after beating it.
you fucking zoomer
not every game has to let you play for a collect-a-thlon after the ending
fucking kys you zoomer trash

What is wrong with wanting to stay in the universe of the game you love a little longer,by adding the opportunity to continue via a free roam mode or something of this nature?

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So does it follow the same formula as the last games?
Get captured , get saved , get captured , escape , fine previous teammate , get betrayed

Please buy Metro it's a bad game but we need your help, if sales is bad there wouldn't be a sequel anymore. Please buy bros.

you're a spoiled self-entitled brat that can't enjoy something and then move on, like an adult person
you're one of those retards that ask for book writers to put blank pages at the end, so that the readers can "continue the story" by writing their retarded oc donut steel shit and feel better about themselves

No,im like a lover that dont want to get out directly after making love,I want to give some little kisses and cuddle a little more before moving on to something else,its not too much to ask.

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I'm glad some of you loved it because here was my experience
On a brand new disk copy from gamestop..
A game that plays,looks and controls like a ps2 shooter.
A glitch halfway through volga level where it autosave and when I loaded the save my charecter could do nothing except walk and had restart game because it only allows a SINGLE SAVE SLOT THATS AUTOSAVE ONLY
Load times that can litteraly take 10 minutes.
Got stuck in walls a few times but thankfully could reload
AI that are both navy seals and IQ 5
And the best part, I made it all the way to the baron chamber fight on ranger hardcore, kept dying and then when I tried to reload the save " save file corrupted ".
and can't even get full price back because it's been more than 2 weeks so I guess tommorow I'll go get my 10 bucks from gamestop towards something else. I ain't been fucked so bad from a game since Fallout 76.

Yeah they talked about the council a lot, but you never see it
Olga was also very minor compared to the other characters you saw in volga & caspian, plus there was no villain this time

pretty sure that actual russians hate the melodramatic VA more than you NEET faggots realize, nevermind the glitchwork with how it's been patched to together in-game

>but what about the awful sfx or straight up lack of sounds for certain interactions?
Such as?

Personally my problem is that the voice acting isnt synced up right rather than it being bad. People start answering sentences before people finish saying them.

Same way people beat Homefront: The Revolution in 4 hours. Run from one mission marker to the next, ignoring all the dialogue and cutscenes and side missions.

Speaking of which, Metro: Exodus reminds me a LOT of HFTR. Sure, it doesn't have the Ubisoft-esque design elements, but the two games are strikingly similar aesthetically. And I can't help thinking about that user who posted last year that the next Homefront is going to be about a trip from New York to Washington. (With highway vehicle sections and such.) It almost sounds like a Metro Exodus-esque game set in America.

I'm starting to think only some people's copies were absolute glitch garbage.
I experienced 2 save corruption glitches
Long load times
People talking over eachother
Stuck in walls
Ai that forgets you just killed their friend after litteraly 10 seconds on Ranger hardcore
Tank control scheme..
Yeah idk what game they played.

this is without a doubt the most dull, boring game i've ever played. I would rather play morrowind

>People start answering sentences before people finish saying them.
I assumed they were trying to simulate characters talking over each other. In a lot of games, characters stiffly wait for each other to stop speaking before delivering their lines.

For what it's worth, Metro's facial animation and lipsync is pretty damn good. I wonder what kind of budget Exodus had, and I really hope the game has sold well enough to cover costs.
Wait, so STALKER 2 is definitely on? I thought they were still in early pre-production and looking fora a publisher.

P.S: morrowind is also shit

Did you play on PC or consoles? Also, what do you mean by "tank control scheme"? Metro Exodus plays like literally every other Metro game.

>Calling others zoomers while defending nu-Metro
Also if the story is so important to you then read the fucking book you zoomer, it actually has some quality unlike the dogshit story in Exodus.

The only good Metro book is 2033

I'd imagine that user associates the jank and sluggishness of Metro's controls with the restrictiveness and low responsiveness of tank controls.
Don't know how it's on PC, but I'm seriously warning everyone to think twice about getting the console versions. Played this on ps4pro and it was the worst thing I've played since RDR2 in terms of character control. I even think said game had more smoother controls in FPS-mode than the entirety of Exodus.
Also the reason they did this was obvious: performance issues. There is a shitload of occlussion they're doing and they made the max sensitivity ultra-low to prevent the player from ''staring into the void'', which still ocassionally happened with me, especially when indoors and looking outside.

The console version is receiving a major patch in a few days, I believe. Apparently improving the feel of the controls on consoles is a major priority, along with bug fixes and the wobbly performance on PS4.

>fps on console
Why would you torture yourself like this?
PC version is fine.

The worst fucking character in all of Metro

Anna is beautiful. The scene where you press D to stroke her hair as she lays on your lap was the moment videogames became art.

> jank and sluggishness of Metro's controls
I never understood this, the metro games always felt great for me and I've played 10,000 fps games.