Give me something to play on ps4 please
Give me something to play on ps4 please
Other urls found in this thread:
Gravity Rush 1 and 2
Kingdom Hearts
Rez Infinite
I want to marry and impregnate Sofia Mina Delle Cave
I want to dive deep inside her cave if you catch my drift.
You guys realize you're alone because you see women as objects of acquisition, right? You look at that pic and see a pair of breasts that you wish were yours and you can't even consider that she's a woman with her own thoughts and feelings and needs. And she doesn't need you.
Okay universe. Time to give me a girlfriend now. A nice cute one. Right now.
The situation is infinitely more complicated than you can ever understand. De-politicize your brain.
Gee you must be drowning in puss
Universe here, she will be arriving shortly, standby.
doesn't she use a colostomy bag
not an argument incel
>women dont need men
what the fuck
is it really that easy
t. ranny
Hit me up with one too, good Universe sir.
>le epic not an argument non-argument meme shitposter
Back to t_d with you.
only one gender wears makeup .jpg
But user, PS4 has no gaems.
You guys DO know you're alone because you haven't performed the covenant to our dark masters and reclaimed your spiritual agency from the nether reachers, right? Like, incels love to cry all day about "no one has ever touched me except to hit me" and "I wish I could hold hands with someone who loves me just once before I die", but are they willing to actually put in the effort to acquire the lamb's blood and draw the covenant sigils? Incels are pathetic
they need men, not you
No. The Universe is a troll and never delivers.
So true. For example Ted Bundy respected women which is why they liked him so much that they still fantasize about him online to this day.
Didn't expect to see s*******ne on Yea Forums
Hot damn, that's a shitty graph.
This is something that I notice too. Men tend to not put much effort in their apperance.
Stale meme, stop being obsessed
if only women had facial hair and understood what is involved in keeping it groomed
You dont?
Nahh pretty sure it's because I'm ugly.
That's because appearance only matters when it comes to women. Some rich fatass will always take your girl.
wtf sis you weren't supposed to point that out now i look fucking retarded......
>People are first attracted to the outside
Gee, that's groundbreaking
Men and women first are attracted to how the person looks, that's what draws them in in the first place obviously
You couldn't tell what person is like by just glancing at them
not really. for example men exercise a lot more than women. the difference is that frauding your appearance with makeup etc. is socially accepted for women whereas for a man its social suicide. and straight male sexuality is a lot more inclusive than straight female sexuality, for example short men are just fucked when it comes to attracting women. women don't generally value men who clearly put effort into their appearances anyway, they prefer a man who looks good effortlessly as it signals good genetics.
>my critique will totally btfo random people who read this and i will be epic
>You couldn't tell what person is like by just glancing at them
That's not really true. You can tell a lot by whether a person is fat, or unkempt, or if their hair is artificially dyed and what color, or what their fashion sense is like, etc.
>shame on you for being attracted to attractive things, it's what's on the inside that counts
>under 6"? bad hairline? don't fucking talk to me you rapist creep
You won't be a teenager forever.
this but unironically
Shut the fuck up, little bitch
and get the fuck out
Modern Warfare remastered is coming out free for PS plus later this month
project diva
Women are objects. Men are disposable. We've made it a hundred thousand years with this system. No reason to change it to something worse.
Tearaway and Ratchet are fun platformers on the cheap, Journey, Flower, and The Unfinished Swan were all great small PS3 games available on PS4, Entwined is okay, its not the best but certainly pretty. Same studio is making Concrete Genie. Wipeout Omega Collection is a great racing game, but hard as nails at higher speeds, I'll always vouch for Gravity Rush 1&2, The Last Guardian is a solid puzzle-adventure game, but you need to put in the time to caring for and understanding Trico, the SotC remaster is great, Bound isn't the best but its fun enough, same can be said for Killzone Shadowfall, especially since you can get Shadowfall for like, 5 bucks. Until Dawn is a fun "telltale" style choose your own adventure. Horizon has room to improve, but its a solid open world game, so if you aren't burnt out on those, its a good adventure and Aloy feels good to control. Then you have your heavy hitters of Bloodborne, GoW, and Spiderman if you for some reason don't already have those. Thats what I've got for Playstation exclusive stuff that doesn't need VR
>They hated him because he spoke the truth
What is she saying?
Italian is such a sexy language when spoken by a girl.
See here, a prime example of women being unable to cope with the fact that within our evolution, men obtained the ability to sexually select. This boggles the female mind whom has spent the majority of its existence being unjudged on a sexual level.
Yes ladies, we judge you and prefer better looking women. If that hurts, remember that you've been doing it to us before we were even a sentient species.
no shit. ever heard of alpha fucks/ beta bucks? that's what the rich guys are for, they get dutiful starfish sex once a month in trade for financing her lifestyle while she fucks the poolboy behind your back. there are many things money can get you but it can't buy sexual attraction.
sounds like she's playfully scolding the audience for talking about her breasts
I don't. Please explain.
Many people pass through depression and keep an bad appearance because of it, of course it's temporal, and does not represent them at all. You can't put everyone in the same social condition therefore you can't judge them by pure appereance.
I hear that African Kang movie got a lot of Oscars, you might like that one.
>frauding your appearance
you realize that the reason women do that is because men expect them to right? You dont even notice that you do this but you pay more attention to a girl and will treat her better if shes wearing makeup than if she doesnt. All men do this, all men expect women to be like this and when they dont men will barely even acknowledge their existence. Do not complain that women use makeup, they do so for you
>a lot*
*maybe like 2% of their personality
Notice how she has asshole eyes. Really take note of it.
That's because women haven't been sexually judged for as long as men, their instinctual modes of competition are more primitive and straight forward. It's all about scarring away better women and finding ways to make themselves look better.
The way females judge men is far far more complex and male drive to compete exhibits different behaviors.
Remember we're mammels, not birds
But women are objects. Americans and Western Euros cucked themselves pretty hard when it comes to women's rights.
>men expect women to use make up
>they do it for you
no they dont roastie. they do it for themselves for their own ego.
Don't frame it as some selfless thing. Women wear makeup because it gives them an edge in competing for male attention. It is ultimately a negative thing for men
deep within, bro. Picking up what I'm putting down?
there is no power on the planet forcing women to wear makeup, nor will not wearing makeup get them ignored - even fat women who look like pigs will have endless sexual opportunities with men on tinder for example. women simply use makeup as an easy method of boosting their attractiveness as it nets them various benefits, thanks to increased sexual appeal and halo effect. spinning makeup as a grievance to women is ridiculous, its nothing but a massive asset that's nearly completely unavailable to men.
>they do so for you
>for you
That's some generalization there kek.
>Wipeout Omega Collection
This. It's literally two games and an expansion bundled into one. If you don't like the physics of one of the games you'll probably like the other. And yes, they get pretty fucking tough
I had to keep hoping for autopilots in the Unity Square A+ race
That's more just female nature. Women look to men with traits that would be good providers for offspring because they sacrificed some physical aptitude that would allow independent resource acquisition.
This resulted in depending on male investment into them and offspring which also gave males some level of sexual selective power. But in the process of depending on such traits, they sacrificed the means to focus on other traits like raw physical fitness.
At peak ovulation, women want to fuck another man, typically a more physically attractive male who lacks good parenting traits I.E the scourndrel who will never settle down; the biological purpose is to get better genes physical genes lwhile being taken care of by the better father.
Men soon realized this shit which is why adultery is shamed in every culture.
Damn I wish she would cosplay more.
That comic is shit and anyone who paid for it is a fucking retard.
I am alone because of childhood trauma and im a honest to fuck misogynist because of it. Whoever thinks women are saints never met cunts like my mother, if revenge killings were a thing here in the west i would murder her but before i would spend a good week hitting her with planks, wet belts, sticks and end by tying her up to a chair alone in a room just to give her a taste of her own medicine before bitch kicks the bucket.
Stop watching so much porn.
>The way females judge men is far far more complex
It's the other way around. Men are the more intelligent gender that have complex judgement processes, as shown by how they have a wider range of preferences than women. With women it's very simple.
>Does the guy look like a Chad?
>Is he rich?
The only 2 questions that matter for women when it comes to men.
They do it for men, women don't think they do it for men though, because their female brains are stuck with the primordial idea females of all species have. "I'm perfect, its the males I must judge".
But lol nope, men gained an evolutionary advantage i deciding on which roastie to focus on and women needed men to survive so at least some women got fucked over. They still haven't mentally caught up to it, the idea of men judging them is still alien and causes them mental problems.
>tfw you find a new shirt you have to have but you don't have heaving bazongas to stretch it out
Can we have children raised directly by the state already?
I'm so sick of these kinds of issues.
this post could only have been written by a male desu. Most girls that i know do not like wearing makeup. Do you know why they wear it? They have to. Its expected in this world. They wont get hired if they dont wear it, they wont get that tip at their job, they wont have anyone listen to what they have to say, etc etc etc.
Whether you want to shove your head in the sand and deny it or not, men have grown up only seeing women with makeup in all media that they consume. This is how they expect women to look at all times. When a woman does not wear makeup she puts herself at a HUGE disadvantage in this world because no man will ever take her seriously.
Wearing makeup is not a net positive, it is a net neutral that women have to wear just to be within the same ballpark as other women.
Rate my gf lads
Resident Evil 2
Laws are mainly in favor of women and in culture the man is expected to pay for everything and put up with the bullshit women do all day. Just take it like a man.
Fuck that.
Why do I have to put up with this shit? To get fucking laid like it's some prize? I find that insulting. I'd rather be alone and have money.
You know if you cook yourself and you're lazy about it you stop trying to make your food look nice because it'll all turn to poop anyway and you just want something that tastes good and this seems like it tastes good desu.
Somebody creampied your gf and it wasnt you.
Women change sexual preferences depending on ovulation cycles. You never noticed the weird shit they nag about and nitpick about men? It's incredibly complex.
Men having different fetishes doesn't mean shit, in the end females have the final say on who breeds. The difference is unlike other species, men "pick" by ignoring ugly females unless they're bottom tier men, attractive women with collections of male orbiters can then pick from that collection.
This means some women become reproductive failures but more or less reproduce with men they hate, while much more men die without reproducing.
>Laws are mainly in favor of women
Only in shit countries.
So Europe and North America.
All that is a consequence of modern feminism and localized to certain parts of the world.
>because no man will ever take her seriously.
Who cares though. Tell them to suck your dick.
>"this picture features a really attractive woman", which is usually expressed in more rudimentary ways like "TITS!" or "I want to fuck her!"
>"You see real-life women only as objects! REEE"
I'll never understand this hare-brained SJW conclusion.
And I'm alone because I'm not trying.
You don't need any money to get laid
nah i see everyone as objects, stop being sexist
Well, hello to you Kotaku reader.
Who is this girl and can I see her tits
Of course not.
I'm just stating that culturally, the man is expected to front all the costs even if both parties have jobs.
It's the expectations that piss me off.
>You know if you cook yourself
This and since women require multiple orgasms these days, its a service you do for them and if you fuck it up and dont satisfy her you will be socially and financially punished
I've noticed that in every thread with a semi-bait OP featuring some hot girl there is a post similar to that one. Do they do it knowing it'll net a lot of (You)s or are they genuinely retarded, I don't know.
You can play the non-buggy version of Near A Tomato.
Thats a tranny according to reddit.
>b-but she said, that she was virgin.
That isn't a tranny but she has to use a colostomy bag.
Not exactly, because for as much power men have we still sort of naturally go with it much like how male Gorillas are twice as strong as the females yet rarely ever exert it to dominate females, rather they use it prove themselves to them.
This is why even Islam despises rape despite having a lot of "exceptions" and punishing the woman for it. Males are still compelled to "protect women" even against their own sexual success. Women very easily get men to kill each other over offering their pussies.
Once again my answer is no. I need you to elaborate.