Hop in, we are taking down /pol/

Hop in, we are taking down /pol/

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rawr x3

So are furries an officially oppressed group now or something? Why are liberals and social justice kids starting to defend them?


At least they have friends, unlike most /pol/tards.

>a bunch of white scene kids
>tumblr sjw
God damn zoomers are fucking retarded.

Because it never ends. The idea of a slippery slope is only a meme because it's so easily used against them so they mocked it. It's real. If MAPs aren't being normalized within the next decade I'll blow you.

Furries can be a part of their social destabilization.

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The fuck is a MAP?

Nigga there's a literal fur suit in the image. These are furries. A lot of furries are scene white kids.

Would rail every single one of them as long as they keep the ears on, no shame

Pedo's new brand of PR.
>minor attracted person
It's the new term they use.

I have an IQ of 86, may I join too?



It's a rebranding effort by pedophiles.

Thought they were doing a scene lament of icarus recreation at first

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They’re all dudes, aren’t they

Lol, didn't know scene was still a thing.


Pfff. /pol/ is basically Yea Forums's little brother.
If you don't come in our room to talk about video games, we'll kick your ass out. And give you a noogie to boot.
Fucking nerrrrd!

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How many of them have penises?

"hits blunt"

One day, I'm going to fund terrorists in the middle east and hand Iran pallets of cash for nothing.

who is blondie on the top left

White men are an oppressed group, so there's a natural crossover for furries.

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Rave goth neon furries?
Am i interpreting this right?

All of them

>tfw no harem of female furries who are decently attractive to be reverse gangbanged by

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I unironically don't mind furries. I old enough to remember the early days of the internet and people raging over furries. At this point, they almost seem quaint compared to all the political sjw bullshit that everything has become now. Also, I'd fuck the shit out of that one in the front right. She can yiff all she wants.

How do we take down /pol/ when playing video games turns you into a nazi?

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oh, it's like lolicons

I deleted my Facebook a long time ago...
>inb4 having a Facebook ever
...but I would love to just get back on and post this picture. No caption. Just this. I'd like to see all the dumb comments it would get from triggered idiots, but then idc and go jerk off.

And then you realize many furries are apart of the progressive movement

Except actual pedos

well you will always have reddit fagboy, hop on back there and stay.

slippery slope is only a fallacy when there's no evidence that A will lead to B

Spent hours today cleaning out my room. Usually just dust and organize but Marie Kondo inspired me to take it a step further and throw stuff out. Every time I do I don't feel like joy is sparked, I feel like my room lost its soul.

>alt-right before white nationalism
they're basically the same thing

check this 3