Post spinoffs better than most of the mainline games

Post spinoffs better than most of the mainline games

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You first


that ost

Simply epic, my friend. Here's an upboat for you! :3

i still play this great game

>doesn't even post the best song

Persona 5 is better than Shin Megami Tensei 4

This game is great. All the raw simplicity of the early days of Pokémon TCG before power creep completely ruined it. It’s truly a luxury to have such a game on a cartridge.

I think you mean this:

The Pokemon TCG didn't even need power creep to get broken. It was broken basically from day one with Haymaker bullshit. Gee, sure do love when there's MAYBE 3 meta decks total. What an awesome game! Nostalgiafags can fuck right off.

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drink shit.

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>skateboarding game has one of the most evil vidya villains ever

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All wrong. This is the correct best song
Not gonna lie, I'm getting hit extremely hard with the nostalgia.

Facing the truth really is hard, isn't it? The Pokemon TCG is seriously more balanced now than it ever was in the Gen 1 days. This is even disregarding cancer like The Rocket's Trap, Dark Vileplume, and Rocket's Sneak Attack which made it so the game was just complete shit to play.

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Floatyfightan fags shall not apply

what a perfect game

see: I will add this from the sequel:

Would it be possible to make a new Pokemon TCG game on Switch without it being shit? I just want to enjoy a fun card game on the go.

Didn't notice Ronald's theme already got posted. I was hoping that was gonna be the Rocket duel theme you replied with. Excellent taste, my fellow man of culture.

TCG Online can be played on tablets and honestly isn't bad. Yeah, you'll have a rough time at first and you'll have to integrate into the economy and bust ass, but that's how all F2P shit works.

You were close.

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absolutely BASED post

was going to post it myself

this game got me into eating apples

Second. Mechanics, level design, soundtrack, story mode, level editor, all 10/10. Hasn't been topped since

>but that's how all F2P shit works.
The thing is that people want something akin to the GB games just with more modern cards and systems rather than the F2P mess of needing to draw a bunch of stuff and spend weeks if not months to get a decent deck that can compete with players just like you. The TCG games also had a story, tons of silly characters, multiple decks you could earn, booster packs, etc. The online game just has booster packs you can get on occasion, card sleeves, and starter decks. It's only like a third of the experience that the GB games were.


>spend weeks if not months to get a decent deck that can compete with players just like you
Not really, unless you only play for like an hour a day. Besides, you can get a Theme Deck really early on and use that to get shit, or even just only play Theme.
>tons of silly characters
>multiple decks you could earn
What did you mean by this? You mean the decks people give you in the story of GB2? Or the godawful presets you can make after beating the Club Masters?
>The online game just has booster packs you can get on occasion
Yeah, if you only play half an hour a day.

I definitely would love to see a true new TCG game, but I'm just saying that if you want your video game related fix, TCG Online isn't that bad. Plus, if you're a TCG fan, you may just have a ton of code cards laying around. There's good decks you can build off of like 5 tradable packs alone.

Would pokemon TCG be better without "flip a coin" mechanic?

Snap is overrated. There's absolutely no way it's better than half of the mainline games. You can 100% Snap in like less than 2 hours


And TCG isn't better than the mainlines either. Though I did love it as a kid

SMT4 is one of the most boring games i've played so not a hard accomplishment.

>Besides, you can get a Theme Deck really early on and use that to get shit, or even just only play Theme.
I bought real life starter decks and used the codes and just kept losing even when fenagling the decks they gave me with some packs I got. I mean, it would take you a long while.
Imakuni. Some of the people on the left in every gym also had some silly lines.
>You mean the decks people give you in the story of GB2? Or the godawful presets you can make after beating the Club Masters?
Both. You also got like three or four packs after beating gym leaders and could grind them out if you felt like it.

I'm not saying online isn't bad or anything, I'm just saying it's not the exact fix people are looking for. The actual card game is just one part of the equation for people who want something like GB/GB2.

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I definitely think I'd play it over Gen 1, 6, and 7, at least.

I don't like Pokemon as a jrpg series though

based, but to be fair most pokemon spinoffs would apply

Sorry, I mean "I'm not saying Online is bad or anything". It works for some people who want to just play TCG on the go, but I'm one of those people looking for something more along the lines of the GB games.

>I bought real life starter decks and used the codes and just kept losing even when fenagling the decks they gave me with some packs I got.
Just play in Theme until you have enough cards to really make a half-decent budget deck. You're not supposed to use those decks on Standard, generally speaking. You can make an okay budget deck using two Garchomp or Alolan Exeggutor decks put together, though.
>You also got like three or four packs after beating gym leaders and could grind them out if you felt like it.
Every single person in the TCG games give you two packs when beaten

just beat this. pure kino. i cant imagine how good this game mustve been when it first came out. Mustve been considered one of the best games ever made

Well 6 and 7 suck. 8 probably will as well. But you don't beat 5, 4, 3 or 2 with TCG.

>Hudson Soft didn't continue the series into the GBA era
Somewhere, there's an alternate dimension where there were both kino Pokemon TCG and kino YGO games on the GBA. Sadly, in this bitch ass dimension we didn't even get the second game. It's fair enough though since the GBC was on its deathbed when it was released, but still sad.

are any kirby games considered spinoffs when they're all spinoffs?

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What did they mean by this?

>its bad because its short

>2 hour long side game vs. 40 hour JRPG

I played it when it had just came out. Had more fun with it than pokemon red and blue just challenging the same bunch of NPCs over and over because the deckbuilding autism took me. Regular Pokemon games have a lot less to play with and it takes much longer to swap your pokemon for other ones.

why don't you host if it's so great

The TCG game is the only way you can run a retarded Beedrill deck and still get wins. Against real people you'd get stomped. So there's a great charm there

Well in modern card games you're not really playing a game, you're more reading a bunch of essays

Lol only dweebs care so much to break a children’s card game. Only ever played casually with my friends with us using fun decks. Elitistfags can fuck right off.

Why do people who have no idea what they're talking about bother saying anything at all?

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>they’ll never make another pokemon tcg vidya because it’d cut profits from the real game/computer version that you also buy real packs for.

Why do people have no reading comprehension at all?

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Holy fuck 12.3 is so goddamn good. I really enjoy the art style of the newer ones but the roster feels so uninteresting and the fighting mechanics are simply boring. The card system for moves in Hiso was so goddamn clever. Aya and Meiling were my baes and Yuyuko still gives me PTSD from the fucking butterfly spam.

>comparing early Pokemon TCG to current Yu-Gi-Oh!
Do you genuinely have brain damage? How can someone be this retarded?

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Not gonna lie I used to actually get scared as a kid when Imakuni showed up randomly and the music was different

I never thought much of him except that he was very easy to beat and gave a ton of boosters

>scared by goofy music

Not for a kid

I was a kid and it was goofy. Perhaps you were too much of a kid. Friendly reminder being born after 1995 is illegal

Agree, anyone born after 1995 should leave. It would honestly be so much better around here.

>All those alternate routes and secrets
>Leading those Grimers into each other to form Muk
>Knocking that Magikarp over and over throughout the level until finally he evolves in the waterfall

This game was just plain fun for a kid

You are quite literally railroaded

To be fair you can't even use as many Trainer cards as you can these days due to the Supporter/Item split. The Pokemon themselves may have gotten more complex, but nobody is pulling off the direct equivalent of Bill or Oak four times in a given turn. The draw power can still be massive (ie Shaymin-EX), but nowhere near as ridiculous as it once was, and nobody can attack on the very first turn anymore unless the attack says otherwise.

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Yeah, what the fuck is with the 'alternate routes'?

Pokemon TCG is way more balanced now than it was back in 1999 and there's actually a variety of viable decks/strategies.

Is there an online archive of the art used on the Pokémon TCG cards?
I always loved that shit.

Did you know that the TCG games on the Game Boy were made by Hudson Soft (best known for Bomberman before being bought out by Konami)? It's not very well known since the only time they are ever credited in the first game is in the end credits. For some reason, they aren't in the intro, on the title screen, or mentioned anywhere on the box or instruction manual.
Best you'll find is something like Bulbapedophilia/Bulbapedia

>thinks this Burst GX what the fuck clown shit with a "COPYRIGHT 2018" on it is "early Pokemon TCG"
fucking kill yourself my man

I wish they made more of these games.

You must seriously have mental problems.
>>The TCG game is the only way you can run a retarded Beedrill deck and still get wins.
>talking about classic TCG
>bitches about modern card games being like reading essays
>shows example of modern Pokemon card not being an essay or hard to understand
>talks about a fucking Yu-Gi-Oh! card when YGO had nothing to do with anything and the first post in this chain was about classic Pokemon
>somehow thinks I was saying Blacephalon was early TCG when the whole chain started with talking about early TCG
Summary: mentally retarded "muh card text in YGO" user gets confused and then thinks I should kill myself

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I never had any friends so this was the only way I could play the TCG.

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oh fuck you guys just broke my brain with nostalgia and brought back memories that i didnt know i had anymore, I just had some real anime style flashback just now like vivid

>buy fiancee the super Dragon Majesty super duper huge box as a gift
>she's thrilled because it comes with a rainbow Kingdra
>she puts it in a deck and wants to play
>she gets the Kingdra all set up on her bench
>know it's a threat and Guzma into it and OHKO it
>she quits playing and gets pissed off at me because she wanted to use her new card and I ruined everything

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Makes for how ass GR's Lightning Fortress was.

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