Why is she not in FighterZ?
Why is she not in FighterZ?
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Too sexy.
They seem determined to avoid anything that could be considered a joke character.
why are the pedos being less and less subtle on their cunny threads? are you losing the last drops of shame
Post more of her while I contemplate this, OP
This isnt a cunny thread, this is a chi-chi thread
Did we even see her do any fighting as a kid? IIRC all she really did was throw that bladed helmet at a T-Rex(and Roshi)
>resorting to fat shaming in order to make a point
>Defending paper and ink like this
Honestly wouldn't mind Adult Chi Chi, even if she's got no moveset, you can bullshit one up for her.
Even pull a Videl and put Goku in as an assist.
The fact that someone is so triggered by drawings that they took the time to make this is retarded.
to be fair, fat people are disgusting and should always be shamed
No. N-
. . .
Man, this picture really is bringing out the rage of the pedos.
She fought with goku during a filler episode
They hate being called out in general.
because fighterz is only Z and Super, no GT and no db
hit box is too small
Does this end up like that Tails scat comic?
To be fair, you're right.
I find it funny that their "fetish" got it's name from a book about a dude having sexual relations with a prepubescent girl. But it's totally not pedophilia for realz.
Go arrest real pedophiles who harm children
>how can you confuse a DRAWING with real life?
>actually girls aged 7-14 is ephebephila
nope, ends with cute family
>A book
I bet you think Harry Potter is real too. You're one of those parents that baned Cather in the Rye, right?
Nah, it's just that dragon dude fucking her.
can't fly
That's not how etymology works
with videl in she just might
2016 is over go back.
>Book named lolita about a dude fucking a 12 year old
Yeah, no. Seek mental help.
This, doing combos is hard when I have a raging erection.
That's one of the problems with most anime fighters is all the skimpy fighters they tend to have. Thankfully only 21 does that for in fighters and I use her to often.
It perfectly encompasses the standard pedo reaction to being called out.
Woah, v does have a pedophile problem
Why is Yea Forums so rabidly anti-fat when everyone here is either obese or dangerously skinny or worst of all a skinnyfat little goblin?
>by your logic the word Negro in spanish is racist because it evolved into the n word in English
>A book about a boy with a lightning bolt on his head
Seek help
>Word specifically inspired by a book about pedophilia
You just really don't want to have to admit to being sick.
I'd rather this Chi Chi
With OP as alt costume
>im a lolicon because im laughing at you for not going how words evolve
The origin of the word does not mean shit. Thats some leftist shit.
Finally, a man with taste.
>imagine believing in this moral panic
>Book about child fucking
>Term that refers to child fucking fetish
>Both refer to child fucking and are the second is the first shortened just a bit
Are you sure you're not retarded?
No it didn't, retard.
>"You actually think I'm a pedophile because I want to fuck 11 year olds?"
Moral panic? I'm not worried any of you losers would try anything. But I will call you pathetic.
lot of virtue signaling in here over pen and paper.
>cute character with potential to be a good character
>grows up to be a semen demon with potential to be a good character
>ruin her when she gets married and has a kid
Sos estúpido o te haces nada mas?
>implying anyone here wants to fuck an 11 year old
The better question is why isn't pic related
Ah pero vos te pasas de boludo eh
So the majority of males look like the one you posted?
I don't speak spic, amigo.
Even the stars praise his name.
This. 5-10 is where the good shit is at.
Fuck off to whatever south american shithole you came from
>or worst of all a skinnyfat little goblin
Being fat isn't just about being an ugly blob, they're also the ones hoovering up resources and forcing everyone to pay for their shitty lifestyle.
>Cute and spunky tomboy through DB
>Immediately becomes an insufferably annoying cunt as soon as she gets married, and squirts out a kid
Why does Toriyama always write it to where marriage ruins a woman's personality? They either get really annoying, or lose all of their prior personality, and just turn into a boring doting mother/wife. If there's anything I will give Super, it took steps to fix this a bit. 18 got some of her old spark back in the ToP, and married couples actually act like they are married (Vegeta covering Bulma's ears, 18 and Krillin's cute little high five moment, etc).
This was a good set.
Post more of her.
Congratulations, you completely missed the point.
It's amazing what people are willing to do when they think nobody is looking. I'd add that it's amazing how stupid they are for looking this shit up on search engines, but that's not all that surprising.
>Why does Toriyama always write it to where marriage ruins a woman's personality?
Just like in real life
Which is...?
>Defending pedos and pretending to have no skin in the race
She's an asian girl. She's cute and sweet when she's young then becomes an overbearing nag after marriage.
It's no where near as bad as tails making a baby eat his cum filled shit but it's still fucking gross
Would anybody really let their young daughter walk around with a half-cut tee? What in the flying fuck, Gohan?
Too thicc
teen version was second or third place in the last budokai tenkaishi of Dragon Ball.
I tell you man, it's those Chi-Chi genes inside him.
It's amazing what people are willing to do when they everybody is looking, instead of following the biologic evolution.
Honestly not that amazing. That's basic survival. Humans are social creatures. They'll go along with others to fit in even if it goes against what they want. Or at least they'll pretend to.
I hate that she has too good of a design to feel attracted too... Needs a Chi Chi/Videl age up with that outfit and it would be diamonds.
toddler Pan > teen Pan
That's completely different. The two aren't comparable.
what was akira thinking when he drew this character?
I wanna see Pan in her grandma's outfit!
Cope harder, school shooter
Modern Society is literal poison in design. Jobs, marketing, all of this shit is actively going against human evolution of social interactivity.
bejita-sama refuses to kiss her so there is no point
>Pedophiles think this image is the same as the one they're trying to parody
How aren't they comparable?
what will be her fate when she grows up?
>hurdurr she was so great before Tori ruined her, she was so great throughout DB, integrul
>character appeared for 1 sequence as a child then as a throwaway fight at the very end as an adult to give Goku a babymaker
fanfuckboy spotted
The cutest.
>Pre lewd Pan >>>>>>> Lewd Pan
some characters are not meant to be lewded even when they are in the lewd category.
They're different in what action it is, but aren't both the same in that they're both socially unacceptable?
It's bad to kill people for the sake of killing to society.
It's also bad to fuck a minor to society.
Ok? She still appeared in DB, retard. Just because she wasn't there the entire time doesn't mean that my point is invalid. She was around for the majority of the last arc anyway.
Because tummy
It wouldn't be an issue if men and women were both attracted to the same things. As women gained power and equality men had to adapt to appease them.
Man, this picture is really bringing out the rage of the school shooters.
>Why does Toriyama always write it to where marriage ruins a woman's personality?
Because he hates romance, but that's realistic. Men get married hoping women won't change, women get married hoping men will change, and both are wrong. Perfectly describes Goku x Chi-Chi.
What does any of this shit have to do with drawings? Even Seth MacFarlane cracks out at idiots who get offended over cartoons.
>Men get married hoping women won't change, women get married hoping men will change, and both are wrong.
Literally my parents to a tee, and they are past 60s. Japanland is actually very oldschool, not to say this still isn't true today though.
standing in the bleachers doing nothing, yes
and the one thing she did do, fight Goku, was a 4 minute generic punch-kick nothing broken up with everyone trying to figure out who she is, only for Goku to punch so hard that the wind of his punch blew her out of the ring like the loser she is
she was a quick 2d excuse for Goku to have kids, that's all she ever was
>Gohan teaches Videl to fly in like, a day
>Goku never teaches Chi-Chi to fly in decades of marriage
Hanshoku biyori henka
I think it's interesting that 51, 52, 53 and 54 have no searches, but people do search for 46, 47, 48 and 49
the fact you are so triggered by a drawing that you responded to it shows how retarded you are
>that's an argument against your moralfag ass
being a pedo means you're sexually attracted to children or depictions of children (like images, drawings etc)
you're not a murderer because you killed something in a videogame. thats not a definition of murder.
The fact you are so triggered by a nearly two hour old post shows how retarded you are.
But murder simulators should be banned like drawings because they can lead or normalize murder
I already found it, but thanks anyways.
always been my waifu
even the old chichi
fuck the haters
most studies about this issue show that theres no link between murderers and videogames.
anyway the image is just calling pedos what they are, pedos. if you're upset that you're being called a pedo for fapping to drawings of children, maybe you should seriously get some therapy. normal people are not attracted to children.
For reference, what is the definition of a person that likes murder? A psycho?
the fact you are triggered by my response to a 2 hour old post shows how seething you are.
Pedos want to hurt children.
a soldier
if you like killing people irl that probably means you're a psycho, yeah.
please stop trying to change the definition of pedophilia. its not gonna work. you should try and change your own mind instead, if you are ashamed of your "fetish"
The fact you are triggered by my response to your response shows how insecure you are.
Why do you think Im a pedo?
What the fuck is wrong with you
Glancing at the thumbnail, I couldn't decide whether it was Pan, Yamcha, short hair Videl or Teen Goten.
Fucking DBZ samehair.
I don't think this is true. If people like Minus 8 is to go by, if they just had a world where kids was as understanding about the concept of sex like in hentai and wasn't a law based taboo, they'd just be in a relationship no different from same age relationships. Pedos aren't all rapists, nor means rapist.
Both Bra and Pan dressed like sluts
Based Pan poster
>Dragon ball fighterZ
that's why
too lewd
And that's what made them great.
DBS Chi Chi is a granny. I hope she goes back to looking hot.
Bulma got an overall better treatment than Chi-Chi in Super.
Sorry, but you have shit taste.
Chi-Chi has been the worst fucking character in the entire series ever since she became a bitch wife in Z.
That's cause she's been de-ageing herself with the Dragon Balls from time to time.
Goku hasn't even ever kissed her according to the Super manga. Vegeta is continuously dumbfounded how little actual loving affection Goku shows his family.
>worst fucking character in the entire series
That would be Jiren.
What a cougar
Only time she ever fought on screen and she still got beat without even getting hit
Jiren may lack a personality, but at least he's not an insufferable whore.
>Bulma and Vegeta were fine letting their 8 year old daughter walk around in public alone wearing clothes like this
There's that one time she killed a T-Rex on her own too.
You mean the strongest non-Super female that isn't Android 18? That can also fly and pairs up with fucking Gohan to fight?
Since she's a half-saiyan on earth she could have probably beaten up anyone if she got into trouble.
>closed her eyes and got lucky
There's something.wrong with you.
You need to understand that marrying Goku to Chichi was a joke. The writer wanted both characters to suffer each other and create comedic moments together. Also it was done to spurn an intern who shipped Goku with Bulma
I'm old, and I've seen Chi-Chi's archetype in action in real life. You do not want that.
Kinda like in real life
>DBS Broly has been out for weeks
>Still no torrent
Bulma was probably the one who picked it out for her also
Is this a joke?
I always hated the bulging punches
What the fuck is supposed to be happening? They're punching their spines 30 inches out from their body?
"It looks cool" isn't an excuse
Bra might not be a fighter but she could still punch into stratosphere just about anyone who isn't a literal monster and even then few of those could scratch her considering her heritage.
Somehow I don't think they were concerned.
Not on TPB. Not on RARG.
I masturbate only on lolis and i fucked a 12yr old when i was 25 but i dont like kids irl they are noisy and brats. Fight me.
Ragers that go on about how they want to kill pedos and how people who jack it to drawings deserve to suffer really are closet psychopaths though