Woah, an upscaled 3DS game. All my money

Woah, an upscaled 3DS game. All my money.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I think about killing myself a lot
Does not doing it because of how my friends and family would feel make me a good person?
is that a sacrifice?
Im just so tired

its gamefreak, expect nothing, ever

unironically worse in the business

they will die too one day, none of this matters. I think of it a lot too user, we odn't have the balls, lets face it. we never will. this is why we post on here. attention. it's all just suffering, somebody has to be lesser like us for there to be betters, just fulfil your purpose and exist

kill your friends and family before yourself then they won't feel sad about it

>Im just so tired
You're also a faggot, thanks for telling us about yourself.

So any good cunny to look forward to in this new one?

Based but blue pilled

Were people seriously expecting photorealistic graphics and an open world?
This is exactly what I imagined a “Mainline Pokemon game for Switch” would look like.
I wish they used cel shading though.

>actually buying/owning a switch
>caring about pokemon still

You’re just in a rut I used to feel like this until I got out more

Did you bee urself?

I have a social life friends and a girlfriend
The fact i have so much and still feel like this just makes me feel worse

We wanted botw graphics and feel but Pokémon, don’t be stupid

>nintendo and the pokémon company puts pressure on them to rush and release a pokémon game every single year because of how much it dominates the nintendo's console market
>its gamefreak's fault

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>but dude haha scotland

drink some coffee and get some sunlight

NAh I just became a normie in public

>its gamefreak, expect nothing, ever
pretty much this
last time I had fun with pokemon was Gen 5 and only because it didn't let me play with previous pokemon and had an okayish story
I like the mechanics and all but playing the same re-skinned game with no substance for the 8th time is not compelling. I wish pokemon at least had cool stories to tell, at least I would play it for the sake of being surprised, tense, excited, and getting to love the characters

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seek professional help

you have to be delusional to expect that from gamefreak
I didn't even expected to be close to dragon quest xi

>expecting dramatic changes to the core series

Silly boys. Besides it looks great, who was expecting it to be more?

Another game where I get to be handheld and have the game stop me every two minutes to tell me about it's garbage story.
That shit is what made gen 5 garbage and they've been doing it since. Nu-pokemon is like new super mario bros. Painfully safe and uncreative.

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wow, kill yourself

One day, but I've got a backlog to finish. Thanks for the reminder though.

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And that's all we'll ever get.

Until you convince the millions of brain dead retards that happily scoop up this literal human feces GameFreak pushes out every year, we will never get anything new or innovative

this post makes me so happy knowing someone is going to kill himself

I definitely think it looks like an upscaled 3DS game, but you chose the single part of the trailer that actually looks beautiful. It's a really nice shot

Look at some of the interviews and statements from them. They're so afraid of mobile games that they don't even try (or use them as an excuse to do less work). And being rushed isn't the reason why they keep cutting out good ideas in future games. You can not tell me that Nintendo breathing down their necks is why they didn't have an auto-run button in B/W.

I really don't know how the fanbase deals with them.

>being so poor that $60 is 'all my money'.

I've spent more on lunch before.
Get a job.

I have not played Pokémon sinve Platitand I think it looks great. I might get Shield.

lol cuck paid to feed a female

I'm losing interest in a lot of things I used to like
Food isn't as exciting, jerking off isn't as fun, I have no motivation
I honestly feel like ending it too

>there's only photorealism + open world or jpeg trees, no middleground

do you wanna play games

greetings shadow

You have friends? You greedy fuck. I've thought about that shit and didn't have any one to throw my guilt on. You will be fine. Love you baby.

Clean your room or the area you spend the most time in, go to the pound and adopt a redpilled 4-5 year old dog. Youll be past the retarded puppy days and he will based. Start walking him 3-4 times a week when the sun is out and the air is nice. You probably just dont go out enough. Im a neet and when im cooped up to long, i start to go a little insane. You could also look into those silicone pussy/ass models, go ahead and order one. Order the one that has a good contrast to your dick, white, black, caramel its all good bro. Set it up to your bed or a chair/wall and fuck it real good, thatll make faps more fun. With your sex life fixed and some more physical activity, you should hopefully regain normal thoughts. Also return to your comfort games. I grew up with ninja gaiden black and its punishing difficulty while my parents were fighting in another room. Same with ninja gaiden 2. I can replay those 2 games endlessly.

Good luck breh, were gonna make it. If youre in america, vote for andrew yang next year so we can get some real autism bucks up in this bitch

When did this board become such graphics whores? It's ironic because SuMo was easily the best looking game on the 3DS and you still shat on that one.

Is this the pinical of Switch graphics?

lost interest in games as well
I need to put a bullet in my brain and just end it
every year has been getting worse and more disappointing and stressful

Get some strength. Push through like everyone else does.

i wrote a suicide note last night so i feel you
im down to play some apex or something if you feel like hanging out

No problem with how it looked. The game just sucked.

>i wrote a suicide note
post it

6th gen graphics rendered in HD is peak aesthetics. If it runs at 60fps (which I highly doubt) It’ll look really nice.

ive already bared enough of my soul here I dont think that would do anything for anyone other than give them the opportunity to laugh at my real feelings


That’s legitimate mental illness bro, it’s nothing to feel bad about it’s literally just an imbalance of chemicals in your brain see a doctor. I still feel shit a lot of the time but it’s 100 times better than it used to be before getting medicated and counselling. Don’t suffer in silence because you don’t think your feelings are valid because you’re well off, it’s not just you it’s an actual, treatable medical condition you can get under control.

have fun killing yourself

My every waking moment is filled with dread
I wish someone would cut off my head
Fuck you mom and dad, now I'm dead

pokemon should've stayed 2d

These, how the fuck do you people look forward to new pokemon games at this point?

Different user
I honestly don't have anyone I care about so I'm just gonna end it with no note

nintendo is smart. they called the tablet a "console". That way they can sell upscaled 3DS game for 60-70$ and noone can complain.


based and Segapilled

You would rob society, your community, and your loved ones of your infinite potential. Take better care of yourself, and seek help, please.

damn, thats based

>infinite potential
Huamans are disposable

when the pctards lost their last two braincells

It's really fascinating in a way. I really, really don't understand it.I mean I liked it as a kid too, but after a while Gamefreak just stopped trying.I lost my love for it after gen 2, but kept playing the games hoping they'd capture my interest again and because I used to have too much free time on my hands, but after X I just haven't been able to play anymore.

Yew gotta loicense t'be killin' y'self y'muppet?

The 3D models and the lighting/shading they use is pretty good, the issue is that Gamefreak are creatively bankrupt and also use the ‘we’re an indie studio’ excuse 20+ years on from making it big with the most popular media franchise in the world. The company’s management is fucked completely on all levels, which is why the game’s haven’t evolved at all since they were still fucking 2D.

nigga go see a therapist about your depression

Oh boy, I wonder what shitty new legendary that's depicting.

it's meltan

The loicence inspector pokemon

Everything is disposable. What's your point?

>Plays Xbox and Playstation
Woah a downscaled PC game.
All games are made on computers, sell them on computers if poor fags can't afford to upgrade to run new games then fuck them, make a game as good as possible and let the masses figure out how to optimise it.

>an upscaled 3DS game
Even if you crunch the resolution, Sword and Shield looks way better than Sun & Moon did.

What makes them different from other developers on similar schedules? Not to mention they're only developing a handheld kiddie game.

reminds me of this

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>‘we’re an indie studio’ excuse
Did they actually state this? Fucking ballocking bullshit, they have zillions of momey, does Nintendo steal all of it from them?

I just think all gaming is dying in the east. Nearly all of the shit they make is half assed bullshit. Western isn't all that much better, but it's not like they got so highly in the gaming market like the east did since the 90s, but the east seemed to have dropped all effort since the 2010s happened.


>Several developers butbutpraise Japanese and Western praise the Switch for being easy to work with
>GameFreak is the only company that says it's hard
Let that sink in

>I think about killing myself a lot
>Does not doing it because of how my friends and family would feel make me a good person?
uhhh isn't this normal? I'm pretty sure everyone feels this way.

this and based
fuck gamefreak

Why would you even want to kys when you have a gf?
Is she that ugly?
And if not, can I have her after you off yourself?

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Lol it looks like a 3ds/ps2 game is the only shit i'm reading from graphic whores
I guess they don't know actual terms to explain why looks bad to em
I kinda like the graphics and i'm not even a pokefag

If this comes to emulation, people need to mod it to look good like they did years ago for Brawl. I miss when modding was a massive thing and people nearly fixed so many shitty games into actually good ones.

Clean up your living space. Its much easier to not feel like human trash when you aren't living in it

This 'ere's a moighty fine thread

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>t. basement-dwelling alt right peterson fan who is never afraid to share his opinions on feminism

>frogjack edit
fucking kill yourself

They're putting the effort where it counts and where pokemon has never failed: gameplay, music, and girls.

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t. souf

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Do it.

>has never failed: gameplay

Too bad it changes less than Dragon Quest.

That's oddly specific.

pokedrones are hardly people

Haven’t thought about this comic in years.

Yeah, if you count z move gimmick tap to win effort in gameplay.
yeah no, most gen 7 tracks were better than gen 6 but no gen 5 levels of good
can't argue that

Even Gamefreak's self published games like Giga Wrecker look like cheap Unity engine trash youtube.com/watch?v=93DJu4QTP98
They just aren't a very good developer.

Top: Pokemon Sword/Shield (Switch 2019)
Bottom: Ni no Kuni (PS3 2011)

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Yes but so is everything in the universe. We won’t ever find anything of worth unless we make it ourselves. The natural order is flawed of course, but that doesn’t mean our combined efforts to correct it won’t one day amount to something. Not in our lifetimes obviously but our existence can pave the way for something of actual worth to come into existence. The way things are isn’t how they will always be, life is still evolving and knowledge is still being grown. Accept that our lives won’t have happy endings but don’t just lie down and take it, create something to aid someone in the future going through the same struggle in the hopes that it’ll spur them on to get us closer to creating that true good in the universe. It’s the only way anyone can ever have a chance at making a difference

noone is important dude. if you die tomorrow will i care? no because there will be shitposters just like you to take up your spot
sometimes i wonder if the whole world is just me playing a simulation. its almost like nothing is truly lost, everything will be replaced eventually

If they did irland as a DLC(postgame) with more battle facilites such as PWT would you buy it?

Pokemon unironically looks better and has better monster designs than whatever the fuck that nose latern thing is

I've told this before so if you've read it, it's not pasta, it's my story.
I'll probably use some of the same words, fucking sue me.
>my best friend from high school killed herself
>not quickly though, it took her three weeks in a coma, then she died
>about 9 months later her mother couldn't deal with Christmas without her daughter
>she kills herself, too.
>Result: destroyed father/husband, shell-shocked son/little brother.
>A family of 4 reduced to a dad and his son, living with so much sorrow.

>remoaners said brexit would kill the UK
>the next pokemon game is literally set there
imagine being this wrong. just imagine. I can't even do it

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The artstyle of Pokemon is better. Everything else about the bottom (textures, detail, light/shading, etc) is better.

When will you learn? Also he was basically saying "take all my money" which is sarcasm, you fucking retard.

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They did during either USUM or LGPE’s development iirc. They still maintain to this day that they’re an indie studio because they aren’t actually owned by Nintendo, TPCi or Creatures inc, and because they have very few staff members so you shouldn’t expect big things from them. This got negative reactions from literally everyone though, pointing out the hypocrisy of such a statement. They have 1/3 ownership of the fucking Pokemon brand worldwide for fuck’s sake, they have enough money to fund the development of several full AAA games themselves and then some, they just refuse to hire more people because the hacks in charge like Masuda and Ohmori have zero clue on how modern game design and development works and don’t want to do it because it seems hard. They did take on a fuck ton of new devs a few years back in anticipation of Switch development though, so while the Sword and Shield reveal was pretty underwhelming I’m not passing judgement until we actually see proper unedited gameplay to see if they’ve made any meaningful steps forward with the new hardware and manpower available to them. I’m not expecting it given that Masuda and Ohmori are still in charge but this is their first home console game ever and they have more resources than ever to make it so I’ll at least wait until we see proper gameplay before I rip into them like they rightfully deserve.

You don't have to delude yourself this hard just because a game released 2 generations and 8 years ago looks better than the 3ds upscale you guys are wetting your panties about

Get professional help, be it therapy or meds
I did, and it changed my life completely

you really think everyone wants to kill themselves but chooses not to because their friends would be sad?

tired of what? you never worked hard at anything, you never did anything of value, you are just a whiny faggot thinking they did something to warrant being "done". in reality you really want this to be the case because that would imply you have lived an interesting or hard life. you didn't. you're just a loser.

the right thing is if you weed yourself out of society, you are likely a waste of space. alternatively, be less of a cuck and do something productive so you can stop feeling like shit.

>because the hacks in charge like Masuda and Ohmori have zero clue on how modern game design and development works

Maybe we can look forward to a revolutionary new Pokemon game when they retire. Wonder how long that'll be.

I know I won't be a important person to society
When I'll die I'll be forgotten by most everyone

Its likely to do with the Switches shit battery and Pokemon still being considered a portable series, so graphical density wasn't a huge priority over a clean image.

>"we want our franchise to be a 30 year old busy man's game to be played 10 minutes a day" - gamefreak CEO
>meanwhile nintendo has all of its highest profile projects not handled by GF take 4-5 years, recent example delaying metroid 4, which has more pressure than pokemon gen 8 according to traction and numbers
yep, god damn nintendo. nintendo bad, gamefreak good! they were just unlucky they never made a complete quality game in 25 years.

Yeah I didn’t say that anyone was important man I said everyone is unimportant, which is why if that upsets you the only way you can live satisfactorily is to try give others a chance to make something important. We won’t get to reap the benefits but living for that is easier to stomach than just lying around waiting to die.

>"i play pokemon for the story"
I can smell it from here you are a 30 year old autist on welfare.

either that or they lack the will to actually do it. Maybe not everyone but a large chunk of people yes, like a third to a half.

Boyo I just said the bottom overall looked better, and was getting at the artstyle of the characters wasn't as appealing as to why that other user was completely against it.

I play pokemon to fucking play pokemon.

Not to be interrupted every 10 steps by shit story or a retarded pokedex.

If you honestly look forward to a pokemon game from gamefreak, ever, im not sure what to say really. The only thing to look forward to at this point from them is the porn, at least thats the only thing to manage get right and also pokemon porn if you into furry stuff

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Seek help

I do, but not for friends, but for my parents, namely my mother. but at the same time, I just value living because too many other people have a good life and I feel like I could always have that at some point when you got ~70-80 guaranteed years to live if you don't eat like shit or get fucked by some idiot on the street.

If we needed to downsize the population of the world so we created a thing like a portal or something that kills you so quickly you would feel nothing, I can promise you that more than half the world would voluntarily be walking through that portal.

>upscaled 3DS game
did it already release on the 3ds?

Pokemon looks fine with the exception of that unnatural purple color filter that seems to be present in most shots. The Wii/3DS-esque rim lighting on character models also makes them look like plastic.

Masuda’s last directed game was XY with Ohmori taking over as of ORAS (USUM and LGPE we’re done by secondary directors, but on shoestring budgets). Masuda is still a senior producer though, but hopefully he gets tired of Pokemon soon and retires with all his Pokemon dosh and never works on the series again. He looked bored in the SS announcement direct. Ohmori still seems passionate but is basically Masuda’s successor in every other way, so he has no fucking clue about game design and development and subscribes to Masuda’s school of thought on just rehashing the exact same every time for the least amount of money. Hopefully once Masuda leaves Ohmori will get a bit more experimental and risky with his approach to game design.

Bullshit i cant tell the difference

Lets go pikachu looks miles better though, along with any third party pokemon game

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this desu. even my 10 year old nephew hates the tutorial handholding after having experienced it more than once. game freak is assuming every single person playing their game hasn't played it before

probably why they see no need to improve, and why they remake every single game

A fillet mignon and a few drinks/appetizer will break $60 for a single person.

I will be the first person who will create new video games.

They will make movies about this in the future.
Me, the man who defied all the people who said entertainment is not important in a dying world.
I will hand them out for free first. All the kids will come and play, and later the adults too.
Then when the economy slowly recovers, I will create a new video game empire. No more Sony Nintendo or Microsoft.
A new age of video games.

I don’t even mind how casual the newer games are I wish I could just skip the fucking tutorials. Even when you tell the NPCs ‘yes I know how to catch Pokemon’ they still explain it to you afterwards anyway.

Don't go fren. We're in this together.

I don't understand who the target audience is for these games.

People who are too stupid to grasp the easiest RPG in history yet have the patience to sit through endless cutscenes and interruptions?

If you like Pokemon would it be a fair stretch to say you might like other JRPGs that already do the things you want Pokemon to do?

Can I help? I’m 1/16 black so I have an N word pass which might come in handy.


game freak is clearly going for the aesthetic you autist

yeah it turns out most people's death dont hurt anyone. 50 people died in vegas and did it affect the world? no. it was funny for like a week then people forgot about it and carried on.


Now all I do is work (sometimes 50+ hours a week), play vidya (not that much) and lurk 4chink

Im a fucking workaholic.
Every time I get holidays I get suicidal

I think the audience is just "Pokemons fans". Which is weird because they don't need their hands held, but they'll keep buying them anyway. I know a guy like that, he's been playing Pokemon for 21 years and still can't get enough.

>Lets go pikachu looks miles better though
It really does not. The shaders of Sword and Shield are much better. Just look at comparisons of Pikachu in battle since it's the same model.

lol why, that's life and not everybody gets to be happy.

No, not even the female protagonist looks good. She looks like a generic bitch.

Oh for certain, but Pokemon has a really nice charm to it that nothing else captures. I want to experience all these cool and cute creatures, characters and places in a game that doesn’t suck ass. Just looking at the game Part there’s countless better options out there but none that scratch the same itch as the Pokemon ‘aesthetic’, for want of a better word.

I'd say yes. It's just Turn based RPG gameplay with a "catch party member" gimmick. I like a game with multiple party members, and Pokemon basically is the absolute extreme of that.

based and redpilled. I work so much work complains about me always being there. Fuck if they don't want to pay me I'll sign out and keep working, I NEED to be busy so I don't have to stop and think about my life.

That shoe could be better.

>moighty fine
both Is make the same sound you fucking mutt spod

Same here. I don't want to make my family feel sad so I'm sticking around until they're gone. I don't intend to stay alive any longer than what is required of me.
Normals will say whatever they want.
They want to spend decades slaving away so people wealthier than you can make more money, and so you can earn just enough money to survive another day to make more money. Nothing they can say about "being reasonable" or "thinking things through properly" matters.

except it's super linear and none of the party members have any personality except what you project onto them.

I also sign out after some time, I don't want them to force me to leave early.

I'm a c# programmer, but I already have my own small team (2 people) because I always over deliver.

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That's some hard narcissism, dude.

Well said.

>all these sad sacks
Yes the world is fucking shit but you don’t have to lie down and let it fuck you in the ass. It’s going to try it’s hardest and will still probably overpower you and fuck your ass one day, but if you don’t fight it then nothing that gives value to your life personally will ever appear. Fuck what society says you owe it or you should be doing, you are your own fucking person and you deserve fucking better because you were born human and capable of understanding all the shittiness of the world. We alone will never change it but that doesn’t mean you should just let life rape you to death. I accepted years ago that I will never find love, never experience most of the things I want to, and I’ve lived my entire life wanting to die but I’m not gonna fucking let that happen until I’ve made this reality gimme something back. I urge you other mentally ill faggots to do the same. We’re going to be victims of circumstance and most likely amount to nothing at the end of it all but that doesn’t exclude us from being able to extract at least a little bit of satisfaction from this gay Earth. Chase what fulfills you, even just momentarily, and fucking grab it. We can die after that but please don’t do it before.

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That's true, it's really just a simplified version of what I get from that. Unless I'm just unaware, there isn't really another RPG like Pokemon in the concept you can recruit hundreds of different warriors to join your team of fighters outside of an MMO. If there is one I'd drop Pokemon just for something like that.

Mount and Blade is kind of like that

I'm not that guy, but I work a stable job and keep a clean living space. My wage is enough to pay my bills, have an emergency fund, invest in passive income, and even a little to spend on myself.

And yet I can still relate strongly to how that user's feeling. It's possible to be productive and still feel isolated. I don't think that user is doing it for attention or for the self-validation that he deserves to throw a pity party because he's "worked hard for it". Nobody wants to feel that way day in and day out. That is by far the dumbest thing I've heard.

The fact that you gleamed all of that from a small paragraph he posted is retarded. I guess I shouldn't expect more from someone who's so angry and reactive though.

play Valkyrie Profile bro.


Fight it bros. This is all you get.

I know a frogposter on /r9k/ that said he's going to legit kill himself at midnight he even timestamped his gun and everything and was super serious about it. Then tomorrow comes and people still post frog its almost like the user never killed himself.

I'm like that.

29 now and been playing since I was 7 or 8. I just wanna walk around, do the training/catching and explore the world. Every gen has had its charm, but the last two have been a fucking disappointment.

Similar story for me. I have a small team but I'm constantly getting in shit because I clock up so much more time than them. I tell them to go home and once they're gone I sit down and work for another hour or two. I'm an awful leader lmao.

why would people stop frogposting over some guy killing himself?

if I killed myself nobody here would care. sometimes I don't post for months and months anyway so it'd just be like that. in fact, only my parents would care and that's only because they're imprinted on me. literally ringing me up every 3 days to tell me how proud they are of me even though all I have is a mediocre job that I work 9-5 then come home and do nothing

>I’ve lived my entire life wanting to die but I’m not gonna fucking let that happen until I’ve made this reality gimme something back
The realest shit.

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brb smoking some meth, just gonna fucking grab it.

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it's people who heard of the word "pokemon".
that's it.
big phenomenons like that become meme and no directional decision matters, they have no idea what the fuck to do, so their choice is to playtest those who just heard it once or such.

This. Its funny when some of the spin-offs tell a more engaging story then the mainline games. Where as the main games stories just don't do anything interesting when the mainline should be the ones having the better story. The issue is, instead they just stop you every 4 minutes for a pointless detour or cutscene that does nothing for both the plot, characters, and in many cases doesn't even lead into a fight.

>Pokémon goes 3D and sets a artstyle to follow with for the next decade
>Wooooooow upscaled 3DS game lmaooooo

Ur fucking stupid m8

A fillet mignon is a terrible choice, and if you spend money on drinks at a restaurant then you're not paying attention.

do you guys find it strange that even normal people on twitter and shit openly lust after pokemon girls who are like 12 years old?

Let's go it's literally an upscaled version of ORAS and this game is an upscaled version of Sun/Moon, don't be an idiot, you can clearly see the difference of styles between the Gen VI and VII unlike in this case where Gen VIII it's literally the same style as alola

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I don't know if I'm just turning soft because I haven't played Pokemon in years (I stopped at Pokemon Y, massive disappointment), but this looks like it might have potential. I wasn't entirely sold when I saw the direct because they just focused on showing locations, and there's not much people shown in it (same with new features), but if the future info dumps prove to be swell, I just might cave in to Pokemon again (because they still wont announce SMTV release date)

Let's Go is trash but it does look fantastic. If you think it's a simple upscale you're retarded

Looking at this image, the first thing I thought about was how we won't be able to go on to that hill, and even if we can, it'll take a loading zone to get into. I assume they'll throw in a few NPCs to give the place flavor and call it a day.

Keep doing your best user. We all believe in you.

The state of Game Freak apologists

Kill them all, the freedom from sentimental attachments and the thrill of the kill will spark new life in you.

I love shota so much

If you've played a Pokémon game in the past 15 years you would know it's obviously just a scenic view spot.

Pokemon is a series more stale than Dragon Quest.

>Let's Go is trash but it does look fantastic
It looks like a Chinese knock off.

I dunno why people are calling this game pretty. It's an upscaled 3DS game on the same console as games like Splatoon 2, Super Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2 and BOTW

Suikoden? SMT?

>Let's Go is trash but it does look fantastic
I disagree. To me it still looks awful. Its not as blatantly ripped off from Sun and Moon as Gen 8 is, but its still bad.


>it does look fantastic

have you never played a game that isn't Pokemon? Gamefreak are stuck in 2006

Attached: pokeshit19.jpg (2420x2160, 3.3M)

Seriously if your going to kill yourself you may as well go all out and take as many risks as you can. You'll either be better off at the end of it or fuck up and realize you're better off dead

> comparing a PS4 screenshot to a Switch game
> comparing a game built from the ground up for modern platforms to a tile-by-tile remake of a Gameboy game

>On the rocks
>Citation Needed

I will play it on Yuzu

Pokémon fans are legitimately brainwashed. If almost any other game series looked as low effort as this then it would get absolutely shredded even by most of its own fanbase, but Pokémon gets a pass because "Well I think it looks good, stop being so pessimistic. Game Freak are trying their best, they're being pressured by Nintendo, don't be so hard on them. Good features that were in previous games that have been dropped this time for no reason were shit anyway, nobody liked them."

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>Gamefreak are stuck in 2006
That's an absurd statement. Games made in 2006 have much better graphics than any Gamefreak game.

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>comparing a PS4 screenshot to a Switch game
DQXI is also a Switch game, you mongoloid.

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In the grand scheme of things, the spawn of your life is so insignificantly short, you may as well push through it. I see no reason to be in a haste.

>Yea Forums wanted lets go a non-traditional pokemon game to fail
>actually sells 10 million copies
>Yea Forums wants this traditional pokemon game to fail

That's even the switch version of DQXI




That Unity/Unreal thing makes it too obvious, but this one is good

>selling a tile by tile remake of a Gameboy game for $60 in 2019

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What's the point of having every single region if you're meeting the same 150 pokemon in each one?

Nvm. Just passing through


Look at all that area you can't go to. Amazing how far game have progressed.

Screenshot is PS4 though, DQXI for switch ain't out til September.

At least hijack plane or kill niggers in middle east before killing yourself. It isn't hard to make your life exciting if you have money, go jump with parachute or climb mountains with friends. If you don't have money, go to work.

Feeling empty 95% of time isn't bad as long as you crave for 5% excitement, surprise-surprise most people live like that. Feeling empty every day of your life is close to danger zone. If life feels like shit, say fuck it and do something crazy and irrational, buy a bike and ride to the next country.

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Left is missing pokemon can follow you


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Yo, we need to get Sony to buy the Pokemon IP.

Start drinking, it helps

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fpbp ever

I'm sorry nobody else got it.

LGPE has following pokemon too

See that hill?
You can't climb it

what an ugly bland game holy shit
kids probably get dizzy from these hundred ugly strong colors everywhere

maybe some games aren't meant to be HD

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sad, but true

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At least wait long enough for 2025

but that only prolongs the pain

Who cares. That shit is gonna be a hell of a ride. If you're really suicidal move into the cities in years leading up.

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I will never understand Pokken babies' obsession with those gross, slimy bastardizations of Pokemon. Same shit with the Detective Pikachu Movie.

>wanting to add a plus for a mechanic in the other game as well
Imagine fucking hating shit you haven't even played.

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At least the girl protag is cute.

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No user don't kill yourself over retarded videogames

Killing yourself is a sin. Do you know where you will end up?

because for a lot of people pokemon games are just pet collectors and not actual games, so they dont care if barely anything gets added

thats pretty much why i only get 1 game per gen and even then i barely get through it since i get bored so often

Why 2025?

the same place that masturbators go?

>release game on switch
>game does not use switch' s potential

You: ???

Start of the suicide waves my guy. Shit is gonna start getting real.

Wasn’t expecting this kind of first post in a fucking Pokémon thread.

lol white people they get everything handed to them and they still have the highest suicide rate.


suicidal people are rarely in a state where they are still capable of making rational decisions. if they were, they wouldn't be suicidal.

how high do you have to be to forget you have feet?

to censor pokelolis? Ha, fuck kusony


True freedom is an endless void, you alone as I forever. Create your own world, kid.

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