You start the game with 40k coins and you quickly raise it to around 100k because you gain coins by doing challenges, and at the beginning of the game there's challenges like "kill 50 enemies with each weapon" and each will give you 2000 coins etc. Also the prices for graphics/vinyls were around 5000-8000 the first week so everyone was like "yeah that's pretty fair". Now a week after launch, we are beginning to see Anthem's true MTX scheme. 36000 for one vinyl (slightly change the look for your Javelin) compared to earlier 5000, and 61k for a Javelin armor set change. Also since people have completed most coin challenges, the only way to gain more is ONCE a week in something called Alliance Coins (what you and your friends manage to gather together) and max tier which is 10 will give around 10k. Which means it will take at average a month or more to be able to purchase ONE cosmetic.
Also note that the store refreshes in 4 days, making it LITERALLY impossible to purchase the cosmetics unless you pay real money.

The shitstorm is about to hit and it will be worse than Battlefront 2 since this is
a) the second time they try to screw you over
b) BioWare insisted they would NEVER do something like this

Attached: pay up.jpg (960x720, 145K)

Other urls found in this thread:

*sounds of YYYYYYYONGOUT in the distance*

The npcs will work 8 hour days nindlessly shooting ststiinary bullet sponges, or spend hundreds to impress other npcs

Play a shitty game, get shitty prizes

"Lawrence get back in bed!"
"Quiet down, devil woman, I'm watching EA fuck up again!"


>Which means it will take at average a month or more to be able to purchase ONE cosmetic
So, standard gacha rates?

Looks like the EA NPCs have arrived. How many Alliance coins are they giving you per post?

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Game has so many problems that I think overpriced vanity items are the least of its problems.

Fallout 76 has jew prices too and the game is shit.

So? Who would ever pay for a cosmetic? Just buy what you really like if you got the coins and if not then you can't buy it.
If you buy mtx you don't care about playing anyway so fuck those who shell out, who cares about them?

Thats what you get for buying shitty games



I can't find anything about it on other sites.

Because in a perfect world they would cost absolutely nothing and this is moving in the polar opposite of that.
Also fucking kill yourself you retarded shill.


No one is talking about this on reddit though?

It was just released and since Anthem's server been down for several hours today, this news just didn't get any attention.

If you are so poor and can't afford to buy quality content from the in-game store then just stop playing the game, it's that simple.

You're not entitled to every costumes in the game, goyim.

Nigger I'm advocating against mtx, but if you buy them yoi're a fucking retard.
Take OW, the literal only reward you get for playing is lootboxes, meaning if you buy those you pay for not playing a game you bought. That's insanity.

isn't this game B2P?

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This looks like shitposting as no one else has mentioned it.

stores a joke anyways. People want armor, not vinyls you cant customize

it's true. If you got the game or know any with it, just ask them to open the shop. The prices are insane today compared to how it was just a few days ago.

you dinguses are so blind

I can't even summon enough interest to laugh at them

sounds like bullshit but it would make sense for them to do this, may as well milk the dumbass drones who play this shit for as much as they can since it's already doomed to die

What the hell is wrong with newfags today? Do you idiots think this is imgur or Facebook? This is Yea Forums, news starts here and disseminates to the rest of the internet. The ONLY thing you'll find on reddit or polygon is corporate press releases. This board and this site have gone to complete shit but just know that you are absolute jackasses.

they should double their prices again

>falls to obvious baiting trolls
who's a newfag you say

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crazy train


Do people actually plays this?

Is this fucking shop they try to shove up your ass in every menu the only way to get anything cosmetic aside from the starting outfit?

I honestly cant tell anymore but I have been here long enough to know that there are plenty of people here who are as stupid as they sound.

Why does this entire post read like clickbait? I'm surprised OP didn't link a video or a blog too

*faint stench of boglins and pogs coming from around the corner *

>buy and play Anthem, the worse looter shooter ever made
>or re-install Destiny 2 and play the Forge and Gambit DLC's stopped playing about a month into Forsaken

Hmm guys I don't really know. Help me decide?

>imagine actually believing this

Attached: 1550528575866.jpg (236x224, 11K)

destiny 2 with no matchmaking so youre forced to look around on a million different sites to find non-retards to run anything. or you can play p2p pvp and get constantly DDOS and if youre luccky enough to not get DDOS, youre up against people with raid gear.
I got it for free and it was the worst online game Ive played.

What'd Yong do? I don't really keep up with his videos.

Why would we fucking care?

Attached: animepostan.jpg (396x382, 24K)

>get drachen armor
>have so many free slots i don't even know what to put there
nice fucking "collab" gear you got there

I remember when this was the angle bootlickers went with over DLC, that sure made a difference didn't it.


>frogposter is a blatant newfag
What a surprise

Yong loves to read out what Reddit and sometimes user wrote on his video and calls it the end of the day. Be sure to like and subscribe and don't forget to drop some cash on my Patreon if you want me to read for you illiterate children YOOONNGGG OUTT

Who the fuck even bough this shit?
Serious question
Cant imagine who are these people

i don't understand either, there's nothing about this game to entice its target audience to buy into it, they already have two much better games in destiny and warframe and anthem looked pretty shitty even from the beta

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I don’t care because I don’t buy shitty games

Nobody which is why they need to bilk the whales after only a week.

is this fake or super fresh or something? I checked the plebbit because i wanted to see all the NPCs raging and laugh at them for falling for another EA scam but i dont see anyone mention it there

Imagine paying for this game then paying even more just for cosmetic shit


>buy a game for $110
>don't get everything in the game
>instead get charged anywhere between $10 and $40 for a fucking outfit for your robot
Haha fucking gross, how anyone could think buying any EA game after Jade Empire or maybe DA:O is a good idea is completely foreign to me

>Jade Empire

just ignore him, he's jaded from reality.

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>buy record player
>don't even get every record
they've been running this scam for a long time, guys

am I the only one who thinks that its pretty ironic that most long-term motivation for games aren't about having good gameplay anymore?


Thats the thing, they're fucking double dipping now.

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What a fucking try hard LMAOO

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>This is Yea Forums, news starts here and disseminates to the rest of the internet.

More like it hits reddit in 10 seconds, then eventually gets here where there's shitposting to eternity around the same time news articles are picking up on it.

Yong is essentially r/gaming the person

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Who cares? Whoever bought this shit deserves far worse.

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Why can't we be a little bit more like Reddit? What went so wrong? I remember years ago when leaks started here first.

>leaks started here first.
you mean ebaumsworld

>A full priced game
>Has a shop in it
How is this acceptable?


>A full priced game
>Can't be played when servers are turned off in the foreseeable future
How is this acceptable?

We have come very far, there was a time where people complained we were getting cosmetic DLCs in games because it would set a bad precedent. Now we have games coming out that

>Sell for full price
>Have multiple Editions, including one that actually has most of the gameplay content and none that offer everything
>Has a microtransaction shop in it for "Only cosmetics!"
>Does further DLC and "season passes" for "content" over the years
>Mix in Lootboxes/gambling with this mess to entice people to spend more in all of this

I wish we could go back to paying $60 for a full priced, FINISHED game that was worth it's price because it was really good, no gimmicky psychological tricks attached to enhance it. Then release expansions if the devs have more content to offer but it doesn't justify a whole new game.

Don't forget completely repeating whatever he said in the last video. I just wait for whatever shit he talks about to blow over and watch the last video he made about it to get a full breakdown of the whole thing.

Who knows anymore. You could go even further by asking how its acceptable to release a game that's clearly not finished and yet charge full price for it.

How's destiny 2 if you've never played 1?No I'm not gonnha buy the expansion though,that shit costs enough to feed me for a month with my currency

Include me in the r/Yea Forums screencap

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>MFW Already Restructuring for Free to Play.

Thats the ONLY reason why they would do this.

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Double dipping? At this point they've tried piling all the fondue on a single piece of bread.

>The shitstorm is about to hit and it will be worse than Battlefront 2
I'd be all for it but I honestly doubt it, people actually gave the slightest shit about EAfront 2 but Anthem already died on its arse weeks ago. People would need to be invested in the game itself for this to have any weight.

How do you even get the game without the expansion by now? From what I understand it's Base Game + All expansions except for the latest "annual pass" gimmick for $60. Picked it up for $30 about a week ago when it was on sale. I think you are going to be missing way too much to recommend it without the full package minus the Annual Pass. I think it's $40 now or something.

Based Lawrence.

>going f2p
I think I would die laughing.

They gave it for free a few months back.

Its your fault for not playing the game. EA has no other option but to squeeze dry the few retards that still play this shit

You can literally play the game and get the money easily. Stop trying to be spoonfed you baby

Well, I guess for the price of free it's hard to not give it a recommendation to at least try. But I did reach the "endgame" of the base game in what felt like just a few days while doing every mission/adventure/side content I could immediately stop on the map. I burned through all of Curse of Osiris in a day and now I'm wondering if I'll burn through Warmind tomorrow. I feel like I'm really taking my time with this game and it's still moving along too quickly.

Am I just going to hit a massive grind wall at some point in Forsaken designed to keep me there for months?

lol sure.

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Literally all he does is read out other peoples posts from reddit or twitter and restates the same shit 100 times while adding fucking nothing himself. How he got so popular is fucking beyond me.

No you can't. The game is designed like a gacha, where you get a high initial influx and then they leave you dry. I know you know this but like the other mentally ill redditors you pretend It's all good hoping to lure more retards into buying this insult of a game.
Which btw still hasn't been fixed after 3 weeks from a broken demo.
This game is a scam and scum like you deserve to be robbed

Go back, you're not welcome here

I guess it's a convenient source for people who are too lazy to dig through the general consensus of people's opinions elsewhere. Instead of reading what everyone is saying about something and having your own opinion about it (or even following theirs) you just have a guy summarize the general feeling for you and pick a "best of". I can see how there's people who would rather just click the next recommended video button and get a summary of whatever controversy is going on instead of looking into it themselves.


do they lock gameplay behind pay-or-grind-walls? then it's not worse than battlefront 2.

they should make anthem f2p if they gonna cash with these retarded prices.

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how do you even know this unless you play it

Sitll wouldnt be worth my time. I got Destiny 2 for free and hasnt even bothered with it, had enough with the first one

Are you really asking how people know things that they don't personally experience in an age where we have a global system of networks that communicate with each other at speeds measured in milliseconds?

Please go take a seat on the thinking corner and think about your statement, thanks.

Here's a tv that looks like an apple.

The new season for D2 is looking good, i'd recommend getting back into it

Right on cue. Delete yourself, bot.


Capitalism wins once again.

Quitely? Indeedy!