It's on the recommended games wiki

>It's on the recommended games wiki

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Because it's a good game.

Yea Forums TOLD ME SO


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Yea Forums has the worst taste imaginable. What else is new?

And? Of course it is, Yea Forums talks about it all the time

for a game where people love the story and characters so much, it rarely exercises "show dont tell"
also a game with this much ending content should be 100% replayable, never defend the genocide steam cloud bullshit

A game that can make so much bang with pure enthusiasm and so little deserves that spot.

>rarely exercises "show dont tell"
then why does barely anyone understand most of it? it's a ton of show don't tell

everyone who actually plays games knows it's good
the issue is that this board is filled with tortanicfags and console warriors posting 24/7 so they make it look like every game under the sun is considered shit

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>Undertale: 'In a medium that has you killing things all the time, this neat little game allows you to play through it without hurting a fly. As the tagline says, it's "The friendly RPG where nobody has to die".
It's a novel concept that sells itself and delivers on it extremely well.
What's wrong here?

It's a popular game, so we have to hate it.

People bitch about nier automata for having ass, but they're quick to mention how sexy they find the pixelated goat anthro.

I played undertale and I play other video games yet I didn't like it
I just invalidated your entire post, bro

Its actually pretty decent if you completely ignore the fanatic shitstorm of autism around it.
which you should.

I played your mom last night and didn't like it
I just invalidated your entire life, bro

The wiki has nothing to do with Yea Forums. Same as the Yea Forums steam group pretty much.
RPGs were you can do 0 kill runs are nothing new.
The art is crap, the story is shonen anime tier and not in a good way, the characters are unlikable, except Papyrus of course, and the humor, good God the humor is terrible.
Plenty of valid reasons, you probably shouldn't play it before Mother at the very least in order to get the references.
Not a Yea Forumscore game by any metric.

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You just listed a whole bunch of subjective opinions, ones that the grand majority just so happens to disagree with, whoops.
>not a Yea Forumscore game by any metric
Yea Forums was on this game's dick for the longest time. By the time your newfag ass rolled around, the full game released, got popular, and then was conceived as "shit" because popular = bad, as always.

Yea Forums has absolute shit taste though.
why the fuck should anybody care what Yea Forums likes?

>RPGs were you can do 0 kill runs are nothing new.
Notice how user mentions "delivery".
Those other RPGs have the option to do 0 zero kill runs as self imposed challenges, they don't change the story at all and if anything it works against itself and makes those games more tedious to play.