That one dead game you loved that you will never get to play again

>that one dead game you loved that you will never get to play again

What's her name, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

scarab terminator.
it was the greatest shooter of all time.

>game has no waifus

"why did it fail????"

RotMG pre-sellout

>everything was nice and simple
>couldn't buyfag into armor/weapons

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Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

>splatoon 0

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Get broke, go broke

early 2000's had the best web games

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this and microvolts god take me back

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Global Agenda, even though hi-rez are dirty scamming jews.

Goodnight sweet prince

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You know it got picked up by a company that actually updates the game now right?

But before the cancer they added in towards the end. I loved that game

Surprised it's taken this long to post this.


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One of the best MOBAs ever made, killed by EA because it didn't get LoL numbers in beta. Sucks.

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good bay king of masks
i will always have you in my heart

very bad take

Kys furgin.

i loved this game, best assfaggots ever

The late arriving Unreal 2 multiplayer mode. Only 3 classes but there was a lot to do. Vehicles, capture generators to enable advanced abilities, around a core game of Capture the flag with 2 flags per team.

If only it came out with the game at launch, it would have probably survived longer.

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C&C Renegade

Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow - multiplayer demo
It was just a demo but it's the only online game I ever got good at. The full game I didn't like the other maps or the full item set so I barely played it.
And I didn't like choas theory multiplayer either.

No MMO will ever top Warhammer Online for me.

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I miss Tyto so much

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It was really fun to play this with a bud or two.

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Such a shame what happened to this game. To make matters worse the only "successors" it has are absolute irredeemable garbage.

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I'll never get to go fast ever again will I?

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I remember there being another superhero MMO game that was published by Atari at first but was then bought out by Perfect World who made it korean F2P tier unlike Atari's way more lax nature.

This, I had a blast when it first came out.

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Came here to post this. All those heroes and villains I made will never do battle again. And now my only options for a superhero MMO are DCUO which is barebones as fuck and super boring and I think maybe Champions Online if it hasn’t shut down. The one time I played it it was fucking terrible though. CoX nailed it on the first try and I still don’t understand why they shut it down. I thought it was doing well with the F2P model

Radical heights, apex legends is ok but it can't compare.

The maps were so much better

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yeah, i also played it for about a month when it came out, loved the feel of it, both sides were fun to play and dragging someone around the corner to execute them and drink their blood was kino, esp in those really cool gothic maps

Not even a server emulator or a anything to make the game remotely playable like Gigantic

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I hate to agree with you on this, but radical heights had a perfect setting, and I still fondly recall the time I boxed a duo to death at the start of a game. I wish facepunch had opened with that instead of lawbreakers which was a solid game with no likeable characters.

>Completely barred you out of playing if you had 6 gigs of RAM or lower
For a F2P moba, that was the game's death knell

It had actual graphics and everything

More like radical SHITES xD

I heard war has a private fan server. Don't know how playable it is, though.

I remember playing Champions Online for about two weeks before i quit. City of Heroes really is a one of a kind title.

It was so good in beta. Man I wanted that dreadnought game to replace this for me but it just didn't hit the mark either. I just want a realistic mech/capital ship esq game.

I know it was full of unbalanced 50/50 ToDs but it doesn't change the fact that I loved multi.

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>radical heights had a perfect setting
This is the only and completely subjective (only for 80sretrosynthwave fags) positive part about it.

You can go kind of fast in Titanfall 2 and it is fun but it's still not the same.

Playing DS and PSP games online almost 15 years ago was so awesome, would love that feeling of novelty again

It was amazing. I hate Gearbox for blaming Timegate ruining Alien CM and destroying it. F

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There really need to be more FPS mech games.
Nothing is fucking scratching that itch for me anymore.

Did ascend even have vehicles? I liked the Tribes with vehicles more.

at least MW5 is coming out later this year

Any multiplayer game that doesn't allow you to host your own server and direct join deserves to die.

in time, they do

Wildstar. I definitely didn't treasure it enough while it lasted I just want my QT girls back. WoW is a fucking trainwreck, Elder Scrolls is ugly as fuck and all asian mmo's are generic as piss. There's no where to go. I mean...there is classic wow, but for some autistic reason I'm avoiding it because playing through it now when I'm just going to have to again in 6 months feels like a waste.

What? Still active and everything is free. I just played three games today. Yea Forums should host a lobby it's really fun \

this shit was great. that and warhawk (ps3) were my favorite online shooters last gen, both super underrated huge scale games.

I had a few but they weren't as impactful as tribes 2.
Tribes ascend for me was just the last time every single one of my friends was into the same game. No matter what weeknight at least one or two of them would be playing and we were all up on the memes and shit. It was a fucking blast.

I pray every night that it is good.


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Face of Mankind

It was a really obscure third person shooter sandbox MMO with global unrestricted PVP
Generally lacking in PVE content, but there was plenty of fun to be had in ganking enemy factions for hours on end
Had a player run economy also

I played it's predecessor a lot. I found its simplicity, color, and setting catharsis to me. It also had a great, underlying lore.

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It looked fun, but monetized to hell. All those paid packages stopped me from investigating.

>Hampered in the womb by randy
>Kneecapped out the doir by overwatch
>Dies a quick death with nothing to show.
It had potential, but it's dead and all we have left is randy being a shitter and Overwatch being a soulless husk of a game.
I felt that spark of chaos energy in Battleborn but the cards were stacked so high against it.
Get past some of the audiovisuals and you got a really fun game.
>Never slap the shit out of enemy team with pre nerf attikus again.
>Most anons will never know the joy of fully upgraded Montana
I know I'm not the only one with this feeling.

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Shootmania Elite.

IGN did a few tournaments, my team missed PAX by one game. They said if we paid our own way to get there that they'd list us as the first sub if another team couldn't make it. Buddies and I arranged it and went, didn't get the call but was probably the best weekend of my adult life. Hadn't been that happy in years and have never been since.

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I think they had a solid chance to become the f2p alternative to Overwatch before Paladins filled that niche. But instead they went for a paid game that ended up being sold for as low as 5 bucks before going f2p.

Your pic related OP. God I still miss it

fuckin microvolts was awesome.
There will NEVER be a free new fun and fast 3rd person shooter now because every free shooter has to be a BR or else it will die on arrival. Feels fuckin bad

I felt the thrill of the Montana, user. I had high hopes for Battleborn but I got my kicks in while I had the chance.

It was kind of clunky but the characters they brought had unique traits. I was suprised how much fun I had with Ambra.

why do old f2p games like gunz and microvolts have so much more depth than todays triple A titles?

Honestly was the saddest thing I'd ever seen. A game so murdered by greed not even good gameplay or marketing could save it like with usual AAA games.

>ywn make massive leap kills with based tyto
>ywn get snipe kills with the bulls throwing spear
>ywn use Wu and make scrubs scream in anger
>ywn play assrape mcgee the robot
only thing Im glad about is this little FUCKER right here is banished for ever

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Game had a lot of soul with the character interactions, camera work, and voice work. Shame about the early microtransactions and lack of a competitive community

I wanted Gigantic to succeed so badly. The way they intended to monetize it seemed really poorly thought out. I have no idea how they expected to turn a profit with the game. Motiga always seemed to me like a company with 1000 artists and "idea guys" and very few devs, but that may just be my impression from how excruciatingly slow development and bug fixes were.

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Couple of things I didn't like about Gigantic was the lack of Oceanic servers, so I was more shitty than I usually am and bot games counting towards MMR for some reason, so I was playing against people supremely better than me. Regardless I miss it dearly.

Here is my list:
God damn I spent so much time in it, and even if I sucked, it was fun to play. Shame freemium and an unorganized management killed it. Heard news some Korean company will revamp it and relaunch it, but probably will still be freemium.
Actually not trash free to play game, and an interesting take on the MOBA genre that kinda died having the same concept over and over again. Overall, this is what Overwatch could have been, and should have killed many shitty games.
Technically not dead, but on life support because of the micro transactions approach. Fuck the publisher (2K I think).
>Club Penguin
Call me zoomer, that game had more soul than any of the other MMORPGs out there. Second most played game, used to hang out with irl friends over on CP when we didn't get to hang out in town.


But it was dead before it was dead.

because today's titles are just a front for micro transactions

>ywn lock down points on HK ever again
I just want to pop an overly cocky Wu or Tripp one more time.

You were ran by idiots, but you were nice to me.

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Fuck you it was great, but mechanical complexity together with fucking wow made sure it died painfully.

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My dude

This game never had the attention it deserved

Excuse me, motherfucker

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It's coming back

Holy shit

I wonder why they drop the "evolution" parts of the game. I was looking forward to some weird shit popping up.

this post is ironic, right?

There are a bunch of different "Paragon 2"s sadly, it's just splitting up the playerbase more and more.

Ghost in the Shell

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I swear if this game ever came back

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Only assfaggots I ever loved. The dev team was fucking great too

I miss Gigantic. It's the only game in which I've received any sort of vidya hatemail.

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Yeah the dev team were fucking passionate. Also the only MOBA with actual good lore. Those comics and audio dramas were top notch.
It was fucking sad seeing the last couple dev streams where they were just trying to keep joyful even though their publisher just quietly killed the project.

garbage game 100%

Ramsay was fun as fuck but I can see how he would have made people angry

Battleforge. It had a good run, despite it's kinda shitty monetization. But when it was all over and they servers were shut down EA stepped in and made it their misson to never let anyone play it again, as they usually do. That game could easily have sustained a community of private servers and probably didn't even need to be always online in the first place. I'mso fucking sick of EA's policy of "If we are done with this game then no one well ever get to play it ever again. It's our IP and we are just gonna sit on its corpse"


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I really liked Gigantic's style, even with the shit like the Steven Universe character. They totally should've utilized it into a singleplayer game of sorts. Maybe made more porn of the giant things, haha.

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I know only I miss it.

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GunZ the Duel, back when everyone was playing it on the ijji servers. I had so much fucking fun

>getting invested in an game that relies on a central server to function

shouldn't have pandered to furries

Fuck you, skating around and jump slapping people was the best.

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