When the worlds economy gets trashed by climate change, and luxury's like video games become a thing of the past, are you gonna kill yourself?
I'm dead serious. I'm deeply afraid of this, and will absolutely kill myself when it happens.
When the worlds economy gets trashed by climate change, and luxury's like video games become a thing of the past...
Other urls found in this thread:
I'll be able to subsist off my backlog for years, unless the electricity gets cut off.
>climate change
stop reading popsci bud
Jokes on you, I already did.
sooner, probably.
>insect populations have dropped by more than 40% in the last 35 years
>the last time anything like this happened in the fossil record was the Permian-Triassic event
>AKA "The Great Dying"
>the worst mass extinction in natural history we know of
>worse than the KT event that killed the dinosaurs
Is it global arming related?
Iunno, we're fucked either way.
Like 15 years, yeah.
>le we only have 12 years before the end of the world face
Probably is a sign of end times that faced with serious cataclysm and the chance to rebuild the world, people's first thought is "but my toys"
>implying any of us are alive
Not gonna lie, I am a selfish cunt.
My toys are the only reason I have to live desu.
Won't happen in our lifetimes so you're fine
>When the worlds economy gets trashed by climate change, and luxury's like video games become a thing of the past, are you gonna kill yourself?
No, I stopped playing Video Games a long time ago. At this point I welcome collapse as a way to rebuild humanity for the next cycle.
You'd be surprised how many shit opinions disappear the moment people have to work to survive.
You're going to get raped by a pack of niggers sooner than you'll drown to global warming.
if you relish the idea of living in a postapocalypse, you are an actual psychopath
stop falling for sensationalism morons
>Won't happen in our lifetimes so you're fine
but the death of the Earth and all that we know and love is inevitable, even if we may not live to see it
kinda depressing to know that everything you know WILL eventually cease to exist
Based but bluepilled.
I'm going to kill myself in the next 5-10 years regardless of what happens
>When the worlds economy gets trashed by climate change.
You mean trashed by policies to combat climate change.
Insects dying is a good thing, have you ever looked at those pieces of shit, they're disgusting. Humans can manage the necessities of an ecosystem themselves so I don't get what anyone's freaking out about.
Obviously the world's not going to (complete) shit in five fucking years.
That doesn't mean we haven't seriously fucked ourselves at this point.
Do you put off working on projects because they're not due yet?
damn this place really drank the koolaid on climate change denial huh lmfao
Most dying societies didnt know they were decadent either user, until the very last moments but by then its too late and it dies a quick and swift death, leaving some idiots to rebuild it during the troubling changeful times. We are already decadent, all its missing is the final piece of disaster to all of these shitty democracies to implode. Hopefully society can pull itself together again like the last few times.
isnt that a result of climate change still
even if you fight climate change, you still have to deal with super earthquakes, super volcanoes, and space objects/waves.
Human history has not dealt with the these occasional catastrophes and we will eventually.
Doesn't matter. I'm already dead inside.
and somehow it's right wing, even though it relies on the retarded left wing belief that reality is progressive and everything will get better and better
guess what you dumb faggot
the world always had warmer and colder periods
did you forget your history lessons? did they never tell you about ice ages? like how cold it was during the middle ages?
>what is rate of change
You're one dumb nigger
Look like you forgot history class faggot. The dustbowl was a human creation. We managed to fix it by changing the way we did or crops. Humans have a significant impact on the environment you absolute dipshit.
How would that chart look if it was spread across 100s of thousands of years, or millions of years?
>Blue good, red bad
Stop right there with your deceptive visual graphs.
Recent times would still stand out because of how relatively sudden the change would be
I think the great filter might be the Internet. We're way too connected, way too quickly, and it's amplifying the worst in human nature to its extremes. It's done more to erode the idea of truth than any government propaganda wing could ever hope to
You mean, when humans weren't alive? Great I suppose?
>only counts from 1850
are you actually retarded? of course the line keeps going up
show me the temperatures of earlier warm periods and if it's way hotter than back then I'll believe
note: the previous warm period was before the middle ages
We can actually track it in the geological stratum. Check out NASA's data on it. The spike in PPM carbon has brought us to a new era.
The world is changing, and it may or may not be humanities fault, but the damages are not being overstated.
However, humanity is the strongest species, we have persevered through the hardest of times. There will be suffering and casualties, but humanity will survive, and eventually recover. We may discover a way to survive the new weather patterns, repair our atmosphere, or colonize another planet and repeat the cycle. Never underestimate human determination.
how else would you represent "hot" and "cold" that didn't feel fucking stupid
holy shit are you actually insane?
this is on the same tier as "evil being associated with the color black is racist"
I prefer to kill others.
>Global arming
>A typo that actually reminds you humans have built two ways to completely destroy the planet a hundred times over-- nukes as well as pumping feces info the atmosphere
We're literally just coming out of an ice age.
I don't care if I have to live underground like in coober pedy, as long as I have books, movies and vidya.
I feel like in a post apocalyptic world, the internet will become even more important, as travel becomes no longer feasible.
Ban cow farts and hike taxes on bovines
>Human genocide
Human genocide?
Human genocide
Anyone who isn't /ecoright/ is a filthy nigger
I honestly think that the first world is going to complete shit and that no one is expecting the other shoe to drop because we all live in a bubble where everything always turns out fine.
We can't sustain this forever. All it takes is some towelhead firing a missile at the wrong kike, or a global economic crisis, or any number of things. Don't know how much history you've read but it is insane how fast things can go from seeming fine to turning to absolute shit.
>thinking there will be internet in the Apocalypse.
Furries go first. Humans prioritize survival of their own species first, Furries have willingly demoted themselves to the tier of animal and as such will be treated as such in post-apocalyptic situations.
At this point I don't care if humanity survives anymore. Once I die all of humanity is equally as dead to me anyway. All life for every species on this earth is garbage: you're born, you suffer, you die, and in the middle you delude yourself into thinking you enjoyed it.
"As the Earth moved out of ice ages over the past million years, the global temperature rose a total of 4 to 7 degrees Celsius over about 5,000 years. In the past century alone, the temperature has climbed 0.7 degrees Celsius, roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming."
"Models predict that Earth will warm between 2 and 6 degrees Celsius in the next century. When global warming has happened at various times in the past two million years, it has taken the planet about 5,000 years to warm 5 degrees. The predicted rate of warming for the next century is at least 20 times faster. This rate of change is extremely unusual."
>thinking there will be internet in the Apocalypse.
I have to hope user.
It's all I have.
>Travel becomes no longer feasible
How are you going to eat then and (presuming you're not immune to all disease) have medicines delivered?
If it's literally no longer feasible to be outside what are we going to make food out of? Where is the fresh oxygen going to come from?
I'm gonna say the n-word.
Definitely redpilled on the life being complete shit part
No if it gets to that point I will gladly go out rampaging against others rather than take myself out.
It's weird how they think everything is facts and logic but their entire ideology relies on emotional judgment.
be one of the people saying "hey don't apocalypse or I won't vote for you"
You're an idiot. You'll always be an idiot. Ignorance is bliss, and as stupid as you are, you should be blissful.
Hope is what is killing you, user. All you have at this point is to remember that ultimately hope is meaningless, what you can enforce by your own will is all that matters.
Places that cannot grow food will be deserted.
People with weak immune systems will die.
By travel, I mean world wide travel.
Local travel should still be fine, but very expensive.
Interesting idea. You can offer yourself up as the first one on the chopping block and we'll see where it goes from there.
omg we're all gonna die in 12 years!!!
hurry let's give all of our money to women and shitskins! that'll fix everything!
>video games forever gone will kill me
Haha Fuck no
>and in the middle you delude yourself into thinking you enjoyed it
Even when not talking about video games Yea Forums still manages to tell people they're having "artificial fun"
How are we fucked?
That's a fair way to see it.
Personally, I want humanity wiped from the earth. The poor will die first with no way to shelter themselves from the disasters. And once the last poor person dies the rich will realize it's not them that's buying time, but the poor that's selling it. They will have no hunters or farmers left, and they will crumble.
But I realize that this is completely idealistic, and that's just not how it's really going to go. Like I said before, humanity will survive one way or another. Whether you find solace or spite in that is entirely up to you.
>left wing belief that reality is progressive and everything will get better and better
That's not what progressives believe at all you dope. You've never heard their mantra of "the struggle is real"? They believe that humanity's situation can only be improved and refined over time but it takes a great amount of effort to get there. It doesn't just happen automatically and there's always the risk of regression from right-wing groups who want to take things back to "the good old days".
The climate has changed massively many times, even in human history. I'd like to remind you there was a mini ice age about 500 years ago. The climate will change no matter what humans do and you can't stop it.
existentialism and absurdism are self-delusion. the void is still there even if you do everything in your power to not look at it
That sound's hysterical though.
Can we please talk about this calmly?
Join the movement for cutting down on military spending and funding cheap public transportation instead as an alternative to cars. The US military is one of the biggest polluters worldwide and, unlike the meat industry (which should also be regulated), doesn't produce anything useful to humans.
I can't do anything to stop it. I wish I could but I can't. It's no use worrying about it, the hobbies I treasure the most don't require anything anyways. It's a fucking tragedy that so much life on this planet has been ruined and cut short, but it always has been and is always going to be.
Hopefully there's some rocks out there that never developed sapience and all the critters get to live in peace with the rain on their skin and the wind on their hair, fearing only indifferent predators and nature instead of the cruel hand of autistic artifice. It's as awful as it gets, but I think that even if we all die, it's all going to be okay. Living had nothing to do with making it, and we're all going to make it bros.
I'm reactionary and have fought for halting climate change for a long time
I mean wanting to reduce humanity's pollution levels to closer to what they once were is literally the dictionary definition of reactionary if you think about it
There's nothing inherently wrong with wanting to turn the clock back on some things
This is just stuff that's happening right now.
Sneed Feed and Seed
Yes, no more suffering finally.
That's great, kid
Now how are you going to stop China and India who are responsible for somewhere between 70-80% of the world's pollution?
You've got less than 15 years to stop them
>(((Concerned Scientists)))
Resource depletion. Worsening climates causing mass extinctions of animals and more intense conditions in developing regions of the world. The way we live is simply unsustainable and unlimited growth isn't possible. Only a fool would fail to see that.
>Places that cannot grow food
Pretty much the majority of the Earth when the global temperature extremes keep increasing so you're gonna have to move, but oh wait, no world wide travel
>People with weak immune systems will die
RIP user because I bet you haven't been eating rotten meat and old MREs your whole life as a sheltered Yea Forums user
There's nothing realistic about your odds of living in such a scenario, let alone living comfortably, and the only thing making you think otherwise is your own ego fooling you
>imagine unironically using ((()))
Sub room temperature IQ
>Implying humans deserve to live
Humans are literal cancer scourge of the earth parasites sucking the earth dry insatiable hunger will be the death of all living things it is time to cleanse the earth of of the human disease human genocide now.
Why do you faggots always say this
"hurr you first!"
SOMEONE reliable needs to stay alive to see it carried out
"Make the big Jewish owners of the coal power plants shut down their plants and replace them with nuclear/solar/wind/water/geothermal" =/= "let's give all of our money to women and shitskins!"
Fuck off coal Jew
Oh no goyim the earth might get a few degrees warmer, how will we possibly survive.
Meanwhile ignore that oil will run out in a century and 90% of people can't be fed without it.
Like this, fuckwad.
You can genocide humans all you want but Furries go first.
Reducing pollution is literally "taking things back to the good old days". Stop forcing this as a left/right issue and engaging in left/right arguments it's literally just going to make more people stick to a political side
Play in real life instead. Real life has more options than some imageble model.
Nuclear is a limited resource that will run out, everything else is reliant on rare earth metals which will also run out.
So that rules you out then
I suppose that is true, but the pollution should have never gotten to the point at which it has. I think to be a reactionary is to be foolish and ignorant of history and the mistakes that were made and it operates on the assumption that these won't be made again. Some mistakes have been given continuity and it shouldn't be necessary to double down on them. We as people should be fighting for better conditions for all people in order to better humanity rather than continuing to step on people.
These two things are interconnected. A few degrees warmer is also a big fucking deal.
Nothing can run out it just transforms in different things.
>and replace them with more jewish run (((renewable energies)))
Also don't even fucking pretend that anything that comes from the left anywhere involves giving jobs and money to whites
The supposedly great Green New Deal didn't address this
It was just about getting rid of planes, farting cows, and nuclear power plants
Also giving financial aid to those unable and unwilling to work while also having completely open borders and abolishing ICE
nigga who's the mastermind paying off every scientist on earth to fear monger about climate change?
to what end?
They want you to focus on climate change because it's something we can pretend we can fix by lowering emissions. It distracts you from the fact our lives revolve around limited resources which are being harvested in record numbers and can not be replaced.
You really need to leave this site, it's not conducive for a healthy mind. Just look at your post. Start breathing in through your nose and get yourself a bib to wipe up the drool.
>stop forcing a left/right issue
Dumb fucks like you don't understand why they're called "conservatives". They want to preserve the environment just as much as the leftwing pretends to. They object(rightfully) leftwing money grabs in the guise of (((saving the environment)))
The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Who are you quoting?
>global warming / limited resources is literally the only one issue I give a single fuck about
>there's literally nothing I can do about it to make a significant difference
Is there a worse feeling than just this pure hopelessness
I'm sure whoever made this projection isn't being paid based on the notion the earth is gonna end.
ouch the ad hominem knife in the back, it hurts!
Pretty sure the people trying to mitigate and spread awareness about climate change are the same people trying to get renewable sources of energy into the mainstream friend.
And everything. Lol Including you.
You still have no proof this is anthropogenic
I think humanity will destroy itself before climate change does
China is responsible for 30% of the world's pollution not 70% you lying fuck, as you can see from the list
China: 30%
US: 14%
EU minus Germany: 10%
India: 6%
Russia: 5%
Japan: 4%
Germany: 2%
The rest of the world can definitely offset that and the point of climate treaties is that we make China join in too; if they don't we put trade sanctions that fuck their economy and slow their pollution in that way
Why worry?
>first world nations could fully mobilize to convert their infrastructure and China and India still wouldn't give a shit
if I could be part of the last generation to actually advance technology adn ecomony before we fell to ruin, that wouldn't be so bad.
check out this neet girl
If they can get China to do any of this green shit, I might actually care, but until then fuck off
This cannot be stated hard enough. I wonder how it could have been avoided.
The problem with the politicians in the west is that they are attempting to lead by example, even though globally were have a better standards of gas emissions compared to the past decades and compared to most countries today. what's the point of going even further if we can't convince china and India to follow? I think they would rather watch the west shoot itself in the foot with half baked strategies to combat climate change.
Realizing that people don't really care about sustainability because they've become so accustomed to Bread and Circuses that they would fail to function as human beings without them.
The bread and circuses we have now is so amazing. Back in the day the person in charge would have to pay for the food and entertainment to keep the masses in line. These days though, people will willingly pay for their own pacification out of their own pocket.
In case you can't understand this graph
THERE ARE NO RENEWABLE RESOURCES WHEN IT COMES TO ENERGY ON A LARGE SCALE. You are being scammed and lied to. All renewable sources of energy require rare earth metals whi vh are a non renewable resource and will run out before oil and gas do. It's all a fucking scam to make you feel better about the future and not fall into despair.
carbon dioxide =/= entire measurement of pollution you inbred chink
It's not me ad homineming you. You're literally ranting like a schizophrenic boomer. How can you honestly not have any self awareness to recognize that there may be significant flaws in spending large amounts of time in an echo chamber like this one?
climate change could be solved if pakistan escalates their border clash to nuking india. that alone will delay the world ending by another 50 years since almost all of the worlds ocean pollution comes from that literal shithole.
Yeah you could be one of the people that aren't fucking stupid and have seen the "World will end in 10 years" goalposts since the 70s and has to watch dumb cringy fucks curl into the fetal position
It's the worst fucking feeling.
I have an opinion on most things, but I'm rarely emotionally invested on those opinions.
Except the environment and resources.
I try not to read about it too much because I have panic attacks otherwise.
Life finds a way, so no. Im no quitter.
man i am feeling too scared to go take a shower right now
pls help
At least if i never have kids i never have a stake in what happens after my death, so that's one less thing i have to worry about.
I might be a brainlet, but isn't this suggesting that the ice age was only 7 degrees colder? That can't be right, can it?
>His source is wikipedia
Even high schoolers have higher standards than this
You don't think Dear Leader Winnie the Pooh has people make themselves look better?
Become a leftist. The rich and powerful are responsible for 99% of social ills. When hierarchical and self-serving powerful institutions are removed, we will live in a better world.
>Unprecedented spike in global temperature correlates almost exactly with our spike in carbon emissions
>This is supported by our understanding of the greenhouse effect
>But nah, it's totally nothing to do with us
I personally would rather not take my chances.
>echo chamber
Wow imagine that. An idiot using buzzwords without knowing what they mean
Can you give some examples of those rare earth metals?
Sure, renewable sources aren't entirely renewable. But the point is that they're still a better option, and produce much cleaner energy.
Explain how that remotely makes sense.
What do you think Coal will do for fuck's sake? At least rare earth metals can be recycled. You gonna recycle all the coal dust?
60% of France's power is supplied by nuclear now and they've had zero issues with supply of nuclear material since the 1960s when their program began. They've also had no nuclear related deaths in all that time, compared to on average 1000 coal dust related premature deaths in Germany every year.
Leftism has never in history removed the rich and powerful. Not in a single instance has it ever done that. Actually, all socialist countries have had a very rich and powerful leadership. Venezuela and North Koreans are starving but their leaders are billionaires. The USSR and Maoist China were the same.
France is a small nation. If the US or China go nuclear its gone in 50 years.
Why don't they just go up and make the carbon dioxide turn into something else that's heavier so it falls out of the atmosphere
What year do we start seeing actual doomsday cults? I want to see crazy shit.
I think the world ended in 2012.
>being a leftist means you're a socialist
There's a pretty big difference between being some dumbass commie and not wanting the wage gap to be fucking ginormous
Rich people aren't suddenly going to stop existing, no one ever claimed that
look in the mirror
You people say that but I doubt you would volunteer to die yourself.
Funny this thread just popped up. Jay Inslee announced he was running for president a few hours ago and nearly his entire campaign is climate changed focus.
When the welfare stops flowing. That will be in a decade or two. It will happen faster if socialists can take power because they will obviously raise the debt faster. Basically when interest payment growth starts to outpace economic growth the whole system is gonna collapse.
It doesn't take much user.
Our slight shift of .8 degrees celsius is enough to fuck us really hard in the long run, and it's emblemmatic of the change that's still coming. 2/3 of that .8 shift has happened in about the last 40 years.
From NASA as well:
"A one-degreeglobalchange is significant because it takes a vast amount of heat to warm all the oceans, atmosphere, and land by that much. In the past, a one- to two-degree drop was all it took to plunge the Earth into the Little Ice Age. A five-degree drop was enough to bury a large part of North America under a towering mass of ice 20,000 years ago."
>I think to be a reactionary is to be foolish and ignorant of history
On the contrary being blindly anti-reactionary is fully capable of being a terrible decision because change isn't always for the better. For example, if a law to torture all animals mandatorily was released tomorrow, you would be under the label of reactionary just like us for wanting it repealed.
People against the USSR were labelled reactionaries, and the term was coined during the Terror. That goes to show you that reactionaries are fully capable of being right.
So being against something because it's reactionary (aka wanting a change back to the way things were) is what's foolish, as with everything else it should be argued on its own merits and not whether it happens to want a return to an older state.
literally means nothing
>posts a wojak as if it's an argument
Look, I spent a lot of time on /pol/ prior to Trump and the 2016 election(meaning pre2014) and it has a large amount of overwhelmingly reactionary opinions and often blatantly misrepresented data in order to trick your mind into believing it as "fact," especially as a large amount of it neglects historical context. It may not be a fully unified echo chamber but it is a lot of parroting, just like reddit is a place for liberal parroting. It's actually quite ironic that you post an NPC image because you have zero self awareness. I would feel bad for you, but you're too far gone. I pray you're not over 23 years old.
Literally every leftist is priding climate change as one of their big points
when their money stops running the world, we can talk about redistributing it
actually no we cant. redistributing anyone's wealth for any reason is theft. just give them incentives to actually spend it, or invest it, so they don't sit on their hoards like jew dragons
Climate change aside Jay Inslee is a moron, I don't know what the fuck he thinks he's doing
Every solar power company I have ever seen is 99% staffed by white males
Are you pretending right now that the coal and gas lobby weren't Hillary's biggest donation contributors during 2016? They're far Jewier than any of these upstart technologies which is why they pay for disinfo to keep people like you against renewables
>A five-degree drop was enough to bury a large part of North America under a towering mass of ice 20,000 years ago
If you think pol is an echo chamber you're delusional. I guarantee you if you go there right now you fill find more threads attacking Trump than praising him. Even if you go in the dedicated Trump thread you will often find most of the posts are attacking him. There's no moderation unlike somewhere like Reddit so it's constantly being raided.
When will these dumb fucks realize all we (the US) need to do is implement a carbon tax to stop global warming? Once that happens, the climate will see that we are acting in good faith and revert the changes itself.
>He doesn't know calculus
Yeah nah fuck off cunt, /ecoright/ or kill yourself. It's already been made clear in the thread that Jews are behind coal and gas industries. You're literally shilling for them for free at this stage.
What if we used the heat from the warming globe to power shit
Marxist-Leninist governments are failed states because they attempt to remove the rich by redistributing the power to the government. One institution of power cannot be transferred over to another. It will always lead to inequality. Leftist anarchism has worked in history though, once in Paris and then in Catalonia, before being sabotaged by the Communist MLs. Opposing all systems of power is the best and most rational way to uphold freedoms. Not just liberties but also internal freedom. The ability to self determination and management.
I voted blue and use a cloth bag. Literally saving the planet so hard that I shit formerly extinct animals.
>forgetting china and india exist
no. i have 3tb of hentai, spore and quake 3 to hold me over for another 10-20 years. i also think that india will be massacred for the greater survival of humanity at that point
The bottom line is that there is only one real solution to fix all of the environmental and resource scarcity problems we face and that is to reduce the global population by over 90%. That will never happen though. It's too late for that. If population control was going to be done it needed to happen before the population grew so much. It needed to happen before the 20th century.
>not believing that society will sustain itself long enough for your generation to live
fuck other people, at least I can go out before this shit goes down
>B-but it's ok to destroy the environment because of muh self-preservation
>Only makes sense when you assume people are inherently more valuable than everything else
Why do you place yourself on a pedestal? Honestly, what makes you more valuable than anything else? Or the resources you consume?
>Jews want to destroy countries they rule over with environmental laws and let China, a country that they have little influence take over the world
What is their end game?
Good joke. You know how old that sentiment is? It's been around longer than our grandfathers.
>"Mammoths will kills us all!"
>"demons will kills us all! (praise be unto god)"
>"the government will destroy us all!"
This sentiment you mention is older than dirt. The world will keep on turning, and society will find a way to persist. We're no better than cockroaches.
To answer your question though, I wouldn't. Video games are becoming more and more like work for me, and despite that sentiment I often find work more fun than video games nowadays.
To be fair, inbuilt population control is already happening due to overpopulation. It's why there is such an increase in sexual degeneracy and NEETS/Incels.
We've already observed that once we reach the peak of our ecosystems species will adopt behaviours which directly or indirectly lower the reproduction rate.
why are you people so keen on mass genocide
the answers to the problems of climate change are already known
>Zero (0) sources
Chinks are soulless bugmen who need to go commit Tiananmen Square but that doesn't mean grossly exaggerating their pollution so your country can have an excuse for continuing to fuck us all over is good idea
The meme of Wikipedia being highly unreliable on major topics is outdated as of 2010, show a single fucking source yourselves if I'm supposedly wrong
I think, therefore I am the best
come and stop me.
Because we'll just make better version down the line. It's evolution, if it can't handle us, get out of the pool.
We can still do it, kill all non-whites ASAP
Lol like dude life will become the video game
Gamers rise up XD
>SOMEONE reliable needs to stay alive to see it carried out
No need for you then.
No it isn't. Population is noit expected to start plateauing until 10 billion. We need the global population down to 100 million. How are we gonna deal with those billions of extra niggers when they start flooding europe?
You've conflating two points. You've got anons arguing about climate change AND anons arguing for mass genocide as a form of either population control, internal crisis of the mind or surface tier nihilist rebellion.
I can only experience things that happen to me, while I'm alive
Source? Plus nobody is saying everyone everywhere would have to choose nuclear, it would be a mix of renewable sources
If third-world shitholes like China and India would cut their population by a scant 50%, I'm sure we'd see near-immediate changes.
We're arguing the same point, user. My statement is a subset of yours where I'm just pointing out that the higher the population gets, the more degenerates you get as a natural recourse of overpopulation until you hit critical mass.
We still personally need to remove populations to achieve a reset but there is natural things in place which used to work in the sense that society would collapse due to overpopulation related issues.
Wonder what the plan is at the top. Deus Ex style engineered disease, bombs, or what.
if you hate humanity that much just off yourself or ted kaczynski ffs.
Then choose Distributism which is neither left nor right and prevents super rich hoarding without using socialism. Not him btw
>its the trumptards who are the issue with /pol/
No. It's the braindead MUH wh*Te pride stormfaggots who fling their cancer everywhere they go. You're clearly someone who fell for their propaganda. Again, no self awareness, no critical thinking. I do hope you grow out of that stage of your life, because it's a harmful and dangerous mindset to stay in. Read some opposition texts or go listen to some lectures. That's what I mean by an echo chamber. There is a consensus view based on kneejerk reactionaryism.
>USA sanctions China
>they retaliate by calling in their debts
>USA Refuses to pay
>China declares war
>Russia joins in on the fun
>USA gets rekt and their economy completely collapses
>murica is thoroughly conquered and divvied up between China, Russia, and Mexico
>no more amerimutt global dominance on the world stage
Good end
And if Americans cut their excessive consumption and unwavering corporate cocksucking we'd be in a much better position entirely.
Perfectly balanced and Thanospilled.
but muh campitalisms
christ if it's this bad right now, i wonder what politics are going to be like in twenty years.
what buzzwords will be flung at either side?
This. There are 700+ each NES and SNES ROMs on my mini consoles. A vast majority of I've never played.
I'm not even a white supremacist. The only group I consider greatly inferior is black people. Mexicans are minority inferiorvdue to mixing with indigenous peoples but it's very minor not a big deal. Hispanic people from central and South America, Indians, Asians and Arabics are not genetically inferior.
Do tell. What exactly would you like to go back to? I'm curious.
you see kids, it's important to categorize your racism, so you don't get caught up with a bad crowd
Why do you think black people are "inferior?"
>inb4 IQ charts
They ignore historical and geographical context.
Because waging a devastating war is more likely than slimeball politicians actually working together to solve pollution and global warming.
Not him but I personally see feminism as the single greatest mistake in human history. You can see charts of spending by year and see that women entering the voting base increased spending more than major wars did. They simply can not make effective long term decisions.
I, for one, come to Yea Forums for a serious look at how the state of the world. Really though, this place is a cesspool of mental illness and I hope those of you who are capable of forming your own opinions don't fall for the "I will be alive for the end of the world" meme.
By your argument the Cold War never should have ended because there's no possible way nukes could ever wipe us out
Many thousands of people much, much smarter and more qualified than you who have studied the atmosphere scientifically for decades agree there is a very good chance spewing shit into the atmosphere can ruin it and therefore us, and your counterargument is literally nothing more than unfounded contrarianism ("everyone is worrying but I'M too smart for that!") and a quote you pulled out of your ass about mammoths
Not that user but geographical context is what makes them inferior.
When you never had to git gud, you can't be surprised when you're not playing at EVO with the other kids.
Spearchucking in perfect climates with plentiful resources doesn't indulge the things that make other races better.
Climate change will finally kill Capitalism, but unfortunately it will take the world with it.
We tried to tell you Capitalism was shit.
So many reasons, the most basic being that they are bottom of the barrel in every country they're present in.
Africa's overpopulation is the real killer
At least we get to have a heckin big battle royale in the streets before its over.
>Everyone screaming their heads off over polar bears and the Earth catching fire
>Be a Floridaboy
>Scared shitless, desperately tried to get my parents to start recycling and would spend Monday nights sorting our trash into plastic, paper, and normal trash.
>2012 rolls around, graduated High School
>Florida is fine and dandy
>"Global Warming" didn't sink us in 2012
>C L I M A T E C H A N G E
You'd have to be braindead retarded to believe this election cycle after election cycle.
Literally Red Scare tier.
>>they retaliate by calling in their debts
US has economically sanctioned China multiple times in 2018 for various things and that didn't happen
What the fuck
Not a faggot like you. Not going to kill myself over games.
>perfect climates with plentiful resources
Large portions of Sub-Saharan Africa turns into a literal dustbowl for half the year what the fuck are you talking about you dolt
You think things are bad anons?
The effects we're seeing nowadays are from emissions emitted 40 years ago.
>I'm better just because!
It's sad that you can't even rationalize yourself without resorting to some egocentric worldview.
The fact is you're not special.
Beach erosion is a huge issue currently. There's already streets in Miami that are permanently flooded you fucking Retard. You don't even research this probably.
And yet time and time again people manage to pull through. The cold war was solved, I don't see how that's "against" my point at all.
There is a very wide berth between acknowledging a solvable problem and hopeless doomsaying, and one is much more productive than the other. Unless of course you're a paranoia-spreading televangelist selling emergency food supplies, then I suppose that could be "productive" too.
The future is pollution choked, tiered cities where human life has no intrinsic value. The current system will be forced to change, but never forget this, things can always be worse and not only in the ways you might initially think. Climate change does not mean extinction, but rather the mass migration, and exploitation of the majority of the human population. People like to joke that the future will probably look like 40k at some point, who could've guessed it would come so soon?
From an evolutionary standpoint being a dustbowl half the year doesn't really interfere with how you live day to day when you aren't exactly running an agricultural culture now innit?
Other cultures had less hospitable lands with heavy rains, snow etc which meant they had to git gud by necessity and learn how to develop. Africans had evolutionary easy mode and it's why they're still so fucking retarded today. It's like they're abo-tier.
That's okay. We're all on a collision course to inevitable death beds anyway. Soon to be forgotten and our coffins will be filled with spiders.
Either way, we're fucked.
>insect populations have dropped by more than 40% in the last 35 years
Good riddance.
>unless you give me and the federal government total control over the American economy we're all going to die
>ha ha nuclear power? didn't you read about chernobyl? yikes!
My country's old whites only immigration policy which was excellent at curtailing Chinese influence
Canada and New York not having criminal penalties for refusing to address someone by their preferred pronoun
Governments dropping asylums in favour of allowing mental patients to roam the streets and occasionally check in for meds because a couple of movies made all asylums look like 24/7 torture chambers when in fact most provided good care
General global rates of immigration
The new mentality hitting politics and business hard where filling a quota of gender and race is more important than picking the most skilled person for the job
Fourth wave feminism's approach that equal treatment is not enough and everyone must be provided with equal opportunity, which translates to money out of the taxpayer's pocket
China's economic dominance
That's what I can think of right now
>From an evolutionary standpoint being a dustbowl half the year doesn't really interfere with how you live day to day when you aren't exactly running an agricultural culture now innit?
You're probably one of those subhumans that thinks food magically appears on supermarket shelves.
But Bill Gates isn't even leave an inheritance for his children,his wife and he are giving away all their money out to charities. Not every multimillionaire is a dick.
Interesting theory user, it does an uncanny job at accurately explaining why Siberian Tribespeople and Inuits are running the world today, and why warmer-weather peoples like those who developed in, say the Mediterranean region never developed any civilisations of note.
They barely even flinch. Even the guy that gets debris dropped on his head.
Again though. Does that not ignore historical context?
In the United States, blacks were once property for a few centuries. After being property, they were vastly discriminated against by the government. Often restricting voting rights, poorer schools due to segregation, and redlining in the north that prevented black home-ownership, just to name a few examples.
After the civil rights era, blacks weren't able to gain a foothold due to crack cocaine being peddled into their already segregated and poor blighted neighborhoods, by the CIA. The War on Drugs and it's mass incarceration has just been another form of keeping black people as a perpetual serf class.
I'd argue that black people, since they are the most visible minority group have been kept as a serf class to further the narrative of telling the poorest white man that he is still better than the negro who can't "pull himself up by his bootstraps." When in reality, black people in the US have never really been given the opportunity to free themselves from poverty and the hierarchical structure upholds that. Maybe instead of cutting welfare, let's find a way to prevent people from even needing to be on welfare. Don't misconstrue this argument as rationalizing criminal behaviors, by the way.
>tfw this is a thing
It hurts
To expand on this what happened with humanity is that a long fucking time ago, like 10k years ago some humans moved North from Africa to the middle East. This group was obviously the cream of the crop to be able to do that. They heavily evolved over thousands of years and then groups of them migrated to Asia, India and Europe, of course some stayed in the middle East as well. Sub Saharan Africans are the people who never moved on. They didn't have the capabiliuty to do so and theyh never evolved to survive in new environments.
There's a way to turn all this around.
>introduce a carbon tax
>force major ghg emitters to change to a more renewable model
>massively increase public transportation, reduce the amount of cars drastically
>create large water pools EVERYWHERE, fill them with algae
>create a more efficient system of energy distribution
>switch to an economic system that won't commit suicide
He's gonna leave his kids with $10 million each and give the rest to charity
>change is measured in increments of .5 c.
>temp goes up 2 c over 20 years
Blacks are trash everywhere not just where they were slaves. Even in Asia the few who are there are often causing huge problems.
Yeah, I just live here in the drowned streets of Miami. Shitposting with my underwater wifi.
You faggots are just looking for another excuse to tax us again like you did in 2007 when you forced everyone here to buy 2 new trashcans and throw out the ones we had and pay for 2 seperate trucks to pick up recyclables.
The surest sign of retardation is believing this bullshit.
Beijing (Which I have visited) doesn't have breathable air and housewives have to clean soot off their roofs every hour on the hour.
If you wanna play this climate change game, start with the plank in China's eye, instead of the sawdust in America's.
Easy. Siberia and Inuits are basically in the same boat as the Africans except in the reverse. Instead of being in one-note heat, they're in one-note cold. Inuits aren't exactly known for their large agricultural booms now are they?
They primarily fish and hunt.
As to the whole Mediterranean thing, they had a wider range of climates to deal with and were neighboured with other cultures which progressed at reasonable speeds as well.
"While he won’t specify what he’s leaving his children — only that it will be a “miniscule” portion of his total wealth — $10 million each is the estimate that’s been cited. In a rare interview, he also told Britain’s Daily Mail that he’ll pay for education and health issues, but his children are expected to find careers and support themselves while making a contribution to society."
>Jews went through all that and much worse and now own most businesses in the world
Look how well Africans are currently doing even in the parts of the country never touched by whites. It's time to stop making excuses. Negroids do worse for genetic reasons: low IQ.
you can't guilt trip the chinese user, only americans are gullible enough to care about other people, and leftism will destroy them for it.
Yeah, good luck with that.
Per Capita Americans emit more you fucking dunce. Cutting your emissions would give the rest of the world more time to get its shit together.
>Yea Forums- Climate Change
Never change Yea Forums
It's a global problem and it's affecting everyone, just not equally
You can keep on just sticking your head in the sand and blaming everything on third world countries, but that only makes you fucking short sighted scum
Nothing quite like scaring people with graphs they don't really have the context to understand is there?
Fascinating. I'm a leftist anarchist and I disagree with all of those besides the whites only immigration policy(I'm assuming you're Australian? Though it is disconcerting how many Chinese immigrants are completely brainwashed. I believe I saw an article a while ago where Chinese immigrant students in Canada wanted to get a student body president expelled because she was Tibetan and acknowledged Tibet). Word policing and authoritarian behavior is generally deplorable, but I don't know if I'd call fighting for more freedom as a reactionary thing.
you forgot to solve the part of companies actually pay their share of tax
>>introduce a carbon tax
because that worked SO well in Paris right?
Yes per each American we produce more, but when China has a population 4.5 times the size of the US per capita is irrelevant.
Especially since our pollutants are recycled while theirs are shot into the air.
bullshit everything dies with YOU and that's it you're not coming back so why does it matter if in a billion years everything is gone. You are already GONE.
The problem in Paris was a carbon tax that disproportionatly punished consumers
Then why do African immigrants from countries like Nigeria, Ghana, and Ethiopia tend to be successful in the United States?
Not that user but they don't. Where did you get your information from, I would like to peruse your source.
>You guys are just looking for another excuse to tax us
>No bro! Just a carbon tax to save the world!
>Oh and that public transportation won't pay for itself!
>Oh by the way, you gotta pay for everyone's universal income because capitalism sucks
History repeats itself again.
>Just let yourself be taxed, retard.
>Heh, dumb middle class scum.
It would be no big loss if your entire state slipped into the ocean you tax dodging boomer.
Black immigrants earn 25% less than the average American household. If you exclude nonikmmigrant blacks and hispaniucs its probably over 35%.
>The cold war was solved, I don't see how that's "against" my point at all
The Cold War was solved by complete accident of Russia collapsing, the fucking point is that the nuclear arsenal of both countries could have made life on Earth impossible if it was launched, which came close to happening multiple times, such as when a faulty Russian computer misreported an American launch and the Russian man managed to guess it was a fake rather than firing nukes in return. It's against your point because it shows that unless you deny nukes could have potentially ended the world had not the USSR miraculously imploded, then the doomsayers were totally right.
>There is a very wide berth between acknowledging a solvable problem and hopeless doomsaying
For 20 years the scientific community at large has specifically tried to downplay their language specifically because of idiots like you who retard any warning as "paranoia", and it hasn't worked. Now we're getting closer to bigger crises, downplaying it is obviously not working and thus not an option.
If your doctor tells you you're going to die if you don't change your habits, do you brush him off like a retard because he's "doomsaying" or do you listen to his superior scientific experience which is much more likely than yours to be correct?
why should care about sustaining the dying planet for jews when all of scientific energy should be focused on building a self learning and sustaining AI that can survive on a hostile earth?
french here
we all know the tax is just a way to fuck the consumer even more
so if a french know this (since we're probably the most retarded people in the world) it means everyone know about it
>Everyone is just doing this for no reason and everyone's an idiot except me, especially the thousands of scientists around the world who have been observing the environment for decades and building knowledge on the subject
>scientists tell us CFCs are destroying the ozone layer
>we ban the use and the ozone is rebuilding itself
>scientists tell us carbon emissions are warming the planet
>it's a jewish lie
I don't get right wingers
...because I'm not a robot?
When stratocumular clouds that currently cover 2/3rds of the globe disappear due to 2C rise and the increasing CO2 concentration, the world's climate will return to the PETM global maximum and it'll become 12C hotter and there's no way to reverse it though, if you want to involve history.
i don't have to rationalize anything. you're full of shit. go fuck yourself.
Carbon taxes shouldn't be levied on the working class. The 'people' are much less responsible for poor environmental issues than rich and corporations.
>Ghanaian American (2016): $66,571
>Nigerian American (2016): $60,732
>Barbadian American : $56,078
>Jamaican American (2016): $52,669
All four are majority black nations and all four have higher average household incomes than the American average(American (2016): $51,601).
I get the hesitance. CFC's were just not using certain chemicals. What we're talking about now involves changing our entire way of life, purposefully lowering our standard of living
Indian American (2016) : $110,026 [2]
South African American (2016) : $100,059 [3]
Australian American (2016) : $91,452 [3]
Taiwanese American (2016) : $90,221 [3]
Jewish American (2016) : $88,745 [2]
British American (2016) : $79,872[3]
Austrian American (2016) : $78,127[3]
Russian American (2016): $77,841[3]
Japanese American (2016): $77,504[3]
Bulgarian American (2016): $76,862[3]
Lithuanian American (2016) : $76,694[3]
Israeli American (2016) : $76,584 [3]
Slovene American (2016) : $75,940[3]
Basque American (2016) : $75,864[3]
Lebanese American (2016): $75,337[3]
Croatian American (2016): $73,991[3]
Sri Lankan American: $73,856[3]
Scandinavian American (2016): $73,797[3]
Chinese American (2016): $73,788[2]
Belgian American (2016) : $73,443[3]
Malaysian American (2016): $72,827[2]
(excluding Taiwanese American)
Swiss American (2016) : $72,823[3]
Iranian American (2016) : $72,733[3]
Italian American (2016) : $72,586[3]
Ukrainian American (2016): $72,449 [3]
Romanian American (2016): $72,381[3]
Greek American (2016): $72,291[3]
Scottish American (2016): $71,925[3]
Danish American (2016) : $71,550[3]
Swedish American (2016): $71,217 [3]
Polish American (2016): $71,172[3]
Slavic American (2016) : $71,163[3]
Norwegian American (2016): $71,142[3]
Canadian American (2016) : $70,809[3]
Welsh American (2016): $70,351[3]
Czech American (2016) : $70,454[3]
Czechslovakian American (2016) : $70,084[3]
Finnish American (2016) : $70,045[3]
Serbian American (2016) : $70,028[3]
Hungarian American (2016): $69,515[3]
French Canadian American (2016) : $68,075[3]
Portuguese American (2016): $67,807[3]
English American (2016) : $67,663[3]
Slovak American (2016) : $67,471[3]
Armenian American (2016): $67,450[3]
German American (2016): $67,306[3]
Filipino American : $66,737[2]
Irish American (2016) : $66,688[3]
>No bro! Just a carbon tax to save the world!
You have to incentivize companies to reduce emissions. How else do you plan on doing it? I'm also in favour of dragging rich people out onto the streets and hanging them off streetlamps, but that won't happen until 2050 when it will be clear we're gonna soar past 3 degrees.
>Oh and that public transportation won't pay for itself!
There are plenty of sources of income in the 1% bracket. If I were president I'd knock the tax rate on them to 90% and make it an amendment.
>Oh by the way, you gotta pay for everyone's universal income because capitalism sucks
I don't believe in UBI. I think the whole system is garbage and needs to be thrown in the trash. Socialism or barbarism.
Man the DOW Jones is really booming.
Fighting for more freedom is by definition reactionary if you used to have that freedom, they took it away, and you want it back to the way things used to be. That's why I've been saying that buying into the use of reactionary as a perjorative is foolish, because being reactionary is not inherently bad.
There are some reactionary things I agree with and some I don't (slavery, state mandated religion); even being anarchist is reactionary, because for better or worse the natural state of man is without governments, and wanting a return to that is the biggest form of reactionary there is.
Glad to see you liked the based WAP
>You have to incentivize companies to reduce emissions. How else do you plan on doing it?
COMPANIES DON'T. GIVE. A. FUCK. EVERY TIME you try to tax them they'll just move to avoid the tax.
Then guess who has to foot the bill?
>Please be cucks for robots
>right wingers
Stop making this a left right issue, all you're doing is forcing more people away from environmental science instead of towards it
Good post reactionaussie. We may not see eye to eye, but I think you framed it in a good way.
Nope. The Mediterranean climate is very stable and conducive to farming.
How does not driving (gasoline) cars everywhere, flying to the Alps or Aspen four times a year, and eating healthy levels of animal protein instead of massively overconsuming constitute a drop in living standards?
Also the complete razing of the Amazon and other rainforests to grow $oy beans and palm oil and raise beef cattle for hamburgers and mine for gold and pump mercury pollution into drinking water and build more fucking roads doesn't really benefit anyone except a few corrupt politicians.
When it all goes tits up there won't be much living left anyway.
Thanks for being a reasonable conversationalist and I will say left anarchism>>>>left authoritarianism (though distributism>>them both)
>btfo of /pol/ with logic
Goodnight fellas! Thanks for all the (you)s!
It's evidently more conservative people who don't believe in climate change.
Dude we gotta get this cheeto fuck out by 2020! We don't have time. The Earth is dying.
>You have to incentivize companies to reduce emissions.
No you have to bomb the everliving shit out of Shell, BP, Kraft, Unilever etc. until there's nothing left but ashes. They'll just tax dodge until it's too late but dodging explosions is a lot harder.
Not him, read this, first result I found for "farming in ancient Greece"
I want to jizz on Isabelle while she sleeps in the street like the dirty vagrant she is.
Low effort falseflagging moron.
Here's some reading material for you as well
>".. as critics of the climate theory point out, the world has gone through many climate fluctuations in the 100,000 years since modern humans occupied the Old World. Opportunities for cultivation and animal husbandry surely existed earlier than the Neolithic. Yet no evidence has emerged that any plant or animal domestication occurred before this time. More specifically, no potential climatic trigger can be identified in many of those cases in which development of domestication can be documented sufficiently to reveal information about local climatic conditions."
>"About 35,000 years ago, modern human populations apparently entered Western Europe for the first time and found what one pre-historian has described as 'a virtual garden of eden.' Southwest France and northern Spain formed a rich environmental mosaic that supported a profusion of animal and plant life. The diversity of animal life is reflected in carvings and cave paintings of the Upper Paleolithic Period, spanning from 35,000 to 10,000 years ago. at various times, mammoth, rhinoceros, bison, wild horses, wild oxen, red deer, reindeer, ibex and many other species abounded
>"They had a rich diversity of resources, and a high degree of stability and predictability of these resources year to year."
>The last Ice Age was by no means a period of unrelieved cold, millennium after millennium. Temperatures fluctuated, sometimes coming close to today's balmy interglacial climes, and the animal and plant communities fluctuated in concert with them. Warmer climes brought woodland and forest where only open grassland had existed previously. At the same time, the horses and bison- animals of the plains, were replaced with red deer, wild boar and other confines of a forest habitat.. "
>Source : Lewin, Roger (1988). In the Age of Mankind. Smithsonian
>hate conserving
Evidently they're not real conservatives.
Climate is stable yes but they still get stuff like Rain and other non-desert, non-tundra conditions, right?
If your primary food source during the formative years of your society is farming then you're on the fast track to evolutionary success.
If you primarily hunt then that's all you get gene-wise.
If success was defined by "Running" or "Cold-resistance" then Blacks and Eskimos would be top humans but they aren't. Intelligence is what builds societies, of course physicality is important but of the two, being smarter is more important than being a quicker runner or a lard-storing diabetes machine.
>don't have Californian or New York (((Schools))) telling us we have to give away our money to save the world
>must just be a right wing thing
take a step out of the liberal bubble. You might be surprised at what you find
Not exactly garden of eden material user.
>Didn't read what I fucking said
By politicizing the issue you're more likely to make society 50% for 50% against rather than 100% for stopping climate change.
Nobody on the right wing wants to hear about environment and will be motivated to fight against it if it's intrinsically coupled with immigration rises, mandatory tranny conversion of your children and socialism, which is why if you give a single fuck at all about the issue you won't politicize it and turn people against it, because that's all you accomplish when you do that.
Understand now that I am speaking the truth.
Stop being so intellectually dishonest.
No problem. I'd prefer civil debates where views are challenged because I think you either learn more about other beliefs or you may even come out analyzing your own beliefs. I've yet to read much about distributism, but I do have "Small is Beautiful" and "Progress and Poverty" on my reading list, so I'll get to those at somepoint. And yes, MLs are total faggots.
I've got to head to bed now though it's 4am here. Good night user.
>If your primary food source during the formative years of your society is farming then you're on the fast track to evolutionary success.
>If you primarily hunt then that's all you get gene-wise.
Then Scandinavian peoples should not exhibit these "intelligence genes" since their land is notoriously shit for farming purposes and they had to resort to a diet of hunting and foraging for the vast majority of their existence.
>Southwest France and northern Spain
Yes but that's not Italy and Greece along with the entire rest of the Mediterranean and of Europe, is it?
It doesnt contradict my source saying Greece was in fact not well suited to farming
>control empty and proffitable niche (banks)
>while they have been discriminated they weren't slaves for several generations since 0 AD
>distributed between many counties, unlike slave blacks, who have been kept in USA
Who to believe, actual historians who have an educated understanding of how the history of this planet's climate evolved in various places around the world, or one user who insists on popsci garbage not taken seriously by anybody in the scientific field...
>Living had nothing to do with making it, and we're all going to make it bros.
Night mate keep fighting for the environment
Of course it is, and Macron will never go after the real culprits, but that doesn't change the fact you should stop producing so much CO2. Luckily based frenchies run mostly on nuclear power but then you also drive literally everywhere.
They were smart enough to figure out that you can go to other countries to rape and pillage.
You can't forget the importance of travel, my dude.
That's exactly what people like the Bantu did though.
Cut military spendings
Because AI can't carry your DNA with you? Because you'll be betraying the one critical and vital mission the cosmos has tasked you with, which is transmitting your own code into the distant future? Because AI doesn't love you the way people do?
>It was just about getting rid of planes, farting cows, and nuclear power plants
>and nuclear power plants
Climate Change could be solved overnight with a couple of nukes thrown at the most populous cities in China and India.
>Because you'll be betraying the one critical and vital mission the cosmos has tasked you with, which is transmitting your own code into the distant future?
I piss on the cosmos
> Because AI doesn't love you the way people do?
My computer loves me as much as other humans do
Historians don't study the actual distant past beyond archaeological evidence and can't look much further than 30,000 years which is a mere blink of Earth's eye now do they. Scientists like paleontologists and geologists can look way the fuck back, to the PETM max for example.
This would have no additional consequences for sure.
>>control empty and proffitable niche (banks)
What about the many, many, many Jews who are not bankers and yet rose though industry? What about the Jews who came from Europe to America with absolutely nothing?
>distributed between many counties
So are blacks, including European blacks, so why are you specifying slave blacks
Despite blacks existing worldwide, and only a portion of them ever being made slaves by whites, they are shit worldwide while Jews prosper worldwide
Because of their IQ and genetics
You keep pulling mental gymnastics but the obvious solution is right fucking there, but the only reason stopping you going Occam's Razor and picking the most obvious solution is that you don't want to appear racist by acknowledgeding there are different types of humans and some types are just less intelligent than others, as the early humans were less intelligent than homo sapiens
>When the worlds economy gets trashed by third world, non-White immigration
And how is their society currently? Is it a first world country?
The world needs to get rid of humans like the parasitic creatures we are. I personally can't wait for inevitable global demise. But humans always find a way to fuck things up, so I expect the select few to go and ruin another planet or something
Just remove companies
The more powerfull nukes are, the lees they are polluting
DNA is not your friend. In its "eyes", you are a disposable husk, unimaginably disposable. That's why death exists, the DNA doesn't care to build us bodies that last even in the best conditions.
>Because you'll be betraying
I did not sign up for this
>the one critical and vital mission the cosmos has tasked you with
What ill would take place if this "vital" mission "failed"? We aren't scratching any of universe's itches, we are not yeast in God's cake (and if we are, then good job veiling it away from us).
Video games?
Nobody in the scientific field views this climate theory impacting human intelligence as anything more than unfounded popsci nonsense. We have threads about this subject on /sci/ every now and then when someone reads about it on some forum somewhere and then comes in acting like they've stumbled upon some great scientific theory. It never ends well for them. Fisherian Runaway with high verbal ability being a selection factor is a much more commonly-accepted proposal and it has nothing to do with climate.
Humans aren't parasites. Or rather, we are just like all organic life is.
DNA is a clusterfuck, glued together with snot.
Tell me which is easier and less mentally taxing?
>Hunting and foraging and surviving in a warm, fruit-filled tropical environment where carnivores constantly slaughter prey for you and leave carcasses the size of elephants and giraffes to pick over
>Hunting and foraging and surviving in a cold, snow-filled environment where fruits and vegetables are uncommon, there are little to no large game and definitely no natural predators capable of taking them down for you, and if you don't figure out how to make fire and clothes and houses and ways of preserving food for the winter you're going to fucking die of starvation and hypothermia
Understand yet?
>Fisherian Runaway
>that thing we can't empirically prove
Unsustainable organic life. Parasites to anything we touch. Poisonous in all sense of the word really.
I'm just scared of my family or more importantly my parents and little brother. I dont want anything bad happen to them. The feeling of wanting to do something to help someone you love but knowing nothing you do will matter is one of the worst feelings in the world
Sorry, think I replied to your post under the wrong assumption since I didn't follow the entire reply chain then, I wasn't talking about climate impacting evolutionary selectors, just arguing that those past climates being an indicator of how the Earth would be as it was during the PETM max.
All life would do the same in our place, the only difference is they don't have an option.
This isn't apologetics for humanity, I am shitting on life. Get rid of your Bambi syndrome.
someone wake me up when there's a war and I can shoot some niggers
until then fuck off and talk about video games
From this point of view raping as many girls as you can in country with abortion ban is your ultimate mission given by "cosmos".
t. Agent Smith
That's called "white ex colonialists leaving", user
Note South Africa on that list for example, it's one of the highest white populations on that continent and its average household incomes are better than the ones of Ghanamerican, Nigeriamerican, etc. that you showed to the tune of nearly twice the amount
And since almost all the new immigrant households on the list earn better than the average American household, all it really shows is that moving means you already have enough money to change countries, the African immigrant households you listed have lower earnings than every other type of immigrant households listed, ESPECIALLY EUROPEAN ONES
So I'll await a proper response to my questions if you aren't intellectually dishonest
>the episode that scared me the most as a kid ends up becoming reality
Yeah yeah, humans suck, whatever. What a brave thing to say.
Let me put it this way. We're not destroying the planet, we're destroying our livelihood. The world doesn't give a shit about it's temperature, we do. When the planet becomes inhospitable, it'll just kill us, then eventually revert back to its original form. It can heal.
However, I'd rather we just fix it ourselves instead of wishing for the demise of my species, for the benefit of a planet that doesn't care about us.
How we treat livestock, however, is unforgivable.
No because
A) You'd be harming countless girls and ruining any future prospects they have (remember their DNA is 99,8% your DNA too)
B) You'd give your offspring the worst possible headstart in life, worse than none even
C) You'd not support your offspring or contribute to their success
D) You'd be an enormous gaping asshole of a human being
>He fell for the scaremongering garbage the Marxoid media's been filling his soft head with for years
Or you could just donate to a sperm bank.
>He fell for the disinformation garbage the Jewish ran coal industry's been filling his soft head with for years
>However, I'd rather we just fix it ourselves instead of wishing for the demise of my species,
Pussy shit. I embrace the end with open arms.
>A) You'd be harming countless girls and ruining any future prospects they have (remember their DNA is 99,8% your DNA too)
Who gives a shit about suffering? DNA doesn't!
>B) You'd give your offspring the worst possible headstart in life, worse than none even
Fuck off, nihilist scum. Kill yourself or be rendered a hypocrite.
>C) You'd not support your offspring or contribute to their success
Conceiving them is enough.
>D) You'd be an enormous gaping asshole of a human being
But you'll be maximizing what DNA wants, which is all that matters.
You faggots said that in the 70s. And again in the 90s.
Just shut the fuck up
Friendly reminder that being childfree is the best thing you can do for our planet. Now go and castrate yourself, user :^)
Better yet save the planet by killing your self.
>DNA is not your friend.
No, it's you, or part of you at least, and you are part of it.
>In its "eyes", you are a disposable husk, unimaginably disposable. That's why death exists, the DNA doesn't care to build us bodies that last even in the best conditions.
This changes nothing.
>What ill would take place if this "vital" mission "failed"?
If humanity dies off then the universe will have lost one method or pathway of beating back entropy, being that life is the cosmos' way of self-organizing itself into little islands of order amidst the cold and uncaring chaos of the void. Of course we're not the only life in the cosmos but the more the merrier. That's why surviving and reproducing fits the term vital mission more than anything else we know.
Are there sentries popping up everywhere too?
>what is vasectomy/tubals (>implying there are girls on the internet)
>killing oneself
There will still be left people who breed and force others into existence.
No, negroids and mongoloids being childfree is the best thing we can do for our planet
>If you think pol is an echo chamber you're delusional.
>Who gives a shit about suffering? DNA doesn't!
DNA reacts to environmental stresses but it doesn't "care" given that caring is a function of organisms as a whole.Your point being?
>Fuck off, nihilist scum. Kill yourself or be rendered a hypocrite.
You first. For me there's no need since my heart gives me maybe 2-3 more years and I don't mind being a hypocrite for a little while longer if it means I get to play a few more good games.
>Conceiving them is enough.
No, it isn't.
>But you'll be maximizing what DNA wants, which is all that matters.
No, maximizing would mean you would care for your offspring and maximize their success to live and reproduce.
But, user, (((DNA))) doesn't care about these points. It will grow cells and keep bodies of my children running until death. I am going to replace quality with quantity. Of course I will donate to sperm bank and even freeze it myself to prevent potential problems with chemical castration. Besides, nothing stops you from having normal happy family.
Actual climate scientists aren't asking people to go childfree, they're asking corporations to switch from coal to solar/nuclear/wind/hydro/geothermal
>Yea Forums
>360 posts of unironic climate change denial and "debates" regarding correlation of race and iq, over the course of three hours, completely untouched by moderation, probably unreported
>I'll still bump it, since it's probably the only genuine thread on the board, amidst what is either blatant viral marketing, porn threads or both
Never change.
>please be cucks for dna
>what is transhumanism
Uneducated nigger.
>360 posts of unironic climate change denial
More like 2 shitposters, 1 genuine retard actually believing climate change is fake and 30 people baited into replying
Tell that to the fucking flies they're everywhere here. Scum of the earth.
>tha j00z
Apply yourself.
I wasnt alive during the 70s
>If you think pol is an echo chamber you're delusional.
Holy shit kill yourself
>Mmm yes Mr Schlomo please fart more coal gas into my mouth *brapppp* mmmmyess I love dying at 40 from coal dust related illnesses and Chinese level smog
>And again in the 90s
There will not be a method of transferring the ~1000 trillion connections between the ~86 billion neurons that make up your mind and conscious being into a machine in your lifetime, user, not even if you stick chips in your brain. Even when mankind becomes capable of such a feat in maybe 1000 years it will probably not be a non-destructive method and you'll just be cucked by your copy.
>It'll all be pointless if you don't follow your primal urges to have sex!
Literal chimp-tier reasoning right here.
This: Take a look at Rhodesia and South Africa. Those kind of savages will be the ones destroying humankind. With a little luck, at least Japan will be able to survive them.
Better be ready for nigger's world domination in 40 years.
>>DNA is not your friend.
>No, it's you, or part of you at least, and you are part of it.
Wrong. DNA owns us, the difference is that I'm trying to break my chain, while you try to convince yourself the chains are comfortable, it's good to wear them and that you should put more people into this slavery.
>>In its "eyes", you are a disposable husk, unimaginably disposable.
>This changes nothing.
It should change plenty. Life is a fucking meatgrinder and thousands of losers are produced for every "winner" who will be in a couple of years ground up as well. Just because we live in a bubble (or rather, several bubbles) doesn't mean it's not true.
>>What ill would take place if this "vital" mission "failed"?
>If humanity dies off then the universe will have lost one method or pathway of beating back entropy
We aren't beating entropy you retard, we are consuming energy too. It's called food. "Order" talked about in the concept of entropy and "order" as the aesthetics human enjoy are two very different things.
>being that life is the cosmos' way of self-organizing itself into little islands of order amidst the cold and uncaring chaos of the void.
Is it a tragedy there are no Venusians? The need of order is a need WE generate. Again, we are not scratching any of universe's itches.
>Of course we're not the only life in the cosmos but the more the merrier.
What purpose being merry fulfill?
>That's why surviving and reproducing fits the term vital mission more than anything else we know.
And I think we should convert the entire universe into computronium running either Tetris instances or scripts which play it. Ordering blocks of tetramino into full lines and increasing high-score is the objective purpose of existence. Manual for Tetris says so.
pichu cute
that's why I don't understand why people still getting kids
world is fucked, I wouldn't want my kids to see this mess
>We aren't beating entropy you retard
Not him and you're so fucking stupid I'm not getting further involved in this argument but he's obviously talking about some sort of machine being invented to stop heat death entropy, like in Asimov
>literal perfect copy, someone who shares your all your deepest secrets and most exquisite desires, someone closer to you than your best friend or family member is not you
>a random soul yanked from the non-state and forced into a Frankenstein's experiment that is a body built by a moronic molecule that was jumbled from two halves of two other molecules (which were themselves crafted in the same way, from two randomized molecules, so on and on for billions of years) is literally you however
cringefrogging rn
Well good luck in your endeavors user. When you die 99,8% of your code will live on in other anons regardless.
>It should change plenty. Life is a fucking meatgrinder
That it is.
>We aren't beating entropy you retard, we are consuming energy too. It's called food. "Order" talked about in the concept of entropy and "order" as the aesthetics human enjoy are two very different things.
Yes we are, stars fusing matter into heavier elements and the universe going about its business increases entropy, while biological life slows entropy down entire orders of magnitude, at least for said little islands of order and its constituent matter.
>What purpose being merry fulfill?
None but being merry or at least more is an end in and of itself.
>And I think we should convert the entire universe into computronium running either Tetris instances or scripts which play it. Ordering blocks of tetramino into full lines and increasing high-score is the objective purpose of existence. Manual for Tetris says so.
Go for it.
>b-b-but we'll make a magic machine that will make 2+2 equal 5 in the far future
>b-b-but we'll make a magic machine that will make humans fly without wings in the far future
>He's so fucking dumb he can't comprehend technology continuing to improve to do things we believe impossible today
This is why I called you so stupid as to not be worth arguing with, and now you're caveman unga bunga stupid enough to not even be worth another (you)
>When you die 99,8% of your code will live on in other anons regardless.
IT'S NOT MY CODE, it's a code that owns me and you.
>while biological life slows entropy down entire orders of magnitude, at least for said little islands of order and its constituent matter.
That means entropy still increases, just a bit less because there is less energy being exchanged.
What's wrong with increasing entropy?