>"1 Charisma"
>character can maintain eye contact, hold conversations, never stutter, make friends, and tell jokes
"1 Charisma"
Other urls found in this thread:
>4 beauty
>beauty drops to 3 after you get scarred in battle
>party members hates you and turns on you
i want to kiss tomoko
He has 1 charisma not -20
Most RPGs don't let you assign negative stats. If 1 INT makes you a sound like a slower Forest Gump, 1 CHR should make you an sperglord that can hardly speak and loses sanity points in crowds.
Having no charisma isnt the same thing as having literal autism
>he doesn't know
Know I do not.
Not having charisma =/= social awkwardness
I love Tomoko!
She ended up becoming a normie.
Tomoko is one of those spergs that end up making friends anyway because people think they are far more interesting than they are due to their quiet demeanor.
I can relate.
Oh well she's still cute.
So do most people after getting out of high school.
The only people who don't are those who hide inside and post on shitboards like Yea Forums and reddit
Who do you think Tomoko was?
Tomoko not only learned how to talk to people and how to handle herself on social situation but now has a circle of friends.
And a female admirer.
Not one of these people.
It was obvious since the beginning given how she never had serious psychological issues; she just didn't know how to interact with others.
Why on earth does this drawing show Tomok's camel toe? She's wearing a dress. It doesn't even make sense.
Yuri is much more realistic than Tomoko. I love her.
How do I appear more interesting than I actually am?
>game has speech checks
I want to Marry Tomoko and be a strong and suportive life partner for her, I want to make her a mother of a loving family that will bring joy to her life, if you catch my drift of course.
Shes the IRL tomoko with all the bad and the few goods.
>game references real life event done by fans
Can someone explain to me how "Yuri" means "lesbian" and is also a person's name?
Has never happened in a game, why would you write this?
>Tomoko posters
Be actually good looking despite having anti-social traits.
>1 strength
>character is capable of lifting his or her own body weight
Yuri literally means lily (the flower). It started as a nickname for female (usually lesbian) readers of a magazine aimed towards gay men and caught on.
Yuri is the most wonderful girl. The type who'd never leave your side and she has a cute hairstyle.
>lesbian readers of a magazine aimed towards gay men
I don't have psychological issues either and I'm not a normie.
>female readers of a magazine aimed towards gay men
Wouldn't that be the fujoshi?
>1 STR
charisma expresses a type of social allure and not things like dominating behavior
you have people that should be unappealing due to height, weight, or some other factors that people 'just like'
i think similary you could have no anxiety-related social dysfunction (eye-contact) and still be incredibly unlikable (maybe you talk about yourself in a really annoying way, so no one like you in casual interactions. yet you might help someone out and they realize that you might be annoying, but you loyal, so they are your friend
Dude literally everyone except you knows that and you're using that image wrong
Why the fuck would lesbians be reading gay male magazines?
In 1976, Bungaku Itō, editor of Barazoku (薔薇族, lit. rose tribe), a magazine geared primarily towards gay men, first used the term yurizoku (百合族, lit. lily tribe) in reference to female readers in the title of a column of letters called Yurizoku no heya (百合族の部屋, lit. lily tribe's room).[14] It is unclear whether this was the first instance of this usage of the term. Not all women whose letters appeared in this short-lived column were necessarily lesbians, but some were and gradually an association developed. For example, the tanbi magazine Allan (アラン Aran) began running a Yuri Tsūshin (百合通信, "Lily Communication") personal ad column in July 1983 for "lesbiennes" to communicate.[15] Along the way, many dōjinshi circles incorporated the name "Yuri" or "Yuriko" into lesbian-themed hentai (pornographic) dōjinshi, and the "zoku" or "tribe" portion of this word was subsequently dropped.[6] Since then, the meaning has drifted from its mostly pornographic connotation to describe the portrayal of intimate love, sex, or the intimate emotional connections between women.
As for Fujoshi, that term didn't come about until the early 2000's on 2channel
what if the association with lesbianism came second and the association with women who read the gay magazine came first, and it was the introduction of parallel lesbian stories that eventually cause the association to shift
Charisma has nothing to do with that and tomoko has like 50000000 charisma that she literally turns girls gay for her despite all her shit
It was for gay women who found solidarity with gay men (no lesbian maga back then so the gay mag was more like homosexual affairs in general) not straight women who like gay men
NO nonononononononoononononononononon
i refuse
>I don't have psychological issues either and I'm not a normie
>I'm not a normie
>I don't have psychological issues
If its any consolation it was a gradual process and not an overnight thing
At least Chio will always be a loser, even if she gets the Ando dick.
there are two sides of every bell curve
the better side and the worse side
She'll just grow up to be a twitch thot
>1 charisma
>100 speech
Tomokos cute gf!
Charisma is usually used for coercion or persuasion.
It usually interpreted as good looks or a silver tongue, really comes down to "confidence"
The secret to having high CHR is to just be yourself.
>tfw no tomoko gf
>not having the same interests means you have mental problems
Except it has, zoomer
it's nothing like your japanese animes user. It really isn't. I had never felt so throughly frustrated with someone before or since and they were just a goddamn acquaintance by association
probably the most undesirable properties that could be inherited by a real tomoko are her macabre fantasies and functional instrumentation of other humans
get dunked on you fucking retard.
Ok, where?
Tattoos, gay hair style, gay designer clothes
>Oh user you're so mysterious I want to know more about you
>MFW then there really isn't more to know too me than the surface level
thats why i like tabletops
playing according to stats in 5e is really fun, and can lead to good RP
>Someone in highschool actually said that to me
>Same group of people thought I was sleazy, aloof and slept with tons of women
>I'm just autistic and had trouble feeling connections with those people
>Make a character in 5e that I base off of some fictional character I like
>realize said character is OP raw stat wise and it's impossible to make stats reflecting him
>still make said character but make him a retard instead
>be me
>move around a lot as a kid
>finally settle down in one spot for year 10
>give up on making new friends, just want to finish school with a good grade since this school had an advanced curriculum with an exceptionally good reputation
>act like a loner
>spend breaks either studying, or listening to music while napping or looking at the sky (the grass was super soft and the benches under the trees were surprisingly comfy)
>people try to talk to me
>I ignore them or tell them to go away because I'm too lazy and socially awkward to bother making friends
>somehow that makes them think I'm mysterious
>one guy is super persistent in trying to hang out with me and get me to hang out with his friends
>timeskip a month
>I'm now part of the largest social clique, I'm more popular than I have ever been before, and I have to schedule my time out with different groups of friends
>grades have fallen back down due to lack of study time
>ask the person who first hung out with me why they did so
>"Wait, you weren't acting like a loner to try and make people talk to you? Why didn't you just tell people to go away if you wanted to just spend time studying?"
That guy did eventually hate me when the girl he liked spent more time hanging out with me than him. That was the weirdest year of my life, though.
Sounds expected from middle school drama. what madness does puberty induce into us?
>go to middle school with new peers due to parents moving a lot
>loner for 6 months, people try to talk and make friends but I'm such a oblivious fuck it doesn't stick
>6 months in one dude really tries really hard. We hit it off and from there I'm in the "cool kids" crowd
>girls flirting becomes noticeable even by my standards don't really act on it because I did'nt really know how
>At the end of middle school school parents move again, never see old friends again
>Just make meet a small clique of friends in high school
It worked out though, one of my friends from high school is a super weeb and has been an extremely close friend to this day.
Ironically enough the first dude that actively tried to make friends with me was on pretty bad terms before I left, what's up with that?
i like this progression
its also kinda funny because she still doesnt really talk to them
they just misunderstand her and think shes normal
except for Yuri and Yoshida.
Fairly certain that can happen in Arcanum
havent reached that part yet
usually wait for months before i read
Man I hate how many of you are actually fucking normies.
t. normalfag
being normal today is being a degenerate of old
fuck you normalnigger
skyrim 2: remastered
the secret is to be attractive cause people are much more receptive and understanding when you're good looking
>1 STR
>3 PER
>1 END
>1 CHR
>5 INT
>2 AGI
>? LCK