ITT: Forgotten games that were supposed to kill a major franchise

ITT: Forgotten games that were supposed to kill a major franchise

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I remember those words like yesterday

>The Halo killer

What the fuck were they thinking, lads?

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almost every ps3 exclusive game

>the game that killed Free Radical
>the game that prevented Timesplitters 4 from happening

"Street fighter killer" my ass

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The funny thing about Haze is that the beginning is the worst part of the game. A little ways into the game you switch sides and the gameplay actually gets far better. It's still not an amazing or even worth a replay, but my friend and I managed to have fun with it.

>Brian May
Is this why he doesn’t consider video games art?

I loved timesplittters (like everyone should) and I wanted to like this game since it was made by the same devs but it was just so generic.

what is every dead mmo


remember when hzd was being shilled as a zelda killer not because it actually had similar mechanics but just because the launch of botw had a slight chance of threatening its sales?
i wonder what those shills are doing now.

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>playing through Haze while high on Ex
>get to this part
It was intense.
Also played that sheogorath dlc on oblivion at that time
I get chills just thinking about it. Don't do drugs kids

im assuming you mean MDMA, never gamed on anything besides psychedelics, how is it?

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Funny this is Haze wasn't even the first "Halo killer". Killzone on PS2 was also supposed to kill Halo, and it ended up being a piece of shit. Kind of ironic how Halo just ended up killing itself over time.

It was actually pretty good before F2P. I miss those times.

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It was an amazing experience, but I'd never do it again.
I don't know how to describe it. I just got these like brainchills and was super interested in even the most minor thing in the game.

I actually really enjoyed this game. It was a bit rough around the edges, sure. But the authentic feeling Britbong setting and atmosphere really made it enjoyable to me. Charlie Jolson and his racist banter was also funny as fuck. No way they'd make something like that these days.

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Imagine feeling this threatened by a video game. They sold the exact same amount you stupid cuck.

Hellgate: London was supposed to revolutionize the RPG industry. All it did was revolutionize how fast a game gets dumped.

thats kinda what it was like when i did acid, but moreso on the comedown, was playing bloodborne i think and i was just walking around looking at stuff

What is this vaporwave simulator?
>gaming on ex
everything is great on x, sex is too but you can't get off as easy so you just go for an hour. It's the only drug I reccommend people try just once. Just don't get addicted to cut pills or the drug itself or you'll be miserable forever. Addctive personality types need not apply to this drug.

i have tried it, albeit right before taking a half gram dab so i kinda dont remember much

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There were tons of "halo killers" like Killzone, Haze, Resistance, etc. Some of them even on the xbox.

remember all the bullshots for the ps3 game that never came out

This was fairly well received. Ended up just being an OK game.

They tried to kill Halo but instead they killed Timesplitters and themselves
I'm glad Timesplitters has been bought from Crytek by THQ Nordic

This can be the Bioware killer but EA is recovering with Apex so maybe Respawn saved their ass

Every Cliffy B game since Gears

I think the story could have been better if they put in effort.

Woah I was a dick the whole time blinded by propaganda and drugs better join the good guys oh shit they are lying cunts too the end.