Do you prefer cinematic garbage or pure gameplay like God Eater 3?

Do you prefer cinematic garbage or pure gameplay like God Eater 3?

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I haven't thought about TLoU2 since last year, is that nose photoshopped

yes lol

I'd prefer fucking telltale shit than God Eater 3. Scratch that I would rather “play” one of those fucking weird interactive netflix things that came out a few weeks ago than Plod Shitter Pee (that's what I'm calling it now, deal with it)

Please don't shill your garbage here ever again. Or I WILL destroy you again

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How can she even go in for a kiss when that obelisk is holding her back?


t. never kissed a girl

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no lol

>pure gameplay
>2-minute missions broken up by HEY GO TALK TO THESE TIRED ANIME TROPE CHARACTERS so we can give you the next mission
>text text text text

pick a better counter example pls

Having a fun/good story can make a good game great, and a great game fantastic

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>should you pick this movie, or should you pick this other movie?

Get your catch 22 out of my face.

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>Nose is large
>File is small
Thematically speaking, what did user mean by this?

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Which one?

>OP tries to use easy bait to shill God Eater 3
>Everyone is just talking about how big her nose is
>tfw her nose is more relevant than God Eater 3 will ever be


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hi, redner group

what kind of trash taste would you need to think pacman is a bad game? I don't think even a cinematic expeirence faggot would think that

I expect TLOU2 to have a heavy reliance on bundles to sell well. It's going to be included with every PS5.

Maybe lol

>what Yea Forumsirgins talk about is what is most relevant

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Not much

This. It's ultimately a false dichotomy. Obviously gameplay is what will inspire someone to keep coming back to play it again/in new ways, but good story will always elevate an experience, and in rare cases CAN carry the game.

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GE3 by a country mile. Even more so when you learn how to time the shift from twin knives to glaive to extend your combo potential.

>that nose
I didn't know ubisoft were making this game?

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better juxtaposition for how fucking massive her schnoz is

TLOU has better gameplay than your weeb trash so yeah, I prefer cinematic garbage.

I prefer cinematic goodness over pure garbage

Why use God Eater 3 of all things as a counter example? The games are pretty cinematic heavy as well.

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Does this represent how the white race will become sex slaves for jews in the near future?

yes but the goyim will never know.

I like Quake.

my god the shitposting will be legendary when this game is unleashed on this gay earth

No it's a shitty author self-insert. Like Kirito but much uglier and jewish.

as long as there is constant or regular player input in dialogue and some decision making, I'm fine with a game maybe being mostly just words like planescape. If I can turn off my brain during cut scenes/dialogue and turn it back on during the gameplay and suffer no consequences or not lose anything, then it's regressive.

preferably story telling and gameplay should merge and become one, like deus ex or system shock. That should have been the future.

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>TLOU has better gameplay than your weeb trash
>Better than GE3
I'll give that to you
>better than EDF or Bullet Girls
Lol fuckin' no, compared to those two its casualized dog shit that a child could beat with dog shit partner AI and enemy AI that can only be compared to an excited puppy running towards its owner. Not to mention the melee as auto-tracking so it's already more casualized than an ecchi pantsu shooter since it's melee attack doesn't need to guide you towards the enemy because it's not casual trash.
Please try again when ND are back up to the standards they had for Crash Bandicoot and Jak and Daxter.

Is that a jew on the left?

How could you tell?

The hair

Your eyes are nice and sharp young user. Value them and use them for good, or to look at naked chicks, I'm not one to judge.

Those sideburns curl way too much

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God Eater 3 is pure shit gameplay. Terrible monhun clone, hun

Only a little.

I prefer good gameplay interspersed with brief cutscenes to a mixed bag of outdated game design conventions, invisible walls and ecchi.

John "story in a porn movie" Carmack's Rage proved this forever and always.

I'm excited for this game. When did 'culture warriors' start to become offended at the inclusion of lesbians in vidya? I thought people liked lesbians?

Ah, I see you too are a man of exquisite taste who prefers Bullet Girls to both those games. Excellent taste my dear user. Excellent taste indeed

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Does anyone have the original concept art?

Around 2016. Not sure what caused everyone to get all antsy

>pure gameplay
sasuga, faggot

I like it when there's a cutscene but it's not really a cutscene because I'm holding up on the analogue stick for three minutes.

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>I thought people liked lesbians?
Not quite. People like HOT lesbians.
Girls with sexy bodies, big bouncing tits, a nice ass and great thighs. Watching two women that look hot as fuck go at it gets any man hard. However if the women are bushpigs, man-faced, don't have feminine bodies or look fucking ugly, it's only going to get a bunch of low standard degenerates hard. To any normal man, you may as well have shown him gay porn because that shit is fucking NASTY.
The girls in OPs pic aren't hot, or sexy, one of them looks like a man, their both ugly and they don't have nice bodies.
No normal man would get hard to them.

I am so done with cinematic garbage, and Shadow of the Tomb Raider was the game that broke it for me.

Here's an entire trilogy that revolves around recasting Lara as becoming a tough survivor living innawoods and raiding tombs. Okay, I can roll with that. Then we go through the same plot beats in every game about how she gets arbitrarily nervous about shooting her thousandth guy or how she's trying to convince people she's really sweet underneath it all. And I just don't fucking care. They won't let me skip it and for all the talk of her "embracing what she's become", the story she's in never fucking does it.

Just make the next game a run-based globe trotting game based on the Survival mode in Rise of the Tomb Raider and I'll call it good.

That's what they call a loaded question, OP. The only appropriate response is that you're a faggot.

This man is correct.