How is Fire Emblem so fun and accessible even for people who don't play many strategy games?
How is Fire Emblem so fun and accessible even for people who don't play many strategy games?
Because it's casual babby-tier? Have you even played a proper strategy game?
>green marth
>forces you into a tutorial and is also a shit unit
At least she's hot.
You mean the series where "fans" complain whenever a Lord isn't powerful enough to solo every map?
You mean the series where "fans" bitch incessantly about permadeath?
Your mistake is thinking that people who play strategy games are Fire Emblem fans.
Nice reddit space and projection, Fatescuck.
Because legs
>You mean the series where "fans" complain whenever a Lord isn't powerful enough to solo every map?
Just by reading this I can tell you're a Royfag.
Cute girls make everything better.
Shit fans
Shit characters
Shit franchise
God I want my mouth to be her personal toilet
why doesnt a noble lady wear pantsu
I don't know about that, but it does have the most fun and accessible card game!
Nobody gives enough love to the legs, you know what I'm saying? It's always tits and ass, then even when you finally get lower it's just feet.
Where is the love for long, beautiful legs?
Because its a Nintendo franchise.
I've always cherished them above all else for as long as I can remember. It almost feels unfair, because they aren't taboo and we don't have to do anything to get to look at them.
Too true. FEfags are fucking pathetic
Don't you fags have a gacha game to waste money on?
>Says this while niggatoro
Least I'm not an FEfag.
niggatoro should be ntr'd
Fire emblem is garbage, what are some good tactics games I can play? FFT and advance wars not included.
she's barely a noble she's a savage nomad
Where did you find this photo of me?
xcom ufo defense
Not interested. Gimme TRPG with medieval settings or something.
Is that true? I heard FE was pretty good but I guess it was nintendies being dumb
It's fucking awful but try out Hoshigami for an hour or two
is there a more bullshit artificial difficulty mechanic than fog of war?
>I heard FE was pretty good
It's not
What am I looking at here?
In RTS it's vital, but for other genres really not
i mean in fire emblem if i got the name of the mechanic right
Serious answer. It starts out barebones, while making you feel somewhat heroic.
>Your swords beat the axes that the lowlife bandits are using.
>Go kick their asses
(Some games start out throwing a bunch of mechanics and shit at you from the start and it overwhelms new players who aren't autistic enough to memorize the entire system before playing.)
FE then gradually but steadily introduces more unit types and mechanics. And all of the mechanics generally tend to make sense.
>Oh, there's lances too...and they outrange your swords in combat
>Oh, horse units exist too and get to move farther (There are even flying horses!)
>Oh, armored units exist and have high defense but are slow
>Oh, there are also archers (and flying horses make damn easy targets)
It also slowly creeps up the difficulty and by the end boss characters end up needing most of your party to gang up on them just to kill them. But the difficulty plays out in different ways too. There are different difficulty settings, but also you have the ability to grind. So those who want a challenge can play the game on hard mode and do as little grinding as possible.
Probably the most poorly designed level in the entire series excluding literal shit like Holy War and Gaiden
>It also slowly creeps up the difficulty and by the end boss characters end up needing most of your party to gang up on them just to kill them
Other way around. FE starts out "hard" but ends up more braindead easy as it goes on.
>Map has one, ONE, whole boss at the end of the game.
Maybe for Awakening
Actually for every single game in the series but New Mystery and Conquest and even Conquest doesn't go in as deep.
So from what I can gather most strategy players hate FE fans, FE players hate other strategy fans?
Nah they're too busy slobbering over waifus than realizing what's wrong with their franchise.
this is bait
This. I finished shadow dragon but Hoshigami destroyed me.
No, people on this website are all just bitter and contrarian. They will shit on literally anything.
Smash players hate FE fans
Other Nintendo fans hate FE fans
Strategy fans hate FE fans
FE fans hate FE fans
damn FE fans, they ruined FE
FE has been a legit cancer, and a main reason why other TRPGs can't get a foothold in the ground. I'd just wish FE would go full waifu and never touch the genre again.
Most FEfags aren't even waifufags
Most of the western ones are, willing to bet most of the nips are too.
Not at all. Make a waifu thread about pre- Awakening girls and it barely gets replies
If I can't have Lyn, then I'll happily accept Nephenee as a green haired, country girl-next-door sweetheart.
>he says while Lyn/Tiki/Nino threads get to bump limit everytime I see one
>inb4 you reply about this one being slow
that's because it's off burger-hours, and yuros don't care about FE
It's all the same shit at this point, no one cares. They're all badly written in their own special way anyway I'm sure.
Literally none of those do. Even Lyn threads barely fucking talk about her and focus on other mundane bullshit
What a fucking pointless reply
>FE players would jump to other TRPGs if FE stopped existing
I don't think that's true. The FE players would probably just stop playing TRPGs altogether.
>Thinking aesthetics don't matter when it comes to gaming
Aesthetics matter user. The waifus and thick swordboys are part of the appeal, just like some games have giant mechs for their appeal. Plus waifus alone don't make a game bad because they have nothing to do with the gameplay.
Creampie Nephenee!
Shit gameplay does which is 75% of the series
What a slut.
Nothing wrong with being turned into a hick cumdump.
What makes the gameplay shit?
I have played the ones on the gameboy advance and am playing Fates right now.
you FE Fans sure are a contentious group of people
>1 - slow, clunky and boring
>2 - same issues as above with awful level design
>4 - Maps are too big and too long, horse emblem, eugenics, too easy
>5 - Capture mechanic sucks since it gives you millions of gold and weapons in seconds, too broken on the level of 4, trial and error bullshit
>7 - 80+% filler battles, so easy it plays itself
>8 - braindead easy to the point of insulting your intelligence
>9 - so easy it plays itself, garbage level design
>10 - Haar
>13 - infinite reclassing, broken pair up, dogshit maps, waifufags, ruined the series, etc
>14 - another gaidenshit but CQ
>15 - echoes enough said
The virgin FE
The Chad Ogre
fe and their fans get everything they deserve. fucking dumpster fire franchise
I'm just going to play my FE and not care what others think. Nintendo will get all my money and I will be happy.
enjoy your shit franchise. Nintendo sure will enjoy your money.
I still like FE, mostly because I'm a retard who sucks at real strategy games, but 100% this.
FE is really really basic, there's literally just a weapons triangle for fuck's sake, and that's the most strategy you'll have to think about in your playthrough
It sounds like you have played all of these. Why did you play them all if you say they are shit?
Is there a game that does not have any small issues that you can nitpick to call the entire game shit?
>What is side map objectives like villages, reinforcements, enemy skills, weapon effectiveness, terrain, weapon weight or Fates' weapon system, and etc
I never understood the love for Lyn
>Boring personality
>Bad stats
>Looks realy generic
But I like the ones without boobs.
Don't forget how big ur waifu's tits are!!!!!!!
Baby's first waifu in baby's first FE, also talks directly to (You) during the game.
That's all there is to understand.
>bonus exp to allow you how to allocate your allies
>rescue command and rescue chains
>attack stance
>weapon resupplying and resource management
>rng manipulation like using support, different weapons, skills to get into your favour
I can keep going. And besides it's not just weapon triangle that matters. You can be a swordmaster and fight a berserker but if the berserker lands a hit on you, you're going to take a lot of damage.