ITT: we predict the next champion to be forced turn gay
ITT: we predict the next champion to be forced turn gay
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That's not what a diversity officer does, they have zero impact on a game. They're more akin to counselors than game devs.
Being responsible for activities related to faggots in League of Legends is just "community management".
>diversity officer
it was nice of them to make up a job for people with bachelor of arts degrees so they can feel useful
This has been a thing since the 60s user.
They're to make sure you can't be fired for being white black or jew.
>complain design team doesnt have enough LGBT
>throw in faggots to dev team
>That's not what a diversity officer does
if it was losing the company money the roles wouldn't exist
keep trying STEM faggots, I'm earning 110k as HR basically doing nothing but listen to employees complain
That's litterally not what they are for, they're thwre to list everyone complaints and can't hire anyone, they have managers just to do that. Do you guys have jobs?
varus is already gay tho
you do know they executive roles in the company right? along with CFO and CTO
if they say the company lacks diversity quotas their opinion is as valueable as the chief financial officer retard
maybe you work at a small shit company and don't understand beauracracy lmao i'm out
They don't exacute roles whatsoever, it's there job to know about shit affirmative action or things that could damage their companys reputation.
That's what HR is retard. "diversity officers" are bullshit jobs to hire useless gender studies morons.
>just ignore it, it will go away
Poppy will return to her old form.
The game already has multiple LGBT champions
>retconned Varus
>implied Vi & Caitlyn, Diana & Leona and Graves & Twisted FAte
Either way I doubt this new diversity officer will do jack shit, they probably hired her as a public face to make up for the sex allegation claims.
Diversity Officers are in charge of hires and direction of the company while promoting representation.
The devs fall within the category of "People who are at the discretion of the hires"
Looks like riot will shut down soon.
The image is completely true and you think it's not because you think your way of life is the default state of the world when it's not, you uncritical mindless idiot
Things we hate more than furries for $500.
Let's instead predict the next champion forced to be straight
It's funny. You feel empowered by that figure and the fact that you actually contribute very little to earn it. I suppose it's easier to be forward about how you really feel when anonymous. Even the people in these useless positions are aware that they suckle at the teet of society rather than being of any real use, but if you were to talk to them casually, they'd insist they chose their pointless major in order to "help people". True colors, and all that. Just what the world needs, user, another lazy self-interested hypocrite.
They still do lore? Last I checked their entire lore department didnt even exist lmao
So Mario and Sonic were made back in the day cause of politics??? Wow! I mean my noodle is stirred
In South Africa they make sure the company is Black Economic Empowerment compliant according to law. (Indian,Colored,Chinese,Black) all contribute to your BEE score. Heavy tax penalties if you are not compliant.
>your high paying private sector job is suckling the teet of society
>Why? Because I don't like it!
seething stemfag, keep producing codes for new emojis lol
Don't really care I just wonder what the point of wasting a salary is? Are there tax breaks on the east coast for companies maintaining these positions?
I'm sorry I don't live in a shithole that has a "diversity officer" positions.
This has to be the most useless position in history. Of course its a nigger with a dyke haircut that probably took female history in college..if it even went.
>cause of politics
This is how dumb right wingers are. They can't read and see words that don't exist. Nowhere did that image say Mario and Sonic were made for political agendas. But elements in them can be viewed through political lens, you illiterate retard.
i dont work for a cucked game dev. sorry that's what you have to do to make a living user.
Mods deleted the last how many threads?
>But elements in them can be viewed through political lens, you illiterate retard.
but should they? what does this accomplish?
Only if you stretch the true meaning of "political" to its limits, and not to what people actually mean when they describe something as political.
And the only reason you would be fine with them saying that is if you're in favor of every game being about the promotion of some kind of corporate neoliberal agenda.
Can't argue back so he has to pull an image from his folder of Pepes. Typical boomer right winger shit.
Kill yourself tranny.
Diversity officers don't "do" anything, because it's a recent made up role. So whatever they say it is, is what it does.
Just hold the L Mr. Riot/EA/Blizzard fag
They actually made a big push in lore starting in 2016 and onward. The game's now getting Marvel comic series based off of specific champions. Ashe currently has her own comic series right now, and Lux and Zed are getting theirs next.
My guess is that they're pushing hard on lore because they have plans for IP expansion in the form of spoinoff games based off of the League IP. If not that, then more comics, some novels, maybe a netflix series and etc. We also know they trademarked a game IP called Legends of Runeterra, so there's that.
>kid doesnt realize this is the future for everyone.
Oh fuck you're gonna enjoy the future the jews have plannes for you mr. white male opressor.
I can view the back of my fucking cereal box as political, you dumb cunt, but I'd be called paranoid for it. And that's what people who look for politics in every little thing are, paranoid. And lunatics.
Every 1st world country have big companies with this position fool. Unless you're telling us you're living in a place where diversity is the least of a very long list of dire problems.
No, it isn't. Only if you are the kind of faggot that thinks single shit like going into the market and buying bread is political. If you are one of those, let me just say there's a strong difference between something have bigger meanings, and straight up agenda pushing down the throat.
It's not a question of should. It's making a claim that no piece of media, be it books, movies, video games, has no neutral political value. And doing this helps us look at the world objectively by not presuming one's own lived experiences is the neutral default state of the world.
Politics refers to policies and norms of society and its government. There's no stretching of meaning going on here.
I suppose that's the caliber of response I should expect from someone that celebrates their own laziness. Foolish to expect more from someone who makes their money off "basically just listening to people complain". You're not paid to think, after all.
>so they can feel useful
They might actually be useful at Riot, oddly enough
>losing the argument or can't even understand the argument bc his states defunded public schools
>picks from a list of responses
>smug anime girl, strawmen, tranny
right wing intelligence on display
You yourself said that you dont really do anything.
You leech of your companies success, without contributing to it.
Enjoy being a detriment to our system, albeit a well paid one.
>It's making a claim that no piece of media, be it books, movies, video games, has no neutral political value.
subjective value, you yourself claimed that "elements CAN be viewed through a political lens" which implies the politicization is on the part of the critic, and not immanent to the media itself. going by this we can conclude that the statements "mario is political" and "mario is not political" carry equal weight.
Is it political to say that you shouldn't fuck 12 year olds? Technically, yes. In practice, no one would call that political.
Remember that language is a tool for communication, not a set of rules that govern us.
>so bitter that someone gets paid to listen because he feels his idolization of "worthy" jobs like STEM is not that worthwhile
Hey buddy, dont get mad that someone is making mad bucks in this capitalist society, you sound like a commie
Uh oh the tranny is having a breakdown. Quick, get a camera and livestream your suicide.
>Be Riot Games
>Riot required many female employees to fulfill roles higher than their current position with the promise of promotions. They did, but Riot later hired a man for the job instead.
>There is a "Riot hottest women" list with rating for each women on the list.
>Sexual jokes are part of the culture so women who refuse to join are considered unwilling to fit.
>Riot hires women who are quiet and will "shut up and play the game"
>Women are shown dick pics by bosses and colleagues.
>There was an email chain talking about how it feels to penetrate certain female employee and how she is a "sleep with and never call again" target
>Another list gets passed around senior leaders on who they would sleep with.
>Jessica (one of the plaintiffs) began her employment making ~$56k. Her manager left, she took over responsibilities and duties. One year later still no title or salary change, she also was never considered an official promotion despite getting good feedback. The former manager made $160k. Ultimately another man was hired to fill the position. She went back to her original job.
>tried to fix sexist concerns by implementing sexist against men hour at a convention
>a high level exec farts on male subordinates faces in meetings
This company is a special exception to the normal overreacting sjw nonsense.
If your corporation needs "diversity officers" then its culture is probably shit.
Well if they make Sona and Ahri gay for each other and many more art comes from it that would be pleasant.
honestly sounds like a based lot of blokes who know how to have a good time. why can't women just let boys be boys?
Next thing you'll say that having niggers walk down your streets is normal. Not every country is a murrican shithole.
>a high level exec farts on male subordinates faces in meetings
not even him, but this is truly pathetic bait
mix household chemicals and breathe deep
go to bed Pendragon
How does diversity and "inclusion" make games better exactly? They've never explained how.
The HR chair-weight is the one that initially minimized the significance of the position. It's funny watching them get so bent out of shape over someone essentially agreeing with them, comrade.
The back of your cereal box is political, you dumbass. Nutritional information and FDA regulation on health claims printed on the back of the box is GOVERNMENT POLICIES - ie. politics. Fucking kill yourself.
You perceive politics when it doesn't align with your political view - ie. how the world should be. Of course the viewer brings their own politics with them.
Buying bread can be political. Our agricultural industry is heavily subsidized and are paid to not overproduce wheat. You buying it is unintentionally supporting these industries that take billions in subsidies.
Age of consent is politics.
at a small start-up company, sure (and that's what Riot started out as)
once you get to a certain size, you need to actually start actually acting like a professional organization
Riot never great up, and if you knew some of its leadership, and the shit that happened with Pendragon, it wouldn't be that surprising
Man you sure are mad lol
That's fucking epic
>Age of consent is politics
That's literally what i said you fucking knuckledragger.
Why should a company have HR? The time I worked in one that had, the literal only thing you faggots did was serve as gatekeepers between us and the management. Actually, it felt like people from outside could reach then easier than us, since you were always blocking our way. Worse yet, you cunts couldn't let us fucking work in peace, you kept making retarded reunions, sending dumb memos, and forcing us to watch stupid shit like thots from who the fuck knows where talking about "integration of the workforce into a better enviroment". I actually had a way better time working on a company where payment and presence was delt by a digital system. We could easily talk with the REAL bosses, and not some entitled whores, and the enviroment was actually more peaceful and friendly without all the forced talks with the passive-agressive seriously, why are you all passive agressive, is it something you are teached at college? I fucking hate passive agressive people direction from HR that only let you angry at the end.
Sooner I will open my own office, and if anyone asks me to hire an HR... I will tell this person to eat shit.
Kill yourself. The "Politics" in media are based on the culture and tradition of the people that created them.
Of course a book/game/film coming from a western country is going to have western values/ideas in them. The only people that actively try to make their game in a political tool are leftist faggots that only care to further their agenda, thus their game is shit.
Kill yourself, you are the fucking cancer of this world. Stupid fucking lefties fuck off our media.
Sounds like a great place to work
You're arguing to the wrong person. You think HR/Diversity employees are scammers, but you don't tell a scammer that they're a scammer, you tell it to the ones getting scammed. If your argument is compelling, surely these companies will stop hiring them. Until then, the free marketplace is working as intended.
I just want to play vidya user. Why are they ruining it?
how insulting, counselors are actually useful people who help. these cunts, all they do is every 6 weeks they type up some fucking 3 page document filled with leftist propaganda, make you sign it to agree to not partake in wrongthink/wrongspeak, and god help you if you have anyone in your workspace that will go to her with complaints, you'll be fired or moved position quick.
>controls how hiring is done
>doesn't have impact on game development
:thinking: (retard)
This is just a sign of capitulation.
You asked an obvious question, you mouthbreather. Are you trying to do a gotcha, you retard?
what the fuck kind of work do you have to do on a day by day basis
shes getting paid to do nothing
They just want to make video games and gamers decide to become nazis. Why are gamers ruining games?
Is that the last method of suicide you tried, tranny?
>based South Africa
I answered my own question as part of a point i was making? lmao?
>making propaganda
not him, but HR exists to protect the company from leadership acting retarded by handling things incorrectly
not to say that companies might not end up with a shitty HR group
Just play vidya, nobody is ruining it
>standing up against socialist propaganda makes you a nazi
hey dude you being born is political, because the government mandates that you have a social security number and a birth certificate. duhhhhhhhhh
Telling people to kill themselves have always been useless text. Nobody is actually going to do it and when they do refuse, What you're gonna go to their house?
No they can't. There isn't any possible situation, that diversity officer would be useful. Or maybe in apartheid system, where they're job would be to make sure, that the amount of blacks doesn't reach too high levels. But besides that, they're just useless.
Ya sure about that?
first they came for the gamers, but i didn't speak up
The kind of company that's retarded enough to have high level leadership openly pass around "who they'd fuck" lists in a billion dollar company and fart on people's faces.
This isn't Valve we're talking about, we're talking about complete idiots who got lucky and ended up in charge of a massive company (who only made a single game, despite hiring in others; just to add on how incompetent they actually are, and how lucky they are).
Take note anons, this is what schizophrenia looks like. SJWs are legit schizophrenics.
Ask H&M how badly they fucked up without a diversity officers, or any other company that disregards the culture or ethnicity of the country they are trying to sel their garbage to.
You either stick to selling to your own race or you can piss of, it's that simple.
yeah? none of that shit has affected my games
>my games
You answer both yes and no. I say yes and not no.
If I'm so obviously wrong, argue back. Should be easy, right?
Have you heard of birthright citizenship?
then they came for the tranny at which point I had to RISE UP. They targeted trannies. TRANNIES. Big fucking mistake. We're the people who are so hardcore we go to court to get our name changed, go on hormone therapy, shave our mustaches and put on a wig and dress AND deal with suicidal thoughts every hour.
yup, my games
oh yeah dude birthright citizenship is in the constitution it's political!!
So you watch nothing but sony movies, ok.
Oh no, a private group of people are selling video games with things I don't like in it. Time for fascism.
You see the Nazi Pepe, you blind idiot?
>when you become so paranoid, you actually make excuses for Riot/Tencent
what the fuck has happened to Yea Forums?
I respect HR, working there myself. I just hate people that brag about getting paid without any contribution.
But apart of that you're right. Don't hate the player, hate the game. These companies only hire Diversity guys to counteract possible backlash fron being unintantionally racist, sexist or whatelse.
Thats why we need to purge "Diversity" from our culture and politics. Fuck niggers, women and faggots.
Are you saying it's not political? It's not a government policy?
weird strawman, but okay
>a private group of people are selling video games with things I don't like in it. Time for fascism.
Exactly, no need for you SJWs to throw a tantrum at a game for not having LGBBQ or female protag or whatever million other things you retards are obsessed with.
I hate shitskins subhumans
Well they did leave us no choice.
you're not fooling anyone SJW.
She's most likely does work with public/advertising firms and legal paperwork which at a high managerial role will always get good pay regardless of the company in question.
Video game companies always have a shit ton of non-developer roles like that. There is a reason why video game credits are around 15 minutes long.
>they pay for ANOTHER all female team of mediocre players
>they ban more teams for not going easy on them
Money well spent
I mean, depends on what you mean by that
If you mean fuck it by not hiring them, that's retarded
If you mean fuck it by not putting so much emphasis on it, and companies signalling and patting themselves on the back, and just treat everyone like a fucking employee and not a progressive trophy, then sure, agree
Get help, tranny.
you sound like a leftist who sees Trump everywhere
take your pills
You seem upset user
Glad I never liked mobas, what a shitshow
I had never seen a HR group that is not shitty and over intrusive, and I never had things handled incorrectly by the leadership in companies with no HR. I never had bosses asking me why the fuck I don't post anything in social media like if that was a bad thing, the HR people did. Never had my payment being mishandled by the automatic payment digital system, the HR did. Never had my bosses STOPPING ME FROM DOING MY FUCKING JOB to listen to a full hour drivel about relationships in the workplace because someone said a colleague liked me, while at the side of the said colleague, in a VERY, VERY unconfortable sittuation, while the HR did. I never had to told my bosses in a company without HR to get their fucking noses out of my life because I am not their kid, I am their employee, but I had to do it with HR.
It seems you are just trying to sell your fish, user. HR is shit, I never seen the good side of then, and everyone I know who doesn't work for then only have complaints. HR is so shit that I think it's ill advised to have one unless you have so much employers you can't deal with all of then, and even then, your HR should have limited abilities.
>le drumpf
SJW confirmed.
Telling people they are faggots was always a waste of words. What if they are not gay? You just made a mistake dummy.
Are you too retarded to grasp the point of insults?
Its to show your contempt of someone you useless faggot, kill yourself.
no teams have been banned for beating girls right?Right?
>proving my point
go to be pendragon, you're not fooling anyone by pretending everyone is a sjw
Aww, I was hoping you'd keep pretending not to be a fascist piece of shit and keep on using neo nazi rhetorics
You have two other choices.
1. Ignore and not play it.
2. Criticize it and hope to change culture - this is what SJWs did btw. It's surprisingly effective.
Yeah, I mean we should stop tokenism.
The lack of an upvoting system must be dricing you crazy
it indoctrinates the children and normalizes said hyper inflated nonwhite population amongst gaming communities which makes away for LGBT acceptance, respecting minorities, and mostly just pro-left wing ideals.
>Riot fucked up so bad they made one of the most popular games in the world
I'm getting high off these (You)s. Keep em coming
> you have two choices
No i prefer my final solution
>le drumpf fuck white people
>I love sony movies all games should copy them
Fuck off resetera.
user, you're in a thread about a company who desperately needed the sort of shit you're talking about, and are not backpedalling trying to protect their own ass
you're not entirely wrong that most HR groups are shit, but this is honestly the worst thread you could've picked to bring that up
I hope they make annie gay. Agegap Yuri is 10/10.
You only think that because as a leftist prog, you have expelled all western and religious values and replaced them with the cancer that is, this cult. So you might think its true.
>t. pendragon
the obsession with sony movies might indicate a tencent wageslave, so maybe that instead
what desperate need?
I mean if it validates your life good on you user
Next champion will be a flaming faggot oh wait taric is already that
>REEEEE games NEED to have LGBBQ black afro women or else I'm going to seethe on resetera!!
>high level exec farts on male subordinates faces in meetings
wtf I love old rito now
t. ranny obsessed with shitty movie "games" and SJW propaganda.
Just how hard is it to a nice person?
Taric isn't flaming,he's brilliant
This is the gayest thread on Yea Forums right now.
>le West™
Let me guess, you watch Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, or PragerU videos?
Wait, you say Western values. So you are agreeing with me that there is no default set of values. Otherwise, you wouldn't call Western values by that name, you'd call it something like "objectively correct values" or some shit.
pendragon, you realize that only works when it actually applies to who you're talking about, right?
What do you expect of of Chinese company, those dude honestly give 0 fuck about SJW
how do i become a diversity officer?
i want to get paid for just accounting the non-whites in companies
sounds like a very cushy job
Your solution does not work, because Its not an even playing field.
I cannot complain and try to change the culture because I will be labeled as sexist, racist and have to suffer other social sanctions.
It's like telling jews in the third reich to "just support an other politician lmao, worked for us nazi guys :)" .
When you left guys and SJW start to be open for change and agreements yourself, maybe I will try that approach.
This was all on the western side of things
They don't, if half the shit people say they did were actually real, they would be receiving tons of lawsuits already. I'm not a "listen and believe" guy, I actually think most of those are lies. They are not doing this out of legal concern, it is just to save face and pretend they are woke, to calm down people like you, who believe anything said on the internet. I'm a lawyer, until the moment the hammer is dropped, nothing is fucking real.
To stop the fairy tales of fired ex-employees saying lies to taint the image of their previous job. The only reason those people aren't being sued thenselves, is because Riot is afraid of making manginas angry.
why would the Chinese allow that? i am guessing this is for the western audience of LoL, and will not affect China, and Chinese players
Get a degree in a fields where the job market is incredibly low.
absolutely seething
Gays were called delusional AIDS ridden faggots, Martin Luther King Jr was called an uppity nigger, and suffragettes were called shrill bitches. They changed society still.
Instead of complaining about how your ideas and opinions are treated, argue for them better.
user, just because there's a lot of overreacting sjws out there, doesn't mean every case of actual not shit unprofessional crap is that
>they have zero impact on a game
so what are they doing there, why advertise it at all unless you're looking to score wokeness points
see and keep seething
Well being gay/trans is a mental disorder
>Gays were called delusional AIDS ridden faggots, Martin Luther King Jr was called an uppity nigger, and suffragettes were called shrill bitches
these are all true though
seeing as you're repeating youself with the same crap that doesn't even apply here, that's as good as a concession from you.
so thanks, I accept
Man this thread is a riot
we live in a society....were transfolk are victims of bigots...
>unironically defending Riot/LoL
*Sips* yup, all according to plan
This was bad Carlos...even for you. Apply yourself next time
You accept nothing but shitty sony movies.
Don't get me wrong, there are cases of unprofessional crap happening, user, just like there are cases of sexual harassment and rape. When those cases happen, there is a good instrument that can be used in those sittuations to get reparations, it is called: Lawsuit. That's what real people that have been harassed in real life do. They don't bitch on the internet and never seek out a lawyer ever, they don't give interviews on IGN, they don't do twitter threads begging for validation, they seek judicial ways, because they know that the things they say are real, and because they actually happened, they have rights that can be achieved trough the judicial power.
Did the women at IGN did a lawsuit, did she tried to get reparations? No. She went to an IGN journo, and never seeked a lawyer in her life, even tough just half of the shit she said would be enough. That's why I'm so certain this is a lie.
Yeah, good mental gymnastics to avoid my point.
If I speak my mind, people like you will get me fired, hated and will ruin my reputation. I have a family to feed, cant allow that to happen.
I dont want to escalate every cultural issue in a gay rights movement or whatelse.
>zero impact
Everyone please be polite to the Resetera tranny that is visiting us
Statistically he doesnt have much time left in this world
>it is called: Lawsui
user, it literally stated in the meme arrows that there was a lawsuit in progress
I'm a woman actually, /pol/tard.
I thought the chinese hate the gays.
Explains a lot.
Of course you are, friend
How was Taiwan?
I already accepted your concession, don't need a fanfare follow-up
>i win lol
Yeah you def are a woman
Tell that first the next time before wasting everyones time trying to use logic.
5 bucks that her next reply is "her" calling you an incel
Your constant babbling should have given it away.
>woman arguing for a feminized indoctrinated society
imagine my shark
>wrong on three counts
i just can't stop winning
>"Yeah, I'm a janitor on Yea Forums, how could you tell?
>I'm a woman
You seem upset user
To sum this thread up:
>Everything is politics (not culture/tradition whats this lol)
>Just complain too (But be repared to lose your job hehe)
>Oh, it really smells like NAZI in here, upvotes to the left
Is this the power of leftie persuasion?
Don't you have a bad sony movie to watch?
People like you who overthink the "useless text" and take noticeably flustered offense are the reason I derive so much pleasure from typing it. The thing about leftists is they are a flammable bag of emotions that can't think about anything for themselves. I can only imagine the inhumanity it is to believe and live through lies all for an agenda. Leaving nothing but a husk of shitty values.
Really? Because American conservatives seem to be a big and healthy population.
Also, if you get fired, that means you violated your contract or your employer believed you're not a good fit. That's not my problem. Find a job that has a company culture that aligns with your cultural values or a contract that doesn't fire based on employee conduct outside of work.
They do.
very :^)
Culture is political. Who said they're not? Where do you think we get our government policies from?
Nah it's just the power of Carl Schmitt and 4th generation warfare's movement into cyberspace
pretty much. They've been trying since 2014 and made a big push in 2016, and still are failing miserably. The gamers rise up shit was their biggest failure, now the hate for trannies has quadrupled thanks to that since it revealed the tranny discord. Of course they're desperate to deny the discord though
its a good thing the only game riot offers is already trash then at least it cant be ruined
more shit in a sewer
>lived experiences
Can someone tell me the difference between "lived experiences" and "experiences?" It seems to me that you cannot experience something without living through it and that this is a retarded pseudo-intellectual term to make college dropouts feel smart.
BUT you screech like a retard on twitter when people get fired for being libtards, like kneel nigger or that ESPN bitch. Those are not ok.
>the 2016 reddit migration resulted in migrants whiteknighting Riot Games on Yea Forums
how do we save Yea Forums?
Anybody have any insight into the history of the "diversity officer" position? How did a job that has no utility to literally any company that exists become something that women managed to scam businesses into giving them large salaries for doing what amounts to no work?
classic bait, never fails
Get mods that aren't fags
by removing trannies
quick rundown?
I've been hearing about this discord tranny thing on and off again you guys referring to the shit that happened on r9k?
>A diversity officer is tasked with forming a plan on how to sell product in foreign countries
Do you have a mental disability or are you merely pretending?
now the company is desperately trying to save its own ass, following lawsuits in progress and bad PR
>discord trannies are also child predators
This goes beyond a group of retards spamming politics on Yea Forums. This shit is outright illegal. Hopefully they get caught, if they don't kill themselves soon.
Gimme a you if you feel the connection
it's something spouted off by a bunch of reddit migrants typically
That sounds like America.
There seem to be at least 2 tranny groups. The one you posted and another one. Looks like they're mostly focused on r9k but they shit up other boards as well.
Besides lootboxes and microtransactions, has there been anything worse to happen to gaming since niggers and women invaded? I used to think this PC culture was a fad, but it gets worse the day.
Aero's been "caught" however he just goes by a different alias and is laying lowkey as far as I know right now.
I don't use Twitter, but even I know conservatives do the same on Twitter when one of their own gets fired. What's not ok, people getting fired for their political opinions and actions? Or people disagreeing with the firings?
>File: 1543726235526.png (1.59 MB, 2484x2072)
lmao john cusack lookin ass
there it is, a discord tranny. Kill yourself.
It was hilarious when I found out the gamers rise up and gangweed veronica memes were supposed to make nazis feel bad when they started out. It legitimately seemed like a self-aware self-deprecating meme mocking leftists who mock everyone right of Trotsky. We ate that meme up because of how fucking stupidly funny it was and then later I found out it was supposed to be hurtful.
I thought Gamers rise up was legitimately funny self depreciating humor that you could use when someone was trying to shit talk you so you could just go "That's what society thinks huh"
Hell, I still use it from time to time completely unironically because I find it funny.
>own trannies
>become schizophrenic
only heard of it from politics obsessed migrants, was never aware of it previously
>it's ok when we do it but it should be a crime when it happens to us
If you are a woman, I am fucking Bruce Wayne.
Why are your delusions OK, but mine aren't?
The politics of pong sure are complex faggot. You niggers have brought nothing of value to gaming, what was once seen as a niche/nerdy thing that got a lot of anons picked on growing up has been DESTROYED by you corporate inclusion cunts. Look at what you have done to some of the greatest franchises in the United States, without your pseudointellectual social warriors (no justice because that's not what you fight for) games today would be made that are phenomenal. You ever wonder what makes Metroid good? I'll tell you it's that you are a badass bounty hunter who mercilessly kills anything in your way, the first one came out I believe in the 80s, guess what, TO THIS DAY SAMUS ARAN is beloved by people everywhere but it has nothing to do with SAMUS being a girl, that is secondary to who Samus is. She didn't have to win with "girl power" and inclusivity she wins by being the fucking best and guess what nigger in the last 5-10 years of you mentally handicapped faggots trying to take over gaming can't even come close to making a female character anywhere near as amazing, name one go ahead I'll wait...
"Gamers Rise Up" and "Its about ethics in game journalism!" is usually making fun of people on all sides taking a bunch of non-important non-serious shit way too seriously
Hopefully the police lock you away soon tranny.
Can someone who knows how to do it report this faggot to the feds?
discord trannies are the new irc fags. coordinated shitposters with mental illness. I guess this one is a group of trannies, but maybe not. On the one hand, trannies do tend to coalesce into little online groups where they get a positive feedback loop. On the other hand, trannies are like 0.2% of the population so the likelyhood of a typical shitposter being a tranny is somewhat lessened.
On the third hand, trannies are mentally ill enough to dedicate their lives to shitposting on Yea Forums.
Nowhere do I say that in my post? I ignored you being a fascist subhuman filth but at this point your illiteracy that's clearly a major source of your bigotry is just too hard to deal with. This is where I say you should kill yourself for the good of mankind.
My point is that you cant speak you mind on certain issues without social repercussions, especially when talking about racial/ gender issues.
Many people automatically cut ties with you then just because they fear these repercussions swaying over on them.
You yourself proved my point earlier (I assume it was you), when you called other anons fascist and nazis. Why? Does It make their points invalid?
Its your reflex to try to ruin their social cred. Cant blame you for that, thats the same as right wing anons calling you tranny to avoid debating you.
So why did you use Nazi/Fascist? Because you know that in reddit/irl its a really effective strategy, shutting the opposition up rather wuickly.
You're not fooling anyone discord tranny.
>feeling down
>remember a Riot manager got canned for sexual harrassment because he would shart in people's faces and sack-tap male employees
>start smiling again
Honestly don't know how you could not laugh at this
This guy killed himself he was that kid that shotgunned himself anyone remember tat webm thats him iirc the trannies black mailled him
I might be wrong
>0.2% of the population
>faggots pretend that 90% of posts are from trannies
damn he mad
>I was wasting time discussing with a hole
At least warn beforehand, you filthy whore.
Yeah the kid with the sword art online posters who sucked on a kel-tec POS we all remember user
Dota2 is a better game, Pendragon
go to bed
>triggered tranny
You're full of shit. No one in HR makes over 60k, let alone 100k, without being some old cunt that's worked for the same large enterprise for two plus decades.
You fags with literally no job experience that are all in college or just graduated college that spout nonsense like this is nauseating. No one on Yea Forums makes 100k doing human resources lol. That job is literally on par with being the front office bitch that puts snacks in the break room.
t. Sales Channel Manager
Literally a talking head for PR purposes.
reminder that all trannies are subs so its okay to call them faggots and make fun of them, because they like it
It's about time to rise up gamers
It might have just been some random in that discord i don't know if its that guy but i saw a screenshot of the trannies talking about how some guy killed himself
A few motherfuckers from discord and asian masculinity fucking killed Yea Forums because of the banhammering of everyone who said a no no word. Now it's a zombie factory run by pedos with a mix of trannies and actual deranged incels screeching at everyone. Pol is unironically better.
>Mario and Sonic
>viewed through a political lens
You're the tranny, suicide is your thing. Do it sooner rather than later.
>its ok when we do it
The .2% is way outdated, just like all the gay numbers are outdated.
"batman; it's batman"
This tranny is on the verge of a mental breakdown. Well, another one that is.
everyone gotta have their boogyman
>replaying to yourself
>Cant blame you for that, thats the same as right wing anons calling you tranny to avoid debating you.
Just to hop in and clear this up, this has nothing to do with social cred. It's about hitting these faggots where it hurts them. Not through peer pressure or anything like what they use. It's about making them realize the truth, which they hate. The shit they pull is pure gaslighting.
I guess I'll post another cap for the road I'll see you faggots in a better thread, happy weekends.
Well that's just incorrect. I agree no one Yea Forums is making 100k as a HR ________, but above 60k isn't crazy for higher level positions for bigger companies.
>certain issues without social repercussions. Many people automatically cut ties with you then just because they fear these repercussions swaying over on them.
Yes, controversial topics have existed ever since society has existed. And I get that you're trying to be strategic about how you express your political views. But that's what everyone else does too.
As to why I called them Nazis? They usually own up to it. It's not about shutting them up, it's about exposing them and cutting through their obvious rhetorics.
Who decides when something is "actually" political versus only "technically" political? What's the difference between culture and politics?
>can't tell samefagging
samefag discord tranny
whether someone's feefees are hurt
doesn't matter the side of the political spectrum, one way both sides are the same and neither are willing to admit it
I guess I undershot it a little bit, one organization has a 2016 estimate at 0.6%. Still, there are other factors to consider. The nature of the shitposting that gets called out as discord trannies often espouses far-left identity politics sentiments. Trannies in the west tend to lean left, and though I have no data to support this it's probably a fair bet that they're more likely than the average person to be extreme in their politics. A number of factors hint that it's far higher than a 0.6% chance of the shitposters being trannies.
name one videogame character that was "turned gay" who was previously straight
as firms get larger they gradually become weird authoritarian governments. you can't dispense with hr entirely, because they are useful for diplomatically removing undesirable employees, acquiring temp workers, dealing with payroll issues, and preventing liability. it's also not easy to prune fiefdoms, because they will make life difficult for you. you would have to get people in that department to help you help prune their own.
actually hate the player. externalizing responsibility to the ether is obnoxious behavior.
>it's about exposing them and cutting through their obvious rhetorics
Not that guy, but what the fuck does "exposing them" and "cutting through rhetoric" have to do with addressing an argument someone's made?
>there is no default set of values.
cultural marxism in action folks, see it right here
>and it continues up
Yes it does have an impact and now they will probably hire more of these useless gender studies people, which will hurt the company in a long run (SeeTelltale games, Activision Blizzard)
being a company that is based in LA has really fucked with their minds that much huh
>shitposting that gets called out as discord trannies often espouses far-left identity politics sentiments
but there's one autist in here randomly throwing that out at everyone
is it falseflag in here, or just trolling?
Culture is what a group of people does. Politics is about policies and rules that the group decides to follow. Basically, it's culture made official and explicit.
You're not supposed to ask such problematic questions, user. Trust comrade comissar.
SEETHING discord tranny
In my experiences, Nazis pretty much repeat the same talking points and arguments that I can easily notice it and know where trying to argue them in earnest will lead to the same responses that eventually result in them giving up the charade and just say they want to kill Jews and fags.
So I try to just get to the ending as quickly as possible when I'm certain that I'm replying to a Nazi or some other type of fascist.
I think the autoresponse of discord tranny is preventative trolling. If the callout is a miss there's no harm, since anyone who's actually played vidya for more than ten minutes has been called far worse than a tranny. If he actually calls out a tranny, there's a chance for some seething.
>higher level
I don't think the tranny is falseflagging, it's just a dumb tranny.
By that definition, isn't politics/law inherently weaker than culture? Arguably irrelevant?
its a shame their old lore, while quirky but unrefined, was completely scrapped in favor of the new lore, which seems completely uninspiring, save a few tidbits.
the worst thing that the lore team is doing is assuming that, because there is more visible discussion over the lore on their specific discord and league boards (which werent a thing back when old lore existed), that their new lore is superior. I don't know what has me more upset, the fact that their lore quality as gone down, or the fact that their own teams are being willfully ignorant to cover their own asses.
>everyone that wants to kill jews and fags are fascists
So you're boogeymanning, gotcha
oh gosh i hope its ___ZAC___
eh, just gonna disagree and move on with that idea, 40+ posts of the same shit is annoying as fuck
likely trolling in here
ntgb the most influential people who "founded" western culture would agree. You're basically arguing that rights are god given, a popular sentiment in America, but realistically your rights change as you move from country to country, meaning they don't come from any singular source. Values are the same way and vary even within communities. I understand that values are key to finding meaning and should be held sacred, but you need to be real with what they are.
I saw a tranny bleed out on the street once. I could have called the police but laughed at it instead.
Uh oh, is that seething I see?
So it's a tranny calling everyone a tranny in order to make it annoying for non-trannies? falseflag in order to create backlash?
Bleed out from his "vagina" wound? Or from getting curbstomped? Why didn't you stomp him some more for fun?
which ones? nazis or trannies? it's getting all cluttered in here
It's just a tranny calling everyone nazis.
The most important question is: did she pay her tax?
inclusion does not improve anything.
diversity in theory is supposed to bring more points of view to the table. every time you bitch about an aspect of a game that could be improved that's a divergence from the devs' opinions, and maybe something they hadn't considered while making the game. In practice lots of people who tout the virtues of diversity practice diversity of skin color only. They won't associate with people who have different opinions or thought processes.
The thing about fake diversity like that is it's easy to call out though. People say shit like Black Panther or the Huffington Post writing staff is diverse and then get btfo when it's pointed out that it's all black people and white women, respectively. So instead of talking about diversity they'll talk about representation now, which is something that's extremely unimportant for making a good game. No non-italian ever complained about the lack of representation in SMB.
I came here from /fit/ just to laugh at the tranny. My god you're a moron.
Did he look passable, or like the MA'AM guy?
>Even in countries where blacks are majority and whites are minority, blacks get special privileges
sure did force alot of your own words in there didn't you?
who whose the autist calling everyone a tranny? a tranny, a troll, or legitimately retarded?
gone off the rails now, thought this thread would be about laughing at Riot
Catch me in 2 years when LoL dies.
Is this tranny shit just Emperor's New Clothes IRL?
>this is a real headline
I can't believe there are people who get paid for this shit. If I ever own my own company I will never allow a single job with "diversity" or "equity" in the title, fucking parasites.
Riot ASSFAGGOTS fans will continue whiteknighting for them, like in here
what your opinion on pineapple yogurts?
Hey look everyone, it's the tranny. Laugh at his pathetic attempt to be a woman
It can't be irrelevant otherwise no society would have laws or governmental policies. As for which one is stronger, I'm not sure. Cultural values usually determine laws and policies, but these laws and policies can then feedback into culture. I don't know.
i actually did that at one of my part time jobs, sack tapping that is
it was kinda gay but it was pretty funny when there were three or four guys on the ground laughing away the pain while our manager walks by, asks what happened, then walks away about five seconds later
Isn't that the obvious end goal?
Whites will always be the "majority," even when they aren't
It got stabbed or shot or something. It was groaning like a real fucking man would on a battlefield. Me and the mates just stood around it laughing and joking while smoking cigs, then went back into the bar.
When we left later that night the entrance to the alley we were smoking in was cut off like a crime scene with some cops asking questions to people.
I told them I didn't see anything.
Didn't look like conan in a dress but it was clearly not a woman. no woman could groan like that. No woman would take that long to fucking die.
no, your rights don't change. the laws of states vary, but if you adopt a universalist rights-based framework then, you are simply asserting that there illegitimate states (ones that violate rights). this is the standard used for all human rights declarations since liberalism has spread
realistically rights systems are axiomatic fameworks that you assert as precursor for accepting a social contract, as opposed to shooting annoying people to death for trampling on what you think are the basic limits on the exercise of power by the state against an individual for an acceptable civilization
>The gamers rise up shit was their biggest failure, now the hate for trannies has quadrupled thanks to that since it revealed the tranny discord
Before the whole "discord tranny" deal, traps were hold in highest regard than real women around here. Now the majority hates traps with jaw screeching rage.
Discord trannys really shot thenselves in the foot.
Is it boogeymanning when they admit to it?
You can't exactly call its current shambling existence 'alive'.
nice falseflag tranny
Personally want it to be Sylas just cause it’s hard to find much porn of him since Tumblr purged itself
these threads are like a visual version of those old stgggs videos where every single person online is acting like a complete retard
>tranny bled out to death while you laughed
Absolutely based.
This might stickle your fancy. Trannies deserve nothing but death. Painful death.
go to bed tranny discord
If games are "political" how come there are no right wing games then? Where are the games that are pro White and anti non Whites? Where are the games will stats and facts trump muh feelings? Where are the games where socialsim/communsim utterly fail? Where are the games where ACTUAL CAPITALISM works? Where are the games about nationalism and pro family values? Where are my games where it shows the poor are just lazy pieces of shit? Where are my games that are pro Christian(I'm talking Old Testament not that hippie crap with Jesus)
Even in my porn games there are leftist propaganda in it. For example, one of the Rance games has you Rance going and destroying a Nazi type place. The place was safe, clean roads, strong families, nationalism, etc. and Rance goes and destroys the place.
Dangerously based dog
Honestly spitballing but I think the only reason laws exist is for the government's sake, not the people's. It needs something to point to to say "see, our rule is legitimate, we all agreed to this, here it is in writing" so people don't revolt the moment something they don't like happens. Even then, in practice, many laws are often unenforced or enforced inconsistently.
you and the discord included
Success really does breed jealousy
>falseflag tranny making strawmen
Tell me what the default values are. Does every society that ever existed had them as the first values that eventually changed?
Exactly. Turns out that spamming for months straight whenever a thread triggered your delicate feefees wouldn't work out well. They're still at it too, just not as spammy. More just pushing their shit politics while crying /pol/ even though they're the political shitposters.
>Diversity Officer
This is a job title now
The future does not look good
Trannies admit to be trannies?
which ones? the discord trannies or the ones spamming tranny?
>tranny trying to switch tactics and failing again
Explain to me why representation in fictional video games matter, and if so, should representation be 50/50
>falseflag tranny failing to deflect
back to discord you go
You, tranny discorder.
What are they doing with those complaints I wonder, just making a list, then the job is over and nobody reads those papers?
Fucking moron damage control riot shill you're hilarious.
I like skittles
"hey buddy they dont make the game decisions they just make sure that the people making these decisions are non white"
Being anti faggot and tranny is actually an applicable position. Being pro faggot and tranny is a political position, but this does not mean the inverse is true.
Dota 2 is still superior, Pendragon
How cushiony this job must be. Come in at 9, make a few remarks like “we’re making progress but there’s still a ways to go” and out the door by 1
>Do you guys have jobs?
yeah, a real one
Country to country your rights vary, as in if you move there you accept their laws. You can have your basic ideas of what rights should be, but they will often conflict with what others think.
Once I saw a tranny get spanked with a piece of wood until his arm broke.
>tranny it looked passable, I only knew it was a tranny because I have heard him talk before and his faggot boyfriend are discussing in front of my aunts house
>the tranny was my aunt's friend, she only befriend scum
>the tranny tries to beat the faggot punching him repeatedly in the face
>faggot gets instantly mad, and lays the tranny in the floor with just one punch
>picks a piece of wood, and starts spanking the tranny with blinding rage, the tranny tries to block but his arm breaks
>my aunt keeps screaming at my ear for me to do something I train martial arts, got medals in competitions I obviously don't do a shit
>there was blood fucking everywhere, the faggot only stopped when the tranny passed out
>didn't help to take him to the hospital either, because I didn't want to touch it's blood that may be contaminated with AIDS
>all is well
thats because you are a onions beta bitch who cant say fuck off or im quitting this shitty job.
you have no agency. they do.
Eventually they will be aiming at their head so.....
being an internet jannie is not a job
>you're living in a place where diversity is the least of a very long list of dire problems
That's everywhere
So we all agree trannies are degenerates that deserve death and the discord needs a visit from the FBI. Based and redpilled.
not a flattering image of yourself
I already left ages ago, you double digit IQ nigger. Read the post string before saying shit.
Imagine how satisfying stomping a trannys head must feel.
i mean...
they are easy to notice.
I told you Yea Forums was left leaning, but nnnoooooo I was told we're not in one of the 8ch threads yesterday.
Shit like this is why Yea Forums shows is a libtard site while 8ch is a right wing website.
>calling trannies ugly
Based and redpilled.
why is that white nationalist nazi attacking that poor defenseless wxmyn.
>riot shills derailing with tranny spam
why is this legal? It's abuse from doctors.
It matters in that it makes you feel good to be included, gives people an impression of your people that's hopefully good, and opens the door for more opportunities in games and, more importantly, marketing.
No it shouldn't be 50/50. It shouldn't be anything, no one HAS to include anyone. People should make what they want the wat they want to.
Is that what you cal a boipusy?
you are looking for universal behaviors, some of which will be understood as the "values" of a group, but you want to think of them as efficient solutions to certain types of problems that emerge in cooperation between members of a species. reciprocal altruism, for example, reduces the variation in the prevalence of genes in a population. so helping out your cousins increases the fitness of your genes, and your cousins helping you out does as well. higher level values arise as a combination of these types of effects, as they help or harm a population from flourishing. whether they would be truly universal has two main catches (1) whether it is sometimes beneficial to defect, making it certain that you will have a certain percentage of defectors present in a population (2) no unique solution to the problem exist, meaning between or among different populations you might expect a variety of solutions to occur
Please teach me what elements of sonic are political
fun fact: in 80's italy, the overwhelming normie thought super mario was a game made by italians and happening in italy, a culture completely different than japan, just because of one name on the cover overtaking any prentious shit you just mentioned. Oh, I should add that the biggest mario fan i knew was a black kid who lent me the gameboy cartridge of mario land 1, who also thought it was an italian game. how come they didn't see the incredible political influence of 80's japan politics transpire through the product which was almost the polar opposite to 80's italy? what you think matters a lot really doesn't matter in the slightest, it's just pretend-intellectual marxists stroking each other that they found some narrative that can't be attacked and was precisely made to not be attacked as a priority, not on the merit of its contents.
you are nothing, you have contributed nothing to the world, you are a pathetic little pretend thinker, how sad.
When someone basis their politics on undoing every universal common sense element within society, try then view anything which upholds common sense is then viewed a. Holding their opposite political view.
Zelda is apolitical except now it is heteronornative.
Mario is apolitical except now it is cisnornative.
Sonic is apolitical except now it is ableist.
Basically modernity is ruled by useless dipshits whose want to destroy anything cohesive by coming up with ever more ridiculous societal wrongs they need to correct.
>it makes you feel good to be included
How about suplexing a tranny?
that's reddit migrants overtaking this place
This is what agreement looks like. The tranny said machismo was a social construct. The mexican nationalist was just agreeing and showing how machismo maintains its control of dominance in the public square.
That is what discourse looks like in a healthy society.
I said this because you said in order to change society, you need better arguments. But how will better arguments help when the opposition just can call you nazi and ruin your day?
I'm just trying to understand how your advice of "just complaining back" with "better arguments" should work in real life without getting socially slaughtered because of the smallest objections to social justice. Like I said, most people dont want a revolution like the feminist movement. Discussing small things like race/gender in video games should not be a controversial topic worth getting fired .
And your explanation for using insults like nazi does not make sense to me. Why not cut through their obvious rhetorics with sharp arguments? You really made some interesting points, but when people try to argue against you you just deflect their arguments with false equivalence etc.
>men create something
>put decades of hard work and sacrifice into it
>only a small portion of them even see success
>after its successful a bunch of dyke haired women show up and complain about made up terms(that they made up) that aren't being fulfilled and coincidentally they only want to help "diversify" successful and rich companies who will pay to make the "problem" (that doesn't exist because the people fixing the problem are the ones who invented it) go away
In the real world, that is what called a "Con" or a "Scam"
Yea Forums used to make fun of Riot
now it unironically defends it over the tranny boogieman
yes the guy that owns you and your children has a very different idea about what your rights are, but in a rights-based framework his opinion is simply invalid. and that's why you had to choke a bitch
he dropped his wig and tail buttplug
imagine you are so shit at life that people like riot games more than they like you
he dropped the tail but the plug just fell out from gravity. There's no more grip on that thing from years of abuse.
No one likes redditfaggots, that's why we're shitting on trannies to drive them out.
inb4 all the employees are segregated and hate each other
I think I get what you're saying, but what got you to the point of having to choke a bitch is an obvious conflict of values.
I agree with this response.
>tranny boogieman
Found the tranny
In soviet russia a tranny suplexing you.
Did Pendragon actually get even more autistic than back in the DotA days? What's with the spamming?
>the two that merged into Varus
On a side note, the community started this garbage trend and not Rito, despite "As We Fall" making them look like that. Read part 1 and 3 too, nothing like that, they even look to have wives.
We came to an agreement based on a meme, Ezreal is basically a tranny at this point.
>Implied Vi and Cait, Diana and Leona, Graves and TF
Another fan fiction level of bullshit.
Honestly think that I've fell for the bait.