Saddest video game deaths

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sneaky in 10 years?

Looks like an incel.

Guys I'm so nervous and feel confused. Where do gamers go after death?

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The game over screen.

His channel is dead but there is no way he is dead irl

RIP Seamus

rip seamus

The death of VIDEO GAMES

he's literally playing ffxiv right now

RIP Brad from Dead Rising

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He went back to Target

I miss his cozy KF vids. He could be a dumb arrogant asshole sometimes

>belly sliced open
>expression on his face tells us he doesn't give fuck

What a chad

They respawn

what happened to this guy?


after trevor left cowchop went to shit, and james videos have been shit for a long time. legitimately havent seen a video from either for like a year

He's not dead but he's apparently really fucked up. From a variety of physical illnesses like kidney stones, and then he's depressed. Apparently all he and his gf do is play mmos until he can't find any reason to keep going. i wish i had a loyal gf like that

You fucks scared me. It's rude to play with someone's heart like that.

James posts videos all the time and Sly is still extremely active.

zack from crisis core.jpg

Even if I hated the game almost everything about it I'm still sad the pig dies

That's got to be hard on both of them. Probably better to be away from the "public eye" though in that case, could end up with a bunch of expectations lumped on him if he tries a "triumphant return".

no i mean i have not clicked on any of their videos because cowchop and james went to shit

He tried, posted a few hundred videos of a few new games, then he dropped off the face of the earth again. I just hope he's good.
James is great.

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I still don't understand why this is considered sad. Zack is such a fuckawful character.
It's like watching a retarded dog get euthanized. It's sad but only in an abstract sense.

James was great. Now he is absolutely soulless, as well as the rest of cow chop. Especially that lard alex.

>soulless meme
oh no

it was the music

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because i was poor and I had never play ff7 before
i did not know zack was going to die and it hit me like a train

>manipulative music to give the impression of emotion where otherwise none exists
Sounds like a Squaresoft production for sure
Ironically, despite how fucking awful FFXV is, it's a wonder they cut all music from The Last Campfire scene. If you've got even a script with even a miniscule of emotional depth, you don't need your composer to cover for your terrible writing staff.

Yeah, I just checked his channel and a bunch more has been uploaded since I last checked (I think he was talking about speedrunning ResidentEvil or something).
But damn, it's got to be heard to make a return considering how competitive it would be in the Youtube space. And his 1 mil subscribers don't seem super active either, unless it's the first video after a hiatus, or the last video before a hiatus.

Channels like his don't necessarily have super loyal subs. It may seem like they're not watching but you can check channels of similar youtubers (people who just bulk upload letsplays) and they can have tens of millions of views per month.

Zeke's demise always made me sad.

I miss you SSoHPKC. Your vice city and V play through was the tits.

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Cow Chop has been on a downward spiral ever since they moved to CA. Aron, Trevor, and Joe are arguably as important as James and Aleks but their fans will tell you to fuck off since the channel was made for those 2.

bro team :( we miss you sean

I think they were important but that isn't to say Brett and Alec and Jacob can't help be funny on the channel. It sucks to see those three gone but I don't think the channel is suddenly dead because of it.

His death was rough, but why did the zombies stop at ripping his stomach open?

Sir Seamus of Halo PKC. What was the PKC about? I forgot

Wow I had no idea Trevor left. Cowchop hasn't been good for a long time. I can't imagine how shitty they are now.

I suppose he managed to fight them off long enough to the point when he started turning they lost just interest.

Psycho Kinetic Collaboration

They rise down

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His streams are straight up unwatchable. He puts negative effort into everything which is his thing, I guess.
But when he's playing a game and listening to a podcast while not interacting at all, I just feel bad for him.

He also got banned from twitter again yesterday.

Finally died after multiple alcohol poisoning?

The channel isn't going to die right away anytime soon but they're definitely dying, just at a snail's pace. They'll appeal to newer fans who think them hurting eachother for the hundredth time is epic. Hell you can pinpoint the exact moment the channel started to get a tumor with when James decided to stop appearing in Dark Side of Youtube and his original series completely failed. Another thing, they really like to push that whole food thing just like how the Creatures pushed toys.

Cowchop hasnt been good since the house.
Half the fun of Cowchop was watching them destroy a house, the other half was watching them make asses of themselves in public.
Some of the Creatures and Cowchop's best works were in public, Creature Camping, Road to E3, Cowchop Zoo trip, ect. they basically all but stopped that after Trevor left and they did a big road trip, which sucks dick.


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fuck up david

What ever happened to them? I stopped watching after they all moved in together in Colorado, I vaguely remember something about sp00n leaving but I can’t be sure.

Pre-Cow Chop era they were... "tamer" I suppose I would put it. Ever since they left the Creatures they were able to act more edgy, however I just feel like they try far too excessively now.

James's twitch streams are solid gold.

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Red hat tried too hard to turn it into a business and slowly drove literally all of them away. Then nobody was left but a bunch of interns, one that he ended up fucking, and the views dried up. He killed the channel and gave up on e-celeb shit for good

They go to Illusion heaven featuring Honey Select

>remember how I used to watch James like a near decade ago
>tune into a stream to see how he's changed
>he's basically the exact same but bald and fat now.
>check the rest of the creatures
>they're ALL bald and fat and get like nothing for views
Jesus Christ. I feel bad for these guys. I always knew that they had the shelf life of milk but to see them burn out so fast is kinda sad

>Road to E3
Goddamn, I still watch that from time to time. The ones where they’re just visiting random places is really comfy to watch. The carnival visit is my personal favorite

ecelebs go in

>Bald and fat

He isn't. He's from a bygone era.

Death scares me. I’m not nihilistic, I don’t want to die and have the world die with me.

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>They aknowledged hiring interns and letting them be in the main light is what killed the Creatures
>They immediately start hiring interns and having them be main characters on the show
I can't stand that Alec guy, holy shit

Jakob is cute tho

>shelf life of milk
James was around for a long time

At least Chilledchaos and Ze are still doing well

Ze gets barely any views what are you on about?

Ah that sucks, I remember coming home from school and tuning in to all their shit on the main channel. When did it fall apart, and what’s cowchop? Is that their new one?

to gamer hell

Leandros died in my eyes when he called the inquisition instead of the Chaplin.

i remember being in awe at that fucking large house they got. like how could they afford it

rip sp00n

Dominic Santiago Gears of War

That seamus + aleks dark souls was kino shame they never did a full playthrough

who are these people?

*Were. They're just legends now.

They couldn’t that’s why they moved out lol

Uberhaxornova and ImmortalHDs collab channel. Started amazing, now its the same problem with the creatures where its a bunch of unfunny interns no on wants to watch.
youtube used to pay an absolute fuck ton. james still lives in a mansion on his own.

>it's an old Youtuber comes back from a long hiatus who now releases the best content he's ever made episode

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>Bald and Fat
>literally any of the Creatures that weren't already bald and fat being bald and fat
is this some sort of meme i'm missing out on

sounds like you tuned into the wrong stream
hes on the left and he has more hair, and is in better shape than hes ever been

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if you have nothing to lose you have no reason to fear death.
the only reason you should fear death is if you have a wife or kids.

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That era of the internet in general felt so goddamn perfect to me. I want to reverse time.

Fuck Rooster Teeth
Fuck Fullscreen
Fuck Deathbattle

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There’s so much to experience in life though. Once you take the blackpill it’s like your checking out and resigning all the potential you have for happiness.

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I'm pretty sure he's thinner in older videos.

He was thin at the start of the creatures, then the last year or so of it and the start of cowchop he was pretty heavy

I fucking miss emo Aleks

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they were all really cute here, i remember watching them every day after school around this time

i kind of feel bad for sly, wasn't he an aleks best buds until nova met aleks and they pretty much dumped sly and became butt buddies

only bearable one was seamus as he didn't yell like a little bitch or play it up for the cameras, i miss his mario videos

im happy almost 24/7. no blackpills, im just not afraid of death. what do i have to lose? i dont have kids, someone who loves me or a home. but i dont need one, im happy on my own. if i had any of those things i would be afraid of death because i would damage something through my death (fatherless kids, widowed wife).
being happy with your existence isnt a blackpill.

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How old? It sounds to me you are in for a strong reality check.

still young, old enough to be on this board. how so?

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Because you can only deny your human desires for so long before it starts fucking you up.
You are not above them, no one is.

I remember Aleks was in Sly's band. Their music is nostalgic af to me now.

my desire is to eventually attain those things. im happy on my own but of course not forever.
like i said if i did have any of those things, i would fear death.

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I think probably the scariest thing of all is dying alone. Nobody should want to endure that.

>my desire is to eventually attain those things
Well, the way you were talking about it was implying you weren't but whatever never mind me.
Sounds good on your part.

I loved him watched every playthrough he noticed his fans comments......was sarcastic about everything......I fucking miss seamoose

his voice was alright except that lisp really ruined his music for me

Spectate mode

i guess so, thats on me, i probably should have explained my point better
if you die alone you die alone. when you die you die, you don't get to choose when it happens unless you end your life (dont do that, obviously).
if you live long enough you'll find someone who loves you.

They did a fundraiser for the first house and probably used their cash on what remained

I always found the knowledge that death is 100% guaranteed to be rather freeing on my mind. Imagine having to live forever with your choices and the consequences of those choices always weighing you down and piling up endlessly over time.

this is a way better way of what i was trying to say in send second part of let life happen. by fearing something that is definitely going to happen you are only going to cause yourself to become depressed and hold yourself back from important life experiences.

I'd give anything to just go back and fix everything nothing that changes the course of the future like winning the lottery or predicting disasters just fixing my own personal problems for my own selfish ways to be not selfish in my life

Anybody else wanna cut their wrists?

As immediately appealing as the thought of getting a life do-over with advanced knowledge is, the regrets and fuck ups in my life are part of who I am. Every one of them shaped the person who I am today and ultimately even if I had the chance I wouldn't change a damn thing.

if you did a perfect run of life you would be incredibly bored. part of life is fucking up and then learning from it. if i was perfect i would be arrogant as fuck and a huge asshole.

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im so glad james and aleks are still funny, i miss seamus and sometimes sly but im thankfull cowchop is still good, as long as they dont get COMPLETELY fucked by roosterteeth things should stay good

so, since bringing up someone's pre-trans name is dead-naming, does that mean it's correct to claim the male version has died?

I wasn't ready for this

what the fuck is this? is that ironic? did he do it as a joke? Actually 2:34 - to like 3:40 was alright but still, I've never seen this

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I see. Well that's the thing I said it was selfish but really I'm trying to be selfless. I would be able to not hurt anyone or prevent people from getting hurt. I would still make mistakes after I change things and maybe it would make my life worse or better but I just don't want "those" things to happen.

>Honey Select
I'd rather go to hell

it's old as fuck, he gets shit for it from time to time but the song itself is entirely unironic

>I would be able to not hurt anyone or prevent people from getting hurt.
I would flip this around and ask you to consider the times you yourself have been hurt by others and the effect that eventually had on your life. Maybe you grew as a person as a result of recovering from those painful times or maybe you just learned to be a little more wary around people.

Thats assuming your ominous use of "those" things doesnt mean you had to sit there and watch your mother get raped to death by pitbulls or something.

Where is he now?
I used to watch him all the time as a kid.
He's a big part of why I'm such a sarcastic ass-hat too.

No I live in the US so yeah. It just hurts right now so I can't look back and laugh but I hope that I can one day without crying (its typical shit like losing a friend or getting dumped I'm just a pussy)

>I'm just a pussy
You are a human and one day you wont be the same but you will be ok again.

I say human, unless the real truth is...

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fucking kek thank you user

the Halloween stream was the final send off that i knew they were not coming back

>bring bomb to enemy ship with the thought of having it return to the mothership to refuel
>both your exit vehicle and the bomb take fire, making the timer on the bomb malfunction and the vehicle unable to take off
>sacrifice yourself to blow up what you think is the enemy flagship while throwing your friend back to safety alone
>die thinking you saved the day
>Slipspace rupture detected.
>Slipspace rupture detected.
>Slipspace rupture detected.
>Slipspace rupture detected.

he played RE with a randomizer and it was pretty funny, and his some of his other shit can be good, but he's doesn't have that same "rage" persona he used to have.
I think his subs aren't active because he's slowed down
He's way more active on twitch and I think his fans are as well

They don't even hurt each other anymore. The funniest shit was them just being gross fucks for the sake of videos, like them throwing sewer gunk at eachother dressed as ninja turtles, playing in a pool of lube, and literally throwing shit at each other
The latest videos are so fucking lame and boring, like that one with the big pool floaty things wasn't even anything, they were just lying around doing fuck all. Hopefully the content kicks back up after James comes back

but cowchop isn't still good, go back and watch their house content, it's so much better

>Spartan II sacrifices himself to save a Spartan III
Pretty stupid move, but I guess it's fair considering Noble 6 was an exceptional outlier with near-Spartan II combat capabilties

because they all have passion for what their doing, and are clearly enjoying themselves.
when cowchop became a business like the were trying to escape with the creatures they fucked up and clearly all lost the will to put effort into the content anymore.
this was the perfect closer to the channel

yeah that was great, they've had some excellent videos since they moved to LA like the whole of the whoa thats a lets play series and the retard zone amazon episode. Trevor leaving definitely was where it started going downhill but house content was always the greatest of all of it. They need to stop putting interns/employees and lindsay in videos and stick to a consistent cast instead

I'd sacrifice myself unnecessarily for Six too, she's pretty cool

House > all
Barn close second.
It's insane how quickly they lost key members, and then replaced them with the most bland, boring and camera shy personalities they could.


I always get sad remembering Seamus. He was such a mellow, down to earth guy. I hope he's doing alright wherever he is.

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No, it means they're just mentally ill. They're still male.

We cease to exist. I’m one final act of love and kindness God removed the ideas of Heaven and Hell. He saved us from the pressures of the thoughts of afterlife

James is the best streamer but my god his taste in games is fucking putrid. He dumps anything unique and interesting but sinks into the blandest shit

doesn't he mostly just play the newest shit out? Like red dead, RE2 and Mario Party. He played that Muscle March game recently too that was pretty fun


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James is taking a break from cowchop? I haven't been paying attention to cowchop at all since they moved.

James got injured about a month ago, so he's been away from the camera while he gets healed up

The stupid fucker broke his leg live on camera and dislocated his arm.


I miss them so much :'(

Only if its zombies or realistic shooters. When he goes outside of that it's generic shit like god of war and spiderman.

fuck, you're right

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I like how Alex joked about doing a series of him hunting down Seamus to get him back on camera in some Stream they did recently