If you don't like El Goblinas like nuClaire and Nico Goldstein you are an incel according to Yea Forums

If you don't like El Goblinas like nuClaire and Nico Goldstein you are an incel according to Yea Forums

And a few years ago everyone hated pic related

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I want to kiss Sera.

The difference is Bioware made her ugly on purpose. Capcom mocapped and scanned attractive people, but failed to make them look as beautiful as their handmade models for the most part.

This plus nu-Claire's personality isn't absolutely abhorrent, unlike this knife-eared kike.

If you acknowledge or respond to incel posters, you're a part of the problem.

Sera is cute though. So is claire.

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i think capcom wanted to create goblinas
autistic mods fixed Claire in 1 week

This. Incelposters are just baiting for responses.

That nose must have been broken 15 times too many, to look like that. Doesn't explain why her tits start at the abdomen, though.


Shes based off of the average Swedish girl, you nitwit.

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youre an incel because women find you repulsive not because of some shit game youve been obsessed with for 6 years lmao

Sera is a pretty good character.

no you are

I don't like nuClaire or Nico/Lady/Trish much either, but even they look good (or well, maybe not Trish) compared to Gollum in a wig. I went in prepared for her but she was even more disgusting in motion. Literally made me feel sick and I told her to piss off.

A treatsie on Sera.

Sera is abrasive and rude. She's also stupid. She doesn't fit in at all in the world the Inquisitor finds themself in. She has her own interests, that do not always align with the Inquisotr's. She even speaks in an annoying manner.

But this is all intentional. The writers made a realistic character. Characters in videogames all too often bend themselves to appeal to the player. If the player doens't like something, they change the character. Blackwall wanted to die, until the player says "no, don't". We're so used to speech checks getting our way. We're so used to characters being our team, being our friends. Sera contradicts this convention. She doesn't apologize for who she is, and she also doesn't change who she is. It's quite refreshing conceptually, even though it's done in a way that makes an annoying character. But the concept is sound.

There's also the issue of her being gay. To the author's credit, you don't learn this until you specifically ask her out. It's never mentioned at any point ever that she's gay, until the point at which it is immediately relevant to a question the player asks. This is a well-written gay character. Sera is liked or disliked because of her strong personality long before the character even learns if she's gay or not. This is exactly what gay characters should be like.

This strong personality is also interesting. Looking past her being annoying, we find some interesting stuff. The "what is an elf" conversation was great. She's a stupid commoner who is in over her head. Remember, to the average citizen, dragons and going into the fade and darkspawn are all terrifying, and she represents this "everyman" of the world.

Overall, Sera is actually quite well-written conceptually, and is a refreshing character despite being annoying. So I'm not saying you should like her, because she is intentionally abrasive, but I am saying to think a bit more about the character at least.

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>She doesn't apologize for who she is, and she also doesn't change who she is
Just like Morrigan, for example.

Yea Forums wasn't Reddit a few years ago.

This isn't a fair comparison, Claire is actually pretty. This is a weird looking monster.

Except Morrigan is not a annoying globlina.

Oh, like a good character is supposed to be?

>not downloading mods so that she doesn't look hideous

Oh that's right, you're a shitty casual playing on a console.

pretty much

So what's the point of Sera, then? Subversion of expectations?

Everyone was fucking ugly in Inquisition Except maybe Morrigan.

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>inb4 freckles

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The right looks worse

BioWare forgetting how to write a good character

Morrigan is great. She's a smug, cheeky cunt that loves being edgy and shitting on people. What's not to love?

I want to throw my consoles in the garbage.

>To the author's credit, you don't learn this until you specifically ask her out
She tells you explicitly before then, that she prefers to munch carpet, because men are icky and gross or something like that.
So fucking dishonest it's sickening


>So what's the point of Sera, then?

To teach people to stop demanding fucking lesbians.