Seifer's punishment for betraying the garden, torturing Squall, trying to murder Yuna...

>Seifer's punishment for betraying the garden, torturing Squall, trying to murder Yuna, and trying to resurrect the Sorceress for no reason other than it being his "romantic dream" is to become a fisherman

This made me angrier than the forced romance.

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Yeah nah Seifer is based and ur a faget.

Not Yuna, Rinoa

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Fuck seifer he's an asshole

He was being pussy whipped by a god-tier sorceress from the far future.

Was Seifer possessed or just brainwashed? Could Rinoa have fought off the possession or even plainly rejected it? Even Edea talks about it as if she made the decision to be possessed. This would help explain why Ultimecia doesn't just possess everyone, if it was something they could refuse, or something certain people will inevitably succumb to.

At the end of it all, I think Squall's resolution to pardon Rinoa was shared by everyone else and carried over to Seifer. He liked Seifer, and considered him one of the team just like everybody else. And they knew the one who started all the trouble (from their perspective, anyway) was dead. What good would it do to lock Seifer up after the fact?

Characters in FF8 suck so much. But at least he fucked Rinoa before Squall, which makes him alpha male, and Squall is a cuck.

Rinoa is damaged goods. Tries to act like she's grown up, but her short relationship with Seifer damaged her in many ways and it shows. Blames everone for her problems and is not able to take responsibilities for her own actions. Pretends and lies a lot just to be accepted. Is actually unable to love anyone ut herself.
Sadly, I was in a short relationship with a person who is just like her. (which makes ME a cuck because I got another man's trash, I guess)

Fujin is hot, is a pirate and doesn't talk much. A perfect woman.

I wanna fuck Seifer's asshole

Squall's feed and SeeD
Formerly Cid's

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You are virgin to think on damaged goods. But since this is made by japanese people. Teenagers dating does not equal fuck. Seifer had one or two dates with Rinoa and that is it. He would need more to fuck her.
Adressing the OP, Seifer is not punished, which is probably worse to you anyway.
Not possessed, possession is far different if you look technical terms. Yeah probably Ultimecia need to find some kind of trigger, people has to be able to accept it so she can work her magic, just like Demons in our reality.

The whole point of Cid creating Balamb-Garden was, not to train Squall for the upcoming fight but for him to bang all girls in the garden for 12 years. To train him not to be a SeeD but to be a sex machine. Just a 12 year preparation to bang Rino.
Squall traveled back in time not to chase Artimisia/Ultimecia but to bang Edea before she became a powerful sorceress.

That's the real truth about FFVIII

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>Seifer had one or two dates with Rinoa and that is it. He would need more to fuck her.
Not this is where you are wrong. Not the first sentence, but the second.
He fucked her on the first date. Why would she still thinking about him if they were on one or two dates?

OK, this actually makes sense.

Do you only think on woman that you fucked? Its a japanese teen romance dude. A shy kiss to them is like sex to normal western teenagers.

Squall didn't realize how attached he had become with her until he thought he might never see her again.
I've seen people 'hate' their moms or dads until they have a near death experience (or actually die) and then all of a sudden regret how they treated them.
I don't ubderstand why this is such a hard concept to grasp. He has an emotional breakdown at her bedside that explains this perfectly, do you even read the dialogue.
Also odds are siefer didn't 'bang' her, she was just attracted to him. She even states she didn't know if siefer was into her or not romantically.

same character.

>Implying that's not just what he feels like doing

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Yuna is way too different, her whole arch is doing everything in life to make other people happy and sacrificing herself, she wanted to gave away he life for the calm, she lost his father because he gave the calm, When Tidus kiss her, and ask her to be with him, before he even knows that he doenst himself exist, she also give that up saying that she must sacrifice herself. Is only when Yunalesca tells her that she must sacrifice one guardian with her to bring the calm, and that her life is a lie, that she is unable to do it.
I like Rinoa too. but differnet characters. Rinoa is a girl in love with good family.

No, he was ''attached'' to her because he never had a woman in his life, and Rinoa is the only one who showed even a slighted interest, starting with ''you are the cutest guy here'' at that bal.
The love story in FF8 (between Rinoa and Squall) is so forced and rushed and not a single fan theory and/or fanfic, no matter how good is, will change that.

Seifer was such a terrible fucking rival

What? slightest interst? 2 discs is her chasing him dude. Dont take me wrong, videogame writing is bad, but you guys are so bad at understanding shit. holy fuck.

>Pretends and lies a lot just to be accepted.
Like I said in one of my posts:
>Pretends and lies a lot just to be accepted.
It is you who is bad at understanding.

Reno and beatrix were much worse.

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Quistis, Selphie, & and some random girl that walked up to him all flirted with squall before rinoa did.


Life easily forgives the chad but you wouldn't know that

>A sheltered priestess who was groomed to be a sacrifice and goes about it with a stoic demeanor
>A spoiled brat who gets swept up in the plot after a failed terrorist attack

god Robin Williams must be the smartest man alive then

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user, I...

don't you know we live on the TIME KOMPRESSION timeline?

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>Ultimecia will never kompress your time
Why even live?

explains why the 2020's are shaping up to being the same as the 1920's but with internet

His punishment was not being the main character or having a spinoff with him, Raijin, and Fuujin.

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