Should womens compete in e-sports alongside males?
Should womens compete in e-sports alongside males?
heard they ran a train on her at evo japan
reminder that she had a group of dudes pay for her ticket to evo only for her to drown in pools and get gangbanged in the hotel room for the rest of the weekend
They don't compete against men in real sports so why would it be any different in e-sports. Also fuck e-sports.
i think people who care about esports should stop.
Why do people get so mad when women are better games than them?
japs dont have sex user
I need proof, this sound too much crazy to be true lol.
Sure. If a woman can beat me at a fighter she's ok in my book. That being said, still hasn't happened yet.
it's not a question of whether they should, but rather, whether they can, OP.
>gimme my fucking money!
Sure if they can stand their ground without bitching about inequality, why not.
It seems to pretty settled that at the extremes, women cannot compete with men. It really is a question of whether or not they should even try.
Here you go.
The gangbang part is made up but she did lose in pool to an American GG player who doesn't play Tekken and just spammed hopkicks
Don't you have cringey Tweets from Yohosie to be posting?
She’s a whore who pretends to be a nerd for neet bux
Yes, why shouldn't they
Also for the record why are women's and men's chess championships separated?
They are both not physically intensive where one sex has an advantage over the other
Maybe the sexes are split because that's how other competitive events are run, but those usually have to do with sports
Really joggin my noggin
me on top
That's makes her based. I have no sympathy for pathetic men.
She didn’t get gangbanged but she fucks Yakuza on the side in JP
what about gllty
Is this the plot of an hentai?
>Nerdy girl gets help from NEETS ti pertecipate to a big game tournament.
>she loses and the guys in angry because she couldn't win the tournament gangbang her into mind break as a punishment.
>at the end it's revealed the tournament's real goal was to attract girls so that they could get raped into gigasluts and she gets the trophy of the n°1 as thr cumslut winner of the season.
My initial thought is yes of course because it's just video games but then I look at women competing with men and they always get blown the FUCK out so no. Women should have their own division. Children should as well.
Literally a man
Have you ever heard his voice
Seen a few like this but it's cosplay con and the girls are either super sluts who drain all nerds dry or they are made into cumbuckets. It sounds the same but it's not, honest.
You're really good at this.
any names?
shit acting stick to getting gangbanged
>she does it for $625.48
Do people really buy this act?
There was one where two sisters gets gets kidnapped and they compete into an orgasm contest and the loser becomes a sex slave or something, forgot the name.
Better than wageslaving for it
Unironically the bell curve for women's IQ is more to the left than men's plus there are less women on the extremes.
They are not as autistic at men.
Look it up.
do you know how much food that can buy for a family?????
Because men's superiority isn't just physical. Like tennis and fighting, the best woman in chess and go struggle to make top 100. Also ai is better than both sexes now. Take that meat bag.
Literally never happen
is that pic from a video game?
Twitch exists you know
i am korean and i was visiting a family friend in kanagawa-ku, and i met her in a local arcade. we played and we kissed and touched outside. very nice. she's a good player.
yes and no
it's a pic of Harley Quinn's ass from a Batman video game but edited to give her larger proportions
her in game model does have ass, but not that ass in the pic
Men are also more likely to develop a competetive mindset, be it due to their upbringing or just naturally.
"Joou" Series, Shimimaru
FuckBuddy Collection, Hamatoro
It's been a while and I can't find the ones I meant but these are good.
Who is she?
And is she a man?
Yes please. The more entertainment the better.
But in all honesty fuck e-sports. If women do gain popularity in e-sports they should be prepared for trolls.
if they can compete yes but it never happens 99% of the time and they just get their shit pushed in
Why are gamers so sexist? Is it cause you're all single?
Same answer as for "should they compete in actual athletic sports?", because competitive games too involve test of physical capabilities like speed of reaction or precision of movement.
Seriously, who the fuck came up with idea of pitting women against male teams? He probably hates women a lot.
Most men, in general, are somewhat sexist -- but especially leftist incels who go for feminism and social justice. They are the ones who actually are creepy, stalk women, and get caught for it just by the nature of their being beta. They also get caught with kids.
It uses less executive function to make broad statements about an entire gender so thats why I do it.
>is sexist to put both genders at the same level
Nice. Very nice. Good user.
And off course this post will be ignored.
If girls were better at video games it would help
If they can compete, then let them.
thats how merit works.
You're acting like being sexist is a bad thing.
It's all ok if they're cute
Yeah? There's no reason not to allow it.
I know people like to pretend that "e-sports" is like a real sport, but it fucking isn't. It's a video game competition using your damned fingers, not something that requires real athletic ability that highlights a huge difference between the physical strength between the sexes.
>Also for the record why are women's and men's chess championships separated?
There was actually some study done that showed that women for whatever reason play worse when against a "man", even if not actually playing against a man. And if they play against a man but are told they are playing against a woman, they do better.
Not sure why this happens, something weird psychologically
>Should womens compete in e-sports alongside males?
it wouldn't be fair. women are shit at videogames and they always will be.
Women are supposedly smarter than men, so in e-sports they should reign supreme. So sure, why not let them show men how intellectually inferior they are.
>video game competition
Internalized misogyny, obviously.
single digit IQ
They should, but they can't.
Unless hey have penis.
Women are basically shit at everything.
It's a shame men can't give birth, we'd trounce them at that too.
We can lmao. Look up in vitro fertilization. You go to a clinic and cum in a tube. They fertilize a human egg from a female of your choosing, then put it into the womb of another female. So you don't have to deal with a woman yourself lol.
so organizers can get sponsors for 2 events rather than one
Is she acting like that on purpose? She has to be. Those kinds of women don't exist, right?
Wait, you're telling me that I, as a single dude, can just bypass the whole finding a woman thing completely?
women have no place near any competitive environment
This fake autism makes me cringe more than real autism.
The lengths women go to for attention.
wasn't she on top 20 in the tournament?
yes. men found a way to do it without women. Also you can choose from a pictures of attractive and intelligent women to create an alpha baby.
He did that because he put his arm around that ring girl before and feminist groups in Korea doxxed him, doxxed his family, threatened to murder them, got him fined, nearly got him fired, etc. All while the ring girl begged them to stop and said he didn't do anything wrong.
She's the real shit bro.
She called off her marriage because she suddenly had a shot to become an esports player.
women need to be killed.
God I wish I could draw
Is he concussed or am I missing something.
if you can't tell that she is being "fake flustered" in the OP webm then you are literally autistic. not a joke or a meme, you likely have some kind of severe problem discerning emoptions
How much does this cost?
some feminist filed a lawsuit, was dropped, was still called a pervert even his family members was condemned.
>thinking this is cute
Ahh, the typical gaijin with the ugly girlfriend I see errday. Fags know no better.
Here I land a 100% purebred Japanese with natural 36DDs. Feels god man
You don't follow the scene then? There's literally a footage of her acting all flumsy and awkward showing off her RedBull cap and drinking a RedBull drink right after she got sponsored.
sorry about your autism
i hope in the future they can heal people like you
Playing Starcraft and Overwatch is as much of a "sport" as Chess.
What do they call pro Chess? Call playing video games that. I think watching it is fun but it's not a sport.
Would make a fine doujin plot
I literally cannot name 5 things women are better than man at
Alright cool. I mean, you're talking all about autism yet you're the one projecting.
琉球独立 Free okinawa アイヌ独立 Free Ainu 核兵器 Nuclear weapon 原子爆弾 Atomic bomb 人間宣言 Humanity Declaration 広島・長崎 Hiroshima・Nagasaki 731部隊 Unit731 鳴梁海戦 Battle of Myeongnyang 真珠湾 Pearl Harbor 神風攻撃隊 Kamikaze 慰安婦 Comfort women 戦争犯罪 War crime 南京大虐殺 Nanjing Massacre ダグラス・マッカーサー Douglas MacArthur 憲法第9条 Article 9 of the Constitution 関東大震災朝鮮人虐殺 Kanto Massacre 李舜臣 Yi Sun-sin 沖縄戦 Battle of Okinawa 枢軸国 Axis powers マニラ大虐殺 Manila massacre 東條英機 Hideki Tojo 太平洋戦争 Pacific War 倭寇 Wokou 連合国軍最高司令官総司令部 Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers(GHQ) 戦犯裕仁 Hirohito 戦犯国 War criminals country 部落問題Burakumin 夜這いYobai 竹島Dokdo/Takeshima 尖閣諸島Senkaku Islands/Diaoyudao Qundao 千島列島 Kuril Islands バッキー Bakky Visual Planning 女子高生コンクリート詰め殺人Murder of Junko Furuta 援助交際 Enjo kosai 痴漢 Chikan、 Japino、唐行きさん Karayuki-san、 琉球独立、 アイヌ独立、任那日本府廃棄、 百済、 白村江の戦い、 文禄・慶長の役、独立、主権回復、佐川一政、 食人、 人肉、 いじめ、亀甲船、牟田口廉也、 インパール作戦 、第二次世界大戦、敗亡、敗戦、用薬須知続編、人中黄
I was going to list stuff like "sucking dick" but men are probably more technically skilled at that
"making and tending a family" I suppose
Chess is literally recognized as a sport by the Olympics and was submitted for consideration at the 2020 games.
Eh, I read it as just normal Japanese behavior.
>had to pick something men by nature cannot do just to make numbers
Superior esports cutie coming through
Don't think it's a big deal
Only if they are cute.
yes -- korea and japan were given to the west after WWII and korean war as a prize. the west use both nations as means of extreme experimentation. korea hit with wave of extreme feminism in which some feminists aborted male fetuses.
what would i search for on youtube if i wanted to see the match?
Does it count as socializing if all the girl is doing is wearing a low cut shirt and pretending she understands what her flock of admirers is saying?
Aren't they gonna get horribly deformed and stretched out?
it's not cheap at all and a lot of countries will not let a single man without exceptional income and references do it, You'll need to pay the doctors, institutions, the egg, the fertilization AND the surrogate woman who'll carry the baby and also contribute to around 10% of it's DNA
begone, stinky chinky. We love Japan and Korea and would never hurt them.
It wasn’t streamed since it was evo pools, but apparently all he did was use Claudio’s hopkick whenever she used aop to beat her
They can if they want, so long as they leave their tears at the door. Getting pwned at vidya should never be a big deal.
None of these things will get a japanese person banned from using the internet, it isnt china
vid of the match?
that's a JoJo stand name
Thing is, because of horny and lonely beanposters, any female in esports get literally a lot of attention. I hate it, since because of advertisers and sponsors this can lead to totally unprofessional scene with grills, so virgins will be happy/etc.
Imagine being competent in your job, yet losing it just because you are a m*le.
Then practice.
>Murder of Junko Furuta
Jesus fucking Christ.
Bitches actually love sexist pigs. I mean, just ask my girlfriend.
Why you didn't save her Yea Forums?
Your gender shouldn't matter if you can play the game.
E-sports have done nothing to stop women from competing, actually they are more welcomed than men, remember the whole Ellie scandal?
I wasn't alive, and she would've just assumed I was a serial killer from looking at me.
Women are usually at the bottom of the scoreboard when I play with them
$500 pays my electric bill.
The rest of the things, men have to become "women" for women to do better.
There's literary nothing wrong with enjo kosai
>extreme experimentation
who is this?
Sounds like a shit excuse, senpai.
Oh yeah
By the age of 15 they are going to look all manner of fucked up. Then he'll try to laser them off and realize laser isn't magic and it will still look fucked up.
Kid was destined to fail when his whore mother named him Oceanwind.
Holy fuck. I hate how cute that is but i probably look like a huge retarded autist if i even do something similar to this.
im a social retard, so i have done shit like that before and regret it every night of my life
>"pro" woman team plays against pub shitters.
>Pubtards win every single time.
Shit happened countless times, it never going work. Woman can't be competitive for shit.
asian women are so sweet just like my anime
Japanese women are sweet. Korean women are hell.
Both are bug woman davido-kun
sure my weeb friend
This is a cover for a JAV, retard. Man, Americans seriously have genuine low IQs.
the shield hero
Does that make it less miserable?
Yes, because your retarded American-brain pic clearly implies that she's actually selling dates. Which, contrary to what you learned from your American 90 IQ VICE shock docs, is not an actual practice in japan any more than it is in your country)
calm down user, I know japanese women are pure just like in your animes.
no matter how you slice it women are physically inferior to men, which is why women and men don't play sports together but video games? I don't see an issue there. If women don't perform better it's due to lack of interest.
Ay would never defile herself like that
Some people argue that men naturally have a higher competitive drive or some shit, which I think is retarded but there's gotta be some reason why there are almost no women in high-level esports. Of course there is a much smaller amount of women that are into vidya yet alone the comp scenes
They should be allowed to compete against men. They'll get shit on 99% of the time though. After that they'll start bitching about how unfair it is competing against men. Two days later we have another article about how men are trying to push women away from sports, e-sports or any other activity where men are clearly better at it.
2019 brother
I'm sure white women don't mind
No. Women are inferior in their capacity for achievement, so it is more fair to let them compete against each other. Preferably in a discipline where they are competitive, such as knitting and cleaning.
>there's gotta be some reason why there are almost no women in high-level esports
Women are mentally inferior too. There's a reason chess is also segregated by sex.
Remember that tripfag Jammku that was dunking on kids at Evo in one of the Tekken games?
He mentioned the girl gamers managers approached him offering cash up front to throw the match. Something along the lines of $5000 just cause they'd easily make it up in merch and sponsorships.
Needless to say, he didn't take their money.
Yeah. The separation in real sports is a safety thing, right?
It's so god damn obvious that her "cute awkwardness" is an act. She's a pretty shitty actor and oversells the performance. What a pity.
hello eurasian tiger, i noticed in the last day you have increased your activity on Yea Forums
i thought that was a made up comment frome here at first jesus
Hello, I remember you. You are Jammku. You never played at Evo. You are still desperately hungry for attention and love to make random shit up though. I hope you get help for your mental illnesses.
>best female esport player is a man
Defend this.
>tekken is a real fighter
>women are actually winning
who the fuck is that
don't get so worked up over a pic user
Men literally believe this shit. It's not that they really believe it, but they want to believe it so badly that they do. It's wishful thinking. It's sort of like religion
but she lost in groups to a guy who restricted himself to only use one move
Sure, but only if they can actually compete. As in not the usual shit where they aren't all that good but are put in for publicity points.
Higher than yours Mohamed.
people in this very same thread think her reaction is honest and just "japanese" lmao
Lol, you aren't really good at hiding it, my mutt friend.
Womancels, calm down.
It'll all be okay. You won't be fat forever.
Could it be that a generally exclusive environment prevents most girls from picking up games, and those that do are treated differently than the male counterparts, leading to much less high tier female players? Because that exact thing happens with chess
Hide what?
are you okay man?
tekken is the only competitive game that girls are decent at and that only because tekken is no more than autistically memorizing frame data
Yes, but they shouldn't complain if they lose.
I hope to God you are just goofin'. is totally right. If you can't tell that she's acting (really poorly at that) you might legitimately be on the spectrum. I'm not saying that because I'm trying to insult you or anything, this isn't some quip. Lack of ability to read people's body language and emotion is a symptom of the tisms. Get yourself checked out, maybe you can qualify for autism bucks.
That's not a man giving birth at all
Are millennials allergic to the words "man " and "women" because they know they are a generation of manchildren?
Because it's not physical like sports so no biological advantage? Do you think fucking chess tournaments go by gender as well?
Korean feminists are something else.
Some people here have terminal yellow fever.
You won't change the mind of these autists.
Only if theyre young. Anything past 18 is old hag
Speaking like a numale is the cool thing now or some shit?
Any proof of that? All you did was post the video of him putting his arm around her
The gangbang is not true but she fucks blacks
nooo asia is full of trad women
>so no biological advantage?
>Do you think fucking chess tournaments go by gender as well?
They do
Is that really a JAV cover? I always assumed it was some idolshit album.
What is it about white men that makes asian girls lose their minds? Is it because they're more masculine?
>"normal japanese behavior"
So, fake "cuteness", like your average twitch thot?
Cloaking yourself in the skin of retards is fun. Big oof and yikes from me @ how you didn't realize this already, incel.
I've never met a girl who didn't have trouble moving the character and controlling the camera view at the same time. I don't know why they find this so hard.
That being said, I have no problem if men and women would compete with each other in gaming competition.
Yeh, I think we should all compete in the same league unless one group of people would get hurt competing alongside or against their opponents.
Hence special olympics, womens boxing, etc.
esports should be open for all.
Uh, user
Ah yes, being absolute cancer but it's okay because it's le ironic because there's nothing more fun to a stupid millennial than le sarcasm and le irony, that's why you love all those stupid marvel superhero movies, right?
Yes she was selling her song. I remember some user posted it years ago. It was bad
>I have no problem if men and women would compete with each other in gaming competition.
Women would have a problem.
You'll eventually realize it's completely pointless to fight the tide.
Esports is open for all. Females are just shit at it.
What tide? The tide is over.
Millennials are already losing the cultural spotlight now that they are growing old.
MIllennials will be remembered as that generation of manchildren who turned politics into console wars and who spoke like 5 year olds because mentally they were 5 year olds.
imagine going on the internet just to get mad at stuff
that poor kid never had a chance in life
Imagine thinking behaving like a söyboy is fun while trying to argue that you are not one of them.
she won 700 burgers? amazing.
I didn't bother to read your post.
post not-reader
The fact that the word "sports" is included in this shit that's about videogame tournaments is absolutely embarassing, nothing but a lazy attempt to make playing videogames not look like a goddamn joke.
The very concept of "professional players" makes no sense whatsoever.
I wish I could do that.
It reminds me of this.
You did, you just have no way to reply.
eSports are not videogames, they are Reddit.
Only millennials and zoomers care about eSports, so it's not like any person of value is discussing this. Report, sage, hide.
You can get a tat over it.
That's bigoted, user. Females should be able to compete with men physically. Discriminating based on their size just opens up the playing field to manlet discrimination due to their smaller bodies.
>Her gimmick is that she hot
God women are so shitty at eveything except for making my dick hard
Or just cut it out.
I got a tattoo when I was in the military and when I retired I just cut out the skin.
Basketball has been doing that for as long as I can remember already.
this right here, women are more likely to be average
there's more genius and straight up savant tier men statistically. there's more complete retard men as well though.
when it comes to stuff that requires autistic dedication like mental competition such as chess or vidya men are simply more likely to reach the required level of autistic obsession
there is nothing wrong about a standout woman deciding to compete with men though. if anything that means she casts easier dominance aside for a higher likelihood of better competition, which is nothing but admirable
480 yen are like 5 bucks
Why isn't this sexist bigot banned and ostracized yet?
Wouldn't that discolor your skin?
Yeah, i'm sure women who grew up in the country where hentai is sold everywhere are really sweet.
read the filename
Jav nuber pls ?
They actually are, user.
She converted to islam
I’m sorry that you’re a faggot and you swing for the other side
Sorry, but i'm not a millennial, you can't change my mind on how a majority is with a few examples.
Boxing already does that.
Nah if your really good you can manlet and basketball.
Muggsy Bogues was a first round draft pick played 14 seasons and was 5'3
After a while you can barely see the difference.
It's certainly much better than laser removal.
Is it decent?
just like best female everything, even miss Spain is a fucking man
Japs aren’t religious so converting to sandnigger shit literally means nothing to them
They can't keep getting away with this.
>not old enough to drive or vote
>old enough to look like a criminal
Eh, women gonna woman.
Fuck she's too good for him, this makes me reee
Yeah no, men will never be better than women at being feminine, the only ones who think that are SJWs who need to be shot in the head.
She forgot to cover her face.
Thanks user, I just wanted to make it more clear.
>i'm sure women who grew up in the country where hentai is sold everywhere are really sweet.
What does this sentence even mean? What are you implying?
Be happy that this poor jap girl found the religion of peace