Have we had this thread yet or am I slowpoke?
Have we had this thread yet or am I slowpoke?
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I only hope to god somebody fixes the Wikihow graphics in a mod down the line
Daily reminder: youtube.com
That is all.
it's yet another port of a port of a port of a gba game, call again when we get a proper damn sequel
I think you ment to say youtube.com
This. I could care less about the trilogy re release again when everyone and their mothers emulate the DS versions.
Where the fuck is AA7 (aka Athena's game?)
I bought the soundtrack bundle even though I hate the new text box and eh on the hd sprites. Theyre my favorite games of all time and I'll never pass an opportunity to buy it again
>giving one fraction of a nanofuck when about Feenie when the fucking God of Prosecutions has his own games
If you actually haven't played these games yet, do yourself a favor and emulate the DS versions. The spritework is great and it actually gets better as the series goes on, it's much better than this ugly mess of an artstyle. Even the 3D games look better.
>Investigations 1 is one of the worst AA games
>Investigations 2 is one of the best
get some consistency Edgeypoo
Not only did Shu Takumi never have any creative vision for the series beyond these three games, at this point because other writers have ran off with the series' narrative amalgamating it beyond comprehension he has to make AA games set in feudal Japan. It's literally impossible for the series to get back anywhere close to these games, which is why we've seen them ported 150 times.
Shit, nigga, I forgot about this album.
I did this too. Honestly, I really love the first three games. From Phoenix's rookie days to his more renowned days as a real hotshot. All good stuff.
I'm kinda dreading replaying the circus case from 2 (or was it 3?) though. That case ate shit.
>can't even teleport
I actually genuinely liked the 3D style. Makes me realize how desperate I am for a new AA game. I'd even settle for an Appolo game.
1 has some of the worst cases, but some of the best writing of any AA game. The characters are amazing even if the actual cases aren't as sharp as the mainline shit.
2 did everything right though and might be one of the better AA games ever made.
He meant this youtube.com
Fuck. He did mean that. He really did.
Who was best Pursuit?
Edgy 2 Electric Boogaloo.
I replayed JFA all the way through a few months ago and 2-3 wasn't nearly as bad as I remember. in fact, now that im older I feel a lot more sympathetic to moe
i don't remember the art being this ugly in the memes
AA1 by miles my nigga. Had that shit as my ringtone on my phone for fucking years and I almost couldn't answer my phone without at least partially achieving erection.
AA only gets better as you grow up. Also the anime did a pretty good job with that case.
Huh, maybe you're right. I feel slightly more motivated to give the case another go. Thanks user.
>the anime
HAHAHHAHAHA THE ANIME wasn't bad overall I think
It will feel very... odd, playing the AA trilogy on PC of all things.
I'll still buy it, this shit seems perfect as something relaxing that will let me kill time on long trips, but it will feel a little odd.
its been on pc as long as its been on the ds, thanks to sourcenext
>played AA and Layton games on release
>it's been well over a decade
>they ported trilogy to 3DS, bought it again
>they're porting trilogy to everything
I won't buy it again but I am glad more people will get into such a fun series, really hoping AA7 innovates and DGS1/2 get done
oh shit, I guess this is as good an excuse as any to replay the trilogy
How long till every lawyer youtube plays the worst version of the OT on steam for the easy joke not that i mind, having lawyers play these games live sounds kinda fun