Party member disagrees with you and abandons your party to die against the main villain

>party member disagrees with you and abandons your party to die against the main villain

What games actually do this? Spoilers obviously.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fugo didn't die, retard? Araki specifically wrote him out so he won't die.

The better question is which party member was so broken the game wrote them out of the story

Multiple Bioware games.

Fugo's an asshole. I love him but he's still an asshole

>villain's powers in cutscenes are completely different from the moves he uses in battle

Attached: c64.jpg (716x728, 340K)

Post the fugo pepe

>game's strongest weapon is also the least aesthetic one

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>Who shot Johnny Joestar?
How many episodes will this wild ride be?

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FF4 does this most of the way, except Golbez isn't the main villain. And then FF5 comes close, but also deviates since Galuf was just in berserker fuck-you-I'll-kill-you-even-if-it-kills-me mode rather than disagreeing with the group.

He's right you know.

deserves to be forever remembered as the worst for leaving his friends to die

Attached: Fugo cowards out.png (1366x768, 985K)

>faggot OP looking for an excuse to talk about non-vidya with his Yea Forums friends
go to Yea Forums

What the fuck is Yea Forumss obsession with this shit manga?

>DLC costumes completely change the tone of a scene

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I think he meant leaves the party to die.

>Stand used only once
>One episode used to expand on his character
>left the cast completely 2/3 of the way through pt.5
>Purple Haze Feedback isn't even cannon

How are people actually delusional enough believe Fugo's a developed character at all?

it's anime capeshit.

Just wanted to know if an actual game did this kind of plot twist is all. Calm your autism.

I think I speak for all of us when I say I would fuck Giorno's tight little Italian boypussy so hard he has to use gold experience to give himself a new colon.

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Actually, he was written out because Araki didn't know how to properly create a scenario where Giorno and the gang would come out of a battle with him relatively unscathed because his Stand's abilities being so broken.

Giorno realistically could do the same thing he did to give himself immunity the first time.

>Party members disagree with you so you fucking kill them.

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What the fuck would have happened if diavolo stabbed King crimson with the arrow.

Legit good example actually. That entire game just loved to shit on poor Ludger for simply breathing.

>Bruno uses SUTIKEH FINGAZ to cause Purple Haze to fall down a hole while they beat Fugo up
>Narancia shoots him from afar
>Abbacchio tricks Purple Haze with instant replays
>Giorno creates a parasite that burrows under Fugo's skin, safe from the virus

Chrono trigger

hopefully not many, because it literally doesn't matter
On a related note Part 5 really is the worst when it comes to Araki making it up as he goes along. GE, KC, and like half of the other stands are inconsistent as fuck and just make up new rules as they go. Honorable mentions go to D4C and Whitesnake for doing whatever the hell the plot demands they do.

what are the chances we get something of PHF animated? i'd be fine even with the end scene with Giorno

>Fugo is built up as Narancia's overseer
>Proceeds to abandon him on what he percieves as a suicide mission
I know there's a light novel, and I hope he feels like shit for leaving his boy
Evolved King Crimson now allows Diavolo to rewrite what happens during the erased time. Like parallel universes

>Fugo isn't retarded
>Says he wants to rejoin the group
>Kills all of them at once by actually betraying them
fucking ez.

I think Part 5 sucks!

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What do you animeonlies think of King Crimson

The bit where he loses his shit at Trish for using his clothes as a towel feels really well deserved now

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>you will never wear clothes that have touhed Trish's sweat

t. Digibro

And Japan loves him for some reason.
I think they just want what they can't have.

Wait a minute, does he not wear underwear?

>KC judo chops Bruno in half
>The World blast a hole clean into Kakyoin

who is the strongest here

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a lot of people meme about King Crimson's ability, but I still haven't seen a propper explanation of what D4C did in "Who Shot Johnny?"

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Monarch Maroon also punched a hole through Buccelatti

He canonically wears a thong, this was literally confirmed by Araki in an interview for some reason.

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They're gangsters living in Italy during a summer

It's been discussed to death, the general agreement is that Araki changed his mind about how D4C's parallel dimension ability works.

Yeah, but The World send Kaks flying across El Cairo

>Monarch Maroon

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Nope fuck this shit retards.

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Can't wait for David to handle that shit show in the far future

KC’s power stat is higher.

King Crimson has a large list of kills throughout Part 5

All of them are usually just because of one physical punch

Is part 5 the part you have to turn your brain off the most for?

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Araki did art for PHF so it's canon enough for me

>Unable to understand sacrifice and brotherhood
>Cannot comprehend why people would risk their lives for a cause greater than themselves

Was Fugo secretly a woman?

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They kept Golden Experience's damage reflection in the show even though it gets retconned, so I doubt they will handle it.

Yeah, which says a lot about the Japanese JoJo fanbase considering it's praise over there.

Can't wait for part 7 in 2050

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King Crimson is built to one-shot. It does single big strikes, not ORA ORAS or MUDA MUDAS

i thought he wanted fugo to be a traitor but changed his mind because he came out of depression or some shit and just wrote him out instead

Didn't he also do art for Jorge Joestar?

No, you dumb fuck. This is completely wrong.

He has said that he wrote Fugo out because Fugo was going to be a spy for the boss but he didn't want to hurt Bruno in such a way, so he wrote him out instead. He was ultimately going to be killed by Giorno. He also said it's one of his biggest regrets when it comes to writing JoJo. Not necissarily pulling the trigger on the betrayal, but just the way he handled Fugo.

He did the cover of Jorge Joestar, user.

Fugo understood it he was just ultimately a coward.
Read Purple Haze Feedback after Part 5 ends if you want to


Give me your most powerful jojo reference.

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Anime normalfags are theory crafting when Fugo will come back as we speak.

Yeah that was the original idea, notice how there is an enemy with a gas as a weapon later, it was supposed to be Fugo

Narancia and Misto just shoots him.

>Araki couldn't figure out how the gang could fight Purple Haze unscathed so that's why he created 'Purple Haze but better in every way' for them to fight instead

You're a goddamn idiot. Fugo turning traitor bummed him out too much to go through with it, that's it.

The World is better despite being less complex.
Dio is the better user being able to spam it and having Vampire powers.


NEXT, YOU'LL SAY "What a shit reference choice."

>always hear about the JoJo memes
>Automatically think the series is shit and overrated
>This continues on for years
>Maybe I'm wrong and it's a good anime?
>One day I just happen to watch a YouTube clip of a fight
>Seems interesting enough
>Download the whole series
>Watch part 1
>Pretty cool fights and asshile villan
>Watch part 2 and 3
>Love part 3 cool cast and fights
>Then part 4 start
>Want the fuck is this shit
>What happened to jotaros gains
>Why is Joseph so fucking weak (useless)
>Where the fuck is polnaleff
>Why is everyone doing shitty ass gay poses
>Continue watching and now watching part 5
>Everyone now looks like a fucking girl doing gay faggot poses and it's no longer cool because they're not manly as hell like in part 1-3
>where the fuck is jotaro where the fuck is the midget with act 3
>Wonder why the hell I'm even watching this series anymore

What the fuck happened between part 3 and 4 bros? Why the hell are they so damn gay looking now. Shit is it made by a different studio now? Because it shows.

Attached: Hirohiko Araki 2019 interview.webm (960x540, 2.48M)

>Dragon Age Origins
>Free Sten from a cage
>Hes supposed to be the honor bound warrior trope
>Later on im doing a quest
>He stops everything to ask why im doing this and how it helps us to stop the Arche Demon
>Proceeds to challenge me for leadership of the group if I don't give him a sufficient answer

He was the best Bioware companion in a long, long time.

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its a complex matter
loyal to the organization or loyal to your team

Araki’s artstyle changed and he let more of his passion for high fashion and fancy shit bleed into his work

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[picture of someone standing behind someone else]

This doesn't make sense because the ball wouldnt move in frozen time. This is more like King Crimson.

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The style has changed a lot over the past 32 years

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What a shit reference choice.

Is Diesel Part 9?

The World has no counter besides having the same power/being immune to time.
KC was already tricked by Bruno.

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Anyone who doesn't appreciate Araki's art evolution is a fucking philistine.

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SMT 4 Apocalypse


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>Why is Joseph so fucking weak (useless)
a lot of time passed between part 2 and 4, Joseph was already old during 3

>Where the fuck is polnaleff
well you better keep watching part 5 if you want to find out

Dio can move things when he stops time, silly.

Stop time > finish kicking ball > time resumes > ball connects with child

What would the stopping time part accomplish? Also it looks like the ball skipped ahead.

I agree.

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Diesel is Part 3 in the Jorge Joestar universe

As perfect as this used to be I think Part 8 needs an update, it's way less about Josuke's memories and way more about finding the rock fruit now

Wait he shows up in part 5?


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Yeah it hasn't been updated in like at least 3 years, but it's the most recent one I have.

well not like it matters in this case but if time is stopped the child can't react to the kicking of the ball and the ball coming toward them

it's like when dio fisted kakyoin, sure he could just punch him without stopping time but this way there's nothing he can do about it

So his target wouldn't be able to react.

Because he had no business in Japan dipshit

Let me get this straight about king crimson. So he erases a given period of time in which that only he can see and can move freely during this period to dodge attacks and position himself before he erases everything but the resulting sequence in which anyone effected by it won't realize what their actions were or how they got there.

How was Bruno moved behind the pillar he initially attacked after king crimson triggered his ability?

because part 4 takes place in Japan and he happens to be in Italy?

Persona 5, in a way.


because during that time he was in Italy trying to stop Diavolo and also being a cripple.

What were they thinking? KC looks retarded like 90% of the time now. He doesn't feel threatening anymore. All tension is lost.

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Because in the skipper time you still take actions you just aren’t aware of them.


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part 7 and imo 6 are pretty good though except part 6's ending is absolute dogshit

>bruno breaks the pillar
>goes behind it to see if the boss is there

so when King Crimson used the ability it was like he was trying to punch himself

What are you taking about? KC looked like an absolute psycho every time it appeared,

This has got to be the worst-looking art style since that "Alexander" anime they aired for a while on Toonami.

He can't move within the time he erases. What actually happens is that he's already seen the time that he has erased and thus his actions during that time are according to what he saw, where as everybody else becomes a "sleeping slave of fate" and does whatever they were going to do without being able to react to the changes he has made to his actions.

The reason Bruno appeared behind the pillar was because he punched it to shit, then he walked around to the other side to see what happened, but because time was erased it cuts out seeing him walk to the other side.

Alright I guess I knew this day would come, time to start circulating this again for all the animeonlys

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But thanks to Part 6's ending, we were able to go back in time and have a Joestar fuck shit up in a way that makes perfect sense and doesn't contradict the lore.

6 years max, 5 at best I'd expect.

Fuck you man, Reign the Conqueror had a godlike opening.

Reign was fucking awesome you heathen

that's true I guess
but I was so disappointed in part 6's ending because it was so fucking good

You paused it in a bit where it looks like he was tricked, what do you expect?

Haven't they had Code Gayass on Toonami before?

I stopped reading after part 4, but his stand ability is a bit confusing at first compared to the others.

If they don't use Ennio Morricone music for the OP/ED it'll be trash

>How was Bruno moved behind the pillar he initially attacked after king crimson triggered his ability?

How was Polnareff moved down the stairs when Dio showed him The World for the first time?

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Why does he get to have two different stands to use with KC and Epitaph?

If they don't use Coda it will be trash.

Seeing Fugo exit Vento Aureo this early, after only having one fight, just feels really unfortunate. But Purple Haze's design was probably hard to write a good fight for.

how did it all go wrong

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it's just two things the same stand can do, like Sheer Heart Attack

Same reason as Killer Queen and Sheer Heart Attack. Just does.

They're not different stands.

wow, that's the best explanation I've seen yet

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Doppio has nothing to do with it. But you are correct in that they're not different stands.

Diavolo ain't shit without Doppio user.

Not to die and Araki wrote him out because originally he planned on making him a traitor and due to events in real life couldn't bring himself to follow through with that in the comic so instead just wrote him out

Because it's not his fight you fucking retard, it's a family matter with Jotaro, Joseph and Jousuke

Sub-stands like Killer Queen

Honestly this might be garbage but it's kinda heartwarming that a random comic artist liked JoJo enough to consider that that copying it will be a hit.

Doppio and Diavalo are the same person, they’re two souls in one body

Regardless, Doppio has nothing to do with the fact King Crimson has multiple functions.

>two souls in one body
So not the same person?

nope just one schizo mafia boss

What was the shittiest anime to ever air on toonami?

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>The World is better despite being less complex.
I disagree. KC can predict what the enemy will do and THEN it isolates time in Diavolo's benefit. Boss is always one step ahead.

Just watch that futurama episode "Time Keeps on Slippin"

Gundam SEED, Code Geass, they showed the first episode of Evangelion once.

Yet he got tricked by Bruno......

The same person, just with two different personalities

>Liking 3 more than 4 and 5
I mean, Stardust has D'arby and Dio, but that's it.

Just stop.

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Never read the manga but so far imo 2>3>1 4 and 5 are garbage. i really enjoyed part 1, 2, and 3.

Maybe the anime will give us a little more closure? A simple scene showing him, you don't even need dialogue, learning about Abbacchio, Naracia, and Bruno's deaths, the death of the boss and Giorno's rise to power

Diesel is canon.

Doesn't activating KC ability really draining though? I mean yeah the boss can spam it out a bit but he'd wear down eventually

Call me reaching, but the fact that he pussied out does speak for his character. Every other character had their arc play out and it sorta ends with them accepting their shit lot and growing as people. Fugo never really did. Narancia stopped being a criminal brat, Mista learned to accept fate or whatever and Abbachio found something he could believe in again. Fugo was just a pissed off autist and he never stopped being a pissed off autist, so he just sorta threw in the towel.

>can't stop time
>can't see into it
>can't predict
>fucks up his ability
>becomes a bread

Deadman Wonderland was pretty bad. I even checked out the manga and it was less bad but still not very good.

I legitimately understand King Crimson. It's not even hard to get.

But you can write a 50 page dissertation on the D4C reveal with Johnny Joestar getting shot in the face by everyone and I still wouldn't understand it.

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He predicted what he'd do, he just miscalculated why he did it.

>all of these animeonlys

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It's not as taxing as using The World or SP to stop time but at the same time he's not infinitely looking forward in time or able to infinitely erase time.

>Never read the manga
Thanks for being up front about it so I didn't have to read the rest of your post before throwing it in the garbage.

Or he just couldn't see far enough.
Get dabbed on by zipperman you metrosexual loser.

KC looks insane which fits him because he's fucking cuhrayzee

It is if he has to fight while doing it.
A group would kill him seconds after seeing his face.

FF4 is the worst attempt at storytelling I've ever witnessed, and I've seen an unfortunte amount of "Young Adult novel" film adaptations.
>Kain betrays you and leaves the party because he is in love with Rosa because ???
>>NOPE he was being mind raped by Golbez who was amplifying his feelings or some shit
>Golbez is evil or something
>>NOPE he's being mind raped by a literal physical manifestation of evil or some shit also he's yer estranged brother for no reason
>Cecil is a moonman because ???
>Lmao everybody is sacrificing themselves, R.I.P.
If you're not telling some thematic, psychological, or existential story then there is no FUCKING reason to have twists that don't develop the goddamn characters.
FF4 is particularly abhorrent because of the aforementioned, but also because fucking nothing is foreshadowed. They just pull whatever they want out of their ass whenever. Final Fantasy is a fucking embarrassment, and it officially gave up trying to advance the genre's already diluted gameplay after V. The only reason IV gets a pass is because of the gameplay "innovations" it implemented.
Fuck Squaresoft. Shit tier moviegame designers, can't even hire one of the maybe half-dozen slit-eyed soulless fucks that can write a coherent story.
No sir, but they can invest hundreds of millions in CGIshit mini-movies.
Fuck my ass this industry is a cancer, and Square-Enix is the original tumor.

I'm hoping we get an OVA that adapts his story after part 5. Grateful Dead is my favorite part 5 stand

Holy crap Louise I can’t believe Diavalo gets his soul put into a snail and Giorno puts Doppio’s soul into himself thereby becoming the boss while preventing Diavalo’s identity from ever being known while simelaneously defeating him

>It's not as taxing as using The World or SP to stop time
Are you kidding me? It's physically painful to stop time, where as skipping time seems effortless. DIO could only stop time for 11 seconds as a vampire, and Jotaro couldn't keep up because it was hard on his heart.

He saw it hit the pillar after he dodged it, but he just figured that that's where it would land normally after he dodged it. Did you even watch the episode?

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We have novels for closure

What is worse than a jojofag?

in other words he was tricked by Bruno

To be fair, Bruno had time to understand Diavolo's ability thanks to Giorno.
It's not that different from Jotaro being able to react properly/set traps to The World thanks to Kakyoin/Joseph. Without the whole turtle incident, KC had basically won the fight at that point. Plus, even knowing his ability Bruno knows the whole gang isn't enough to defeat him.


Johnny did

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Thanks. It's better than reading pictures with no movement.
It's like watching the movie adaptation to a book. Sure it's not as good. But it gets the job done.


I always had a bit of a grasp on how King Crimson worked, but seeing it animated really helped me fully understand how it works.

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>DIO could only stop time for 11 seconds as a vampire

Read this slowly.



Don't come back.

Don't bother reading anything.

>party members is to smart

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So he really is a fag and should have taken the professor dick like a good little homo boi

I think you misunderstood what I said. I am saying that it is A LOT harder on Dio and Jotaro to stop time than it is for the boss to look forward in time and erase it.

Even as a crazy strong vampire Dio can only periodically stop time and even then only gets up to 9 seconds or so. The boss is just a human and there are times where he's constantly erasing time in quick succession.

>Hard on his heart

Where does it say this he never mentioned this in the anime.


>It's better than reading pictures with no movement.
Not when the art of the anime is abhorrent which many animes suffer from.
God forbid if you get filler.

Any games where you can see the future in order to lock everything but yourself into unthinking fate for the next ten seconds?

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How did Anasui change sex again?

>ever looking threatening with that goofy ass little face in his forehead making retarded looks everytime

based and cheese-pilled.

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>knows about bruno's ability
>knows what it can do
>never assumes bruno can just zip away
>future sight can't save his retarded ass
Get dabbed on.

Oh, my bad. Yeah, I totally misunderstood what you were saying.

Part 6. If I remember correctly, he can only stop time for like two seconds max.

>He can only stop time for 2 seconds


>Where does it say this he never mentioned this in the anime
We know.



4 was 2 but he was up to like 6 in part 6, or maybe 5 should've trained it, he would't have deid if he trained it

No, he didn't put pussy on the pedestal, couldn't care less about some roastie. He was based and redpilled.

Then why mention it.

Facts are great.

Take this shit to
you stupid niggers

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read the manga

Only if Metal Gear gets banned to /trash/ forever. Or Yea Forums.

Is this actually that one western comic that copied Jojo? Like they actually used the names Joe and Joseph and stand?


>taste this bad

Well I shouldn't be surprised. But seriously, when I picture a homosexual depicted in anime, I believe I would imagine some moody bitch-lipped mutt with giant eye-lashes like all of the men in jojo, or some scantily clad weirdo drawn by japanese who are trying to draw white people. Cringe.
Nope, even this and that piece of garbage yugi-oh look better than reign and jojo. They just look THAT BAD.
I was just commenting on art-style alone, not the anime's actual substance. Worst anime I've ever seen on toonami based off of substance was rurouni kenshin. It was an absolute yawner. Second place goes to tenchi muyo solely because they invalidated the first storyline for several other increasingly inferior storylines.

>>Why is everyone doing shitty ass gay poses
>saying this AFTER watching parts 1-3

really nigga?



Remember to sage & report all Jojo faggots - literally the bronies of this generation

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Yes, Diesel

Diavolo would beat DIO, and here's why:
>imagine a 20 second time frame
>Diavolo sees DIO bring out his Stand
>uses Epitaph
>sees that DIO does something weird at 5 seconds, like teleporting or maybe a power similar to his
>not sure exactly what the power is, but he erases time from 2 seconds to 12 seconds
>what actually happened is DIO used The World and leaped outside of time for as long as he could
>Diavolo erases 2 second to 12 seconds, making the timeline go from 1 second and skip to 13 seconds
>since DIO can't reenter the timeline in a time that is now erased, he has to reenter in the same time signature he left at, just 10 seconds ahead
>DIO "starts time" again at 15 seconds
>everything has moved and he hasn't hit Diavolo
>he is arguably more confused than anyone else is by King Crimson

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>this generation
Confirmed anime only AND underage, piss off

Let’s not forget The World could stop time for 11 seconds before Dio died and it showed no sign of slowing down. Meanwhile Crimson has 10 seconds max to react. The World beats Crimson by far

Araki forgot

The manga is older than you and quite possibly than the incestuous parents that spawned you

Doesn't matter. Unless Diavolo somehow drags out Dio into the sun, he has no way to damage Dio.

>hes trying to justify being off-topic on Yea Forums
literally cancer. You're worse than a nigger with its shoes

>look it up
jesus christ

get fucked lmao

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who cares MiH pwns both of them at the same time

I can't believe Dio invented so many ways to flip people off

He doesn't need to kill him, just get away. Diavolo's win condition is to people to not see his face. Besides, my point is that King Crimson counters The World. Replace DIO with Jotaro if you want.

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MiH gets fucked by time stop too

Joseph would speedblitz him gg no re. So could DIO.

>Story is about the prison
>It stops focusing on the prison and then they escape
>Ending is completely ambiguous

Election tourist too, lurk three more years before posting again

Not if he keeps using King Crimson to get away. He can basically spam it.

>Hating that and Jojo
I bet you think SAO is epic too.

they showed the entirety of evangelion you subhuman underageb& zoomer sack of shit

You can run from an asskicking but you can never run from the paparazzi known as Hermit Purple.

Are you serious? MiH pretty much negates time stops by shortening their duration.

Unironically Dota you can see the future but your idiot team is stuck being slaves to fate

isn't that literally wrong? I don't remember almost anything from Part 6 but I'm sure at some point star platinum time stop wasn't effective against MiH

Literally JoJo Part 6 also known as the worst part.

Best part*

Then why didn't Joseph use Hermit Purple to find Kira?

Part 5 fucking sucks.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 20 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.39_[2019.02.2 (1280x720, 104K)

araki forgot

how can someone "be" a roundabout?

>asspull a get-out-of-time-stop-free card
>next time it happens you throw knives so you force the time stop guy into not killing you
Plot is the real power.

He seems to forget allot

Joseph literally had Alzheimers.

>implying evangelion was bad
What the fuck.

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not as much as toriyama

does Fugo really never appear again? is he atleast mentioned?

>read the manga faggot
yeah, i know

Somebody needed to change the baby's diapers and Suzy wasn't there.

you become a hoe

Also what happened to that invisible baby? When will it become plot relevant?

Yes and no

It doesn't matter. Even if Dio could stop time for 3 fucking hours KC would still have the upper hand since knowing what you enemy gonna do in advance is that broken.

>Dio uses The World against Diavolo
>Except Diavolo already predicted that 10 seconds before and activates his ability first.
>Smashes Dio's with a KC punch before he's able to say "ZA WA-"...

>forgetting annasui and jotaro's last stand
Shamefur dispray.
A single perfect time stop was their last hope and Pucci knew it.

he gets his own novel, but yes he's gone from the manga forever

Fugo could fucking solo Diavolo. All he'd need to do is activate Purple Haze. King Crimson can only delete up to ten seconds of time. Purple Haze takes longer than ten seconds to kill. He wouldn't be able to erase Purple Haze's effect.

MiH is hard counter to time stop

Never. You'll get a replacement invisible person in part 8's epilogue. Or in part 9.

oh wait he's in the flashback chapters

read the manga faggot

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Did you guys missed when Jotaro punched Dio's head so hard he could barely stand and almost got burned with gasoline? He had to run, and even then a comeback was only possible because old joseph was there.
KC as far as we know can punch shit HARDER than Star Platinum.

Just suck blood lmao

but what exactly would epitath see? if he can't see in stopped time then he'll see what joseph saw when kakyoin got kakyoined but he wouldn't be able to avoid it since he wouldn't know what caused the damage.

oh shit yeah, been a few years since i read part 5

>Falling for one of Joseph's tricks
Get played, faggot

So could The World and Crazy Diamond. They were both stronger stands too.
It would just get blocked.

The World Over Heaven > MiH

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Even if Diavolo wasn't able to understand what happened, that still would give him 10 seconds to wreck Dio before getting kakyoin'd. I'm telling you man, 1 hard punch in the head would be enough.

No. There is a book about Fugo re-entering the gang under Giorno's leadship, but it isn't canon.

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Stah puratina> twoh> mih

>Senile retard with ED

>Stand's abilities being so broken
I love PH but it's a really shitty stand in hindsight
It's just way too situational and has barely any utility outside of the fact that it can punch stuff, and even that is dangerous because a random piece of debris can fly in and shatter one of the capsules just causing more problems. It has shit nothing against ranged stands and can't work very well at all in light, and its virus can hurt Fugo which makes it difficult because if Fugo is too far away then it starts doing shit on its own.
Bruno's gang all knows about PH and its weaknesses too, going against them would be retarded.

> They were both stronger stands too.
Stats don't say KC surpasses The World when it's about strenght? Blocking that last punch from Jotaro didn't worked that well for Dio. We're talking about someone even stronger.

Araki came out of his daydreams and talked to me over the phone.
He said he forgot who would win.


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what are some vidoe games where a joke character is right about everything?

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but KC doesn't work like that, that would mean KC is just the world with epitath added onto it. As i understand it the 10 seconds are just gone, he doesn't get 10 seconds to move around and do whatever he wants.

I really can't wait for the Metallica fight. Shame it'll probably be censored to shit

The dumbass kicked with his bad leg while Jotaro had the high ground. He blocked the ora rush stuff perfectly before.

The biggest plot hole in the entire series is Dio not using his laser eyes against Jotaro

>still thinking Metallica will be censored after White Album and the Mystery of King Crimson were completely uncensored

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Post some more spoiler

Boingo is literally the strongest stand user

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The biggest plot hole is when jotaro moves in stopped time and punches a big hole in dio.
I haven't seen a bigger fist yet.

He didn't want Suzi to rip him a new one so he pretended to be crazy for awhile
There's a reason he stops being senile when he takes the baby home with him
Not only did he give her time to calm down but he had a baby for her to distract as well

But mommy i wanna use my cool new stand powers...

he didn't block that sucker punch that caved in his skull too well

>Bring Leiliana along
>Poison the Dragon Urn
>She gets pissy and fights you

Too bad she shows up in Inquisition even if you killed her because "lol u didnt check her pulse"

You'd think so, but Dio spent a bunch of frozen time throwing knives that froze right in front of people's faces.

He walked it off.

Those knives read the script.

Giornos not actually italian at all. He's british and japanese.

right for shame of me

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>things move in stopped time if a user touches and throws them
>people getting attacked wake up to a world of pain when it's all over
Time stop is just cool as fuck desu.

no idea, araki tried making anasui androgenous when he changed her into a dude but gave up the next chapter

Xenoblade 1

He's a senile retard with erectile dysfunction and doesn't know where he is. Why do you think Josephfags were so ass-blasted about Part 4 years back? He's a faithless faggot who cheated on his wife, has a bastard son, and is completely incompetent.

Nah man, Boingo can only predict the future as fated but KC can evade fate itself.

it's gross but it's about as bloody as Mista ripping his fingers off and Bruno getting donuted and neither of those things got censored

No he isn't. He can just vaguely see the future. He doesn't cause any of it.

The anime will be hilarious.

recently watched this episode
>subs call them zenyatta and mondatta
>even I can clearly hear them and see the book say oingo boingo

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The editors didn't want an actual lesbian relationship between Jolyne and Anasui

But what about the part where he warps the bullets through himself into Metallica? That's not congruent with how any of this has worked before.

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that's not why he was written out retard, he was written out because he's too powerful

Epitaph would show Dio teleporting around since only time stop stands can witness what happens in stopped time. Diavolo can either guess he teleports or that he has a time related ability much like he does and act accordingly.
It's a very tight matchup but I think KC has a slight edge in this fight simply because of Epitaph

anime when bros

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cruchyroll can't fuck with copyright so they have to make shit up, but obviously that doesn't apply the episode itself they have no part in

Jojo character and stand names get fucked up in translation because naming all of your characters and abilities after trademarked musical acts is fine in Japan but a huge pain in the ass for American lawyers to sort out. It only gets worse in later parts

No, he was written out, because he was supposed to fight the gang and be killed by Giorno, but Araki was going through some personal issues and thought that would be too dark.
The Light Novel were he redeems himself is approved and illustrated by Araki, so he probably had a soft spot for the character.

Cheap Trick could beat King Crimson

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I still have no idea why subs are pretending to be retarded and keep changing the names. It's not like they're official for god's sake.

>implying bossu would ever let someone look at his back

His back isn't his face so it's ok.

>no one ever talks about Kars

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>Nobody ever talks about Kars
>Or his 35 brothers

because it's easier to pretend to be retarded than risk notoriously litigious musical acts like King Crimson and Pink Floyd smelling blood in the water and coming after you

Then why didn’t that hack just make an enemy that countered him and killed him off instead

i for one look forward to the purple haze OVA

because cruchyroll (and horriblesubs via extension) are "official" enough that they don't want to risk any lawsuit, warranted or not. They're the only ones that do it, any other group uses proper names because they aren't nearly as high profile

but assuming dio doesn't move his position like he does with the stair troll and kakyoining kakyoin all KC would see is diavolo getting blown away and dio standing in exactly the same spot and even if dio goes right up to him i just don't think KC can beat time stop if epitaph can't see in stopped time and even if he could i don't see how diavolo could do anything to stop dio fucking him up in stopped time.

araki forgets a lot but this tine he just fucked up

Why do the japanese hate Stitch again?

Jojo is such a shitty series.

>gets killed by some stupid alley hand things
What WAS those things anyway? Was it just a stupid plot device because Araki couldn't think of a better way to kill Cheap Trick?

>canonically just floating through space wishing he could die

>the jojo character isnt even the main character

why was giorno so fucking pointless, Bruno was the best character

Robert Fripp has acknowledged "It just works" once so he's aware of it and sees no harm, but I get that's a far cry from legal fuckery.

Yes. They didn't take Heaven's Door or keep Koichi.
It was bullshit.

Just because the anime was shit doesn't mean Japan HATES him.

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even the spanish dubs use the localized names, but I suppose that's because they translate directly from horriblesubs

Since stands are alien in origin, would Kars be able to effectively fight stand users?

Araki didn't know what he was doing so he made part 4 and 5.

>Paisley Park opens the cabinet by smashing Yasuho into it

the only thing redeeming about part 4 and 6 were the villains

>watched full part 1 2 4 and 5 so far
>skipped all part 3 until the last dio battle

did I missed anything good from part 3?

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This is the same for all JoJos. The side characters are always better.

>waaah why cant everything be macho man testosterone filled garbage

What are your toughts on the Shipping in the Jojo fanbase?
Is it better, worse or fair when comparing to other manga/anime?

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oh boy

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the problem with that is that nobody can tell if Fripp ACTUALLY doesn't care or is just pretending he doesn't because there's nothing he can do about it. We don't know that he wouldn't sue if he could, but he can't because all "official" English language translations use a different name


every sub that comes out within a day is just lifted straight from them. I'm not going to pretend to understand how their whole deal works but my limited understanding is they're at least somewhat official if they have 1080 releases the same day it airs in japan

Stands aren't only from the meteorite virus

honestly according to part 3 he shouldn't even be able to see the stands but that leaves the question of are people without stands seeing some dude ice skating on concrete and then water and ice appearing out of nowher in part 5

That looks fine though, compared to this?

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yeah but the problem is that girno barely does anything, Bruno probably did the most out of everyone

part skippers need to be burned at the stake

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You don't need a stand to fight a user. Just get fate on your side. Or some good weapons.

Hol Horse, the D'arbys and Oingo & Boingo are pretty great

all shipping is trash and everyone who does it should kill themselves

More like crawled it off

that one doesn't even have an excuse of being a smear or distorted thing, it's just this awkward face that hangs for a few seconds too long after bruno escapes and it's just weird

Not for part 2

Some stands can be seen. Apparently Araki has said that Ghiacco's suit is visible to normal people.

Part 3 has the best cast of characters you casual.

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Sounds like it just worked.

Vanilla Ice. One of the best fights in the entire series. A fight that requires you've seen most of the parts to understand the full gravity of.

Good visual explanation

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Imagine having this shit taste. I bet you’re an animeonly faggot

Do you need to watch Rick and Morty too?

I think that's all stands that take the form of an object, Beach Boy and the Baby Face computer are both visible to non stand users

you missed the only villain pair good enough to get their own ED

Friendly reminder that gays and LGBT ruined bro-mances because men are now afraid to percieved as gay when they have strong bonds with other men.

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clearly HOWAITO ARUBAMU is a concentrated stand like Strength was, allowing normalfags to see it and that's even assuming the suit is literally his stand and not just the effect given form (and coloring but that's beside the point)

if you want to use your inability to discern bromance vs fujoshit pandering as an excuse to hate gays that's your own business but that's all you friend.

Now this is art

Friendly reminder that your insecurity ruined everything.

>but assuming dio doesn't move his position like he does with the stair troll and kakyoining kakyoin all KC would see is diavolo getting blown away and dio standing in exactly the same spot
Well that would depend on the range, remember The World has a relatively short range much like KC. Diavolo's best course of action if DIO decides to turtle would be to keep his distance, which I'm sure he is fine, other than that it's a fair point though, stopped time makes Epitaph's predictions more confusing and it would be up to Diavolo's own intelligence to figure out what's going on, however I think he is capable of figuring it out.
> i just don't think KC can beat time stop if epitaph can't see in stopped time and even if he could i don't see how diavolo could do anything to stop dio fucking him up in stopped time.
He actually can if KC erases the fraction of a second where The World attacks him and the seconds surrounding the event. Keep in mind that the stopped time isn't perceived by Diavolo and the results happen instantaneously, not unlike what happens with KC's own power when perceived by an outsider, so something like DIO being able to stop time for 11 seconds over Diavolo's 10 second time skip is irrelevant since DIO's time can only be perceived by him and only exists to him, it wouldn't even count as 1 second within Diavolo's time erasure.

>most italian fucker on the planet is half-japanese
Why do the Nips do that shit? Why do they feel the need to shoehorn in some superficial Japanese background?

Don't forget he has 2 british dads. Only his stepdad is Italian and not related to him.

at least with Jotaro and Josuke it makes sense, but DIO just found some random Japanese chick hanging out in Egypt and knocked her up

Please, the only italian thing about him (and everyone in part 5 frankly) are their names and literally being in Italy. It could take place literally anywhere and still make sense, aside from their food related naming convention.

Araki just decided "fuck the editors" during part 6, right?
I doubt there's something as gruesome in Shonen Jump as Jolyne vs Westwood.


Jotaro exists because the Jap readers hated the fact that JoJo had foreign main characters and took place outside of generic Japanese setting.

t. trannyfaggots

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Not him, but there's something about the Part 3 cast that's just really enjoyable and comfy to watch.

Do you think Giorno would do something about Fugo after he gained power? I mean a bunch of Giornos friends are dead and Fugo abandoned the group, he might feel a bit miffed.

why was jotaro so OP?

At the end of part 6 he had his 5 sec Zawardo back

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>Diavolo is schizophrenic
>Part 6 set in 2001
>Diavolo is literally a 21st century schizoid man


ok bud you can keep on your discord tranny crusade but the rest of us are shitposting about punchghosts

go spam Yea Forums there's plenty of narancia/la squadra shippers for you to get mad at over there

There is nothing wrong with gatekeeping so long as it keeps these fucking sperglords far away from our hobbies.

Im not even going to click on that, fag. Make a real argument.

Who the fuck would ever read this much shit?

In stuff like jojo, hetero ships are the best by far. It's even more pure when everyone is metrosexual as fuck.

Fat load of good it did him when MiH began to erode it just by being around.


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considering the Anisui situation, I think the editors were still calling the shots.

Despite the basedboy artstyle part 8 is actually the straightest part

>unironically dying for pussy

>Joseph died still wondering why Polnareff was stroking his beard

Trish was never, at any point, the main reason Bruno or Giorno betrayed the boss.

Bruno and Giorno were always planning to fight Boss, Trish just made for a convenient excuse to attack him there
It's Narancia that's dying for pussy

Well, that's their reason. Fugo would essentially be risking his life for that considering offing the boss was NEVER part of the deal FOR HIM until NOW. He was completely in right mind to say "fuck that".

>Not being willing to die for your best bros
Looks like we got a Fugo here boys

yes and everyone understands that

I imagine by "unironically dying" they thought you meant Bruno

>following an organization with a faceless, nameless boss (who might not even have existed) instead of your bros

what the fuck chapter was that jesus christ I don't remember this at all

2 or 3 chapters ago in JoJolion, when Wu was trying to invade her body

Coming for WHO? Crunchy Roll? They aren't the producers of Jojo. They'll need to take it up with the japs.

Bruno is fighting the boss to stop the drugs, but he also has an issue with the boss' treatment of his family.
Giorno is fighting the boss because he wants to be a gangstar and be the kind of person his idol was to other people.
Abbachio is already dead inside and thus not afraid to die, he also feels indebted to Bruno for taking him in and wants to finally see something through to the end for once in his life.
Mista follows them because he believes that Bruno will always prevail and also that Giorno is a lucky boy. He's essentially just going along with the current of fate he believes is guiding him.
Narancia is the only one who solely goes because of Trish, because he sees himself in and has enough empathy to never wish it upon another human being.

I wouldn't call him a coward for stepping away from the gang after their betrayal, but he simply didn't feel that he owed that much to Bruno and he thought the boss was so ridiculously powerful that it was 100% suicide.

Literally nobody was fighting for or not fighting for "I want to fuck Trish".

>There will never be a future jojo where spess men find Kars and bring him back to earth to study and end up doing or saying something that triggers something in his mind waking him from his brain dead state
it's not fair bros, i want spess jojo

>dying for Giorno's dream
Ftfy you tool. Plus he lives and gets all benefits anyway. Stay mad.
He followed Bruno, until Bruno suggested doing something suicidal and he jumped off. Bruno is a dickface who never told them about any of their real plans until now that it's all or nothing. He put everyone on the spot and Fugo was in right mind to want to fuck off.

i havent really been keeping up with the pt5 anime. how is the pacing? i can hardly believe they're already at the halfway point. it feels like yesterday when it premiered

They produce the subs, so they could take it up with them for that. Whether or not they'd be right to doesn't matter because it'd be an awful mess nobody has time for so they don't bother risking it, especially when anyone who isn't autistic doesn't care because you can very clearly hear the correct name anyway.

But he did come back to Earth. He's the alien in part 4.

Araki wanted Jolyne to be in a lesbian relationship and his editor got mad and said no because it was Jump or some shit. It was stupid but I like the male design too so whatever.

Based editor. If they made her a lesbo it would have made it obvious part 6 was going to be the last part in the timeline.


Fugo made a perfectly rational decision, the only issue is araki never revisited his plotline, for closure or otherwise.

Since they added a little bit to stuff in part 3 like the picture scene, I HOPE David is allowed to add a tiny bit for Fugo in this part.

I REALLY want them to adapt Feedback simply because of this, Fugo simply being deleted from the plot is one of the worst crimes of part 5 and the guy definitely needs some closure

Reminder the only thing wrong with part 5 is Diavolo's entire backstory and motivations being literally 2 pages long.

If Giorno is Dio's son, why did he not inherit vampire powers?

Fuck. I know. But we gotta get through it to get to part 7.

because it's jonathan's sperms

it was Johnathans benis

Don't worry, if there's one thing the anime is good at it's stretching two pages into 30 minutes.

Is Dio a cuck?

I always see people say this but it's become so robotic i'm starting to think people are just saying it to look superior without even meaning it.

No, Josuke could have kids. The bloodline doesn't have to flow straight down linearly.

hardly, a wife is replaceable, Dio stole his fucking body

Vampires aren't hereditary.
All of his other kids were giant fuckups.

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It would be lovely to adapt feedback, but there's no way they would have time for it. Hinting at sending Fugo out on a mission at the end would be pretty sweet tho.

Why were they so fucking inbred looking except giorno?
Also, was there a giorno cameo when that shit was going down? I don't remember.

the other two are normal looking, it's just Ungalo who's a fucking ugly retarded drug addict

I agree that it wouldn't be possible to adapt it in the anime, but an OVA short series after part 5 ends might be possible if there's a really high push for it.
But even what you suggested would be enough.

british people actually look like that

>That part when you see jotaro take out that photo in part 5 and then he smiles

Part 3 was good.

an incredibly vague hint of another son but that was it.

Divinity Original Sin 2, depending on how things go

There's no evidence that Araki wrote out Fugo "because he was too strong".

Per Araki himself, Fugo was supposed to betray the gang to the boss, but Araki couldn't go through with it.

I think the dropped traitor subplot was just an excuse and it was more like "oh shit I accidentally wrote a perfect counter to the main boss, back up back up!"

Isn't narancia gay though.

Haven’t seen part 5 but I see a lot of memes about King Crimson. So that little cute face can see 10 seconds in the future and the user can delete that ten seconds and can move around wherever he wants to but everyone’s else does what they were supposed to do and they also are a bit hazy afterwards. Am I correct?

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Fugo almost lost the only fight he had, he's not a perfect counter to anything

it should be a 2 parter

>Chrono trigger
When? I don't remember that at all.

that was probably one of the factors behind it. you think he would've learned his lesson after writing avdol but he just kept doing it with okuyasu and fugo and i guess anasui and weather report


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He can't move around in those 10 seconds but because he saw the future his actions within those 10 seconds go according to the fact he had that information, changing his fate within that time while everybody else is forced to play out whatever their fate was within those 10 seconds.

Pretty much. It maes the whole world around King Crimson autonomously drift forward for 10 seconds with no memory of it afterwards.

They're skipping parts of it. Dunno if it's due to limited budget or lack of funds

I dunno why people say this when Part 2 is the gayest of all

Jotaro's head gets his head split in fucking half by a gay nigger priest in part 6 you faggot

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>Woooooow what do you mean a story nearly 30 years ago when stories in videogames were nearly unheard of is not a deep complex 1000 pages long masterpiece and does not hold up if judged under modern standandards

So is he was going to step in dog shit his little head buddy gives him a warning and then KC stops time and then with that information the user just doesn’t have a shitty shoe?

>hasn't read part 5 but can somehow understand better than 90% of readers

Lisa had a really sad ending...

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really? what've they skipped

also it doesn't help that part 6 performed the worst in shonen jump compared to other parts

Scouts honor I swear, just been seeing a lot of Jojo threads lately. I binged all three parts this past summer and I’m prertt Jojo’d our for a little bit

well its called shonen jump not shoujo jump

No shit.

Weather Report is worse, and part 3 had its own fair share of stupid shit that appears a total of one time.

80s manga were worse.

Yes. A lot of people think because he erased the time it means that when he got fucked up in it, it didn't actually happen. That is not the case.

He erased the time but he also avoided whatever was going to fuck him up in that time. If he somehow was in the direct blast radius of a massive bomb and he erased time as it blew up he would still die because he wouldn't have been able to escape even with his foresight.

it doesn't help that araki's art is gay as fuck

Does the little head tell the future all the time or can only active it with restriction?

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I always assumed this was just an edit.

I don't think this even looks bad, but he really went overboard with the plagiarism.

I don't get it. You say he can't move so then how does he avoid it.

Of I shoot a bullet at him he will die?

KC always looked retarded up close
it's his posture and eyes that make him threatening
also it's a bit hard to find something threatening when you know he might be the villain that took the most shit out of the entire serie

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So this is where the budget for Part 4 went

Nothing that happens in the erased time counts. It only makes sense that bullets would phase through him. They do the same thing when they run through the fire unharmed.

I imagine it's a constant thing but he can't always be checking it because you can't always be looking in the future when you're trying to monologue to some flamboyant motherfucker in the present.

All the time, which is how he caught onto Bruno behind the pillar preparing to jump him. There's not much really much point in a stand that lets you know when pitfalls are coming when you have to already know pitfalls are coming to activate it

Bruno barely did anything outside of Grateful Dead, Oasis and both KC fights, Giorno did Polpo, Illuso, Melone, Ghiaccio, Clash/Talking head, Green Day and KC.

During the erased time, everybody does what they were fated to do in that time.

The Boss can see what is going to happen during that time before he erases it, so with that knowledge his unconscious self acts with the knowledge of knowing what happened, making him able to avoid it or act how he wants to, even if it wasn't how he was fated to act.

Planescape:Torment but it happens only in the end dungeon.

How the Hell are stories going to be "nearly unheard of" in a genre that originated as a virtual adaptation of Dungeons & Dragons, a story-driven tabletop franchise?
IV was noted for its CHARACTER-driven emphasis, and as you'll undoubtedly fail to rebuke, the game has fuck all in the way of characterization and every purported "character" is a vessel of nonsense.
>modern standandards
Nigger what? If you're going to emphasize storytelling in any fashion, you're being judged on centuries of narrative compositions, regardless of medium. This ain't fucking silent films, it's a text-based RPG that already has/had an audience despite being the absolute lowest point for the genre, then and now.
Apologist retard. Go suck a depressed nip's limp microdick.

So is Bruno essentially just a zombie now? Is that really what Araki's doing?

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He shows no emotions in the manga.

He's very expressive in the anime which is why he's silly looking

So glad they went with gray as opposed to this piss color for his face. but then again Giornio might have defeated KC by drinking him

There are so many forgotten plotpoints it's not even funny
Who ever was josuke's doppelganger that saved him when he was a kid? What the fuck were those inter-dimensional monsters that were trying to get into the world when requiem was walking around?
Why the fuck didn't giorno got pulled like the other siblings were?

Yes but he is going to die in the end.

if you think the bullshit is anywhere near done you've got another thing coming, animeonly

Giorno wasn't a drug addicted loser so Pucci's "gravity" was much weaker on him, although he was still drawn to Florida

you should read part 8

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Bravo Araki

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Roll credits

They better not fuck up

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what part of RESOLVE do you not understand?

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There's literally a novel showing Giorno handle this. I haven't read it personally, but I do know it exists.

>The World is better
>Dio can spam it
Both are wrong. Dio needs very slight recovery time. KC takes no stamina to use its ability (which is rare for a stand like that). This means The World has some cool down while KC is a spam fest.
Also KC has higher strength. KC is built for one shots. This is why Diavolo spams time skips so much, KC is a glass canon meant to give out hits and not take any. The World is more durable, but it isn't as strong.
Diavolo can just spam time skip and avoid all of Dio's time stops then one punch/karate chop him in the head.

The weakest main villain stand in terms of stats and ability is Pucci.

It makes perfect sense, he stops time and then kicks the ball for 10 seconds straight, causing it to move at sonic speed faster than the camera can capture when time resumes.

Why do the hitman squad look like a bunch of homos straight out of Dramatical Murder?

Wait, why was Giorno able to surprise Diavolo like this? Wouldn't he be able to foresee this?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 21 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.48_[2019.03.0 (1280x720, 1.2M)

He wasn't using Epitaph to see the future at that point

>Why was Jotaro so OP?
If he was so Op, why did he die to a gay black priest?

Does that mean Epitaph is an active ability and not passive? That brings down the power of KC a lot. It means you can still do surprise attacks and ambushes to him. I guess that's why he's always in hiding.

Why the fuck would he be in part 4?

because he was busy hunting King Crimson

>user pretends to have read the manga
Only the disgusting junkie in that picture looks as fucked as that.
Giorno was mentioned to be in Florida (where part 6 took place), but he never appeared.

Diavolo's power isn't always active, that's the entire reason he hides himself from the world, because he is vulnerable to surprise attacks.

Unless you kill him in one hit, you're fucked.

He's essentially puppeting his own dead body

>but he wouldn't be able to avoid it since he wouldn't know what caused the damage
It literally doesn't matter, because he can just erase the time where the damage took place

Wow I wonder what clever methods Araki has in store for us that will let Giorno to defeat Diavolo.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 21 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.02_[2019.03.0 (1280x720, 1.1M)

I have a really bad memory.
Why would I pretend to have done anything on an anonymous fucking website?

muh drops of liquid

>As i understand it the 10 seconds are just gone, he doesn't get 10 seconds to move around and do whatever he wants.
Did you even watch today's episode? Because that's blatantly wrong

Good thread jojobros

>doesn't have to either die or watch the people he's known for years die like Mista
>Giorno probably just takes him back in the end anyway
Best of both worlds desu

He did see it with Epitaph and avoided it, hence being at the top of the stairs.

That being said, Epitaph is not constantly active.