Is this board too young to appreciate this game?

Is this board too young to appreciate this game?
Will we ever get a proper new one vros?

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Loved this game. Only complaint was that it had choppy frame rates at times.

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I remember being actually pissed off at the follow to dark legacy. I wish we got a proper gauntlet game

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Dark Legacy was and still is GOAT. It never gets old and running through it with friends is a timeless experience. A true co-op classic.

Post Darklegacy kino

too old actually. this was mine.

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Is there anyway to play this game now?

Green wizard has gained a level

>that one spot in game you could farm them for easy levels

I remember playing the fuck out of Gauntlet Legends with my bro on n64. We were super hyped for Dark Legacy, but only ever got to play it at the mall (it still had arcade machines).
Didn't this get a shitty reboot with like, no character unlocks and shit?

Is there anyway to play this game now?
I dont think my ps2 works anymore


Gamecube emulation is your best bet. Be warned, it will run at the original 15-30fps


Dolphin gamecube version

For those asking you can play gauntlet dark legacy online with up to 4 players. You have to use the emulator Dolphin, and utilize netplay. You also have to share the same gamecube memory card file. It's pretty easy, have done it with a few other anons.

My friends and I used to play the shit out of this game. Fun game, many sleepovers were spent playing this with a lot of snacks.

There was a reboot of Gauntlet but it was more based on the original, not anything like Legends/Dark Legacy.


Thank you anons. This thread is comfy nostalgia kino

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Beat you to it m8.


>tfw you learn 15 years later that there were unlockable classes you never saw, like Ogre and Unicorn

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accidentally discovering the minotaur was a defining moment of my childhood. Today he would be 5 dollar DLC.

Unicorn was a bitch to unlock. Unless you played solo, for every additional player they added an extra 25 tokens to collect for each secret level..

That sounds awesome. Im gonna try this. Thanks.
Is it hard to do all this and set up? I tried downloading an emulator today and it was loaded with shovel ware. Im scared to get a virus

Aye, that 2014 game was actually quite fun, the issue though was that its level & visual design was about as dead and lifeless as a thanksgiving turkey. It's also just named "Gauntlet" for god knows why, furthering confusion.

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Dude! Same. I remember wanting him so bad and when i finally got him he was all i played

fuck gauntlet, play it once, any game, and youve played them all

Literally dead fucking franchise

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Agreed. I enjoyed some of it. But it was pretty dumbed down. It played more like a mobile game and only had like 16 levels

The music used in the secret level in question... Just wait till it hits the halfway point...

Not hard at all, download dolphin, a STABLE VERSION, not the most recent, you need stable for good netplay, not the newer stuff that's not supported yet. Finding gauntlet dark legacy shouldn't be too hard, if you have trouble i can link you where to find it though..

>tfw you will never play as them because they're a pain in the ass to get to, there's no cheat to unlock them, and there are no complete save files online

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This one always hits me in the nostalgia:

The only reason I ever paid attention to this game was because of the stacked sorceress

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The mountain, castle, and poisoned fields all had awesome tracks.

Just save state on an emulator in single player and save scum it till you get it. Or get good.

tell me more, i actually still have my copy

Thanks user. Im gonna try and download it tonight. Maybe some anons wanna try and play it tomorrow. Could be fun. Like the old battlefront threads

I fucking loves this game as a kid
Green Jester was my nigga

Fuck I miss midway. Is that newer gauntlet any good? the one on steam?

Fucking amazing game. Brother and I used to rent it for ps2 every time we went to blockbuster. I have my friends GameCube version atm, needs people to play with though but other than that amazing





FORCED played how i wanted the new gauntlet to play as; so if u need a fix, its a good game 2 play

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Thats actually really shitty to think about.

>big bro rented it for me and my middle brother
god damn that was a good week. I really want to play it some more with my brother again, but he's too old and cynical to want to play it.

The spider boss in the jungle, you gain minimum 2/3 levels per fight. Even in the 90's

Do it up. Used this guy to help get me started, even if his video is kinda ehh, it's shortish, and to the point.

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at the beggining of one of the ice world levels (the one that started you on a ship) one of the chests on that ship are a guaranteed black death. Pop a halo, drain exp from it, then just restart the level and repeat till max level.

My friend and I found out way back if you buy max inv of magic and go into the spider boss you pretty much kill it by going under the boss and spamming all your magic. Then just finish it off real quick, get tons of gold to buy more magic and you lvl a few times every time

I'm pretty sure you can't just back out of a level, and keep the experience. So unless you do the entire level it's a waste of time. The mountain boss the dragon is great up to say level 40. Then the spider chick in the jungle to 99. Plus the money you get after each fight you can buy your stats to 999 easily, or power-ups to kill said bosses faster for even more exp.

I missed out on this game but I have a friend who loves Legends so I might get a copy and play it with him and some other friends. Anything I should know going in?

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>People born in the year 2000 are adults now
>Probably 2010 before the even became cognizant
>They never knew an industry with DLC, Preorders, Microtransactions and so on.
>They've never known an industry without 3D graphics.
>Any problem they ever had they could just look up the answer online.

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>Fighting reaper boss
>He turns and says "Come here" for the first time

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Avoid poison food, use combo attacks by alternating your attack buttons. Utilize your turbo when you can, as it regenerates over time and is great to kill a bunch of enemies. Keep an anti death and save it for the BLACK death, as it will grant you a level an experience, otherwise if it touches you, it will drain your exp. RED deaths steal HP, and either death can be slain with magic. But are easy enough to run around and dodge. Hit walls frequently as many items are hidden behind walls that can be destroyed.. Other than that have fun, every character is pretty great so pick what you want to play as.


Pojo, has gained a level!

potions get rid of reapers
Red one is the scarier one, he drains your exp

if you have the halo item, you can steal exp from him though


Gauntlet Legends arcade cabinet

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Can not put enough emphasis on attack random walls, opens up literally so many runestones and just cool secrets


>Me and my friends get everything set up, the game, console, the adapter for 4 controllers, the works
>Eat a boat load of edibles before starting
>Get maybe 3 or 4 levels in until we get to an area that's really fucking dark
>So dark none of us can see
>We wander around for well over an hour in this one spot
>Got to the point one guy fell asleep
>Never finished the game

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Is that yours? How much did it cost?

Also, if you miss a runestone, one of the key items to progressing the story, at the end of the level you'll hear the antagonist cry out. "You'll never find all of my runestones! ahahaha!" or something similar. When you hear that, it means there was a runestone in that specific level, and missed it, sort of giving you a hint to go back and get it if you don't know where they all are.

I dont own any Gauntlet games but they are tied to good memories.

I played Legends on Dreamcast with the third guy my mom was fucking it was good times.

At the local arcade when I was like 10 (that I ended up managing about a decade later) the Gregor incarnate owner loaded up Gauntlet Dark Legacy with a loads of credit and we played for hours.

I played a lot of Gauntlet Seven Sorrows, as shit as it was, online alot with my friend on his PS2.

I only finished Seven Sorrows I guess.

I don't remember that at all, and I know we missed a lot quite often.

Ill never understand the appeal of weed. My friends who smoke are boring as shit. Never want to do anything but smoke. I dont get it.

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is that a fucking real alien

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gauntlet fucking sucks lol nostalgia is a hell of a drug

Yeah it's a thing. Also once you finish all the levels besides the rune portal one you get hints and guides to finding the runestones when you backtrack. It will also let you know when a runestone is near, which doesn't happen till you reach that last world.

This vid shows the runestone is near mechanic.

Ill never understand the appeal of video games My friends who play are boring as shit. Never want to do anything but play video games. I dont get it.

Same here dude. Have a buddy online I play vidja with and he got into weed all of a sudden and now any time he's on he's high. Thankfully he can actually still play a good bunch of the time.

>t. assraped by Death

>g-gauntlet fucking sucks
>he stammered, my tongue running up his shaft, precum barely dribbling out of his head

>Makes you feel physically warm and comfy
>Makes things funnier
>Makes you think of things you wouldn't normally think in unusual ways

What's not to enjoy?

Weed addict defense response.exe

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Gauntlet Legends for 64 was better.

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when i was 14 me and a few guys would ride our bikes to the bowling alley to play arcade Gauntlet Legends. We were so poor, we would save lunch money to play it, and the guys who worked there would give us hotdogs free (so we would go there after school for dinner). thinking about this makes me sad but also fills me with heavy longing. one of the his went to jail last year for killing a girl, cutting her up and trying to use Lyft to carry the pieces in a large tote. another guy od'd. I'm the only one who escaped the gauntlet

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I wasnt prepared for these feels.

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It effects people different ways

personally i dont get much out of it, but i know people who do

>Someone asks a question
>Try to help them understand by creating a parallel with something they do know about (or I assume since we're on Yea Forums)

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>Will we ever get a proper new one vros?
what's wrong with this one?

More like classic Gauntlet than Legends/Dark Legacy.

It was okay. But it was too short and not enough variety in levels or enemies. And the artstyle was bad

Fuck off solaireislove

I dont wven know who that is. I think you got the autism mate.

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I used to bug my parents into taking my brother, my friend, and I to the mall a half hour away instead of our local ones just because it was the only one whose arcade had CarnEvil and Gauntlet Dark Legacy. I was about to wax nostalgic about it to an user who posted that same mall in a mall thread on Yea Forums the other day (small world, because it's just some bumfuck suburb mall, nothing famous), but it got deleted before I could post.

This just reminds me of the days I actually had 3 other friends I played this with many years ago.

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Yeah. I feel like i remember the ogre. But unicorn?!

Falconess, Jackal, Hyena, Minotaur, Medusa, Ogre, Unicorn, and Tigress. And Sumner.

>that noise when you enter a level
ah geez its so recognizable

Only ever got the minotaur. Vidya rental stores died before I could ever play it again.

i would buy the newish one if it had cool unlockable characters

Any spiritual successors that I can get off steam???

Unicorn is hard unlock, just because the coin room fucked with depth perception. Good music tho

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One user recommended a game called Forced
I played victor vran with a friend and enjoyed it quite a bit. Probably wouldnt be as fun solo though

nearly 20 yrs I didn't know. I should text my friend that I used to play with and let him know too.

You should user. Go play with ur friend. I wish i could still play this game

This game is solely meant to played co-op. I actually recently played it again for the first time in years a week ago along with Gauntlet Legends(N64 version) and it was way too boring.
It just feels like it goes on forever and is basically just the same set of levels across 8.5 worlds, with a different coat of paint for each one. The regular levels give fuck all for treasure compared to the much faster and repeatable bosses.
There's plenty of variety but its all cosmetic, its great to have all of the different characters in this one compared to Legends, but at the end of the day there are only 4 actual classes split between the 17 characters.
Warrior/Minotaur/Dwarf/Ogre, Archer/Tigress/Jester/Hyena, Valkyrie/Falconess/Knight/Unicorn, and Wizard/Jackal/Sorceress/Medusa/Sumner
The special boss items are weirdly spread out. For instance, you get the burning scroll for the yeti in the first world, but you don't actually fight him until the 7th world. Then you don't find the holy book for the 1st world's boss until the 4th world, by which point you should've already been strong enough to slap that boss' shit without it.
It probably goes without saying that this game is best enjoyed in co-op, when you're constantly trying to out-jew your group for treasure.
The Sumner announcer and the character Voice Lines are all top tier though.

Agreed! Its a co op must
But everyone already knows that user

I played this with a multitap with my step dad, mom, and half brother. They all died to Garm and I just barely beat him on my valkyrie. We had spent months playing the game together and finally finished it. Then we ordered pizza.

I even remember who played what.
Stepdad was Green Warrior
Mom was Red Valkyrie
Brother was Yellow Archer
I was Blue Valkyrie

Fuck what happened to time. They got divorced and I barely even talk to my brother anymore.

>Go play with ur friend
he lives far away now, but we talk a couple times a year and every once in a while I send something that takes me back to when we would just spend entire weekends playing together. I sent him this a few months back
come to think of it we played a lot of midway games.
it's a shame they went under and WB is just sitting on all those IPs

was this on gamecube? I vaguely remember playing it but it might've been the n64 one instead.

this game is really underrated

I wish retarded 16 year old me hadn't sold my Gamecube copy to FUCKING GAMESTOP back in the day, I loved that game and I wish I could play it again.

Thanks I'm going to post that as a spoiler in the future.

It's isometric like the original Gauntlet, so it's not very similar to Legends and Dark Legacy. But yeah, it's pretty fun in its own right.

if you love this gauntlet, you should definitely try the quest mode of Gauntlet 4 on the genesis

its top down, like classic gauntlet, but in addition to the 'leveling' that dark legacy has, it also has equipment, and special items that give you abilities like bouncing shots, floating, healing, etc

its basically more of a puzzle game than classic gauntlet is, because any time you trigger a glowing tile that alters the level, that change is permanent, so you have to travel back and forth between levels to open the path all the way to the bottom of the 5 dungeons, its fantastic, easily the best gauntlet

>ended on a cliffhanger and the the series died
a damn swift kick in the nuts, but it's such a fun game. I don't think I've even seen someone say they didn't enjoy it, but I don't think it got a lot of attention. even the coop which sounds like a terrible idea is a blast with a friend.

I heard the new one on PC actually was good though. Redpill me on why it supposedly wasn't.

Legends was on N64 and Dreamcast and Dark Legacy was on Gamecube/PS2/XBOX

dark legacy was literally gauntlet legends but with added shit

the 2014 one? I didn't think the level design was all that great, but honestly I don't remember a whole lot about it. it was still enjoyable with a group.

For the most part, but there were some slight differences.
In the N64 version of Legends you can toggle powerups and bring them between levels as well as see how much time you have left on them.
In Legends you don't need to collect crystals/gold beast items to progress through worlds.
I'm not sure if its actually different in Dark Legacy because I didn't notice it, but in Legends you get more XP for melee attacks/kills than you get with ranged.

Does this game and Legends still run like shit in MAME? I heard the arcade versions have exclusive content.

items work that way in dark legacy as well, except for the timer afaik. crystals and gold beast parts are literally a non-issue. More levels, characters, and items in dark legacy

Basically it was just okay. Its really short and doesnt have much level or enemy variety. Bosses are lackluster as well and look cartoonish rather than menacing.
Also. Thats 5 years ago! Time for a new one

You can't toggle items in Dark Legacy iirc. I didn't really mean that the crystals/beast parts were an issue, but since we're on the subject, they did feel more tedious than the obelisks in Legends.
You're more or less required to full clear every level in a world in order to meet the requirements to unlock the next world by the time you finish the current one. Occasionally you'll find secret areas in early worlds with 1 or 2 crystals for much later worlds, but they're ultimately meaningless at that point because you need over 200 of them, and the world right before it will have plenty of them. Also most of the new levels are as long as the longer end game levels in Legends so full clearing all of them is a chore. Not to mention if you're a couple crystals short and you're forced to go through a level just to get them.

you absolutely can toggle items in dark legacy, with the exception of a few of them (like turbo)

I just looked it up, and apparently the PS2 version didn't have toggling items, but the other ports(or at least the xbox one) apparently did.

>you now remember steam with its green layout and how everyone fucking hated it
>you now remember the slow death of splitscreen games and playing with your buds
>you now remember how you were able to put a game in and play it, no installing bullshit
>you now remember when horse armor came out and we all thought it was funny but ended up ripping the soul out of gaming

eat all the food, leave none for an ybody

>you now remember the slow death of splitscreen games and playing with your buds
>you now remember that they've been making a comeback in recent years and couch play is fun again

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If you put in the code/name
You can play as valkyrie nude and impress everyone in the arcade

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I don't think I ever progressed past the first world in this game

>when horse armor came out and we all thought it was funny
imagine if people got a glimpse into what would follow.

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