Was New Vegas that good?

Was New Vegas that good?

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not sure

It's pretty great considering what they had to work with.

looks worse than Fallout 3 and has lesser map and dungeon design

it's okay

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it's probably one of the better asset flip games made by a western studio.

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It's competing with KOTOR II

It's the best game that Bethesda ever published. But that isn't saying much.

Leave Marty alone

after fo3? yes it was that good.

It was alright for its time.

post more

More Big Iron memes.


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New Vegas is my generations morrowind I just realized

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essentially it's the same development team competing against itself

Its steaming shit like all nufallout. Ok writing can't save atrocious gameplay

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Okay that one is pretty good

one of the better Digi-mods IMO


New Vegas is trash. It looks and plays like a Bethesda game and everything is brown like shit. You can't even alt tab the game without it crashing.

such is the state of Obsidian

what's your fav song off this album (besides big iron)?

mine is saddle tramp

El Paso, heard it a lot as a kid but didn't really pay attention to the lyrics. Shit's dark af, especially set to the otherwise upbeat melody.

>Ok writing can't save atrocious gameplay
this but without the ok writing part
NV's gameplay is almost exactly the same as 3's, in fact, you could probably pretty easily accomplish all of NV's gameplay tweaks with mods to 3
and i don't understand why people think the writing is good. the characters are either walking information terminals or walking cliches. there's literally a part of a quest where you go to a settlement and they sit you down and tell you the story of their people instead of you know, you learning that story organically through the world and conversation
you can convince the legion to give up their conquest of hoover dam through five lines of dialog which basically amount to "you'll overextend yourself if you conquer to far" (why didn't they realize this beforehand? why can some guy change their mind about this?)
like DD i imagine NV is just an excuse to praise le based underdog dev against the big ebil corporation

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I'm So Blue. Smashing in Fiend face listening to a somber ballad never gets old


Next time use your own words instead of resorting to meme speak

Not an argument, drone

next time try to form an actual argument instead of just "y-y-y-y-you used a no-no word... argument invalid..."

Is this the part where I call you Betheshits and we prattle on like who has the bigger dick?

I refuse

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>Next time use your own words instead of resorting to meme speak
not even two posts later

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He would probably like that one. Marty Robbins was a good man, a true American.