Why didn't you save her?

Why didn't you save her?

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because she's ugly shit and only her brother is worth a damn

How was I supposed to, exactly? Shit, we'll probably be next.

Imagine having sex with her lifeless, soulless body in its current state. She's not dead, so it's like having your way with a living lifesize doll.

Ilberd did nothing wrong
Fuck Eorzea
Fuck Garlemald
Fuck Doma
Fuck the Scions
Fuck Dragons

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Will they ever surpass the perfection of this slut glam?

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Because I'm too busy trying to save Papalymo

>there are people on Yea Forums RIGHT NOW who didn't start in Gridania

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>recently make characters in Limsa & Gridania to see the two opening stories
>Gridania features the two most based Scions

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>He didn't start in Ul'dah, the most relevant city state
>Nanamo didn't reflect back to your first meeting way before you even joined the Scions right before she got poisoned
>Raubahn didn't refer to you by rank when you dueled him

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>He thinks it matters post ARR when you literally dont even need to spend time leveling in the old zones anymore

I want Yda back.

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>Fuck Eorzea
But he explicitly cares about a part of Eorzea.

>Raubahn didn't refer to you by rank when you dueled him
I mean I started in Gridania, and I main Maelstrom, but I happened to be in the Flames for this part so he did actually.

>btw I'm gay ;)
Ruined an otherwise kino questline

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Because I like Yugiri better.

>no one tries the "public dungeon" publicly because it's "too hard"
>discordfags say "we're just helping people group up" when no one even tries it because you're either running with a group or you're not
>discordfags also say "it IS that hard so no one should bother without a group" when it's literally easier mechanics than current 24mans it just needs people to actually use their brains
i just want my ozma clear for the mount

Since this is a XIV thread I figured I'd ask here since /tg/ sucks dick. I'm getting into the FFTCG, and I'm running a Scion deck. I want to get a custom printed playmat to go with my deck, and basically I don't know what pic I want to get printed. Any ideas?

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Its not hard buy one retard can wipe the whole thing easily, and unlike other raids you cant just wipe and try again.

Hey how's the aetheryte distribution you fucking tree dwelling degenerate chimp?

Because I want her to die

I'm not sure if it would fit but this might be cool for a mat.

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>unlike other raids you cant just wipe and try again.
The thing is you can, just might not have the same other 47-55 retards the next time around. and new ones will have to learn again.
It's just no one attempts it is my problem. I'll go into one that the discord doesn't have their "claim" on for once, and no one will be in there attempting.

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recommend taking a shower and getting laid immediately, loser

It takes like 2-3 hours just to do all the song and dance to get into that shitfest and clear the annoying gimmicky trash. Honestly BA should have just been a normal 24 man you unlock after completing Eureka.

>2019 LLD continues Stormblood's tradition of low effort holiday rewards
Reminder that each new expansion will keep setting the bar lower and lower till all you get for rewards outside of gear is fireworks. All great glamour is destined to be stuck in the Cash Shop and future mounts will just be recolors.

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I wouldn't describe the cash shop glamour as great...

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In his death throes, he just wants to punish everyone. Garleans, Eorzeans, Mhiggers, etc.

T-they're just putting all their effort into Shadowbringers!

at least it isn't more food for housing. god that shit pisses me off.

>laughs in hatching-tide
also minfilia's dress being ingame now means it's probably going on the mogstation soon.

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>excusing a cash shop when the game puts major emphasis on glamour
Still holy shit do Koreans have massively bad taste in glamours. Still the point is valid given how many things that should be in-game rewards are shoved in there, especially that Hildibrand one. God that was a slap in the face.
>People defending Cash Shop with "But it was made for the chinese, SE has to pay for the license"
Also why is this community retarded? Why do they assume SE has to pay for a license of content they own? Hell seen idiots speak about how we haven't gotten any other FF glamours from other games due to licensing issues.

help me

I know this is going to be the Easter reward but theres just a part of my brain telling me that they're going to Cash Shop it and give us something shit when they patch in the last MSQ patch.

those are definitely cash shop my friend. you'll get an easter egg furniture food that gives +1 vitality

shame the aetheryte earrings are worthless, I was hopeful they would be good for eureka

At this point I'm considering not even going to do the seasonal events, the stories are fucking nothing and the rewards are practically antimatter because of how nothing they are

The sad thing is this is so fucking believable given the Dev Team. Hell wasn't the original statement about the Cash Shop was that it was solely going to be for Past Seasonal events and nothing more?
>Expecting any kind of good game design or choices in regards to Eureka
Just because they made the grind that much more bearable doesn't mean it'll ever be good user. Hell it'll die as fast as Diadem did once ShadowBringers is around and BA will be a wasted instance that was only "hard" cause of the raise debuff.

me on the right

It pains me to see emotes listed in patch previews, only to have them put up on the cash shop.

what are you talking about
I wanted the earrings to be bootleg cassie earrings, but they dont increase vit and only increase ONE main stat and direct hit for dps, tenacity for tanks and piety for healers, theyre fucking worthless
crafters can't even use them to grind like the ala mhigan earrings

>shame the aetheryte earrings are worthless
not all of us have all jobs at 70 yet, you entire autist. they are perfectly useful


Between-expansions events have always been garbage though

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god damn. was he a traitor all the time?

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No.He was never on your side to begin with.

Damn that sucks. I guess he was a little too competent thinking back on things. Totally bought his friendly act with raubahn though

He also says the worst thing someone can be is a traitor.

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did nuffin wrong

What? When did Tommy Wiseau say he was gay?

>forgets the great glamour from 2017 and the ok but decent 3 emotes from 2018
No the Dev Team is just adjusting to the ever increasing number of players who are satisfied with the bare minimum.

Hey, does anyone know if there's a dyeable version of Ishgardian Historian's Hat? It's a perfect pointy black mage hat, without the stupid eye mask of the class set. But it's dark green.

I think the 58 crafted combat gear has the same stone vigil look.

Dusk Vigil, whatever

I'll take a look in the market board, thanks man

If it looks like a fag, walks like a fag, and talks like a fag

I was too focused on trying to save him
Ul'dah is the chad city

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Well it seems to me like you're the EGGS-PERT on fags, Mark?

He was a true patriot to Gyr Abania. He did everything in the name of freeing his homeland, no matter the cost.

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don't forget starting ARR riding on a cart into Ul'dah and then ending ARR riding on a cart out of Ul'dah

>tfw starting off as a GLD/PLD and switching to DRK immediately after the bloody banquet

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because the boy is better