Why did Sakurai do this?

He completely ruined her

Attached: 2004.jpg (349x425, 53K)

Why do you have an ass fetish, incel?

Attached: marina.gif (708x692, 162K)

Japs hate asses, they only love sticc not thicc

Incels killing themselves is good for the species

What. Who doesn't like a nice arse?

If that is true, then how do you explain 2004?

Fuck off Sybb and a preemptive fuck off Doug.

>Having a boob fetish

Attached: 7F47CE342F12495C80EC6D5355584AB8.jpg (480x360, 15K)

Why not?

Attached: 9BF340AF-C695-481C-B46D-7E0AB7D1BA3A.jpg (1024x1024, 73K)

>want to discuss Metroid
>porn spammers burst in and talk about Samus' ass 24/7
>people then wonder why I'd prefer Samus to be a featureless, genderless, non-sexual robot

Attached: Samus reads your post in disgust.png (488x249, 245K)

Attached: 63673737.jpg (534x794, 134K)

They could have designed her like this

Attached: helm.jpg (745x589, 130K)

Attached: 442BB5A9-E615-4F45-B75C-E490DBDFE7CA.png (1000x1000, 67K)

It's not about ass, it's about athletic vs pornstar physique.

What is "pornstar physique"? Not athletic?

Stonetoss made first bluepilled comic and now normies are spamming it everything because they get triggered over cute female feet but they lack imagination to invent any decent roast.

Attached: samus_aran_by_seishinashi-dal5gmh.jpg (752x1063, 85K)

>on one end, gf_sybb
>on the other, AcFag

And now you know why Metroid threads on Yea Forums suck.


Or Bayonetta and even solid Snake (in their own games)?
Regarding new Smash, Snake's ass was toned down a lot too. He used to have best ass in vidya.

>one side offers gameplay discussion
>the other, endless porn dumps and shitposting
>"wtf it's so hard to choose"

Attached: the state of metroid threads.png (1360x466, 84K)

>>one side offers gameplay discussion
sybb and dougs are cucks who offer none of the the above

2004 is just flab, how is that nice?

Don't like being lumped in with the assposter? Here's your options

1) Fuck Off
2) Fuck Off
3) Fuck Off


Attached: megan.jpg (206x237, 17K)

>Snakes ass
How gay are you?

>porn spammers literally want gameplay discussion to "fuck off"

Can't make this up folks.

>Waaah! I can't fap to her anymore! Waaaaah! Game literally ruined! What am I going to day. Games are becoming less and less fappable by the month!

Serious question.
But what's with incels' need to have to be able to fap to every piece of media they consume?

And it would have been better

You're just as bad as OP, fuck off.

hey doug, how your mom's asshole doin?

t.seething tranny

It's ACfag

Report and hide Sybb threads.

Attached: 1500627112488.png (1617x5990, 2.61M)

A better phrased question would be:
Why cant you fap to 2008 when it is clearly the superior ass?

Why aren't Sybb and ACfag both banned yet?

you're a fucking cuck sybb

>Footfags trigger people more than fatfags, fartfag and vorefags combined.
The absolute state of Yea Forums

Attached: space_travel__samus_aran_feet__by_kampaskrismas-dapg7fp.jpg (839x952, 82K)

Why is it banworthy to want to discuss Metroid in peace? Why must all threads be plagued with porn?

Leave if you don't like people treating you like a vegan atheist crossfitter.

Shut the fuck up you autistic shitposter. Fuck off back to GameFAQs if they haven't permanently banned you yet.

Excuses like these are worthy of any cringe compilation.