Here is League of Legends' new Diversity Officer. Say something nice about her!
Here is League of Legends' new Diversity Officer. Say something nice about her!
we already have a thread about this
>diversity officer
Really makes you think
Alright OP, you've re-posted it 3 times now. Stop trying to cover you face, you're going in my cringe collection.
Already lost.
must be nice to be a woman. literally get paid to do nothing
>schools need MORE funding!
>Diversity Officer
what the fuck is that?
These people make more than professors at my university. Awesome.
She'll have a job at least 6 months before the next wave of layoffs
>Paying someone to tell you to "hire more Niggers"
Silicone Valley, everyone!
Do your best! you can do it.
Just noticed the husband and wife gaming the system for almost $600k combined. kek
person in charge of looking at the color and mental illnesses of the employees and to be sure to fire half of the white sane men and hire mentally ill trannies, lesbians and non-white in order to fill quotas. (alternatively they wont fire but they will get an equal amount of useless people on board).
Since the people are unnecessary for the company and are not being hired based on their skill they end up doing jobs that any monkey can do, meaning forum and in-game moderation and public relations (aka post on reddit and twitter).
finally league of legend is gonna die.
fast... post your face when league of legends has signed his death sentence.
Lists like this need to be more accessible and widespread.
Hopefully someone will do the right thing
really makes you think
Shit game for shit gamers by shit skinners
>360 employees to keep the steam servers on
>2500 people to make splash arts
>4700 people to create ethnic heroes
also brainwashing into their cult mentality, force character and writing design changes to appeal to them, etc.
They are literally eternal naggers lobbying for their SJW beliefs. Imagine the hell of being a normal person in such a company
Imagine if diversity meant diversity of nationalities, languages and accents instead of white american with brown hair, black american with afro and asian american.
What does a diversity officer do?
Do all companies have 'Chief Diversity Officers' now?
diversity means no white men. soon no white women too lmao dumb white roasties finna bouta be dabbed on by their own golem
lmafo finna get dabbed on xDD
enforces your cooperation with a gun pointed at your head.
>diversity officer
Is that some sort of leftist commissar?
"based rosebro"
You guys need to get laid lol.
This is why I'm absolutely against Bernie Sanders and his free college plan
I do not want my tax dollars going to this
>tech company wants diversity hires
grass green water wet stop making this thread
Not mine
And it never will
you'd rather your tax money go to fighting wars for israel huh
Sad that riot is still somehow the best of the 3.
To all the pcbros about to reply to this, the only game valve has made in years was artifact and that was an awful disaster. Valve survives purely off taking a cut of other companies game sales.
I don't think anyone will ever try defending blizzard.
>2500 employees
>1 game
What the fuck do they even do?
Like holy shit this has gotta be exclusively from running e-sports all over the world. How could anyone see the quality to the amount of people working on it and hiring more garbage instead of trimming the fat?
No, but right now we don't have anyone that's willing to be a bad goy run for president
It means no one can discriminate you based in race,religion,age or who you want to fuck. They are the ones people complain to, every company and college has this and had it since forever ago, like tge Hilton for instance.
Riot only has 1 game and relies on really shitty F2P bullshit. Valve has made multiple IP's including one that muscled in on their turf for a little while.
Isn't that what HR is for? Do you really need a specific person for it?
they do important stuff bro :^)
There's at least 2 other games they're likely working on. And who even cares how many games they make? If they made 1 good one that's 1 more than most companies have made.
All the talent that created valves IPs is gone. They don't even care about making games any more. Gaben has become the embodiment of everything he once stood against.
And again with this "they're a bad company because they only made 1 game!" argument. Does the guy who invented the automobile have to also invent 12 other things before you deem him a good inventor in your oh so scrutinous eyes?
Look at the names on that list. Guess who are on that privileged list?
Is this like when Liberals goto Trumps page to say he does nothing but sit on his ass complaing?
These people really enjoy living on property with tall walls or within a gated community
Really makes one think
those salaries are insane for what's essentially doing nothing.
pretty comfy desu
The actual real purpose of diversity officers 90% of the time is just to avoid SJW shitstorms. As long as you can say you have one it helps prevent the SJWs from getting angry. You can never guarantee SJWs won't get mad about something eventually, but being able to say "We're not bigots, look we have a black woman as our diversity officer!" can slow it down.
some needs to punch that bitch in the mouth
Being a "gamer" means you want to identify with said group but I don't and I assume a lot of people don't either
I just play vidya
They prevent shitstorms user, they work as guides pretty much, also did you know you could fire someone for being too hot?
I hate the Western gaming industry
Don't retroactively try to find a purpose for this shitshow. This is like claiming Hitler wasn't such a bad guy since we copied his economic policies and he safeguarded much of the world's priceless art.
It's a totally unnecessary position that is compounding the cancer killing our industry.
This post is gonna trigger the 3rd worlders that buy EA games
>did you know you could fire someone for being too hot?
Some states in the US are "at will" states, where companies can fire anyone for any reason. I live in one of them and have been victim to this "if I don't like your face I'll just fire you" bullshit. Any time I see "news" about a company being in hot water because they refused service to someone on the progressive stack, I want to fucking scream.
It's intellectual bullying and (virtue) signalling that they're on the Democrats payroll. Simple as that. 100 percent political.
Stuff like this is why University is so expensive in America & Democrats blame Republicans for the high cost
It's a mad world
The cancer killing the industry is the SJWs. Diversity officers are like the chemo. Both suck and are killing you, but the chemo at least keeps the cancer from killing you as quickly.
>haha just ignore the SJW's bro, just get laid bro
Riot Games was fucking itself over hard with PR lately with shitty leadership. This is one of those cases where they pretty much needed to do something like this if they want to save their image any.
Proof that narrative designer are just useless positions made for Women, why does LOL need a narrative designer, it doesn't have a fucking story
No, they're still going to implement diversity quotas, have their hand in diversity-related incidents in HR, and toy with the actual product itself. I know you're trying to find a middle ground here so that you can turn the gullible ones here to your side, you fucking shill.
They make a lot of story weirdly enough, but they hide it away in dumb places most people don't even know exist.
Not to say her position isn't just made up quota fluff though.
>All the talent that created valves IPs is gone
Sources please, and 10 guys don't count.
Riot is a very different case. If this was happening at somewhere like Valve, yeah, maybe you'd be right.
But Riot is lead by idiots. They had no shit unprofessional sexist shit happening, then tried to "fix" their image by reverse-sexism against males at one of their gatherings.
They need someone who is hopefully not an idiot to act as a shield against their leadership fucking the company over.
>Tweets are just, like, my opinions, man
>Proceeds to...
Ever notice that? Can't have a different opinion, but if you bitch about theirs they pull that.
They only put that there so that it's harder for their employers to use anything they do on twitter against them.
Rights for meeee, but not for theeeee~
Dude, you really have no fucking clue.
>10.6M expenditure for some clowns to please the public
>Total UMichigan expenditure is 9.3B
It's a drop in the bucket, retard
Corporatism is fucked.
>narrative designer
What the fuck is that shit? I know there's a corrector who fix inconsistencies but narrative designer sounds like a made up job for a women to just sit there and tweet all day.
Didn't stop them from firing a man who sexually identified as an attack helicopter, had the spiel and everything.
But when Yea Forums then found one of their womenz with some very funny, very nutty tweets the entire company went full blown protected or closed profile. Funny.
Same example, moderator for paradox interactive and that game company in general is going to be falling off the face of a cliff.
That's literally what it is, it's also why Telltale went bankrupt & all the talent (men) left
Im serious about that, the talented guys at telltale left because they were not getting enough help on projects despite all the new arrivals, people didn't read between the lines about what they meant back then though, but we understand now
>brainwash idiots into being afraid and outraged at everything
>demand large amounts of money to prevent idiots from getting outraged at everything
typical humans
Not user, but exactly. Diversity bullshit just drives up the costs.
Oh, then we're on the same page then.
99% of the people here haven't watched Riot since 2010 like I have. They don't know the shady stuff that happened BEFORE Monte like the exclusive streamer agreements and Pendragon killing the Dota forums and putting up a LoL ad in its place.
You're technically correct but the amount it "drives up" the cost is marginal. It's not even 1%
>Large amounts of money
>It's barely .1% of total expenditures
Haha nice, absolutely sick.
I don't know if any of you bought the dip five months ago, but now would be a good time to start offloading.
The great thing about the diversity entropy makework cult is that they're broadcasting the impending destruction of their companies. Riot's death will definitely impact the Tencent stock price so stay tuned for that.
>hire a bunch of useless leeches.
>Actual talent quit back and forth.
What is the plan behind this?
Can I get a quick rundown on their sexist or shady stuff?
It's unattainable by the people who would do the institution the most good. No one can just become fucking black and most blacks do not qualify for the schooling they are receiving and choose the easiest classes they can to avoid effort and get that paper to wave around for a high paying job or bragging rights. In turn doing this has reduced the amount of replaceable workers in high positions inflating the cost for boomers to keep their jobs while at the same time deflating costs of entry level or basic employment. What's worse is it is going to upend our higher learning and is in the process of it right now. It's why colleges have become these propaganda centers.
How did we let the modern day equivalent of hippies gain so much cultural and social power?
Riot leadership was passing out sheeting on lower female subordinates they'd fuck, and actually letting them know about it, farting on subordinates faces when it was just males in the room (I think it was the CFO who was doing this?), weird hiring practices regarding women and shit, etc.
It's to save face.
It's a mentally-ill cult. There is no logic because logic is what they oppose. Everything they touch molds over and dies.
They were here making the rules when we were babies or not born. Shit's gonna change and it's gonna be bloody.
Because those hippies are just the pawns of a much greater enemy. An enemy that controls the lions share of wealth in the world, nearly all of the media, and has a deep web of connections in nearly every other business as well.
leftist will not hire anyone not leftist
We need to be rid of Banking cartels as well as socialists.