What is the most cancerous fanbase and why it is pic related?
okay maybe Sonic gets close, but out of PC video games ?
What is the most cancerous fanbase and why it is pic related?
Oh yea yea
Oh yeah yeah
Why don't you try getting a job?
>oh yeah yeah got 10 million views jesus what is wrong with zoomers
Old men... shitposting their OP
a new age.
number one
OP if you wanted a Deus Ex thread you could have just asked
Oh yeah yeah
Mistah JC Denton, in da fresh
>being this much of an angry zoomer who's only mad that he couldn't grow up playing good games
If you want to shit on someone shit on XIV erp'ers. Now that's a cesspool.
Normies love waving this antiquated shit around as some high art vidya cred or some shit. Just look at Jack Black's YT avatar now if it isn't any indication enough.
where did this meme start? most comments on YouTube have this
>hey guys, go to youtube
You've got 10 seconds to beat it before I add you to the list of NSF casualties
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Zoomer normalfag fortnite streamer told his drones to spam it. Literally everyone posting it is underage.
literally first result in youtube
You gonna really pretend you don't use youtube you dense dumb motherfucker.
I don't. You normie piece of shit.
>dumdass newfag cant greentext properly
>no waifufaggotry crap
Automatically not the most cancerous fanbase on that basis alone.
Right. I'm sure you only use tube tvs and watch the weather channel. Fuck off hipster cunt, stay assblasted desu ex is normie bait and you're not cool for liking it anymore.
I'll always be cooler than you.
Get some ass lotion to cure that butthurt, its just a game nigga
>See a lot of people in Youtube using JC as avatars
>Think that the original Deus Ex is now super popular
>Turns out they're using it because some Youtuber told them to
Biggest dissapointment of the year
>Just look at Jack Black's YT
Am I expected to know who that is?
>we each have our problems. You had to live without your parents but I lost my pocket knife. Which requires more courage?