Games that you love, which Yea Forums hates
MGS V did a lot of things right. Even the negative factors can be forgiven when you log-in randomly and start playing.

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All of them

This. Not even memeing. This game is great but ppl seethe because they changes his hair color or something. God tier soundtrack, good combat and great bosses.

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MGSV is great if you're a Redditor who enjoys open world garbage.

unironically my nigger

And the fact that the whole game you are fighting jewish demons. Like the soda machine factory, bill o reilly and munus, who is basically a moloch knock off. This is why the JIDF shills against this game so hard.

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A lot of xbox stuff

Diablo 3
Fable series

The only people who liked it were shills, people who didn't like DMC and people who are shit at action games.

halo is better than every muh fast fps Yea Forums likes to meme and i say this as someone who primarily plays on PC
every base game in the souls series is good but i can't defend 2's DLC
RE6 was a lot of fun
these too

>Even the negative factors can be forgiven
No, never. Fuck you, Kojimadrone. Kill yourself. You weren't there for the rest of the series, you don't know.


Fuck all yall

I played all of the previous games, and I do mean all of them. MGSV was full of nostalgia.

Why did you like MGSV? It wasn't even finished.

You didn't, and you only played the first few hours of V. You never had to endure the missions repeating ad nauseam, or the botched ending.
Keep pretending to be into MGS and posting Kojima's tweets, you miserable shit. You will never understand what was done to us.

I have 100 hours in mgsv and I'm still mad at it for the retarded writing, empty open world and boring, repetetive outpost level design. Its gameplay makes up for a lot of flaws tho. Considering mgs4 was only 4 hours long thats pretty damn good I guess

They are just capitalist/republican analogies, retard. All poorly done. "Totally not FoxNews", "Totally not MountainDew". Hell, if that game was made today Mundus would be "Totally not Trump". You only see jews on it because you are too much obsessed to see obvious things.

Shit like this is why you can't take the story in this game serious, is everything on the nose, extremely retarded, no finesse, no subtle touch, is "i hate my parents" angst teen tier, and can only be enjoyed ironically unless you're stupid. I strongly believe that people who unironically enjoy anything on DmC that isn't gameplay and level design, is fucking stupid.

So you are saying that if i look up who owns the biggest soda companies and fox news its not jews?

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Do you really think the people that wrote that game are intelligent? No, they aren't. Just like any left wing that never read a book in their lives and chose a political side out of social connections instead of philosophical standpoint, they think Fox News is the ultimate bastion of conservatism, and any food made in mass is poison made by the piggie from the leftpol memes to poison people. They are "your drunk uncle" tier, and you can clearly see that trough the way that games was wrote.

DmC is unironically one of the dumbest plots I have ever seen in a game, it's like something I would write as a teen. They probably actually asked a teen to write it, thinking that like this they would captivate the young demographic. And once again, people who enjoy that unironically, not the ones who just think it's so dumb it is fun, are fucking stupid.

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>implying there is at least one game Yea Forums doesn't hate

I enjoyed it quite a bit honestly. I think you might be expecting too much from a hack and slash game. You probably think MGS revengeance had a stupid plot too. Kek

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Mortal Kombat X, it was one if the best Mortal Kombat games ever made and had some of the best character interactions and fatalities.

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Agreed. I hate when zoomers complain about its "dark color palette"
I prefer this artstyle to the new color diarrhea in all games now

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Metal Gear Rising Revengeance's plot was rushed, but it wasn't retarded, and didn't treat the player like if he was retarded. Things didn't happen without reason, every little shit had an explanation, from why the dog robot could speak while others UGs didn't, to how the brain kids were kept alive without going insane. You actually gave a bad example to prove your point, user. If anything, MGRR gives too much tought in details, moral dilemas, how technology works, politics, way more than a hack and slash needs.

DmC, for another side... Is the dumbest game I have played in regards to plot. It is almost a teenager flick written by a teenager itself, a shallow pseudo intellectual teenager, one that thinks he is smarter than everyone else even tough he is stupid. And don't even get me started on the main character, Donte is the biggest retard in the game, both socially as intellectally. He have absolutelly no redeeming flaws, he is cunt, lacks touch, lacks sight, lacks good motivation, he is like that asshole that is broke and poor but girls like for some unknown reason. The only reason to why I endured to the end is because the game was indeed very fun to play, but is like a pearl involved in shit. People that like that game are, and will ever be, fucking stupid.

I agree on this one, gameplay wise Mortal Kombat X was great. Even tough it was fast and more agressive you couldn't rekt the entire life bar of the opponent in one combo like 9. I will miss X's agressivety. The main story was kinda weak, but at least in fighthing games that doesn't matter so much.

The kombat kids were very nderwhelming tough, specially Female Jax. Little Sonya and Gay Green Arrow were meh, and Takeda was actually good.

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Sonic adventure. Yea Forums hates it so much that sega won't port it to nintendo switch.

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