Protip: There is no shame in admitting you were initially terrified of Dorrie

Protip: There is no shame in admitting you were initially terrified of Dorrie.

Just don't become his lunch

Attached: dorrie-a-dino-that-lives-in-the-water-of-hazy-37470652.png (500x422, 83K)

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I was scared at first when I first saw him I admit but I think I got over it eventually.

I think I was about as wary of him as the eel until I worked out he wouldn't just eat me then I was fine.

Meanwhile this dumb looking piece of dogshit is the only one that actually will swallow you whole.

Attached: Super-Mario-64-09.png (800x559, 421K)

The eerie atmosphere is part of what makes Mario 64 such a good game. Pointless changes like this is just like Star Wars re-releases with new edits - totally missing the point. And this is even worse because it dumbs the game down and makes it more generic. Bad move.

did they change the fucking piano that comes to life and tries to bite you, because i think that cock sucker scared more kids than the blue dinosaur you ride on idk

Only absolute pussies were scared by Dorrie
That fat fuck in tiny huge island and Snacker in banjo kazooie are understandable though

They took all the soul out of the design

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that turtleneck is based fuck outta here

I was afraid of those fucking fish that could swallow you whole in Tiny Huge Island.

Attached: A lot of thinking.jpg (500x508, 17K)

Same with Spyro. Crash too, to a lesser extent.

I'd fuck that last one tbhq

Some kids were scared of fucking Production Logos at the start of VHS's. Makes me feel better for my stupid childhood fears, at least I wasn't afraid of Mario 64 or movie intros

I was already watching horror movies at that point Chucky and Jason scared me more than a cartoony dinosaur

Whats going on in this thread?

Attached: Ss-banjo-kazooie-xbla-010.jpg (1280x720, 266K)

He wasn't as scary as this motherfucker

Attached: Snacker.jpg (400x225, 18K)

Dorrie never scared me as much as wallmasters in Ocarina of Time did.

I won , bitch

almost hivemind

The only thing that spooked me as a kid.

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This is LITERALLY the scariest videogame monster ever created, change my fucking mind.

>That one comic where characters get turned into copies of this thing
Spooky and probably some lowkey fetish thing, but spooky nonetheless.

Attached: 1551334137543.jpg (286x331, 13K)
Unrelated: I literally never went in the water in GTAV because I don't want to be eaten alive.

Attached: jak-and-daxter-the-precursor-legacy-fish-jak-daxter-01.png (1280x720, 332K)

But being scary is what made it cool god the 90s were so superior

What's with the twitter link at the bottom there, dipshit? Can't you do anything right?

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So how do you kill this?

Play ode to joy through the hello pikachu mic accessory

No, seriously, why was that sign there that said "not to become lunch"? It did nothing except make kids scared for no reason. Was there a point in development where the sign was true, and it got left in by accident?

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implying any kid playing this read through the text boxes

>want to play subnautica
>can't go past 300m

also i remember this level being a low-key nightmare when i was a kid, rareware games sure had spooky water

Attached: Gloomy_Galleon.png (614x454, 489K)