Rainworld thread?
Rainworld thread?
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Why is rain world so kino?
The long journeys, amazing backgrounds and atmosphere, the natural interactions, and exploration really make the adventure unique.
I want to FUCK slugcat!
does someone have that webm of slugcat dancing with some plants in his hands?
Who doesn't?
love this game so fucking much
it isnt. its a pretentious sickdark game that thrives on its le dark souls of metroidvania that doesnt teach you anything to create artificial difficulty that is easily overcome once you die to something once you know what not to do
also has there ever been a game that doesnt fucking tell you all of the controls? that shit is retarded.
P.S glad i pirated it at IGG games
Curse you, you mischievous birds!
How do you skip on the surface of water?
>also has there ever been a game that doesnt fucking tell you all of the controls? that shit is retarded.
That shit used to happen ALL the fucking time, particularly pre SNES.
I mean if this triggers you, I can only imagine what your face would be at say, the old activision game Hacker, or the infocom games.
t. Geezeranon.
I have the next best thing!
so you admit this game is using things the industry has LONG since passed by. why choose to use an antiquated system over modern ones that are better? you know must SNES games are shit right? even the "good" ones are shit now because we have moved on. nobody wants to play as a bunch of squares. i can forgive the shitty graphics of this game pretty easily cause its an indie game but if a AAA studio ever made a game with graphics this bad id die of laughter
What's the use for those squids? I know they shoot ink when you throw them. Does it blind predators?
oh look another mechanic the game doesnt explain how brilliant
>so you admit this game is using things the industry has LONG since passed by.
Not at all user. Don't be such a green lizard.
go read a wikia if you don't like experimentation faggot
pretty sure telling the player what buttons do what is standard these days. it tells you only a few things.
how exactly does this game have shitty graphics?
2d and things are made of pixels and it shows. no polygons used, you can even tell cause the system requirements are low. if the graphics were good they would require better hardware but its shit so toaster pcs can run it. maybe thats why you like it. cant afford a good pc?
also that background may as well be a jpg that moves slightly. anyone can just make a picture and copy it into the background. even if it was hard it still looks like a snes game from 20 years ago
we had a good run but i think the good ol' halcyon days of sluggo threads are done. was nice while it lasted though.
this is some real fuckin low quality bait my dude. put some goddamn effort into it.
>no counter argument
Sleep tight Slugger.
Because it’s a retarded argument. Graphics are about how good the game looks, not how high specs it requires. Good pixel art and environments are good graphics
>low quality bait
>still responds to it
Guess it's quality enough
I'm deep in the shaded citadel, and there seems to be nothing to eat! And that stupid orange guy seems to be no help at all.
eat the orange goop, even if it looks gross.
there's also bat swarms every now and then.
imagine if it has zombie lizards, you spear them but they stay alive until you rip their head off
yup the bats will save your life, find light crystals from scavengers too, they will pop up from time to time. EAT the blue things near black tentacles, you do that by throwing them into water, which turns them into bubbles that you can eat.
If you saw it ingame you'd know that's not the case. The buildings and scenery in between all have parallax. It adds a lot to the impact, but isn't captured in that image.
Rank the regions from your most to least favorite
>Chimney Canopy
>Sky Islands
>Garbage Wastes
>The Exterior
>The Wall
>Industrial Complex
>Farm Arrays
>Memory Crypts
>The Leg
Chimney canopy just has a lot of shit going on at all times. The only strike against it is the major scav population
Shaded Citadel goes just beneath drainage
Just bought rainworld on steam yesterday and put around an hour and a half into it.
It feels really fun and immersive.
Not going to read the thread because I don't want to be spoiled on anything but this seems like it could be the beginning of an amazing game.
yep each area has a distinct background effect to highlight differences in the weather impacts, such as the fog at the base of the wall or thunderstorms in underhang. The weather also changes as the rain timer ticks down.
it is amazing, just follow the yellow guy and get out of the thread while you can
it really is, glad you're enjoying it.
always remember to learn your environment and everything in it, all sorts of things have uses beyond their immediate appearances.
and if you find yourself in drainage systems early on, either get the hell back out or prepare for a lot of death.
Chimney is the best if only for it's threat music
>Sky Islands
>Chimney Canopy
>Industrial Complex
>Garbage Wastes
>Communications Array
>Drainage System
>Memory Crypts
>Shaded Citadel
>Filtration System
>Farm Arrays
people like you with the kurt eichenwald/shane holmburg mindset are the most disgusting bottom of the barrel humans on this planet, you were born defective in the head, you belong in prison you 40 year old lardass waste of human resources
>the game fails aesthetically because you don't need a supercomputer to run it
Drainage System > Garbage Wastes > Chimney Canopy > Filtration System > Five Pebbles > The Underhang > Sky Islands > Shaded Citadel > The Wall > Industrial Complex > Shoreline > The Leg > Outskirts > Subterranean > Farm Arrays
I refuse to believe someone enjoys drainage more than any other area in the game, it's totally fucking tedious
>leeches everywhere
>not a lot of room to maneuver around enemies
>ludicrous amounts of wall-hop sections
>underwhelming aesthetics
>few useful entries/exits
What can I say, I love the water in this game. Especially small confined rooms with it, and dont get me started on running water.
Not to mention red leeches have never been a problem for me
In my case, I fucking hate hate hate spiders.
Kill something in rain world RIGHT NOW you monk-mouthed pussies
I played this when it came out but got pretty tired of it because I refused to look at guides so I just ended up wandering around doing nothing. I bit the bullet the other day and looked at a map of where shit is and my enjoyment of the game rose so much, I just beat five pebbles (yes, I did unfortunate development) and I'm gonna do some of the achievements before ascending.
My advice to anyone else who isn't enjoying the game would be to just look at the wiki, this isn't a very story driven game so you won't spoil too much and past the guide at the start pointing you to moon there won't be much more help.
I would look at an advanced movement video, because they never actually show that. And also be advised that if a karma gate is high level, it's probably that way for a good reason.
learning to backflip into a roll into a jump with the item tossing vastly increased the number of areas I could reach, I'm only sad I didn't learn to do it earlier
They really need to show dreaming slugcats flipping around like furry ninjas when slug cat sleeps.
FUCK Slugcats and FUCK Moon
I want the option to eat as much food as I want until slugcat becomes fat and loses some agility but gains the ability to smush enemies like goombas after jumping on them from large enough heights
one mole lizard, at your request
that's what more slugcats mod is for
>get home yesterday
>see black silhouette above me
>mfw slugcats are real
The watcher is merely waiting on the update, like us all
I love this game but I'm so bad at it.
learn the advanced movements. learning the backflip, slding and rolling will improve your experience immensely, but not everyone discovers it by themselves. also, befirend the scavs if you can, it's very worth it
>things are made of pixels and it shows
If only you knew how bad things were.
Oh wow. Someone should make a mod that plays with the 3d more. I'd play the whole game over if I got to see more angles like this.
Could you make another gift with wall climbing lizards? I'd love to see how they work.
I'm no monk.
Is there any new content soon or something?
Otherwise I'm too busy being hyped for DMC5 next week.
maybe the 1.7 update for PC and an expansion mod I heard, otherwise yeah you have plenty of time
I just saw a scav murder his buddy why would he do that?
The intent with 1.7 is to make it possible to push out future updates simultaneously across all platforms, so there is more content coming, though not soon.
Maybe he was aiming for you, and his buddy got in the way.
I’ve been throwing shit at spiders but it doesn’t seem to do anything
Nope I was on a platform above him. No nearby predator that I could ascertain, he was near a gate but I saw nothing. Buddy had explosive spears that were subsequently looted by I think the killer and maybe his other buddy.
Is there actually a way to get up to that pipe, guys?
You mean to the left? If you long jump from the platform right above where the Sluggo is, you can make it.
does sitting on it count?
Do squidcadas not spawn there on hard mode or something?