Why did Platinum think it was a good idea to release a half-baked action game the same year DMC5 releases?

Why did Platinum think it was a good idea to release a half-baked action game the same year DMC5 releases?

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dmc isn't on switch so it's okay

I'm sure Astral Chain will be fine. I have a PS4 and Switch, so I'm better than most people in this shithole by default.

>tfw buying both

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Capcom game is all about hype

Platinum game is all abut fun

no u arent you idort

Didn't realise I could only play one action game a year

You're not thinking. Releasing Astral Chain in the same year is genious. If people like DMC5, Switchlets will want an action game of their own. If people get disappointed bt DMC5, They can look forward to Astral Chain since Platinum always delivers.

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Fact: Bayonetta is way more fun than DMC

Imagine being the kind of person that wouldn’t enjoy a late 80s early 90s anime style cyberpunk police game.

>isn't even out yet, we just have a vague idea what it'll be like
fuck outta here

Because they're after two totally different audiences
Chuunibyo audience that loves crazy bullshit
>Astral Chain
Tokusatsu and Tatsunoko fans who love JUSTICE
Very different fanbases though there is overlap.

Why did faggot OP think it was a good idea to make this thread?

Retard they're both action games, but one relies on it's setting while the other relies on it's gameplay

Imagine wanting to play as a fucking pig.

Because OP is an unrelenting turbo nigger faggot. You pretty much got him in one, user.

>interesting setting automatically means bad gameplay
How’d ya figure, sport?

the more interesting question is why they picked such a generic and forgettable sounding name, its sounds like some random free to play game for china.

Anime cops always fight for true justice and to defeat evil. 3d cops wouldn’t understand .

I like bayonetta, but come on

I'm better than you, brainlet.

It's alright user, you'll understand one day.

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>they're both action games
I never said they weren't
>one relies on it's setting
Both do. DMC is chuuni as fuck, the gothic architecture, demons, crazy weapons all that stuff appeals to chuunis. At the same time transformation poses, saying lines in unison, stylish suits and robodogs that are totally not Friender appeals to fans of Kamen Rider, Super Sentai and Tatsunoko properties.
Don't be a retard and do your research.

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You sicken me

>Dave the Barbarian
God I loved this show. Does it still hold up?

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Astral chain comes out 5 months after DMC5 that gives people plenty of time to play both

Because it releases 4 months after DMC5 on a completely different system. Also fuck you I'm buying both.

not always

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I have a ps4 and switch.
Don't care about dmc or bayonetta.
Astral Chain looks cool, 90s cyberpunk aesthetic.

Not him but Kamiya put the same shitty minigame in DMC1

Yes, yes it does.


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It isn't an umbrella genre. DMC5 and the average Platinum game aren't as similar as you think, so I doubt there's going to be much direct competition, plus release windows are quite spaced out with one another and they don't share a platform. Plus I think it looks tight as hell
Basically stop being a retard

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>you are only allowed to play one (1) game in a genre every year

DMC5 is shit for colluding with Xbox. Fuck them. No pride. Desperate to scrape for every little 1000 of sales on a dead system.

Literally why would you care

DmC is unironically better than any game in either series

Console warring faggots aren't exactly what you call... smart.

What a gay argument I'd play a game where you're an isis fighter if the gameplay was tight


because platinum actually thinks they're relevant. Because people treat them like they've released a good game in the last 15 years.

There barely any crossover and I need my fill of anime cyber police

Platinum should have brought their a game like bayo 3. It’d be great to have bayo 3 and dmc5 in the same year


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cringe post

why dont you play both?

>why did Platinum think it was a good idea to let us have TWO awesome action games in one year instead of one
wow fuck that's a tough one op haha stupid platinum. don't they realize that their diehard fanbase of action gamers who buy wii us just to play bayo 2 are going to MOCK them for releasing an action game 6 months after dmc5?

geez everyone in this thread is retarded

>insecure DMC faggots crying
>no manga police posting
It's a shit thread

Good shit, user. Love that episode.

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Man of great taste

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