

Attached: Cyberpunk-2077-1067966.jpg (590x350, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Night City
>it's always day

Bravo, CDPR. Bravo.

>sunnypunk 77 degrees

god i love the sun

Could have been the next Fable or KOTOR. Such a shame.

I edited the image to be more suitable to Yea Forums's tastes.

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It could've been overrated shit? Dodged a bullet there.

It triggers Yea Forums so I'm okay with it.

why do you think ithey're overrated?

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kotor is solid but fable is definitely over rated.

it'll probably be a pretty decent game, just not the pretty decent game that people wanted

Fable is kino.

why do you think Fable is overrated?

Fucking basement dwelling autists who haven't seen sun for years are defaming this game due to it containing a sun, they though they could escape it in games too, but little did they know....

it'll be a normalfag game

dark souls is a normalfag game, pretty decent

Looks like SJW infected it.

of the reddit variety
it's good if you like Legend of Zelda, not good otherwise

I didn't say good, I said decent

It's a bad shooter, a bad railroaded RPG, a bad immersive sim type game, literally nobody wants this game except for normie cockholsters who love checkbox ticking games that have everything while pleasing absolutely nobody.

as if "pretty decent" isn't meant to be synonymous
but okay

every early gameplay reveal is choreographed

Another "RPG"-lite

when did you get a chance to play it?

it was 47 minutes of gameplay, you're delusional if you think they're going to change anything.


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What were people expecting?

A game with the name Cyberpunk in it should at the bare minimum at least be cyberpunk and not this synthwave neo-80's shit

Environments that look like Timesplitters 2 Neotokyo
3rd person perspective
Ability to live your own life, be your own character, not CDPR's

why are you forming such a strong opinion on something that doesn't even exist yet? you're the same as people who cream their pants over everything at E3 and pre-order every upcoming game, except you're a cynical whiny babyman rather than just an easily lead babyman

>Ability to live your own life, be your own character, not CDPR's
otherwise you're delusional.

>Ability to live your own life

name one game within the last 10 years

the state of modern vidya, amirite?

I'm a huge witcher fan, have all the books and games, but futuristic themes are the ones I dislike most in vidya so I'll be sitting this one out even though I love CDPR. Hope it sells well though.

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Google image search "cyberpunk -2077"

Notice anything? Something missing? It's the fucking sun. Not in any of these images. Why? Because cyberpunk is a mood. It is a mood ruined by the sun. Just like getting drunk is ruined by a scorching sun which is why we drink at night. QED

Subtle bait, 8/10.

literally the third image result

delete this right now

I wanted to be Judge Dredd.

Do you expect them to have no day night cycle?

I like video games and being able to play by myself

that's just light pollution.


This was halfway down the first page, but I like it
has that whole "only rich people can enjoy the sun" feel

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If Cyberpunk 2077 is set in California, why are there so many Japanese signs everywhere? There are not even any japanese people in the trailer who could even read the signs.

Surely a nearly defunct Asian island language didn't become the official language of the united states at some point

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Then you should start programming your own games. It's pretty easy to create a text adventure.

I fixed it.

Attached: night city fixed.png (1920x1080, 1.56M)

I get that it's hated here because it has a day night cycle, but I think it'll be great and I look forward to playing it.

watchdogs ?

wow, you really thought you were clever for pulling out the old "Don't like it? Make your own!", didn't yah?

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Telling people that they can't have an opinion is the hottest of hot opinions bro

I like big aaa rpgs and i like cdpr so i will buy it no matter what just like i buy EVERY new crpg because i want to support the genre.

Not-out-yet / 10

if the modkit is better than the one for witcher 3 then im all on board with it but something tells me there wont even be a modkit

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>stronk wimmin on front cover
>stronk women enemies in gameplay trailer
Its over CDPRbros..

let me guess, you prefer big burly men instead?

Day 1 purchase. I look forward to seeing the massive asshurt on Yea Forums once this outsells TW3.

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Based retard

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the lady doth protest too much, methinks

Don't care about and don't like cyberpunk setting, Will play it thought since the gameplay maybe has potential

old stale joke that ceased to be funny the first day it became popular

Didn’t say no faggot


The sun 1980s vaporwave shitposting has intensified to the point where we may not be able to contain it.
>Why contain it? 'S cool.

it's never not going to be funny

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i never heard the 77 degrees joke before, and yet laughed

these rifts, like fuck my sister she named her new cat Albert Whiskers are comedic gold

>is set in California, why are there so many Japanese signs everywhere?
Socal has a lot of Japanese shit. Probably not to the extent where it would be the norm by any means, but it's just MUH CYBERPUNK MOOD stuff.

Deus Ex with graphics.

I have a dilemma bros. I don't want to play as some dude and stare at his ass all day, but since we can fuck other people I don't want to play as a woman and then fuck another woman since that shit is gay as hell.
What do I do?

> Man bun "tough guy"
> Feminist shaved head trout eater
Gee I love these games, edgy

>it's not bladerunner the game so I hate it
being able to complain, that's what people were expecting

the game is locked to 1st person

not the sex scenes. And even if they are, I do NOT want to be a homosexual.

V's feet

The music will make or break this shit

then take my comment and your comment and the choice should be obvious, unless you're retarded and didn't understand my implication

because of arasaka. they were one of the main investors of the city and since they prefer hiring japs there's a lot of them living there.

It's canonically named after its founder whose last name is Night, dumbfuck
>New York City
>Hundreds of years old

>game has a day and night cycle
>this is now a bad thing

>game had varied environment
>this is now a bad thing

Yea Forums bideogayms


>and not this synthwave neo-80's shit
It isn't that in the slightest

you know what that sounds like?

Painfully obvious lampshading

Because it's set 50 years in the future dumbass, compare any country in the 50s with itself today and notice the demographic difference
>There are not even any Japanese people in the trailer
Not correct, look more closely


In the 80s people thought Japan's economy was literally going to overtake the whole world with how well they were doing, so their futuristic visions tended to include Japan running everything like modern futuristic visions tend to include China a lot

...that a bunch of autists are mad enough about a 50% day 50% night cycle to make daily threads about it lmao

This game should have had action combat like a japanese game and been third person. It's gonna be shit now since it's just a shooter.

THAT is how the combat should have been in this game.

This music rocks, it should be in a goth game. This game should be goth themed mixed with cyberpunk.

Nobody with a rationally thinking mind thought that an island nation coming straight out of WW2 was going to take over the world. They're just stealing symbols from anime at the time and shoehorning them in so they can justify putting the world Cyberpunk on the cover.

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>music will make or break this shit
>music making or breaking a game
>when you can turn it off and play whatever music you want in the background
How stupid can you be?

I look forward to the gaming press saying it's the best thing ever, eventually playing it to ultimately be bored out of my fucking mind. CDPR titles are the game equivalent of Ambien. Boring, sexless horseshit.

>Boring, sexless horseshit
>CDPR titles

The game needs music that has a cyberpunk feel to it, dumbass. Here's some cyberpunk music:

>right out of WWII
You are absolutely retarded and shouldn't open your mouth about shit you know nothing of.

I agree, cdpr shit is so goddamn boring. People said witcher 3 was so amazing, yet didn't mention how shit the combat was

35 years is pretty recent when you consider that Japanese history is measured in dynasties spanning hundreds of years.

yes, but the effects of WWII were not that significant on japan after 35 years since they received a ton of aid helping them get back on their feet, and the fact that their emperor wasn't killed/imprisoned really prevented their country from becoming a shitshow.

>Just looks like any modern day major metropolitan city.

too bad you can't fix the gameplay. It's shit.

>>when you can turn it off and play whatever music you want in the background
I can't believe I have to breathe the same air as you plebs.

they will make a good game,
I do wish they would have chosen a different IP to adapt,
they are going for the PUNK in cyberpunk, which, imo, if it isn't grounded in the ethos of its setting is boring--if you can hack peoples eyes and upload your consciousness, whats the point of anything? if it explores that, cool. if not, whats the point of persuing it? where is the threat?

I prefer my cyberpunk with motorbikes, darkness and depression, not so much augs, hacking, and drugs

genuinely amazed at how long they're been at it

that soundtrack is god tier

>The game needs music that has a cyberpunk feel to it
What does that even mean you brain dead child?
Johny Mnemonic
Deus ex: Human Revolution
Cyberpunk 2077 trailer 2 song

If i may ask. Have you considered the benefits of suicide?

cowboybebop, bublegum crisis, ghost in the shell, etc etc etc all have daylight

you are right, cyberpunk is a mood as well as a genre

it's not the sun that is jarring though in all the 2077 kit--it's the optimism.

let me walk down and get an aug! lets walk up to the corpo! time for a gun fight!

I showed you what it means you stupid fucking aborted sack of anal waste

read the description:

upbeat electronica and carries sort of a grotesque, cyberpunk aura that is fitting for a game that combines a range of themes from Lovecraft to the Matrix.

It's ok user, I've been burnt by riding the wrong hype train too but

You godda have FAITH, trust me I heard these guys know how to grow mango trees

You're a literal child. Here, have some genuine retro-futuristic music.


Some people like movies, some like TV shows

Some like a methodical tail, some like a good story

>I showed you what it means
No, all you are doing is spamming links to the music from a shit game that only retards care about.

Is this bait? CyberPUNK was literally made in the 80s you poser.

DMC 3 isn't shit though. You're prolly too dumb to be able to play it well lol

There is zero (0) reason why the game has to have a day and night cycle at the expense of the atmosphere.

Day 1 mod for only night is going to be essential.

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Looks fun. Looking forward to it. I have no friends interested in the setting at all so I can't play the pen and paper. So I just have to wait for this.

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I really feel out of the loop because i don't understand the passion people have for a soulless corporation that only shit out joyless and boring games that are the equivalent of squeezing a stress ball for a few minutes as you go through the motions.

vampire the masquerade was a shit game, and having it always be night makes literally no fucking sense at all

same reason lords of shadow 2 sucks ass, how the fuck is it always night?

Cyberpunk is the brand name of a tabletop RPG set in the future. The name is now used to refer to any futuristic setting, and it's popular now to be grungy and dark. That's not necessarily what the original game was like.

See here RoboCop - 1987 hear the music of a Cyberpunk movie from the 80s.

Akira - 1988 hear the music of a 80s anime.

GiTS - 1995 hear the music of a 90s cyberpunk anime.

Johny Mnemonic - 1995 hear the music of a 90s cyberpunk movie.

After that consider suicide. I hear that suicide is very good. Consider it.

yeah the original game was shit with retarded gangs in it, it was basically saints row but people unironically taking it seriously

VTMB was night only because you played as a vampire retard.

Where is the 80's synthwave? This isn't real cyberpunk.

Gameplay that's so bland it should be dead on arrival but it wont be because of preorders and digital sales.

robocop's music isn't cyberpunk at all, it's orchestra shit

THIS is cyberpunk music

Wait i had no idea that we were vampires in Cyberpunk 2077! SHIEEEET!! HIDE THE SUN HIDE IT!! I'M MELTING!!!

Attached: no not the sun.jpg (500x514, 25K)

Sounds like it could have potential. If they ran around citing statistics and the n-word.

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Steamfunk 1977

>robocop's music isn't cyberpunk at all
No, what you should've understood by now is that there is no such thing as cyberpunk music genre as it is demonstrated here

cyberpunk is played out, we have so many of these games already, we need more goth themed games. we have dmc v so far, we need more.

it's almost as if the atmosphere was integrate into the logic of the world or something. They could have had a day night cycle and force the player to only use to sewers but logically it would be stupid.

Tonal consistency is something the developers of 2077 forgot to include.

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>cyberpunk is played out
You're crazy.

You must literally be a fuckin plant if the sun controls the mood of the world so much

Let's see

cyberpunk 2077 coming up
The Last Night also coming
Black Future '88
CoD Black Ops 3
Astral Chain

So many goddamn cyberpunk games now. Where's the gothic games, especially modern day setting ones.

>it's the optimism.
It's not optimistic dumbfuck, the entire trailer was showing how fucked Night City is with violence and poverty, and an explicit admission that the only thing keeping most people going is empty promises which they know are empty. That's pessimism


they should have made it where daytime the smog is so godawful that people die if they go outside, thus forcing the player to play at night

yeah the city is so fucked, must be why people walk out in broad daylight and shit with no fear

Wow. you're fucking retarded. Half of the games you listed aren't even cyberpunk.

>Tonal consistency

Attached: sunpunk.jpg (2896x1656, 1.42M)

>The Last Night also coming
>Black Future '88
>CoD Black Ops 3
>Astral Chain
Never heard of them. Except for a few and those are not cyberpunk and wouldn't really consider them futuristic setting games.

How aren't they?

The first is generic sci fi, the second and third are fucking mad max, quit playing stupid.

>Indie bright colour simulator
You're fucking retarded.

I just want a normal thread about this game Yea Forums.

Attached: cp cowboy.jpg (554x720, 49K)

All of those are Cyberpunk 2020 books you imbecile.

How is Overwatch not cyberpunk? Most of the world is a hellhole and it has high tech. Same fro CoD Black Ops 3. And Anthem is the same, high tech, very low life.

And the last night IS cyberpunk

I just wanted Altered Carbon as a videogame. We don't always get what we want.

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I'll just concede to you that you baited me. Now fuck off with your bullshit, faggot.

>Game is called Cyberpunkk 2077, not Altered Carbon
>still expected Altered Carbon

It’s more than adding some numbers to the current year then just doing whatever with the setting.
The setting is largely based around huge cities with the characters being drawn from the lower class dregs mainly but not always. Mega corporations usually factor in the backdrop and main plot. And there’s more shared themes

Explaining tone gets really complicated so simply put; dark and edgy atmosphere needs dark color values, not sunny and bright values. The tones are at odds with eachother. This is why the sun in CP77 is such a meme.

You may not notice but you are subconsciously aware of this fact.

I hope CDPR is just playing up the smog and pollution value for Night City. Honestly, nothing is more disgusting and dystopian than realizing that Southern California's light pollution at night makes it something like perpetual day.

I expected a game that looked and felt like the show does, since the show captures cyberpunk perfectly. PERFECTLY.

Attached: AlteredCarbon-FINAL.jpg (2400x1186, 626K)

>Nobody with a rationally thinking mind thought that an island nation coming straight out of WW2 was going to take over the world
Fucking zoomers talking out their fucking ass.
EVERYONE in the 80s thought Japan was going to economically overtake the world in the future because they had successfully overtaken the automotive industry and the electronics industry. It was a common fucking fear that Japan was going to take people's jobs, stop opening your mouth about shit you know nothing about.
>Those sentiments echo trade tensions from four decades ago, when Americans were worried about the rising dominance of another Asian economy – Japan.
>Trade became an issue in the 1984 presidential election. Then-presidential candidate Walter Mondale, campaigning against President Ronald Reagan, famously asked, “What do we want our kids to do? Sweep up around the Japanese computers?''
>“In the 1980s, Americans were really worried that the United States was no longer on top anymore."
>It's now pretty inconceivable that a Japanese company would be able to snap up American corporate assets as investments.
>In the eighties, it was a fact of life.
>Starting with a relative trickle at the beginning of the decade, Japanese conglomerates went on an epic buying spree in America

Think before you zoom next time nigger

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Alright man we get the joke. You can stop.

The only thing that i am aware of is that you are a shitposter that i am giving you (you)s only to keep Cyberpunk 2077 threads alive since i like talking about the game that has all of my hype behind it.

This is probably the most brainlet post ever made on this website.

>3rd person
>game with the initial trailer tone
>hot robo chicks
>less edgy teen dialogue
>more interesting characters
>flying car
>no controller concessions
Its going to be shit

Attached: 1551501415577.jpg (818x960, 103K)

he's right and you know it. dmc v is tonally dark, and it has daytime yet still feels dark, unlike this game

>dmcv isn't cyberpunk

Care to explain Nero having a robotic arm then?

you're all so dense, why do i waste my time trying to convince people who don't want to change their minds.

You are so dense. Why do i bother trying to convince a shitposter that don't want to change his mind.

So it’s impossible to have a unwelcoming foreboding atmosphere during the day time? Interesting.

I like when the titties flatten out to the sides when they lay down

>A game undergoes changes after the first teaser trailer
Huh who woulda guessed it!

It looks great.

Superb tit physics. I was also impressed by her neck tensing up when she went in shock and had to be injected with the hypo.

Yeah no joke those had to be the best tits I’ve seen in a game. The best street crowds too.

Here's why it'll be a good game. Notice anything?

Attached: 1544379823894.jpg (2048x1536, 575K)

You can try, but it's just not as effective as night time. Left 4 Dead 2 was widely criticized for taking place during the day because it simply wasn't as oppressive or scary as the first game which took place almost entirely at night.

>Notice anything?
They are eating healthy?

Yeah that was fucking cool, the air-hypo even left a pock mark on her sternum. Several cool details all over.

I like how Yea Forums motioned to the old lady in the hallway to go back inside when the player looked at her.

Hideo Kojima in the lower left corner?

Mostly white men and a couple Asians. Nice

>he thinks that shit will be in the final game


The guy on the far left is harnessing the power of bananas?

They look like they can code aka fat nerds


It's not out yet.

I'll screen cap you for posterity.

You realize how simplistic that opinion sounds right?

The attention to detail is incredible as expected. I also noticed that the hypo left a mark on her chest. The doctor's hypo also left marks on the players hand when they were getting the upgraded grip if i remember correctly.

>20 men
>only 3 maids total for all of them
This will definitely lead to conflict and lower the quality of the final product

I have occams razor on my side.

I made this meme for moment when cyberpunk gets released.

Attached: 24234332443.png (662x602, 335K)

not if they have gangbangs in the office

Nah they just all go the ole Suck and Fuck after work.

Attached: 1544792585756.png (2000x1000, 2.11M)

Yeah your simple explanation makes it easy to understand you opinion. Your simple simple opinion.


Well lets see:
Cyberpunk 2077 threads have a high ammount of posts everytime but a low ammount of Unique Ips =>A small ammount of retarded shitposter ruining the game for everybody else on Yea Forums and the discussion around it.
Looking at the actual majority of people who say they are "gamers" or like to play videogames show that the absolute majority said this looks great:
>Youtube Like:Dislike Ratio around 97 to 3
>Most threads on different websites praising how the game looks
This gives us only one conclusion:
There is a hard core of 4-6 people trying to force another Le Epic TORtanic.
Even if the game is released and every critic and user score saying how great the game is there will be one autists posting a bug/glitch for months if nor for years to come ( See the Witcher 3 shitposter)

This leads to one sad truth: Discussing will only be possible on /vg/ and /vg/ is a shitty site where Tripfaggots circlejerk each other

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how come none of that on the left is in the game, now that would make me change my mind and like this game now

Looks like it's going to be fun, but ultimately shallow.

I believe it will be a very well polished game with decent gameplay/story/mechanics. Am looking firward but not cumming in my pants over it.

/vg/ is always good to discuss games up until the point someone finds a decent looking female character then every thread after that is ruined by autists.

Well it's going to fucking suck, obviously.

Also, here's a summary of everybody who's trying to defend this garbage:

If you don't like cyberpunk games, then go play a different game. If you want cyberpunk but are afraid of what people will think, then go play saint's row. Don't worry, there's still enough nigger themes in there to keep your epeen intact.

Attached: moderngames.jpg (2382x458, 239K)

good thing all the women in cdpr games are ugly lol

Looks like a good game. Should be very enjoyable.

>A small ammount of retarded shitposter ruining the game for everybody else on Yea Forums and the discussion around it.
Yep, game is ruined for me because some people are shit posting about it.Fucking retarded tripfags.

>actual game developers
>ever having sex
There is no need to worry

>Hey guys what do you think about Cyberpunk 2077? I bought it and Quest XYZ is pretty dank i love character XYZ what are your stats?

He's ugly as shit too you should see his photo lol

nah the real thread will be Yea Forums bitching about the game being shit after all and /pol/ attacking cdpr for putting gay shit in there

CDPRfags are currently in the bargaining stage, give it a few weeks after the game comes out

>voiced protag


>The Last Night


you're that guy who actually thinks witcher 3 is better than bloodborne. but nobody actually thinks that so you're a confirmed troll

look at this dude

yeah this

It's impossible to get immersed when my character is telling me what to think and feel along the way.

Doom 3 was better than HL2.

>it's impossible to get immersed when character gives me limited options of what and how to say things
>it's impossible to get immersed when my character is mute whole game and NPC's interpret your silence how they want

literally where on earth does a city have this much neon. Bitch not even tokyo for fuck sake.

That's exactly how it works though. The key word here is Immersion.

Because it's a simple story with simple gameplay and a limited aesthetic but because there's basic morality and side quests (where the option is almost always kick a puppy or be a good guy), it got a lot of praise back in the day.

I played it, I liked it, but it's absolutely not what was promised and isn't really much better than most RPGs at the time. It's alright but not amazing.

What I saw and I'm not disappointed.

Demanding the same level of freedom in a tabletop RPG as a video game is an absolute shit opinion because it's impossible.

In a tabletop RPG you can tell your GM that you're doing ANYTHING and he'll react and inform you of the consequences as he imagines them. It's impossible to replicate that level of freedom in a video game unless you have teams of thousands live creating the game in response to your deciisions.

I am hyped beyond measure.
>rewatched the gameplay reveal at least a 100 times already
I can't stop rewatching it.

Yes, like they do in... basically every cyberpunk media ever?

A Cyberpunk RPG. Let me guess, Altered Carbon is cyberpunk in your mind?

I think I'll enjoy it, despite Yea Forums's hate for it. I hope it'll live up to the hype and will be a good game at least. The music already got me hyped, only listened to a snippet of it.

Attached: malev.jpg (498x498, 40K)

Because Cyberpunk 2020 is based on a world where that the Japanese bubble economy never colllapsed while the US economy did, which was a common fear in the 1980s and is present in practically every cyberpunk game, novel, film and tv series made at the time.

cleaner than a cunt at a convent

Attached: LAW~01.jpg (1024x430, 82K)

You're fucking ridiculous. In the 1980s everyone thought Japan was going to conquer the corporate world; Japanese companies were buying shit up left and right, they were making factories and new stores in places which had only known closure. Executives were all trying to learn Japanese, karoake and sushi exploded in popularity.

Will be the same kind of poorly made, shallow timesink game as Skírim, Fallout 3/4, Witcher 3, Assassin's Creed Origins/Odyssey etc.

Will pirate for the blockbuster production values.

Read the source material you fucks.

Did that economic bubble include replacing enough of the local population displace all the English speaking locals? As far as i know they were having historically low birthrates at the time.

I can't wait to see threads bitching about how the night-time is too bright in a city like that, while completely ignoring the fact that light pollution is a thing.

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Vampire the Masquerade was a great game and it taking place at night is fine because they're vampires.

Cyberpunk 2077 is likely to also be a good game and having a day night cycle makes sense. One of the critical scenes in Neuromancer takes place on a sunny French styled plaza.

I hope they give us something before E3. Just a little taste to keep me going.

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I want third person
And cute outfits

If I don't get that than


Almost none of what you listed is cyberpunk.

There is a photo mode.

As someone who played a lot of Shadowrun (both the games and tabletop) but not a whole lot of Cyberpunk 2020, will I generally "get it" if I played the game completely dry of the source material?

You're retarded.

I at least expected it to be like China with a grey bleak sky full of smog, not clear sunny skies.

Official R Talsorian adventures for Cyberpunk 2020.

Attached: Cyberpunk Adventure.png (493x645, 263K)

no the key word is it doesn't matter, you can be immersed in any type of game, it's not about the voice, you say it is, but it's just not true, if you don't like it it's fine, but don't say it breaks immersion for others

Here's another; notice something?

Attached: Daytime Ride in Cyberpunk 2020.png (491x629, 221K)


But Altered Carbon is an FTL and aliens transhumanist setting with a noir edge. It's closer to Eclipse Phase and Traveller than Cyberpunk 2020.

finally the devs arent brain dead ass fucks and give us the night city we deserve

When did you play the game? Because tons of it was in the gameplay demo.

How is Cyberpunk 2020 or 2077 like Saints Row?

sorry it was too casual for your standards

Often yes due to a massive influx of Japanese corporate entities and more. In Shadowrun California is actually low level annexed by Japan; it's officially independent but it's basically a Japanese run enclave on the West coast.

everyone has their taste, no judgment here

>In Shadowrun California is actually low level annexed by Japan; it's officially independent but it's basically a Japanese run enclave on the West coast.
Wasn't FreeCal liberated from JIS control during one of the edition metanarratives, culminating in a big stupid mecha battle piloted by General Saito?

I don't know, the game isn't out yet, but I don't think CDPR is going to make it utterly unintelligible if you haven't read 30 year old RPG books as most people today won't have. Cyberpunk 2020 and Shadowrun basically are the same premise except Shadowrun got magic, orcs and elves running around as well.

Corporations big, government smaller, free fire zones everywhere, pick up your pistol and make some waves/money. If you can get that, you can understand pretty much every cybpunk rpg

I have a bit of hope it's gonna be like Deus Ex, but slavs literally can't into stealth.

Attached: 89734.jpg (1280x1811, 509K)

I honestly haven't followed Shadowrun in the last few editions so if the plot's been moved forward, I don't know.

It's not really too relevant however when we're discussing the whole 80s idea that we'd all be learning Japanese and be salarymen for inscrutable oriental corporate overlords.

>It's not really too relevant however when we're discussing the whole 80s idea that we'd all be learning Japanese and be salarymen for inscrutable oriental corporate overlords.
I know, but it's still exhilarating to meet another Runner outside of /tg/, in a topic closely related to the tabletop you used to geek out over.

Attached: 1549009229470.gif (264x269, 173K)

i doubt its a stealth focused game, unless 2020 had stealth then there wont be any real long sequence stealth parts at all

zelda sucks dick and always has, dark souls is good

Yeah, I know how that feels.

I used to be really into Shadowrun but to be honest, the fantastic aspects of the game just never really engaged me. I played it mostly because people wouldn't play 2020. I've played a lot of Mekton Zeta so I know my way around the R Tal jank when both playing and running games. And honestly thanks to this game more people are willing to give 2020 a try.

I have absolutely no hopes for the new RPG, it's just gonna be more of the same. Plus I backed the new Mekton game while I've got the money back for that, I'm still annoyed. My fault for trusting Pondsmith.

2020 has stealth, but it's got all sorts of things because it's a tabletop RPG designed to produce a wide array of characters and concepts (even if some work more than others).

this board is filled to the brim with slavshit apologists. Just look at the Stalker threads. It doesn't matter if its good or bad, just that it was made in a Slavic country.

It's going to have stealth sequences where you crawl upside down on walls with your mantis blades and you can hack in to turn off the lights.

>he hates on all games made by slavs
>doesn't matter if they are good or bad

Rent free

>games not even out yet
>already judging it based off one pre-release video

Attached: 9a2.gif (195x229, 1.19M)

>>hot robo chicks
There were
>Less edgy dialogue
Find one cyberpunk movie without edgy dialogue. It literally has punks as part of the subject matter

I never said i hated them, just that people give them a free pass when it comes to production values. Same can be said of japanese games for instance.


daily reminder you will be able to mod anything
nightcucks can mod out the sun
voicecucks can mod out the voice
cursingcucks can mod out the cursing dialog
etc etc


Holy shit, your reading compression skills are terrible. You didn't really read that, did you?

In any case, you could play saints row, squint your eyes, and still pretend it's a cyberpunk game. It's not, really, but whether or not something is cyberpunk clearly doesn't matter to the average dipshit who just wants glowing lights without being called a nerd for it. You don't need cyberpunk 2077 to fill that role. Cyberpunk 2077 can still become a cyberpunk game.

Attached: SR3-Deckers-Trailer.jpg (600x338, 47K)

Just mod the bad stuff away bro

that picture reminds me of that weeb game

Attached: 1550923964330.png (979x2284, 1.2M)

Did they ever confirm whether you could be fully evil or good?

Is there a mod that makes the game the way it should have been when it's released?

One of the three games I'm excited for
also can anyone post the "what we wanted what we got" pic with all the stuff from what we wanted is in the trailer?

or in skyrims case just mod in the good stuff bro
yeah its called making your own game

>Cyberpunk 2077 can still become a cyberpunk game
Cope harder, retard. The game is getting released looking very similar to how it did in the trailer and there's nothing you can do about it other than wait for mods to come out after release. Your retarded shitposting that the game is Saint's Row is going to go entirely ignored by the video game world, and all your autistic screeching is for nothing.

I'll get a copy instead of you.
Considering how well witcher series did, CP2077 will have to be at the very least decent. I never got into the Geralt's trilogy because medieval fantasy never suited me, more of a sci-fi guy myself.
Can't fucking wait to play it

Don't think they've shown any sort of morale system. One thing I'm concerned about is I didn't see any sort of reputation system with different factions, but maybe it's just in the background based on your actions towards that organization.

Yeah I posted it

The gameplay trailer made it look like you could gain reputation with the fixer and corporate, though I could be wrong. Has anyone here who's played Witcher know what their track record with faction relation systems is like?

there is no moral system like in RDR2 and other games, but there is your reputation as a whole, not sure about individual faction rep tho, i think its just one rep for everything, like how famous you are thats it

If the next trailer doesn't show majority nighttime gameplay you know cdpr are up their own asses and think they too big to fail

>the city the never sleeps
>people sleep

sounds neat, although I was kinda hoping for some kind of moral system since the V they showed so far seems like sort of a good guy

Attached: Tibetan sand fox.jpg (212x237, 8K)

well if its like witcher you will be able to save or kill people and other similar moral choices, but it wont add or subtract a number on a scale, but it will influence some quests depending on your actions ofc

>all your autistic screeching is for nothing
You don't really *get* how autistic screeching works, do you?

Attached: SJW.gif (491x491, 150K)

I actually didn't know that about the witcher, sounds a lot cooler than just having a rigid moral system

>Autistic screeching on the level of 10% of society complaining directly to corporations and STILL rarely getting results
>autistic screeching on the level of 1 user who solely bitches on Yea Forums to a crowd of people who do not work in video games
If you're him, it's cute you think of yourself as impactful

I guess it's a boomer thing but i enjoy daylight cyberpunk more now. Looking through the material we have since the 80's most of it is during daylight and it feels more real than gimmicky neon fan arts. It's a grown up thing maybe. For me now my vision of cyberpunk is a polluted city by the beach that never sleeps , in a permanent summer .
The night meme is only because of Blade Runner.

Attached: 1547299007228.png (1140x698, 1.1M)

Attached: 1521726843396.png (1310x501, 1.33M)

>keeps autistically screeching at me until I agree
Yeah, I think you might be right.

Attached: I breathe through my ass.jpg (502x283, 17K)

I sincerely hope CDPR wont be a one hit wonder

TW2 and TW3 already make them a two hit wonder.

I hope they do something besides the witch again after this because I'm much more of a fan of cyberpunk over the witcher setting.

cmon breh most didn't even know about witcher before wild hunt

needs a "Neon" flavored monster

>most didn't even know about witcher
Everyone here knew. Everyone who has more than 50 games on PC knows. The only people who didn't know were the retards that buy FIFA and COD once a year and that's it.
Interesting vid on the ads in the gameplay demo

Did they explain this ad?

Attached: ad.jpg (105x203, 6K)

that's one of cdprs greatest strengths
attention to detail
idk maybe they work them poles like a work camps but that's what made witcher 3 unique

From the vid it says "All Night Every Night" and he thinks it's supposed to be a strip tease ad.

well you need normies to make a game super hit

>post about cyberpunk music
>not posting DX1 music, but Human Revolution music
What is wrong with you?

Attached: efd.jpg (403x392, 20K)

>he thinks it's supposed to be a strip tease ad.
Wrong. He is obviously a retard that doesn't know shit about cyberpunk.It's an ad for a sex implant. Don't link videos by people who don't know shit about the source material. Thanks.


P.S. it is literally from the books.
>Mr. Studdâ„¢/Midnight Ladyâ„¢ Sexual Implants
>slogan "All night, every night and she'll never know."

No, i am someone who actually knows my cyberpunk and not a retard trying to farm views on youtube by latching on the hype of Cyberpunk 2077.

eww incel

Nah you're a sperg. This guy does a pretty good job going over what is probably 50 ads in this video. Not that I like most of his vids I just thought this one was interesting. Not everyone's read everything and remembers everything from the books dude. If you got a better source feel free to share.

I'm excited for it.

Have you watched the gameplay trailer? That's all you need for thots.

Wait don't tell me! You're the retard trying to shill his shit youtube channel here on Yea Forums. Get the fuck out of here you tard. You obviously don't know shit about Cyberpunk. Fucking retarded youtuber trash.

why does this motherfucker have an entire hand of bananas

Attached: ss+(2019-03-02+at+05.31.36).jpg (203x464, 38K)

Still sperging out on me cause you know something about the lore. That's cool man.

Sometimes you're just in the middle of your breakfast and Gina in reception is like "we're taking a group picture come on" and you just go with it.

Apparently i know more than you and your youtube celeb fag. Don't get so butthurt for me calling you out on your bullshit video.

>be a nice guy and bring a snack for your friends
>get mocked on a virgin forum

if he's so nice why is he standing off to the side the fuck away from everybody else

I was just trying to bump the thread you sperg. Why don't you tell us some stuff about the lore instead of sperging out on me.

CSGO meme, but i dont know it, thats what i heard

He didn't play csgo tho, only 1.6.

Attached: 1523353031795.jpg (568x378, 183K)

>I was just trying to bump the thread
There are better ways to bump a thread fag. Why should i tell you anything about the lore you unintelligent slime. Go an watch your shitty videos filled with speculative bullshit done with zero research of the lore.

Here are my thoughts

Attached: feet.png (306x250, 99K)

I don't want you to agree, I want you to stay seething and that's working just fine.

and then you complain that every game is a fucken remake or a sequel

I hope there is comfy exploring.

My reading comprehension is perfect, you need to work on your prose if that's not what you meant.

>The Big Apple
>It's not actually a big apple.

No, you just need to make a good game and keep in business.

Do they need to? Floofy gal.

He's not sperging out.

See those buildings? You can't enter any of them.

Attached: sfasfsafagwetgwewe.jpg (1920x1080, 294K)

Literally Rebbit - The Game

Attached: 4cf6bdd83be57e0fe280bdc6d167690c-827x551.jpg (827x551, 36K)

My only thoughts on how the launch will make Yea Forums into an assblasted hive

>Game is going to score and sell well
>Contraions pour out of the woodwork
>Anons are going to spam one animation fuck up over and over while saying "OH NONONONONNO" and "Cyberpunk is a good ga-"

I can see it now

Attached: PikaLibre.png (167x154, 50K)

t. him

I'm almost certain that's part of the point he was trying to make

why are video games still like this. people made similar videos making fun of goldeneye (1996?) for having people walk at walls like that.

No, and come on you don't think I'm him either.. He's pointing out what the advert actually is, which is a nice touch from CDPR to bring the stuff from the game into the vidya and you\re going "Wow, you know stuff about what you're talking about? Whaa sperge cringe, yikes oof lol'.

Now you can argue whether or not someone should know about this or not, fine. But if you're discussing a topic and someone who knows about the topic points something out when you don't, the response is not to go "yikes'. Even if it's an inane topic.

So, like every large game in existence?

You people always make claims like this but it never comes true. When was the last time Yea Forums was BTFO over a game getting released that everyone said was gonna be bad? Deus Ex HR?

As i recall everyone was pleasantly surprised and generally positive at the release. Even the haters want this game to be good in their own way.

This guy is sperging at me for bumping the thread just because this other guy isn't as much of an expert in cyperbunk lore as he is. I don't care if this guy knows about cyberpunk lore but his expectation that everyone should be in order to talk about the game is spergy.

He's a smart dude and just wants to keep his optimum potassium levels.

>final game will look nothing like the demo


Based on W3, not really

I think you can predict announcements by the degree of shitposting in this place. Condisering how pre release shitposted tw3 was, I'd say release date coming this e3.

Looks fun, can't wait.

>corporate overlords
>every kind of inequality
>decaying society
>rampant degeneracy/punkness
>technology better than 2019's world

you don't need anything else for it to be a cyberpunk setting. synthwave music, neon lights and night doesnt matter

no, at this point I just want modern games to rip off the right shit

>Corporate overlords

You can have cyberpunk settings with strong governments you know.

Thank heavens it isn't.

It's shit. I leaked tons of stuff about the game yesterday. Can't be fucked to type it again playing Dead by Daylight at the moment. Just Yea Forums archive that shit.

it's the exact same shit

which one is Reddit the game then?

>it's a simple story
not a flaw nor its main draw
>with simple gameplay
melee and ranged, yeah, but the magic system is still the best in any action RPG with the soul exception of maybe Dragon's Dogma

You got caught lying yesterday

I don't even remember the magic system at all and I played through Fable like four times back when it came out.

The Reddit of Us

cyberpunk kinda sucks when you boil it down to it's raw elements.

Class divide and future shock is old as fuck, charles dickens wrote this better than anyone back when he wrote A tale of Two cities.

don't give (yous), hes know shitposter.

I too have an uncle who work at nintendo of armenia

Attached: tired.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

Nope, didn't lie at all.

How come fucking pokemon movie looks more cyberpunk than Cyberpunk 2077?

Attached: Cyberponk.jpg (913x1353, 770K)

cuz you are confusing aesthetic with genre

>looks more cyberpunk
>confusing aesthetic with genre
He's talking about aesthetic you fucking moron

but cyberpunk isnt an aesthetic hence confusing aesthetic with genre

Attached: cyberpunk.jpg (183x275, 11K)

this is a great post, and this is coming from someone who hasn't stopped looking forward to the game either

Attached: 1479093163136.gif (392x400, 1.33M)



Check my old leaks. All 100% correct.

Post links or caps.

They said they are not making another blade runner therefore I don't expect it to be anything like cyber punk. They want to be hipster fags like Rockstar games, "Oh look how different we are setting our "cowboy" game in 1899". Its going to be trash

I did Fallout 76 leaks. Search an archive of SwoleBenji (Wasn't this trip.)

>expecting me to do the work for you
You claim to not be lying, prove it.

Innocent til proven guilty.

I want both and I will get both

I checked under my desk and couldn't find anything, you are lying and that is a FACT.

>Come into thread
>The tripfag I filtered from the last thread is still posting

Attached: consider.png (516x565, 293K)

user hes know shitposter don't waste time on him. Words like autism, schizophrenia, and other mental illnesses are thrown around in every thread, but he is legitimately mentally ill. Yesterday he was claiming he's alpha tester posting screenshots from gameplay video.

Attached: 1529559378786.jpg (960x1280, 92K)


I know I just want to see where it goes.Cute cat btw

user please, we respect all opinions here no matter how wrong they might be

The fact that this game won't have 3rd person view outside of vehicles is honestly a deal breaker for me.

then dont play it you will pirate it tho

It's going to be a good game, it'll sell very well and we will probably get a bunch of DLCs soon after.
people here will post their Vs, might get some good porn out of it, the players will mod out all the shit no one liked, now it won't be the greatest game ever 10/10 but it will be close.

There is high fantasy and there is low fantasy. The witcher didn't play up the fantastical elements of the world. It focussed on blending the fantastical with the mundane by pushing the fantastical under the surface.
Most of the villages you visit have not had a witcher visit in a decade, monsters are just beasts that pose the same threat wolfs do, plebs have not seen real magic all their lifes.
It's not a stylized world and things resemble a fairytale rarely and half the time it's ironically.

Take that and consider how the studio that made that would go about doing cyberpunk.
It's exactly what we got. The focus isn't on the genre, it's on the genre blending with reality.

i wanna fuck that cat.

>115 GB

Attached: 473bfff86.jpg (536x466, 45K)

>would go about doing Cyberpunk
Nigger, they're using Cyberpunk 2020 as the basis. Everything they're doing already exists.

I don't think so. It'll be like 50 gigs, max. REDengine is well optimized.

why do people like outing themselves as brainlets ?

Attached: 1550917124815.png (543x443, 19K)

Bought a new pc last week in preparation for this and red dead 2 pc port.

>last week
You should have waited another year.

>They show it again at E3 2019
>only night time footage
>it looks good
What will Yea Forums cry about after that ?
same brother, 2 weeks ago, went for i7 8700k cuz it was cheap

Might not even be that much, Witcher 3 with all updates and DLC is only 30 something GB.
I'm reckoning at release CB77 will be 27gb or so.

cp20 is wacky, did you see anything wacky?
any poser gangs?
They're doing it realistic.

how it's blatantly copying bladerunner and doesn't have any original ideas.

>What will Yea Forums cry about after that ?
and so on

it will definitely be nighttime gameplay this E3, cant wait

>Did you see anything wacky
Yeah. A lot of wacky shit. Those powder white cyborgs, the hicks, mohawk punks beating the shit out of people on the subway, the chrome woman. Weird, this is all stuff from Cybeprunk 2020...

it looks nothing like blade runner though, no idea how you can even say that. None of the designs look like BR: the characters, city, vehicles, atmosphere, music are nothing like BR or BR 2049.

It's from there, but I don't feel the funny aspect.
We'll see when the game comes out, but tonally the game feels dark with a bloody smile here and there.
It's not a world where I can picture Bozos doing weird pranks that can get dark. It's a world where a guy dressed like a clown might stab you.

>Witcher 3 with all updates and DLC is only 30 something GB.

Attached: screenshot_2.3.2019.png (378x490, 14K)

Fair enough. Fuck these threads man, we have people saying Cyberpunk 2077 is too happy go lucky and now we have you saying what we've seen is way too grim dark.

Attached: tired of your shit kid why you gotta be a faggot all the time.png (2014x1095, 3.55M)

so now we are complaining about a game's size? What the fuck? How poor do you have to be to not afford a 1 tb HDD or 500 gb SSD ? Jesus, i hope the game is 200 gb so it can filter some plebs.

Attached: 1550878555575.jpg (300x360, 24K)

Game sizes is a fair complaint. It took me a whole day to __pirate Metro Exodus. These games at least have the excuse of having a large amount of content compared to Exodus.

50gb is still pretty small. Most games are pushing 100gb these days. RDR2 is 107gb.


Attached: slpaftoko.jpg (321x276, 90K)

That's fucking ridiculous. Even if it does come to PC I don't see myself pirating it, let alone buying it.

Witcher 3 didn't live up to the hype. But it was still a good game. I think Cyberpunk 2077 will be that as well

I also have some Yea Forums leaks. 100% true, I swear!

Attached: 1551056924421.png (1128x180, 57K)

>he has a hard time downloading 100GB+
lmaoing at ur lyfe kid

well i downloaded and installed it in about 12 minutes. Live in a superior country with good internet like me: Romania

Attached: 1550794792021.jpg (590x481, 36K)

cant wait, been looking forward to this game for a long time

On the contrary. I like the way they're making it.
I like that tone and I like the down to earth style.
I can appreciate something stylized like Hotline Miami, but long form games need the grit to pull me in especially rpgs.

Attached: cyberpunk.jpg (1534x219, 82K)

Sorry, my 1TB SSD has about 50 other games on it so I don't have room for shitty cowboy empty world simulator.
My several hundred gig ranma torrents took less time to download

>50 other games
did u start gaming 2 years ago? theres not 50 games worth playing even in the past 10 years

Feels good having Balkan internet

Attached: MEME.jpg (1080x1349, 314K)

>Only the current year exists
>It's impossible to have games from other years installed on your computer

Attached: seriously.jpg (550x550, 127K)

>it's always day
But that's not true, you fucking troglodyte?
Even in the 50 minute gameplay trailer, by the end the night cycle is coming
There's also braindance weather

Attached: Dolan_.jpg (750x742, 73K)

Doesn't matter, it will still have daytime and that's not cyberpunk.

>tfw there exists literally no cyberpunk

only cyberpunk games can be about vampires, cuz they only come out at night

gonna give it a pirate. did the same for witcher 3 and was glad I didn't pay for it (I bought 1), if it's good I might buy it but I feel they still owe me for the 100 hours I spent on w3

>I got 100 hours of entertainment out of this for free, they owe me REEEEE
Nu pirates are cuckolds.

I'm gonna die before it comes out.

the game was not fun at any point. all the quests were copy pasted shit. I just went on because I thought the story will make it worth it, but the story was completely shit

a vampire cyberpunk game would be pretty cool though.

fucking dumbass what else can i say, people want a game set in the real world with no day-night cycle? Wtf kinda of stupid shit is this ? Just sleep through the day, i did the same in Metro Exodus

You don't have to say anything your seething reply was more than enough.

shut the fuck up witeboi

how did you know I'm white

I see you are a man of culture as well.

Attached: c89e7ef0e97be93770b0648b3eecb7f1.jpg (279x810, 47K)

I mean you people are the ones angry that there is day time in a real-world game so what the fuck do i know, right ?

it's not the real world though, its a videogame

if it was the real world every object would be intractable and every house would be fully modeled inside and out, but it isn't, because it's a videogame. Shackling yourself to constraints in the name of realism to the detriment of the atmosphere and the game at whole to please nobody is dumb.

He's wrong. Normies don't give a shit about cyberpunk, it's the most niche and autistic genre of fiction that had its peak popularity in the 80's and 90's. While Witcher was popular because fantasy shit is always popular among normies, especially now with huge popularity of Game of Thrones, Cyberpunk won't get even a fraction of that interest.

This is the hill this faggot is gonna die on HAHAHAHAHAHA

>i liked witcher 3, but i wont play cp77 cuz of genre difference
>said maybe 2 people

>30 million combined views on the gameplay trailer and 48 minute walkthrough on their youtube channel
>Nobody gives a shit

Attached: kek satania2.jpg (1280x720, 123K)

>tfw i'm okay with the sun
>tfw i'm okay with the "GOT NEWS AS BIG AS MY BALLS" shitty writing
>tfw i'm okay with the bullet sponge enemies

you know what i'm not okay with? the shitty purple epic loot gun that's in some random crate. what the fuck is this? boderlands? i don't have 10 million samey guns where the only difference is if they are rare/common/epic and give you a +20 damage bonus

fuck. that. shit.
of course cdpr drones won't complain about it because nothing cdpr does can be wrong

Attached: DnEjH1WU0AAV7IO.png (560x560, 20K)

What the fuck are you referring to?

They don't have this though.

>but in the demo

They gave the people later game guns and highlighted them to let the journalists have a go. They even outright said this is what they did.

>youtube trailer views translate to sales

Attached: laughing_cyberpunks.jpg (792x600, 67K)

>the game at whole to please nobody
uh, aside from the part where suspension of disbelief apparently isn't a thing, you do realize that most people don't give a fuck about whether the game has a day/night cycle, right?

If you have older games then have them on your internal hard drive and not the SSD. Or just delete a few of those fifty games.

Do you see the word "SALES" anywhere in my post? Or in any of these posts in this chain?

Attached: and I'm supposed to be teh retard.gif (500x278, 1.55M)

My HDDs are for storage, not for video games. What retard puts games on HDDs? This is one of the few things where >Current year fully applies.

Except naive drones like you people usually don't care what company made a game. They won't give two shits if it was made by the same company as other game they liked.

The state of Yea Forums. Absolutely pathetic argument: "it's a video game, so even if it's set in the future of our real world, it should behave as if the sun doesn't exist !!!! Because in all the other cyberpunk media i consumed, the sun DOESN'T exist." Like nigga, half of BR 2049 happens during day time

you might not be aware of it but your brain is aware.

Why do you people insist on talking in circles around moot points.

stop projecting

More like CDprojecting, right?

shoulda wrote CDProjekting

Older games which don't need the load times work fine on HDDs.

And if you have the storage, why not just move a few of your 50 games off the damn SSD and onto the Hard Drive?

>being this retarded

Attached: tokyo at night.png (300x168, 128K)

So... the demo showed the same amount? So it's fine?

That's a slippery Motoko.

Didn't like demo. Unironically looked like GTA.

Attached: 4fgIjQDpkdk (1).jpg (864x1152, 355K)

Which GTA did it look like?

How did it look like GTA? Which GTA did shit like this happen in?

Attached: (1200x675, 76K)

Dum Dum did nothing wrong

Attached: 1544533477188.jpg (1024x612, 53K)

The last one, gta 5. That game sucked as well.

Attached: 14898634665390s.jpg (200x200, 6K)

He wasn't paranoid enough. Too trusting.

But it doesn't look like GTA V. At all.

how does this doesn't look like gta 5 to you?

Attached: cyberpunk-2077-gameplay-reveal.jpg (620x330, 40K)

>which don't need the load times
All games benefit from faster load times.
>And if you have storage
Because it's storage. It's not for installation.

so the founder of new york is named york?

thats literally how akira looks tho

Are you blind? Looks nothing like GTA.

>whorechild's using augs
>as a bunch nonbinaries
>get xir

When it's an old game from the 2000s and earlier and it loads in a matter of moments, you don't need an SSD for it.

And so that's it then? Those 50 games are going to be on your SSD forever. No new games until you get a new PC?

>driving = gta
underage alert

Which GTAV private server is this?

Do you think every game with driving and a city looks the same? It's the industrial outskirts of a city.

My problem with the sun is that it should be blocked out by a thickfog of pollution. I lived one year in Beijing and it would be fabulous for a cyberpunk setting.

>And so that's it then? Those 50 games are going to be on your SSD forever
Please refer back to my previous picture

fuck you, The Warriors was great


Attached: 1539689593718.jpg (408x431, 12K)

nentions non cyberpunk games, the one obvious FarCry BloodDragon doesnt get mentioned

Attached: far-cry-3 -blood-dragon-hd-wallpapers-33096-5558519.jpg (1920x1080, 374K)

How does that address my point?

>Man I'm not installing this game, there's not enough space on my SDD.
>I have 50 games.
>Yes, I need to have all these 50 games installed at all times on my SSD.
>No I can't move games onto my HDD either for storage or because they don't really need an SSD as it loads almost instantly on an HD like many games pc games from the 2000s backwards on modern systems.

That's what you said.

>An over the top pastiche of 80s action movies in general should be the model for all cyberpunk games.

I loved Blood Dragon but come on.

>The Last Night also coming
didn't the pussy dev run out of money recently?

Don't stay stupid retard shit like
>Hurrr so I guess you'll never remove those 50 games durrr!
Your cowboy empty world simulator is shit and I'd rather have every other game on my SSD instead of it, kid.

Are you a spastic? Why wouldn't there be gangs. Neuromancer had weird gangs in it, the Panther Moderns? and countless others are alluded to.

still the fact that weapons are to be classifield as epic/common/rare etc is just pure cancer

because if that purple gun from the demo is labeled as epic that pretty much confirms that same gun exists also as rare and common

personally i hate that shit, that stuff is okay in a MMO or diablo like game but not a singleplayer rpg

>confirms that same gun exists also as rare and common
nigga what

Attached: 1547822261748.jpg (437x665, 147K)

Since when was Cyberpunk 2077 about cowboys?

Your insistence is that you don't have space. You have 50 games on your SSD. 50 games you're not going to play everyday. In fact, I'll bet there's some on there you've not touched for months. You're the one saying that you don't have space because you've got too many games on it. You're also insisting every game you have HAS to be o the SSD, which is silly. Never did you say you would delete the games to install others.

>Since when was Cyberpunk 2077 about cowboys
Based retard with an IQ of 27 isn't able to comprehend that Cyberpunk 2077 wasn't the basis of this conversation.

That's not what it's saying at all.

when the fuck did this board get so swarmed with unfunny redditors like these ones? what a cancerous board

you are correct, but you're also a tripfaggot so im gonna call you a fag anyway. fag.

No one said to install the game, he was pointing out that new games, especially large open world style ones, tended to have large file sizes and noted RDR2 as an example, you literal spastic.

When did newfags like yourself come on? I bet you've spent more time on reddit than you have on Yea Forums.

You autistic child, learn to fucking read words.
>That's ridiculous, even if RDR2 were to come out on PC I wouldn't pirate it, let alone buy it
>HUR DUR what are you poor?
>No, my SSD is filled with other games as it is
>Fast forward to these latest posts

Attached: dumb ass retard.jpg (520x514, 42K)

They explained this. The weapon was said to be uncommon, as in it's not often you're going to find that kind of weapon, so it's marked as such to let you know to stop you from selling it by accident. There's not going to be normal, rare, common tech shotguns with the same model and such. That's the weapon. It's uncommon in the game. That's it.