Bwa bwa bwaaaaa

>bwa bwa bwaaaaa

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Other urls found in this thread:

bwa bwa bwaaaaa
best music in the game also a better boss fight than flowey

Kanye West

Why is Asgore such a good boss?

its me yoshi

This is pretty much the gayest faggot I've ever seen in a video game. Really hope Susie doesn't stay too nice because he really needs some bullying.

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>Going to have to wait at least 3 years before we can see the literal fever dream ending to Deltarune Toby came up with before he even stared making games

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ASGORE >>> Megalovania

You know I'm right

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You are

Megalovania is overrated and honestly not even that appropriate for the fight

because he has clear goals and dreams, all other bosses are either "I want to be powerful haha" or just "you killed my friend, you die now"

both are okay
Bonetrousle is best tho

why did i enjoy this game so much bros? i normally hate tumblr shit but undertale kept a dumb smirk on my face for the majority of my playthrough.

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how can one little black man like so much fingers

It's not as Tumblr as its made out to be

because its good to break the mold sometimes, user.

Finale > Bergentrucking + ASGORE > Hopes and Dreams + SAVE the World > Megalovania > Death By Glamour > Battle Against a True Hero > Spear of Justice > NYEH HEH HEH! + Bonetrousle > Your Best Nightmare

>another medium

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this soundtrack is going to be so fucking good

>Destroys the MERCY button
utter kino moment

>kids who were 15 when undertale came out can post here now

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>kids who were 12 when undertale came out are 15 and posting here now

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I was still in high school when I first heard about UT. I've finished college and have a job now

Can someone explain this sprite to me?
It's ALWAYS looked like he was wearing some sort of visor and smiling, is he supposed to be looking down the whole time?

How can you put such emotion behind two notes?

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He's looking down, the "face" is his crown.

Yeah, he's looking down.

Anyone born in the year 2000 should be able to post here now

This fight was so good, the first time going through the game I quit immediately after I beat him so I could do it again

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In case you're being serious

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Does anyone want to try to explain the end of Deltarune Chapter 1? I'm too much of a brainlet to really understand what's gonna happen next.

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Nobody really knows and Toby pretending the two games aren't directly related isn't helping.

Honestly would've preferred a more fleshed out rendition of this fight instead of the Flowey battle we got.

I'm a Spider Dance man, myself
Spear of Justice is also valid

I don't think anyone really knows where the story is going to go with Deltarune, the demo is too small a slice to give us much of an idea of what Toby wants to do, not to mention the entire script is littered with potential red flags and red herrings

because it's not "tumblr"
tumblr would just be pandering to sjws with no depth or creativity

Kris, the actual Kris, ripped the player out of their body and flashed a knife to show that they're either Chara or a Chara expy.

Battle with a true hero > Asgore > Megalovania


>tumblr shit
But that's wrong. When the game was only a demo only Yea Forums talked about it, barring one thread on reddit with like 20 posts.Undertale had such a presence on Yea Forums that I don't think I've seen that many threads for a single game at once on Yea Forums out side of GTA and DaS.

The game was building up to him the entire way, so getting to him finally pays off the hype. Not to mention, he had a little more depth to his motivation compared to Undyne and Metaton. I could understand someone feeling bad for him. His motivation and yours were at odds with each other, so it makes for a climatic final battle. His fight was also similar to Toriel's, so there's also the feeling of everything coming full circle.Really, I think it was mostly just good build up to him.

That was Kris's pie cutting knife user.

Kris is aware that you are controling his body and he doesn't like that. It's also implied that this happened before with how there are stains next to the heart cage.

Most prevalent theory is that it's the real Kris taking over, while the SOUL is the player. Also related to this is that section where you control Susie for a moment, Ralsei explained something to him while you were gone.

You overwrote Kris's savefile and now he's going to use that knife to cut some of that fucking pie

Because Toby Fox cares about the tumblr shit in a sincere normal person way, he wasn't just trying to show everyone how epic and woke his game is. Its all subtle things, there are masculine male and female characters, feminine female and male characters.

Also Core is kino.

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a man of culture. First time playing back in 2015 and i sat in this area for like 10 mins just listening.

Also, most of the townsfolk on your walk back talk about how you're normally creepy.

Ha, that's impossible, Undertale just came out last--

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>when you realize dummy and spider dance are the same songs
>when you realize battle against a true hero and the power of neo are the same songs
>when you realize can you really call this a hotel, i didn't receive a mint on my pillow or anything and hopes and dreams are the same songs
>when you realize heartbreak and asgore are the same songs

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they aren't the "same songs" dummy, they use motifs

Too bad all those launch threads are lost since that was exactly around the time died.

I think he's just trying to emphasize that it's an alternate universe, not a sequel.

four, actually, unless I'm mishearing

Death by Glamour > everything else

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The World Revolving >>>> ASSGORE >>> Megalovania

because the guy who made it gave a shit and had passion for it

In the end you can move the soul in the cage with your arrow keys.

It sets up chapter 2 which takes place the next day with Kris gone and the player has to first move as a soul in the cage and later possess a new playable character who then joins the party in the dark world.

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I killed Toriel, so meeting him hit like a truck.

For the billionth fucking time Toby never said the games were unrelated you brainlets, he said it wasn't a sequel

I liked Vs. Susie a lot


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Chapter two fucking WHEN

This game was pure SJW trash and the fact the majority of Yea Forums enjoyed it is scientific proof this board is taken over by Reddit fags.

You can literally feel how forced the dialogue is over writing, which is an impressive feat to dedicate yourself to being that bad at your craft, but it was still a shitty game with a shitty story and a shitty sermon about friendship it practically forces down your throat. Literally cannot remember one single part of this game where I had fun.

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This game aged really poorly.

Metal Crusher > Death By Glamour

Same, when I first heard the song I totally thought, "Oh shit, Lancer's gonna fuckin' die isn't he". Toby almost did it too, the madman


What happened to Entrance of the Gladiators ended up happening to Megalovania. It's impossible to take seriously anymore.

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Yea Forums liked this game and sucked it off in the demo days, way waaay before you got here.
Fuck off, newfag. Go watch more JoJo's "I only watch this anime to fit in" Bizarre Adventure.

Not only is this true, but box Mettaton > Mettaton EX. Fight me.

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>he starts intentionally missing

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do do DO do

You don't have to call every slightly moralfag game "reddit". There are better descriptors than that. The gameplay is pretty weak, but I only stayed for the music.

Fun fact: Another Medium started out as a remix of the Homestuck track Doctor by George Buzinkai, though Toby decided not to release it in that state. The final track contains no traces of Doctor. Toby posted a sample of that earlier version on his blog. (Incidentally, another remix of Doctor, Savior of the Dreaming Dead, was one of Toby's first big tracks on Homestuck.)

Buzinkai died, presumably of suicide, last year.

Another Medium, original version (entitled Patient):

I imagine if Toby is confident enough to put out a Switch/PS4 port already it should be closer than we think

At most that would mean he's got a team put together and is ready to start development. It's gonna be at minimum 2 years for it to come out.

I wish Toby wrote the ending of Homestuck.

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No joke, if Susie ends up together with that fucking lesbian deer i will suicide bomb Toby's ass

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I think the game is only popular because it taps into the tranny/transsexual community's fears and intuitions that started in tumblr and has now spilled over into the rest of the internet.

Toby is a huge gay and his fans love him for it. It's disgusting.

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I wish a lot of things had gone differently.

He did it exclusively so people who don't have PCs (AKA japs) could play it too, DR is going to happen but don't expect it any time soon

Point me towards literally one trans character in Undertale/Deltarune.
And no, headcannons don't count.

Me too, user. Me too.

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No way he'd pull off the lesbian couple a 2nd time around

Add four years and you've got me.

He said in a Switch interview that he still doesn't have a team for DR but is writing the rest of it now anyway.

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He's going to. It's expected of him now, and he's smart enough to know that.

Yea Forums has liked it since 2013 you fucking electionfag.

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Undyne and Aphys arent a couple in this universe so there's gotta be another one to compensate

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The gender neutral main character.

yeah ok

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>no DR Muffet because she was a backer character

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It doesn't really make sense to go through with it, unless Noelle becomes a party member I can't see it being justified that her and Susie will have any kind of relationship past the one-sided crush

That's not trans.

christ its amazing that you're so entrenched in your own opinions that you take them as fact
why can't troglodytes learn that 'i don't like it' isn't the same as 'it's irredeemable garbage'

Watch it be the bird guy instead.

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Is it wrong that I originally thought that was a visor instead of him looking down?

Birdley as a party member is all i could ever ask for

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post yfw you saw
>but nobody came
for the first time

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Fuck I don't remember the exact sequence but I do remember this line very vividly, it was in the neutral route final boss.

Did you not play the game? It's extremely obvious in context

lgbtqia people who identify with Frisk think otherwise. You're really gonna tell them their emotions and feelings are wrong?

Oh I forgot it happens there too
I'm talking about when it pops up in Genocide with the creepy music after you've killed all the monsters in an area

I've never done a Genocide run.

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Be glad, it's painful
My friend's making me do it

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Yeah, fuck em. Manipulating easily influenced people like you into hating things that aren't actually all that bad.

Some of her dialogue shows she's clearly interested in Susie and wants to ask her out, but this is only the first chapter so who really knows if this will actually go anywhere later or it will just be left as a one-sided crush.

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I don't understand how anyone could kill Papyrus.

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I don't care about this conversation, i just wanted to get under you. I used to like this game but i grew up and i see past the highschool tranny fanfiction level of writing and simplistic baby parables. It's all so tiresome that people who are balls deep in mediocrity can't see the truth.

Because "tumblr shit" doesn't mean anything. Form your own opinions.

Love this game

user literally said no headcanons. Come on now.

>reach Papyrus fight
>Papyrus is sparing you
>fucking cry internally because I promised my friend I'd do a full Genocide run
>he says he knows I can do better as he dies
I can't fucking go any longer

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>noelle and susie in the same picture
DELET this
-t Krusie squad

>I used to like this game
The way you talk about it clearly means you fucking didn't. I doubt you even played it. I'm not saying that because I think the game is perfect, because it isn't, in that because all your buzzwords make no goddamn sense.
The game isn't even half the "highschool tranny fan fiction" you even make it out to be".

Now what you're gonna do is take my post, trivialise it by strawmanning in meme-text, and then act like you won.

imagine being so up your own ass you can't enjoy anything that doesn't bust down the doors of convention

You can renounce the path at any point before the last encounter with Mettaton, but I know your friend wants you to be a big boy gamer and fight Sans and all that.

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Papyrus is the only one I felt bad about killing

>not being Jusie squad

Which is weird because it's probably the least melodramatic death in the whole genocide route, infact it plays out very silly.
Yet, it's the one that hits the hardest.

>Game requires you be a superpacifist
>Game finally realizes "sometimes, fighting is necessary"
>End of the game

Yup. Sounds like great game design to me!

But that's exactly why
He's such a fun, innocent dude that just wants the best for everyone
He never stops being an optimistic homie

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I've enjoyed my fair share of RPGs but this game did not do it for me. And I usually enjoy RPGs that stray from the norm.

...then again, I guess I'm not fond of games where it's clear the dev was up his own ass and thought he was being "deep".

But the game doesn't end there, you fucking autists, lol.

The game doesn't require you to be anything retard, there are multiple routes


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>Toby has said literally multiple times that he just did that so it's easier to self-insert as the MC, which is always the goal
>some lgbtawrajhrlkadsf+ people come up with headcannon that it must mean Toby made the MC non-binary for real
So why the fuck do you believe them then, user?

Laziness 101. But this is Toby Fox, so people will call him a genius composer anyway.

Oh grow up. They're pixels.

He is a genius composer, because he was able to recycle old material and you wouldn't know until someone told you.
With projects like these, you have to cute corners sometimes.

>Media can't affect emotions

It's still real to me, dammit!

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Did you play the game? You get multiple routes but as far as the game is concerned, there's a right way to play.

>Stop treasuring the fact that a fictional narrative has managed to be impactful enough to inflict emotions within you.
>Stop immersing yourself, that's so childish. Just be dull and pessimistic, like me.
You must be fun at parties.

Post some of tobys shit

Oh right. Because then you have:

>Sloppy exposition
>New character you're supposed to suddenly care about
>Final boss you can't lose
>Cheesy ending and obtuse resolution

Doesn't get much better, really...

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>He is a genius composer, because he was able to recycle old material and you wouldn't know until someone told you.

Or if you're not fucking deaf.

You're so cool and mature. Impregnate me.

I can immerse myself, but at the end of the day, I know it's fucking fiction.

>new character you're suddenly supposed to care about
Nigga, Flowey was my driving force to play the game just because I wanted to see more of him.

I meant the Mimiga ripoff.

So why are you saying that it's not okay for that other user to immerse himself in Undertale?
I'm noticing a contradictory in your philosophy here.

is that /biz/

The "Mimiga Ripoff" IS Flowey, you fucking dunce.
God, you just proved to me and everyone in this thread that you haven't played the game and you're running your mouth about shit you know absolutely nothing about.
Apply yourself.

Because I'm not the one choking up about killing a fictional character. Especially one written to be a complete doofus who thinks he's hot shit.

i think you're responding to the wrong person, user
unless you're the one talking about how everything is contrived and how people are idiots for liking it

"Immersing yourself" implies exactly that, you ape.

>His fight was also similar to Toriel's
>mfw the Heartache motif kicks in
I almost feel it smack me across the face with realization when music projects such a clear image of a character's internal dialogue like that.

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>Because I'm not the one choking up about killing a fictional character.
Huh, I guess you could say that happened because he immersed himself.

I. Know. That. But I'm separating the charcaters because they're in different forms. Doesn't really matter since they're both weak characters to begin with.

You're a weak character.

>Claims to be the dark prince
>Lancer is right there
>He's a fucking liar
I'm fairly certain he's going to be the bully considering he's clearly going to be the traitor/main villain.

I think you can still immerse yourself but not really start bawling if you kill a boss character.

I don't think Toby Fox is the guy to completely ruin established characters just for the sake of subverting expectations with cheap shock value.
Some people may call him a hack, but he's not THAT much of a hack.

I also think you can feel emotional pain and sadness without literally bawling. Strange how things work, right? d

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Where did user ever say "oh yes, when I got to this part of the game, I literally started sobbing as tears streamed down my face"?
That's right, nowhere. He just expressed that it upsetted him to a degree and you're stretching it out of proportion.

wee woo wee woo
thought police here to tell you you're a faggot for feeling emotion in a vidya

this, the fight was 4x better if you accidentally killed toriel

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>when you realize dummy and spider dance are the same songs
I immediately recognized dummy was ghost fight, but I was listening to the demo OST since 2013.

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The way she behaved in Deltarune made me want to go back and get her deliberately.

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In defense of the position, I've cried at Danganronpa but at the same time, I don't think I would get that torn up about killing a character in a video game.

Oh gee, I don't get sad when I kill a fictional character of my own accord. I must be autistic.

Great logic, morons.

>Undertale: "The friendly RPG where nobody has to die."
Man, Cave Story must have fucked with Toby hard with Toroko and King.

to be honest the scene was kind of gay
but I'm gonna play again

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>Game is built on a conceit
stop the fucking presses, this has never happened before

It's appropriate, it's Chara's theme.
It's overrated tho.

>lmao what is leitmotif
>toby is a hack
>i know about music, im very intelligent

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You know, I can at least give Cave Story some credit for showing shit getting fucked. But at least if you played the game right, you get a sense of bittersweet hope from all the despair. Undertale just seemed to want to keep things at a level that held players to some naive standard of how pacifism works. That love and friendship will fix everything.

It just felt juvenile to me.

Muffet was one of the fucking backer characters?
Jesus christ, this guy's OC really made it to the big leagues.

>Waterfall is just Spear of Justice slowed down

Yeah no,he hates the crazy fanbase

i'm a baa

I couldn't give a fuck about 99% of these or most of Toby's work but Moonsetter really fucks with me for some reason. The first time I listened to it, I had to look for the source because I genuinely thought it was something I listened to as a kid, like those bargain bin child lullaby CDs my mom would play for me before I went to sleep. Nope, it's actually from fucking Homestuck, and I never even remembered listening to it in the first place.

It's got a pretty upbeat melody but listening to it really makes me want to cry. I will never understand the autistic psuedo-connection I have with this song. I still don't.

that's completely fine user
you don't have to feel anything that everyone else feels, and that doesn't make you better or worse than anyone
but if you start telling people that they should feel one way or another, that makes you come off as a smug prick, and people don't react well to that

She was already in the big leagues, more or less, as the creator of a popular webcomic called Ava's Demon.

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i feel the same way
shit like this makes me want to learn more about music so i can find out what that magic piece is.

I freaking love Undertale music

listening to moonsetter feels like someone is stabbing me in the heart but also patting my head at the same time like it's okay

>another medium
literally the best song in the game

Just restart before Asgore

Listening to Moonsetter as someone who unabashedly adored Homestuck until it went to complete fucking shit in the most heinous, disrespectful, unbelievable ways possible magnifies that feeling exponentially.

i get how it can feel kitsch to people, the themes are echoed all throughout saturday morning cartoons and all that
but i think the point was that people trapped in shitty situations are still people, and appealing to them with positive gestures and vibes can get you a lot better than acting like some turbodick violent-man
but that's my overanalyzed opinon and yours is yours so cheers man

Toroko didn't deserve it

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Finally someone's making some sense

fuck off reddit spacer

does anything taste more of wasted potential than homestuck to you?
i think hussie fucked himself with all the plot threads he left hanging and had to resolve at the eleventh hour

It still feels off to me. Especially when the narrative attempts to excuse the monsters that are...umm...shooting bullets at a child's soul? It comes off disturbing in a way that the monsters are excused, even when some of them express their desire to kill humans or are clearly hostile, but you're still encouraged to show love to them or else there's something wrong with you.

I found the ending of the pacifist route to be really impactful and satisfying because it makes you reflect on all your previous actions, and think about just how nasty and miserable things could have gotten, but you changed that fate.
You're filled with this overwhelming positivity because YOUR decisions brought you to that point, and honestly having a moral booster like that is nice to have in a video game every now and again.
The game didn't have to rely on edgy down to earth messages such as "bad shit will always happen and there's nothing you can do about it" while having a bitter-sweet ending, and honestly it's for the better because it's so overdone and it makes edgelords with low IQ feel unique and superior.
Undertale's pacifist ending is a celebration, it goes "yeah, life is actually pretty cool" and it's just really damn uplifting.

This doesn't apply to Cave Story because it did its endings pretty well, but all those other indie RPGs that try to be all intellectual with their edgy true endings can suck a dick.

I feel the same about sunslammer
That deserves to be the opening song on the revised Homestuck tv show if we ever get one

Nothing could ever come close. It resonated with me entirely too much.

best track coming thru

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Fuck, now i'm sad.

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Because Asgore destroying the main way you've won the fights up until this point and forcing your hand is pure kino

Shai'hulud, my friend.

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>which one is moonsetter again?
>play it
ah yes. that lovely piano. back in the day I had visions of a little animation where the whole cast slowly gather in a bar, having a good time, set to this piece. even the villains.
God those albums had some good shit on it. I think I tuned out after Volume 9, when the albums started to get megabloated. Did I miss anything good?

It was executed pretty well.
Any average JRPG would just keep the Mercy button and have the response be "It seems talking won't work in this situation.". basically got that ending by doing what the game wants. I mean it does ask you not to play it again because you essentially got the best outcome. Not sure how impactful it is to get the cliched "my friends are my power and love saved the day" ending just from essentially following the rules. It's not much different from any other game.

Not that a game can't have such an ending. I just find it odd that people praise this game when it ultimately doesn't do anything new or outstanding. Just sayin'.

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Hopes and Dreams/Save the World are the best tracks

i think it's kinda excused by the whole 'asgore's plan' subplot in a way
these monsters all had it built up that if they just got all these souls, then they could be free by a king who really didn't want anyone dead, but just wanted everyone to be happy.
most of the mobs you meet are kids in a way, where you could tell them a funny joke and they fuck off, satisfied, and that made me feel more for them, when they were talking about how they were all gonna be free at the end
also the part about them trying to kill you is undercut a bit by the fact you're functionally immortal
but if that didn't hit the right notes for you, fair enough

i think a lot of praise is overblown for it. it plays with the meta concept of it being a game fairly well, and since that concept wasn't something especially mainsteam, a lot of people blew it up into some grand magnum opus of all video games forever hey give it to the pope
however, i think it's unfair to imply that something has to be fantastic or do something new in order to warrant praise.

Bergentrucküng/ASGORE > Death by Glamour > Dummy!/Spider Dance > Hopes and Dreams/SAVE the World > Bonetrousle > Megalovania > Battle Against a True Hero > Heartache > Spear of Justice > Your Best Nightmare
fuck this is hard to do

Undertale was only ever intended to be discussed for a few months after release and quietly forgotten. Unfortunately for everyone, that's not what happened.

to me it was being able to do a genocide and a pacifist run what made me really love the game. the pacifist run was generic but it was done amazingly well but genocide was something a rarely ever experience in vida feeling bad about doing bad thing i will never forget when i one shoted tori or when i killed papyrus or the hype that was the undyne fight or the sans fight so i dont think undertale would be as loved with out the genocide run


>just from essentially following the rules
But the rules are
1) Kill enemies
2) Get exp
Like any standard RPG.
You only get rewarded with the happy ending if you subvert the genre's expectations of you.
I don't know about you but when I was younger, there were plenty of times where I felt bad for killing enemies, such as the little bandana guys in Wario Land Shake It.
Undertale essentially teases the idea of be-friending those cute little guys that you would typically be forced to kill, and I like that. It's an inviting concept.

I suppose the execution of it all was what underwhelmed me. I can't get over a character like Undyne chasing after a child to impale them with spears then give her the benefit of the doubt later. At times, it's as if Toby couldn't decide if the underground is a dangerous place or a goofy one and then he just fabricates reasons to make the monsters sympathetic that don't really add up.

I know about the whole immorality thing but I don't think that mitigates the problem in my opinion.

Originally, the game was a rote RPG with no ACT/MERCY mechanics and Toriel was meant to die. You could say he originally wanted to replicate that bittersweet tone.
I think Asriel/Flowey's character has remnants of that.

>no spider dance
shit taste

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For me, a game like Bravely Default did meta so well that Undertale just paled in comparison. And by the time Undertale released, we had Bravely Second and that did an even greater job at meta!

I can see him going this way with Deltarune, considering how your choices don't matter and all.

>people actually discussing undertale and not shitting on it

This is a good thread.

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not that user but i get why you think that but for me i got why undyne did what she did being trapped for who knows how many years will drive anyone to try to do what thy did and i think you being merciful reminds then that thy are not actually evil

Stanley Parable broke me of being impressed by meta in games, because it exhausted pretty much every conceivable way to be meta

i wanna know if deltarune is not connected to undertale why the fuck is gaster leitmotif all over deltarune?

It is not a direct sequel to Undertale. It's like an AU.
What is Gaster known for doing?

I mean the "be a superpacifist no matter what" rule.

And I get the idea of befriending monsters instead of fighting them. It just shouldn't be compared to other RPGs because those monsters aren't exactly showing your characters mercy either.

>or else there's something wrong with you
Where did you get that impression?

Watch people take the constructive points they made of Undertale, and treat them as flaws when they get applied to Deltarune.

Is there any good music in Deltarune aside from The World Revolving?

was in undertale he created the core and he fell in it and got shattered across time and space and he is all over deltarune

you sound like one of the people who can have things ruined by oversaturation.
i feel bad for you — not trying to be condescending— but it must genuinely suck to have stuff that's otherwise good ruined like that.
If i'm wrong, my bad.

>on release
>play quirky rpg with plot elements only there to subvert surface level expectations of indie games
>enjoy a lot
>two years later
>everyone overanalyzing it to fuck and calling it shit because it doesn't live up to arbitrary literary standards that anyone could tell you belong in a different time and place

Rude Buster
Field of Hopes and Dreams
Scarlet Forest
Lancer's Theme

rude buster and king and susie and lancer

I think it helps that the game itself addresses this.

>Despite whar the others might think, things up there might not be as nice as things down here. There are a lot of Floweys in the world.
>Don't kill, and don't get killed. Sometimes that's the best you can hope for.

It's not the oversaturation, per se, but what that oversaturation entailed. Sans has been reduced to a meme the way Shrek has. I can't even seen the original Sans when I look at him anymore, I can only see Sans "do do DO do" Undertale, the man with the blue slug penis.

My problem is that whatever mission she was on is immediately cast aside once you give her water. And this is following the part where you might've saved the Monster Kid. Right in front of her. But that doesn't stop her advance.

no offence but im so happy im not like that even if the internet "ruins" something it dose not affect my opinion on it

Oh yeah, telling people they don't have a choice sounds a lot like something you'd say when accepting inevitable tragedy. Could definitely make for a more dire tone than Undertale, considering UT's central notion of choice/determination runs counter to being loaded with shit you can't do anything about.

fuck yeah
Also the final menu theme and the remix of Undertale are very good

To be fair, youe choices didn't matter in Undertale either.

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am I crazy or does Rude Buster sound a bit like the Torna the Golden Country battle theme? obviously not instrumentally but stylistically

the reasone why she gives up after you give her a cup of water is because your in hot lands and she cant stay there she coudnt ever run two screens with out fallen down and i think that she was in denial beacouse humans trapped them for no reason so i can i can understand why she did what she did

Seeing Sans in Deltarune was so surreal after the years of memes

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They like the Demo you dumb faggot, the actual game is okay, but the people who enjoy it are Tumblr tier retards.

Why does such great music have to be trapped in such an autistic weeb game?

The underground was meant to be dangerous and goofy. I don't think that it's 'bad' in any way to mix the two.
And I think 'fabricate' is a bit disingenuous in this context. The entire story is set up so these monsters are literally trapped underground and are coping with it in different ways. Fabricate gives off the idea that Toby didn't think about it until he had to get to a certain plot point, and i think it's evident that the didn't do that:
Most of the monsters up until Undyne aren't trying to kill you, that's how they have conversations, via their souls. And Undyne's whole shtick was that she saw herself as the big hero girl who was going to save everyone by killing you, but then eventually found out that you're not some monster (ironically). The monsters in the CORE are trying to kill you because you're their enemy as dictated by years of Asgore unintentionally hammering in that you're their salvation from this dying world. It's not presented as a good thing that they're trying to kill you, but an understandable thing.

But you're right, the immortality thing only mitigates their actions from a meta point, not a moral point.

The mission was stopped because she was conflicted at that point. Some kid who is a big evil thing in her head just saved her life for all she knows (in actuality someone drags her back to her house even if you don't resuscitate her). She goes back because at that point, fighting you is a waste of her time and she's dealing with all of these Confusing Emotions that have popped up because you're not acting like the monster (again ironic) that you're supposed to be like.

Because people who bitch about anime on an anime website deserve nothing

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why do people compare earthbound and undertale i played both and other then the humer the games give me completely different feelings and thy play differently too

Now you're just being pedantic, punk. That basically is having something being ruined by oversaturation.
but if you disagree i respect your opinion

I get big feels from this one

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oh shit i forgot about spider dance lmao
i guess i'd put it between DBG and BAATH
>literally can't hear this song without tearing up

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They do it because of the quirky characters, and how it can evoke strong feelings of nostalgia, I think. It's mostly a subjective thing, though.


Any RPG that has jokes and houses in it will invariably be compared to Earthbound.

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You have OP to thank for that, for posting both text and a picture that only make sense if you know about the game slightly more than tangentially.

2023 IF we're lucky enough...

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>Undyne aren't trying to kill you, that's how they have conversations, via their souls.

I say fabricate to stuff like this because it comes off as forced. We never see an example of bullets being used for communication at all. Since most monsters can talk. Instead we see bullets used as weapons. Or they just hurt without meaning to, like in the Mad Dummy fight.

>Some kid who is a big evil thing in her head just saved her life for all she knows (in actuality someone drags her back to her house even if you don't resuscitate her).

So....saving the Monster Kid meant nothing, huh? Hmm...

>this is the music that plays on the undertale PS4 theme
toby is one motherfucker

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FUck, I thought that the fact it was on the eShop meant that stuff was semi-official.

I feel really weird about him raising a human child after killing so many

This. Sadly, the only thing these Earthbound inspired games get out of Earthbound is "LOL SO QUIRKY".

Seeing all the Muffet art...
I kinda miss writefagging for Muffet.

reminder that nigger gote > revealed gote

Who is the knight? Who's is the "Queen" that mentions Jevil? Fucking Toby is fucking that temmie backer girl instead of finishing the FUCKING GAME


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When Undertale's demo first released I remember thinking "even if the full game isn't that good I know I'll at least get a good soundtrack out of it" to justify putting aside money for it. The same shit is happening with Deltarune.

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The knight was Kris, who had ventured into the dark world before your SOUL entered his body. Note his armor in the dark world.

i hate and like the fact that he turnes back into flowey

it would have been too much of a sappy happy ending if he got his form back desu

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>the first game has decisions that impact the fate of the world
>the second game takes that freedom away and says "nothing you do matters"
>this is all to accumulate to an ending that Toby saw in a fever dream that was apparently so fucking good that he HAD to create both these games just to build up to it
This is it, isn't it? The endgame. The conclusion to vidya.
This ending will deconstruct the very concept of PLAYER INPUT.
God it's gonna be so fucking kino.

You never SEE bullets used for communication, but there's a lot of talk about how the human soul is VERY fragile when it comes to magic, as opposed to monsters. See Papyrus' fight, where he is basically just playing a game with you, and puts you in a bed when you faint from exhaustion, because he sees you as his friend playing a game with him at that point rather than an enemy, as indicated by his dialogue.

And as to the second point, I'm honestly starting to think that you're delibrately misunderstanding me a bit here. She was conflicted at the point in which you saved the monster kid, as indicated by her slightly listening to the monster kid post-fall, but still the bedrock that she had built her entire personality on was to murdering you and take your soul. She WANTED to see you as a villain because that would make it easier. She even has a brief line about how 'You didn't trick her' by saving that monster kid in order to make her spare you. At the point when you go out of your way to dump water on her head to rescusitate her, it's a bit hard to rationalize that you're some evil animal that needs to be put down when you did something entirely for her welfare after she tried to murder you.
I'm all for talking about the errors in the script, but you're really just taking stuff that you don't remember properly and trying to base an argument off of it.

>When the entire orchestra hits and marching snare starts
Hits me like a truck

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what's really kino is the fact he had a lot of the deltarune script word for wordthis before he even started the KICKSTARTER for undertale.
undertale was merely a prelude

are SMW, Sm64, and SMS lazy too?

i turned 18 a few months ago. eat shit boomer

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I didn't know that you could go back and see Asriel at the start of the game when I played it.
I feel fucking awful.

Is DR free in the eshop for everyone, or did you have to buy Undertale for that? I bought it on PC.

is just a demo at this point, so its free

That's right.


cant wait for the full ost


Why does Muffet make my dick so hard I'm goddamn terrified of spiders fuck shit I can't take it

Hopes and Dreams & SAVE the World
Bergentrucküng & ASGORE
Nyeh Heh Heh! & Bonetrousle
Spear of Justice
Dummy! / Spider Dance
Battle Against a True Hero
Your Best Nightmare

She's got it.

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undertale >>> all other tracks

It's kinda hard to describe how, and I've stopped rec'ing Undertale because of that.
The dev is a high profile EB fanatic, made romhacks and fan music from a young age. Because Mother is a major part of the creator's identity, you can feel it's ghost hanging around. There's a insistence on the writing carrying the whole thing, the humor is light and contemporary, gameplay is archaic looking but also unique, and it's in a simple/naive style.

hold up
deltarune's leifmotif is commonly don't forget
why does the menu then contain a melody more strongly associated with undertale, specifically, once upon a time
why does the menu show the trio in front of a fountain we haven't seen
so why is the music associated with another game, playing over what is clearly a scene we haven't seen before, titled fucking BEFORE THE STORY

did this motherfucker just covertly slide in a major spoiler into the menu of his demo

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I can't listen to this song because it's literally too emotional and a lot of the time I'm just not in the mood to go on a feels-trip.

I meant, "stopped rec'ing Undertale based on that"

It's common knowledge that Kris, Susie, and Ralsei are the "don't forget" trio Sans had a photo of, the trio we all assumed were just Sans, Papyrus, and Gaster before Deltarune happened.

I can't listen to this song without hearing the "Through the Fire and the Flames" lyrics.

>floweys theme is just the FUN song from spongebob
Toby is a HACK

He's such a fucking dork and punching bag

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I used to think he put a helmet on with a smiley mouth hole on it

I didnt realize he just inclined his head slightly until I saw a speedrun of the game years later

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>top comment
>Toby Fox is da best because I’m austistic- tire shit (((edited)))
>first reply
>don’t call him a good you insult Islam
Hahaha nice

I know, but it's neat to have more evidence pointing toward this, and I can't believe he'd have the chutzpah to show what looks like an endgame scene in the goddamn file select menu

>Playing for the first time
>Get to the Toriel fight
>Act doesn't seem to do anything
>Try to fight her a bit, thinking she'll start talking again when her health is low
>Get a random 800+ critical hit at the end
>Fucking dead

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God, there's no earthly way of knowing which direction this plot is going

hsg never dies

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Dreams don't die


I still love Savior of the Waking World, JOHN. RISE UP. was kino

It's all par for the course.
Toby wanted you to restart the game there and never touch the attack button again, like a good boy.

I kept charging foward and got an average ending
at least I made the snowman happy

the snowman knew you could've done better
he's a little disappointed in you, to be honest

Volume 9 was the worst numbered volume, and one of the worst albums overall, it's fucking absurd how bad it in compared to the rest. Not sure where you're getting bloated though, considering Volume 5.

The only other Volume to have come out is 10, and aside from some people complaining about the number of remixes, it's one of the best albums they've ever done, it's great.

Preach, I think that was the last page I truly enjoyed from the comic, though it's been ages.

Papyrus is unrealistically nice, makes me hate him. I pray DR makes him an asshole in some why that also justifies his unbridled optimism. Make him a psychotically maniac, so it justifies being mentally retardily happy, and you can also appear to trannies with brain problems too

That's not even the best song.

Even if this is bait, it's still painfully edgy.

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he's the pent up tension of a resolution absolute coming to fruitation that ends with your death and execution, both unwilling from victim and executioner but necessary as demanded by the entire civilization banking on him for freedom.

monsters could just wait for humans to die of old age but that would be a very boring game now wouldn't it.

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Personally I love Sburb threads
Seeing the kind of "session's fucked" bullshit myself and others can come up with is always fun.

He’s a stand in for Asriel so it’s privably going to be like he betrays you and it’s Kris’ way of coping with being betrayed by Asreil when he left of college or something

my nigger

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two notes as in how they sound not how many instances of sound.

jesus did your mom never tuck you in?

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I make sure not to kill anyone after that, and I kept that promise, except Flowey cuz fuck that guy

I really hope the dark world isn't straight up just kris's repressed angst turning into LARPing in the closet holy shit

>chara possesses kris
>wow kris ripped player out

/fit/ horse is the best minor monster
change my mind

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reminder that kris and susie are fated to be together

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>killed flowey
Hate to be that guy, buuuuuut *breathes in* IF YOU KILL HIM YOU'LL BE JUST LIKE HIM

He's based on something from Homosuck.

Oh god, it's this fucker again with his stupid headcanon.

dont give me that batman logic
the punisher makes more sense by virtue of math alone

I thought he was based after one of Tobys room mates

>reenaction of the chara scene in the first game
explain this

Both are true.


"Reenaction" isn't a word.
Try again.

Nothing even changes in the dialogue or the scene at all whether you kill her or not, it's written to be ambiguous as to whether he even knows her fate, yet the symbolism of her death is there in the throne room just in case there's the context for it to mean something. I can't decide if it's genius or toby just couldn't be arsed to make that part be branching

Can't believe I was here for the first threads about this game's development, feels like a lifetime ago.

>undertale is a cesspool of autism and memes I want no part of
>game is actually fun and has one of the best vidya soundtracks I've ever heard

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im just here for the gote porn

Archive or any screenshot? Legitimately curious.
If you're just talking about threads discussing the demo, then never mind.

uhh bump

it really do be like that sometimes

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what do you think was the x-factor that made it so popular, and led the fanbase to ruin?

So how did Undyne use determination to keep herself alive? I thought only humans could do that

by being determined, user
that actually is the explanation, funnily enough. determination does have deleterious effects on monster bodies though, as evidenced by the amalgams and her melting

A lot of people don't really know earthbound and parrot other people based on what they hear.

I wanna cuddle him

Not him but I have assburgers and I can still immerse myself in a videogame and empathize with the characters, in fact I'd say I have a much easier time empathizing with videogame characters than real people.

I gave up my genocide run after killing papyrus because its boring as fuck. I really wanted to fight sans too because I love a challenge.

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Best lass
No contest

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Best ending ever.

>The heroine that NEVER gives up
>Undyne points heroically towards the sky
>Undyne suplexes a large boulder, just because she can
>Undyne thinks of her friends and pounds the ground with her fists.

why is the flavour text in these games so fucking good

>game gives the greatest kemoshotas in the past few years
>tumblrtards still obsess over literally any other characters
lol never change Yea Forums

>The wind is howling. You're filled with determination
>The howling wind is now a breeze. This gives you determination
>The wind has stopped. You're filled with determination

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saus pleas

But this is objectively correct though

>SJW trash
Stopped reading there. Just because the game has gay character doesn't mean its out to wipe out all straight people in the universe buddy.

those calling it tumblrtrash are the tumblr users, they do it because they feel like they claim ownership

>2:49 kicks in
>The mosters tell you of how Asgore and Toriel lost both their kids in one fell swoop
>Then they go one to talk about how Asgore will save them all

That sequence came at you like a truck.

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If he does pull the traitor thing then he's just another Hussie who happened to make something good once instead of always making trash.

The New Home area is utter vidyakino


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>listening to the omega flower final phase music again
How does Toby make music so epic and climactic? How does he do it?
God damn, god fucking damn. I'm still not used to this song.
It's a remix of the first song you ever hear, and initially it was such a playful and goofy track that played before you had any clue what was going on. But after everything that happens, all the events that take place, this song comes back with a booming new rendition and my god it just fills you with so many different emotions all at once.
This game came out in 2015 and all these years later, the soundtrack still effects you as if you are in the heat of the moment. You just don't get desensitised to the music, it has so much fucking life and soul.
It's a good thing that beyond all the disagreement, all the shitposting, all the fandom hate, everyone can come together and agree the OST is goddamn god-like.

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great gif, thanks

Quite literally everyone agrees upon the fact, that Toby's soundtrack for UT is absolutely amazing
Only people that do not are either contrarian faggots, stuck up niggers or baiters

She's basically fish Kamina

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>I've never finished the game

Finishing the game and completing the game are two differents concepts ya git

Neither of the other routes have endings

big pingas in his ass

>Going to have to wait at least 7 years before we can see the literal fever dream ending to Deltarune Toby came up with before he even stared making games

>Both are true
So Hussie was keeping both Toby and a sweaty horse-lover in his basement?

>at least 7 years
It's *at most 7 years.
Stop mixing words.

No? It just gives you consequences for your actions. I mean, what DO you expect to happen if you're going to destroy the world?

>as far as the game is concerned, there's a right way to play
Yes, it's called the genocide route.

Hussie was the sweaty horse lover. He probably designed Aaron. There's an "A.H." in the special thanks. Tried to downplay it, but we know.

Mettaton? I mean, he went from genderless ghost to male, so it technically counts?

I agree on the top 3 at least. It really is a good soundtrack.

>Doesn't really matter since they're both weak characters to begin with.
Oh come on, Flowey/goat is always superficially smug and loves your misery, but is also torn by inner conflict himself. And if put in his circumstances, there's no guarantee anyone wouldn't turn the same way. This is basically How To Give Villain Depth 101

Papyrus is at the very least flawed in his stupidity. I have to constantly see people who are nice AND smart. This is so humiliating

Power of NEO > everything else

Reminder that the Soriel fanbase eclipses both the undertale and deltarune communities. Liking the works of Toby Fox is synonymous with shipping an ancient grandma and an apathatic manchild. This is the truth.

>"Human. It was nice to meet you."
Peak of the whole game, I hope Deltarune can find a way to top it.

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Toby single-handedly convinced me that music is the most powerful tool in making a game stick with people

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I'm glad you see the light now but people have known that music is one of the most powerful tools to portray emotion since... well, since ever.

t. haven't played the game

This person gets it.

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I want to like True Hero more but the instrumentation is too flat
ZUNpets are great though

The original slower version of ASGORE was way better.

>what is a thematic reprise

For all they know, humans are naturally hostile, children or not. It's your job to either convince them otherwise, intimidate them through force or get rid of them altogether.
None of Cave Story's endings were about despair or bittersweetness. There's a bad ending, which is not really dark but rather "hey fuck you for choosing this", there's a normal ending, which is happy other than the fact that Curly and Misery are dead and Ballos is alive, and there's a "true" ending where you can basically fix everything.

This, it's genuinely kind of brilliant design when you start up again and Flowey taunts you about knowing what you did establishing the meta story.

Wasn't megalovania just ripped from deleted earthbound songs?

Yes user, all the monsters know is that they were imprisoned underground by the humans, and that life was better when they were above ground.
You can think of the monsters as white nationalists and the humans as literally any race that's not white. They hate it and treat it with hostility because they don't know any better, and once you show them that humans are capable of more than just evil they grow as characters.

But none of that works if you give in to the fucking stereotypes and hatred and attack back. If you attack then you prove their theories right. You have to set the example that shows them they are wrong in order for them to change.

The Ace Waters version of Bergentruckung is pretty lit.

No, it was inspirered (actualy inspired, not ripped off) from song megalomania from jrpg live-a-live. Firstly, he used it in his hack. Then reused it in homestuck. And then in undertale.
For 90% of encounters monsters don't even know you are human and don't think that bullets will hurt you.

I agree that none of the endings come off as especially bittersweet, but I'm guessing that what user meant was that defeating Ballos won't bring King, Toroko, the dragon hatchlings and all the other innocent lives that were taken back.

Asgore was the peak boss battle in that game IMO. It had a perfect feel to it, and the set up of "two reluctant foes fighting because they have no choice" is amazing.
The later bosses like Flowey and Asriel are too over the top for me and use tropes I've seen in tons of other media. They literally the "LET'S USE THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP!" trope that has been done to death.

For some odd fucking reason, it ain't available

Already found it, but thanks anyway senpai

>Toby pretending the two games aren't directly related isn't helping
>Switch version literally says you need to play Undertale to understand Deltarune

This fight was fucking great. Very nice touch that you could remark about how many times he's killed you before.

He'll rip off this part from P3 (close DW permanently and/or forget it exists to stop notChara or whoever is the big bad guy) then make a final chapter where you refuse to let go

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Da baba ba ba ba ba baa baa ba ba ba bah bah bah bah

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Pff, with chapter 1 already out on the Switch?

Battle Against A True Hero = ASGORE >>> Megalovania

>But none of that works if you give in to the fucking stereotypes and hatred and attack back.

I dunno, that sounds one sided to me. So a rampaging fish lady can chuck spears at someone but the moment that person takes a swing in retaliation, they're branded as evil?

How do you feel about this?

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You can spare monsters with low health, you just shouldn't fucking kill them.

turn the other cheek, be the better man, and other jesus bullshit bla bla bla

nah but seriously i liked that the whole game is based around the concept of being able to resolve traditional RPG conflict by just talking things through with enemies

The game will be about the discarded vessel on a quest to kill the autistic kid and save humanity. Deltarune is a HFY story.

Isn't this literally the story of Hollow Knight?

>For 90% of encounters monsters don't even know you are human and don't think that bullets will hurt you.

So...they can't realize when someone is in pain, that's what you're saying. When you consider that they're a natural danger to humans, it's easy to understand why they were sealed away. So why is the point of the game to free them into the outside world again?

Homestuck Megalovania was the only good one



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i guess but deltarune doesnt have a cute princess charac-

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>DR comes out
>Its not about the yellow child, the dragon or the goats at all
>Its about an empty little homonculus in the human world dealing with void shit

Still sounds rather one-sided and biased for the monsters

I do too. I just wish the game didn't basically amount to something PETA would do. "Woe are the monsters, being killed by the humans they attack".

Its not tumblr shit though, its literally oldfag Yea Forums shit.

I'm calling it now they'll be a lab level filled with incomplete/dead vessels. And they'll be the first humans kris has ever laid eyes on, dead little semi-humans that all look strangely like him. didn't know this before Memetale 2? Oh my god, why are people putting this guy on a pedestal as if they've never heard music, let alone emotional music before? Other composers exist out there besides Toby Fox, guys. Other games have great music too. It's really not that special?

I still can't believe a pro wrestler came out to Undertale music
Shit was pretty kino

Attached: 1542879670177.jpg (593x610, 91K)
That opening riff would have sold me on Homestuck if I didn't know any better

you can't deny that the alphys/undyne shit was tumblr as fuck

>That horrendous guitar tone
Oh god, that twang is out of control.



>He didn't start posting at 10

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Dont fuck when

And the random guards that are gay for no reason.

It's RAW

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>homosexuality immediately has to be made synonymous with tumblr
God, fuck off.

Muffet is waifu.Also yes box is better in design.

>people need a reason to be gay

i did, back in 2010

>/u/ is tumblr shit now
Fuck off, will ya?

>starting browsing Yea Forums at 12
>that was almost 12 years ago

Attached: mgs where.jpg (700x525, 231K)

Let there be a threesome or let you get in a relationship with any character and shit

>implying i was referring to the fact that they're fags
i couldn't give less of a shit but thanks for putting words in my mouth. i was referring to their mannerisms and how they acted. i used to date a tumblrina who was the spitting image of alphys

>tumblr houses the most obnoxious people
>/u/ is the most obnoxious board

>/u/ is the most obnoxious board
>Said on Yea Forums - Video Games

In his home dumbass.

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did you notice that Alphys is kind of a fucking loser and bad person in general

Attached: alphys.png (1920x1080, 31K)

Yea Forums is full of normalfags and retards, but that in of itself doesn't necessarily make it obnoxious

>implying deltarune will ever be finished now that Toby’s music friend mercd himself, the autistic fanbase is screeching more then ever, and the overwhelming pressure that smashes down upon him will destroy any faith he holds in the project
Also the massive fuck of schedule and Muffet isn’t there so whatever.

Just when you thought you couldn't cringe any harder.


Autistic scalie doesn't like being possessed and really loves pie.

-your eyes lay upon this post.

Well, did it add anything to the story? You make one of them get sweaty and strip to entice the other. Then they leave. Okay. Great. Kind of a waste of time.

None of the "interactions" add anything to the story, you sperg. They're all "creative" ways to prevent a fight. Whether it's petting a dog, making a group of friends ditch Jerry, or telling two guards that they're into each other.

wow, I always thought that guy was saying "GET 'EM"

Critics will call her a bad person. The game won't. Because da monstuhs din du nuffin.

I'm getting deja vu from this argument.

loved this song as well, even though I was a fucking retard in the lava stages and couldn't solve those movement puzzles, I loved hearing this on repeat for like 2 hours

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She calls herself a bad person. There are several endings where she's implied to commit suicide out of guilt for being such a bad person, bringing her few friends to harm to satisfy her delusions and keeping secrets because she's ashamed of what she's done.
She gets a happy ending in THE happy ending because like everyone else, she recognizes she's done wrong and wants to change for the better.

Sometimes I wonder how I'd have turned out if I hadn't found this place after hearing it was where all the memes were born, then becoming debilitatingly addicted to mlp, while also gaining some weird, /d/ fetishes after a few months
I love it here, but maybe i'd have been more socially adjusted? I dunno

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It adds flavor, like pretty much every other random fight in the game. If every pointless interaction was removed the game would be bland as hell.

Yeah but it only gets me wondering three things:

1. Why did it take a random kid's shenanigans for them to realize they're into each other? I assume they've been together for a some time.

2.I wonder what the reception would've been if the stripping one was female.

3. They left and forgot to complete their mission....

I don’t really care if Susie is a lesbian or not but I don’t think her and Noelle’s personalities mesh too well. Even if Alphys and Undyne have different personalities, the reasons that the two having for liking each other makes sense, but I can’t see it working for Noelle and Susie

I don't know if this is bait or not, but you need to stop. Your intentions are clear to all of us.

well isn't that the eternal debate of fate vs absolute free will? maybe you were always meant to end up here, with the rest of us, or maybe you made a choice to join us, unaware of the ginormous effects it would have on you, your personality, lifestyle and tastes. In the end, our inability to see alternate realities leaves these thoughts as merely escapism from our current choices. We can't see our alternate presents, but we can build or future, so if you daydream of being more socially adjusted, you can instead start planning it for the future. Good luck in your journey user, I'll be here if you wanna stick around for a bit more.


Oh do explain what my evil machinations could be. Until then, I literally have no idea what you're talking about.

Better than Megalovania.


>Why did it take a random kid's shenanigans for them to realize they're into each other?
you obviously have no experience with homoromance, plus its expected from them to act manly/serious because they are royal guards
>I wonder what the reception would've been if the stripping one was female.
>They left and forgot to complete their mission....
that is a common theme in modern and ancient media


Attached: bros.png (500x270, 185K)

That was really heartwarming, man. Thanks.

>you obviously have no experience with homoromance...

Does that usually involve two people ganging up on a kid then realizing they're in love? And I'm not sure if they mention the fact that they were held back from expressing their feelings, just that they NOW realize they like each other in that way...

....because one of them took off his armor. Hmm.

eat shit

No problem, boblem.

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now youre just baiting at this point, actually trying to compare a videogame with literal monsters with irl relationships? are you retarded? but i will bite:
>Does that usually involve two people ganging up on a kid then realizing they're in love?
yes, exactly like that
>And I'm not sure if they mention the fact that they were held back from expressing their feelings, just that they NOW realize they like each other in that way
ever felt the romantic tension between two friends that see each other and like each other very much? probably not, but let me tell you, people wonder about romance and what coulve-beens, and some other people have a hard time expressing their feelings, to the point they might never even talk to the person they are infatuated with (not what happens in game but it happens a lot irl) so its not so implausible for this to happen ingame, i think it was a nice touch
>because one of them took off his armor. Hmm.
its silly because its a joke, you see this kind of dogshite in a truckload of manga and anime and other types of silly media

I want to fuck Ralsei's tight (girl) pussy and cum in her womb as Kris walks in, shattering his stupid autist mind as he sees me dominating an avatar of both his mother & brother.

>Now youre just baiting at this point, actually trying to compare a videogame with literal monsters with irl relationships?

Um...but you literally just said:

"You obviously have no experience with homoromance."

>And some other people have a hard time expressing their feelings, to the point they might never even talk to the person they are infatuated with (not what happens in game but it happens a lot irl) so its not so implausible for this to happen ingame, i think it was a nice touch

Sure, but it's not made any better by the fact that this confession came from one of them stripping and enticing the other. Doesn't really come off as heartwarming.

>its silly because its a joke, you see this kind of dogshite in a truckload of manga and anime and other types of silly media

Are you assuming I don't think it's stupid there either?

My man

did you really expect the joke to be heartwarming?
>reddit spacing
never mind lol

>game has gay villain

>This exact melody is found in basically every song in the game
what the fuck does it MEAN TOBY

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>Reddit spacing

Um, what? What is this meme?

No you see, Toby is going to make Susie friendzone Noelle.

At some point people started to feel insecure of having spaces between lines, because Reddit does so.

>temmie backer girl
can't tell if this is bait but temmie is the second major player in undertale and deltarune. pretty much any art in the games that doesn't look like it was done by a preschooler, she did.

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There are lot of good games with soundtracks that are just as good. Mother 3 comes to my mind

But man, Toby is a fucking genius of video game composition. His music is eclectic, evocative, and it feels like another element of his games (but all of these fucking jams are very listenable when not playing the games too)

Why can't you faggots remember that it DIDN'T solve everything? Asriel is fucking dead.

>At some point people started to feel insecure of having spaces between lines, because Reddit does so.
Reddit doesn't have spaces between lines, reddit and most forums like it require you to press enter twice to make a new line. There's literally no reason to type this way outside of those forums so doing it here means you're a redditor that's doing it out of habit

You are

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>retty much any art in the games that doesn't look like it was done by a preschooler, she did.
You're going to need to be more specific

I want to marry Asgore!

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Best husbando:

I barely go to Reddit. This is just how I type because I'd rather keep my statements organized.

cringe as fuck
feeling sexually attracted to autistic skeletons is worse than sonic deviant autism tier

You know you can create normal paragraphs like a normal person here
at least you admit it

>dummy that low
Stopped reading right there

>Jevil's theme was almost heartache instead of the world revolving
holy shit, thank god we're in this timeline

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Bro...after you exit the dark world, you can investigate the room. Every single setpiece and area is based on something inside. Even our boi jevil

>when greentexting and quoting is color-coded anyway

that's gross user

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Yoko Shimomura >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Toby "Anime is Real" Fox.

You cannot deny the woman is a fucking boss.

if I liked undertale would I like earthbound? should i play the nes game first? what's the deal with mother 3?

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So that means she wasn't responsible for the horrendous design of the alien looking Jaundice Boy, huh?

Heartache doesn't fit Jevil at all, glad that didn't happen

Notice I said "go to". As in "visit". My typing style has nothing to do with Reddit you fucking buffoon.

The worst decision by far in Undertale was making Sans the end boss in Genocide. Asgore actually getting serious would've been a far better fight, but instead of that we get him dying to flowey and proving that Toriel was right calling him a wimp.
He needed that redemption arc, man

Attached: it hurts to live.png (255x199, 36K)

Yoko Shimomura is a goddess; her range is incredible. Street Fighter 2, Radiant Historia, Kingdom Hearts, etc. she's incredible

Still, Toby is incredible as well, for different reasons. I feel like the music in his games is as important as the stories and mechanics

More than likely, you will. They're very different games but it's extremely clear where their similarities lie.

Also Mother 3 is the best game ever made

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>Other user can't think of a response to this so he ignores it and continues with another reply chain

Undertale is nowhere near Earthbound, no matter how much it tries to be.

And Chara was powerful enough by the end to take on at least a six souls ASGORE so it would have been cool