Please post funny Video game memes.
Thank you,
Please post funny Video game memes.
Thank you,
after you
I used to play LoL with some fucker who made a huge fucking deal of killstealing, the retard didn't understand any core mechanics in the game. He thought that killstealing was killing anyone who someone else had initially attacked, even if that someone else was getting raped by the target. So you'd save the fucker from a gank and kill his gankers and he'd go "don't fucking killsteal from me again"
u might not like it but this is what the optimal pos 1 looks like
try facebook faggot
It better fucking happen, pepe.
ty dog
Am I a shitty person if this is actually how I feel?
Only look at the filename if you can't get the joke.
You gonna start us off or what OP? still waiting
Why was this game so terrible again?
wtf is this???
How about this one
I don’t get it what’s the name on the bottom?
I hate u all so much even though u post it ironically
X Factor
>I can actually remember when this image was new
Kill me.
indeed you can still find a game very easly
I only recognize the boss because of Yugioh, I still don't get it
>no fun allowed
Pannenposting and Pacha edits in early 2016 was old Yea Forums's dying gasp before fully succumbing to Reddit
Sun was so fucking hot. Jin didn't deserve her.He didn't deserve to die either
>Using has hand on not the mouse cursor
Does anyone else unironically miss these type of memes?
Us gamers, huh?
Yeah, old rage comics were great before Reddit caught wind of them and ruined the whole thing.
I miss when Yea Forums was...dumber? Goofier? Back when they made fun of SERIOUS BUSINESS instead of engaging in it.
Holy fuck I hate children
This is actually funny, user
if only for their innocence
i should've known better
No, because they’re missing wojaks and pepe
Acting retarded was considered funny, and the whole "Yea Forums is filled with smart people acting retarded" made at least a bit of sense in the idea that these people were smart by making a specific type of humor that didn't exist on the internet (or anywhere for that matter) back then, that was pretty much a starting point, what made it interesting, a juvenile, and yet, kind of insightful, kind of humor.
Then that shit was stolen by reddit faggot and then regurgitated for 9gag and the rest is history.
Th-the absolute mad lad
Rebecca is a gremlin jesus
Hey, look. It's the loss guy
Mother of god...
I just realized after all these years I've never seen a loss edit of this. I miss when every new strip got a loss edit.
I bet half the people on this board now don't even know who fuckley is.
>He says that in a thread that's supposed to be shit-tier humor
Who the fuck comes up with this retarded, random bullshit?
Retarded, random people.
>Please post funny Video game memes.
funny how nowadays is Yea Forums who catches wind of the latest /int/ or /pol/ meme and ruins the whole thing, while claiming they made them
I genuinely wonder how Buckley feels about making the most recreated piece of art in the 21st century.
Some of these are funny
delete this
this is genuinely hilarious
Uf you find this funny yuo aren't a real gamers...
>"i love water" shirt
Best part of this edit
Why did I laugh?
I don't know what you're talking about. this actually made me chuckle
why george lucas of all fucking people
i laughed by just looking at the thumbnail
This seems like a good enough thread to ask.
How have Pepe and Wojak not only managed to stay relevant, but even evolve in tandem with one another into totally different strains of memes. It's actually kinda crazy.
2016 was a crazy year
Will you make this public so I can share it?
They are the only truly immortal memes
>Still playing MOBA
Yeah, like 50% of the gaming community.
they're forced memes.
elder god here, get on my level
That's probably her first time. My two sons play the SP and ds just fine
Holy shit I must have been a sperm while watching my grandpa play that.
Reddit cringe
dead after they removed copter.
aint funny, but it sure is true.
How's that backlog going?
I said mad lad, dummy 4channer
>that one guy who gets absolutely assblasted when someone takes "their kill" in an online coop/team based pvp game
Anyone here who acts like "that guy", should honestly just stick to singleplayer games.
I bet they scream at NPC killsteals too.
Whenever someone gets mad at killsteals, I start trying my best to do it on purpose just to spite them
Why does the black man bike into the cucks mouth
Holy crap that scared the shit out of me
It's 4channeler
Didn't mean to keep sage on whoopsie
You tell those smelly redditors, user.
Knuckles is a wise and strong character but really needs to stop skipping leg day
Does anyone else want to slap this kid really hard
>god, what a bunch of freaks
I hope they return to single player again. Dark Sector is my number two after Space Marine for the Gears of War clones.
>wanting to look like a grotesque mutant with leg tumors
i don't get it. What the fuck is she trying to do?
>152 gamers online
Back when the word "gamer" actually meant something.
Fucking kids I swear to god jesus christ, this generation is absolutely fucked
>Have a kid who is born in a modern society with touch screen devices in their pockets
>Give them a device with a screen and they try testing for touch functionality since that was probably the most experience they had with electronics
Gee I wonder
>Children grew up with Touch Screen devices all around them
Whoever came up with it is a genius and you're a retard for getting mad at it.
>back then, when even consolefags actually knew that humor is a thing
Fuck reddit and fuck /pol/
Zoomer thinks it's a touchscreen.
Why do people buy dogs whose brains don't fit in their skulls from shithead dog breeders making money from perpetuating misery?
You cock, I haven’t lost in years.
They were pure
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up.
You appear to have saved and reposted an image from your mobile device without checking for if it has been compressed or not. Whoops! Did you know, phoneposting measurably reduces the quality and fidelty of images circulated across the Internet? This is because opening large images on a phone redirects to a resized image that is capped at x1024 and converted to .jpg! If the user downloads these images without checking the url, they will be getting the converted image, not the original! Once these inferior images are reposted by the phoneposter, and saved by another, they lose their m.jpg tag, which is a primary indicator of their origin and the malicious act perpetrated by the phoneposter!
Phoneposting is already poor form due to its pernicious effect on the post quality and culture of this imageboard. If you must phonepost, please check your image urls before downloading them! If you see the "m", remove it and launch the page. If you get a 404, replace ".jpg" with ".png" instead. It's foolproof!
Now, there's no need to thank me. I'm just doing my part in ensuring that the greater image pool on Yea Forums and the Internet is not being degraded!
>saved in 2008
A real oldfag.
Early virgin/chad meme
>people unironically posting garbage from facebook and reddit
Jesus fucking christ, fucking normalfags everywhere.
Imagine actually getting mad at these images and not just having a little chuckle
Just use Clover, nerd
>that fucking pinball game
Fuuuuuuuuuuck I used to play that shit for hours on my uncles computer as a kid.
I like that dog. It is funny dog. Read the previous two sentences with a thick Armenian accent.
0/10, not enough sneed
>it's fucking real
>Not exclusively phoneposting
I'm still waiting for an edit where the dex boy is standing over the body of the defeated strength guy.
At least use clover to deprive gookmoot of ad money and allow yourself to save full sized images
>2. I'm Brian
Incredibly based. Not even memeing
pic not related
My favorite edit
Yea Forums between the era of Rozen Maiden and Code Geass literally posted light RP and emotes
>omg I can't believe Suzaku and Lelouch are fighting!! ;_;
and there was literally 0 irony about posting like that, and 0 people flamed posts like that. Even moot himself used to almost never capitalize even when outside of Yea Forums and typed kinda like a retard, though he was usually assumed drunk.
Has anyone saved the arkham city cover edit?
holy cringe
>What men grew up playing
FFFUUUU- Actually, no, wait. I was 23 years old when Minecraft was released. So I suppose that technically I *am* a man who “grew up” playing Minecraft! Unless you don’t really consider me a man, but a man-child! Ha ha! Amirite, gaiz? Gaiz?
>>omg I can't believe Suzaku and Lelouch are fighting!! ;_;
wtf this is based discussion
Would Yea Forums watch a Sonichu movie?
Lord, I dream of taking his place
I still don't understand this. Why does the fat guy show up? Why?
>le necro-skullfuck
Legit can't tell if you're a newfag or just being ironic.
That's sakurai dummy
yeah, the postbots malfunction from time to time
alright, hidden info here, but if you have been on Yea Forums for ages you might already have noticed this but... this place is compromised.
Even though we are supposed to be at the highest population-wise, the boards are slower than they used to be. Why that is? Very simple, there's no longer a single board of any type, there isnt a single Yea Forums, in fact there are many, you are just funneled along with a small population to your own specific Yea Forums and a very high percentage of posters are either bots or/and shills. The bots are designed to keep you occupied, in the illusion that there is board traffic, that people are doing single post jokes and whatnot. Have you ever noticed how so many recent posts seem so dislocated from their own images?
This site has long died, liberty has died, this is how you kill someone's, you dont even let him know he's dead. you know all that weird coding in Hiro new versions? You thought it was some sort of bitcoin miner but it was worse, it was so much worse
Like a documentary about them? I would.
Fuck this. I'm talking a movie directed by Chris himself
Post the collection of uncensored versions please. His comics suck but I can nut to these with some effort.
I don't understand why this makes people angry
Girl seems deeply in thought regarding this subject.
I didn't actually save it because they were all pretty bad. Have robots instead
kind of related -- i've been playing PUBG since the second month of its beta and i just found out about "thirsting" yesterday, and that people actually -- get this -- get "mad" about this. i'm so glad i don't follow any sort of meta. it's probably why i'm top 0.02% and grandmaster last season
Haha, user, don't be stupid.
Run while you still can.
there will never be another miiverse
Minimalist meme this
Even better, my penis thanks you.
>in the 21st century.
Try ever. You don't seem to comprehend how vast the internet is and how many people can make a "loss" so fucking easily, it's literally nine lines in it's simplest form.There's no way in hell shit like mona lisa and starry night have been parodied/recreated more, even with a massive head start.
I'd be more concerned that we already have ai capable of legitimate shitposting than the fact it's actively doing so
>not naming it gamer_fuel_threads.jpg
Holy shit
>food analogy
Same reason why image searching 'White European History' will give a bunch of black people. Black Israelites signal boost their own articles about 'real white europe,' and they all titled their shit the same, so much so that they quickly took over the algorithm and made that specific term return images linked to their articles. Nowadays enjoy triggered chuds articles that achieve the same result. All someone had to do was add a tag word of Sakurai to that image, and through botted clicking you can boost it from page 200 to first result.
the hidden peak of technology is always several decades ahead of what's public.
a few of those names are from 90s hockey players. Nogilny (alexander mogilny), Furcotte (darren turcotte), Smehrik (richard smehlik), dugnutt (ron tugnutt), and dourque (ray borque).
The baseball names i recognize are glenallen (glenallen hill), mcsriff (fred mcgriff), and dustice (dave justice).
Put the deepdive vr headset in the bag
>Bobson Dugnutt
My penis cant self insert as a strap on and I hate when I see man asshole in straight porn
I almost had a heart attack because I fapped three times in a row once. Not even a joke, I actually felt I was going to fucking die
Google search algorithms were showing gorillas when searching up certain black people, so they fucked with it to make sure it doesn't happen.
Or it was a false flags by da joos to make an excuse to flood google images with pictures of niggers, therefore genociding the white race. Either one really.
what is this and why does it o
at least this one is actually accurate. the last "learn their lingo" thing I saw referred to Yea Forums having a "friendly rivalry" with reddit and "you have to go back" referring to mexicans
Or he fucked up and posted his rule 34 from the clipboard
>an artist in Finland
It's not really that funny tbh.
does anyone habe a pdf of this?
Hell I'd take a dump in him
Actually pretty clever.
what the fuck
No. Same goes for that puppy one I forget the name of. Also fuck demotivationals. Also, wait what the fuck. Those rage faces are from the r*ddit era.
HE must dug his nut in hoes alot.
Well, strength is much more important than dexterity in real-life archery, so...
Things really never change, do they?
If they had video games in Pompeii would the Romans have put it on the graffiti?
>fuck claudius the screenlooking fag
It isn't.
>Or it was a false flags by da joos to make an excuse to flood google images with pictures of niggers, therefore genociding the white race. Either one really.
can't tell if satire or not. Bravo.