Boy, I sure hope nothing bad happens to m-

Boy, I sure hope nothing bad happens to m-

>Someone drops your book when the teacher isn't looking

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The hell are y fronts?

Tighty whities

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>You are in the playground in front of the school. Some students are running around and playing, as the facilities stay open for a couple of hours. You see Whitney hanging out by the gate.
post yfw

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can I get a quick rundown on this

Degrees of Lewdity. It's a text-adventure game where your goal is to not get raped, and everything is out to try and rape you.

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>It's a text-adventure game where your goal is to not get raped, and everything is out to try and rape you

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The briefs I wore as a child had a little flap in them, I guess y fronts don't have a flap to stick your dick through?

Why does hanging out with the new NPC suck so much? She's cute, but holy shit your social stat plummets whenever you're with her. Her giving you pepper spray kinda makes up for it, but it's not worth getting harassed whenever you're within a 2 kilometer radius of school.

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just climb over the rear fence.

Pretty much. You can also wear panties if you want, but I'm not playing no sissy twink faggot, so I gotta stick with y-fronts or briefs.

You think I can afford getting my pants ripped when I'm also paying for Robin? My money is already low enough as it is, and I don't feel like finding out what happens when you fail to pay because I have to keep spending money on new clothes.

oh shit nigga is that a dol thread?

Yes it is. How you enjoying the new update? With pepper spray, I finally feel confident in exploring the deep sewer. Still scary as fuck, though.

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So, what is there left to do in a pure-run after you're done with the science fair? Just try and see how long you can put up with Bailey before having to whore yourself out?

>penis inspection day
I thought it was a meme bros...

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Just wear towels, you'll almost always get raped by desperate times calls for desperate measures.

That violates school rules though

It was worse before this update when the stress from the penis inspection day was enough to KO you.

you just get fucked by a dog

>play as girl
>why the fuck are they making all the boys go to the fron-

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Playing as a girl is easy mode compared to playing as a boy. You can keep your virginity by just forcing them into your ass, and you don't have to go through penis inspection day.

What does the suspicion for Kylar do? Seems like most interactions with them lowers it so I never find out.

Someone spoil me on that event, I've never gone for it but I'm curious as fuck.

Kylar will kidnap you and attempt to marry you if their suspicion is too high

>hasnt seen the vagina inspection day event yet

>all the boys get called to the front
>forced to strip
>all the female classmates check out and laugh at your dick

Christ these threads are depressing

I don't know what it is, something about the inevitability of it all

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Neato, how far does it go?

The headteacher will force the science teacher out of the room and make all the boys line up at the front. Then she gets 2 female helpers and forces them to measure the dicks of all the boys. Two weeks later, there's an equivalent event for girls, but there's 0 reason to be in school 4 weeks in, since you likely have maxed out your science/reading/history/math by then, and school is a den of rape.

That's it? That doesn't sound that traumatizing or worth the buildup those other faggots made it sound like.

How do you advance Whitney? I’ve never gotten her love to go up, and does letting her be dominant change anything?

What do they do if its low or nonexistant? Im tired of her breaking into my room to steal my unerwear. Shits expensive.

I'm not even into all this rapey bullshit but god damn what a decent ass game.

Hope they flesh out the romance part more instead of adding a million ways to get raped apart from whitney, she can have my ass any day of the week

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I dunno why, but I always default to the same method of trying to get through the game. I always end up going for the ivory necklace day 1 and hoping I can get through the science fair without being raped. I never make it past week 2.

She'll give you pepper spray if you flirt with her at the park and you're bottomed out. Kylar raped me when I was playing as a girl, but I have no idea how to activate that scene as a boy.

why is everything trying to rape you in the first place?

Deep lore that has not been created yet

Fuck if I know. There's a rape scene for literally every area of the game. You can't even take a bath in your orphanage without a chance of someone raping you. Go swimming in the ocean? Get raped by dolphins. Get out of the water? Someone tackles you and rapes you. Go swimming in the lake, get raped by tentacles, and then tackled behind a rock and raped. Try to walk back to town and you have to fight off 300 wolves, 230 boars, and 3 bears trying to rape you. Decide you've had enough and you're going home, and then you get raped by a dog in an alleyway.

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Option to rape people when? Getting raped is only fun for so long.

>take a bath
>fucking slime comes out of the drain and tentacle rapes me
>covered in slime and need to take a bath again

>Work at cafe
>Get raped behind a dumpster
>Only earn $5
Fuck this, I'm going back to the lake and getting the relics.

I mean, you can have consensual sex. I'm assuming one of the transformations lets you rape, but I've never gotten it.

Reach home and go to sleep? Bailey barges in and sets a rapist on you.
School? Rapists everywhere.
Church? Well, that was obvious.

Can you actually get raped in the hospital, though? You can get zapped to orgasm and maybe probed, but I don't recall any rape-proper.

Is this still grindy as shit? I tried it once and it took me forever to accomplish anything. Managed to stay pure though.

I dunno. I've never willingly gone to the hospital, even though I know you can get pills there. I thought you couldn't get raped at the dock until Robin got sold to the rapists there and I had to save him by letting 3 guys rape me into submission.

The grind is all it really has. I think the goal of the game, and this might shock you, is to be porn first and a fulfilling game second.

A great part of the grind is not knowing what to do.
It's still somewhat grindy after that, but you no longer spend a mass of time on skipping text saying just
>nigger rapes you
>nigger punches you in the gut
>nigger cums in you
>nigger2 takes his place
Because you fucked up and couldn't pay (((Bailey))).

At high dominance and I think high lust, she'll mouth rape you and force you to become their boy/girlfriend. The degree of bullying stays the same, although with some new events, but now it's with "love" or some shit.
On the flip side, if you get it to zero and pass out somewhere she'll kidnap you and try to sell you off to some shady guys, but then it turns out they're there for her. If you don't help her they take her away and she's out of the game for good, although if Bailey sends you off to some place you can see her there. If you help her though she gets all confused and runs away, and that's all that's there so far since it hasn't been developed on more than that yet.

>Turn on cheats
>Set Kylar's suspicion to max
What am I in for?

>sold to the rapist in the woods
>fought and struggled at the beginning
>escaped from him one night
>he caught me and raped me twice because I fought with him
>struggled again, but stopped because it's useless and it did more harm to me then him
>escaped again
>he caught me again, plead but it didn't help
>stopped struggling and pleading
>just let it happen, fully submitted to him
>now I live with him

Robin never even came to save me. What a fag, at least now I live with real man.

Yandere boy who will kidnap you and rape you for some time

>Sold to the rapist
How? Just go get the necklace in the lake and you're set for the next 3 weeks, even if you don't get any more money (somehow).

This changes the meaning of what you said


>masturbating in math class
>teacher catches you and faints
>goad the entire class into an orgy

Sorry, my gook-engrish not so strong

Try paying 4k quid a week with that strategy, bucko.

>be guy
>use cheats
>max physique
>turn off all male and beast encounters
>only white women rapists want me
>fight off any bitch I can't be bothered by
>occasionally let some fuck me with their pussy so I can fap
Good to be king

Hmm, am I being memed? Because I always thought he's a boy.

Eldritch slime monster.

No really.

>4k a week
What is there even left to do after fucking Robin, Kylar, and Whitney? I've never gotten past paying 3k a week.

not enough scenes or development yet, the only thing they have is the thing where they rape you if you get suspicion super high and lower love

if you had the docks event with the bully you get to meet some "outsiders" some sailors wich say that something's wrong with the whole island but they can't get you out of there even if they want to for some reason

Anyone living with wolf pack here?

Named NPCs' sex changes depending on your character's sex and preferences. For instance, since I'm playing as a boy with male encounters at 0%, all of the NPCs are female.

>CoC threads get always deleted
>these don't

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They're all random and you can give them snibbety snab (or reverse) in options.

You can argue boy Robin vs futa Robin, but the psycho bitch obviously sounds more like a girl.

Hmmm. Good stuff.

don't be a fucking tattle

They do, it's just that DoLomites have a better sense of janny patrol patterns.

Game's too new and too unknown.

i want to bully Robin, how to do?

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I feel like no one ever bothers with dancing/whoring themselves out. No one ever talks about those options.

beat them at videogames and tease them for it

Can you fuck any of the teachers? Fem!Mason sounds hot, but I wouldn't know how to go about doing it.

>CoC threads always start with the same picture or with "Time to get raped, slut/stud"
>DoL threads start organically
There aren't any patterns for DoL threads, yet.

woolf girl > succub > angel

Any art of Robin yet? I don't even know what they look like. I just imagine Robin as the new Pokegirl/Pokeboy

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Some random ass faggot on the beach collared me and left me to roam around with the shit on my neck. How the fuck do I get the thing off?

Getting into the asylum and out again.
Brothel sex shows.

Well, I got Kylar arrested and now she's gone after raping and marrying me. Guess I'll just go home to my loving wife Robin and... uh...

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I do. My character has shit thieving for mansions and I still haven't found much treasure because of lousy swimming.
Dancing and prostitution gives good money. I can easily collect a thousand to pay off Bailey in about two days. Dancing is a cool mechanic, you have do dance seductively enough to get enough but if you do it too much the entire crowd will gangbang you.

Amputation when? I want even less ways to resist and cover up, and with all the permanent stuff it can work. You can get in more debt with Bailey for prosthetics, if you go full nuggetmode that's pretty much mandatory, otherwise you can make do with crutches or just not using anything.

Base encounter is a witch in the forest that, if you try to punch or kick her, will make the offending limbs vanish. If she enjoys the ordeal she will restore you and ask to visit again. If she doesn't she warps you home in the state she left you in, but you can find her again to redeem yourself.
You can also find an underground cannibal cult and sell your limbs to them for a lot of cash.

Get stressed out and traumatized and take it out on them. There are special options for blame.
They don't lower love much, though. Robin a doormat.

Not many people are autistic enough to optimize the grind by reading the script.
If you don't read it, it's hard to figure out what is happening.

none of the named characters really have any defined looks other than like Kyler who's got black eye-covering bangs and Morgan who's a raggedy sewer dweller, you could probably ask the dev if he has ideas for what they look like, he hangs out a lot on the /d/ game thread

They're by far the best choice to make money. Fucking hell, the first time I was able to get completely naked on stage felt amazing.

pay the police 200 quid

Better than the necklaces in the lake? There isn't much to buy besides clothes and paying Bailey and buying Robin a new console after Bailey sells her ass to some crusty sailors and you have to watch her get filled with another dude's cum

There's a line about Whitney having a blonde fringe as well

how does that even happen?
is there a way to stop the rapings in the island? i dont want to see robin suffer the same as i have

>buy clothes
I hope no one actually doing it

>How does that even happen
After the science fair, Robin doesn't have enough to pay Bailey and gets sold off like you do if you can't pay. But instead of being sold to Eden, she winds up on the docks and gets raped in a boat. You can save her, but you have to fight 3 tough encounters, and unless you're at max fitness with pepper spray, you'll lose.

wait long enough and you'll notice things, you can get it to not happen entirely by getting to max love fast with robin and they'll give you a letter that lets you take on their debt without having to go through all the trauma stuff

>Church? Well, that was obvious.
I was SHOCKED when I got raped by a futanari nun. And I've been trying to reproduce it for like an hour now to fap again to no avail.

If you talk to Robin enough, he'll tell you about problems with payment and you can offer to take on his debt by talking to Bailey.
This doubles your weekly payment but Robin is safe even if you fail to pay. You can't undo that. You also get a permanent buff to trauma regen.

It only happens when you're doing the lichen project.

>His debt

It's not hard to get the max love before the 4 week time limit. I'd be surprised if you didn't manage to do it, considering how good Robin is for relieving stress and trauma. Just eat with her at lunch every day and you'll be at like 8 hearts by week 4. Then you're just one day of helping her at her lemonade loli-piss stand before you can take on her debt.

>pre-asylum update
>get raped a ton
>go full dissociative
>tfw the annoyance of not being able to play the game anymore is outshone by having to remember literally every instance in your life where that actually happened to you
if someone had fucking told me that sitting in complete silence and not being able to speak while someone yells at you for fucking up then yells at you more for not speaking wasn't normal maybe i wouldn't be on this godforsaken website

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I played a gurl last time so my Robin had to be male to be femdom'd.
Futa Robin is fine too, as long as you play a boy.

Anyone? I want to fuck big-tiddied, muscular, tan tomboy swim teach.

Ok let's settle this.
Girl bully or boy bully or futa

I don't get dissociation-havers.
I had a few minor dissociation episodes and they were all comfy, as if my life was just a bad movie/game that will unhappen and bring me back to the "real" life which isn't hell.

What's stressful about full dissociation?
What prevents you going all "lol it's not really me" and not giving a fuck?


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Bully is one of the very few characters that can actually be better with a cunt.

Girl Whitney always. Nothing hotter than her trying to break in a straight white girl by rubbing her cunt on her face.

Can you even dom Robin? I thought it was all consensual.

>I had a few minor dissociation episodes and they were all comfy, as if my life was just a bad movie/game that will unhappen and bring me back to the "real" life which isn't hell.
did you have weed/drug induced dissociation or trauma induced dissociation

>What's stressful about full dissociation?
mainly the complete disconnection of it all, it's almost like you're an orb floating "somewhere" and nothing, not even the concept that there's going to be something to go back to after this is all over, actually exists

lighter dissociation isn't too bad, for the most part you just have to stay away from mirrors and you'll wake up in the morning and oh shit it's midnight did i have anything to eat wait a minute when did i put on these clothes did i even have a shower?
which of course is relatively easy to deal with since you can still hold onto the moment/stick to rote behaviors, but full dissociation is terrifying since all of that goes away

>What prevents you going all "lol it's not really me" and not giving a fuck?
you do that implicitly, but it doesn't help since you can't concentrate for very long, forming words is difficult, etc
you can sit in silence for a long time and not really care if someone hits you, sure, but that's about it

So do you stay a loli/shota the whole game?

You can get boobjobs at the hospital, and there's now an option to have bigger tits at the character-creation-screen.

that fucking bully is gonna get it once im strong, im gonna dominate her

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>did you have weed/drug induced dissociation or trauma induced dissociation
One weed, one possibly trauma (depression overload), few resulting from daydreaming so hard I get disconnected from real life until something wakes me up.
>stay away from mirrors
Now that sounds spooky
But I get this one
>full dissociation is terrifying since all of that goes away
Full dissociation prevents even rote-learned shit?
>you can sit in silence for a long time and not really care if someone hits you, sure, but that's about it
It doesn't sound stressful.
Though if it is only jaded because of stress overload at other times, then I know that feel.

t. schizoid

Just give her the peppa spray. She's already a criminal so who cares if you spray her?

>Trauma got way too high
>Did a good job getting it back down to manageable levels
>Get raped
>Try to take a bus home
>Get raped on the bus
>Clothes stolen
>Get raped while walking home
>Black out
>Get raped by two people immediately upon waking up
>Try to go home again
>Get raped again
>Try to go home again
>Get raped by a dog
>Finally get home
>My trauma is now almost maxed out

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i used my only charge because she wanted 20 quid and i proceeded to shove her

go to the hospital bro, they'll fix that right up :^)

Befriend Kylar. She gives you peppa spray for free.

Eldritch gods and secret government facilities, not joking

If you don't pay off their debt in time that happens, you can avoid it by taking on their debt as soon as it is an option

how do you find this out

>One weed, one possibly trauma (depression overload), few resulting from daydreaming so hard I get disconnected from real life until something wakes me up.
fair enough, i can't remember much of my childhood and what i remember are bad things, so in my case it's more a stress response
sometimes it gets really fucking bad, other times it's not too bad and i look a bit odd in mirrors, my hands look weird, etc, sometimes it's mostly transparent and i can do things normally, very rarely i wake up and it all fucks off for a few hours which is great
interestingly enough i've found sitting in an unused room with the lights off while alone helps a bunch, the place looks novel and my senses open up, and i can think clearer

>Now that sounds spooky
it is, it's so fucking weird man i'll get caught up and look at my reflection for like 10 minutes and it doesn't even feel like i blink

>Full dissociation prevents even rote-learned shit?
no, but it does put a major damper on memory, your sense of time and a couple of other things
i've spent hours trying to read a book and only getting through a few pages (without absorbing or remembering any of it) and god knows how long switching between the same fucking websites like i usually do but without reading or doing anything useful because of it, only broken up by the occasional impulse to go get something to eat despite not being hungry

>It doesn't sound stressful.
it's not fun when it happens involuntarily

Oh, and an even better one.
>Need to get home through the forest
>Get captured by Eden
>Raped repeatedly
>Finally escape after two days
>Get raped by a wolf
>Finally make it out of the forest
>Raped immediately
>Black out
>Raped upon waking up
>Try to get home
>Raped again

find the secret lab and also the asylum has some fucky shit if you try to escape

Degrees of Lewdity is the Dark Souls of erotic text games.

where is the secret lab

I'm trapped in the asylum place getting gang raped by tentacles. Is there any escape?

Get your Awareness really low

There's a secret government facilities you can stumble upon,
The people in the asylum say some weird shit. There are strange magical artifacts you can find, and gaining high awareness allows you to see slime monsters and enter the tentacle dimension

you have to get skullduggery high to find it, hide in cars until one takes you there

Should I replace my old file with the new version or will that delete my saves?

what happens when the school year ends

>it's not fun when it happens involuntarily
But is it "not fun" as in annoying or as in "holy fuck I want to die not to experience it again"?

old saves should be compatible with new versions

Whitney is the patrician choice

If you are on Android your saves will be gone
If you are on pc you can just move your saves into the new version

Femdom is gay

somewhere in the middle, i don't want to keep doing it because it's stealing my entire fucking life but i don't exactly want to come out of it either because then everything will feel important again and i'll have to deal with the consequences of everything that's happened
if i could come out of it completely i'd kill myself before going back to again, but at the moment it's not too bad so i just deal with the occasional suicidal urges and mood swings

>he doesn’t beat Whitney’s ass every time she tries something
Ryona is the best

Assuming you have the Android version, what do you do once you've downloaded the apk? I have it sitting here in this shitty mega app and it won't let me open it

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I'm already playing as a girl, it's can't get any gayer

So what exactly is there to do in this game besides just get more money?

Get your rocks off.

It's still getting regular updates. Next one is supposed to flesh out the dude/dudette in the park that helps you get lichen. Hopefully more is added into the game without having you get into really depraved shit to experience the end game.

How do I get a Whitney gf?

Using the APK means having to disable the warranty or whatever the fuck, so decide if you want to use the APK. In other words, choose if you're going to disable security for your android phone for what is effectively a (homebrew, if accurate) exe.

>another faggot fem!protag game about being raped
i fucking hate each and every one of you that unironically play and enjoy this
itd be much better if you played as the rapist and the game was about getting strong and clever enough to take on more victims without getting caught

go to prison

You can play as a dude in this, too.

yeah, you can play as a dude. who gets raped.
miss me with that faggot shit, faggot

did someone touch you?

Who the fuck do you unlock the Phallus Size school project? I remember doing it in an earlier save but can't really find it right now

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Boy because I’m a yaoifag and make everyone male. Might try making them a cuntboy next playthrough to spice it up though.

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Domus Street (0:05) (Home)
At least it was before I fucked everything up.

just become a slut and you'll get it

How do I unlock the ability to sunbathe in the garden?

I'm can't promise this is right, but I think you need a high enough promiscuity stat.

>forget swimsuit
>teacher makes you wear the girl one

>Kid steals my bathing suit
>Says if I suck him off he'll give it back
>Say okay
>Pepper spray and beat the shit out of him

>glasses speed up nerding by 50%
Holy fuck, I expected something like 20% at most
>being exposed speeds up learning as much as glasses
Time to buy some programmer socks

Updating on android doesn't delete your saves.

I'd put on the glasses, but I'm afraid that my character will die from all the bullying. He already gets bullied enough for hanging with Kylar.

>not waiting until you have his dick in your mouth and then biting it off
Would've saved you a pepper spray charge desu.

The new Android update doesn't delete the saves, but old saves won't port over

Any new wolf content in the forest?

>>being exposed speeds up learning as much as glasses
Wait what.

It's actually not much, you only get a rare extra event "show us pantsus or your $20 glasses are gone"

I already had enough pepper spray thanks to Kylar, decided to use it on the guy fucking with me. All the others are reserved to fuck Bailey up


man of culture

there's sprites for female animals now

I could have sworn that is also increases the amount of bullying events that happen, but I could be wrong

Nah, just RNG.
You only get like a 10% chance to get a glass crusher event and it always lets you save the glasses by showing underwear or saying you're not wearing any.

may someone let my know what parasites do i uh sorta got 2 on my nipples

the knowledge stats decay tho, and especially science and history are insanely useful

they make you grow bob

are there any other rapey erotic games like this?

thank you...i shall let them stay then

How do I get a real life Kylar gf

CoC gets the boot for being furfag garbage.
Hell even more than that, it gets the boot for being furfag garbage with DICKS ON FUCKING EVERYTHING.

This game was kind of boring.

I prefer Liliths Throne

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Name one thing that doesn't get better with a dick on it.
One thing.

Literally everything that isn't me.

My problem with trying to play as a slut is that no matter how I initiate an encounter, other people usually fight against me, causing trauma, stress, and loss of control. Is that something that changes later on?

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Kylar is best boy and I want more scenes with him
is their even a way to get to fugg him without being kidnapped?

>refuse to pay to sunday because fuck that guy
>gets raped by three dogs then by two dudes later
>passes out
>awakes up and gets raped by a dude

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sadly not yet

Not at the moment, a lot of Kylar's scenes were cut for time. They will probably be in the next update, but I don't know that for sure

When you get molested, you always lose those stats. Unless you grind up like 1k molestations, then it stops.
The only winning move is not to get raped.

theres traits that make them do less
and if you're a big enough slut you'll just become a succubus and benefit from getting fucked

Yeah, but a lot of those situations shouldn't even be "rape." I just try to have a lot of sex.

I guess I just have to play more.

>consensual sex
>can't even meekly suggest anything more hardcore than a handjob

>getting raped
>jumping on a dick like a champ

That's my main problem with this game. In one playthrough I spent 45 minutes trying to buy a skirt and underwear. Because both got ruipped to shreds or lost in random events. So then the only way to get more was to put on a towel and run for it. 45 minutes of "Your towel snags on a passing car, leaving your lower half bare. Better run home for another towel!". Then halfway back home get raped. Get another towel. "Oh shucks. Your towel snagged on a passing car again! Be sure to get raped on your way back home for another one!". Get a towel. Dude comes up from behind, rapes me, then throws away the towel. 45 minutes. All I wanted was some fucking clothes so I could play the damn game.

Yeah I have no clue why you basically have no control during consensual intercourse. You'd think it would be the opposite.

guess I'll have to cheat his suspicion up and then take my lumps in the stocks

I eagerly await that update
is there a schedule for updates or what? I just check in every few weeks to grab the latest version

>not playing as a cute girl
>not choosing npcs to be male

updates usually happen every couple weeks

You're doing something wrong, because I can get Robin's dick inside my pussy just fine.

Fuck off degenerate

enabling automatic clothing replacements is very useful

You need to be a promiscuous dirty slut to play as female do anything consensual.

git gud, also
>walking around in nothing but a towel
can you blame them? i would have raped you too user

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>get raped in broad daylight
>they cover my mouth
>start working the girldicks like a good slut
>they relax
>REEEE for help
>spare few turns of getting molested and allure debuff from getting cummed on

>not self-inserting as the girl eveytime

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if any of you fuckers are cheating on Robin with Kylar I'll find you

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I pay so Robin doesn't have to do shit
i'll fuck anyone I please

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It's not really cheating anymore because I've kissed them in front of each other before.
Shit happened and now the MC has two gfs. Polygamy is normally weird, but I'll make an exception in this case since he needs all the love and affection he can get and these are two of the only people willing to give it to him.

What if I'm cheating on kylar with robin while also getting assraped on the side?

Not until you can be a girl with a dick.

is there any way to take Whitney's collar and leash off?

Does robin react if he pulls back your sheets and finds you overflowing with cum?

is Robin a virgin? It should be explicitly stated like Kylar that he's a virgin because he is my husband and no one else can have him

Robin can be a virgin I think. If you don't pay off their debt in time they definitely aren't a virgin by the time you finally get down with them, but I imagine that if you don't let them get sold off that they are still a virgin

Pay 200 dollarydoos at police station or get kidnapped by sewer dweller and have a 10% chance random event.

Only people with a functioning uterus can be classified as a girl

I'm just saying if they take your virginity they comment on it but it never really says anything about them losing their virginity, whereas Kylar does. I want it to be special. I want us to lose it together. I love Robin. I'm going to marry Robin.

Keep your degenerate autism out of comfy threads

"You saved yourself for me!"
I'm sorry user
but he's been BAILEYED

the police station? I probably would have never figured that out, thanks. I don't know why you can't just slip it off in your bedroom or something

You can take off arm bindings, but the collar is some heavy duty shit.

>first time playing this
>try to be nice and help out Kylar after getting bullied
>suddenly obsessed with me
huh, that escalated quickly

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oh, nevermind it's apparently a fucking fallout slave collar, I thought it was just a regular ass dog collar

>A game where you can finally treat your yandere with love and compassion
This update has been great, I'm sick of H-game protags and their fear of crazy pussy

>they cover my mouth
>start working the girldicks like a good slut
>they relax
>REEEE for help

Forgot to say "fuck you" for making me spit my drink.

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>be a bad boy by getting shoved into a locker and being late
>get detention
>bitch grabs me
>spits on my penis
Fucking British
I get the slapping, but lubing up someone's dick as a punishment?

>You feel fish squirming around your penis.
>You feel fish squirming inside your lower intestine.

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>lubing up someone's dick as a punishment?
This is something that they actually do. It implies that your foreskin is not good enough to naturally allow sex.

man british schools sure are fucked up

This games pretty fun, was just trying to be a pure maiden and then got the 300$ demand.
I was working over time cleaning rich peoples attics and having tea parties with autist and they I run into one rapist. I thought I was lucky, being in chasity. But he shoved it down my throat and threw me out without a shirt.
On the bus ride home I was raped on the bus for virtually hours by two milfs infront of 7 dudes that started recording.
I then went to the church the next day to get some lichen, and was raped by a nun whose not supposed to be alone with little boys.
10/10 I tried.

>be in school
>absolute loser
>kids are embarrassed to be seen with me
>walking to halls
>girl says hi to me
>we have a small conversation
>grabs my arm as i'm about to leave and says we should go somewhere private
>she eats my ass while fondling my junk

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How is Klyar such a pantsu stealing ninja? he somehow took the only pair I had before I arrived home from buying them

How to not get raped:
>don't walk around when it's dark (22, I think)
>scream for help when it's not dark
>wear full set of clothing at all times
>be physically unattractive
Common sense shit, basically do the opposite of what feminists say.

im playing as a big guy 4 u with no males cause i aint no fag
>literally walk out side
>bitch tries to rape me
>kick her ass

>no pregnancy

>need to take off my chastity to get fish out of my dick and ass
>Robin still not down to lose virginity to

I left the tit growth mechanic on for my boy because why the fuck not, and now I kinda want to get the reduction surgery because I feel like it adds to the tragedy. However, I don't have much money because I've been working on lowering my trauma and improving my mental health instead of whoring it up.
I've accidentally created an interesting and kinda hot plotline

Excellent will play this on my phone

Thanks for showing me this secret Yea Forums game, Yea Forums! I love watching children getting raped!

you and me both, friend

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But every character is an adult.

you've created a scenario where you ERP as a female to male trans boy living in modern america

But my character has a penis

Might want to find a different game then friend, everyone's an adult and there's little graphics to watch

Hey if the creator says that this 10 yo looking loli is actually 18 then it's true so sod off

Heehee oh yeah *wink wink* can't let those normies realise it's about kids right? Normies reee! Hehehe

Hey man you're the one imagining it being about kids

Dev is planning on adding it, but it won't be for a while. He has some more immediate projects he's working on

why do porn games make you think about kids user? something you wanna tell us?

Are you okay?

Heeeeheeee funny child rape game traps aren't gay what's the source of this game? I'm so pure lol love watching little kids get beaten up and raped haha meeeeme can I be part of your secret club? You must be really cool for finding this game all by yourself! Hehe fuck little kids

you ever just discover a game you really enjoy but it's really early indev and you kind of regret finding it so early? that's how I feel about this game, I wish I could wipe my memory of this and rediscover it like a year from now

Honestly, this DoL isn't too bad in that regard because it updates frequently enough that I don't feel like I'm missing out on too much by playing early.
I feel like Kylar changed the feel of the game a lot, and it's crazy to think that there was a time where Robin wasn't even in the game. I bet people will think the same about Kylar in the future.

There is exactly one rational course of action regarding this kind of posts and you're not doing it.
The more you reply, the more it happens.

I was going to put "this game", then I changed it to "DoL" but I ended up making it "this DoL" I'm too tired to think right now.

After a couple of years you'll realise that 99.99% of games never progress past that "early indev" point, and all the promise basically just amounts to nothing.

I was one of the first people to play this game, and I was impressed by how much it had for a 0.01 pre-alpha in contrast to the rest of the market, most of the time I just ignore new releases until they've at least had 6 months of dev time. Since then, there haven't really been any major addictions I've given a shit about, and I doubt there ever will be.

>wearing shorts makes everyone assume you're a dude
Is this just a makeshift way to implement some early "andro" content? Tell me this shit is going to get patched out

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Yeah, that I have a pregnancy fetish

When can I make kids with robin

The more you make this thread the more it happens. Take your degeneracy disguised a niche secret porn club elsewhere SCUM

didn't the dev say that named NPCs won't get you pregnant? now that I think about it, it would probably be hard to write pregnancy at all. Honestly just having it so one NPC can get you pregnant would be the best way to handle it

Name of game?


If you get cummed in a whole lot your breasts start getting bigger, and you eventually become a succubus.

No pregnancy or lactation on the player character though, which is a shame.

You can't dom the bully.


>Get Robin pregnant
>Forget to gather money
>GF and unborn child get whaled
>forced to continue paying bailey regardless
is this the most brutal form of NTR?

also >he's still seething over nothing

is this a porn game?

this game would be fine if it wasn't so fucking tedious to get anywhere and to fight anything


I upgraded from degrees of lewdity to lilith's throne with all the furry shit turned off except cat ears


Degrees of Lewdity

nobodys saying its funny retard its fuckin hot

I did exactly the opposite seeing as Innoxia is the single least competent developer out there (which says a lot considering which "industry" we're talking about)

I like LT a whole lot, it really is CoC but better, but I can't see it having much content even in a year or two


>start as hypermasculine guy
>get raped by a cat lady who turns me into a woman with a potion
>end up seducing a boy and taking his cum for more essence to transform back
>get pregnant
>keep doing guys for more essence
>get hooked
>start lactating
>give birth
>get pregnant again
>equip clothes to grow to N cup breasts, huge ass, extra wide hips, sopping wet tight pussy
>gain the ability to turn into a demon
>become a hyper pregnant succubus with huge milky tits and long legs going around milking poor little cat boys of their cum and essence in dominant positions

never understood pregnancy in these games, what the fuck happens to the baby? how do you write an infant into a porn game? do you just give it away?

It grows up instantly and leaves, and might appear again later as a random NPC

In CoC everything was a monster so goblin and orc babies had events where they came back and raped you or you ran into the the horny orc milf you knocked up and, well, the matured orc babies try and rape you.

more clothing options when???

Soon, if I recall correctly one of the next things the dev is releasing is an overhauled clothing system (with additional clothing options)

Holy shit, Bailey just survived being pepper sprayed

iirc you can rape the maths teacher if she catches you jacking off in class

How many did you use? Cause he did say that some enemies won't go down easily.

I only used one. Since this was my first fight with Bailey I figured that would be enough.

What are the differences between the brothel and the strip club, other than the lack of rape at the strip club

can't get fucked by a pig at the strip club

Can't bartend at the brothel, can't do special shows at the strip club. Brothel is further from 'safety'. It's basically a risk/reward thing.

Can you update to the newest version on Android and keep all your stuff? I'm a phone brainlet and I'm not sure how.

>tfw new mobile version can't use previous saves

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Is bar tending worth pursuing at all?

Lack of rape and hours of operation are the biggest differences. Strip club dancing is safer but only available a limited window. You can dance the rest of the day at the brothel, but you know, rape.


Where's the necklace?

does she come back? genuinely curious

lodes of emone

it's better than waiting tables

thank you my man

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i haven't fucking touched my dick in hours why the fuck am i still playing this

Underrated post

It's one of the best, or least bad, fap game when it comes to mechanics.
It has actual gameplay.

It's actually fun


>You cant rape people or be dominant


>disable warranty
no, just enable unknown sources in settings and install the shit

>blocks your path

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-02 Degrees of Lewdity.png (1341x243, 28K)

>tfw you pick it up and they shove their cock in your mouth
I just wanted good grades dammit why did everyone just watch while I screamed

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>start as boy
>have conversation with a would be mugger male
>he's honestly not that bad a guy
>give him a home
>he falls in love with me
>decide to turn into a girl just for fun
>become lovers, go on strolls together, wear frilly clothes for him, and have children with him

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Play in soft mode and leave it. Then when the headmaster starts spanking you, make him cum in his pants as a defiant succubus while mocking him

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So this game is customizable? Sometimes sometimes I like various heterosexual scenarios, sometimes I like all guys being gay.

No lesbians though.

>"school bully" rapes your mouth in front of everybody, sells your body to chubby microdicked men or lets you get raped by a dog
This is so fucking dumb.
I know writing shit is hard and it's easier to just substite genuine chemistry and conflict with dude rape lmao but someone unironically spent hours sitting here thinking of yet another way to forcefully insert benis into the protag's vagina and that's one god damn waste of time.
Although the blowjob scene in the headteacher's office was absolute god tier.

Anyone knows any good games with the kind of "forming relationship with your bully" dynamic?

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Yep you can change the percentages of the genders and also make it so futas spawn and all that good stuff

Is this just about getting raped?
Will they ever add a way to be the dom at all, or al i forced to just read the same 5 lines over and over again

If dom stuff does get added, it won't be for a long time.

Dancing at brothel or relic hunting at lake, which is better?
The ivory necklace was great but after that all I get is a box and a ring. The payout for brothel seems to be better.


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Will you count the person that enslaves you as a bully?

I do whatever I want. I found the headmaster's pizza. Teachers can't do anything.

I love being a cute 18 year old loli virgin buttslut

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Peeing system when?

Keep telling vrel we want it. There's more important stuff to add first though.

Any way to have actual sex with Whitney yet?

Guys quick help

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Jesus christ saving Robin was a trip.
>Get to the docks.
>3 futa's just mind broke Robin
>I'm toned like a fucking pillar man but chose tiny as body type like a fucking retard
>Decide to take her place
>Get raped harder than the children on the Amanda show
>Used as bait for a fucking whale
>Finally come back to my senses as im neck deep in Willy
>Micheal Phelps the fuck outta there
>Get into manhole
>Become womanhole for lizard
>Eels want the leftovers
>Finally get home, wanting to comfort poor Robin after everything that happened.

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I played this a while ago before the yandere. Is it worth reinstalling?

>in a game with wolves fucking you and getting fucked by you
>fish also suck you off
>and apparently dolphins and bears?

What's worse is the fucking pokemon spam. If it was one thread that's fine, but it's numerous threads, days after the direct to boot, and now it's the same rehashed shit over and over.

>like a fucking retard
That's just hard mode.
Picking hardmode is only retarded if you're a shitter.

go along with it

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She kicked the shit out of me thanks bro

What is this game?

Wait, you can't get pregnant at all? Then why was there a breastfeeding option at the beginning?

I fooled around with it for a few hours trying to keep all my virginities. Things went well until I went into the forest for Lichen and I ended up gang raped by wolves in their cave for decades. I really regret looking some things up on a wiki and these threads. The game was more fun when everything was a surprise.

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>want to try this to jerk off
>not gay and don't want to play as the dude because I don't just want to watch a guy get assraped
>don't want to play as the girl because I'm a stupid femdomfag and don't find dicks raping a girl hot

There's no game for me. Never will be.

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>don't want to play as a dude
>don't want to play as a girl
What do you want to play as then?

Wander around the sewers for a while and you'll fine out.
IIRC there's some insane lady there who will let you drink from her breasts once in a while in order to remove stress.

Nothing stopping you from making all the assailants female without dicks.

>try a turbo-slut succubus run
>have to grind impurity which goes down real, real fucking slow even when intentionally getting dicked by everything every day
>ask in a previous thread what do
>go find tentacles in the asylum
>get completely mind-broken through repeated brothel gangrapes so the hospital picks me up and dumps me in the asylum
>can't find any fucking tentacles anywhere
>decide to tackle the doctor and get thrown in a tiny room
>mfw I discover the tentacle dimension
welp. This is oddly enough exactly what I was looking for.

You can play as a guy and set NPC settings to make everyone else female.
It's not actually that great desu. They all cum while molesting you before you get to stick it in. You just get to play the most blue-balled shota in the world.

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>play as girl
>set all characters attracted to you as futas

I want a game where I can play as a dude and get raped but without any fucking gay shit, and that doesn't and likely never will exist

Disable the dudes and play as a guy

How much of a newfag are you?

Oh, I had no idea you could customize your attackers too. Holy shit that's revolutionary. Time to fap, boys

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Are there any benefits to Allure? I've read that studying, swimming or jogging naked makes you skill up much faster than normal but is that just a side effect of doing those activities with high Allure? Gotta say that constantly dealing with rapists even in safe areas gets pretty tiresome.

you can make it so everybody is a girl or futa you know


>but is that just a side effect of doing those activities with high Allure?
No, they're totally unrelated.
High allure is almost always bad. One notable exception is sexy dances, where allure scales the horniness "bonus", which you want to keep at certain level to whore self.

>Hadn't updated the game in months
>Saw the breastfeeding option
>Was so fucking excited
>Can't get pregnant
I have never felt being blueballed this hard before in my entire life

>futa is not gay
ok let's get this straight:
fapping to a cock is gay
no matter at what the cock is attached to

what game?

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Who knows.

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can you actually do that in the game?

What game is this?

Yes, you have a bite option which will make the NPC not try to mouthfuck you afterwards.

You want to set body size to Large if you ever want Defiance to do anything at all right? Does selecting male or female also have an effect?

Also reaching the first stage of wolf transformation gives you fangs, making your bite like three times as powerful.

Biting doesn't guarantee escape and risks them beating the shit out of you HOWEVER if you eat enough wolfshrooms/ingest enough wolf jizz you'll start to change into a werewolf that starts with permanently getting razer sharp wolf teeth that will almost guarantee you practically bit anyone's dick off if they stick it in your mouth.

>trying to go to class
>sunddenly Whitney
>drags me into a classroom and forces me under a table
>tells me to eat her out while she gets told off by the principal
>she cums and calls me a slut
>late for math class
t-thanks whitney

>You want to set body size to Large if you ever want Defiance to do anything at all right?
You want to set body size to Large if you want an easier mode with literally no downsides.
>Does selecting male or female also have an effect?

just kidding, it's read the fucking thread, you lazy fuck.

Do I really need to download the game to play?

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I already did faggots, thanks for nothing

>open up the game for the first time
>that enable/disable fetishes list

This game is going to be a trip, isn't it?

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>tfw playing an innocent shota in a town full of cockhungry women

Rape Culture would be a better name for this game.

>Awareness - Whether your character knows a thing or two about sex despite their lack of experience.

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It's also affectionately referred to as PTSD simulator.

You guys have got my interest piqued but I can't find the god damn game. Google didn't really help.
All I need is to be pointed in the right direction, I'm not totally helpless.

>go through town relatively unmolested
>magical realm entered
>rape left and right and no one can hear you scream

there's no pregnancy in this game

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Holy fucking shit I need to play this game again.

Seems the actual download page was pushed off the first page of google, interestingly.
The name was mentioned within 5 or so posts so you can find that yourself, but the download is on vrelnir's blogspot.

kill yourself degenerate

really don't mind this

Based Whitney

Who is Avery?

already knew the name, just needed to know where the download was. Although requiring a download for an HTML game is sorta ???
Thanks my dude.

Reminder to stop using google

Then it would be like CoC, with everything laying eggs in you.

Just work through the night in the strip club. It's the safest place in the game.

I am apalled by the fact that it took me this long to realize this

Is there a way to keep improving your grades without losing all status? Like should you pay attention twice and socialize the 3rd time?

>tfw playing the only cis girl in a town of thirsty futas

I really, really don't mind this. Pregnancy is my anti-fetish.

>he doesn't live in a cave in the woods behind 7 doggos

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I can't see the pictures

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>play as male
>get parasited and thought oh whatever
>breast grows a size
>go to class next day
>swimming class

This is my new fetish

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So I got the game recently and I haven't been able to get it started. Something about no valid storage adapters found?

Any help would be appreciated.

You must have downloaded the text only version.

Living innawoods is the comfiest, but also most boring life.
oh shit who is this from?

>oh shit who is this from?

It's a fucking webpage are you using some autistic browser?

Let me know when you can do more than just get raped.

>Breaking into lockers
>Get caught
>Decide to fight
>Tackle the girl and on top
>Instantly on hands and keeps going for my clam
>Fighting even with all maxed stats wears you out so much any second encounter is just going to get you raped

Game is complete shit.


that's the point

Just Opera.

how do you get this?

Autism, literally. Just keep grinding her events and you will eventually get a few new ones. It might seem like the game is out of content at some point but it's just really grindy and poorly balanced

Nice. Wish she had an actual schedule so you can more reliably meet her and get her events.

Does my education stats degrade if I don't continue learning from school/asylum?
It's set in britain


if you go to school all day you get one whitney event at some point

So you can become a sex demon, but can you become so pure you become a paladin

Really hope she gets fleshed out a bit more in future updates.
Still, what a perfect girl to lose your virginity to

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Attached: google it, heathen.png (286x241, 76K)

Yes. All you have to do is stay a virgin for 50 days.
I was thinking of an angel run, but also being a turbo-slut with max defiance so I can whore it out in the brothel and strip club and tell my clients how disgusting they are while stepping on their dicks and giving flat-chested titjobs.

I did google it
Pretty good

Whitney is best girl

FutaxTrap is always the superior option

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Is there actually anyone capable of taking off your chastity belt or does it eventually break from wear and tear?

>no way to set the screen white or brighter with black text

Eden is underrated


Yall niggas are cute.

>lost it in my playthrough to getting caught by eden and trying to run
Every time

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>you are being hunted

it's already on your phone

this tbqh

Considering these threads get deleted off on Yea Forums all the time what is the proper place to discuss this?

There's a general on /d/ that is mostly this game.

>HOWEVER if you eat enough wolfshrooms/ingest enough wolf jizz you'll start to change into a werewolf that starts with permanently getting razer sharp wolf teeth
How long for permament? I once got temporary

That's literally an option in this game. Set the percent of males slider to 0, set the NPCs to be female. Easy peasy.

The human hunting event in the dungeon, is there any way for that to not end with you escaping?

You just gotta keep fucking wolves, man. There's like a counter that goes up for each fucked wolf or eaten mushroom, and goes down by one each day you don't fuck a wolf. You need 30 for the full transformation.

Who knows, all I know is I went into the woods to collect a package for a guy to get a fake Id or some shit from them, only to get attacked and raped by a wolf, dragged back to its lair and the entire pack taking turns knotting me. Tried to dig a way out and everytime I made a bit of progress another would decide to come over and fuck me again.

>download for a html game
y tho?


This is why I decided to just live in the wolf cave for that run

>dance in front of horny audience all night
>nothing eventful happens
>tend to bar for 4 hours
>get raped into stress failure

That way you don't have to bother maintaining a website and finding a host willing to host a porn game containing all these extreme fetishes.

>goes down by one each day you don't fuck a wolf
It goes down every day, even if you fuck wolves. It's just that one wolf fuck is worth 3 days.

Well I got to find the black wolf then, hope I didn't scare it off before.
Is it just teeth or are you stuck with tail and ears too?

>Still can't fuck Winter

Teeth is phase one but you can go on and get ears and tail. Which is by far the cutest transformation if you ask me.

>enable pictures
>get this
what to do?

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Okay I got the lap pillow event for Robin. How do I fuck her and how do I get the dock event?

>whore self all night at the club
>only pick the "no touching" whoring
We Planescape now

I haven't used Opera since version 12.x, but in general that sounds like you have web storage disabled. Check in the privacy settings to make sure you have that and cookies enabled.

>how do I get the dock event?
why would you want that?
just wait a few weeks and don't pick up Robin's debt

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How the hell do I get S rank in skulduggery?

How the hell did you get raped in the bar?

If you tend to bar in strip club, the club manager may get accosted. If you intervene in any way, that's a rape.

It's not in the game yet. Safes in mansions are the hardest thing to break into at the moment.

I never knew what the dock event was but now I see.
Oh no

>can blueball Robin by always choosing "Cuddle" instead of "Kiss"
>this will prevent her lust from dropping
All other dudes gain lust as a byproduct of existence. Eden has huge balls/ovaries and wants to fuck all day. Robin must be denied release.

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I made the game easy mode by disabling bestiality. Take the dog as an example, now I always get money for following it, there's never any risk of bestial sex.

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>The science lesson begins, how do you want to conduct yourself?
>(4) Masturbate | Exhibitionism 4
Oh shit that's new

>there's never any risk of bestial sex.
I've never had that dog attack me whenever I follow it either, and I've been gangraped by dogs.

what are your hopes for the next update frens?

do it in the pool

>get caught by another student
>tells me he won't tell if I jack him off
>punish option
>make him cum
>"lmao thanks slut that'll teach you"
>we're not done yet fucker
>forcibly make him cum three more times until he's in pain and begging me to stop all while calling him a slut and a pervert
This fucking game, man. Needs more dom options.

Attached: back of the knee maybe.png (588x634, 26K)

More school events
more jobs
more locations to take robin to

>unlocking exhibition 5

Attached: light.gif (250x188, 648K)

>Spends hundreds on dance lessons
>get s rank
>head to the stripclub
>promiscuity not high enough for private dances
How do you level that shit up? I try to flirt at every chance I get but its not enough and I need the cash asap.
>also started dancing TOO good
>big dude in suite grabs me
>let it happen cus probably not strong enough
>crowd gets horny off my dancing
>the lets me go and nothing happens

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dom options

more clothes (casual and lewd)
more town events and things like the science fair but later on

Club is safe. Don't dance in the brothel.
Just slut it up any chance you get. If you need money, dress slutty and tend to the bar. The tips can be pretty ok.

No special effect
But if Kylar likes you and sits near you, fapping near her will give her +lust

When's the science fair

Dude, it's HTML. Open it up, find line 88, and change "color" and "background-color" to whatever color you want in hex. I'm sure there's also a proper way to do it by making your own CSS file.

This game is tight

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This run will be the run that I get past 2 weeks without suddenly wanting to restart for a different build

What the fuck dude I should of been a paladin 197 times now

you need max purity, not just being a virgin

getting dysphoric bitch????

stop masturbating, it makes it so you don't gain purity for that day
also having your mouth/ass plowed prevents a purity point for that day even if you're technically still a virgin

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More les content (give me a strap-on for fucks sake), dom options and the ability to rape back, Ability to remove Bailey's debt (for both you and Robin) permanently

Is there any point to paying attention in class after achieving S rank? Is it worth putting all time into status after that? Is being "popular" worth it cus it sounds like something that might fuck you over

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>successfully complete the angel transformation
>give myself to robin
Is this the good ending?

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>be nerdy girl
>decided to join the kids after school to go to the forest
>one of them shoves me and the rest run off
>get raped by a wolf

switch robin with whitney otherwise no

Anons that's almost 27 years, think about it

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there is, you just need to get caught by teach

>give yourself to robin
>max trauma
>to the asylum you go
I just want to make my beloved happy

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>Is being "popular" worth it cus it sounds like something that might fuck you over
It means you can walk back and forth between playgrounds and watch trauma and stress melt.

I... guess that's good? Any downsides?

How do I make the game as difficult as possible?

You don't get bullied.

Choose smallest body, with big tits, tick all enemy options and choose hardest difficulty mode

>Play Lilith's Throne
Decide to go through tutorial section naked
>no interaction change and chick just talk to me when I'm 4'9" with a 2 inch dick and have a bleached anus
Needs more updates desu

Depends on what you mean by difficult.
>tiny body
>no physical training
>beautiful starting build
>2x allure modifier
basically makes it impossible to keep your purity, even if you go for a chasity belt it'll break eventually.

When you're hanging out at the lake, you keep getting the "nerd who wants to kiss you" events instead of all the interesting ones.

>choose hardest difficulty mode
But there is only normal and soft.
Is there a difference if I chose a male or female? Both can have big tits.

You should be a succubus/incubus by the time you get out of the asylum though, then you can ride robin for so long they'll never walk straight again.

How do I make lots of money.

>Lilith Throne
>Getting content that isn't cat subrace #3479343.14
I love the game but it ain't happening senpai

>(((Kylar))) prevents status gain when slacking off during the lesson
When will this cunt give me more pepper?

Curse you all
If you're actually comfortable with lolis and shotas being abused you are my enemy

swimming: Swim into the lake ruins in the forest, look for the necklace for a one time 2,000 quid
semi criminal: when you get the school event to deliver the note, open it up and steal the computer login info. when school is closed find the pizza on his computer and then blackmail him for his watch. sell for 5,000 at the pub
after that it's just whoring yourself out/stealing

I want to see some more fantasy content eventually. Things like centaurs and succubi or something.

dance at clubs and take them private sessions

Using cheats and maxing everything out I played this shit and got raped by some guys who made my dick 4x bigger despite me setting shit to Feminine+ and Bottoming+

I asked Vrel myself and he said strap-ons and dildos are in development. Also a lot of people are wondering about a feature to rape back so I'll say again that Vrel made the game to be about being raoed not the other way around. He might plan on getting around to it but he will focus on implementing many other things first.

what event is that

read gud and then go to the library

>imagine yourself as janet

>If you're actually comfortable with lolis and shotas being abused you are my enemy
In my current save of pregmod I have a system setup where by everything that can get pregnant is, and the the ones that are born are aged to 12 y/o, the girls get trained into massive whores and are implanted with fertile ovaries, while the males are sent to the gloryholes to slowly waste away.

>fap in class
>oh this is so arousing omg omg

>science teacher asks you to undress
>oy vey why has this fate befell me

I just LARP as being a fag, I don't even imagine being a kid.