Guns have recoil and require actual skill for aiming

>guns have recoil and require actual skill for aiming
>encourages positioning and movement instead of spraying and praying
>characters that are all unique and can be mastered

Attached: apex .jpg (1024x536, 128K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>requires literal spyware to play
>intrusive DRM makes the game almost unplayable for like half the people who want to try it
>micro-transactions funding one of the most cancerous shitstains in the industry
>we got this shit instead of Titanfall 3

Nah. Fuck this shit.

git gud scrub

>forced diversity SJW trash cast

>walk walk walk
>loot shit
>walk walk walk

I hate BR.

>Spyware and DRM
Crossoff 99% of all commercially games available and go back to eating RMS's foot cheese.
>Cosmetic only micro-transactions in a FTP, with the exception of buying characters outright instead of grinding
Better than DLC since it could be eventually be free.
>Titanfall 3 deconfirmed
Never would have been released with Titanfall's abysmal sales
Fuck you. BRs are challenging, engaging, and far more rewarding than the slog fest of TDM or some shitty KoH variant. You get limited opportunities to fuck up an engagement and all the time in the world to plan. You're better off sticking to Battlefield, you child

>muh forced diversity
White is not the default of the world fag, and even aside from that 25% of the cast is white with that only to increase when Octane is released, quit your bitching

>I hate thinking
>It has meaningless lore attached to characters that's never brought up in game
lol orange man gonna lose

Come on, pick it up. I'm being paid by the post


it checks every fucking mark on the list of shit you should not be supporting

You can still do that, but Apex is designed to heavily promote seeking out action. If you kill someone and take their shield, you get that tier of shield, at full health, plus whatever other good items and attachments they have. This means that while you need to run through a couple buildings or whatever at the start to get a basic setup, your best bet is always to win fight after fight to snowball toward your team being fully equipped.

>I found basic-bitch automatic rifle and shot that guy 9x before he turned around
>He's somehow still alive because he got lucky and found better armor than I did
>In fact, I found no armor and am BTFO in 2 shots from his pea-shooter pistol
>My 2 dumb-fuck teammates separated as we were landing, again, and will never pick me up to revive me

Until they add a solo mode I'm never touching this overhyped shit again. Best BR by a country mile but suffers from loads of balancing issues that isn't worth dealing with 2 random chuckle-fucks over

What's wrong with a diverse cast?

Looting is worse than just killing people for their shit in this one.

I'd enjoy it more if they turned shields into armor and made it regen slowly instead of using shield packs to heal it

>fight after fight to snowball toward your team being fully equipped.
I just hide til the end then pop Bangalores ult and throw out some smoke to keep cover to take down the last couple people, hasn't failed me yet

Yawn, a bunch of political shit. Don't you have a discord meeting to attend to, tranny?

>playing solo
Why would you ever do this? At least find some shitters on /vg/


Oh shit I forgot. That doesn't matter around here

>separated as we were landing
Stop immediately launching and stop aiming at bad landing spots

That sounds like he had a wingman.

>Bangalore ult
>Doing anything

Except I eventually would relinquish jump master over to someone else when I was trying to find anything redeeming in the game and it still happened. There is no reason why they should've launched the game without a solo mode

>playing with /vg/
I learned my lesson with the autism fest that is the TF2 /vg/. Those autists can't spamfuck the same shitty memes over and over in 1 thread on the board so they spamfuck it here multiple times a day

Shitters like you are why a solo mode should never be added, because you don't think about all the game mechanics that you'll lose simply because you're too autistic to handle a few bad matches with a couple retarded teammates in a team-based game that takes literally seconds to find a new game if shit hits the fan and things go sideways.

No u

>Titanfall but without any of the shit that made Titanfall fun

Attached: 7c6.png (211x246, 11K)

If you've been here for more than 1 month, then you'll already know the answer to that question

too much hackers

I have no interest in wasting 15 minutes of my times looking for a decent start. You want armor in your game? Do it like it was done back in the day where it makes you stronger to take a few hits, but doesn't allow it to where it makes the difference between getting deleted and having enough time to delete. I'll take the time to learn the bullshit balance but refuse to do it with tweedle-dee and tweedle-dumb every step of the way. Blow me, faggot

git gud holy shit I get atleast 3 kills within 2 minutes of landing.

This. I just use the LFG channel in the dev's discord.

The gunplay is overall better than TF, in my opinion. But I just love having non-hitscan weapons and that's the default for every AL gun.

>was literally released without advertising it

>thinking EA didn't pay streamers

So press the button that says launch solo retard, nothing is forcing you to stay with your team, and making the complaint that your squad runs off to do their own thing while you want to play solo is fucking retarded

This is already the case. Get good and learn to aim.

I love this post.

Speak english

>teammate dies
>enemy stands on his body
>I can't shoot the enemy because the ''dead teammember icon'' obstructs him
great fucking design

Attached: RinDisgusted.jpg (1920x1080, 146K)

No you dont

>Im incapable of human interaction and adaptive planning
>I refuse to learn a game because "team's shit lol" and "bad rng can't play"
Get good holy fuck dude you're incredibly bad

finally tried this today, my first game of this genre and holy fuck it is as boring as it looks jfc

The people that like this shit are the tide pod eating kids right?



>Can land a shot on someone 9x enough times to where it becomes a common complaint
>Retarded kid think he's hot shit because his 2 better friends carry him

>find gun
>aim gun at person
>can't see person because ironsight blocks my view now

Attached: when the soy hits.gif (224x224, 3.98M)

lol nice one grandpa. try not to get drafted into another war you'll never win, you fat fuck

back to plebbit retard

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>Chararcters all have different hitboxes
>Characters all have same amount of health
Genius game design

I deal with people all day in my job. Some good, some bad. Last thing I wanna deal with when I get home and after gym is some mouth breathing, meme-spouting retard from r/Yea Forums, like you, that wastes 15-20 minutes of my time in 1 match. Last ting I wanna do is waste 15-20 minutes of my time only to get gunned down despite having better aim and some bumbling retard getting lucky a few times. CS:GO? OW? No probs. 1 game can be over relatively quick. Apex? Where 3 matches can last up to an hour and a half? Fuck no.

>retard is defending CSGO and Overwatch
Not helping your case

Game was good when it came out, but they are way too slow to balance their games

Gun/Character diversity is as bad as a 2 year old stale game when it's been out for only a month

it makes people whose sole "accomplishment" is having to wear sunscreen, have unintentionally maintained their virginity, and an unhealthy interest in judaism go reeeeeee

>I have no interest in wasting 15 minutes of my times looking for a decent start.
Bitch, that's not what I'm talking about so lemme break it down with 3 things off the top of my head so your shitter brain can try to comprehend what I'm trying to say.
Solo mode will not work in this game because you'll remove essential game mechanics that make the game the best BR out right now.
>the revive mechanic
You get shot, you go down, you get killed when your down, your teammates can collect your banner and revive you. The game isn't over when you die, the game is over when your squad is wiped. In solo there'd be no revive and your asinine whining will be exacerbated because you'll get double-teamed with no teammates to counter and no second chance. Knockdown shields also become useless since there's no point to even having a downed state.
>legend abilities
Multiple legends will have their abilities become useless, a few examples: Lifeline's revive shield has no point because she can't revive anybody. Pathfinder's zipline is pointless because you don't have to set it up for teammates and you should be able to grapple anywhere you wanna go. Wraith's portals have less utility for lagging teammates or baiting enemies to follow you into your squad for an ambush.
>the ping system
This was literally put in the game so autists like you, who can barely handle human interaction, can communicate with your teammates. The devs literally played the game in silence until they came up with the idea because they knew autists like you would be too afraid of their own voice to key up their mic or tickety-tap on their keyboards (stopping the gameplay) to communicate with the squad.
You don't want a solo mode. You want to git gud. You fucking shitter.

Attached: 10.25.01.png (851x505, 390K)

>can down people for days
>always get my kills stolen
This shit is infuriating

>Is a shitty fucking BR meme game

It gives edgy teenagers something to scream about for as long as their attention span can handle?

>retard thinks I still play them regularly
>retard would rather spend 28 minutes doing fuck all only to die because someone with a pistol shot him dead while he shot him with a shitty 3x at point blank
Wanna know how I know you're no older than 19?

>defends them
>b-b-but I don't play them
>straw man ad hominim and no u
You lost this one, everyone sees how much of a retard and autist you are, keep digging that hole so I can keep laughing at you

>pick up purple or gold barrel stabilizer
>suddenly no recoil COD game

It counts as your kill when you down them.

>>characters that are all unique and can be mastered
Wraith is objectively the best character, as she has higher movement speed, and the smallest hit box, but with the same HP and defense as other characters.

You forgot some of the worst netcode in a major release in the past decade, and certainly the worst of all the BRs.

Also, almost half of the heroes are f-tier trash that put you at an extreme disadvantage when you pick them.


Literally everything you typed out sounds like a raging sperg trying way too hard to sound smart.

Either remove or add in some kinda last stand mechanic with say an ability to revive yourself if you get a kill. I honestly don't give a fuck about that

YOU literally need to git gud and think about WTF you're saying. Lifeline loses her shield but can still heal herself with no med supplies and call in a care package. Makes healing much more risky considering someone could turn the corner at any second and end you. Pathfinder sounds perfectly fine and as an option for player that prefer mobility over everything else and Wraith sounds she can do all of that in solo as well or be a get outta jail free card in a different way than Path

Literally who cares? What does this have to do with solo mode? You're literally saying, "This beach ball is wet but there's no fucking way you could change it to be dry. If it's not dry, it's not usable." You for freal right now or is your logic just that shit?

YOU sound like a shitter that NEEDS other players to try and cover his ass. I can admit when I fuck up. I can admit when I might overreact. But when 1/3 games is like what I said in my original post, I have no time for that shit.

>edgelord detected

>Threat sight
>Bangalore Smoke

Attached: D0SPNyBVYAA-rDw.jpg (682x1024, 80K)

Defended them because they're a much better example of socialization and coordination in a game with people that actually give a fuck for the most part. Plenty of games I don't play any more but can say they were better than X. All while strawmanning those games in the first place. You're not being retarded on purpose, are you? Or is it just cuz you're 19?

>willingly spending real money on SKINS in a first person game

What the fuck is wrong with you

I only care about the new characters, but they're no doubt releasing at the same time

Does anyone think that blue and purple shield make the TTK too high? I feel like TTK up until level 1 tier shield is absolutely perfect. Not too low where you can just spray and gives you enough time to escape if you get caught. With purple shields, it takes too long

its fine if you have a purple extended mag, trying to kill a purple armour with no extended or grey is pretty shitty outside of wingman/shotguns

there are so many times where 3 squads are left and we end up running into one of them, spend 5 mins fighting them cuz all of them have purple shields. by the time, the fight is over, we get third partied.

>not lifeline

>higher movement speed

all characters have the same base speed dumbass

>one single character has a 30% smaller hitbox than the rest of the cast
>said character has a "get away for free" power
>every character has the same health

nice balance

i would spend $$$ on gun skins if some of the legendary ones werent so fuckin ugly

Fuck women, fuck minorities, FUCK trannies.

Attached: ToxicWhiteMan.webm (1244x700, 2.82M)

You can shoot over icons, user.

caustic is objectively the worst legend in the game

Sorry I have good comprehension skills and can formulate an argument to counter "muh solo mode".
>Either remove
No. The revive mechanic differentiates the game from other BRs and literally saves squads. In other BRs if your teammate (possibly your friend) goes down you either get kill hungry and die to end the game quickly so y'all can find another one, or you force them to wait for you to win the game which you just lost, which is boring.
>git gud and think
I have thought about this, that's why it sounds like I'm sperging. Yes, most of the characters will still be viable, but they won't be used to their fullest extent since the game was designed around teammplay.
>Literally who cares?
Literally everyone who plays the game. It's there so you can use minimal effort to communicate with your teammates. It becomes useless in solo mode because there's no point to it. Just because you're too much of a shitter to use it correctly doesn't mean that everyone else is.
>I know you are but what am I?
Look dude, I'm telling you why solo mode won't work and you just want to complain. Sorry you're bad and are projecting onto me but I can't make you better. You want solo mode? Drop solo away from your squad. But when you die 1v3 don't complain about no solo mode simply because you refuse to adapt to how the game was designed to be played. You fucking shitter.

Attached: 1429497067857.gif (240x228, 904K)

>"get away for free" power
>tells literally everyone where you're going with a sparkling path

>play apex
>feels good
>play tf2
>feels fucking bad man

they should give shroud 10% of all future sales for literally single handedly making apex a success.

I want TF2 with Apex Legends guns honestly. Dealing with a bunch of barely differentiated hitscan weapons feels like ass compared to the projectile-based guns in AL.

You're thinking of the standard stock. Hmmm, I wonder why you're unhappy with the game


Attached: Blog_BLACKOUT_1920x1080.jpg (1920x1080, 668K)

>literal spyware to play
>He complains as he posts on the world wide web on the ISP plan he signed up for and purchased using his real information, while he also browses TikTok on his Apple iPhone with one of the 3 major carriers
Why do you faggots always cry about Spyware? You are a literal fucking nobody with not even 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000001% of information worth gathering. No one gives a fuck about your shit indie videogames or your awful taste in Rule34.

>no advanced movement because the game is for casuals.
>no momentum because the game is for casuals
>random loot because the game is for casuals
>no map control because the game is for casuals
>following casual trends because the game is literally made for casuals
>hotkey skills because having nuanced mechanics is hard and the game is for fucking casuals.

>t. shitter who drop at low-tier loot zones

I usually hate SJW shit and I think the Apex characters are fucking ugly, but c'mon. It's first person, you don't even need to see your character.

>no advanced movement because the game is for casuals.
>no momentum because the game is for casuals
Objectively wrong.

>random loot because the game is for casuals
The game literally has tiered areas and gives you two locations at the start of each match that are guaranteed to have top-tier items.

>no map control because the game is for casuals
I really wonder what gave you this idea, because it's wrong for every BR game even. The entire game is map control.

Poor user.

LMAO! What's it feel like to be as irrelevant as halo and quake fags now?

Attached: 1550991623424.png (512x512, 476K)

>bunny hop thats literally slower than sliding
>wall runs without maintaining any momentum is 'advanced'
>a fucking grapple hook thats on a cooldown is advanced movement
Yeah nah, maybe if you've never played a proper pc shooter in your life but apex legends is slow and casual as fuck
>having tiered weapons at all to add randomization is skill
Retards gonna retard
>map control
>battle royale
You don't understand what true map control is in a shooter, in fact the fact that you're choosing a BR. A genre literally made to keep the status quo of having enough random elements to allow every casual a solid chance to win is hilarious. The literal reason Apex legends doesn't have the movement and speed of Titanfall is because that would go against the status quo, you can't allow advanced players to constantly shit on new ones therefore you remove the ability altogether in order to make a slower more casual friendly experience.

Go play an actual competitive shooter instead of playing online roulette.

because criminals want to harvest your personal information for credit card fraud and other identity theft and all these companies have leaks constantly/literally just sell your info off to super dodgy outfits/rat you out if the police ever ask them to so the less access they have the better

>having tiered weapons at all to add randomization is skill
this whole post is just bad reading comprehension lad

>BR babby can't refute simple facts
If your game required actual skill you wouldn't need to have tier weapons at all. Enjoy your online roulette.

>implying /pol/yps go outside

There wasn't anything to refute. You said the game has "random loot" but each area is clearly labeled with what loot it's going to have in it by rarity, it's the opposite of randomization. If you misread that there's nothing there for me to respond to. Just rewrite your post if you want, i don't care.

>characters are bland, you rarely actually use their skills to win a fight and are always just shooting
>only actual character difference is hitbox
>everyone always does better with wraith because her hitbox is half the size of everyone else
>all skills have a delay to use
>rng guns with rng attachments within rng bags to shoot rng armor regained by rng shields/hp
>worst networking in the industry by far
>hacker infested
>half the lobby disconnecting each game
>every match is just shooting with nothing interesting to spice it up
>worse than almost every existing fps
If this game didn't have paid streamers nobody would play this garbage, it's so easy to manipulate sheep like you.

>its not on steam*
Bleq, you reak of a steam shit skin. Just because a game isn't on steam doesn't mean you have to dislike it so hard. Sour grapes

>game already has over 1.5 million hackers
It's pretty sad actually, it's already moving into Overwatch numbers which had a confirmed peak of over 2.5 million concurrent aimbot users at one given time.

>play wraith
>sprint to reduce hitbox size by ~50%

Attached: 1479964591176.png (313x161, 4K)

>>you rarely actually use their skills to win a fight
Maybe bad kids like you forget to use your skills but I consistently bamboozle scrubs to win firefights.

Attached: 1437911589177.png (449x642, 450K)

I'm really bad at this game. Played like 5 games and haven't got a single kill. I dont get it.

Can they realistically add single player when so many of the ults are based around teams?

>Not wanting the glorious looking Hemlook or two thin versions of Wingman
I hit level 100 yesterday and the only legendary weapon skin I have is a fucking Alternator. I'd say most of the Trial by Fire weapon skins are pretty good as well, got a few of those.

>buying skins in a game mode that you paid $60 for

>Buying skins
When did I say that?

>talking about skins
>hasn't purchased any ever
Oh I believe you

>I hit level 100 yesterday
Are you unable to read? I finished getting all of my crates yesterday and still didn't get the legendaries that I wanted, and now I never will.
>Giving money to EA

Increase Wingman damage falloff at mid/long ranges

Drop PK mag size to 4

Reduce Havoc base recoil & increase chargeshot damage

Slightly increase Flatline, Hemlok & Prowler base damage

Implement extended energy mags

You do know that you can even craft the skins right? Buying it is unnecessary

>watch streamer play blackout
>he spend literally 6 minutes waiting in the pre-game lobby because there isnt enough players

Attached: 1539618622950.jpg (1087x1080, 112K)

fucking this

Apex Legends is literally Blackout but good

>characters that are all unique and can be mastered
That's a funny way of saying
>some of the worst character balance to ever be seen in a shooter
Do you pick
>free healing on a short cooldown, free items, faster use of healing items, faster revives, safe revives with an auto shield
>tiny shield on arm while aiming, slow as fuck to deploy bubble that you can't shoot out of, and rockets that are countered by buildings and cliffs. Oh, and don't forget big as fuck hitbox.

>25% of the cast is white
Caustic isn't 1/4th the cast. Wraith is Asian.

Lower your sensitivity a bit to help the arm twitch or panic when in a firefight.

>throw smoke bomb as bangalore
>none of my team have the item to see through it
>opposing team has the item
Ha, I sure bamboozled them

>drop shield as Gibralter
>we stare at each other for 15 seconds while the bubble protects us
>opponent uses the time to get a better vantage point, grenades the shield right before it drops
Ha, I sure bamboozled them

>drop gas as Caustic
>my whole team is blind
>enemy has item to see through it, but is tickled by the poison
>enemy Lifeline outheals the poison
>my blinded team dies
Ha, I sure bamboozled them

>send out decoy as Mirage
>enemies shoot decoy and reveal their position
>my squad wins the fight because the enemy got bamboozled
Look kid, you wanna bamboozle people? Play the bamboozler. You wanna bitch and moan about how you're using your skills poorly? Go watch some youtube videos and learn some new strategies.

Attached: 1432694840951.png (900x900, 622K)

>send out decoy as Mirage
>get shot anyway because only retards shoot the decoy
Ha, I sure bamboozled them

>basic as fuck gunplay
>basic as fuck movement system
>hotkey skills because nuanced mechanics would turn away casuals
>game mode that emphasizes less control from the player and more elements that are random
Being more skillful than fortnite doesn't change the fact that its a casual as fuck shooter.
>inb4 Apex shills try to pretend they're playing a high skilled shooter or that BRs are anything close to that.

Not my fault you don't know how to use your skills. I bet you send out your decoy while the enemy is looking right at you instead of breaking line of sight first. Like I said, go watch some youtube videos and learn better strategies. git gud

Attached: 1426548385047.gif (500x367, 817K)

>two big guys
>both have extremely large hitboxes which is devastating in a shooting game
>overall powerlevel of their moves isn't any higher than other characters and if anything is worse
>Pathfinder hitbox absolutely horrible and no passive or immediate combat abilities
>Bangalore just strictly better than the rest of the cast and has a passive that wins her every engage and an ult that forces a reset on every team fight
>Bloodhound arbitrarily hard counters certain characters, and is immensely powerful on the same team as those he counters
>Lifeline with an overloaded kit including quick heals with items and an infinite shield to allow for reviving in situations that would be completely impossible for any other unit to do
>Wraith hitbox so small and awkward that just that alone would be enough to make her really powerful

The balancing for the characters is horrible. To make matters worse, the guns are terrible too. The game heavily encourages dropping hot, but litters the battlefield with P2020 and Mozambique which are just flatout trash. Meanwhile a relatively common weapon like the Wingman is not only ammo efficient, but it does stupid high damage, has no reduction to your movement speed when used, can instant kill from a headshot, does high damage even on body shots, and doesn't require any real optics, clip, etc.. to start doing well with.

I agree that the game is shit, but there was one kind of nuanced thing that I didn't expect. You can get up higher by opening doors outwards, climbing on the door, then climbing up a wall from the door. That was kind of neat. It's a shame it's the one good thing I can say about the game.

queue times in this game are ridiculous

Attached: 02.37.49.png (434x368, 95K)

>closing a door, looting a deathbox, and grabbing their beacon are all mapped to the same button
>no way to map these things to different buttons
Anyone else find this surprisingly obnoxious? The way corpses, deathboxes, and doors interact in general is really silly.

>I only play against retards that shoot the decoy
Yeah man, "git gud". I hear Youtube is the only way. Mirage, like half of the cast, is useless when put up against characters like Lifeline, Wraith and Bloodhunter.

That only works against retards though, against anyone with double digits IQ it will only reveal your position since the decoy walks in a straight line

the strat for top 3 is to let the other two teams find each other, for exactly the reason you're describing. they'll spend resources and not be ready. since each decent team will want this, you have to be patient as fuck obviously

Welcome to Battle Royales. Hide in a bush until everyone else kills themselves. Congratulations, you've won!

less than 30sec at any time

you can turn off data gathering

yeah cuz im sure thinking its the fucking mirage taking cover only to spring back out in a straight line

I mean, if it works it works. Half the players in the game are gunna be retards anyway so what's the problem? Even sending out the decoy and having an enemy track it for 1 second helps you because they gotta recenter on you giving an edge in a firefight.
Honestly, y'all sound like bad kids who complain because you don't understand how to bamboozle.

Attached: yeahman.jpg (294x273, 14K)

Gibraltar gives him a run for his money because of just how large mchuge he is.

Sounds like you're so good at bamboozling that you've bamboozled yourself into thinking you're good :^)

You must be a shitter if you actually believe this, that is the ideal situation, for anything else what you do is start the fight, shoot a bit and make some noise, and after a while bail out, the 3rd retard team will start fighting with the damages squad and win, after that you steamroll them, if all the fuckers are hiding you just start throwing grenades at some random location and shooting a bit, the will show up and kill themselves

mirage is actually worse than the holo pilot in 2 somehow

>decoy only comes out on the reticle so cant really flick it out mid-fight
>ult decoys are useless cause its super obvious
>decoy on down is useless

literally the only use is sending it out first and revealing enemies that shoot it. wraith accomplishes this with her passive (she is completely redonculously overpowered, but still)

But dood, what about the shield the size of wraith's head that protects a tiny part of his body (not his head hitbox)? He's SO GOOOOD.

That's an instant no for me
They decided to sell themselves out to EA, they can be killed by EA for all I care

Attached: 1394086535499.gif (500x394, 907K)

Ridiculously OP:
Borderline OP:
Can Be Useful:
>Bangalore - Smoke can hide things like Wraith's portal

Fake it till you make it.

>decoy only comes out on the reticle so cant really flick it out mid-fight
t. bad kid who hasn't gotten good at flicking a decoy out mid-firefight for maximum bamboozle
>ult decoys are useless cause its super obvious
t. bad kid who doesn't understand that the ult is a repositioning tool
>decoy on down is useless
agreed, but sometimes my invisibility allows me to sneak away in the confusion

Attached: 1423107431416.jpg (565x600, 40K)

They confirmed more Titanfall is coming.

The game is set on an international stage, the racial makeup makes sense (besides the lack of chinks)

>t. bad kid who hasn't gotten good at flicking a decoy out mid-firefight for maximum bamboozle
>Huh, why did that Mirage look to the right, causing another Mirage to run off to the right while the original is still shooting me?
Got 'em

>Pathfinder hitbox absolutely horrible and no passive or immediate combat abilities
His grapple is incredibly useful in combat though, positioning is crucial to winning fights

I like that even with his shield up, he has more hitbox than Wraith does.

His Passive also gives you advance knowledge of where the circle will be. There's a combat advantage to being able to get somewhere first.

how do you reposition when anyone with a brain goes "oh he just ulted so hes definitely cloaked around here somewhere"

it would actually be better if it DIDNT do decoys

gibraltar at least has the dome shield that blocks all damage in the game. caustic has nothing, he just eats shit.

>gibraltar at least has the dome shield that blocks all damage in the game.
Including yours. It also deploys on like a 5 second delay.
Caustic at least obscures vision for everyone but him (and those with the heat vision thing). Either way, we're arguing who is the king of shit tier.

What the fuck is appealing about battle royale?

Attached: 1536266214109.jpg (400x400, 24K)

It would be nice if the decoys ran on every direction while he gets cloaked for 2 seconds to start running with the decoys

Caustic can actually serve some purpose indoors. They need to double or triple his gas damage but I have won due to a caustic mining a house so the badly damaged enemies die when they try to run for cover. I've never seen a Gibraltar shield win a game. I think that thing probably loses games.

The game is horribly balanced, has horrible gunplay, has horrible netcode, horrible servers, horrible cosmetics, and the fact its still the best BR is proof of what a shit genre it actually is

Cyclic gameplay.
Jump, play, win or lose, re-queue, boom, in a a new game within 30 seconds or less.
No stupid assholes bitching about team composition, no picking/banning phases, no map selection or lobbies to deal with.
It's just instant access gameplay without stupid bullshit that plagues other multiplayer genres.

>>Huh, why did that Mirage look to the right, causing another Mirage to run off to the right while the original is still shooting me?
>sending out your decoy while in view of your enemy
Like I keep telling you my man, it's not my fault you're bad at using your skills while I understand that I need to break line of sight first before I send out my decoy. This isn't a hard concept to grasp.

Well, if you use it correctly the enemy will switch targets to someone they can actually see, usually a teammate who's shooting at them since that's a higher priority. This allows you to break line of sight and flank or acquire the high ground. After repositioning you can keep playing mind games by not revealing yourself but sending out your decoy for a quick bamboozle, since the enemy is gunna be ready for you to reappear. Retards will still shoot your ulti decoys anyway while trying to shoot you and mark themselves for your teammates.

Honestly, y'all need to gid gud.

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>I understand that I need to break line of sight first before I send out my decoy. This isn't a hard concept to grasp.
>t. bad kid who hasn't gotten good at flicking a decoy out mid-firefight for maximum bamboozle
So is it mid-firefight, or is it while running for cover? You can't seem to decide.

the game is horribly balanced and its kind of funny people think its awesome cause "respawn makes shooters".

>shooter developer
>make a character like wraith and release it

masterful design

>playing f2p br games, especially one made by EA
Fuck zoomers and fuck poorfags.

Wraith as a character isn't a problem, it's all just her hitbox.

You can run for cover while in mid-firefight dood. A firefight is the entire time you're engaging the enemy. When you're actively shooting at the enemy is when you don't need to decoy. Unless you wanna have it soak up a couple bullets. You sure you're not a bad kid?

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Between caustic and gibraltar, gibraltar is shittier, the dome is most of the time your own death trap since now the enemy can get closer to you without any risk of being shot, the shield is laughably bad since it doesn't cover your head, has like 100 health, and takes like 2 seconds to actually activate, only useful for sniping crouched, which is garbage since sniping in this game is a waste of time, the ultimate is actually really good but not enough to make gibraltar worthy of playing, caustic on the other hand can use his traps to detect enemies in the back, cover flanking routes, blocking doors, and they actually cripple the enemy while giving you wallhacks, he is strong indoors, and the ulti is good to deny areas and revive downed teammates, his hitbox is just 2X wraith instead of the 2.5 of gibraltar, who will 100% of the time eat the whole damage of a peacekeeper

>land, pick up gun
>shoot someone
>they have people armor

respawn made martrydom, deathstreaks, javnukes, dual 87s, killstreaks, and OMA. Anyone humping them like they know what they're doing is a retard, they're a literal joke dev as far as balance goes.

its useless, its very easy to guess where the circle will go.

pathfinder only escapes shit tier cause grapple has so many applications.

>it's still a firefight while you're not firing
>flicking is relevant outside of aiming/firing

Ha, I sure bamboozled YOU. Maybe watch some youtube next time so you could be a pro level player like me.

yea more titan fall BR's retard

>wraith with purple armor literally just walks in my face while playing gibraltar to shoot me for full damage

yeah i'll wait for a patch or something

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I dunno what you want from me, kid. All I'm getting out of this conversation is that you're a bad kid who just wants to bitch and moan about how you can't understand basic mind games or the concept that the entire time you're engaging the enemy can be considered a firefight, even if no bullets are being exchanged for a few seconds while the players reposition themselves or reload their weapons.

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>apex legends

pick one op
this game barely has any recoil

>picking gibraltar
i found your problem, but have you tried pressing your crouch, jump or strafe keys in an engagement? you know this isn't counter strike right?

If you are playing gibraltar, none of those matter. You are a side of a barn and if you are playing on PC, even the rustiest shooter players will kill you.

Honestly, it's like this kid chooses to be bad.

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no stock does aim drift and ads speed

>can't play 3 characters because they hitbox is so shit you actually gimp yourself quiet badly
who thought it would be okay to give some characters 2 times bigger hitbox yet won't give them more hp or resist

>pick gibraltar to be defense support
>oh no he actually sucks
>wraith is actually simultaneously the best offense and defense character cause of the tick rate and shes the size of a hobbit (why? i dunno lol)

yeah this game is worthless competitively

He's was easily the hardest character for me to get 5 wins on.

your first mistake was being a faggot, and somewhere along the line after that one of your many later mistakes was assuming you're playing fucking overwatch and not an actual shooter where agility matters more than who can press Q better

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I'm surprised you were able to get any at all what with your team instant quitting.

I'm playing on the Aussie servers, so much less cancer.

He's not wrong, this game has a long road ahead of it to shore up balance. If they keep wraith where she is, the game's dead.

>less cancer
I guess he gets more respect for being a big cunt.

only thing that matters in Apex is what size your character is, currently

>no momentum
Laughs in pathfinder

Being able to freely revive people faster behind a shield, heal faster, and just ignore the circle all together is a pretty good reason to pick a certain character.

oh and look at that, shes the second smallest character

She could be Gibralter sized and still easily be one of the better characters. Any one of her skills are better than half of the casts full kits. Any one part of her three part passive trumps almost every other characters passives.

you dont have to lie to be cool here user

what a dumb fuck, just shoot the damn icon then

ya i dont know what they were thinking loading all the support on to one character

It would be fine if the other characters had useful things as well. Unfortunately, there's Lifeline, then there's an assortment of hitboxes. And that's the cast.

>click click click
>attack buffstats attack
>click click click

I hate isometric RPGs

>Muh hitboxes
Headshot hitboxes are the same for all characters.
Unless you literally can't aim for shit, hitboxes aren't even that big of an issue.

Their height isn't uniform, and this is a shooter where assault rifles are generally better than snipers. A good chunk of shots will still be body shots.

>skipping a turn so you can do 5 more damage for the 3 next turns
was it bad game design?

Actually spray and pray is better on this game than most because bullets go the same place from hip as they do ads.

A hitbox where aiming for the head may cause you to miss shots versus one that you can fire a shotgun in the vauge direction of their head and get only hits is a huge difference.

>get a caustic on your squad
>he just throws gas all over the fucking place in a fight
>nowhere to go so you get slowed down
>"well at least the enemy is having an even worse time right?"
>enemy team has a caustic as well and he walks up and fucking curbstomps you with a peacemaker
yeah, hes the worst, even worse then fucking pineapple pizza man
at least the dome shield does SOMETHING

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Doesn't even need to be an enemy Caustic. If they have the heat vision sights they can see you too.

>It's a peacekeeper/wingman Wraith episode

Peacekeeper/Wingman is legit an overrated as fuck combo
R99/Hemlock is where it's really at, some streamers already took notice and all

>Drop Wingman long range damage down to ~20-25 a hit
>Reduce PK mag to 4
>+1 base damage to Flatline, Hemlok, Prowler
>Implement extended energy magazines
>Slightly increase themite grenade DPS
>Reduce Havoc recoil
>Fix Pathfinder hitbox
>Increase Gib & Caustic HP to 125 or 150

That would fix most of the balance issues.

Yeah, R99 is some serious shit, but the hemlock is probably not as good as the Wingman.

enemy caustics are not immune to your team's caustic gas

>That would fix most of the balance issues.
How does this adress Wraith or Lifeline in any way?

Don't forget
>get rid of Wraith's weaboo run entirely

They are.

The niggerest post of the thread

I feel like I'm total dogshit with the hemlok
big fan of the r99 and 301 though

But really what's annoying about the wraith bit is the tiny hitbox compared to my massive pathfinder hitbox

Whats up with pathfinders hitbox?
literally the most fun Ive had in a shooter, grappling around and appearing behind people with a peacekeeper and his short ult cooldown is just too much
pls dont nerf

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those two guns is what shroud uses and he obliterates with them
he also doesn't use wingman just due to how busted it is

>Still running into hackers nearly every single game
They gotta get some better anti-cheat.

By buffing the characters that are the worst at the moment.

Doesn't the Naruto run make her hitbox more horizontal though, making it easier to hit on longer ranges as far as judging bullet travel time goes?

Oh yeah I know. For some reason my aim with the hemlok, even semi auto just isn't there compared to the 99/301. Like I miss too much for it to be worth using

No she's fucking not I know you are 1 person trying to shill this shit. Fuck off.

actually, it's the opposite
pathfinder has the third largest hitbox and it sort of doesn't accurately reflect his actual model
he, caustic, and gibraltar have beeg hitboxes that people believe should be reduced or otherwise accounted for

Okay? Wraith still has a super useful skill and the best hitbox. Lifelines skills still individually trump full kits. Bangalore, Pathfinder, Caustic, Gibralter, and Mirage are still shit. Caustic, Gibralter and Mirage are still bottom of the barrel tier, even in spite of two of them surviving one more bullet from some guns. Really, isn't changed at all by your changes.

Wraith at long range is wraith that is ghosting. Most engagements happen at close to mid range, where the wraith "Believing it" at you makes her fucking smaller than most shotgun groups.

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the problem with wraith is really that her small hitbox actually just straight up dodges peacekeeper pellets and she naturally tends to take less damage unless you pump it right into her spine or some shit
And the peacekeeper is one of the two best guns in the game currently, though the winman is a bit better with a skullpiercer then the pchoke on PK

I was trying to be subtle about the changes. Most armchair CEOs tend to want to turn the meta upside down instead of nudging it somewhat to the right direction. I agree that it wouldn't fully fix the situation, but it would still make things better and some character/loadout choices more viable.

>narrowing a characters eyes makes them asian

She's clearly Filipino with slightly lighter skin.

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T. fuckin' flip
Epithelial folds don't exist in that wraith picture.

>Just go play 3 on 1 if you want solos bro
yeah okay retard

Pathfinder > all

damn you're gonna hate fortnite and pubg if you didn't like this

It has that retarded bullet drop thing from Fortnite though.
>requires literal spyware to play
it is not infact literal spyware user.
>intrusive DRM makes the game almost unplayable for like half the people who want to try it
How is it obtrusive if I have not even noticed it...?
>micro-transactions funding one of the most cancerous shitstains in the industry
I haven't even bothered looking at the microtransactions, I think I have like 5 unopened packs. It is just cosmetic shit.
>we got this shit instead of Titanfall 3
*citation needed*

Wingman actually has zero recoil and is the most busted weapon in the game.

Why are you so obsessed...? it is a fucking FIRST PERSON shooter with like 0 store, exposition, cutscenes, dialog or even focus on player models. Just play the robot if being a coloured chick triggers you that much.

Funny, I have been here since long before the retard invasion of GG, and still nobody has been able to answer the question.

I don't think I've ever waited more than a minute and I can constantly find games at 3-4 am

i used to think she was asian too because of the ninja and japan themed banners and shit, but she is clearly white from the cinematic

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>blatant aimbot hackers are becoming more and more prevalent every day
I wish we would nuke China.

how the fuck do people glide so far away when they're landing? like someone is halfway through landing and suddenly they get this insane speed boost. is it a glitch?

Stay mad

T hacker

How does it feel to be a pathetic, worthless, unlovable virgin?

There's literally no point in hacking unless you're so fucking horrible a literal baby could destroy you, so you have to use hacks to make yourself feel better because you LITERALLY have nothing good going on in your life because you're a miserable pile of shit and a waste of oxygen.

>play 2 a shit load
>everyone wants the hitscan guns nerfed cause they're way too good
>never happens
>Apex comes out
>literally all the same guns and they're all projectile based now

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498492498 is a player that I came across with obvious headshot hacks. Like, what's the point? They know they're not good, that's why they hack, but like, y tho?

It's answered almost daily. Characters that are included solely to virtue signal to the left feel out of place because they usually are. They're added solely to increase appeal to a demographic that doesn't care about games. There's a reason why no one complains about Left for Dead 2's 50% black cast, and it's because they're well written characters with flaws and all that fit the game. What the fuck does Gibralter stealing his dad's motorbike with his boyfriend have to do with Apex Legends? Nothing. Well, actually it does have to do with one thing: It got the journos to praise the game, and gets retarded leftists to defend the game by labeling anyone who dislikes it homophobic or nazis.
t. a flaming homo who is sick of this shit

>wait for matchmaking queue
>wait for game to load
>wait for players to join
>wait for opening plane to fly across map
>wait to reach the ground out of jumping out of plane
>spent 1-5 minutes looting items
>play for 5-25 more minutes depending on how you do
what bothers me about the genre is that at best you're only playing the FPS part of the game 80% of the time, and at worst maybe 40% of the time.

I could hop into CS/TF2/arena shooters/etc. in under 2 minutes from clicking the desktop shortcut and I'd instantly be in the action with almost no downtime for my entire playsession except when maps are changing.

>FPS part of the game 80% of the time, and at worst maybe 40% of the time.
What? Do you know how many games you can end top 2-3 without firing a single bullet, even without hiding or avoiding gunfire? Because the answer is a lot.

>Tiered weapons
Do you like mean that weapons have tiers according to community? Like x weapon is better than y weapon?
Isn't every game like that? Should every gun work the same?
I'm quite confused
And the previous post was quite baka too. Adaptability is hard skill to master if you play games where you are always tied in skill or loot.
I like adaptability, especially if I manage to win when starting with shittier cards.
And it seems like you haven't played Apex if you don't know it has map control. Why do you talk about games you haven't played like you know a lot about them? It seems counterproductive, hard to take you seriously and all your arguments do is to feed more people to the game.
I do not understand.

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See, I would take this answer with the ever slightest bit of good faith, if this wasn't a fucking Apex Legends thread. /pol/tards are even less insufferable. At least they straight up just admit they irrationally hate nonwhites.

Well, I meant assuming you're not a bitch who just hides in the corner. If I was purposely trying not to have fun then there are tons of games I could play.

Apex features legendary rarity weapons that are inherently better than the others, and tiered addons that also improve the quality of the gun. He's talking about the RNG of finding the better kitted out gun, and then winning due to that statistical advantage it gives you.

>even without hiding or avoiding gunfire
Reading sure is hard

there is no fucking recoil and all weapons are trash and slow with some exceptions

Wingman / r99 is god tier

I have 4 winning streak atm using that

I really enjoy this game but it absolutely does not require skill, just run at people and hipfire and you win fights

It also involves walking around for 10 minutes digging through trash until you happen upon someone if you survive the first 2 minutes.

Remarkable how they made Halo free for all mode but worse and years later.

as a caustic main i can safely say they're not

>wingman/peacekeeper meta

i usually like revolvers but it's just boring

Those legend rarity weapons have limited ammo to counterbalance their superiority, which is just being a very conveneient version of that gun with all its "best" attachments

Holy fuck the game takes place in Africa, of course they are African you fucking idiot.

Do you not understand the power of bamboozle?
You know enemies are on the area, but they haven't seen you yet?
You send out a crouching "bambo-bambe-bambiiz-fool them!" along the wall, enemies look at it and shoot it. Location revealed
Or, slide behind a rock when getting fired, bamboozle from there, location revealed.
Enemies tends to have a need to kill the remaining squads, especially when there aren't much time to next ring closing.
They aren't gonna think everytime "Hmm, I wonder if that is a bamboozle or not?" or stop shooting straight running Mirages in general

It sounds like you are bad at bamboozling and you have been bamboozled many many times

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oh i actually get to use this again

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Oh you mean those
Don't you get those only from care packages? Everyone can see where they drop and you can go and try to pick them up.
Alternatively you can camp the package and shoot idiots who go there
Risk reward my friend

Every dev pays streamers. Its nothing new.

>Or, slide behind a rock when getting fired, bamboozle from there, location revealed.
I mean, your location is revealed sure.
>Enemies tends to have a need to kill the remaining squads, especially when there aren't much time to next ring closing.
There's no incentive to engage the enemy. Why risk elimination when you could just advance toward the inner ring and ignore the retard playing Mirage?

Not every, and you can find the good upgrades anywhere. It's pure RNG if you have a better gun setup than your opponent by the time you stumble across each other.

Patherfinder's hitboxes are broken in a bad way, he is easier to hit than he should be. Still my favorite legend as well, gotta go fast

Yes, because unlike your cawadooty hit scan shooters you are firing a projectile with drop that must be led.

>3 matches
>hour and a half

I have not had a single match go over 18 minutes. Your the kind of dude who camps until the literal final circle arent you?

I don't think the drop is remotely realistic in this game though. I don't get why devs add it to make it "hard" unless you are shooting someone from insane distance hitscan ends up being more realistic than these half assed physics implementations. I mean for christ sake if you tried monkey and the hunter, the bullet would hit below the dudes feet.

All I see is wraiths running in by themselves, trying to phase away, and constantly getting downed. Lifeline and Bloodhound are where its at for solo queue.

>Why risk elimination when you could just advance toward the inner ring and ignore the retard playing Mirage?
>"Well! I don't see the last squad anywhere! Let's run across the field to the inner ring! I'm sure the enemy isn't on the lookou-!"
>"Why is Bangalore ulting on us?"
>"Why there are bullets flying at us from that hill next to the ring?"
>Squad eliminated
>Here is your apex champions
Seriously, if you are that fucking Wraith who thinks its good idea to run towards next ring across the shattered forest, fuck you. I have lost so many fucking games because you fucker didn't want to take some cover. And stop going to the fucking bridges, its pure cancer you retard!

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hitscan would be way too obnoxious with a map this large

I suck so much at this game I can tell my friends are starting to get pissed off at me.

I don't think so, there is plenty of cover,buildings and height variation, it is not an open field.

Except in your scenario you already established that your team doesn't know where the other team is. Why would the other team reveal itself for an obvious mirage clone? When you send out your decoy you're revealing your position and telling the opponent "Here I am, please show me where you are...". They have no reason to reveal themself.

gib shield gives you a huge advantage. gives you the choice when to pop out to take that peacekeeper shot and making the enemy guess, letting you heal to full in front of a raging sniper or reviving a teammate is hilarious.

and you saying his personal shield has 100 health as if its a bad thing is silly, even though it has like 30-50 health. its a free shield that lets you outtrade anyone in what would usually be an even trade

his ult is the best in the game. there is no surviving it unless you get yourself somewhere safe and it only takes like 3 seconds to start hitting. i frequently get double squad wipes when i come across two squads fighting somewhere without buildings.

im convinced people are either only listening to streamers so they dont have to think or are lying to keep their secret top pick secret.

in a few months he will be considered top tier even without buffs.

>want to play this game with i7 gtx960
>20 fps on low

Nah, thanks. I`d rather play Overwatch. And i say that after i got banned for two weeks from Overwatch again.

Console shooters like APEX and COD are cancer.

Sometimes I usually run peacekeeper and 301/99

>no map control

Ahahahahah youre one of those idiots who justs runs randomly about the map aren't you.

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I have never seen a post any more wrong than this one.

>his personal shield
Is tiny and irrelevant. You can just not shoot it.
>his bubble can be used to bait shots
How? There's a long ass animation that shows its coming, then it takes ages to land, then ages more to deploy. You're not going to bait out any shots with it.
>his ult is the best in the game
Yeah man, because the map isn't laden with buildings and cliffs. His ult is countered by the most abundant resource in the game. Cover.

its to not let aimbotters and sweaty snipers ruin the game

hes afraid of hot drops

no incentive to engage the enemy? i mean i get it its better to third party people but if you see someone and they running towards you, you need to assume they saw you and fire. otherwise you will be the one who has less information

Gib shield doesn't block nades which makes it useless

Except we're talking about a Mirage who is randomly decoying in the distance to hope someone reveals themself. Why would you open fire at a Mirage running in a straight line without any shots being fired? That's a surefire way to get yourself killed.

his ult actually can be crazy

>inside building
>bunch of people fighting on the roof
>use bombard
>kill 4 people without even doing anything and totally safe

i know this is a troll post but cover is less abundant than open ground.

and if they enemy isnt baited what does that mean exactly

The best thing about this game is that i can play as a toxic white male and gas minorities

>battle royal

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>its to not let aimbotters and sweaty snipers ruin the game
but surely there is a better way to crackdown on aimbotters..? If anything it helps aimbotters, since I am sure they can better calculate for bullet drop than a human eyeballing it. I also think cover would be a way better way to deal with snipers. pinning people down for your party to flank is kinda fun.

yeah it does lol, won a game today because last squad last circle fight was the enemy spamming their nades at my shield.

>we got this shit instead of Titanfall 3
You wouldn't have bought Titanfall 3. You didn't even buy Titanfall 1 or 2.

>The default of the world is not white.
>But somehow sexual deviants are.

All of these posts trying to say Mirage is good. He is only useful against complete retards. Congrats on killing the one retarded team who wasn't going to make it to top 10 either way.

It means you have a giant "I AM HERE" bubble that you can't shoot through, while everyone and their grandma is lining up to shoot you the second it drops, assuming they don't just kill you with nades. In regards to the free heal or revive, congrats you're a worse Lifeline. She can heal while maintaining pressure, and gets a free shield built into her faster revive.

>cover is less abundant than open ground
Yeah, but the entirety of the players are going to stick to cover. If your argument for an OP character is "he can kill people standing around in the open" then congratulations, your character can do what every other one can do using a gun.

even though i mentioned aimbotters first im sure its because of the really good people.

but ive never heard of an aimbot that can extrapolate a shot on a moving target, plus they cant predict jukes.

>Is an online-only vehicle for loot crates

You can just use dome shield like a wall and run to cover you know, nothing says you gotta stay inside

bro you need a building to not get killed by it.
killing enemies hiding behind rocks is what makes it so good
if they enemy shoots at you they already saw you, any enemies that could see the shield could just see the bullets. and i dont know why you think grenades go through it when i said they dont.

They don't need to? You just throw the grenades right before it drops while covering the other end with your gun.

I imagine it is the same as a normal aimbot, that just sets an offset based on distance, which can probably be measured by the size of the character model. I mean yeah I guess moving towards or away from the target really fast could have some result, but I don't think enough to offset the advantage. But it isn't really good people in your way of thinking, more the really bad people who stand in giant open areas. Especially when you factor in, the game is hardly oneshot headshots, and even includes a downed mechanic and DOWNED shields. game is pretty stacked against snipers.

>killing enemies hiding behind rocks is what makes it so good
It gives you ages to react, and there are areas with cliffs that jut out from above and whatnot, it's not just buildings. I wanted his area denial to make him worth using, but it isn't.

but for 15 seconds you prevented the enemy from throwing grenades while you can throw them whenever by walking out for a second.
tons of possibilities with his shield.
what did you mean by saying people cannot get baited by his shield? assuming you are the same guy ive been talking to
yeah and the bullet drop is just another nerf to snipers. im all for it though getting killed by people super far away is frustrating

its about 3 or 4 seconds. forcing a reaction is a good thing.

idk try playing for him awhile, youll come around after rocking a peacekeeper with a shotgun or seeing your damage numbers after landing a good ult.

> im all for it though getting killed by people super far away is frustrating
Shitter. You do realize you have to let them hit you multiple times right...?

The game literally says caustic is immune to other caustic' gas in the loading screen

>shoot a guy about 10 times
>he shoots me twice


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>Ambush a guy from medium range and start hitting them a few times with an assault rifle, hits causing their aim to stagger
>They instant 180° and SMG full auto headshot you 6 times in a row

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should've used the wingman

>land 10 hits
>total damage dealt: 40

wraith's ult is very situational and even in the correct situation it's not even that great; she is only widely used because her hitbox is microscopic
I think in the long term blood hunter will be the dominant pick. top tier passive and her ult hard counters bangalor's smoke, helps with wraith's q a little bit, and also caustic's mines (although that character is garbage anyways) while boosting her already strong passive

Downloaded it off PSN a few hours ago. Played for 2 hours since I've never played a BR game before. Uninstalled like 10 minutes ago. Um yeah...Battle Royal might be the worst fucking thing I've ever played. I wouldn't mind it so much if you could respawn but the fact that I spent a good 15 minutes getting supplies, a few kills and then had to spectate or quit to the lobby since time was just dragging on...yeah, not for me. Some matches I ended up spectating just waiting to see if I'd be revived, if the match would reset, etc...nope. Not worth the effort or grind. Why the hell is BR so popular? It's fucking terrible design.

Honestly, what is the appeal with Battle Royales?
I've tried PUBG, Fortnite, Apex, I just don't get why people enjoy this.

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Easy game to play with friends.

bangalores smoke and speed makes her the best, the id argue lifeline is 2nd since you can heal shields and hp simultaneously and quickly, while having a smaller than average hitbox

wraith is only good if you are a wingman spamming sub human, shes just decent when playing the game in a non broken way

no, higher the time to kill, the better the game. more room for outplay less punishing for taking risks

they both have fuck huge hit box and gets raped by peacemaker. gib at the least has an incredibly good ult while caustic has team griefing. my friend plays only caustic and he sandbags me so much its not even funny

resource management and terrain traversal

They're not really my favorites, but my buddies don't exactly have to twist my arm to get me to play them either. I think the appeal is mostly in the variety of it, and how it happens through gameplay rather than picking a different map/weapon in other games.

What's wrong with free to play? Should I avoid TF2 as well?

thats his execution? based

tf2 didn't start out f2p

Would it really make a difference in the discussion, if it's been F2P much longer than it was paid for?

>Use void to run back to my team
>Enemy follows my trail
>Kills us all
Heh, sure bamboozled them

> i wait in matchmaking for 2 minutes
>waiting for loading screen
>wait for each faggot to pick a character
>loading screen
>falling down for 30 seconds
>walk for 10 minutes grabing random items
>team deds
>5 minutes later me die
>me have fun
>me start again and buy lootboxes to play butter

Attached: feafawfafc.jpg (2392x3120, 2.73M)

>>i wait in matchmaking for 2 minutes
impossible unless you live in africa its one of the 5 most played games in the world
>>waiting for loading screen
there isnt one
>>wait for each faggot to pick a character
this is the actual loading screen camouflaged
>>loading screen
>>falling down for 30 seconds
>>walk for 10 minutes grabing random items
drop next to high loot areas, helps getting good
>>team deds
minutes later me die
>>me have fun
git gud
>>me start again and buy lootboxes to play butter
some of the skins might make you more visible though

Characters have bios saying they take the d
Stupid online pew pew game
There's 2 reason I want play it.
I'm sure if I tried it I could find more reasons to not play it

the fuck you are talking about, just level again lol

Runs like shit for how it looks.