>teammate steals you kill
Teammate steals you kill
haha the ostrich thinks its a cat
thats not a cat thats a chicken and the other thing a penguin
Egg pooper eats mooze?
chickens are viscous
Yep. Chickens need their protein too.
So do goats.
rodents are pure im going to firebomb a farm and an animal shelter
>teammate took too damn long deciding on the damn loot.
>Dont worry, it's only cosmetic.
Kitty didnt even kill it gobbler did
>Opponent spams evasion.
imagine being one of the other baby chickens and witness that. kek
Cows and deer eat mice without hesitation though only if they happen to be in that patch of grass.
We've made a joke of chickens because of farming and culture, but there's little reason to think they can't be vicious predators. I mean look at them, they're pretty much ground falcons.
>Enemies can detect invisibility cloak
>tank leaves the party for too long
there was an attempt
>Be a raptor
>They call you a chicken
I don't give a shit about that at all, as long as the cocksucker is dead and out of the way.
fucking delete this
So do lizards
Truly the new T-rex, chickens are little dinosaurs.
based, i wonder how many people would slit their wrists hearing david attenborough narrating this
They evolved from dinosaurs they can evolve back into them
we need a nigga to post some reptar.
damn what a savage lol
jesus how horrifying
Nature is cool.
What the fuck did that cat mean by this?
>me playing monster hunter world
>HUGE COCK embarrasses pathetic PUSSY
Yea, it doesn't care about feelings of faggots, i can respect that.
Why do a lot of animals seem like they hate or fear mice and rats?
Animals who didn't fear mice and rats got infected with awful diseases and died.
Rodents and small mamals steal their eggs. Also they are tasty. The eggs at least i didn't have a rat, i think?
this is why stamina meters exist
Holy shit they're fucking huge
They don't "hate" they are just predators and rat/mice are their prey, there are no feelings, you don't hate the cow you ate do you? I mean, why would you? is just food.
>when your inventory is full
What's happening here
you mean Healer goes AFK
It's like in dynasty warriors when the yellow team shows up
They're widely seen in the animal world as the equivalent of these guys in Golden Axe. You beat the everliving shit out of them to sustain yourself like your life depended on it (it usually does), because you might not get the chance again when you need it. They're perfect prey, besides how fast they are.
New player rolls on a pvp server
>pierce resist up
weird for both the parents to have left it alone, is this normal penguin behaviour?
>teammate mistakes you for an enemy
P2W player vs F2P player
Who won?
>Did I do the right thing?
everyone laughs at chickens until an angry rooster comes after them
>game has physics that you didnt know about
t. country boy
>no climax
fuck you m8
>Hippo running from a fucking lion
For what reason
The Lion's buddy showed up and the Hyenas retreated.
fucking slut
lions older bro showed up later
At least it was quick
I remember this in DC. He gets rescued his brother.
>Stop playing MMO with your mates for a weekend
>Fall too far behind to catch up and do anything with them
>that insult after death
Someone post the elephants being scared to death of 1 mouse and explain this.
penguins are dickheads so it's no big loss
Name one mob fight that isn't cancer
based dumpster
who won
If you've ever seen a Cassowary in the flesh you'd understand how something that is essentially a big chicken can be terrifying. Incredibly erratic and violent. Stick me in with the fucking lions over one of these cunts.
>carlton asks uncle phil to make him a sandwich for the last time
>teammate is paralysed
my dog does that with her toys and i'm always afraid she's gonna get a concussion when she slams her head into the furniture
is that pic related's great grandpa?
>objective: survive
The cobra gave up and the monitor just kept twitching on the road according to the source video.
so fucking stupid to sit there and film that
I would've been screaming my head off at that cat and throwing stones or getting my pistol to kill that gator and I don't even particularly like cats
wasnt there another one with these two that involved the manlet being stuffed inside a suitcase?
Female Hippo. They're more herd oriented and won't get aggressive alone. They'll still bite you if you're dumb enough to harass it right in it's face.
A male hippo will straight murder you on sight because fuck you.
>average Yea Forums thread
I feel like this shit would get inplanted in your mind with enough exposure.
>Yea Forums.webm
why are they so lanky
Everything dies, least you can do is enjoy the show.
Are Penguins the poo loo's of the animal world?
Just the way they are.
How? it didn't crush it's head. wouldn't it still be feeling it for like hours?
gotta be fucked in the head to just stand and film it in all fairness
Funny thing is he was passed on all those cows for one twice the size.
my heart just broke
that's... that's not cool man... that ain't cool at all
that reflex lets them take a swipe or bite at the throat of another animal pouncing them
Dumpster was constricting its chest, he'd have suffocated in 2 minutes tops, and that's if it didn't get its ribs crushed and they splintered into its lungs.
why are penguins just constantly standing around?
>He doesn't know
someone post the bird stamping on the snake
>Get cut in a half feel it for hours
It's not how this work. Also if you would feel extreme pain you would simply pass out it's mechanism that relives you from pain resulting from body damage that will kill you anyway.
>accidently aggro high level enemy
What the fuck is wrong with nature?
pajeets are polite enough to do it on a designated street instead of just shitting on each other
Why doesn't the guy fuckin' move
why are elephants such cunts? jesus
It's a harsh world.
but why
Nothing, your perception of nature is wrong.
Hitting a deer fucks your car. Hitting a moose fucks YOU
>enemies can't open doors
Fucker wouldn't be doing that if they didn't have their horns removed.
An "ai" putting composite images over a toad.
reminder that roos can do this
what's that fant's problem?
Typical republicans
what the fuck did nature mean by this?
>fucks their shit up because they made eye contact
are elephants niggers?
>the camera crew just left the chick to freeze to death
>Aussies have to deal with this on a daily basis
If I remember right, that penguin being shit on is basically the NEET of the group, and everyone shitting on him is nature's way of spurring him to not be a useless piece of shit
Prime directive mother fucker
You don't actually pass out from pain, your body produces things like adrenaline which numb the pain. If you've ever seen videos of guys walking around after getting their leg or arm blown off or ripped off, that's why they can. Generally you pass out from things like blood loss or lack of oxygen.
moose pooper eats eggs?
I still don't understand how or why these exist. If nature was a game, I'd report this as a bug.
stop making me sad
hard and fast rule of photojournalism. NEVER intervene
animals dying, kids dying, anything
oi lez ya fuckin' druggo wake up
check out this fuckin shit I got for ya
is this the late night /an/ thread
roos are impressively irascible
>Humans change nature
>Humans try to not change nature
>game doesn't have a tutorial
You thumped a monkey
its the principle of the matter.
u mirin
Hahah what the fuck
ok, this is kino
Cause they can.
Kill or be Killed.
gulls are assholes
there's no way that feels good
Lizards are cool.
vegans BTFO
nobody calls me CHICKEN
It is a general rule that when driving you pretty much don't drive down the ditch for any animal except for moose.
What'll happen is that you will just clip the big fucker's legs it'll send its whole gigantic mass crashing down on your seat with the speed you're approaching it, most likely killing you in some twisted way to die.
t. leaf
>friend puts you on ignore list
Underrated statement.
What does kangaroo taste like?
Elephants are actually one of the "nicer" animals in nature, I'd bet that buffalo did something stupid earlier.
Either that or it's a young male during breeding season. They can be real cunts.
What animals have the chillest life?
Don't live in an environmental hellhole. Constantly have to keep one eye open or get eaten alive
Don't have to worry about some territorial elephant in a bad mood
Don't have to go days without eating if hunting is a bad streak
Truly majestic
there a guy filming this, instead of taking the small guy and putting it up there with the others.
these environmentalists are truly disgusting heartless cultists. they are so self-centered on not "interfering" with mother nature, they lost all notion of humanity.
monkeys consider throwing the shoe to be the worst form of disrespect
>not carrying weapons on you at all times
>you aggro a high level enemy on accident
kitty, it may smell like it, but that aint tuna
The platypus is peak evolution.
That's got to be the grand pussy of all alligators
reminder aussies can do this
>Runescape fishing.webm
shhh... only dreams now
Could a point blank shotgun blast down one of these fuckers effectively and definitely?
Chickens are more closely related to T-Rexes than raptors.
>the cliff just keeps going
>and going
>and going
>Little bird hits the cliff and presumably dies
>Keeps bouncing as the cliff keeps going
>and going
>Still aren't at the bottom when the gif ends
>the ending to Crisis Core
>they cut to black
they'll show a penguin couple mourning the loss of their frozen child but wont show a baby seal being eaten by a polar bear?
Giant tortoises maybe
>You don't actually pass out from pain
You want to try it out?
>If you've ever seen videos of guys walking around after getting their leg or arm blown off or ripped off
No i didn't they all fall over if they lose leg.
Don't want to be edgy but if your internal organs are crushed you will die within seconds.
This is how man invented the wheel. He was pushing a rock and then stopped and thought. I can do this better.
>those futile attempts to peck him on the cheeks
:( what happened to this particular penguu
Thank god the screen went black. That seal was surely saved.
probably some (possibly flightless) bird on an isolated island
being a kiwi must've been pretty chill until the cats turned up
this makes me happy
>Hard mode changes the enemy AI
>enemies can turn invisible
>What life is like when humans are around.webm
we wuz raptorz
bugs because they think the least
no wild animal has a totally chill life because even apex predators have shit to worry about