Why'd the last thread get deleted mods?This is videogame relevant

Why'd the last thread get deleted mods?This is videogame relevant.

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Other urls found in this thread:


It isn't because it's agreed upon that a diversity officer does not influence the development of video games themselves, just the people around it, and it's just setting yourself up for a bunch of faggots & falseflaggers to give (You)s to each other.
Tldr kill yourself

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We are discussing riot games though.

It's very simple: the staff team of 4channel has been extremely left-leaning for years. The Heartbleed leak back in 2014 showed almost all of them are hardline socjus.

If your postings are in some way contrary to their personal politics? That's gonna be a deletion and ban. It doesn't matter if you actually broke any rules or not.

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This isn't a real job. Seriously. What do you even do? Walk around the place for a few hours every day talking about being diverse? Wouldn't it also be super finite? Like after a certain period of time if everything isn't 'diverse' enough, do you get fired?

>bans do anything

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A shit company that has never made a good game, much less one that any respectable user on Yea Forums would play, has wasted their money hiring someone for a useless position that may or may not turn out to be a long run hinderance by forcing more hiring of incompetent people but at least they can make a cute little rainbow together. Everything that can be said has already been said.

What did they forgot on Yea Forums? I'm not claiming that the site is 100% right wing, but man, people always were total pricks here because why not?
Racism is a casual joke here since the creation of the site.
It's really weird, like imagine if some die hard stormfronter somehow gets mod rights on resetera and tries to ban or convert everyone.

>diversity officer
What kind of fucking Orwellian position is this?

>Hiring a bunch of diversity quota employees and Devs won't effect the quality of videogames

Sure thing buddy

>chief diversity ofter

The only way libtards jews lol have accomplished anything throughout the ages is through subversion of established communities.

You ever wonder what the day-to-day of someone like this is

Do they go around the office every day and ask
>Are you still black?
>Hey are you still gay?

>he actually plays MOBAs

Care to explain?

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I know right I think hiro is just trying to get them sheckles.When you look at how strict mods are nowadays makes sense that or that they are powertripping.

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>the whole point is the make gaming more diverse and inclusive
>"duerr buhh it wont change da games!!"
Fuck off fence sitting retard

It's not relevant to anyone who speaks english

so its a fancy title for working in HR?


why yes riot so woke
why yes owned by tencent
china had such good human rights record

It's basically protecting themselves because they lost a sexual harassment lawsuit recently.

>Missing the point this much
It's not like Riot has ever made a good video game anyway. Whether it takes 100 niggers or 1 to make it won't change the fact that their games are for shit eating faggots.

>a diversity officer does not influence the development of video games themselves
>just the people around it
You mean like the people who get hired to make said video games? Because that's exactly what they end up doing

Diversity officers are the ones who police people for behavior that goes counter to the ideology while letting blatant racism/sexism/slurs slide if it's directed at whites/other 'privileged' groups. Diversity officers are the ones that root out and eventually get fired the ones that don't conform to the ideology over bullshit reasons like 'not being a good fit for the team' or 'can't work with others'. And then HR (who is also likely staffed by likeminded people) will fill that position with another barely qualified diversity hire. Repeat ad nauseam until everyone who actually knows what they're doing is gone and is replaced with diversity hires who care more about gender representation and curbing 'toxic' (read: non ideologically conforming) behavior than making a good video game.

Diversity officers and any other bullshit 'diversity' positions directly affect video game development and are a fucking cancer.

Does she hire or fire personnel? Or is her job just to be on the clock while black?

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F all the sexy skins

Fuck I should apply for this job.

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For what purpose?
Is she literally being paid a well above average salary just for reviewing applications and look at whether the applicants are ethnic and queer enough?
This seems like a non-job to me.

Goddamn Abib needs to be fucking shitcanned.
They all do. Except the guy who gave us HARMONY when Abib was trying to kill it this year.
They can stay.

>Chief diversity officer
How much do you think she makes, with her made up, glorified HR job title?

Which implies that there are more diversity officers. I was confused at one diversity officer. How does one become a diversity officer? Is there a degree program?

why are people in these roles always black females
reaĺly makes you think

50k minimum. That's the real tragedy here.

Wait a second, what the fuck does a diversity officer actually do?

Positions like this are artificial labor. They have no intrinsic value, they're created so "the right people" have lucrative jobs. Riot will be the next to have massive layoffs when their chink overlords decide it's time to cut the fact and she'll be included, but it's all neither here nor there because League is already far past its peak and the company is on for hard times sooner or later.

>Riot games hires a bunch of schizo trannies and feminists to meet diversity quotas
>Devs try to work like usual and make a decent game
>fags and feminists complain about the game not being "inclusive enough" and threaten to badmouth the company on social media if their wishes arent fulfilled
>Devs are forced to comply and make it '"inclusive"' because society loves schizos and feminazis and hates "the patriarchy"
>It wont affect the games at all
you rarted bro?

What the fuck is a diversity officer?

That's a man isn't it?

Those bastards deleted our shortstack thread. We weren't hurting anyone.

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is that a boy or a girl?

>diversity officer
>ethics advisor
>party commissar
all the same shit

Nips potential (expensive) sexual harassment lawsuits in the bud, basically.

>Missing the point this much
Again, this is not a " We hired a renowned programer/sound designer! ". All this says is " We're wasting money to get someone to hire niggers! ". The setup is merely to bash the unfair diversity quota bullshit that will most likely be a hinderance to the games being made, and that in itself is not video games

>You ever wonder what the day-to-day of someone like this is
>Do they go around the office every day and ask
>>Are you still black?
>>Hey are you still gay?
I'm curious myself. Although with the new dynamic genders it could legitimately change.

Write up all the whites/non minorities until they get fired so their friends in HR can hire more diverse (read: non white, non male/binary) art school labor mill peons

Not even being ironic or hyperbolic, this is exactly what their job entails 99% of the time.

>This is videogame relevant
No it isn't, it's just an excuse to shitpost and scream NIGGER like an 8-year old, and a thinly veiled one at that.
Twitter bullshit threads are never videogames. It's not about politics, it's about not being an utterly worthless shitstain.

>Become Diversity officer
>only hire asian women
Man, if only

I have the same question, it seems like just another tumor on the already bloated HR department.

A misguided attempt at fairness.

she's a nigger

"Our records show that you are currently a single white male, so to help expand our diversity quota we shall be assigning you Tyrone as your new life partner."

>"So annon, have you thanked a black person today for being black?"
>"On a scale of one to flaming faggot, how many dicks did you suck on the weekend?"
The sad part is she'll probably have rights to report you to HR if you forget to include the pet Office Nigger when you go for drinks after work.


> Imagine Racial purity officer

We don't live in a dystopia

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So far the only people in this thread screaming about 'NIGGERS' are people complaining about people that have yet to scream about 'NIGGERS'. Most people are trying to figure out just what a person with this job really does.

Probably sets up annoying meetings and conferences that people hate going to once every few months.

Please tell me this isn't real

It's never been about fairness

So...exactly how the hell are they supposed to do that?

If you have someone who's job it is to make ho' outfits for champions, does she tell them to stop? To do it respectfully? Make sure that the males ALSO have ho' outfits?

Exactly how her job works is somewhat of a mystery.

She's a diversity hire

Tons of companies are filling this position its actually a good thing. This isn't new. This is so we don't get shit like the recent thing with Gucci and pic related.

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In case anyone in this thread is actually wondering, the point of her being a cheif diversity officer is to improve the culture at Riot Games ,(which they got a gender discrimination lawsuit for) and make new programs and hiring practices to promote diversity. Here's an article from the Cuphead tutorial guy: venturebeat.com/2019/03/01/riot-games-hires-chief-diversity-officer-in-wake-of-sexism-scandal/

Even if she did nothing but twiddle her thumbs all day, that's one more person on the payroll that could've gone towards hiring somebody who does an actual job.

Hires more niggers onbviously.

They will once admins ban all VPN endpoints, TOR endpoints, and ISPs finally implement IPv6 everywhere.

Looking forward to it, DESU.

...I don't know what that is or why it's good.

It's not obvious what the problem with the picture is user. I don't even have pants on, so your /fa/ shit is kind of ailen to me.

>Not wanting a noose necklace

It's the first good thing Gucci ever made, what the fuck?


huh, it makes sense now.

What's wrong with that image? Well apart from the edgy noose.

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>from the Cuphead tutorial guy
topkek, hard pass

Its a made up position to fufill affermative action demands so the old rich white guys who own the company can add another tax write off.

>edgy fashion
Great timeline

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So, useless tokenism.

How about we don't teach black history and then black people won't be overly sensitive about nooses.

holy shit, is this the reason Yea Forums is irredeemable trash filled with narutards now?

>Chief Diversity Officer

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any more

The noose thing is actually Burberry.
user its a company selling a hoodie with a noose around your neck. When you think noose around your neck what comes to mind?

Oh look, a cock sucking authoritarian. How many hot pockets did you blow this week?

Its not just black people. Also why hide the fact white people used to lynch them?

Noose = Lynching and SUICIDE. It wasn't a good look.

I honestly shocked the Chinese are going with this fucking lmao

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What does that position even do? Separate the negroes from the whites from the mexicans from the chinamen? That shit sounds racist.

You do realise it's Chinks that own Riot, right? Oh wait, that doesn't fit your "evil corporate white guy" image.

I'm pretty moderate when it comes to politics but I'm relatively left and progressive and liberal, but

>Chief Diversity Officer

what the FUCK does that even mean.

Riot is only hiring this person for publicity's sake.

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Yea I was trying to make light of the issue with the last line. But if they're work environment is so bad towards women that a lawsuit is being up, maybe a diversity officer might be beneficial to them.

kek so its only office politics.

This user is exactly right.

What this person is most actively doing is ensuring that hiring and promotions are based not on ability, but rather on racial/sexual identity.

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Behavior like this is also why many other boards have gone to shit and have garbage moderation, they care more about policing on topic content they don't like than doing their actual job

The mods all need to be replaced, it's been years overdue. They haven't been good mods since before Moot left.

That is never how it is you faggot

What does a diversity officer actually do that regular HR can't? It sounds like such a vapid, unnecessary position.

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It prevents Riot from releasing something that could be racist or doing something that could be racist in their studio. It saves them a ton of money because they do not have to deal with any bullshit legally or otherwise.

Basically its a position companies that are culturally clueless are filling to help them not fuck up.

What are the job requirements needed to be a diversity officer?

I know what you're trying to get at but not everyone is American. We had hangings as executions in my country up until the 1970s. Not everyone is obsessed with darkies like you yanks.

yup Yea Forums is shounenshit land now. Most Yea Forumsutists jumped ship to other image boards.

>user its a company selling a hoodie with a noose around your neck. When you think noose around your neck what comes to mind?
Pic related.

Second guess would be old westerns like Hang em High. I dunno user.

It's not obvious exactly what such a person would do to avoid lawsuits, Nobody's been very specific, but it sounds like an in office moral scold.

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To all the folks that are saying YIKES Do your research. She brings a lot of experience to the table as an executive since 2006. She certainly has the experience fitting for the role, and I have no doubt she will do great things at Riot.

Rich old chinks, rich old white guys, shit doesnt matter. Neither of them give a fuck about diversity and only do what will bring in money.

Vagina, melanin is a plus.

Maybe a few thousand blacks were lynched in total and that's nothing on hown many people were hanged by the government. Maybe they should stop being so sensitive about shit that happened hundreds of years ago.

>moot left
>can't complain to hiro because he's an incompetent fuck
This website truly is dying.

No, I know not everyone is American. The examples I posted involve America because that is actually where a bulk of their sales is from. The Noost thing for lynching is mainly offensive to american black people yes. But the Suicide rate has increased around the world and that is the bigger reason it was a bad look. I was just explaining why these companies are hiring this position.

lol imagine being a moderator for stormfrontchan and calling anyone else an incel

>Have 500k followers on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
>Be black
>Be a woman
>Be a hardcore feminist
>Be pansexual or any other made up gender
>Love attention

You're actually ignoring the suicide part right? Why do you keep bringing it to race. The model that brought it up was mainly talking about suicide.

The fact that this is even a requirement shows you how stupid society has become.

Holy shit I fucking cringed irl

Can't they just hire a bunch of blacks and put them all eating watermelons in an office?

Genuine brownie points. Companies don't do this out of good will. They get good press, and a pat on the back. Shareholders matter more than actual customers.

It's more of a "how the fuck does this person prevent lawsuits"

And the obvious followup.

"Is this going to fuck up my games".

If her job is to prevent anything that can be misinterpreted as being offensive to black people, then I think the answer is, almost certainly.

hand out daily performance reviews to make sure the wh*Te males are properly hitting the required virtue quotas. think pic related except replace the frog on the right with a pink haired 400ish pound behemoth who lists their pronouns on their twitter bio

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Tbh, it mostly is an office related job. From the info in the article, I assume her job is to seek out more female applicants and create and enforce office policies to make a more accepting environment for women to ensure future lawsuits don't happen.

>Maybe they should stop being so sensitive about shit that happened hundreds of years ago.

Uh bro. The last lynching happened in 1981 that was reported.

be a negroid with a degree. fe(male) if you want to work in the tech sector, because they sure aren't going to improve their ratios from the actual engineering pool

Enjoy instability, low value fag.

>HARMONY when Abib was trying to kill it this year.

Not many people hang themselves these days since far less painful methods are readily available.

Pity most people have no idea what a party commissar is, and they can't appreciate how this all boils down to ideological policing and thought control.

ah, that guy, i remember back from my old IRC days how he used to suck every mod's dick, seems like all that dick sucking finally paid off

As did I, at this post

How is suicide related to diversity?

When you have a billion++ dollar company you need to make sure everything is in order. Especially when the majority of your player or userbase isn't white.

Eh, I associate it more with capital punishment than anything else. Like an electric chair shirt a heavy metal band would wear.

In highschool my black science teacher(he was a black guy who taught science, there wasnt a subject called 'black science') once wore a noose necktie on Halloween. Why all of the sudden are black people so offended by nooses?

Why'd you cringe at your own post

people stopped lynching them

You're taking the name too literal. Diversity officers are for everything not just race. They are to make sure you don't fuck up with anyone. This includes those who have mental health issues or say cultural issues.

>on Halloween
People still hang themselves around the world.

>I assume her job is to seek out more female applicants and
So, the same diversity push that we saw at work when Blizzard added loads of useless people.

>create and enforce office policies...
And, that's literally being an in office moral scold.

Alright. We'll see how well it works out for Riot.

Well a Diversity Officer can't shoot you in the back of the head.... yet


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>a diversity officer is in charge of making sure nothing the company ever does is offensive to any demographic
Whose ready for /colorful blobs the video game/ everybody? Just no white, yellow, red, brown, or black ones.

>Why all of the sudden are black people so offended by nooses?
So far it seems to be more white people being offended on behalf of black people.

Well the majority of their playerbase is Chinese who don't give a rats ass about diversity.

diversity officers are make work jobs

Shortstack brings only good to the world, sorry man.

probably got deleted because Yea Forums isn't /pol/

>everything is in order

Who defines what is considered "in order?" When you think about that, you realize that this is far more insidious than it appears on the surface.

forgive me if im wrong but im pretty sure ipv6 will make it even easier to evade

So...does this mean she needs to worry about people in the company having little winnie the pooh things in their office?

Can you go shill somewhere else? This is embarrassing.

Riot's reasoning is probably that more diverse groups of people working there will make the environment more professional and less of a frat house/sorority, so nobody's running around farting on their subordinates' faces.

It'll probably work, but at the cost of pissing off large chunks of their employees (turns out people like it when work is fun) or creating a communication breakdown because everyone's in their own clique.

riot already had token inclusion staff this is related to their gay legal troubles with flatulence

>no opinions but my own wah wah

The collapse can't come soon enough

And they told me it wasn't democrats who had the word basedboy censored.

The right is overt and frontal, that's why they only win if they have the force of arms. The left is insidious and subversive, and so we are where we are now.

user thinks you will have a permanent static ip once the ip space is unviersally expanded, and since he doesn't know how anything works (he probably has an it job, and you could get into that field without a high school diploma with some worthless certs) that you won't be able to subvert this

China is the only place where Black Panther didn't sell.

FFUUUUUUUUUCK! Protect the waifus!

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Hiring and seeking out applicants are different things. Diversity officers arent in control of hiring anybody, they just seek out diverse applicants. The point (other than to have a diverse enviornment) is to get more applicants. I honestly dont think it will affect the quality of their games much.

i don't care about your political beliefs or opinions beyond which board you are posting them on. you are soft in the head if you think screeching about diversity is videogames.

I don't know user. People joke about these positions because we think most of this stuff is common sense. But people fuck up all the time.

Hell last year some politician said something about how she used to go out and enjoy watching lynchings or something. You would think hey maybe dont say that out loud and keep it private. But there they go..

>this post


battlecup team names are the best lmao

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Not if your ISP strictly assigns one IP to your account. Mine already tweaked their DHCP servers to make it difficult to router-reset IP swap, and those lazy bastards aren't anywhere near implementing IPv6.

It did better in China than any other foreign market including the UK.

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It's a way to crush whites into the ground while nigs take credit. They must burn down normie culture and raise a blackfist rainbow flag. It's only getting worse

>Vi art on the background
is Vi a dyke or something?

I would think their reasoning is "shit we got sued, do something".

If she's a CXO level executive I can't imagine her not having input in hiring. Having stats that say "hey, these minorities are underrepresented, hire more or we're at risk for being sued." seems to be what has happened other places.

Doesn't the management and recruiters know who they should hire and enforcing "diversity" is illegal if someone who is competent gets fired because he doesn't fit the quota? This is just another level of fascism which is funny when you think about it.
God I wish I was dead already. I dont' want to see this shit.

Someone was trying to kill it, he is just using the faggot as a scapegoat

>diversity officer does not influence the development of video games themselves, just the people around it

If you influence the people, you influence the game they make, idiot.

Why though?Is fun not allowed on Yea Forums any more

I'll admit that I have a worthless university degree that didn't involve learning about the internet beyond the data link layer.

I don't see how it would be an impossible task to ensure that one subscriber's account only ever receives one IPv6 address, but I'm also woefully unaware of how different types of ISPs go about buying and allocating address ranges.

New here?

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Who knows, it was fucking bizarre
What happened was that it got stickied, then unstickied then stickied again but on a new thread.

well duh this is the ideological reason for administrative bloat. it's to assign people from your ideology to decision-making roles so they can use to purify the host. the non-ideological reason is to obtain jobs for people with no productive skills

As the years go by, western devs increasingly spend less money towards the actual games, first it was more advertising, now stuff like this is being added to the cost. The subpar games reflect it.

excuse me, but it's extremely important that Yea Forums be an orderly place where people are forced to discuss why they hate nintendo products

Has Riot even announced any new games in the pipeline? LOL is like 10 years old.

The irony of HR bloat is that it encourages people to not actually get along and work properly. They are like nanny's you use to tell on people, why don't the adults at least try to sort out their own disagreements at work?

>"hey, these minorities are underrepresented, hire more or we're at risk for being sued."

When has this happened?

>twitter thread
not video games

See the OP.

Barely any fun is allowed these days. Even though moderation is barely there, the fun shitposting is gone. Mostly.

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the only time a game that wasn't lol was openly discussed was when someone owned them and leaked info about a dead-end card game

They own the rights to Rising Thunder.

Should i post a kotaku link next time?

I FUCKING KNEW IT! That shithole wouldn't let me discuss Alice in Borderland because it sounded to much like a request, I just wanted people to tell me what manga in the horror genre they liked and why.

Daily reminder that "diversity officers" are literally the subversive agents that Yuri warned about. These retarded companies are paying to be destroyed because they're too fucking dumb to understand anything beyond throwing money at a problem until it gets fixed. They're funding their own infiltration.

This is the type of faggotry that makes me hope for an economic collapse.

They didnt get sued for not hiring minorities. They got sued for discriminating the women they already hired in the workplace.

Developers and publishers have been long under the belief that virtue signalling ramps up sales.

I don't know you and I don't see proof, but I wholeheartedly believe you. He seems like that type of person.

That's seth killians fighting game? I thought it was open source. Well, Riot doesn't seem to be doing anything with it for now.

You asked if they hired minorities to look good and not get sued, not that they did get sued for not doing it. Evidently they want to avoid it in the future by showing their ideological purity.

Wait aerolite is a mod on 4channel? Or are those logs from discord? That fucking faggot used nudes to threaten kids into taking HRT. He told them he'd out them to their families if they didn't start taking HRT and proving it to him, and then said that it's "for a good cause so it's okay".


It was actually some /g/ mod.
I remember that it happened in Mechanical Keyboard General. People were making fun of some dude for his tastes in lame keyboards, calling him so yboy, making wojack edits to troll him
Turns out that dude was a mod, he purged half of the thread and added s o y to the wordfilter

>"diversity officers" are literally the subversive agents that Yuri warned about
Sure but these are the rearguard, the process is already decades old. The vanguard were the leftists involved in the long march through the institutions.

Makes me glad I only have the fedora of keyboards model m and not the fucking basedboy equivalent.

It's not just about sales, like other anons said the HR departments are infested with these types, everything is sucked into a purity spiral now. See

he's referring to the soviet defector that is a darling of the right who think subversion begins and ends with da soviet gommunists

That's worse. And I'll remind you that these posts have become so low effort that they don't even include links, they're just screenshots, and a slightly cropped and resized version every new post.

I agree with you that the push to hire minorities is to save face, but the context for it was women who work at Riot being discriminated in the workplace. I have no idea of this would work or not, since the problems women are facing in the company seem to come from the highest levels in the company.

It sure doesn't end with the soviets, but with whom it begins if not them?


some dude 10k years ago who decided he should be king instead, actually

ah! now all the eceleb threads make sense!

"Ok Angela, what should we do?"


"Brilliant. Here's your bonus."


Faggot, you want to teach black history? Teach them that Chicago had more black-on-black killings in TWO YEARS than the number of lynchings the ENTIRE COUNTRY had throughout it's ENTIRE HISTORY

>How does the subversion to the foundational systems of civilization begin?
>With civilization itself

I fucking guarantee Yea Forums has literal asian masculinity type faggots on its mod team.

What's the deal with nobody on the mod team giving a shit about sneedposting? I don't think I've ever seen something more cancerous than that.

Oh slit your fucking wrists already

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I wouldn't take the lawsuit to necessarily mean that women are facing problems to begin with user.

>dead weight is discriminated
They are fucking stealing wages dude.

>Muh Bol Boogeymang

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no one said that, they just want you on your containment board. you guys are the niggers of Yea Forums

>chief diversity officer is a black woman
That's a bad decision on their part, she'll most likely overestimate the token hires and actually put them in an important position in the company, causing a pretty noticeable hit in their profits when they underperform.

You might think this, but it's more than that. If you look up her linkedin one of the "positive" points she made about some other company was that she increased female hiring by 60% and minorities by 180%. I doubt she increased the applications very much, instead she chose to increase the rate at which they're hired.

95% of "pol" posts on other boards are indistinguishable because it's just the normal overall leaning on this website. It's just you that come here and don't like it, so fuck off.

It's said all the time.

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Why do they even need a "diversity" officer? What purpose does this serve for a video game?

Even better question, why does fucking Tencent even allow them to do this SJW shit when the game is in decline

No, it's just on fucking Yea Forums because of all the migrants from Reddit, electionfags and gamergatefags. If I go on Yea Forums, /fit/, /g/ or /ck/ they're all on topic instead of sperging about shit like this. There's literally nothing wrong with hating niggers, but there is something wrong with not following board rules and not keeping it in the appropriate board.

No in this thread, which is what the guy I was replying to was implying.

tencent is not some genius chink conglomerate or they would have restructure riot years ago, because the organization is extremely bloated for its output. they probably won't act until their revenues suffer

>but there is something wrong with not following board rules and not keeping it in the appropriate board.
Everything is political and a containment board is the opposite that is needed for such a scourge. If there was no shitting on DoA the worst possible outcome could happen: the game actually selling.

Wasn't that guy's name Reiko? I never heard anything about that with a Yea Forums mod.

what are you on about /g/ and /ck/ are just product advertisement boards
dude you really need to be fired

Good games require whites and asians. If you hire Blacks, they aren't going to be able to code at the same level and are going to churn out shit games. Diversity Office is a clue that Riot is going to make trash games.

/fit/ gets political every now and then, and to be fair vidya is arguably the medium most attacked with this garbage (of course, it's been spreading far and wide). Gamergate started here after all.
I won't deny that there's a lot of political bait and retards falling for it, for sure. Like we in this thread.

As much as I fucking detest Kotaku, it seems to be the only site with the full document, so just turn on your adblocker when visiting: kotaku.com/current-and-former-employees-sue-riot-games-for-gender-1830262786

>A former Riot Games employee was allowed to remain in a leadership position after drugging and raping another Riot Games employee
>A female riot games employee took a required managers position without financial compensation or an offical recognition of said position
>Various terminations of anyone who spoke put about the problems in the worksplace

These employees were clearly more than dead weight and have certainly faced issues that should've been properly addressed by Riot.

Deleting /pol/ is actually one of the more better ideas. Assuming the stormfags don't end up occupying a certain board, we'll likely end up absorbing it's users back into the fold and spread their numbers out a bit across the site, bringing less attention to this site from the SJWs, underage newfags and retards. This also means the mods and janitors will have to be more diligent in getting rid of their shit when it starts popping up on other boards, thereby increasing their response time to the other offtopic stuff around here and making the stormfag's existence here a little less overwhelming.

You're already covered by this post over here, not as a whole but the general concept I told you before, you refuse to listen: Yea Forums is Dr. Jekyll, /pol/ is Hyde.
/pol/ was created as a containment board because Yea Forums was 4pol.
You see, that's what happens when you fill entertainment with trannies and nigerians.

>Newfag wasn't here when r9k was deleted

pastebin, faggot

Fuck off transvestite

i'm warming to the idea of deleting /pol/ so the qanon boomers can just take over this entire site
you mentally unstable people deserve to eat shit

Taking plaintif's allegations as fact is completely idiotic user.

I take it you weren't here the last time /pol/ was deleted?

News sites don't make money from ads, they make money off (((investors))) who only care about page views.
Pastebin that rag

>get banned for posting brap jokes
>turn modem on/off
wow what will we ever do without our VPNs

I was just providing context to this whole situation to prove that it's more than just "diversity hire".

Imagine being so anti-racist you stop hiring white people for being too white.

Attached: eat it quickly.jpg (333x333, 16K)

I know aero, he was a mod for /mlp/..... AAHAHAH

This. They even buy into an ad network that a company can falsify as "total network page views" by co-opting ads playing on other sites in the network. It's purely for making the next quarterly report look good.

A huge number of the mods are bronies. One of the former janitors, current mod Kazisho, is a brony and pedophile.

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This looks like an alien wearing a human mask

>League of Legend's crazy ass push for diversity at the end of its life gets discussed
Why is it only League? Are there that many chink shills on Yea Forums(((nel)))?

Attached: 159769912165.jpg (590x443, 38K)

Mods are global tho

How does this work? Does she keep spreadsheet to validate the stuff is diverse enough?

Well that explains why the REmake 2 threads were massively fucked.

We're well past that. Some places were avoiding asian people for being too white. Keep up.

He may have been a J when I was skulking around years ago.

It honestly amazes me how many people here don't realize this

This place is just as monitored as reddit if not more so, it's not some bastion of free speech. Talk about a certain square incident and watch your post evaporate

Imagine being a janitor JAJAJAJ

Who's that one based mod of Yea Forums with all the webm's of him floating around in /gif/ ?

Do you watch Tim Pool?

Eh, I figure delete pol as something that can be tossed into every thread, like frogposting, or anime titty monsters.

don't blame the chinks for your people neocohen

We were calling everyone nigger before you showed up nigger, so stop being a nigger.

Nah dude, I used to go to /lolg/ every day. Delete /pol/ is something that comes up every thread when people start talking about forced diversity.

Discord has been on a vocal minority crusade to help Yea Forums fall for the false narrative Yea Forums is openly progressive and supportive of social cuckoldry. Gangweed was just one phase, not random shitposting at all.
Gonna give you a lowkey example: whenever you see someone in DoA threads praising the gameplay, it's them.

>Kazisho, is a brony and pedophile.

By the way, when I say this I don't mean "he likes loli", I mean he had posts on his tumblr of 9 year old boys before the heartbleed hack doxxed him and he purged everything.

Diversity means Anti White and lower standards.

Chinks are worse than kikes when it comes to the tech industry, get over it commie faggot.

you are doing the important job of making sure everyone stays on-topic for their daily exposure to monster energy drink ads

That is a fucking tranny

Attached: Goddamn it.png (255x254, 99K)

no you just have run out of steam with your other bogeymen, so it's time to blame the chinks for all of the decisions burger companies they invest in make
look at you even pretend the chinks are communists
what century is your playbook even from

Yuri Bezmenov

What's wrong, don't want people to talk about the Bolsheviks or the NKVD, you fucking cunt?

Attached: 1504048140646.jpg (288x325, 32K)

How delusional

Here is the pastebin leak, unfortunatley the article is complete garbage and the document is a scanned document only available on a pdf sharing site which the pastebin has a link to:

since they haven't even existed for decades, i would prefer not pretending they mattter, glenn beck

>China hasn't started taking over the united state's tech industry
>Google doesn't already have a communist "social score" system
Whatever you say dumbass

>This is where majority of the cost of game development is going

So why did you even link kotaku? Why didn't you just link the pdf? You think it's not painfully obvious?

>being this fucking new
resetera pls go and stay go

>people speak of chinks like they know shit
They are every bit as totalitarian as the socialists in the USA, the difference is they don't need to extinguish their own race because chinks already work 80-100h a week for no money, they don't need to be muttified to achieve that purpose so there's no need to shill for their men to chop their dick off and for their women to become unfuckable vapid whores.

Can't wait for that chink shithole riot to die

gamifying your life to make you choose to be an efficient and desirable production unit for the managerial state is about as liberal a dystopia as they come, actually

>is a moderator on 4channel
>works an 8 hour shift
>receives absolutely no monetary gain
>can’t even put it on his resume
>he literally just wastes his time each day and gains absolutely nothing other than the satisfaction over the little power/control he has
>not only that but he actually takes it his “job” seriously
>calls someone else an incel

Attached: EE33A8CD-373A-4967-A9F1-ED4742C7B11F.png (225x225, 14K)

They have existed in other ways. Though I know the left's favorite game is to pretend they don't have power, even when it is so overwhelmingly obvious that denying it seems more crazy than inventing bullshit about genders or other linguistical games you faglords love to partake in.


>yuri besmenov is NOW "the right" :^)
Are you completely fucking retarded or just completely and utterly unaware of what has been happening in america?


>>can’t even put it on his resume
Well, not exactly..

Attached: they do it for money.png (1664x1246, 986K)

>Yea Forums was 4pol.
And that's a good thing. /pol/'s users could act as a shield that keeps or at least reduces the normies on this site but it does no good if it's all contained to one board, making the other boards a little more attractive to them, and at the same time, it would be easier for the mods and janitors to monitor them and reduce their damage to it. Now, if it's one thing I've learned, it's that the creation of /vg/ effectively killed off a lot of the quality discussion that Yea Forums somewhat used to have and I bet if that board were deleted right now and we absorbed it's users back in, this place might have a little more quality discussions and the offtopic/pepe and wojak threads might be pushed off faster.

Strategically speaking, I think all of the following boards should be removed from this site: /pol/, /soc/, /lgbt/ and Yea Forums.

China's just the testing ground for the West in those regards

Attached: 1549678398213.webm (800x450, 1.45M)

Except you know, for the professors, union front groups, and hollywood communists/socialists that are still alive today. Fun fact, many of these groups were directly funded by the USSR so they could poison the US with their propaganda. When ever hollywood makes a movie about Mccarthyism, they always neglect to mention the fact that their heroes are communists.

This is a Twitter screencap thread.

go back to twitter furry

China is the left arm of the world banking system

Attached: file.png (663x592, 267K)

Remember: Americans are not human beings anymore.

Attached: death to america.jpg (850x1200, 503K)

Didnt notice the embed link until I made the pastebin. Sorry.

I assume the previous thread was deleted because no one was actually discussing video games. Kinda like this thread, actually.

Ah, yes, let this place become nothing but generals. That surely worked well for /int/, a board intended for INTERNATIONAL DISCUSSION where 90% of threads are people talking with others of their own country.

Personally, I've never come across a thread getting seriously derailed by that. It's like dumber and less fun baneposting. I don't want bans for most content, generally speaking, that's how you they ended up with the fucked up mess they have right now. It's that they gladly allow literal pedos and obvious lunatics like that faggot from Asian masculinity who keeps trying to derail the few good threads that sometimes crop up with BLACKED KEK posts. It's one thing if it's a retarded 12 year old little dipshit zoomer doing that stuff. But these people get others from discord that are wired to pull this bullshit and salt the earth on the entire board. Personally, if I'd banned any meme it would've been the horny and lonely posting, because combined with all the blacked and cunny and tranny posting from those discord lunatics, it's turned the catalog into this zombified mess of the same threads of the same webms of the same actresses when they looked like little kids, and if anyone points it out you end up with a retarded roastie vs. incel LARP where no one can tell who's who because mindless memes take no prisoners. The retarded Captain Marvel posts have ironically been the only halfway decent thing on the board and that's not a compliment.

i have literally never seen a twitter furry that wasn't an extreme left nutcase, but you were implying that anyone who understands or likes yuri is right
are you fucking insane?

That sounds amazing. Imagine a Yea Forums that's only half full of shitposters instead of mostly full of shitposters.

Attached: 1550991623421.png (509x509, 410K)

>say that yuri mesmenov is a right wing darling
>claims someone defending him is basically far left (twitter furrys)

It's almost like multiculturalism is a lie and we're biologically predisposed to stick with our own kind.

Like 98% of the people that read this thread have never worked in a place that had Human Resources. They just won't get it. You have to see the machine in action to understand how insane it is to see some fired for "not being a good fit" (I've seen several) and get replaced with minorities and women straight out of college with zero experience, then be told its your job to "get them up to speed" (make them as good as the people they just fired) which is impossible then YOU look bad for not being able to teach a retard the difference between a pen and a ruler.

>Mine already tweaked their DHCP servers to make it difficult to router-reset IP swap
Unless their DHCP servers have a literal magical wizard inside them, there is absolutely nothing they can do about router MAC address cloning, and there never will be.

Protip, do NOT link a news site, ever, not on Yea Forums nor somewhere else or you are literally a shill.

yes the soviet union lives on in noam chomsky and the teamstar's union, and that is why high caste diaspora indians pretend to be racially oppressed to co-opt black liberation nonsense to gain positions of authority in the private sector with mel gibson running cover
yuri predicted this, and there is no other sensible model for the motivation and goals of subversion

I'd be angry if I cared about Riot Game"s" and their masters at Tencent.

Honestly, banning phoneposters by user agent would be enough, but it wouldn't be advertiser friendly.

fuck off with your fake rewrite of Yea Forums history abib, you filitered soi because you're butthurt and you filter it every single time someone finds a work around

you filtered the workaround for months after the fake "mechanical keyboard incident"

kill yourself nigger

>moving the goalpost

Good lord

Imagine meeting someone who actually thinks this LMAO

this place gas become an insufferable shithole lately. I only come here out of habit anymore.
>mfw my wife's son will ask me about the meme war and I'll have to tell xir I was the guy who helped elect a shabbos goy and accelerate the ruin of the west

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But it's a board for talking, not for inviting them to your country to culturally enrich it. It defeats the very purpose of the board.

Wouldn't that just mean stealing somebody else's subscription?

all media is propaganda, moron, it's common knowledge.


Got it. Wont happen next time.

Attached: 1551481173231.jpg (771x752, 185K)

>the soviets didn't spend the last of their stolen european gold in a last ditch effort to destroy the US through slow release propaganda

What the fuck is a diversity officer?

>flabbergasted at babby's first redpill

To be fair, they don't even let you read the actual philosophers here in america. In college philosophy courses they just read summaries of translations.
It's honestly kind of crazy. Political philosophy courses are even worse. You spend more time listening to a teachers interpretation than trying to find your own and dicussing it with your peers.

>But it's a board for talking, not for inviting them to your country to culturally enrich it
It's almost like you're talkign about /pol/, but you're not.

>there is no other sensible model for the motivation and goals of subversion
Which would be this model?

All this shit could be solved if they kicked out every single diversity hire and especially every single male feminist in the company and replaced them with guys that don't give a fuck about MUH COMPANY CULTURE or MUH MAKING THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE and just want to code and make games with tight gameplay that play well. All this GAMES ARE ART nonsense is a fucking Trojan horse meant to subvert the medium.

Ok, I'll bite. Why the FUCK do game companies (or any campany for that matter) insist on hiring feminists and trannies and shit? They always get fucked and undoubtedly lose some money. Don't investors care? What does the company have to gain? Is the [[[government]]] reimbursing them for loses or what?

Attached: dt190301.gif (900x280, 128K)

Wow, this might be the dumbest, blackest, most effeminate attempt at kikery I've ever seen.

school is useless unless you plan on being and lawyer, engineer or a doctor.
Philosophy isn't science, it's literal projection of one's headspace unto others.

This was my reaction initially. But given their controversies in the past, it's just a good PR move.

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Have you ever talked to people from a major californian city? They're all brainwashed and have no grasp on reality.

>the staff team of 4channel has been extremely left-leaning for years
I've been banned 4 times for making fun of Trump.

What makes you assume that they are either?

California gives them tax cuts for having a percentage of mentally ill employees

The soviet union spent the same amount the US would spend during election time. Except this was spent on propaganda every year in hollywood. Declassified information after the fall of the soviet union proved McCarthy right and even worse many of these propaganda war machines still operate despite the conductors being long dead.

The family guy disney jew shit? Propaganda, Disney actually relied and confided heavily in his jewish artists and animators.

Attached: 5456126.gif (352x217, 1.2M)

Here's a redpill parallaxoptics.wordpress.com/2018/11/12/on-woke-capital/amp/

no you havent abib

That won't work. There are only 2 way to prevent people from bypassing bans.
1. Yea Forums would have to make a deal with ISPs to also block a particular customer from accessing the site during a ban period
2. Create a trojan that automatically downloads onto a person's computer when they're redirected to the ban page then have that trojan add an entry to and lock the host file so that it blocks access to this site

wtf is habibs problem

ipv6 will breathe a new life into ban evading
instead of a range of 500 IPs you'll have a range of ~50,000 IPs

I played for 3 years and maxxed out at like Gold 1 or something couldn't even hit plat feelsbadman

>check catalog
>Fucking shounenshit in the catalog

>though I was going crazy when random on topic threads were disappearing
>the board is slowly turning into mal lite

I could have prevented this!

Attached: 1550959216836.jpg (500x738, 44K)

What's a chief diversity officer? Someone who lets you know if you need disabled colored trans women?

>tfw mods have banned my country 3 times in the last 4 years to directly target and prevent me from posting

haha mad cucks

Fucking ABIB banished scp to /vg/ quickly into its life span because his submission got rejected.

Call your opponent by your own name and blame them of what you do. Kike alinsky 101

Did you post CP or what?

I'll check it out. Thanks user

>The soviet machine doesn't live on!
>Lists pieces of it.
Noam Chomsky Larp's as an intellectual at this point and just gate keeps like a faggot who knows the moment he's dead we'll be over this shit finally. I just want the commies to die of old age and the civil war to start.

>racism is a joke
user it’s fucking not. The white people here love to slander everyone they can at every chance and they whole heartedly believe the bullshit they say.

no just stopped them from conducting social engineering operations on this board


Here is all you have to do to ban evade. You need to own your router - most ISP modem-routers can't do this.

1) Go to your router's administrative panel, usually

2) Look for an option called "clone MAC address" or "spoof MAC address"

3) Enable it, and modify the MAC address. It doesn't matter what new MAC you use. Press apply or enable or whatever

4) Unplug your modem and router for 1-25 seconds then plug them back in.

Congratulations, as far as your ISP knows you just plugged in a new router and they've assigned it a new IP! If you use a large ISP you likely have 25-100 distinct IP blocks so you can't even be rangebanned, and if they try it will cause huge collateral damage.

If you honestly think that I don't know how you would have survived the internet in the 90's, fuck off.

If your company is run by 99% of the same person, you can easily overlook needs of workers who aren't like you. For instance asthmatics, workers with kids, diabetics, etc. Or yes, if you're a woman and your superiors don't understand why getting harassed 8 hours a day is annoying. It isn't a meme position



>lost a sexual harassment case
Wait what the hell? When did this happen? Why is nobody talking about it, especially this board?

Semi related do you guys remember how Nintendo got busted a few years ago for hiring sex workers in the building? I think it was NoA. To this day I am amazed it hasn’t been mentioned once since then, and how good they swept that under the rug.

Good job, user.

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Just came in on the last boat, champ?

Attached: redditors on how to deal with racist 4channers.png (867x305, 35K)

No wait, nevermind. The first one can be bypassed with a VPN, then people would just have to buy a Yea Forums Pass to get back on. The second one would only stop people who aren't tech savvy from ban evasion as people can just encrypt or password protect the hosts file and prevent rogue modifications to it

Shut your gay ass up

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This is the basic bitch shit too, I remember doing this crap in the early 2000's. I just want the fucking normies to leave so we can go back to being a community again and have OC and throw shit from time to time.

>The second one would only stop people who aren't tech savvy from ban evasion as people can just encrypt or password protect the hosts file and prevent rogue modifications to it
...or just fucking use noscript?

thanks guys
the thing they're most mad about is gamergate btw
they're still diamond SEETHING about GG

Attached: 1496804888681.png (670x710, 344K)

you will never live those days again in fact the internet will never be as comfy as early 2001-2005

theyre the reason why chinese companies are more competent than US ones

>getting harassed 8 hours a day is annoying
Question, where can I get one of these jobs where I get paid to harass women?

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I agree with this statement, not because "muh internet mean words" but because they're gearing up to kill or enslave the white people in south africa, and every time this is mentioned, faggot liberals brush it aside as a conspiracy theory because it doesn't fit with their insane world view.

Given how much other things Abib has tried to kill I would not doubt he was involved with what happened with HARMONY this year


As far as I understand, my cable ISP only lets you connect with one modem MAC address, you can even buy a new cable modem from a third party and register it with them.

Unless there's some other way to identify subscribers, or ISPs are just sloppy, I can't imagine you could just swap addresses.

I don't know how other ISPs work.

Nintendo has always been good at hiding that shit, the other problem is certain media groups love forgetting to report or reporting less if the developer in question supports them or makes something they like. Picking favorites.

Sure, you can see it. Whenever anyone mentions GG, you can feel the anger through the pixels.

I think it's hilarious that /pol/ and sjws are pretty much the same type of people, literally just people with too much free time trying to jew each other into supporting shitty failed political systems like Nazism and Communism. Honestly if they could find common ground they could join forces and annoy the shit out of everyone even more effectively.

I don't know what third world hellhole you live in, but in my country it's federally illegal for an ISP to restrict what devices, or how many, their customers can use.

No one cares faggot.

Attached: 234678989.jpg (334x209, 16K)

A black tranny masquerading as female? How much of a +diversity bonus is that?

>I think it's hilarious that /pol/ and sjws are pretty much the same type of people

Attached: 1549504605744.jpg (500x433, 39K)

Yeah if only all of US businesses were controlled 100% by the state and were directly linked to the a fake economy whose success is dictated by a penstroke.

they're even more bitter about GG than Trump i'd say

Attached: v in the white house.jpg (996x760, 161K)

Oh yeah sure, the add on that every Tom, Dick and Harry on this site absolutely uses!

>Nintendo has always been good at hiding that shit
Enlighten me

Attached: 86F2CDCB-F416-4103-8751-7464E74C126E.jpg (480x360, 8K)

jesus fucking christ,

Chances are that allocation and leasing of IPs to various users will remain the same as it is now with IPv4. Phones will still have dynamic IP because of how IPs are allocated on mobile networks.

I replied to someone about this the other day. I don't know whom I hate more, subversive cunts that lie about how this is totally not a problem or ignorant dipshits that speak on it even though they don't know shit.

The faggot who wrote the antifa handbook is a lecturer at my Alma mater. This place used to be the most conservative ivy. Now people like that faggot are working with about 4 offices in the administration and that faggot Hanlon himself to shut down frats after years of hollowing them out with policies that prevented them from dealing with degenerate shit by governing themselves till the alumni got disgusted and stopped caring about their networks. I barely managed to keep the one I ran afloat during my tenure as an exec. Sororities no longer get to decide whom to reject either, it's all managed by a new centralized group called Panhel that's always overseen by those same LGBT and diversity admins. These people run on resentment. This shit isn't even a conspiracy theory anymore. It's a conspiracy. They fucking say it out loud. Maybe you haven't had any life experiences in any position or institution worth a damn, but these fucked are like termites to all the places in society where influence is centralized.

People with any decent measure of sense see this shit and warn everyone about it, but it's always ignorant faggots or intellectually dishonest faggots that try to muddy that message, lest people realize the extent of the bullshit these people are pulling. Fucking neck yourself.

>why hide the fact white people used to lynch them?

To get rid of racial resentment and build cultural unity, if you insist on having a multicultural society.

it's true though, you all even respond with the same snarky responses. you might as well be saying slay queen unironically.

because it's not video games relevent, it's /pol/ dogwhistling

based thread

Attached: 1543691308353.jpg (725x800, 74K)

Probably because nobody actually dislikes trump, it's pure propaganda

>it's not video games relevent, it's /pol/ dogwhistling

Attached: 1491655766028.jpg (640x960, 103K)

Every day, all day, seven days a week, four weeks a month, twelve months a year, now and always, forever until the end of time.

Attached: 1548589361631.jpg (566x500, 135K)


He didn't do nothing!

Attached: kjnkl.png (1016x493, 114K)

I'm latino and I can safely say it's just blacks that get triggered by this shit, no latino has ever complained about a noose at a fashion show lmao.

*about you.
Back to

You've never met a white guy with an iq above 110 before?

can confirm. fuck that piece of shit.

Attached: janitorsMlp.png (803x777, 605K)



So anything you can commit suicide with is problematic? Or just shit this model gets upset by?

>Nintendo has always been good at hiding that shit

That's not how it works. You can change the MAC address from the default one that comes on the NIC. They probably do this as a security method or to stop people from stealing their internet service. If the person doesn't know what MAC they need to connect to the ISP's network, then they can't connect. Also, only the MAC on your router is relevant.

>SEAmonkey games


It's a concentrated effort that's bought hook, line, and sinker by people who've known nothing but brute forcing PR problems by throwing money at them, people who can't see their company getting parasitized by this bullshit until it's too late.

Using the word "dogwhistle" is dogwhistling in itself. Literally fucking nobody uses this term unironically except radical liberals.

>haha china's economy isn't based on lies
Stupid europoor

She literally did not say that.

Yes sweatie, everyone who's against SJWs is in favor of Nazism.

So when do we get the topless Tristana skin?

Attached: 12.png (768x512, 415K)

It would take me too much effort to explain why you don't know what you're talking about.

Just rest assured that you don't know what you're talking about.

>riot hired a mentally ill SJW to dogewhistle /pol/

>we don’t point out osmehing is wrong so you shouldn’t point it out either.
I bet you don’t se anything wrong with this image either, do you

Attached: 24F7C109-E3A6-4DEA-AA74-7A905CE2141F.jpg (968x681, 72K)

I'll check that out, thanks.

Well, that's it then.

Attached: Weary.jpg (1920x1080, 234K)

Didn't say shit about anti sjws, you faggots get triggered just like lefties over shit that wasn't even said.

>Angry /pol/cels

Attached: Glitter-trap-boy.png (407x364, 209K)



Also, I wonder if that link is about the progressive stack bullshit that was used to fuck over occupy Wall Street. I'm not a leftist but I know genuinely talented and genius guys in that movement that got fucked over when the progressive stack got deployed on them.

Nintendo much like apple has had a way of distorting reality, either because of really good propaganda or really good customer/media relations. Nobody points out that nintendo was basically doing what Steam is doing now but back in the day. Want to release a game on the only viable console? Pay us a massive royalty bitch! That nintendo seal of quality didn't mean shit when ljn and others were running around. The treatment of sony back in the day was pretty big after they licensed out to CDI and freaked the fuck out pulling support and not telling them. Fucking Rare in the ass almost daily, fucking the starfox 2 guys over bad and taking that code for Starfox 64. Attempting to torpedo Metroid Prime before release and causing the PC market and the West to rebound and ultimately making them a shadow of their former selves by snubbing id software.

Nintendo has done a lot of terrible things, they've done good things too and it's nice to love them for that, but if you look back hard enough or read the usenet graffiti of the past you start seeing the little details.

sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886912000840 'Do pigmentation and the melanocortin system modulate aggression and sexuality in humans as they do in other animals?'
>Studies find that darker pigmented people avg. higher levels of aggression and sexual activity and lower IQ.

Human intelligence up to 75% inheritable

Human intelligence is highly heritable.

Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.

Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.

The avg. African IQ is estimated at 79.

The avg. African-American IQ is 85 compared to the avg. White IQ of 100. IQ tests are not racially biased. IQ hereditability is 40-80%.

Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.

Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.

The Black-White IQ gap is mostly genetic.

IQ is 75% heritable among whites.

IQ is about 80% heritable.

France's IQ drops 4 points per decade because of African immigration

>Mongoloids are the most K evolved, Caucasoids less, and Negroids the least.

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Do other normal people working in those places talk about this? I assume they can't speak up (which they should)

>nobody actually dislikes trump
That's bullshit and you know it. People have hated the guy long before he even ran for President, it comes with the whole "asshole" aesthetic that people born into their money typically have. That being said, people didn't vote him in for sympathetic reasoning like you would a democrat, they expected him to get more money flowing into this country as well as bring America back to it's pre-1960s state

Lol no, that isn't at all what I said. You tried to pretend other people get offended over stupid shit like black people do and I said that isn't true. Absolutely nobody but black folks would get triggered by a noose because nobody but black folks sits around looking for shit to get upset by so they can feel like they matter. Put down the marijuana and you'll probably have an easier time understanding English.

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Niggers first.

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Abib is without a doubt a beta male nerd. I want to beat the faggot out of that fucking piece of shit.


At least check her twitter before you say that, user.

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Maybe we can get you a "What is basic network management and security for dummies" book.

I'm also a spic and no, what's wrong with this?
he has really clean gloves.

People still think somebody is going to fix America lol, Americans really are in denial about their dying shithole.

Every website including Yea Forums would be better off without mods. Prove me wrong.

I hated him long before he was ever running. I voted for him because the only other option was a soulless corporate drone.

How do ISPs in your country discriminate between subscribers, non-subscribers with fake IDs (MAC or otherwise), or subscribers that haven't paid their bills?

Why does diversity scare you fags so much?

>dying shithole
>#1 economy
If we go the world goes you fucking retarded shitskin.

Shh, he's pretending to know really basic shit. Don't discourage the little guy.

>Replying = getting triggered
Pro tip: lurk till you actually know how to respond to people.

I've been saying for over a decade that Yea Forums would be best off if the only things that got deleted were illegal posts and spam.

The real question is, why do you faggots ALWAYS default to using shame tactics?
>oh you are scared of this
>you are a coward
>you are xphobic
It's so fucking obvious

It's a known fact at this point that the burden of product development in any sector or any industry falls on certain racial and gender demographics because hiring and recruitment are now required to incorporate affirmative action to avoid lawsuits. These people make sure the realities of this unfair distribution of work responsibility don't get discussed, tackled, or challenged.

They're fixers that silence all the problems and complaints that arise from affirmative action that their peers keep pushing.

Why can't you fuck off and stay in your containment site?

Because it lowers quality, forcing people into positions just to fill quotas does not create quality content. Putting people in who earned their spot is how you make quality products. Skin color and gender shouldn't even be a factor in hiring if you're hiring people based on ability.

Your ISP identifies you by your modem's MAC, not your router's. When you spoof your router's MAC it thinks you're using a new router. The FCC mandates that your ISP lets you use a router of your choosing, so they must assign that router an IP. Now you have a new IP. Pretty simple

Well kinda, it doesn't talk about that but it describes a rather similar process with corporations.

Man what happen to the Americas that took on the British Empire, track through the west and mapping it, pioneered through the west, invented great wonders that shape the modern world, and fought for freedom?

The whole world is heading to the shitter bruh
t. not an Amerilard

Epic should probably hire better shills while they are at it

You know what's sad? The more time passes. the more the groups on the left prove the bible thumpers and alt right correct about their seemingly insane slippery slopes. Diversity truly is codeword for less white people, the left is now pushing for post birth abortion, and the lgbt movement is full of pedophiles.

It didn't have to be this way.

Uh nations don't have multiculturalism under the idea that miscegenation will produce slave workers since african americans are all mostly mulattos and are majority economic dead weight, Brazil is also proof that's it wouldn't work as a goal.
It's actually about causing future instability in all western nations so that Israel can become the new power sphere.

Calling me sweetie because my post didn't conform to your doctrine seems pretty triggered, sorry if I misstriggered you though user.

We won, the US is ours, there's no other place to go. That's what happens. We're the pioneers of the new world and have nothing else left to do.

I will never not be assmad that half of the duo responsible for one of the biggest scientific discoveries in past century got completely fucking black balled because his findings supported this. He fucking had to sell his Nobel prize to help keep his lab afloat after his funding was pulled. People recognize there are other traits that differ by race, so why is it so hard to believe that intelligence is another?

I know you don't actually want a discussion, but let's try: what are the benefits of diversity?

I have to agree, the lgbt shit leading to pedophilia seems to be coming true with these drag kids.

Science, much like art, has always been dominated by political forces.

Attached: deplatformed.webm (710x400, 2.12M)

America is going to become non White, socialist, communist, and a third world shithole in 20 years.

kek you're alright tranny

>It isn't because it's agreed upon that a diversity officer does not influence the development of video games themselves, just the people around it
How much of a daft cunt can you be?

>african americans are all mostly mulattos
You mean bottom feeders that hoover up genetic loose ends and undesirables?


The slippery slope cannot be considered a fallacy at this point.

>People recognize there are other traits that differ by race, so why is it so hard to believe that intelligence is another?

it's not that they don't believe it because they know it's true deep down, you can look at a group of Asians or Poos and then compare them to blacks and easily tell race has an I.Q component. These people just don't want this getting out because it'll cause resentment in blacks.

>I've been saying for over a decade that Yea Forums would be best off if the only things that got deleted were illegal posts and spam.
I'm pretty sure that's what Infinity Chan is like.

It doesn't matter, 8ch was successfully censored early in its infancy so it will never have a userbase.

Mavis Beacon?

Imagine having three of the exact same thread like this at the same time and people still saying that /pol/ wasn't a mistake.

>Guys guys it's only about scientific fact!
>Now lets talk about why we should exterminate blacks and jews
Every single time, every single time some /pol/tard wanders in on /sci/ the discussion degenerates into that.

Black bellhop.

Educate yourself dawg. Big suits like to purposely provoke minorities with shit like this and call it fashion when a white person could have worn it just as easily, and then call anyone that gets rightfully offended overly sensitive.

(((They))) do this shit all the fucking time and put their hands up like W-WHAT DID I DO?! Don’t be a sucker like this user.

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But you just brought that up. Nobody in the thread mentioned it besides you.
Are you delusional?

Jews unironically need to be exterminated. No race has been as damaging to humanity's advancement.

Attached: jewish expulsions 3.png (928x8800, 1005K)

>These people just don't want this getting out because it'll cause resentment in blacks
This. You can talk about these things if your society is homogeneous, but if each country's population looks like a hodgepodge from the pulpiest Cyberpunk piece of fiction then talking about race is a bit uncomfortable.

Faggot everyone slanders everyone. Mutts and chimps call for genocide everyday. Chinks are actually genociding Muslims right now and they're going to start starving Africans. The Indian subcontinent, which is the single most culturally, racially, religiously diverse spot on the planet ran on an anime/sci-fi tier caste system. It wasn't a meme or a phase. They literally ran on eugenics, social engineering, etc. all that good stuff for MILLENNIA.

NO ONE cares about your fee fees, so take your kvetching and SHOVE IT. All that matters is that when diversity hires are given a voice in society and in industry, they FUCK THINGS UP. Maybe an occasional professional or prodigy will come along and do well. Great. But a collective of these people ALWAYS works like a metastatic cancer. They find companies that have been disrupted, act like they come bearing solutions, and then turn around and hollow out the company pushing their agenda. This is settled fucking fact at this point.

Well, why don't you guys go there and increase the userbase? Be the change you want to see.

This, /pol/ really needs to stop ruining companies by forcing them to hire diversity cops.

Jesus fuck, what a strawman. Do me a favor and point to where I said anything or implied anything even remotely close to that in my post here .

I can see you didn't read my post, let me help you
>(because) 8ch was successfully censored early in its infancy so it will never have a userbase.

>they're still diamond SEETHING about GG
The only reason I learned about GG was because people kept raging about it for years like it was some massive unforgivable slight against women everywhere. I wouldn't have looked deeper into it if it weren't for all that obsessive moderation and triggering over it.

Scared my family is going to get hurt by niggers, Why do you crave diversity?

So saying that a group of people has less of an attribute than another group means we have to kill them?
I knew the left was bad but not this much.

>No one mentioned it!
See, every single discussion on race and genetics is just /pol/ looking for a reason to justify their disgusting world view. You can do your "white taqqiya" bullshit on someone else who isn't wise to your bullshit, I spent too much time on /sci/ not to see what you types are actually talking about when it comes to "facts".

>diversity officer
Next up, political officers.

Attached: we've been here before.png (424x553, 112K)

Both of those posts were made after your post. You brought the subject up. Are you mentally ill?

Tldr blow me bitch nigga

Non Whites need to be wiped out. They are the spawn of satan while it is clear that God created White people. Whites are closer to God's imagine than non Whites.

Non Whites are lazy, degenerate, and savages. Those are sins. Do you really think God would endorse a race that doesn't hold his values?

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But you are the sucker nigger,

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>it's the google search results
no one wants to use a website run by retards that leak user data that is packed full of white nationalists that think beta males white knighted a white trash nodev being bullied online, because they are part of a plot by bill gates to socially engineer humanity, and this is the kind of shit a rando would have read at 8gag during its peak

you're the cancer killing /sci/

>tfw never fell for the moba meme

Attached: So_happy_smiling_cat.jpg (1317x1536, 1.38M)

>The only reason I learned about GG
The only reason I knew about it was because autists were originally spamming Yea Forums with that unimportant shit. It got so horribly bad that Yea Forums had to ban that topic, and most of them fucked off to infinity for awhile, but came back after they stopped being retarded

What you mean by "censored". How were they censored? Do you mean that Google blacklisted them (which isn't the case right now, since they show up just fine in the Google search results)? Or that they were ideologically compromised?

>chatlog leaks of jannies/mods was 5 years ago

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yes the human population continues to grow thanks to whites and their r&d but go off king

Jesus wasn't white.

>I know these are facts
>But because a few people might interpret them wrong, we have to hide and obfuscate them

Censorship is not just the blacklisting from search engines, it's also the media push about how it's a site for rapist nazi pedophiles

People still get hanged today, you guys know that right?
It's the method of execution in Japan, for example.

That's slander and propaganda, not censorship.

white boy incel behind this post mad because he got his ass beat by a black dude im guessing

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I said God not Jesus.

Jesus is just fanfiction created by the kikes to pacify Christians.

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holy fuck this /pol/ revisionist history

you fuckers weren't even here before 2010 were you?

Ah man, thanks for those 14-year-old level semantics, but the objective is to censor the site so yes it's censorship.

Here's the difference faggot. If you're not a Nazi, maybe people on pol will shit on you for being a cuck. But they won't ban you. This means you'll end up in threads with people who actually agree with you. Sometimes it'll be people who agree with you on some stuff but not everything. Pretty much all of them will bash you relentlessly and call you every name in the book. But none of them, not one of them, will ban you for your opinions alone. Meanwhile, faggot commie propaganda fronts like resetera and reddit literally can't function without completely opinion-based banhammers that give their users a bubblewrapped hugbox to use as a sounding box for their own delusions.

you mean there was a miscalculation that about the homogeneity of the human animal and the malleability of its kinds to education, and there simply needs to be a correction that removes the global south
you have to make them really mad

I lost an Yea Forums and Yea Forums sings thread and been b*nned once before. I had to make an appeal to another mod who had to lifted me and keep my threads in archive. I get worried I can't even do community projects anymore. I heard Yea Forumsga even took a hit too at some point.
If community projects are getting hit, I feel bad that even on-topic shit getting hit now.

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Pretty sure god isn't human and doesn't go by the same rules regarding race, user

>you fuckers weren't even here before 2010 were you?
Looks like you weren't.

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Thank G*d they've got their priorities right.

Can someone not hyper-autistic translate what the fuck this retarded cunt is saying? Literally what the fuck is a "white taqiya" and what does it have to do with the fact you're posting terrible strawman arguments. I made a post saying it was retarded James Watson got cockblocked by the scientific community for his research on race and intelligence. That was it, full stop. I don't know why this triggered you and made you start LARPing.

fuck off to resetera

Your European ancestry is thinning by the day in your native country and the melting pot that is the US. You don’t even run “your” own country, the Jews unironically do that. And you fall for the race baiting propaganda they put in front of you like a brain dead retard.

Really showed me that white master mind

>white guy still beat him despite getting sucker punched by the watchers
did you forget which side you were gonna falseflag.

You're right, bro. Every board should just not have a topic. I should get to post my epic Trump threads on Yea Forums even though they have nothing to do with video games. Be fucking BASED. Actually, let's just combine every single board into one board since being on-topic doesn't matter.

People would post off topic for like a day and then it would be mostly on topic, except without the gigantic subjectivity and bias of a mod team being involved

Christians created Jesus and branched off from Judaism voluntarily you fucking dumbass

i dont get it, all bellhops looked like that. How is it racist? Also the black actors in the past that played bellhops weren't slaves they were being paid. So again what?

I wish some millionaire user would just buy this shitty site from that useless Nip fuck and fire the moderation staff.

>People would post off topic for like a day and then it would be mostly on topic
You're literally retarded if you believe this. There are people that don't leave Yea Forums and only browse this board. They would ensure half the threads here had nothing to do with video games so they could discuss whatever with "muh epic Yea Forums bros XD". Kill yourself. Every single person that thinks like you should die.

A job for Martin Shkreli.

Taqiya is a tactic used by Muslims to lie about their intentions to other groups of people, i.e. "no we don't want jihad, honest", then when they are 20% of the population they install sharia law neighborhoods.
What this faggot is saying that anyone who talks about difference in IQ between races absolutely must also propose the genocide of other races, and that they are lying (taqiya) when they say they don't.

It's really funny how the left denies its own power and influence but then sees all kinds of things and "dogwhistling" everywhere.

>They show up just fine
Other websites detailing 8ch show up fine, but the 8ch domain does not.

>Why'd the last thread get deleted mods?This is videogame relevant.
because there are sjw pockies who only care about deleting anything that is against their agenda, which it goes without saying that they only care about their own arbitrary rules against sexism and objectifying women

notch wanted to buy it, dunno what happened to that

>They would ensure half the threads here had nothing to do with video games so they could discuss whatever with "muh epic Yea Forums bros XD"
Who gives a fuck? This isn't Reddit, the "front page" doesn't matter. The existence of a thread you don't like doesn't alter the existence of a thread you do like. If anything, all you're advocating for is more pages

Kikes created Jesus. It's why God is so different in the Old Testament in which God didn't take crap from anyone and had no problem purging evil.

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it is full of nazis and was host to a board about hebephilia, which is what you will get with no global moderation. it was also subjected to constant spamming of cheese pizza, which they didn't have the staff to deal with. none of this deals with the fact that no one would want to post alongside board after board of /pol/tards, which is why all of the other sites that try limited moderation are similarly concentrated autism that in turn makes them easy for targeting for complete ruination. gab becomes a nazi colony, and then no one else will use gab, and then the jew bankers squeeze it to death
you can't build a low-moderation websites when main sites are purging weirdos, because your site will become a colony for those weirdos, and then no one else will touch it, and the cycle will repeat ad nauseum