2B is nothing more than a sexual device for Yea Forumsirgins. Don't believe me?

2B is nothing more than a sexual device for Yea Forumsirgins. Don't believe me?
Define or showcase something worthwhile outside of her appearance that matters... oh no no, you can't! hahaha!

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the fact that she can self destruct in that one place and get a secret ending

Her personality in the game

>Oh.... nines... *dies*
How is it that a game about robots had more soul and made me feel more than pretty much any other game in the last 10 years? It was kind of depressing not really having any truly happy endings and knowing that humanity is extinct and the androids were just looking for a reason to continue existing

[user has replied to your thread]

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This is your problem.
It wasn't 2B that influenced this mindset or feeling. It was, unironically 9S and his journey. Essentially the reason why people hate 9S is because he's the most vulnerable, changing and arguably infulential character in the story. A2 comes close after but doesn't have as much screen time.
You know, i don't get this 2B meme or fan fiction. I really don't. Yeah she has a great character design, the best in the fucking game but A2 and 9S are more interesting. Is it just Yea Forums being Yea Forums or do people actually not like them for some stupid reason? They're more interesting than 2B in my opinion.

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Did you know that during arousal and with proper stimulation a human anus can secrete a natural lubrication?


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If 2B is only sexual because of her arse, she's not worth it!

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does she fuck the dog haha

I don't sexualize 2B. I don't look at her with my boner hanging out. I admire her beautiful appearance and elegant demeanor. Just like looking at a piece of art. Don't @ me I'm leaving this thread.

>Being surprised at how powerful waifuism is
Shantae went from a literally who to more popular than Shovel Knight all because Youtube fags would put Giga Mermaid clickbait as their thumbnails. And why else do you think Fire Emblem is what it is now? Sex sells.

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I think all 3 of them are interesting and what's interesting about 2B is that unlike 9S she remembers this repeating cycle of having to kill 9S over and over and he comes back to her as if nothing had happened and she knows she's going to have to kill him again and that has got to be soul crushing because they get attached to each other emotionally from sharing experiences with each other.

But yes, 9S is truly the central character and the most soul crushing to watch.
9S: It doesn't matter... NONE OF THIS MATTERS!
A2: 9S...
9S: But if it doesn't matter, why do I long for humans like this?! Why do I desire the touch OF SOMETHING THAT NO LONGER EXISTS?!?
A2: It's how we were made. Androids were designed to protect their human masters. Our core programming demands that we...
9S: Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! Fine then... I'll just destroy it. If it all goes away, that'll solve EVERYTHING!

God.. the tears in his voice are what do it though.

whatever you say pedro

You're right.
And it always bothers me when people think 9S is nothing more than an edgy cunt!

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>Sex sells
This is why waifu should have stayed in Yea Forums, making an attractive and interesting female character is somehow some need to be classified effort than basic product appeal.

Learning that basically your religion and entire purpose for existence are a lie would be an emotionally crippling moment That's why people cling to religion, it gives them purpose, it lets them not think about things that lead to existential crisis. It lets them think there's a happy ending

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if there's at least one documented case of someone legit needing therapy after a Yoko Taro game.

Someone speaking common fucking sense.
This never happened when the game came out and we had comfy threads every day. Everyone hated 9S!

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Most people quit after ending A, so they don't really learn the depressing shit.

I don't get this.
I really don't.
Why are people in general so retarded?

>natural lubrication
Aka watery shit.

2B is presented by all marketing material and the first playthrough as the "main character" when you start not playing the main character anymore some people lose interest, especially when the character you play is now a "scanner" and looks like kind of a fuccboi twink. They could have done a bit better with his design.

9S, I know that's you. She's not a sexbot she straight up kills you everytime you come closer to the truth.

She killed you in the mess hall last Friday, but you probably don't remember that, do you?

>ACfag makes another bait thread
>424 replies and 64 images omitted. Click here to view.
For A FUCKING LEAF that claims to love gameplay, you sure waste a lot of time shitposting on a mongolian sandal making board and not playing games.

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I hate her, because she is keeping up the fat arse trend instead of helping stopping it.

I don't get what his endgame here is. He's never going to stop people from enjoying tits and ass in video games. It's a futile cause.

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But that’s how good characters are written. Their gender shouldn’t play a defining role in their character. She plays the same roles whether she is a male or female. That’s why she’s a strong female character in my eyes, because she doesn’t have to rely on it as a crutch.

He has no end game. He's a sperg-peasant. Doctors cut off his wee-wee when they tried to circumcise him, which has lead to his mental instability.

Don't bother with logic and reason, mate. It's ACfag.

Who is ACfag?

An infamous Yea Forums shitter who hates women in general and believes that games should never have females (they should all be sexless robots), story, etc. There's more to his idiocy, but he's not worth talking about.
Especially RPG's. Just imagine: Vampire: The Masquerade with no story and no females.

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