Name the one video game series that you hate seeing discussed on Yea Forums the most.
Name the one video game series that you hate seeing discussed on Yea Forums the most
Pokemon. They have their own board.
Pokemon because they have their own board already
None because I can just ignore those threads and move on to a thread of greater interest to me.
DMC, but not because I hate the series. I love it, just the people who flock to those threads are the cringiest, most demented fanbase I've seen for a series that isn't blatantly childish like Sonic or Nintendo.
The Witcher 3.
Absolutely the most overrated garbage of all time.
Yea Forums even knows this but that doesn't stop the fucking rarted minority from shitposting about it endlessly.
It's just a bunch of assblasted faggots being angry that it's good.
Smash. Tricycles don’t need discussion.
Newcomers don’t warrant bickering.
DLC characters don’t have a reason for all its anticipation when they’re tried out for an hour then dropped unless they’re broken.
Smash because they cant keep it contained to 1 thread
Gay shit
Anything related to Todd Howard. Fuck that lying piece of shit.
Mother because the games are gay and bad.
Anything. Yea Forums can't talk about ANYTHING without being wrong, stupid and gullible.
Smash Bros, because I don't particularly care for bing bing wahoo smashy smashy misshun compree bollocks.
Nothing really, i'm fairly tolerant of other peoples opinions. But mostly just Undertale fags, it's almost offensive that I share a space with these disgusting retards and I make sure to shit up every thread I see that pops up until it 404's.
Anything Nintendo. Like nigga, it's time to grow up. You aren't 5 anymore.
What's a grownup video game/platform?
Super Smash Brothers and Kingdom Hearts
Sony, PC, Microsoft, hell even Mobile Gaming is more mature
Majora's Mask 3D
PC, Resident Evil 2 Remake
Little faggot.
Any game I like because I am compelled to discuss it with morons.
Monster Hunter
holy fuck MH discussion of any kind has been impossible since the second World was announced
I'm out here getting strippers in GTA with my boys online while you're catching pikamons
Red Dead Redemption 2
It's all about the PS Triple!
This is the only correct answer.
Lately, Resident Evil. In general, DMC but only because I've never played one, I'm sure I'd be in on the hype if I had
can't tell if serious or ironic
Dark/Demon Souls/Bloodbourne
From hasn't made a good game since Lost Kingdoms 2.
Smash, no question about it
Nobody whines, seethes and shitposts more than Smash niggers.
Pretty sure only kids buy Rockstar Games buddy
Halo, mainly because of revisionist history of Yea Forums liking Halo.
and only pedophiles play splatoon
No one seethes, whines and shitposts more than the people that hate Smash or Nintendo.
Like, you people have driven the narrative that it’s Nintendo fans that ruin the board, but you hypocritical niggers won’t bother to actually look and see it’s everyone but Nintendo fans that do most of the shitposting around here
sonic, all sonic shit sucks and they just perpetuate autistic shit. Pokemon because . Halo because Halo is to us what naruto is (was) to Yea Forums, should be bannable.
DMC. Somehow they're apparently immune to the whole "no generals on Yea Forums" rule.
Can't discuss spyro or crash without people bitching about the remakes being "soulless" even though they're both fine.
PONG like I mean what’s so great about it NOTHING that’s what why even make a thread about it what is there even to discuss why can’t they just SHUT UP about it I hate opening the Catalogue and seeing TEN threads discussing PONG!
I barely see halo being discussed around here, it's usually DMC, Sonic, RPGs, and Smash bros
>I've never played one
What are you waiting for?
Fire Emblem.
It's all waifufagging gachashit now.
oddly enough the sonic general on /vg/ is probably the best general on the board in terms of behavior.
I just don't like sanic unfortunately.
Honestly, DMC5. I think I might give this one a shot and then play the rest if I like it.
Surely this is bait.
There's no way that this is an unironic post.
You guys have always been the most bitter and jealous consolefags.
Based Ball-and-Cup general poster
there's a fucking halo thread up at almost all times, including right now
>"n-no u!"
fuck off
we're not the ones making thousands of threads about predictions and then another thousand when some character they didn't want gets in, and then another thousand by people trolling by acting like they like the character
have you considered reddit as an alternative?
Perhaps I've never noticed Halo threads that much? Too me, it just seems like DMC , Sonic, and certain rpgs get way more threads, often multiple at the same time.
None, because I'm not some manchild who gets stressed out that someone else is discussing a game I don't like.
The ones people jack off to
guize post the gif of Dante dancing again it's so funny I wanna add my own OC to it
Legend of Zelda
I apparently fundamentally disagree with a lot of people who think the classic Zelda formula should just go away forever.
Their blood pressure is just a little high right now because their wish is coming true in a week. Give them a few months and they'll calm down.
frogposter is right for once
any fighting game. Nobody likes them. Anyone who says they do are lying and has probably shat themselves.
Ah, a voice of reason finally arrives. All the people whining in this thread should be banned. They are the problem.
Every single game series
because Yea Forums can't have good discussions about anything, it all devolves into shitposting within the first posts, if not already from the OP
I swear, I've yet to see an actual smart person in this fucking cesspool of a board
reeeddit is full of weebshit tho
so is this site, far more of it
I already accepted and embraced the hell that is this board.
The intrigues, the stupidity, the wars,the hate, they all feed me.
>i dont mind people liking games i dont, Yea Forums should be a place of acceptance and people should discuss any games they like!
This, platinum niggers in general are the most annoying people in this board
Sometimes the sonic autism is put to good use though, some really good fangames/mods out there, I think only Bethesda fans are more involved in creating content than them.
That's a tricky question. I'm compelled to say Smash, not because I actually hate it or hate to see it discussed, but the level of discussion that typically occurs is just nauseating. If Smash threads weren't just fake leaks and people whining because the character they like didn't appear in the hyper-specific way they wanted them to appear, then it would be tolerable.
Pokémon really is annoying, since fans are blind to any criticism of the series. It's like they're perpetually stuck on 10 years ago mindset. Smash is also fucking boring.
any game that already have a general on /vg/. I haye the excuse of the "general is shit" then why dont you all fucking kill it for once then.
>10 years ago
You meant 20...right?
Kingdom Hearts, fuck whoever takes that Disney fan-fiction seriously
Fortni----oh wait
Hollow Knight
Then go to resetera, they hate anime and Japan
All games. Yea Forums is retarded and can barely make functioning arguments 90% of the time.
Smash, definitely
For a series, it's Metal Gear.
For a single game, it's pic related. Any conversation of this game is still full of retarded shit years down the road.
>fans are blind to any criticism of the series
Normalfags sure, here on Yea Forums people regularly shit on Masuda, the casualization and hand holding, the rival being a friendly cock slurper instead of a cunt and more. They aren't blind to criticism, they criticize it regularly. They just can't do anything about it and most buy it anyways. It's like a crack addict.
The girls are top tier and I'll fucking knife ya if you want to argue they aren't hot.
Here's a question
What games are actually worth "discussing" here?
>if you don't like anime, go hang out with trannies
literally 4 threads about it right now. Zelda fags are the worst.
I think the only discussions that are really bothersome for me are Zelda and Final Fantasy since it's only shitflinging 99% of the time that doesn't has anything to say and it's not like the threads are comfy or even fun in an off topic way (porn) since everyone just goes there to get mad, Smash is up there but at least is kinda amusing how saying it isn't a fighting game triggers the fuck out of everyone and people discover new stuff constantly so the rosterfag shitposting can be ignored sometimes.
Are you kidding? Half the posts in any thread about modern pokemon is how the series is shit, MGS is like that too.
Well, there won't be weebshit so you'll be free of it, they even ban discussion of the really lewd games too.
Smash Brothers. I don't give a fuck about it and there are a million fucking threads.
Unironically Bethesda games.
what about smash
Some games get pretty good threads without being filled with bullshit. Hitman and Dead Rising come to mind.
indie games when there arent any /pol/fags there to shit up threads.
smash isnt a fighting game. I actualy like smash but dont care for the threads here. My point about them shitting themselves still stands
It's incredible that all you need to get people triggered is mention smash in this kind of thread, is there any other fanbase as easy to trigger here when someone dislike or don't care about their game?
>a smash thread died for this
Just say Breath of the Wild sucks and see the replies you get.
PC is the most adult choice in terms of complexity. You actually have to be a knowledgeable adult with attention span longer than 10 seconds to function properly while using a PC. Every other choice is pretty much brains off press one button and be done with it.
In terms of games, I'd love to say that there's no such thing as games for children/adults, but some games have deliberately been designed with children in mind, and they'd pose no challenge for adults or even engaging story so that an adult could enjoy.
Hypes come and go.
But you take it on the next level, trying to be relevant through fake leaks claiming this and this flavour of the month will be added in an expansion or some shit.
Seriously, /vg/ was created for this shit exactly, yet for some reason, the mods tolerate you.
I was about to post this.
The only backlash I see in this thread is coming from smashfags.
Rockstar games are chad-core as fuck.
>proceeds to post about the shitpost trendy Nintendo games for the 2000000000000th time
The only remotely fun Nintendo threads are the Mario ones with a Mario 64 image in the OP.
Visual novels. They aren't video games, and regardless they are the single worst genre of media past, present, and hopefully future (I don't wanna see anything that manages to be worse than visual novels).
Fate fans, danganronpa fans, and visual novel fans in general are pretty obnoxious too. They are the product of extreme, pure, unadulterated waifu faggotry.
>he says posting gachashit
Smash Bros. Please fuck off with your shitty party game.
I think they are being ironic
Anything involving waifushit
He's not completely wrong about the fans I mean don't we all remember Katawa Shoujo general (I doubt KS fans are very into visual novels but still)
Nintendofags and the anti-nintendo fags are honestly just as terrible as each other. The anti nintendo fags just shit on literally everything nintendo (that they havent played, mind you) puts out (example: BoTW) because they think disliking something popular makes them cool. This activates the autism of the nintendofags (particularly smashfags), and they just start screeching and smashing their fucking heads on the wall.
>they're bad because of the antifags
>Hate talking about something
>talk about it
Why are you faggots like this
Anything I really like. Nothing but vitriol in this place.
Too bad we're here forever.
Avoid comparing them in a discussion and you will have a good time
even if you avoid comparing them other people will like the copypasta guy in World threads and if you try to talk about any earlier game or god forbid XX the thread will get shitposted to death asking why you aren't playing World or starting console wars garbage
Literally impossible to ignore the smashfag "HES IN" spam everytime a character gets confirmed
unless those threads are magnets for your eyes you can just ignore them easily
Undertale. The Deltarune threads are full of "I love Ralsei/the dinosaur bully/Jevil/the little spades guy" shit, and you can't even criticize Undertale because of the usual "YOU DON'T LIKE CUZ IT'S POPULAR" crowd.
BoTW because it's one side of manchildren treating it like the second coming of Christ, and another side of manchildren treating it like radioactive waste.
GoW, Horizon, RDR2, and basically any recent AAA game because it always draws the "MUH MOVIE GAMES" shitposters.
Subnautica because you LITERALLY can't have one thread that doesn't devolve into "la creatura" and "muh guns"
Undertale/Deltarune because of the fanboys that are worse than Homostuck at this point, and the shitposters said fans draw.
Cyberpunk because "muh sun" and "muh not real cyberpunk"
Any fighting or gacha game because they're just porn dumps with pre-teens talking about how hard their dicks are.
Any that end up waifu posting
smash because they post 100 threads a day and consistently find new ways to avoid my 100 mile list of filters
Xenoblade 2
>le cringe dance.webm
That's a good description for the board as a whole. Replace good with successful in some instances
>Cyberpunk because "muh sun" and "muh not real cyberpunk"
God I hate that shit. Those dips are the cyberpunk equivalent to what cogfuckers are to steampunk.
Saved it just for the hell of it.
Anything anime related.
Brap posters on butt threads
Monster Hunter
It's nothing but assblasted Sonyfags chimping out at the (correct) notion that MHW was streamlined and casualized. You can't even bring up the game in any capacity without being called a seething Nintendy, and as such it has completely killed what was once a relatively decent community
>come to a forum started for anime discussion
>get mad because you see anime discussion
warhammer, I still don't understand what it is
Its less hate and more annoyance, but Persona.
But the only one who makes threads about that game are angry retards such as yourself. I bet you made the one that’s up right now as a false flag
Cry more f/a/ggot, there's never more than one up
>proceeds to post about the shitpost trendy Nintendo games for the 2000000000000th time
Yes, because God forbid people talk about videogames! It'll just get in the way of the Pepe/Wojak spam!
>I'm fairly tolerant of people's opinions
>except for the times where I blatantly don't
Any dogshit that's held up only by fapbait with delusional waifufags tricking themselves into thinking it's actually good, they eventually devolve into porn dumps and gay shit like erps.
Overwatch is a prime example
>the only alternative to smash/BoTW shitposting is pepe, bonus points for going into other threads that have nothing to do with Nintendo and calling things I don't like "movies"
Truly ebin my nintendork friend.
Touhou, they destroyed /jp/ and their autism will destroy Yea Forums
Tied between Overwatch and League of Legends, come to think of it, I usually dislike any series where 90% of their threads start with
>Play X
>Why did you stop playing X?
with fanart of one of the girls as the image.
None of them because the only way I would see any discussion is if I where to click on the thread.
>oddly enough the sonic general on /vg/ is probably the best general on the board in terms of behavior.
Are you joking? That thread is so shit that former /sthg/fags have started to take up residence on Yea Forums. Why do you think there's been so many Sonic threads lately? Hint: It's not because of Sonic Mania Plus, a game that came out months ago. And it's always the same handful of autists that start threads and post in them too. Really easy to spot.
I don't have a problem with any if they actually discuss the game, because I can ignore it if I don't care for it. What really chafes my dick are the floods of lazy fake leak threads and threads that are blatantly off-topic political trolls that end up getting 300 (you)s before they finally get fucking deleted (if they even get deleted at all).
Oh, and also the loli threads. Pedos can fucking burn.
I would say Xenoblade 2, but it's mostly just one extremely butthurt guy
I agree with th--
>second part
Those assblasted faggots are the only reason those threads stay up because fanboys like you have to seethe and spam macros at people who look at the game critically, whether they even dump on the game at large or not.
Any game where the majority of the thread is just an image dump of the fotm girl from the game.
mass effect
dragon age
life is strange
fuck you