Why are jap developers so bad now?
Why are jap developers so bad now?
literally every dev is using Unreal Engine and using the default rendering setup
Because they were making nothing but DS and PSP games all last generation
They're all using western engines like Unity and UE4
Meanwhile Capcom and their RE Engine
soul, chad, based, redpilled
souless, virgin, cringe, bluepilled
They need to fix face scan, mocap and lightning. But in general it's good
One has textures and the other doesn't. Fucking lazy gooks
I never played KH in my life and not planning to, but it seems like all of you have been disappointed in new game.
How so?
In this situation, I think the problem is more that the graphics in the PS2 games were better suited to replicating traditionally animated characters, while KH3's graphics are more suited toward the characters originating from CG films. Hence why Hercules and Pooh look weird, but the rest of the worlds look fine.
Could they have still made it look better? Definitely. But I'm willing to cut them a bit of slack, so long as they don't fuck up the hand-drawn characters next time.
This thread needs more Megara.
>arc system works
Soul > Souless
Original is better
Based and Megpilled
You mean aside from the fact that the story was beyond salvageable long before its release and the fact that it took 14 years and 2 console generations to release?
I'm not. I loved it.
>those knees
Is this anti-lift propaganda? Damn Jap salary men.
Lifelong KH fan here. Everyone set their expectations too high. Launch KH3 is on par with Vanilla KH2 and people expected a massive upgrade instead, while also having as much content if not more than KH2FM. Both those things are understandable given the 5-4 year development and I can’t look down on those who thought that. Another complaint is how a majority of the Disney world starts were handled, but that was out of SE’s hands, but even then they were handled better than those in 1,2,BBS, and 358 which were all abysmal. Then there’s the story which is a whole different can of worms as some hate it it love it, depends on the person. My complaint is the difficulty as even on Proud the game is hilariously easy with all the techniques and choices you are given as well as the heavy reliance on magic. I probably died 3 times the entire game and 1 was to the final boss due to a control switch halfway through. I thought the game was great and everything I wanted it to be because I kept my expectations relatively low despite it being my most anticipated game of the year because I’ve played every game, and new what to expect out of a new game.
Hate it or love it*
Because firthy waito piggu buy game no matter quarity.
>Launch KH3 is on par with Vanilla KH2
No it isn't.
I'm not even a KH fan and I think old models looked better than the KH3 ones
They completely nailed her model
Oh shit it's Herculad!
Everything in Hercs world looked like dogshit in this engine. I'm not surprised they went with entirely CGI animated movies after that.
>all of you
It was great. But honestly a game like that will never fully live up to the hype, ever. There will always be disappointment for one reason or another.
Imagine if HL3 came out this year, it would never capture the glory of its predecessors in their entirety.
KH3 also had a couple of other issues, but all in all it was great imo.
KH3 mostly looked great, but the Hercules world didn't work.
The Pixar characters look fine but the 2D film characters got it pretty bad
>like all of you have been disappointed in new game.
Real Heracules here
It's not really true, like of course there are problems and there are people who say they dislike it but the majority is actually that ita pretty good game for lost fans. It's only for newcomers where its a total toss up.
Personslly as a longtime fan, it's pretty much top tier in the series for me at around 3. A second playthrough really made me appreciate the nuance I missed while going blind.
Based and AoMpilled
This is true that they don't have exactly the same quality as the 2d stuff, probably because with the Pixar stuff and the 3D characters they can replicate it more with the engine while the others you have to be a little more creative. However I think this is only for hercules stuff, they did a pretty great job with the cel shading for Winnie the Pooh and I think they look great
Their fanbase showed that anime girls are far more important than gameplay or anything else in terms of revenue.
There are problems with the game but many of the people who say KH3 was a massive disappointment are either or both
>1. Didn't play all of the "spin-off" games and actually think KH3 was in development for over a decade when it was only in development for 5 years, because they were retarded and thought the KH2 secret ending was a KH3 teaser
>2. They're comparing vanilla KH3 to the Final Mix versions of 1 and 2 that were releases that expanded on the original game with extra post-game content, new abilities and cutscenes and more
Right looks better, it's just the lighting. The only thing that seems to stand about the new model are the knees, but this looks more of a stylistic change.
Plus, his legs got even thiccer, so I will give a 100+ on this.