Fix your damn posture Yea Forums
Fix your damn posture Yea Forums
You know who else has bad posture, Yea Forums?
I did. Then I realized my body automaticlaly switched to the more comfortable position 30 seconds later. Sorry, bad postire is more comfy, if good posture was actually comfortable people would use it more, duh
I love doggy style
golem get ye gone
Gravity does gravity things. They need to start making decent chairs with a backrest that actually comes up to the head that don't cost hundreds of dollars. You need something to brace your back against. It's more fatiguing to force your spine to support the weight of your entire upper body on its own.
that's the result of having your displays nowhere near eye level. raise your displays up the correct level and you wont want to hunch forward anymore, you'll automatically lean back to ultra comfy mode without even realizing it
post the correct posture gif
Bad posture ruined my brain and heart. Scoliosis. Pressure on the spine messes up the oxygen/blood flow in the whole body. I'm fucked. My life is literally over because of this. Fuck everyone and everything. Goodbye.
how do I do so? Now really. show me how. I wish to improve.
I'll give this a try :)
Since I got this chair fixing my posture has been a cinch. It feels more comfortable and my whole back manages to fit in the groove perfectly. Best of all it's not build like other cheap chinkshit brands like DXRacer and doesn't have as much of that tryhard appearance
take your hand off of your face
But if he sits up straight all those Xs will poke him in the back
Everytime I see this thread in the catalog I straighten up for about 45 seconds
went through a terrible time with slipped spinal disc + sciatica and more
>try to find padded/chair with lower back support. if not, buy a foam roller/cushion. if tight on money use a throw pillow or stuffed towel
>put your back and ass as far back into the chair as they will go, ideally just press yourself right up against the back of the chair
>adjust monitor height to eye level
>plant feet flat on ground
>when getting up and sitting down at your pc, stretch your limbs
>every 45-1hr of constant use, stand up and walk around your house for 2 min
thank me later bros