Why the FUCK did it help you at the end?
Why the FUCK did it help you at the end?
Other urls found in this thread:
because sakamoto cant write his way out of a paper bag
Because the Metroids fucking EAT the X parasite like theyre got damn tendies. Why wouldnt the APEX hunter want to destroy the only thing that could kill it? I mean even Samus couldn't kill X and the only reason you even reabsorb the Varia-X is that it was too weak at that point to fight back.
its a samus replica, and samus isnt an asshole
Because the one thing the SA-X hates more than Samus is the Metroids, duh.
Because Metroids are their mortal enemy and it realized Samus was the only one willing to genocide them since the Galactic Federation will just keep doing their evil plot
What, the SAX showing up to be absorbed and give Samus the Ice Beam at the end?
I never viewed that as the X making a conscious choice to team up with Samus, just that X parasite drifting into the room and Samus taking advantage of it.
You're giving the X parasite WAYYY too much credit. It wasn't helping Samus, it was trying to save itself.
Metroids are the primary objective of the x parasites, you are only an enemy because your suit has Metroid DNA
It's less about helping and more about trying to take advantage of the situation to destroy its mortal enemy.
Right but why didnt it just finish Samus off first then? She was literally at 1 HP for Christ's sakes.
Not only that but it eliminated the Metroid DNA in the suit when it assimilated
It was already dieing and it hated the omega even more than you did
It's like when you are 4th as bowser in a stock smash match so you decide to bowsercide who ever is 3rd out of pure spite.
You aren't going to win but you wanna go out fucking something over
The enemy of my enemy is my friend, although sa-x probably though much more binary
X parasites goal in the game was making a perfect replica of samus, and an end result of that was that it eventually developed human sapience and morals
What good would that do? She was going to die on her own whether or not it acted, so it decided to take out the greater threat at hand. Wrong, Samus actually still has the Fusion suit post Fusion as it was fused to her own DNA, shes a cyborg at this point.
It wasn't, the Omega Metroid was 100% Metroid unlike Samus.
Because Samus is the much lesser threat at that moment.
You know I wonder if the ship could read SA-X as Samus and let her back on the ship....What if they did that earlier, and the animals she saved weren't animals but X-parasites...
Because Samus would have died anyway if she wasn't healed by SA-X, so it would have been a waste of time killing her when time was it's most crucial.
Oh bby
Samus has been a cyborg since Metroid NES and yes, it did get rid of the Metroid DNA, prepare for Metroid 5 to drop the whole Fusion/Other M bullshit storyline since neither were really liked and go back to what Metroid was known for. I can also see the Fusion Suit getting replaced by the Power Suit at the start of the game given Sakamoto's comment about the suit back in 2004.
I want a new suit for Samus in smash already. Not enjoying being reminded Other M is still canon.
They'll probably drop it for the next mainline game, but there is no way that they aren't going to acknowledge it in someway since Fusion is canonically the final game in the story as of yet. The biggest question is will Prime take from it or continue on its own separate path. I feel like the Corruption theme has continued long enough for it to have at least one more appearance.
Me too, that shit still pisses me off, fuck Sakurai.
>Other M is still canon
Red pill me on Metroid games Yea Forums.
I've played damn near every Smash rep's game except for Metal Gear, Megaman (thoroughly not interested), Metroid, Bayonetta and Ice Climbers.
Which one should I play first After my Sacred Stones Randomizer.
X and Metroids are natural enemies of each other, it was proven earlier in the game when you enter the Restricted Lab - if there's a room with Samus, an X Parasite and a Metroid, the X Parasite and the Metroid will go right for each others throats
Fusion is ok IMO, Other M should be forgotten and erased from history.
Prime 4 is going to be after 3 most likely, i would be surprised if they dropped the zylux ship cliffhanger. i have this funny feeling they will.
Zero Mission, or Prime 1/2 if you'd rather play a 3d one.
It wouldn’t have fused to the suit if she still had Metroid DNA, the SA-X was effectively a vaccine
Zero Mission is a great start. Then play Super, fusion, Prime trilogy when it's on switch, Samus returns. Prime hunters is just ok, but was better with online, Other M if you're REALLY curious, but there's a ton of bullshit story and the gameplay takes massives dips here and there. NES and Metroid 2 are just ok, but they have better fanmade projects surrounding them.
Oh, Metroid 5 will definitely mention Fusion but not go any further in its direction. Prime will continue on a separate path from the mainline games.
I dunno why but I liked the thought of a scarred Samus. It's too bad it won't be a thing...
If you like castlevania you will like most likely 2D Metroid, Prime are a perfect transcition from 2D to 3D in terms of exploration and ambience, gameplay i guess it's 50%.
Avoid NES games and Other M or if you enjoyed all the metroid games, play Other M and realize how much it shat on a developed franchise.
I hope they keep doing it because I live off of tears.
Wrong! SA-X is the Virus, Fusion suit Samus is literally the cure, all it did was re-assimilate and eat the SA-X parasite using Chozo magic.
I wonder will Metroid 5 combine Metroid NES-Super's exploration and while having Fusion's inner monolog and conversations with AI Adam in her ship?
Ok lads. Prime trilogy with gyro aiming, a yes or no?
You guys seem to forget that the X parasites aren't mindless, they absorb the knowledge of the creatures they assimilate. Therefore the SA-X almost certainly knew the BSL was going to crash and made the conscious choice to help samus escape rather than die to the Omega Metroid. There'd be no reason for the SA-X to bother attacking the metroid, otherwise since they were both about to be killed by crashing into SR 388
Fuck yes why wouldn't you.
Bring back motion controls, i did like them.
I'm not very used to gyro but i will eventually, but i think motion is way better.
It’s not a virus it’s a parasite, the Metroid DNA in the suit is also a parasite, the SA-X essentially nullified the Metroid DNA and she was able to use ice beam
Exactly, all the X-Parasite did was partially assimilate Samus, it didn't get every part of her because of the Metroid DNA. It probably had an understanding of how to use its power, how to survive, and how to propagate. We don't see any evidence of them being a hive-mind and we really don't see any kind of intelligence beyond hunting what is in front of it.
Also look at it from this scenario
>Metroids feed off of energy
>So if Samus, a being with a suit that has TONS OF ENERGY, were to get eaten it would make the metroid even stronger
>X saw the Omega Metroid as a predator that was FAR too dangerous to let it stand idly by
It saw the greater of two risks and said fuck you
I meant it as a Virus for the comparison, I get it's a parasite. and Samus could have used the ice beam regardless, she only couldn't because it was stuck on her Varia-X suit. We never got to see what would happen to her if she had the Fusion suit and the ice beam at the same time before absorbing X.
Metroids are its natural enemy
Shut up
Why is it so satisfying to find and collect missile expansions even though I already have over 100 and its impossible to run out
X parasites were mindless monsters. All they did was copy memories and use tools.
The Primes aren't real Metroids
Yeah and youre not a real metroid so fuck you
x-parasites are mindless monsters yes but in the process of replicating samus it developed a humanoid brain and human thought processes.
That's not what your mom said last night
Was this ever addressed in the lore? I don't quite remember it being so.
Fusion’s ending sucked
The X decided to help you for no reason, there eas a SOOPER OMEGA X st the end that you never hear about, and it just reused super’s “saved sat the last moment” ending
S-so you sucked his mom out of her life energy??????
There's no evidence to suggest that.
>Tries to get through an area
Blows up the fucking wall
>Tries to kill all metroids in the area
Lets every single one of the bastards loose and dies fighting them
>Tries to hunt the person it copied
Gets outran and outsmarted
>Tries to be the hero
the X is not stupid, but it is no more intelligent than the systems it has blasting information in its eyes. Its thought process is probably
>Hunt metroid, metroid bad
>Gun good
>Blinky light? Metroid there
yeah well I fucked your cat
This is my dream in all honesty.
I have this very autistic idea for the opening of Metroid 5. Starts with a close up of Samus's visor amidst darkness like Super Metroid's prologue, she says something along the lines of "Where am I?...Who am I?" Then the lights flicker on suddenly and we're greeted with the exact same platform layout of the first Brinstar room, but in a completely sterile looking-technological setting.
There was even precedent earlier in the game when you enter the secret laboratory. The SA-X ignores you completely in favour of trashing the place and killing all the metroids.
I prefer the 2D ones but I welcome the variety prime brings to the series
Is that from a creepy pasta?
One was capable of fucking with computer systems enough to set everything to blow with the boiler room.
Intelligence seems to fluctuate
>Lets every single one of the bastards loose and dies fighting them
This is what bothered me the most. Instead of freezing +missile combo, it just starts shooting wildly, then gets swarmed by FUCKING HATCHLINGS.
Funnily enough, the metroids didn't attack Samus. I wonder why?
Prime 4 story will involve the x parasite and the phazon getting fused. Screencap this.
Metroid DNA
Omega seemed berserk so it was ready to attack anything and everything.
I think Samus at that point was enough of a Metroid that the slightly gentler hatchlings decided she was one of them and not to murder her.
Start with Zero Mission and Prime 3
Nah, Op image is from the game.
The other image is from: exhentai.org
>Super Omega X
What? Do you mean the homunculi looking one? That is just it losing its form and trying to pad it out with the other stuff it already assimilated.
That was probably just the suit interfacing and playing out what the X wanted to be honest, mostly everything was digital that they interact with so its not hard i'd imagine to hit the digital KILL ALL button. Or it just smashed the keyboard til shit worked.
It doesn't get that Freeze/Missle works, it just sees it as theres a lot of enemies and I need a lot of gun.
I doubt it. Phazon got played out pretty hard in 3 so unless the X is filtering it somehow I don't see it making a big deal.
Alternatively, the metroid tracked it the same as any kind of tracking
>Theres a lot of energy in this spot but not a lot in THIS spot
>Better attack the big glowy energy person
And also Metroid DNA
Both are wiped out though.
The interviews could also be lying but they've said no Phazon was planned to be in 4.
Think that was before they decided to reboot the game with Retro though, so it's a toss up I guess.
>ridley ingest phazon x and becomes super ridley.
Gyro is based AF, but the Wiimote controls were honestly probably better. It's a shame Nintendo has shelved IR Cameras due to your average gamer's irrational hatred of motion controls.
I could see Ridley trying some shit like that and turning into G5 by the end of it.
I actually like tank controls but gyro would be nice for holding down R
>What? Do you mean the homunculi looking one? That is jus
Pretty sure he's talking about the Omega metroid and just mispoke. Either that or he's retarded.
>That was probably just the suit interfacing and playing out what the X wanted to be honest,
He's talking about the X that transforms into a scientist that is found in the boiler room that you have to kill.
Was that game any good?
Metroid threads are too infrequent
I think prime 4 will not be called prime 4 but it will have a lot of cinematic storytelling and characters in other hunters
Wouldnt be surprised if it has multiplayer too
With Chozo being the new enemies of Metroid 5, I can see the Metroids also returning as enemies, I wonder will the Space Pirates also return as enemies. I hope they do.
Federation vs Chozo vs Space pirates vs Samus all out galactic war
Could be fun
X go full retard around Metroids. I guess they wanted a Super moment but needed it to be in character for the X (As in self preservation first)
There's literally a line in one of the elevator scenes where Samus mentions that the X is struggling to reconcile it's animal instinct brain with it's stolen sentience.
Fusion? Fuck yeah. It's one of my favorites, or would be if it was longer.
x parasite is probably dormant on samus' armor and saw it as the only way to escape the station
Is fusion easy to emulate?
I think Metroid threads would implode on themselves if they were any more frequent
Also I doubt they'll be that brave with the direction they take Prime 4 in, if anything I think it'll be closer to the way Prime 1 is structured cuz muh familiarity
Because as seen earlier in the metroid lab, SA-X will completely ignore Samus to focus on killing a pure metroid.
Of course, GBA has had an incredibly good emulator for quite a while now.
she literally could not use ice beam because of the metroid dna though, thats why she had to use ice missiles, did you not remember that part of the game?
Its funny now we have an abandoned prime 4 that was potentially over halfway done
I hope one day some beta stuff leaks
>if anything I think it'll be closer to the way Prime 1
Honestly I'm expecting this; seems like every studio is pulling the "returning to muh roots" strategy lately. Sidenote: am I the only one that wants something pretty "out there" for once? Like the concept Retro had originally for Prime 2, with the rogue AI, sounds like a really good idea to me.
Samus returns is great Im replaying it now but the one thing I dont like is how missiles feel like crap, they have no oomph to them whatsoever and they are so tiny you can barely see them
Fuck fusion and fuck sakamoto.
holy f*ckin based..
I'd play them in this order : zero mission, metroid 2 on game boy, super metroid, then fusion. All 4 are great but super metroid is the best in terms of gameplay and story.
>fuck the creator of super metroid
yeah i guess
Sounds a little close to
Super Metroid Royale
I can see the GF still being on Samus's side, I don't see Nintendo making them evil since no one really like the GF story and they're better as the good guys anyway. If the Space Pirates, Chozo, and Metroids are out, they'll need all the help they can get from Samus.
GF have been consistently evil though I think only Prime casts them in a good light
>irrational hatred of motion controls
you can use the wiimote as a mouse like metroid prime, or you can use the wiimote as WAGGLE INSTEAD OF PRESSING A BUTTON like literally every wii game that is not metroid prime. motion controls need to be killed for the greater good. we can not have nice things.
This? Samus seems to think otherwise.
Wait wtf, why are Chozo the enemy now? When did this happen?
Samus returns
There is at least one group of Chozo that is evil
>motion controls are overall bad because some implementations are bad, even though some are obviously very good
You know we CAN actually separate the good from the bad here, right? There's no law that says "if you're using the Wiimote for aiming, you MUST have a mandatory waggle section in your game".
It was only in Fusion and Other M but after the Fusion and Other M backlash I don't see Sakamoto going in that direction anymore going by SR he's moved on to the Chozo so chances are he's going to resolve that little issue after Fusion with the GF letting it slide to keep it a secret so Adam doesn't reveal it to the galaxy. In other words, the GF will stay on Samus good side especially after the Chozo attack.
SR Chozo Memory 11.
Fusion had no backlash and I dont think anything in other M story will be retconned honestly, maybe clarified retroactively so it makes sense.
Galactic Federation soldiers are good boys that want to kill aliens and protect innocent people. The instant you promote one of those lawful good Johnny Ricos to admiral they develop an irrational compulsion to clone metroids and commit genocide. so basically Star Trek.
Fusion was and still is considered the worst 2D Metroid and was the game to shit on before Other M was a thing.
She is not fused with the suit god damn mongoloid, she got the varia suit surgically removed, she got vaccinated with metroid cell, then they made a new suit out of the garbage left. Go read the damn prologue after she get infected by x parasite.
It's his instinct to fucking kill metroids. Metroids are the only threat to their species and the shit is smart enough to know you're its enemy as well.
Besides, there are 4 more SA-X roaming that place, one dead means nothing if the Adult stage of their predator is dead.
>like literally every wii game that is not metroid prime.
Prime 3 does have waggle, though. The Grapple Beam is mapped to Waggle. The Spring Ball is mapped to Waggle. The Spring Ball is optional, but the Grapple Beam sure as hell isn't.
I must have missed that
I fucking loved Fusion from day one and dont remember such hostility
You are probably right and it was all overwritten in my head with the constant shitting Other M, I can see people angry because it has unskipabble dialogue and its linear
it wanted the busy with the feminine benis
realistically would you ever waste time on a downed opponent? nah you go after the one in shape. samus at that point was negligible compared
samus was clearly wrong
I hope prime 3 on switch removes all the stupid waggling to open doors and shit
The Omega Metroid was the greater threat, if it was going to job might as well give it to someone else
>Fusion was and still is considered the worst 2D Metroid and was the game to shit on before Other M was a thing.
Still a better game than the first two titles by gameplay principles alone, despite all this "atmosphere" talk that rose up in the wake of AM2R and SR.
Waggle is good if you implement it right, DKCR was bad implementation because you used too often was key in certain parts of the game and was under or over responsive sometimes, but Prime 3 did it correctly.
waggling for the grapple beam made me feel like a badass and spring ball was convenient
You don't seem to actually know what waggle is.
Waggle is making use the Wii Remote or Nunchuck's acceleromter. It was a really cheap one so it was often just mapped to a single action. The Grapple Beam and the Spring Ball utilized this.
Door locks weren't waggle at all. They relied on either the infared camera (for keypad locks) or the tilt sensors (for more manual locks like rotating a plate into place) and other things were a combination of both (tilt sensors and IR camera for removing or inserting power cells)
I thought the thing samus, SA X and metroids hated more than each other was niggers.
You are correct, I still didnt like it.
This. The shitty implementations of waggle were stuff like having to shake the remote to run from the boulder in RE4. Prime 3 did it right.
>Metroid Prime (some phazon entity) absorbs Samus powersuit
>Ing possess organisms and technology
>X parasites infect and replicate organisms
Why is possession/replication so prevalent in the Metroid franchise?
One of Samus' best friends is a nigger.
For the same reason genocide is too prevalent
Alien series inspiration kickstarted the franchise, what's more horrifying than being possessed or "consumed" by something that takes your very soul and produces more abominations hellbent on further reproduction and destruction?
Nobody remembers him even though he asked
Because the Metroid was the bigger threat.
Its funny the Alien influences were more than just a name
The countdown, the main character getting almost naked at the end and also saving an animal all happen in the first movie
And metroids are kind of like face huggers in design
The Navigation Room annoyed people along with the full exploration of the Station at the end of the game instead all throughout the game. People also felt it was too short compared to Metroid NES-Super.
>Still a better game than the first two titles by gameplay principles alone
Debatable, I liked the boss fights and SA-X though.
A metroid thread? Actual lore and gameplay discussion? Not a single sexualized Samus pic?
What bizarro-Yea Forums did I wake up to?
Well, thread's ruined. See you all next time
late hours Yea Forums is comfy.
...fuck me, sorry I didn't think that post through
Because there's like 30 other SA-Xes on board and the real Samus is the only thing that can kill the Metroid.
y cant metroid crawl
I remember tuubes threads
They were great
The soul of the suit remembered you.
Reminder that this is what Metroid Fusion was going to look like at some point
It was almost ruined near the beginning if you look closely, but no one took the bait.
Looks rough and that logo is really strange, what looks like a gravity gimmick to walk on walls could be fun though
Why? They all have the same exact armament as Samus, more powerful even. What prevented them from bombing it's ass?
I want to fatten the SA-X and then fuck its thunder thighs
Because Metroids eat X parasites.
That walking is really weird
One SA-X got fucked up by a swarm of Metroids. The X don't seem to have a proper sense of pack mentality either, just self-sustained survival and spread.
Adam does actually
>Adam: The X mimicked a crew member... It all makes sense now. The X can absorb the memories and knowledge of their prey. What an astounding find. HQ was very impressed. But don't you find it strange? This could have destroyed the station with the X in it, not to mention to SA-X. Unusual for a self-preserving species like the X. Unless... Your presence is an even greater threat, a threat to the existence of X elsewhere... This is only a hypothesis... Perhaps... Their survival instinct is in conflict with their newly-borrowed intelligence... Don't let your guard down yet. The X are still a threat.
Omega Metroids don't give a fuck
Is that even supposed to be Samus? It looks and moves like a space pirate or something
enjoy it and don't question it
its nice to read actual discussion every once in a while
Its fused with a metroid as seen at the start, I think the changes were going to be more drastic
Imagine Samus staying like for the remainder of the canon
The ship looks like the GFS Olympus from Metroid Prime 3. I wonder if Nintendo has a secret game bible where it says how everything should look.
It's clearly the same SA-X you murdered earlier that shows up to fight the Omega. Despite being fodder in 2 they're still treated as Elite enemies (Moreso in Returns)
>Why can't a self replicating monster heal back to full strength in a couple minutes?
I fucking like the Other M suit in Smash Ultimate. I think it looks cool.
I think its still the worst depiction of the suit
Its ok gets too much hate because its from a bad game
SR is worse I think, absolutely hueg shoulderpads
It's always crazy seeing REALLY early versions of games from before the internet was truly widespread, with barely any known footage and nothing else documenting it. It leaves you wondering just what the hell they were planning with that weird long beam and the gravity gimmick.
If I recall, Sakamoto didn't make the Prime games, but made sure that everything Retro did for the trilogy didn't conflict with his own canon.
Because it wanted to hijack your ship and get the fuck out of there, but it's natural predator got in the way.
Predator instincts, the X-Parasites and Metroids are natural enemies
>Zelda series at least gets those art compendiums full of concept art and designer/director notes
>Metroid has nothing except for those small artbooks that came bundled with Prime Trilogy and SR
I'd kill to see more shit they had planned for Super and Fusion.
Yeah I love that shit.
Makes me glad that a lot of developers put galleries into games or put out art books that detail a game's development nowadays. It's just too bad that there's only so much room so everything can't be put in.
Me too
I hate it because they removed the shoulder fins and arm cannon looks dumb
SR's suit was way better
I love this black/yellow look they made for it, and hope to see something like it in an actual Metroid game.
I'd like to see a fusion between Other M's and Prime 2/3's Varia Suit in a future game. I imagine it'd look like pic related
That's basically what the Samus Returns design is. The base of it is Other M, with lots of influence from the Metroid II and Prime 2 designs.
here you go my dude
Yeah but it looks ugly
Ha. You're just asking to be called bait.
But I agree with you.
I'm sorry but this suit was made for sex.
It would look better if the colors were less garish and the proportions slightly less over the top
I don't like it. That's my opinion. I realize most people do like it. That's their opinion and I don't have a problem with it.
I do like that they tried to differentiate the Gravity Suit more, but I just don't like the overall design of the SR suits.
Hey at least you're nice about it, I just really don't like the lines running through Samus's shoulder pads in other M.
How would you fuck the suit?
I recognize Super is objectively the best but I've replayed AM2R too many times to count. Controls are so responsive and the movement feels so refined
>>these don't
zero mission and am2r were probably my faves outside of prime. youre right the controls were too good and the mechanics were simple but smooth and allowed hella mobility
Watch, as there is no love for the original metroid.
I hope this suit returns in Metroid 5, I don't want to have another game with the Fusion Suit. Her being on a Chozo planet gives hope that it will.
I like it but it cant compete
Its not a bad game but every other title that isn't other m has surpassed it. Hell maybe other m may have surpassed it.
I love it but goddammit I love Super Metroid more.
i mean, it's asking for favorite metroid, really hard to compete.
Where does one find the latest version of AM2R now?
>Controls are so responsive and the movement feels so refined
Agree. Too bad we couldn't get SR388, too. I've played the leaked engine tests and the controls are just as ace, if not better.
But it's a miracle that even one of the two released so I'm not complaining.
Enjoy Fusion Mode!
Because, like the other anons said, Metroids fuck up X parasites hardcore. With a little Metroid DNA, all Samus has to do is TOUCH an X-Parasite and it's dead, devoured. Compare that to a 10 foot tall, armored, full grown Metroid that even fully-powered Samus has a hard time fighting.
Oh shit its still being updated huh
Zero Mission > Super > Samus Returns > AM2R > Fusion > Metroid II > Metroid I.
Haven't played the Prime series yet and I'm a bit hesitant to since I much prefer 2D to 3D for games as a whole.
What's Fusion mode? Is it just playing the game with the fusion suit?
I think they took it from SR, you play with the fusion suit and everything does 4x normal damage
It was inspired by Samus Returns' Fusion Mode. It's an extra hard version of the game, except they went more in depth with it. Instead of having Samus wearing the Fusion Suit for show, the game world has had X Parasites inserted into it. Enemies (unless they're robotic or Metroids) no longer drop pickups but instead turn into X Parasites. This includes bosses becoming Core-Xs.
Yeah the community reverse engineered the game and have been continuing to update it. They've fixed a lot of bugs, implemented a lot of the ideas that were going to be done by the original dev team before it got DMCA'd, and put in a few original ideas. The next major update to the game is going to be removing all borrowed graphic assets and replacing them with original ones, which was one of the things DocM64 had planned before the DMCA. The idea is hit or miss with some people.
It's been easy to emulate ever since it came out. I played it on VBA back in 2002.
>be 10 years old
>brother buys Metroid Prime, have played metroid before so i'm excited
>console starts up
>ominous ambience sound at the start
>press start
>menu music starts
>body shivering of excitement
>you just knew from that moment the game was going to be 10/10
can't be the only one
>removing all borrowed graphic assets and replacing them with original ones
Thats a pass from me unless the original ones they want to put in were already made by the original guy
Have they messed up with the music? I havent played since 1.0
I really adore this official depiction of ZSS by Nintendo. Though I'd preferred the smaller ZM-style platforms than this. Looks a bit impractical here.
Thought it was going to be porn. I prefer this actually.
dem thighs
Sure, just change Prime with Super
That intro creeped and awed every kid in the room
The music was changed, but there's the option to use the original music. All they did was insert the music from the soundtrack release, which is ever so slightly different from the original and was planned to be inserted by DocM64 anyway.
As for the graphics, they won't be made by the original team. They couldn't share them. I hear the plan also calls to change Samus' graphics to more resemble the original Metroid II look.
There's a way to put the original music back, I'm hoping there will be a way to switch to the original graphics as well. It'd be dumb not to have the option.
Thats too much and it seems like changes just for the sake of it, I think maybe its time to leave it alone, but I can just stay on a previous version I guess
Which Metroid game is your favourite, story-wise?
Mine is Zero Mission. I love that they showed that Samus was cared for by her adoptive Chozo parents and she loved them. That little drawing made my day honestly.
However, I'm fine with Adam being a father figure for her if he's more in line with his manga and Fusion depictions. Seeing that Samus Returns hints at Metroid 5 potentially being focused on the Chozos' history, I'd love it if they add that the reason why Samus is fond of Adam and looks up to him is because he reminds her of one of her adoptive Chozo parents.
Pls retcon everything about Other M out of existence aside from maybe Anthony (his relationship with Samus and not him being her saviour during missions or some shit).
>alternate ending
>You save the SA-X from the Omega Metroid
>Samus takes then removes her suit and embraces the SA-X
Absolutely. Nothing saying you have to update.
I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt, since Fusion mode turned out quite well, but at the same time I don't have high hopes because there's the potential to ruin a lot.
This is what gets me when people say Samus didnt have a character before Other M; we see her idealism in Fusion, we see that joyful innocence she had with the Chozo despite her parents having been kill by Ridley shortly beforehand. Not saying she was 3 dimensional but the essential elements were all there
When I first played this as a 7-8 year old, this image freaked me the fuck out for some reason.
The manga is still canon right, but its nice to see some of it in a game
somewhat related
i dont recall any space pirate bases having a huge amount of morphball tubes in them, at least not in prime 1, zero mission or super
maybe i haven't played the games where such bases do indeed have tubes but the ones that i saw in these games were set up by the chozo, iirc
The manga gives Samus more "humanity" without reducing her into a moeblob retard like Other M. The PTSD stuff is already explored and resolved in the manga, prior to all the games in the series. Just like how it should be.
Do we know where in the series Prime 4 takes place? Is it after Fusion?
Prime 2 is the one that inspired the meme
PTSD is never resolved.
Presumably after Federation Force, before Metroid II. But in reality we really don't know.
Samus' personality has always been shown through subtle actions much moreso than dialogues. Even Fusion's monologues were kept to a minimum, and dialogues were mostly lead by Adam AI, not Samus herself until the !TWIST.
Yes but the way it's depicted in Other M makes absolutely no sense unless the game's timeline was before Samus became an independent Bounty Hunter.
In fact, if Other M was set like that, Adam would have less reasons to distrust her as well. And it could show that the Chozos going extinct + Fed troops' sacrifice for Samus makes her the warrior she is today. And it could explain why she seems to trust them so much before the twist in Fusion.
Jesus christ, what if they really were? She blew up the ship and became a galactic fugitive just to wander around carrying the very thing she tried to destroy in her ship...
I hope Metroid 5 gets revealed at E3 this year, I also hope it takes cues from Metroid NES and Super Metroid with a massive alien world free to explore that really takes advantage of the Switch. I'm fine with Samus talking in the prologue and epilogue but I rather she stays quiet during the entire game like Metroid NES, Metroid II, Super, Zero Mission, and Samus Returns. Adam can be an optional guide if you need his assistance. Please don't give me another Fusion, I want this to be a sequel but I rather Metroid 5 not take much from Fusion.
Anyone else annoyed that we will likely never see the Metroid timeline advance because Fusion sets up the Federation as villains who were willing to risk the entire universe's safety in order to weaponize the X parasite?
They cross the line from amoral to straight up villainous when not only do they stop sending Samus official support and navigation in the hopes they arrive first but outright trying to trap her and ordering Samus to stand down. If their highly unethical AI based on a real dead person hadn't gone off the reservation the universe would've been fucked harder than phazon ever could've
By Fusion's ending the only known source of metroid DNA is Samus since the Omega they cloned from the baby before injecting her with it blew up, Samus is a wanted terrorist who not only blew up the entire station but crashed it to vaporize an entire planet
The linearity of Fusion only works because it's a ship, I feel. Same goes for Other M but the poor way "item authorization" was implemented made the linearity feels insufferable.
Linearity tends to be implemented because the story needs to be unveiled in a certain order. And each time you advance forward it should feel rewarding. Fusion's story makes you look forward to progress further and unlock more bits of it, while Other M does not at all.
Maybe prime 4 can ease that segway of the feds being villains by having sylux ask pressing questions to samus.
it's weird how we go from the Galactic Federation being straightforward guys and downright (incompetent) heroes in Prime, to Other M and Fusion near-immediately introducing conspiracies and antagonism within them, only for Federation Trooper to come out and basically act like none of that happened. it feels like stupid plotline twist or not, something happened after Super Metroid and Nintendo's pushed the GF going full bad guy for a long while but no one else got the memo. and now SR instead works towards the idea that some traitorous Chozo is running amok to fuck shit up, so who knows if the GF going to shit will be abandoned or if the Rogue Chozo is going to be some half-assed reason for it.
Metroid is one of the few main Nintendo IPs with an actual timeline that isn't throwing everything to the pyre every new game, Other M aside, but it feels like they really pigeonholed themselves
There could always be a rogue faction for the Federation. In fact, it would be interesting if this is somehow connected to the Chozo rogue faction, since they don't particularly like Metroids either.
Its just some bosss of the GF that is corrupt Im sure and not all of it
Sakamoto is already working on it for the Switch and that GF villain shit it probably dropped in favor of the Chozo.
Eh, they could still write it off as the federation simply being incompetent. They aren't really villains, but they also should not be fully trusted.
Also, the ending of Fusion also addresses you last point. Adam tells Samus that someone will understand why they did what they did. I could see Samus catching heat from the feds, but still being allowed to go on missions. However, they'd likely want to keep her on a short leash to make sure she doesn't do anything like that again.
They should have written already that chozo upgrades deactivate themselves after a while which just cleanly explains why samus needs to regain her shit all the time
But why? is it an anti-piracy measure by the chozo?
she only got the free trial
What's with the crying panda?
Sure or a security measure, once the crisis is averted they dont want their warriors to have all that power and get ideas of overthrowing the chozo goverment
He is sad because you are a newfag
Best boss design or best boss design?
Canonically, Samus has zero trouble with killing metroids. It's why the Federation is so fucking terrified of her.
give me a run down on what this is
Sex with SA-X
There's no reason to assume that the changes are mandatory. Remember the nerf they made to Omega Metroid back in 1.1? The new devs included a modifier.ini file that lets you revert those changes, as well as change between multiple options. I don't see why they wouldn't also let you do that with the graphics.
>nerf they made to Omega Metroid
I dont actually, was it significant should I change it back or was it just annoying
Long story short, the omega had about 400 HP I believe. People complained that it was too hard, so he nerfed it to 320. You can change it back in the ini file, and even make it bigger. You can also tweak damage modifiers and environmental hazards to be harder, but you can't make it easier, so it's not like a cheat sheet.
I see thanks
They really did themselves with Nightmare, everything about him is great
Well isn't it the GDF in prime which is just the navy/military? I always thought that the GF in fusion was more of the science sector and like section 31 from star trek
Can't they make it so the entire federation isn't corrupt, and it's just a few rogue elements? It reminds me of Supreme Commander, in particular the Aeon Illuminate's campaign. You have a noble and just cause of humans trying to bring peace under the princess, but then you have a genocidal asshole like Marxon who just wants to cleanse the galaxy. I always imagined the feds from Prime to be like the princess' sector, and the feds from Fusion were the equivalent to Marxon.
and after Samus Returns, I genuinely think the chozo are more similar than ever to the Seraphim, aka the violent alien monsters who want to kill everyone with advanced tech and bio weapons.
meh, cant be better than pic related
There could be two types of chozo much like how there was the peaceful seraphim that taught the aeon vs the genocidal seraphin in forged alliance.
Sakamoto brought that on himself for his bad writing skills now he has to soft reboot his story and make a Metroid game that's more like a Metroid game.
>peaceful seraphim were wiped out by paranoid humans
>peaceful chozo wiped out by unknown means, probably all due to paranoid chozo who hated their sr388 experiments
>seraphim came back angry and wanted to kill everyone
That would actually be pretty cool if they abandoned their quest for peace and did the same thing. Imagine countless chozo just erupting from null space, wanting every lifeform in the galaxy to be wiped out because they abused their gifts that they left behind.
Thinking back, it's funny how scary the Sup com universe is. Size and scale are ridiculous, and Samus wouldn't last a second against the Seraphim.
>tiniest unit in supcom
Harbingers are pretty big tho
At lease SupCom has a universe thats relatively intact compared to TA. Also nice to see a SupCom and Metroid fan.
and who is it having intercourse with?
Zero mission, AM2R (fan made remake of 2, can easily run in any pc and is better than the officia remake by nintendo), then Super metroid and finally Fusion. Those are the main games in the series, the prime games are more of a side story.
After you play the 4 I mentioned you can freely play the prime trilogy and maybe the original metroid 2 or Samus return if you want I guess
Reminder that that particular metroid boss was a gigantic version of a much smaller enemy.
Don't forget Super Metroid romhacks. When you're done with vanilla Super Metroid, romhacks really open up some more love, but you'd need to play the base game to appreciate them.
Any that you recommend? Doesn't even have to just be Super Metroid.
I know they're pretty big. I just realized that they aren't the smallest, and when I looked for a unit that WAS the smallest, that made me realize that it's even bigger. Holy crap Sup com, stop trying to outdo Warhammer.
Rogue Dawn is a nice romhack of the original metroid. As for Super, I'd go with Hyper Metroid, Metroid Super Zero Mission, Project Base, Super Metroid Arcade, and I heard good things about Project Phazon.
>Holy crap Sup com, stop trying to outdo Warhammer.
The funny thing is that SupCom doesn't even compare to the shear consumption of war that its predecessor Total Annihilation had. Also thanks for the suggestions.
>enemy hates other enemy foremost
>shit writing
an SA-X jobbed to like 4-5 baby metroids before being sent off to an explosion
>why did it help you
A number of reasons.
>being weakened, you were no longer the biggest threat on the station. The SA-X, while threatening, is still a mindless monstrosity prone to falling back on instinct.
>even if you weren't weakened, you're only part metroid. The omega is 100% metroid and will kill both of you without hesitation. It went for the bigger target
me :)
it didnt it say a threat larger than you and attacked it as it was acting like the beast it was
What do you think comes out of them tids? X-milk?
>this is X-Fusion now
My little samus cannot be this cute
that looks really cool
>tfw it was Retro's idea to keep the 2D and Prime stories ambiguously split
let me see a story about the kriken, space pirates, and chozo going into a war for metroids while the federation jews try to pull strings again.
They probably did this because they knew prime would be controversial at the time. I think the could tackle the larger whole of metroid now that prime is accepted.
It makes sense. They're western devs doing their own take on the series. Hell, they legitimately had bounty hunting missions planned for Prime 3, only for Nintendo to come in and correct them by saying Samus is more heroic than that and bounty hunting in japanese wasn't the same as bounty hunting in english when it came to character intent. While who knows what Prime 4 will pull now that it's back in Retro's hands after proving themselves and so many years, it keeps them from treading on Nintendo's boots.
Smash, SR, and Prime 4 coming back to Retro purified these threads.
80% chance we will go back to being a chill fanbase before Other M released
This real?
green belly
Best part: Cutscenes are skippable.
No. It's a fever dream. Nevermind the fact that people have been posting this hack in Fusion threads for years now.
everything sakurai "fixed" from other m is fine except for the canon
that shit needs to go
They really nailed it with the gravity suit in SR.
Cute birb
Retro did right, Halo is a perfect example of what happens when you left outside sources affect the mainline games, now Halo Infinite is soft rebooting the series to go back to being self-contained.
Don't forget Metroid 5, that will take Sakamoto off his mental trip since it feels like he's soft rebooting this shit to forget about Other M and put the corrupted Feds shit started in Fusion behind him
probably a glowy substance
You are making all that up we dont know what sakamoto will do
It needed to survive
It didn't help Samus, it wanted to kill its predator.
He already stated he isn't ever doing another Other M and doesn't ever plan to tell a story like that again, he said Samus could talk again in the future but I wouldn't expect it to be like Other M, probably won't even be like Fusion and will be probably closer to Super and Zero Mission. He also said that he's sticking to 2D for Metroid. SR already shows that he's dropping the Fed plot for a better rogue Chozo plot. Metroid doesn't need to expand on Samus it needs to expand on the world around Samus, I want more exploration not more story.
>that ending
I thought so tio
Fusion wasnt liked?
Because when this mother fucker is standing in front of you and you're its preferred lunch and you have an ice beam you want to kill that SOB ASAP.
No, it wasn't fans were mad about how linear it was.
the linearity was a disappointment but fusion is still highly regarded. I'd say with confidence that its above other m, nes metroid, and prime 3.
I liked NES Metroid better.
I can't get into nes metroid. Having to farm for health every death and other annoyances like no crouch or down shots really kill it for me. I tend to gravitate towards metroid 2 more because of stuff like that.
I like the original Metroid because of how open-ended it is, I love being able to full explore Zebes, I like Metroid II as well, it may be more linear than Metroid but I love that it has large areas to explore thus keeping with the tone of the series about exploration so I enjoyed SR388 as well.
Playin through em now myself. Going for a chronilogical order.
Zero mission > prime 1,2,3> samus returns > super > fusion
Other m is there somewhere, but I forget exactly.
Other M is nowhere
Stop beating the dead horse
When I first played this game I thought I was a clone parasite looking at the real Samus.
This list could use an update
Yeeeah, that was what I was about to ask
Other M is between Super and Fusion
Federation Force is between Prime 3 and Metroid II/Samus Returns
Hunters is between Prime 1 and Prime 2
All that really changes is that Fed Force gets added to Avoid and Samus Returns gets added to Optional
Zero Mission is a great start. It's straightforward enough without being rigidly linear. The controls and pacing are also ideal for newbies. It's also got the most varied gameplay with fast pace exploration, boss fights, and stealth. Especially since it's so far the first game chronologically, it establishes your understanding of Samus and her background. Going into Super after Zero Mission really makes me appreciate the latter.
Depending on whether you prefer 2D or 3D or no preference at all, your next game can be Prime 1 or Samus Returns. AM2R is not a good place to experience Metroid 2 for newbies because it's 1) fancanon and 2) quite difficult.
What if the horse comes back?
If this a guide for beginners I would suggest having zero mission, super, fusion, and prime 1 played first.
Why would she be restrained by the GF? she doesn't work directly for them, she's a Bounty Hunter
It didn't help you. The SA-X was acting out of instinct to try to attack its one predator now that it has amassed power. Because the evolved metroid was a bigger threat, it prioritized the metroid instead of Samus. It was more ignoring you than helping you.
If you even played the game, it did this exact same thing in the metroid incubation area where it mindlessly attacked the metroids in there.
This, why wouldn't Adam blackmail those guys with what happen with the Bottle Ship and BSL Station to keep these corrupt assholes off Samus back? Why wouldn't the GF kiss Samus' ass after the rogue Chozo push their shit in? Why would the GF risk causing a galactic civil war because they stupidly imprisoned the galaxy's greatest protector? Fans never really think about this stuff when they come up with that stupid corrupted GF plot.
remodeled shithole
just because they're mutated to hell and back from phazon doesn't make them any less of a metroid that's just how metroids work
Theyre parasitic cells, they barely have brains, their functions are driven almost entirely by instinct
Adam clearly states they have newfound intellect in the game, they are able to execute complex plans at the least
user was referring to the games
>you can partially control BOX the security robot before he becomes an X host
Holy mother of based. Also, skippable cutscenes? It's like he's heard my requests!
Pretty sure it was a joke post
I know I laughed
You will also have the option to have Samus be fully suited up during cutscenes instead of showing her suitless.
This is going to come at the cost of fanfiction, as I'm sure you can tell, but I say "eh."
The ending of Fusion is all kinds of dumb (absorbing the SA-X removes the metroid DNA because that's how vaccines work right) but if we try to forget this was written by the same guy who gave us Other M, it's an interesting thinking point.
Personally I think the SA-X goes absolutely berserk when actual metroids are involved and loses whatever intelligence it got from Samus.
Metroids are what got X parasites to become nearly extinct, they're absolutely terrifying to them and the SA-X is the first shot they ever had at fighting back.
Even though the Metroids are perfectly contained in sector 0, the SA-X goes absolutely bananas and ends up killing itself in the process, when attacking Samus there or finding a way to safely detach/destroy sector 0 would be much more in the line of what the X have been doing so far to fuck Samus over.
The Omega Metroid is going to die - along the X for that matter - regardless of what anyone does, the station is set to collide with SR388 after all.
The SA-X knows that, having attempted to stop you, but it still goes after it.
So what I'm getting from this is that it can't help attacking it, and saving Samus is a by product (we're on a clock here and the SA-X was around, so it's not a big coincidence).
If you prefer to think that it's an actually intelligent decision, then you can imagine that the X are actually bracing themselves somewhere in the station where they all conglomerated into a big sturdy biomass, hoping some of them will survive the crash.
After all, the X have no way to have read the script and realize the entire planet will explode from colliding with one (1) space station.
So the SA-X is not taking any chances of the Omega surviving and setting foot on SR388 which is pretty much an all you can eat X buffet right now
I wonder how close this is to getting completed. No rush though, think AM2R conditioned the entire fanbase into being more patient for fan projects
That's giving Sakamoto way too much credit.
He's just doing the George Lucas pottery thing and having a dangerous monster saving you from the OP final boss as a throwback to Super Metroid.
There is nothing more to it. Read interviews from the super metroid - fusion - ZM era, his thought process when justifying story stuff is extremely basic and functional.
As with all cool things in Metroid, the interesting bits are trying to make sense of the blanks and plot devices that the devs have left in the "lore"
I would personally consider the original Metroid optional in favor of Zero Mission.
Other M section should also mention Maxximum Edition, which is an attempt at making Other M tolerable.
>It's late
>In space
They're both necessary imo, even if you don't enjoy og Metroid's gameplay.
What changes are made?
It wasn't helping you, it was destroying the last Metroid. If the X won that battle it would have had no problems turning on Samus, but it lost so Samus was a means to an end.
After all, we know it was the last Metroid, but was it the last X? Probably. Sakamoto sucks dick.
This, same with Metroid II and Samus Returns.
>Am perpetually indecisive about which Varia Suit is my overall favorite
>SM/ZM's Varia almost always ends up back up top at some point without fail before being shot back down for a little bit
I know people tend to favor the Prime aesthetic, anyone out there still have love for this aesthetic that's probably never coming back?
>The biggest question is will Prime take from it or continue on its own separate path. I feel like the Corruption theme has continued long enough for it to have at least one more appearance.
Prime 4 will unironically, continue from Federation Force. So that means it will be before Super Metroid.
Sylux is going to be the main villain, teased in Prime 3 and Fed Force's endings.
>og Metroid's gameplay
OG Metroid's gameplay is fine.
OG Metroid's penchant for hiding necessary paths and items under completely hidden blocks can fuck a rake.
She also joined the army and turned into a bounty hunter when she felt like the army wasn't going after the space pirates often enough for her taste.
And she does it solo.
She's not meek. She's relentless in her revenge and confident it her skills.
In the Prime game she always pursues the enemy in cut-scenes like a hunter.
And she goes the extra mile for the mission in Corruption.
Sure, you can't tell if she like puppies or has a thick cockney accent, but saying there was nothing to her personality is incredibly stupid.
I love her Metroid II, Super, Zero Mission, and Samus Returns Varia Suit design.
I think It's still a long ways away. It's been in development for years already, and as of one year ago level design was only estimated to be at around 10% completion.
But again, that was a year ago and the post mentions that he'd be diving into level design soon, so who knows where it might be at now?
Zero Mission style is my favorite style.
This, Samus is determined as hell.
Fusion, although awkwardly written, was still the only game to me me that managed to keep an intrigue going (as opposed to go - there do that) and the only game that set up a threatening vilain - Dark Samus is an absolute jobber that could never replicate how spooky the SA-X was.
It was also the only game with big stakes until Corruption came around.
Adam is more like Grey Voice than Old Bird, right? Since Old Bird is more indulgent, patient, and hands-off, while Grey Voice is more strict and discipinary. Grey Voice also got killed like Adam and her parents.
On that topic, I really liked how they gave the Gravity suit a visual change in Samus Returns.
It was always mildly disappointing how the final armor in the game was a mere palette swap.
I'm definitely feeling this. With how Nintendo is treating Metroid at the moment, they're probably going to be extremely safe with 4.
The series went from game after game considered anywhere from good to masterpiece during the GBA/GC era, but then after Prime 3 it faltered hard. Other M followed by nothing for a long time rocked the boat, then Federation Force rocked it even further. Samus Returns was good but I don't think good enough to complete earn back universal trust in the IP again after Other M and FF.
Considering Metroid is their ultimate "hardcore" series they probably want to keep it healthy because it means a lot in their overall line up even if it's not necessarily one of their best sellers as it adds diversity of content which all the platform runners need. Which is why they're being extra careful with Prime 4.
I expect 4 to be a very formulaic Prime game, for better or worse. There's certainly not something I'll complain about if it's essentially to Prime what Samus Returns was to 2D Metroid.
I enjoyed the horror sequences in Fusion, all 3 of them.
The majority of the game is very bland sci-fi. Samus is the most alien-looking thing in the game.
>if anything I think it'll be closer to the way Prime 1 is structured
I wouldn't mind a streamlined Prime like Corruption was
A lost SA-X that replicated Samus too well.
Should be finished in a few years. I'd be willing to wait. On another note, That is a stunning suit Ridley.
It was never canon.
I'm fine with Metroid 5 just focusing on Samus stopping this rogue Chozo group and exploring the planet, tone down the story, please.
Doesn't the manga follow Other M's "magical girl armor" logic that is incompatible with Zero Mission, Fusion and the Prime games?
Is not incompatible with ZM or fusion
In ZM she cant get her suit because she is too stressed and needs to go to the altar to get peace again
In fusion she is in coma and the suit malfunctions not shutting down properly
Samus bringing the armor up with her mind (technology, not magic girl anime trash) started in Zero Mission.
Since user is a fag, I went and looked it up.
Another theory is that the X are keeping it active. It's not outside the realm of possibility.
He doesn't want to be rude. It's a japanese thing I guess.
The suit operating on state of mind is such an incredibly dumb concept.
You really can't diss the infamous Other M sector 0 cut-scene if you wanna roll with that.
It is incredibly convenient as a plot device - you can wiggle your way out of any debate over what does and does not turn her suit off - but do you really wanna stoop to Sakamoto's level?
I like the changes to concentration
Everything else is shit specially changing the plot, even if Other M plot is bad I hate when fans rewrite stuff
is bad but*
There is nothing dumb about it and infact I think its great
You need to be in a very specific mental state to operate the suit, it goes well with the Chozo´s practices of meditation
>even if Other M plot is bad I hate when fans rewrite stuff
They're not rewriting, they're re-editing. It's a fan-cut.
Sort of like how the Star Wars prequels can fuck off but those fan edits that combine all 3 into like 45 minutes of not-bullshit are fine. Same with the Hobbit.
Sorry I was away, on top of this you can also use whatever controller you like.
The change of controls (missiles are no longer that thing you never use) and addition of actual music alone make the game so, so much more tolerable.
Enjoy suffocating if the air isn't breathable or there is none when you get spooked!
Terrific design for a battle suit
This, it went "Oh shit an Omega Metroid". If it had gone for Samus first it would have gotten a claw in the back for its trouble.
I like the idea, it explains why Samus is a cold badass, we just don't talk about Other M.
Not him I have a better idea, how about just acting like it doesn't exist? Halo fans annoyed me when they were doing this shit with Reach, you ignore the game, everything fits better in canon.
>You need to be in a very specific mental state to operate the suit,
The point of combat armor should be to protect you despite your mental state. What good is a gun if it malfunctions when you're scared?
Because it's not Federation Force, a game so apathetically regarded it's not even considered in discussions.
I wish fan-edits and tweaks happened more often. It's both a fun playground for modders and extra disrespect to the developers, which they deserve. I bet DMC2 would be very fun with fan-edits and tweaks.
>Federation Force so bad it's making people look at Other M as not being that bad
Please no, I don't want another Halo: Reach nostalgia situation where people forget all the bad of the game.
Did anyone figure out the source of the Nightmare spirit in Smash? If I remember its different from the offical fusion and other m artwork.
Don't worry, the fun of Fed Force and Other M is that they're both bad in completely different ways. Other M is a cinematic abomination that ruined Samus as a character (with bad gameplay) while Fed Force is bad because they could've made Republic Commando: Metroid edition, but instead chose baby shovelware with broken co-op. Infact, typing this makes me want to boot up Republic Commando again.
I don't know where the comparisons to the Halo fanbase keep coming from. People who play Halo play a lot of Halo. People who play Metroid play a lot of other games and have played the Metroid games at some point.
There's a massive perspective difference.
The darker purple also looks much better than the lighter purple.
I just think of it as her smash bros suit. She used to use a suit closer to super metroid's but it kept falling apart when she used her final smash in brawl, so she uses this one in 4 and ultimate.