*snort* Time to get out *wheeze* *ack ack* my CRT, cant wait to play some retro- *drops it and breaks foot* *goes deaf from buzzing* *accidentally gets too close and goes blind* well at least it looks goo-
CRT is the way the devs inten-
You okay OP?
>CRT defense force instantly in the thread
based gang. i love huge black lined in my screen instead of affordable crisp HD LCD
>live in a PAL region
>can't collect old games and consoles because I know I'm getting the worst version of everything
I hate this...
640x480 resolution,as god intended
Terry... I thought you passed.
>SMB3 All Stars version was my fucking go-to for comfy feels during grade school
>Yea Forums shits on it for being "souless"
some emulators have a filter to make the game look like it's being played on a crt
>i enjoy thing
>Yea Forums does not enjoy thing
My fucking job made me blinder than any monitor ever did.
>CRT defense force
Where do they get funding, ebay sellers and /vr/? Fuck off.
Dude *dies to enemy because of input lag* like just because it's newer *squints to see blurry image blown up in 65 inches* doesn't mean *burns out after two years* it's worse.
>live in NTSC region
>recently find out about rgb
>mod my TV to make it rgb
>quality is as good as a crt vga monitor but for 240p resolution
zoom zoom zoom
Time to post CRT photos and not emulators
I've used a crt and it doesn't look like this you zoomers
>not wanting HUGE lines through your screen makes you a zoomer
I play on a flat screen because the input lag adds an extra challenge to what would otherwise be easy and simple children's games.
i prefer HD LCD. crisp clean pixels. you can actually see the edges like youre supposed to
funny enough the box art on those NES games is made with cut out pieces of card board. If you look closely you can usually see how uneven it is.
Which one of those is it?
t zoomer who has never owned a tv
You won't get same effect no matter what CRTs don't use pixels. And with those filters on games look like shit it's better to just use scaling up to native display res.
>t-the huge lines add SOUL
>That screen though
Damn, kind of miss having a tiny tv for games.
Thanks for the (you) but rgb also have scanlines. The "scanlines" you are referring to is the lack of lines, because most 2d consoles output in 240p instead of 480i. That's why ps2/gc/xbox 480i games don't have these lines.
>its okay because im retarded
second one looks way better, colors blend into gradients to add depth like intended
Back when Snoy made good hardware.
Is there better CRT tech than trinitron?
Go fuck yourself.
bottom looks better because the blur adds AA
>emulating a game in a 80s/90s bedroom on an old plasma tv in VR space
seething c(uck)rt
I thought the same until I thought about the times I used to mess around with the color tuning knobs on my late 80's tv and realized that filter looks like a poorly calibrated CRT screen.
its okay to be wrong. look how clean and perfect the left looks
>When you live in that bizarro timeline where CRTs are becoming a luxury item that only retards care about
that's correct
Is all that s-o-y making your bones brittle and weak?
Terry lives on in our hearts
both CRT and LCD are fine
>the black lines remind me of big black cock
unironically based as fuck
Let me put it in simple words: You, as a kid, were supposed to fill in the blanks.
Lack of sunlight doesn’t help either
Colors on the right look much better.
>its okay because if you use your imagination you can pretend the huge lines werent there
wtf i love blurry graphics now
I like right better.
Can I have a wish?
Pick a side, pussy, or i'll post pictures of you wearing a flame shirt
You also weren't supposed to be sitting 30cm away from the screen. Bad for my eyesight, my dad told me.
I think it was usually 1.5 or 2 meters, when I played.
top actually looks like bricks, as the devs intened. bottom looks like ass
crt bricks look real, unfiltered bricks look like a cartoon go back to fortnite kid.
They do it for free.
You don't normally see the gaps unless you own a pvmeme, play at 5" of the screen or sit near a 30" or bigger crt tv.
what's the meme about crts having infinite resolution about?
holy shit those bricks
LCDs are even worse unless you want to pay $200 for an upscaler
>if you dont like massive lines and blurry textures instead of HD modern pixels youre a zoomer
>youre supposed to stay 50 feet away otherwise it looks bad
In theory a CRT can be as large as it wants at the cost of visual quality
>the blurry one looks better
Proof that older games are meant for CRTs
Sonics water effect is meant to be transparent, this effect is lost on modern displays without a filter.
They're becoming a luxury because only autists care enough to find the good ones, so all that's left are exorbitant good CRTs and literally worthless bad CRTs.
Formerly CHKS
>our shitty park news got made into a filename meme.
You memed yourself, CRTs just have variable resolution since they don't use pixels like LCDs.
Lower the resolution the higher you could push the refresh rate of the display. Just go and educate yourself.
CRTs have theoretically infinite horizontal resolution, though their vertical resolution is limited by the number of lines the tube can display.
However, CRTs have no native resolution so any picture will still look sharp rather than being upscaled and blurry.
Kek, I didn't think of that.
Based CRTfags are fucking insufferable especially the ones on /vr/. I grew up on CRTs and used one until I was probably 18 and I have no desire to replicate that experience.
Consoleplebs always liked their games with soap.
>people actually play retro games on HDTVs with skewed aspect ratio and notable input lag
Disgusting, give me a CRT for retro games any day
>InceLEDS absolutely seething
Why would the aspect ratio be skewed
You can mod your older cucksole to not convert digital to analog signal, then it's usable on LCD with proper scaling.
But without tinkering it's shit you got that right.
Because the idiot playing it doesn't know about the 4:3 mode on his HDTV
Doesn't fix the input lag though
It's still at 240p which looks like ass without a decent upscaler
Shadowmask matured into a superior technology. The dot trio, the original shadow mask, persisted on in the professional scene and maintained its relevance until CRT production ended in 2015.
Reminder that 1080p-tier resolutions existed during w98 days and we are still stuck at 1080p on some demanding games.
>then it's usable on LCD with proper scaling
>Doesn't fix the input lag though
Don't use shitty LCD with postprocessing and i can bet you won't notice ~15ms delay.
>it's how the developers meant it to be played!!!
Or maybe that was just the shitty technology at the time and they just had to make due with what they were given and you're just desperately clinging to your nostalgia because new game bad old game good.
That's what it looks like when you use the shittiest ass video connection options on chinkshit tvs.
Which admittedly is what most americans did.
Not really the consumers fault though, even crappy tvs can output a nice image if you're using rgb which almost all crt's are capable of, but to cut a microscopic cost scart connections were removed from them in the US.
s-video wasn't really a thing until the mid 90's and you weren't finding that on the dumpster tier chink tvs, and I NEVER saw a tv with ypb as a kid.
From the thumbnail I thought the CRT was dropped and it made a hole in the floor. I'm disappoint.
Crisp doesn't look good.
Nah, houses are built to hold furniture, a CRT would never harm it.
no no no, stop that.
I bet you also use texture filtering while playing quake 1, fucking diskusting.
For me background looks better without filter, but robo-boi looks better with it. It might require some selective post processing.
Doll faggotry is some special kind of autism, I'll tell you hwat.
Emus are the last hope soon all CRTs will burn out consoles will die. All that will be left, ROMs and emulators.
Not the same but it will have to do.
Nah at least not game emulation
CRT emulation is the future
>t.angry zoomer
Right looks better.
This is a mere fantasy.
I believe a third party ps1/2 console will eventually be made.
If the cds/dvds are taken care of they could theoretically last for hundreds of years.
But the consoles sure wont.
Throw in emulated crt televisions to boot.
Sure the ps3 can play ps1 discs, and early models ps2 discs, but they're hd consoles and can never display the games they were intended.
Left: Soul
Right: Soulless
>I believe a third party ps1/2 console will eventually be made.
That is still emulation just hardware emulation instead of software emulation.
That skelly looks fucking cool
>emulators aren't authentic enough
>games were meant to be played on modded consoles hooked up to expensive professional monitors that less than 1% of users had access to back then
>let's just ignore the fact that consoles like the NES didn't even support RGB internally and instead output NTSC signals directly from the PPU
didn't realize how good crt looks until I saw your image. Thanks for the enlightenment.
Soulja Blade Tell 'em
It kind of is soulless, especially when you go from the original Mario 3 to that shit.
I disagree. All of the complaints about graphical difference boil down to nitpicking.
You're missing the point.
I have real ps1 and ps2 game discs.
I want to use them.
If I'm just throwing iso's of games I own on an sd card and play it that way, that just defeats the point of having physical copies.
What’s a good crtv and how much does it cost these days?
Oh man. Everything about that image has me pining for my aunt and uncle's house where they had a setup EXACTLY like this. Minus the genesis.
Why did there have to be a 9/11 and shitty economy after the 90s? Why couldn't it just continue to be dandy?
yeah, they just did whatever for the visuals in some areas. Really out of place.
>can't collect old games and consoles
That's a good thing, save your money. Why bankrupt yourself and waste so much time in flee markets for a meaningless collection?
CRTs are responsible for the tinnitus of everyone in this thread.
Plug your ears. Yes, that's it. Good job barraging your virgin, defenseless ears with the most harmful frequency possible for years.
It doesn't defeat the point, CDs are prone to failure way more than DVDs and by making copy you don't lose anything. Your console won't know the difference. But if all you care for is using original hardware with original software on intended display then there is no room for argument.
CRTs weren't loud enough to cause tinnitus, and I'm too old to hear their high pitched whine anymore (though I can sometimes still imagine it).
Did they die during 9/11?
Nah, America did.
Confirmed zoomer that never owned an CRT. Why shitpost so much about something you have no knowledge or experience with?
The sense not to waste billions and billions and billions did.
FUcK at ffirst i thouhgt this as a real photo and was like damn nice lighting htnen i saw the n64 and staared like for 30 seonds and realizedd what the fuck this isntt real then all thee other flaws came though
i wannt vr so bad fuck realityy
You know the problem.
>Develop games with certain display method intended
>Faggots will still scream and act like it isn't the way it's meant to be played
type like a normal human retard
CRT is such a wonderful technology.
this post only makes sense if you are actually triggered by the people you're making fun of
which you shouldnt be
Are you high?
>Implying you have to "get out" a CRT to play some classic vidya
I can tell you still live in your parent's house.
He did type like a normal retarded human what else do you want from him?
That's our revenge for the 90's
Fuck me dude, where can I get me this monitor? It looks pleasing as fuck
Original hardware sure but clones are easily made. Maybe one day we will have a display technology much like CRTs or at lease the filters are dead on.
I have 2 decent crts but I keep fucking up when trying to get OPL SMB to work
With patience.
I'm so sorry you couldn't get a good CRT when they were giving them away baisically for free.
I have the exact same one! Such a bitch to carry around but good for $5
On second thought, mine is the same line but different model
Don't forget
*explodes and sends lead glass shards into your body*
*electrocutes you when you try to repair it*
>a mere crt can break his foot
pathetic casual
Why do CRT's trigger people so much?
>only 67 ip's
really makes you think
Because having a preference for anything remotely complex these days is pure autism.
Is there a company that still makes CRTs?
what game?
These games will never be HD retard
Cotton 2
>shitty technology
Ironic coming from an LCDfag
>Its for saturn
you have that /vg/ pic for essential Saturn games? i needed to pick one up anyways
>People emulate 2D games on an LCD screen without using some kind of CRT shader
I don't know how or why people would do that
Can't recommend that pic, has fuck all games on it. The real saturn library worth caring about is nearly 200 games.
even if i cant read moonrunes? im not that big of a rpg nigga either
jesus that image quality is delicious
I'm planning on splurging on a great tv this black friday? Is this year the year to do it, or is it still too early?
I want one of those OLED TVs, I figure even if contrast/resolution does get better, the human eye won't even be able to tell, some diminishing returns after that.
>*ack ack*
Why is the strawman a martian
Wait for micro LED.
The problem is that most of those games are japanese only.
Only around something like 250 games got released outside of japan for the saturn, and I know whatever two hundred games you're talking about sure as shit aren't part of that thanks to stolar.
Holy shit I don't even like CRTs or filters but OP is a faggot
What is that? I'm sort of afraid of OLED tvs burning out or something, and if micro LED helps that then great. But I feel like that's just going to be the next diminishing returns gimmick
composite + crt filter is the best
then its more like 150.
many of which require little if any knowledge of the language.
OLED burns out because the organic compounds used in the LEDs have limited emission capacity. Micro-LEDs use the same technology found in LED light bulbs and should theoretically last about a hundred thousand hours before burning out. Leave a single image on a OLED or CRT screen for a week and it'll be permanently burnt in.
>own a 55" 4K TV that only has HDMI and Composite
>buy an OSSC
>get the best of both worlds and can turn on/off scanlines for 240p games to make them look like an arcade cabinet
CRTs. Not even once.
>too chicken shit to catch a ban posting this thread on /vr/
Is LCD a serious display technology?
left has soul
I just use a consumer CRT since setting up a PVM/BVM to a multi-console setup is a pain.
Maybe one day.
Tv size? 14?
You might as well use a PC CRT monitor and emulate if you want the PVM look.
Zoomer incels, everybody
Lol, this can be done correct on a pc with no harmful side effects.
I thought everyone says the sky is supposed to be purple? Is the right one emulated too?
jesus christ tranny
>implying crt niggers (aka boomers) would fortnite dance
does some word filter to tranny now? i've seen it so many times today
How do you have those kap cpnsoles plugged in? Do you need anything special since the psu takes a different voltage?
get a clue newfag
Nice 00 raiser and Jehuty, user.
>he fell for the "old games were pixelated" meme
Yeah dithered transparency in lots of SEGA games looked waaay better on CRT. I first noticed just how much difference this was when I began trying out emulation long ago.
honestly the top pic just looks darkened and smeared to me, but even that improves the backgrounds a ton
>sin Gas
cute. I love knife ears.
>smash retards will only play on CRTs
>we now have 1ms delay monitors
>dropped from evo
no it's just the latest boogeyman
what else is there this month? seethe and cope are on the upswing for sure
i'm 36 and i hate manchildren who cling onto their baby shit. if you want to be embarrassing at least pick up animu girls
You are retarded. A monitor that is advertised to have 1ms of delay doesn't actually only have 1ms of input delay, it's just bullshit marketing. I think the 1ms only refers to the fastest a single pixel can switch, not the whole process of an image being sent to the monitor and displayed.
>It's a "I used a CRT filter on my emulator and looked up a picture of what a CRT looks like when a digital camera takes a picture of the screen" thread
try ebay you can get those shitty small ones for around $70
>70 Bucks
This has got to be bait. The image at the top isn’t even scaled properly and pixels are all different sizes and shapes.
pvms are impossible to find for a reasonable price at this point. Unless the mkt completely crashes there's no hope
Look for a decent JVC or ikegami alternative which is what I did
How does Yea Forums deal with the roaches?
i do have a nice jvc, similar model to i just need a good small crt
clean my room and live in the country
I've got this one:
Good and somewhat cheaper alternative if you're looking for this size (14"). There's a NZ guy on ebay who makes RGB cards for it as well but he's a huge kike about pricing them so I haven't gotten one yet
>no roaches
>gets centipes instead
If CRT is so great, why aren't more made
98% of people prefer something that takes less space and arent autistic about picture quality.
inherent disadvantages
manufacturing limitations
stringent recycling laws
I feel sorry for anyone who has never played video games on one of these
Literal perfection
Why is the biggest gaming market in the world on a garbage touchscreen device with no buttons?
Because people are sheep, and they'll always buy the latest turd. What's sad is that even late end plasmas look 10 times better than most LCDs, too.
People don't want quality, they have never wanted quality. They just want bigger numbers.
The bigger they are...
Yikes this is so cringe seeing zoomers obsess over something you grew up work. Imagine 20 years from now, hipsters will be claiming how amazing it is to own something we use constantly today but is made redundant
When I look at the middling 14 inch CRT I got last year for $40 I apparently got extremely lucky when I then see pricing on eBay now for comparable and even lesser sets now, starting around $100 minimum. What I have now does only 240p/480i but it does accept component (which in itself seems to be becoming an increasingly unspeakable luxury).
The pricing for anything Sony is fucking retarded. Even ancient ass Trinitrons with only composite and RF (or worse just RF) still command retarded prices.
Have regular people even seen FEDs or SEDs in action? It's a shame they didn't take off, it sounded like they were about ready to go before Mr. Shekelstein fully convinced everyone that LCDs were fine and totally didn't have latency, scaling, color, or rapid degredation inferiorities compared to CRT.
He makes this thread all the time
>Zoomer mad because his RETRO PIXEL INDIE games looks like shit
>muh crt
For fucks sake there are modern filters that come pretty damn close these days.
you boomers are so cringe