Red Dead Redemption 2

Fun things to do in RDR2?

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Gee idk, play it?

Don't buy it & save your money for something else instead

Die of TB

If you can't figure it out then it's not a game for you. Might want to go back to Fortnite, bucko.

Hang niggers

Personally, I liked the part where I watched cut-scenes for 30 hours and periodically engaged in mediocre combat scenarios that allowed for practically 0 player agency.

Ride around the map with the camera pointing right up into your horse's asscheeks

This but unironically. You can watch your horse's dick shrink/enlarge and also if it's a girl try to get her tail to move to get a taste of that pussy.

Also it's fun to stalk a random person in this game, more than any other rockstar open world imo. You can hogtie em and throw em in the river to drown after you stalk and beat them. Also the vaudeville theater is cool.

I've seen a lot of people complain about how shit train robberies are if they're not part of a mission. I don't know how well known this trick is, but if you hijack a train, and wait until you're on a bridge, you can take your time robbing it, since the cop AI can't figure out how to get up on the bridge, and the passengers will have nowhere to run to.

Also people think all you can rob on the trains is the people but if you actually use dynamite you can rob the safes as well.

>try to get her tail to move to get a taste of that pussy.
Female horses don't even have pussies in this game which is both baffling and annoying considering how much time they spent modeling horse balls and assholes that shit periodically, but at least they still have plump juicy asses

Save money for PC version

This is a good one. Another similar trick is to use the tunnel in the northeast part of the map.
Where tf are the safes? Never been able to find them. Are they only on certain trains?

>female horses don't have pussies

they do in my game, unless i'm just imagining it, but i've busted like 4 nuts to them so far, haven't even finished the story yet

theyre the mail rooms. with the like mail cubbyholes. theres at most two on each train, sometimes only 1.

Can you crack the safes too? I always go for the sneaky option if it's available.

Took me a while to learn this. Planting dynamite is a fun mechanic.

I rode up on a gang house and planted dynamite on the front door. Killed everyone in the house except one guy who walked calmly over to me in shock and told me where they hid the money

Pretty sure they're smoothed over like barbie dolls, but yeah the asses at least are super round and luscious so that gets my dick going like mad

they should add a patch where they add in rendered vaginas on the horses. it's the best most varied horse sim out right now and the boy horses have cocks so idk how rockstar could let a detail like that slip by. i love jacking it to their asses too but if you could look at their pussies and even watch them swell up when around boy horses i'd probably never go outside again.

God I wish, probably some esrb shit where showing an animal pussy is still seen as more lewd than showing an animal's balls or asshole, the male horses can't get boners either for the same reason probably. Still like you said it's the best horse sim out there at the moment so it's good enough for my dick

I’m trying to pay off my bounties by robbing trains

The criminal justice system in this game is infuriating. You're not allowed to defend yourself at all.

Not that I know of. ive managed to stealth take the train but have no choice but to blow the safes.

Watch cutscenes

I'm really sad because I just started Chapter 5. I hope there's more that I can do after I get off the island. I haven't done the Night Folk mission (though I didI shoot the noose off of a dead guy hanging from a tree and they attacked me). I really hope they make a single player DLC.

Dynamite fishing is fun.

You can't hang people nor niggers in RDR2. You can hogtie them and leave to starve in the wilderness, but you can't hang them.
Or can you?

>survival (I think) challenge to catch three fish without a rod
>hit one with my horse by mistake
>one just floats over while I'm stalking a deer
>hit another with an arrow
Only after that did I remember I had dynamite.
Anyone know if you can get that legendary catfish that pulls the fisherman into the river down south? I gave up and lobbed a bunch of dynamite in but nothing worked.

so its like UK

How come I never got a chance to wipe out the murfrees? That threatened me as I was at my camp and I never got revenge.

you can defend yourself here though, but nice meme
im sure youll reply with some random cherrypicked articles though

>Anyone know if you can get that legendary catfish that pulls the fisherman into the river down south?
From what I understand, no. I've fished in that same spot for an in-game day and got nothing. If you check the Compendium, there is an entry for the "Legendary Channel Catfish" but it automatically has 100% completion and no "1/1 caught" line, so I assume that's all the interaction we'll get.

>That threatened me as I was at my camp and I never got revenge.
Do you mean one of the major story camps, or the camp you make while out in the world?
The first time they jumped me at my night camp I freaked the fuck out and started shooting everything. Great little bit on tension for that part of the map.

The camp you make out in the world.

Well that sucks. The legendary marker on the map not being crossed out bugs me.
Looking online it seems to be impossible. Some speculating there was no giant catfish and the guy faked his own death.
Wish there was more to do in New Austin.

>suck it
>s-suck it dad
>don't swallow!
>spit it out dad

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Yeah New Austin is kinda empty but isn't it built up more in RDR to show how the west is being tamed? There's only a few legendary animals to hunt, some Del Lobo camps to clean out, and a few bounties.

a. spend all your money on other things (guns, outfits, ciggarette cards, consumables) then surrender to the law, it wipes your bounties

Depends what you consider "fun" but there's a ton to do if you're all about the 100% completion rate or achievement hunt. Right now I'm on the last Legendary animal and actually making good progress through the various challenges. Though robbing townsfolk is still hard, gotta try it on a train...

>your opinion is wrong and any evidence you bring to the contrary won't count

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So is the New Austin glitch patched? Someone in another thread was saying it was. Can anyone confirm?

Yes 1.06 patched it. If you have a physical copy you can always uninstall and stay offline after reinstalling it if all your care about is single player.

Damn, that sucks. Might as well wait to the end of the game to do any of the challenges.

What New Austin glitch? Looked in the patchnotes and didn't see anything about New austin or Mexico in the text.

The older you are on the first playthrough of this game, the better and more meaningful experience you will have. I cant imagine how teens or young people can relate properly to Arthur or John, in the way the story intended.

This games experience was tailor made for older gamers. Nothing will ever recreate the moment in time when this game was just launched, no one knew the story, and we were all playing through for the first time, as a collective community.

I am so glad i was "old" on my first experience of this story. IT meant so much more.

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Up to you. Legend of the East outfit suits Arthur much more than it does John if you ask me.
There is or now was a bug with the first Bronte mission in Chapter 4 where if you were seen by the law while trying to escape the cemetery and then complete the mission by escaping the law it would bug the law AI in New Austin and stop the insta-headshotting NPC's from spawning allowing you to explore the area as Arthur. Annoyingly enough it looks like Arthur was able to explore the region freely at one point in development because he has unique lines for the townsfolk in Armadillo commenting on their health and well-being.

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Presumably you used to be able to "glitch" into New Austin by purposely getting caught by the law in a chapter 4 story mission and then running away. All of the bounty hunters and law enforcement preventing you from going to New Austin or Blackwater were gone and you could finish up the challenges that require you to go there.

Yea Forums ruined everything for me anyway so I couldn't give less of a shit about any of that. The older you are, the less of a chance you have to finish a game before some fuckwit spoils the story for you online.

Keep waiting faggot. I just bought rdr2, spiderman, horizon zero dawn, assassins creed odyssey and haven't played them. I'm too busy jerking it to your mom's tranny cock

>Up to you. Legend of the East outfit suits Arthur much more than it does John if you ask me.
Mostly I just wanted the vest to use for other outfits and I wanted to have as much of the journal filled out by Arthur as possible. I don't think it's worth uninstalling and reinstalling though.

I can relate to this post in a sense. I was 15 when I played RDR and I have no emotional attachment to John whatsoever and when I first got the ending I thought I had done something wrong gameplay wise, reloaded a save, and when the same thing happened I though 'well that was a dumb ending'. 24 now and this time round Arthur's story hit me hard. I guess I appreciate RDR a little more for this now as well.

see when youre older, you dont consume the child/teen/'geek' media that would contain spoilers.

I purchased the game, spent 8 days playing through the story and encountered no media and no people that even knew what it was before i finished it. A completely pure experience.

Well if you haven't updated your game yet to 1.06 then you will still be able to do the glitch. Unless you got auto-updated then oh well bad luck I suppose.

Supposedly you can use save files of newer versions on older versions of the game just fine but I would do a back up just to be sure.

The immersion is just so great. I just love opening cabinets in real life and it's even more fun in this game.

Ah, got it. Yeah I had tried entering southern West Elizabeth and NA but got instakilled even when no enemies were on the radar and my health bar/core were still fairly full. Guess you have to wait until epilogue for Horseman 9 challenge, or just ride real fast.

How do I tell?

You can do Horseman 9 without a glitch. Just plan your route and then smash some health tonics as you ride to Blackwater. I did it three days ago. Bounty hunters only started shooting at me when I was pretty close to Blackwater and I got through it with 3 potent health cures, was even able to ride back across the river into Big Valley no problem.

>Guess you have to wait until epilogue for Horseman 9 challenge, or just ride real fast
Yeah, you can do this one with an Arabian and lots of deadeye if you get unlucky with bounty hunter/law spawns.
PS4 click start on the rdr2 app and go to information. The version installed is listed there

Hostiles is not a very good movie unless you really enjoy rugged man looking grimly into the nature. The point is too obvious, the delivery is too blunt, the character development is too predictable. But decorations, acting and screenwork is nice, so I guess there's that.

Same goes for RDR2, but admittedly it has more depth and more well-rounded theme

You can feed corpses to pigs, that's pretty neat. Haven't really found much use for it though.

Is "information" on the home screen of RDR2 or can I access the version info from the PS4 interface itself? I ask because I'm currently redoing the prologue missions and the game won't let me save.

Damn, wish I knew that so I could feed Granger to his piggies.
For real though, it's dangerous for people to keep lots of pigs as pets/farm animals because if you fall and get hurt or are just laying on the ground they can and will eat you. Interesting how they are considered predators in RDR2.

There are no horses vaginas in the game.

The reason they added the horse dickes and balls is that initially you were supposed to be able to breed horses, so to make an easy visual distinction, they added cocks for the stallions, so that people wouldnt have to look at a menu to know. No vaginas were added

Nvm it tells you the build ID when you pop into settings. I have the newest one. Ah well.

Is there any game where you can actually see a fully modeled vagina?

vanilla too, not anything modded

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LOL how old are you? are you a teen? Hostiles is a frigging classic movie, and an all time Western classic.

You need to put the capeshit down, or come back when youre a little bit older to get Hostiles. Its a movie for "grown ups"

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I tried. You cant move him once hes dead

Watchdogs 2

>american level of cultural education at its finest
Hostiles is a shallow flick for teens with hamfisted tumblr-tier social agenda. Sorry for your stupidity

>easy visual distinction
looking at their balls, uh huh... vagina coulda been a texture, or have pink bows on the girls in eagle eye mode, but they went for fully rendered shrinking enlarging balls and dong sleeve. just like there're fully rendered dog cocks and balls in re2make, so you can see they are boy dogs in the dog gacha minigame. no, it's cuz the devs like animal cocks. put some vag in there too next time, rockstar/capcom/sega

HA so you never saw it. because its the only movie hollywood has ever produced that portrays the Indians truthfully: as brutal savages in a blood war against whites.

The movie explicitly shows how they are not the innocent mystical nature fairies, in tune with the spirits and wise shaman of the plains. but rather they were hostile savages with blood on their hands, just as bent on murder as the white men they accuse. They are literal actual baby killers in this movie.

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>because its the only movie hollywood has ever produced that portrays the Indians truthfully: as brutal savages in a blood war against whites.
What is Bone Tomahawk?

Why is there no pooping mini game where you have to decide between hard turds or violent diarrhea?

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>because its the only movie hollywood has ever produced that portrays the Indians truthfully
>the only movie hollywood has ever produced
That's the main mistake in your line of thinking. The presupposition of your argument is flawed, because you were only exposed to media that came out of hollywood. Just do yourself a favor and read more books. Start with the basic essentials like Hemingway, London and Dostoevsky. The shit will blow your fucking uneducated mind

This, fully modeled weather responsive balls but not even a texture for pussy is some bullshit

R* are pretty internet-aware as far as entertainment corporations go, so I guess that was deliberate to avoid all the horse pussy memes

Strange times we live in when that's what would get people cracking dumb jokes and not the fact that your horse dumps a big pile of shit every five minutes

I know right? The shit and ass were apparently dethroned as a staple comedic content. Strange times indeed

I'm waiting to be deputized in Rhodes before i do the serial killer side quest. Are there any other crime solving missions in the game?

Unless you count the Treasure maps as crime solving, then not really.

refunding it

you can lasso them and hold them over an edge

How do you think R* will follow this up, or will any other games in the series not follow the Van der Linde gang members at all?

I'm tired of everyone putting beards on their characters

I did that to see how big is the lvl10 beard. Pretty fucking big.
After that I've switched to patrician mustache and sideburns

Hopefully it's a Civil War / Western game. If they absolutely have to tie it into the other games, I remember them saying that Dutch's father served in the Civil War, so maybe you could play as him? I think I'd prefer new characters though.

Eh, everybody does that

I've seen some people throw around that it would be the true formation of the gang and how they all joined together, culminating in the failed Blackwater robbery.getaway that precipitated the events of RDR2. Kinda hard for them to move forward and keep the Wild West theme going.

unironically trading it in for a actual fun game

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>bump into someone, get bounty
>look at someone, get shot at
>defend yourself from being shot at, wanted dead or alive

I've run into them multiple times and killed them everytime. First time they threatened me I just killed them. I imagine Arthur doesn't take much shit from random fucks holding guns to his head. After that I bumped into them two more times, once they killed some woman's husband in a random event and once they were hunting me for revenge.

I used to keep a beard but then I gave Arthur the fade cut and kept him clean shaven and he looks too damn handsome to play any other way. It's incredible. He literally looks 10 years younger.

>play as Dutch's father in the Civil War
Who on earth would be even slightly interested in this? Just make the game about Hosea and the early gang. Like it or not that is the draw of Red Dead - the already established characters. It's why RDR2 was about Dutch's protege and John's older brother figure and not some random fuck.

Yeah they are a bit more of a free floating gang with the one big hideout and then smaller random events going on. I think it was the most fun killing them cuz they deserved it the most with all the cannibalism and creepy vibes you get.

What if Arthur was a mean little loli?

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Make a game about Jack where you get to break the cycle of violence and have a happy ending for the trilogy

You piece of shit.

Uninstall and instead play depending on platform bloodborne or the new Forza.

There's this one bridge near Van Horn Trading Post where I either rob whoever crosses or take em out and toss em onto the train tracks below, pretty much playing bridge troll for a bit.

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You seem upset. Care to explain why?

>wanting to watch a little girl slowly die of Tuberculosis
You're a monster.

This event? It's great. They'll do it again but next time they really do just shoot you on sight.

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Is that the bridge near the ManBearPig house?

Play until Arthur does then turn it off and never touch it again. Seriously that epilogue was total shite.

IIRC in the RDR epilogue it stated that Jack would end up following his father's footsteps of violence and life outside the law after he successfully avenged John's death. Granted, there were also hints of WWI starting so maybe he uses that to escape but do we really want a WWI game essentially?

Yes, and it becomes so much more tragic.


Yep. Spooky shit like the manbearpig house and the entirety of the swamp area gives me at least a tiny bit of hope for some sort of supernatural-themed DLC; not exactly Undead Nightmare 2 but just something to inject even more creepy stuff into the game.

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Or Micah beating the shit out of poor little Arthurette.

That's merciful compared to the other ending
>something to inject even more creepy stuff into the game.
What about the vampire in Saint Denis??

Or when Arthurette's enjoying Colm O'driscoll's "hospitality."



Just imagine it! Choking out blood-flecked gasps for Dutch to believe that Micah was the traitor.

What about the epilogue did you not like? Some parts did feel a little rushed to me but that may have been the timeskips. Beecher's Hope farming simulator is pretty comfy though.

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Stop it!

Yeah stuff like that is just so damn fun to find to me, if Rockstar wasn't hellbent on sticking with the open world formula these days I'd love to see them take a crack at a full-blown horror game or at the very least some nice creepy DLC.
>Paranormal DLC deals with Arthur being infected with vampirism from Strauss himself rather than TB
>Arthur now has to track down and kill the Head Vampire to cure himself before he fully becomes a vampire with the help of Reverend Swanson, who proves himself useful by providing Arthur with all sorts of holy weaponry to fight the growing supernatural presence in the region

Still, the interrogation scenes get... kinda comedic. Big tough cowboys getting beaten or intimidated by a wee girl.

>with the help of Reverend Swanson
I never played RDR, so I didn't know anything about the gang members other than what I saw in RDR2. Swanson was on my shit list but he had a great redemption arc after chapter 5 and in the little tidbit we got in the epilogue.

Imagine watching a little girl beat up that big guy outside of Valentine's saloon.

That man would probably drink enough whiskey to drown a standing giraffe to forget that humiliation.

Spend $100 for a couple of emotes while everyone who doesn't pay spends more and more time farming.

Micah a shit.

Swanson's awesome, and criminally underused, but he's not in the first game.

>when the shilling bucks end
Create dying threads

It didn't state anything. What happens to Jack after RDR is purposely left a mystery. The player is supposed to wonder whether he ended up becoming an outlaw or not.
My hunch is probably fucking not seeing as Jack now has no reason to and the age of the outlaw is literally over. He almost certainly became a writer, as that book by "J. Marston" in GTAV is probably intended to indicate.

You don't really learn much at all in RDR. The only characters who were established in RDR at all in the first place who were members of the gang were John, Abigail, Jack, Dutch, Javier, and Bill. And you're really not told that much about anyone.
>Dutch at least portrayed himself as an idealist and more or less adopted John.
>Bill is a retard
>John cared about Javier to some degree
That's pretty much all you know.

regain the weight you lost from tb and then get fucking stabbed by Micah

We just had a thread get to 500 posts like a day ago

Okay got it. Obviously if I had played RDR I'd know which gang members survived and could forsee how things played out as the story in RDR2 progressed. I really like Javier, Lenny, Charles, Mac, and Hosea at the start of the game but as it progressed there were deaths and I saw Javier leaning towards Dutch's side and got sad at that. Especially in chapter 6 when everyone was on edge.

It took me two and a half months to finish. I had little tidbits spoiled here and there through OP screenshots posted here but otherwise had an entirely fresh experience. The trailers and pre release screens gave away more in retrospect, two of three trailers are practically all endgame missions and content.

I'm doing that to Micah

Do you mean Sean? We never even see Mac.

Yes, I meant Sean. No idea why I mixed them up...

I've found some small shacks or cabins that are totally boarded off and you can't enter. One is just east of Hani's Bethel in New Hanover and I think another one is near Cattail Pond in Ambarino. Any clue as to why they are there or if they play a role in RD Online?