

Attached: wt4werf.jpg (338x449, 54K)

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tits too small

tits just right

tits too smug

would lick armpits while rubbing ears

doesnt matter if the booty is thicc


Why does she have pointy ears

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I thought I liked dfc until I had sex for the first time and the bitch was flat as fuck

But then when I see anime dfc it make pee pee hard

but in real life no

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It gets worse

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Cute desu


‘s game is meh

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show her armpits

magikazam my penis pls

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Damn i wish she looked at me like that

I want to fuck Innominat's tight little spinchter hole does anyone else feel the same?

ya thats all i could think of

Please stop posting pictures of me on Yea Forums

i want to fuck you then

Magilou pleases old men for free, its great.
Shes also too smug which makes my dick rock hard.

I heard they killed her onscreen in Zestiria Anime, is that true ?


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Not at all.

Meaning ?

It's not true.

Oh i see

spell absobah

wonder what her armpits tasted like when she was 30

she is my reason I want to play to tales bestia

i want to fuck her milf armpits then

Same. And it was worth it. Shes literally makes the game more interesting. Combine her with Laphicet and the game plays itself as long you keep out the mobs from attacking her.

doggy doo

I'm gonna pretend I don't like this

Same. I don't like parts of it, but those Magilegs look nice

More like my wifeilou

Magilou Sub >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shit >>>>>>>>>>>>Magilou Dub

>hating erica lindbeck
oh ok

>Choosing dub on Anime games
Thats a 500 yikes from me.

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I dont speak weeb

The armpit witch

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No sfm of her?

What does Magilou's poop hole smell like?

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too flat

Like a cat.

Your kind isn't welcome around here

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this, you need the body heat of large tits to make armpits sweaty and tasty

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swet armpits?, no thanks

This isn't actual dialogue, right?

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>Not a weeb
>Playing Tales of games

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imagine if magilou had porn that didnt suck lmao

imagine if Magilou sucked your penis

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Blowjobs aint even that nice just give me the pussy

The girl needs big ass and hips with a flat chest

pussy doesn't have suction, nor a hot wild tongue swirling inside it

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Magilou's English voice is easily god tier. Dub or sub, I choose what my dick likes more

Is this game worth it for flat witch?

Worth it. The game is less edgy thanks to Magilou and other people surrounding Velvet.

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sadly no
It literally plays worse than some modern korean MMO games

but it's worth a pirate

She unironically delivered a good amount of enjoyment for me. The entire cast did and I ABSOLUTELY hate the combat system of Tales games. Finished it because of the good dynamic the cast had.

>99% of the cast is dubbed fantastically
>Oscar, Teresa, Magilou, Eizen, etc.
>Then Kamoana exists

>we need a child's voice that's not Laphicet
>lets get the raspiest, highest pitched voice on the planet
Almost destroyed my ears. I still thought her raspy voice was kinda cute though, just an assault to my ears when she cried.

post actual good fanart will ya

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- Magilou > Eizen > Elanor > Rokurou > Laphicet > Velvet
- Main story is dark compared with other tales of games, but its still has generic tales of story cliches.
- Inventory & Equipment screen is literally pain in the ass. Its the worst of all Tales of games (Behind Zestiria of course)
- Combat is better compared to Zestiria but i wish they go back to 2d combat instead of 3d.
- Generic Dungeon
- Generic Monsters
- Generic PS3 era Graphics
- Fan service stuff is on the post game unfortunately

>Best/longest skits in the series
>Waifu material left and right
>Sexy DLC outfits
Yeah, I'm thinking this is 3x better than Vesperia.

More like
The fact that Magilou is a useless fuckhead for the first 30% of the game really doesn't help her standing.

I agree with your character ranking
Thought Velvet was the worst character

Came for the witch pits, stayed for Eizen and Rokurou. Am I homosex now?

She radiates far too much sexual energy. I couldn't concentrate on the game whenever she was on screen.

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Same here, especially when shes smug. My fucking dick reacted instantly

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There is no homosex in feeling stirrings about Eizen's tangents.

>Draw an elf
>Called it a human

>Suspected over 100 years old
>Turns out it just a cake

>Game already out for 3 years
>Still no good magilou porn

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How can one promiscuous slut witch be so hecking attractive?

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I want to suffocate on her armpits and die

I want to do one of those two things!

I love this picture

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that's one muscular Berubettu

This is from Tales gacha game right ?

I want to marry and impregnate Magilou and kiss her pointy ears.

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Man i wish we got a standalone Berseria anime instead of PV anime we got in Zestiria.

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I really wish she was my wife


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Yeah, it's from Rays.

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I want to rub my benis on her vagina bones

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What do they smell like?

>tfw ywn sniff and lick her pits and brapper

I just want to see her naked

My Magilou nigs

Maybe tittytanics are good enough for you country boy, but flatness is the taste of the elite.

How old is she?

This is on sale on psn, tempted to get it. Which costume packs are worth it? they are on sale as well and pirate + swimsuit interest me.

Not stated in game, some JP only additional material says she is in her late 20s

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Her physical age froze at 15 due to a pact she made similar to Melchior's. It's never explicitly stated how long ago that was, but it was at least a decade or two since there are older NPCs in the game that talk about how Magilou was performing in a troupe while they were still young.

more like 12 or 11



You know that there are tons of adult women who are that flat, right?

I was curious and found this fan translation of the last pages of the JP world guidance book:
>Magillanica, an oath to stop your aging to increase your resonance is borderline taboo! It’s too dangerous!
>Be silent, Bienfu! The zenith of human fitness occurs in the teens. What could be more reasonable than to preserve my body and amplify my spirit?