Nintendo 2019 Leaks

First Smash
Releases April 15, Promotes Persona 5 Complete Edition Coming to switch, this is not the title of the game. New features include a female protagonist, new dungeons, and new party members.

Announced in march, in recognition of MH 15th anniversary. Used to promote a brand new exclusive MH game on switch

Master Chief:
Shown off at E3 first at Microsoft's expo is that Halo Reach and Halo 3 are coming to switch, next at nintendo's E3 Direct Master Chief is revealed to be joining the fight, releases around Halo Infinite's holiday release.

Crash: Announced at E3 along with MC. Used to promote a brand new crash game which will also be shown off at E3. Not switch exclusive

Used to promote Kingdom Hearts The Story So Far releasing on switch, announced at the game awards 2019 A new Kingdom Hearts game is announced at this conference, and it is Nintendo Switch exclusive. Gameplay is similar to 2 with no command deck. Worlds shown off are Treasure Planet and Moana.

Kratos is being planned for the game, no idea on anything other than he's being talked about as a sixth character.

More Games:
Pikmin 3 gets ported this year
Xenoblade Chronicles X gets ported this year
Splatoon 2 will reveal a 99 player map with two teams and its turf war, revealed in a direct mid april.
"Rogue Galaxy" Will be receiving a sequel that is switch exclusive, the original game will also be remastered on the switch in full HD
Dragon Quest VIII "Journey Of The Cursed King"
Bully will be hitting switch sometime over the summer.
Super Mario Galaxy gets remade this year on switch.
Lego Batman gets a collection on all platforms, similar to Harry Potter.
Madden is on switch this year, announced in April direct.

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Other urls found in this thread:

A remake of DQ VIII and a Rogue Galaxy sequel..?
Too good to be true.

Alright i really want rogue galaxy fuck you

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>no doomguy

>99 player map
>two teams

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Does he even honestly have a chance? The character has been in one game within like the last 20 years.

>rogue galaxy
>Level 5
>not dark cloud 3

sigh, oh well. never played Rogue Galaxy...

>Spla2n battle royal
>On nintendo internet
Oh good lord I want to see this just for how fucked it would be.

Is dark cloud any good? I saw it at a thrift store and almost grabbed it.

Hunter literally should have been in by now
they have a stage, music, and boss like fuck at least bring back the mii outfits

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No, western characters will never be added unless they are owned by Nintendo. Doomguy is so irrelevant that the only people that want him in are Boomers. COD is the only Western 3rd party iconic enough to even qualify for a rep

>Xenoblade Chronicles X gets ported this year
literally the least believable thing on this list


Funny you would say that, 2 and X actually run on the same engine, hence why development on 2 went so fast, it's literally the most likely Wii U port that hasn't happened yet, the engine has already been ported.

>implying Halo can run natively on Switch
Stupid leaker.

And the only people who want Master Chief are people thinking he's a good Console Wars rep

Yes, thinking two games that ran on the 360 which the switch is more powerful than naively can run on the puny handheld is ridiculous.

Kratos isn't third party, Kratos is a Western character, Kratos has zero association with Nintendo. There isn't even cheeky Nintendo references in God of War like compared to Ratchet or Little Big Planet. Even Gravity Rush pays tribute to Iwata.

>master chief over doom guy

Absolutely heretical

>Used to promote Kingdom Hearts The Story So Far releasing on switch, announced at the game awards 2019 A new Kingdom Hearts game is announced at this conference, and it is Nintendo Switch exclusive. Gameplay is similar to 2 with no command deck. Worlds shown off are Treasure Planet and Moana.
Stop being so obvious to be a fake leak.

My sources say MediEvil will be revealed during the Treehouse E3 Direct. Will feature dry bones. Dan is being considered as a support trophy later down the line.

Is this from the fantendo wiki?

>all these people replying
this is how we know its fake

reminder that most of the time, the real leaks are the ones that get no or two replies.

No survivors

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>Gameplay is similar to 2 with no command deck. Worlds shown off are Treasure Planet and Moana.
Fake as fuck

>Persona 5 Complete Edition Coming to switch
stop this is NEVER happening


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Hunter you say?

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>Gameplay is similar to 2
Osaka team is literally incapable of getting their combat close to 2.
so it's very obvious you're full of shit.

>The character has been in one game within like the last 20 years.
Based retard

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Real leak


>A persona game with a "Complete Edition" subtitle instead of a corky one like "Fes" or "Golden"

nice try

The OP literally says thats not the title of the game..? Read based nigger.

Irrelevant garbage that nobody played, people only remember Doom for the Original game

The Last of Us 2 and Demon's Souls both in October sounds mad. Add MediEvil and I'll cum without stimulation. Fake.

Didn't they say in some interview that the chances of a port are extremely low or something


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Wouldn't that be what they have to say if they were under NDA?


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It's comfy. There's a lot of early PS2 RPG charm to it.
I stopped early, but the first 2 or 3 villages were a lot of fun to build.

Music kinda sucks though. Just skip the intro cutscene. The intro cutscene music is that awful combination of really bad and really catchy. I'M HEARING IT AS I TYPE IT NOW! FUCK!

>Yet another Capcom character
Not happening

Why would they try to hide that

capcom's probably nintendo's most stable 3rd party relation.

...Well, hudsonsoft, but they're dead now. So capcom is their new best friend.

>Halo for the Nintendo Switch
>Kingdom Hearts exclusive for the Nintendo Switch
>Featuring (picture that) Treasure Planet and Moana
>Kratos being considered
I had a hearty laugh OP. Thank you.

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>>Kingdom Hearts exclusive for the Nintendo Switch
I agree with everything else, but KH, outside of only BBS I think, has always had spin-off games on Nintendo. CoM, Days, Re:Coded, DDD, TWEWY. It's not completely out of nowhere like everything else.

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>Dark Cloud
>bad music
end yourself

He's a stupid idea for smash honestly.

its over Chieffags
take Frank O' Conner's L and leave our sight

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So fast after KH3? Improbable. Specially one with a Treasure Planet world.

cant be any less stupid than banjo and the other ms-owned shit desu

>Persona 5
>new party members

>Kingdom Hearts
>Gameplay is similar to 2 with no command deck

It's like you don't even know the games you want to take as exclusives. And I think you don't.

I could see an announcement coming out around the end of the year. Trying to jump off from the ill will of the launch (and most likely DLC), Nomura could just come out and say "Hey, if you hated that, you'll love this!" As for the Treasure Planet world, yeah, I agreed with you on that. This entire "leak" is bullshit, but I could legitimately see Nomura trying some good-will building bullshit, especially (however unlikely) if KH3 wins any awards.

>Sora and Crash in Smash
>LEGO Batman collection
>Mario Galaxy remake
Fuck now I want this to save me so much money since I never played the Galaxy games and so I can trade the Batman trilogy in

Come on man, 343 already said Chief isn't getting in. Nice story, though, I liked the part about Crash.


imagine still thinking this after Rath only got in as a boss.

Dante got considered by Itsuno weeks ago and there's a 99% chance of him getting in once DMC comes to Nintendo Switch
>b-but he's deconfirmed too
not unless they do season 2 prior, there's even rumors of a DMC HD collection ported to the Switch now

now off yourself to MvCI, hunterfags

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amazing people forgot this
last doesn't affect banjo despite Frank telling people to quit going by that logic

Who the fuck is that guy

>Music kinda sucks though
I prefer DC2's OST desu.

343i director of the Halo franchise

If anything this adds to his credibility, as he would have to say something if his character was getting in smash.

>The most likely Wii U port.

Mario 3D World.